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Analysis of Student Learning

LG 1

Story Map

1 Does not meet A.A. 3

2 Partially meets Ke.B. 3
3 Meets Ka.B. 2
M.B. 3
G.D. 3
S.F. 3
J.G 3
A.G. 2
B.J. 3
M.M. 3
T.M. 3
E.O. 3
B.P. 3
C.P 3
S.P. 3
Ma.R. 3
Me.R. 3
M.S. 3
B.S. 3
M.T. 3
S.W. 3

E.K. 2

For this learning goal students were graded on if they had a clear sequence of events, it had a clear
problem/solution, less than five characters, and a main event. As you can see most students were able
to complete their story map. For the students who did not receive a 3, these students really struggled
either with coming up with a problem/solution, had more than five characters, or did not have a clear
sequence of events. This students were given additional help with completing their story maps.
LG 2

Good beginnings

Pre- Formative Summative

1 Does not meet A.A. 1 1 2
2 Partially meets Ke.B. 1 2 3
3 Meets Ka.B. 1 2 2
M.B. 1 2 3
G.D. 1 1 2
S.F. 1 1 2
J.G 1 3 3
A.G. 1 1 2
B.J. 2 2 3
M.M. 2 3 3
T.M. 1 2 2
E.O. 2 2 3
B.P. 2 3 3
C.P 1 2 3
S.P. 1 2 2
Ma.R. 1 3 3
Me.R. 1 2 3
M.S. 2 3 3
B.S. 2 3 3
M.T. 2 3 3
S.W. 2 3 3

E.K. 1 1 2

Students really did an incredible job of applying what they learned in this lesson to their stories. You can
see that many of them did not have good beginnings in the pre-assessment as no student met the
standards and only eight students partially met. Most of their pre-assessment narratives jumped directly
into the main event without introducing characters and/or setting. After reading their pre-assessment
essays I knew that students were not going to meet the learning goal without a lot of instruction. All
students who had a beginning that was interesting, introduced the main characters and setting, and
used one of the techniques discussed in class received a three which indicated they met the standard on
their spooky story beginning. Fourteen students received a three and eight students received twos.
LG 3

Elaborative Detail

Pre- Formative Summative


1 Does not meet A.A. 1 2 2

2 Partially meets Ke.B. 1 3 3

3 Meets Ka.B. 1 2 2

M.B. 2 3 3

G.D. 1 3 2

S.F. 1 2 2

J.G 1 3 3

A.G. 1 2 2

B.J. 1 2 3

M.M. 2 3 3

T.M. 1 2 3

E.O. 1 3 3

B.P. 2 3 3

C.P 1 2 3

S.P. 1 2 2

Ma.R. 1 3 3

Me.R. 1 3 3

M.S. 2 3 3

B.S. 1 2 3

M.T. 2 3 3

S.W. 1 3 3

E.K. 1 1 2

This goal was one of the harder goals to meet. Many students had issues with coming up with strong
adjectives to describe either the setting or the characters. Only five students partially met the standard
on their pre-assessments and the rest of the class received did not meet. Most of their pre-assessment
stories did not describe the characters or the setting at all. The ones who provided some details about
the setting and characters received a partially meets. A meets the standard was given on their final draft
if students gave elaborative details on their setting and on the characters. Students were given a
partially meets the standard if they only gave details on the setting or only gave details on the
characters. One thing was very apparent after students were done with their spooky stories, they
improved by a lot. As you can see by looking at the graph, fifteen students received a meets on their
details in their stories. The remaining seven students got partially meets. After the students shared their
stories with their parents at an authors tea, the parents could not believe how detailed their stories
were. They made me very proud.

LG 4

Main event

Pre- Formative Summative


1 Does not meet A.A. 1 2 3

2 Partially meets Ke.B. 2 3 3

3 Meets Ka.B. 1 2 2

M.B. 2 3 3

G.D. 2 3 3

S.F. 1 2 2

J.G 2 2 3

A.G. 1 1 2

B.J. 2 2 3

M.M. 2 3 3

T.M. 2 2 3

E.O. 2 2 3

B.P. 2 3 3

C.P 2 3 3

S.P. 1 2 2
Ma.R. 2 3 3

Me.R. 1 3 3

M.S. 2 3 3

B.S. 2 3 3

M.T. 2 3 3

S.W. 2 3 3

E.K. 1 1 2

Students did really well with this learning goal. This learning goal was one of the few that students had
some prior knowledge to build off of. In their pre-assessments I found that many of them had a main
event that was short and did not elaborate on the event. A few of the students had several main events
which made their stories hard to follow. Following the lesson and individual feedback, 17 students
received a meets the standard and five students received a partially meets the standard. The students
who partially met the standard either still had more than one main event or had a very short main event
that did not provide much elaborative details.

LG 5


Pre- Formative Summative


1 Does not meet A.A. 1 3 3

2 Partially meets Ke.B. 1 3 3

3 Meets Ka.B. 1 2 2

M.B. 1 2 3

G.D. 1 2 3

S.F. 1 2 2

J.G 1 3 3

A.G. 1 2 3

B.J. 1 3 3

M.M. 1 3 3
T.M. 1 2 3

E.O. 1 3 3

B.P. 1 3 3

C.P 1 3 3

S.P. 1 2 2

Ma.R. 1 3 3

Me.R. 1 3 3

M.S. 1 3 3

B.S. 1 3 3

M.T. 1 3 3

S.W. 1 3 3

E.K. 1 1 2

By looking at students pre-assessment results you can see that no one even partially met the standard.
This was a little discouraging but keeping in mind that a conclusion is mostly just reflecting on the story
they had already written I knew that students would improve a lot in their endings. Eighteen students
received a meets the standards on their endings. These students used the good ending techniques,
talked about how their character learned from the experience, and said what their character is going to
do now. The remaining four students either did not incorporate the techniques discussed in class or did
not tell how their character has grown and what they will do now.

Record Keeping

For the activities students did throughout the lessons I made sure to have them pass it in so that
I could evaluate their progress. For the students who did not do well with the activities, I made a list
with their names so that I knew to provide them with feedback on their stories. My primary source of
feedback came from commenting on students stories directly on Google Documents. This allowed me to
see exactly what they got out of each lesson and how they applied it in their stories. If a student did not
fully meet the standard I made sure to highlight whichever area needed improving and gave students
direct feedback on how to improve each section or I provided them with suggestions to make their
stories even stronger.

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