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Idleness and Lawlessness in

the Therapeutic State

Thomas Szasz

F rom an economic point of view, persons may be

divided into two groups, producers and parasites.
Producers provide for their own needs by their labor
disability payments from the Social Security system
for schizophrenia-fit into this scheme? Is he a de-
pendent or a predator or both? Before we can answer
or capital. Parasites do not. Some, for example infants this question, we must reject the facile but fallacious
and indigents, are unable to support themselves; called assumption that there is an intrinsic connection be-
dependents, they receive food and shelter from par- tween illness and idleness or between illness and law-
ents, family, or the state, or perish. Others, for example lessness. Most chronically ill persons-for example,
criminals, are unwilling to support themselves law- diabetics-are not idle, are not economically depen-
fully; called predators, they use force or the threat of dent, and are not inclined (because of their illness) to
force to extract from producers the goods and services lawlessness. In contrast, most chronic mental pa-
they want. Unless a person is able and willing to be a tients-especially schizophrenics-are idle, economi-
producer, he must become a dependent or a predator cally dependent, and inclined (allegedly because of
or perish. Thus, any circumstance-biological, cul- their illness) to lawlessness.
tural, economic, or political-that discourages or pre-
vents peaceful market relations among productive Evidence-and Lack of Evidence
adults encourages dependency, predation, or both. Prior to this century, there was no schizophrenia.
How does the chronic mental patient (in this essay, The diagnosis of dementia praecox-modeled after the
I use certain terms and phrases-such as mental illness, grand old cause of madness, dementia paralytica (a
mental patient, schizophrenia, psychiatric treatment- form of tertiary syphilis affecting the brain)-was in-
whose customary implications and conventional mean- vented by Emil Kraepelin in 1889. In 1911 Eugen
ings I reject, but to avoid defacing the text, I have Bleuler replaced the term "dementia praecox" with
refrained from placing such prejudging expressions "schizophrenia." Although there was no evidence that
between quotation marks each time they appear; also, these diagnoses identified genuine diseases, each term
I use the masculine pronoun to refer to both men and was eagerly accepted as the name of a brain disease
women and the terms "psychiatrist" and "mental pa- (or a group of brain diseases). In fact, both Kraepelin's
tient" to refer to all mental health professionals and and Bleuler's original accounts show that they were
their clients)-who is homeless, often breaks the law, aware that while their patients' idleness was a reality,
begs for money and scavenges for food, and receives their illness was not. Kraepelin wrote:

Gentlemen,-You have before you today a healthy fifty-year-old man who, after having spent
strongly-built and well-nourished man, aged virtually all of his adult life in mental hospitals, now
twenty-one .... The patient gives us a correct "spends most of his time painting acrylic portraits,
account of his past experiences. His knowledge ocean scenes, and images with Oriental humming-
speaks for the high degree of his education; in- birds.... [He] takes long walks around the city, at-
deed, he was ready to enter the University a year tends [baseball] games, and borrows mysteries from
ago .... No physical disturbances can be defi- the main library."
nitely made out, except exaggerated knee- Today, after a century of intensive research, there
jerks.... [I]n spite of his good education, he lies is still no evidence that schizophrenia is an illness. It
in bed for weeks and months, or sits about with- is clear, however, that many persons called schizo-
out feeling the slightest need of occupation.... phrenic are idle and lawless. Which is cause, and which
[H]e declares that he is ready to remain in the is consequence? Does schizophrenia cause individu-
hospital for the present. ... As the illness devel- als to be idle and lawless, or are individuals called
oped quite gradually, it is hardly possible to fix "schizophrenic" because they are idle and lawless? I
on any particular point of time as the beginning. submit that the incentive for inventing this diagnosis/
disease was to establish, by medico-legal fiat, that cer-
Although this person exhibited no evidence of be- tain dependent and disorderly persons are sick and that
ing ill, Kraepelin called him a "patient" and attrib- their unwanted and unlawful behaviors are the unin-
uted his behavior to a devastating brain disease. tended symptoms of their disease. At any rate, that is
Bleuler's account of schizophrenia resembles still the most conspicuous social function of the diag-
Kraepelin 's. He wrote: nosis of schizophrenia.

Idleness facilitates the predomination by the com-

plexes over the personality; whereas regulated
work maintains the activity of normal thinking. Today, after a century of intensive
These recommendations cannot always be ful- research, there is still no evidence that
filled since we are often dealing with patients schizophrenia is an illness.
who are dependent on their parents and on oth-
ers .... Many schizophrenic Italians are quite
willing to remain in the hospital and be fed,
clothed, and cared for. The facts stare us in the face. "Lack of money," as
Lord Bauer pithily put it, "is not the cause of poverty,
Similar descriptions of chronic mental patients it is poverty." Similarly, schizophrenia is not the cause
abound in the modem psychiatric literature. Here are of idleness and lawlessness, it is the name of the ficti-
a few examples: "A working-class unemployed tious disease that we attribute to certain persons ex-
schizophrenic, recently discharged froin hospital, sat hibiting such behaviors.
at home all day, brewing tea and smoking, and play- If we define deviance down, we increase the num-
ing records, and proving himself a great aggravation ber of socially disruptive persons in society. By the
to his mother." The language is misleading. This man same token, if we define competence up, we increase
did not sit "at home." He sat in a house that was an- the number of unemployable persons in society. The
other person's home, to the maintenance of which he Wall Street Journal (1 March 1994) quotes a French
did not contribute, and where he was not welcome. psychiatrist complaining that "to prescribe an anti-de-
In another case, a mother describes her schizophrenic pressant to a jobless person whose benefits are run-
daughter's presence in the parental home thus: ning out may seem normal. But when the practice is
"Whenever Ruth is at home, he [her father] feels con- repeated hundreds of thousands of times, it amounts
tinually irritated by her lack of purpose and idleness." to a sort of society-wide medical treatment of unem-
A report in a psychiatric trade journal begins as fol- ployment." This "treatment" is as fictitious as the al-
lows: "John S. has chronic schizophrenia. For most leged disease it supposedly combats. The truth is that,
of his 40 years he has lived at home with devoted in the nineteenth century, Western societies began to
parents. . . . John has frequent bouts of bizarre and use psychiatric diagnoses to validate idleness as ill-
uncontrollable behavior." Finally, a typical newspa- ness, and then used the pretext of an incurable psy-
per article recounts the odyssey of a physically chosis to justify psychiatric indoor relief-that is,

maintaining certain adult dependents as (involuntary) (and other neurological diseases) because it causes the
patients in mental hospitals. In the 1950s, psychiatrists patient to display disorderly behavior. This alleged fact
began to administer neuroleptic drugs to mental hos- imparts unique status to mental illnesses as moral and
pital patients to validate the claim that formerly incur- legal justifications for depriving innocent persons of lib-
able mental diseases were treatable, and Western erty (civil commitment) and for excusing guilty per-
societies then used the pretext of drug-induced remis- sons of responsibility for their crimes (the insanity
sion of schizophrenia to justify psychiatric outdoor defense). Moreover, science, medicine, law, and public
relief-that is, maintaining certain adult dependents opinion alike now accept the patently absurd claim that
on drugs and disability checks. psychiatrists can distinguish brain diseases that cause
idleness and lawlessness from those that do not.
Behavior as Illness The psychiatric perspective on behavior thus com-
Bleuler 's original account of the behavior of schizo- mits us to attributing a lawless and unproductive
phrenic patients is also replete with remarks about their lifestyle to mental illness (as a "no-fault brain disease")
lawlessness, which, without any evidence, he also at- and a law-abiding and productive lifestyle to the free
tributes to their alleged illness. He wrote: will of a responsible moral agent (for which he de-
serves credit).
A large part of the so-called impulsive behavior
is automatic .... [The patient] suddenly breaks The Socially Competent Self
loose, strikes out, destroys in the wildest fury and One of the greatest social problems facing Ameri-
anger.... Regrets after such releases are rare, of can society today is that it produces an ever-increas-
course, in schizophrenia. The patients feel their ing number of able-bodied young adults who are
behavior is justified.... Often they assert that it unproductive, idle, and lawless. Many are said to suf-
was the "voice" that drove them to fury. fer from schizophrenia. According to the Psychiatric
Times of November 1993, individuals diagnosed as
Not surprisingly, the relatives of schizophrenic pa- schizophrenic "use 25 percent of all U.S. hospital
tients welcome the view that their kinfolk's criminal- beds, 40 percent of all long-term care days, and 20
ity is a symptom of their malady. This letter, from the percent of all Social Security days. The total eco-
mother of a mentally ill son, is typical: nomic costs associated with schizophrenia are esti-
mated at $33 billion."
Our adult son ... is currently in jail as a result of Until relatively recently, many common behav-
extremely violent behavior caused by his illness. iors-such as idleness (vagrancy), homosexuality
Because of his illness, he is dangerous to his fam- (perversion), masturbation (self-abuse), and suicide
ily and others. The dangerous symptoms of our (self-murder)-were considered to be crimes, sins,
son's illness are not unique to him. In fact, or both. In this century, all of these behaviors have
through our contacts with the Massachusetts AMI become medicalized. Some-for example, mastur-
and NAMI, we have found many, many families bation and homosexuality-were first transformed
who have suffered the same fear and terror we into mental diseases and were then accepted as nor-
have experienced because of behavior caused by mal behaviors; others-for example, idleness and
the mental illnesses of family members. suicide-still tend to be viewed as illnesses or the
manifestations of illnesses.
To support her argument, the writer cites newspa- Why does one young person become a productive
per reports about "mentally ill individuals who ... adult, and another an unproductive schizophrenic? To
killed a parent [and] broke into parents' home and as- answer this question, we must begin with the plain
saulted them." Another patient's sister writes: "The fact that, to take his place in modem society, a person
way I look at it, h~ is one of the most unfortunate indi- must achieve a certain level of social competence and
viduals. He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and economic usefulness, and that to do so, children and
during a very psychotic episode, seventeen years adolescents must develop self-discipline and acquire
ago ... he caused a terrible tragedy. It ended in the marketable skills. In short, young people must pre-
loss of life to two people he was very close to .... he pare themselves to be productive by being useful to
suffers from a no-fault neurobiological disorder." others, as others define usefulness.
Psychiatrists insist that schizophrenia is a brain dis- Although the development of a socially competent
ease like Parkinsonism, but it is also unlike Parkinsonism self is clearly of paramount importance for the fate of

both the individual and the society of which he is a capitalist mentality of the socialist/communist, who,
member, this subject receives little or no attention in as it were, tells himself, "Everything the producers
the psychiatric literature. Instead, that literature is re- have, they have gained by exploiting others. I have a
plete with accounts that exaggerate the significance right to rob them of their possessions." I realize, of
of the individual's experiences during early childhood, course, that sometimes psychiatrists also call produc-
to which many experts attribute a destiny-determin- tive persons-for example, James Joyce and Ludwig
ing role in the life of the adult. While the early years Wittgenstein-"schizophrenic.")
of life are important, the remaining years of childhood If parents and peers respond to the adolescent's fail-
and youth-from, say, five to twenty-five-are even ing struggle by treating him as an individual with "spe-
more important. It is during that period that the young cial problems," which they often do, they compound
person-nurtured or neglected by family, church, the problem. Gradually, parents and teachers expect
school, and society-must design, build, perfect, and less and less of the "problem child," and he does less
test himself, as a future adult. and less for them and himself. Once past adolescence,
he is likely to slide into continued dependence-on
parents, as long as they support him, then on relatives
or social and welfare agencies. Somewhere down this
Today it is psychiatric doctrine path, the young adult may commit or threaten to com-
that mental illness is a virtually mit a violent act-against himself or others-which
universal affliction. his family can no longer ignore. He is then brought
into the presence of a psychiatrist, who diagnoses him
as schizophrenic and launches him on the career of
the chronic mental patient.
Notwithstanding the contemporary American delu- The point I want to emphasize is that an adolescent
sion that a good parent loves his child uncondition- is not yet a functioning member of adult society. It is
ally, such tolerance has limits and imposes deadlines. an error, therefore, to speak of his "dropping out." First,
The limits depend largely on the parents' expectations. he must "drop in." If he fails to do so, he is likely to
The deadlines, for the most part, are set by society and find himself in a situation similar to Holden Caulfield 's
comprise the various stages of the passage from child- predicament in J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.
hood to adulthood. This passage begins with the child's
expulsion from home to attend school, continues with Management of Madness
his development from childhood to adolescence, and Individual liberty is contingent on a social sys-
is completed with his transition from adolescence to tem that guarantees respect for private property and
adulthood. The entire process is expected to end dur- market relations. In turn, the game of market rela-
ing the third decade, at the latest. In short, between his tions is contingent on players who understand the
teens and twenties, the young person must learn to rules, possess the capacity to adhere to them, and
become useful to others and stand on his own feet. If can be held accountable for violating them. These
he fails to accomplish this task, he and his family are requirements exclude children (persons under the
destined to face serious difficulties, nowadays often age of consent). Does this mean that all chronologi-
conceptualized in psychiatric terms, typically as the cal adults are able to participate in the market? If
manifestations of schizophrenia. not, how do we separate those who are able from
If this process of maturation goes awry, the adoles- those who are not?
cent begins to envy his peers and to feel inferior to The inability or unwillingness of infants, idiots,
them. To dull the pain of this experience, he often pro- and the insane to participate in the reciprocal human
tects himself by means of a self-destructive psycho- relations characteristic of the market has always been
logical defense. He tells himself he is better than others, recognized. Since the Middle Ages, English law
becomes arrogant and conceited-psychiatrists call it treated these three classes of persons as if they com-
"narcissistic" -and embraces the logic of hostile en- prised a homogeneous group, characterized by the
titlement: "I am not a useless person. Others are un- absence of the capacity for reasoning and self-con-
worthy of my doing anything for them. They have more trol, rendering them unfit to participate in political
than I do and ought to feel guilty and help me." (There society. Accordingly, they were deprived of the ben-
are important similarities between the antiproductive efits of liberty and the burdens of responsibility were
mentality of the chronic mental patient and the anti- lifted from their shoulders.

Infancy and idiocy pose relatively few problems of and schizophrenics are not children in adult bodies.
definition and identification. As for insanity, for a long The criteria for the misbehavior of children are laid
time it was a rare condition, because only individuals down and enforced by parents and teachers, whereas
who behaved like the proverbial rampaging "wild the criteria for the misbehavior of adults are laid down
beast" were categorized as mad. As long as there were by legislators and enforced by judges, juries, and
few such persons in society, their management pre- prison guards. It is morally desirable that parents dis-
sented no special political problem. However, with the cipline their children, but it is morally undesirable
establishment of the trade in lunacy toward the end of that the state discipline adults. Instead, adults ought
the seventeenth century, the criteria for madness be- to be punished for their crimes (which may or may
gan to expand and the stage was quickly set for the not have the effect of disciplining them). Both the
development of the psychiatric problems that bedevil aim and the effect of psychiatrizing the nature and
us today. Public madhouses soon became the rage and control of the misbehaving adult is to obscure and
the plague of insanity descended on the Western world. abolish these fundamental distinctions. In our mis-
Today it is psychiatric doctrine that mental illness is a guided effort to combine treating the sick with pun-
virtually universal affliction. Nevertheless, the brack- ishing the criminal, we have all but destroyed our
eting of the insane with infants has remained the op- fundamental ideas about moral agency, individual lib-
erative justification for the legal control of the mentally erty, and personal responsibility.
ill. "Freedom," writes Milton Friedman, "is a tenable
objective only for responsible individuals.'' He is right. The State as Therapist, as Tyrant
But then he adds: "We do not believe in freedom for Individuals and institutions that enforce the law must
madmen or children." Let us examine in what ways have power. In theocracies, the sovereign is answer-
madmen are like, and unlike, children. able only to God, who is above man-made law. Hence,
The sole similarity between infants and insane per- the historic threat to personal liberty has been unlim-
sons is that both are treated paternalistically. The differ- ited government, and the history of liberty, especially
ences between them, however, could hardly be greater. in the English-speaking world, has been the history of
Infants cannot live as homeless street persons, commit efforts to limit the sovereign's sovereignty.
crimes, or kill themselves; insane adults can, and often In the democratic West today, however, the prin-
do, all these things. Finally, even if we grant the claim cipal danger to liberty lies not so much in the state's
that some mental patients are immature (childlike) and naked power to oppress by lawlessness as in its subtle
that it is therefore appropriate to treat them paternalisti- power to seduce and infantilize by offering to pro-
cally, it does not follow that they are sick (in any mean- tect people from the vicissitudes of life, especially
ingful sense of that term). Immaturity is not a disease. illness. Historically, this is a recent threat. Hence,
A childish adult needs to grow up, not to be involuntary political philosophy lacks a tradition of opposing the
drugged. Clearly, the analogy between children and State as Therapist comparable to its tradition of op-
madmen is strategic, not descriptive. G. K. Chesterton posing the State as Tyrant. Even Ludwig von Mises
had it right when he observed that "the madman is not was blind to this threat. He wrote: "Even if we admit
the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the that every sane adult is endowed with the faculty of
man who has lost everything except his reason." realizing the good of social cooperation and of act-
The ostensibly altruistic coercion of protesting ing accordingly, there still remains the problem of
adults should always arouse our suspicion. Adults- infants, the aged, and the insane. We may agree that
even immature, irrational, or insane adults-are not he who acts antisocially should be considered men-
children. "There is," wrote Rene Descartes, "no soul tally sick and in need of care." Although Mises rec-
so weak that it cannot, properly directed, acquire full ognized that "psychiatrists are vague in drawing a
control of its passions." Indeed, responsibility is not line between sanity and insanity," he stated: "It would
merely a personal trait of the Other; it is also an ex- be preposterous for laymen to interfere with this fun-
pectation We have of him. Thus, we hold young chil- damental issue of psychiatry." But precisely because
dren and even dogs responsible (for controlling their the psychiatrist's authority to "draw a line between
urges to urinate in their pants and to bite people). sanity and insanity" forms the basis of his power to
The modern management of madness has ob- deprive persons of liberty and because laymen bear
scured the basic differences between children and the ultimate responsibility for delegating that power
adults and the rules appropriate for controlling the to him, laymen must address the twin issues of in-
conduct of each group. Children are not small adults, sanity and psychiatric power.

I have long maintained that we should reject psy- ful consequences for their denominated beneficia-
chiatric paternalism and accord the same rights to ries so regularly and indeed predictably that I be-
and impose the same responsibilities on mental pa- lieve we should conclude that these consequences
tients as we accord to and impose on persons with are not unintended.
bodily illness or no illness. The principle of parens Because the self-correcting mechanism of the mar-
patriae suffices and is the sole appropriate mecha- ket is absent from both statist-economic and statist-
nism for the care and control of incompetents, that psychiatric interventions, each diminishes the
is, of adults who are severely mentally retarded or ostensible beneficiaries' freedom and self-defined best
have been rendered temporarily or permanently un- interests. Foreign aid increases the power and prestige
conscious or demented by injury or illness. Such per- of the political authorities who receive and administer
sons, exemplified by the comatose patient, can neither it and impoverishes the people it is supposed to help.
seek nor reject medical help. Psychiatric aid similarly increases the power and pres-
Since the modem liberal sees the state as a protec- tige of the psychiatric authorities who receive and ad-
tor, he welcomes therapeutic paternalism as enlight- minister it and diminishes the dignity and liberty of
ened scientific-humanitarian progress replacing the people it is supposed to help; and by disjoining
archaic religious-judicial punitiveness. It is therefore rights and responsibilities, it also places society at the
especially noteworthy, and unfortunate, that classical mercy of a class of predators endowed with inalien-
liberals and conservatives-who tend to see the state able psychiatric excuses.
as a threat-also welcome its coercive-therapeutic in-
terventions, exemplified by its treatment of the men-
tal patient as a childlike person who cannot be held SUGGESTED FURTHER READING
responsible for his conduct. George F. Will declares:
Peter T. Bauer. Dissent on Development: Studies and
.. Most [solitary homeless persons who live on the
Debates in Development. London: Weidenfeld and
streets] are mentally ill." James Q. Wilson states: "Take Nicolson, 1971.
back the streets. Begin by reinstitutionalizing the men- Peter T. Bauer. Reality and Rhetoric: Studies in Eco-
tally ill." Charles Krauthammer agrees: "Getting the nomic Development. London: Weidenfeld and
homeless mentally ill off the streets is an exercise in Nicolson, 1984.
morality, not aesthetics .... Most of the homeless Eugen Bleuler. Dementia Praecox or the Group of
mentally ill ... are grateful for a safe and warm hos- Schizophrenias [1911], trans. by Joseph Zinkin.
pital bed." But if they are grateful, why must they be New York: International Universities Press, 1950.
coerced? Milton Friedman. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago:
I agree with the tacit premises of these commenta- University of Chicago Press, 1962.
tors. Public places belong primarily to the productive Emil Kraepelin. Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry [1894],
members of society. Regardless of whether we call in The Faber Book of Madness, ed. Roy Porter.
London: Faber and Faber, 1991.
individuals indigents or insane, homeless or mentally
Ludwig von Mises. Human Action: A Treatise on
ill, persons who enjoy the benefits of liberty have no Economics. New Haven: Yale University Press,
right to treat public places as their domiciles or other- 1949.
wise interfere with the public order. However, I reject Thomas S. Szasz. Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of
as hypocrisy calling troublesome persons "troubled," Psychiatry [1976]. Syracuse: Syracuse University
and punishing them under the guise of giving them Press, 1988.
medical treatment. Thomas S. Szasz. Insanity: The Idea and Its Conse-
The history of psychiatry is eloquent testimony quences. New York: Wiley, 1987.
to the failure of coercion masquerading as care and Thomas S. Szasz. Cruel Compassion: Psychiatric
cure. However, as soon as ostensibly altruistic in- Control of Society's Unwanted. New York: Wiley,
terventions (political or psychiatric) result in so- 1994.
called unintended consequences, plainly harmful to
their denominated beneficiaries, the cry goes up that Thomas Szasz is professor ofpsychiatry emeritus at the
the interventionists had only good intentions. It is a State University of New York Health Sciences Center in
Syracuse, and adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, Wash-
singularly hollow claim. We cannot know another ington, D.C. He is the author of twenty-two books (which
person's intentions; the coercive interventionist can have been translated into fifteen languages), including the
justify his use of force only by proclaiming good classic Myth of Mental Illness and, most recently, Our Right
intentions; and coercive interventions result in harm- to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market.
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