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Our ancient rishis have shared three stages of gathering knowledge:

Shravana - listening to knowledge

Manana - contemplating on the knowledge
Nidhidhyasa - making the knowledge your own by experience
People have shared that listening to Gurudev has helped to experience all the three
stages of learning. It has opened new dimensions to life, improved relationships
and productivity.

Never say, It will happen if God wishes. This is not the correct way. The good
ideas that you have, come from God, so put them into action. We generally run away
from effort. There is a saying in Sanskrit: udyoginah purusasimha mupaitim
lakshmih, meaning, Wealth and prosperity is due only to those who put in their
full efforts. Lazy people do not find wealth. God has given everyone hands, and it
is up to you as to how you use them. If you want to play sitar, then you have to
practice, or if you want to type on a computer you have to learn how. Practice or
study is required for anything you want to do.

Effort and continual practice are required in both worldly and spiritual matters.
Some people say, I will go on a pilgrimage when God desires, or I will go for
sadhana only if Guruji makes me go. This happens only when the mind is not firm
and is wavering in its commitment. You do not apply the same rule to other areas.
For instance, you do not say, I will eat only if God feeds me, or I will see the
movie only if God shows it. Only by working hard and applying full effort can you
experience good samadhi. A lazy person never reaches samadhi. Therefore, satsang,
sadhana, and seva, all three are very important. When you do these, you enter into
yourself, into sivatattva. Then it becomes easy to experience love and

Sri Sri Ravishankar. Shiva Sutra (Kindle Locations 261-265). UNKNOWN. Kindle

Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah - there are different types of centers in

your body. Bring your attention to these centers, observe them and the world of
worries and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. There will be peace.
This is a very important sutra. When we feel anger, emotion or excitement, then
different parts of our body experience various sensations. When you get angry, the
area between the two eyebrows ignites; when you become unhappy, the throat starts
to choke; when you feel hatred, a sensation happens in the heart region. What
happens when you feel jealous? The stomach churns. Goodwill is also generated in
the stomach. For example, we say, I had a hearty laugh, and when one feels very
happy the area around the navel experiences some sensations. Similarly, when we
feel jealousy or love, there is a sensation around the heart. Likewise, when you
are sad there is a feeling in the throat and also when you want to express
gratitude, you cannot express it in words, and we often say that the throat chokes.
All together in our body there are seven chakras, or energy centers, and all 27,000
subtle nerves in our body are connected to these seven centers.

Sri Sri Ravishankar. Shiva Sutra (Kindle Locations 350-356). UNKNOWN. Kindle

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