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Self respect

pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honour and dignity.

You are valuable and offer a unique perspective on the world. Your opinion matters. Your
rights matter. You matter. It's good for you to have needs, interests, opinions, and desires.
Other well-adjusted people want to hear what you have to say. You have no reason to feel
guilty for your opinions, for your reasonable requests, for setting boundaries, for saying 'no,'
or for voicing concerns

Voluntary risks are hazards associated with activities that we

decide to undertake (e.g., driving a car, riding a motorcycle, climbing a ladder, smoking
cigarettes, skydiving, formula one racing).

Voluntary risks on the other hand are associated with activities which are largely controllable.
Risk is part of living; consequently,we are constantly evaluating the risks which face us on a
daily basis. You may not be conscious of this assessment as it is often ingrained in our thought
processes; however you are considering risks, especially as they relate to voluntary activities,
to ensure that you and those close to you are out of harm's way. For example, when leaving
the house in the morning one may consider if there is a chance of rain. The risk of getting
soaked on the way to work is a risk you could avoid by carrying an umbrella.


The term "acceptable risk" describes the likelihood of an event

whose probability of occurrence is small, whose consequences are
so slight, or whose benefits (perceived or real) are so great, that
individuals or groups in society are willing to take or be subjected to
the risk that the event might occur. The concept of acceptable risk
evolved partly from the realization that absolute safety is generally
an unachievable goal, and that even very low exposures to certain
toxic substances may confer some level of risk. The notion of virtual
safety corresponding to an acceptable level of risk emerged as a
risk management objective in cases where such exposures could
not be completely or cost-effectively eliminated.

Two proxy measures have been used to determine acceptable risk

levels. The revealed-preference approach assumes that society,
through trial and error, has achieved a nearly optimal, and thus
acceptable, balance of risks and benefits. The expressed-
preference approach uses opinion surveys and public consultations
to obtain information about risk levels warranting mitigation action.

Acceptable risk refers to the level of human and property loss that can be
tolerated by an individual, household, group, organization, community, region,
state, or nation. For instance, the risk of flooding can be accepted once every
500 years but it is not unacceptable in every ten years. In other words it means
those risks whose benefits are so great, that individuals or groups in society are
willing to take or be subjected to the risk. It is usually calculated in actions taken
to minimize disaster risk. The probability of occurrence of an acceptable risk is
small. The concept of acceptable risk evolved partly from the understanding that
absolute safety is generally an unachievable goal, and that even very low
exposures to certain toxic substances may confer some level of risk.

Globalization is the free movement of goods, services and people across the world in a
seamless and integrated manner

Broader Meaning of Globalization

Globalization has grown beyond economics to become a social, cultural, political and
legal phenomenon.
In social terms, globalization describes an increased level of interconnectedness among
the people of the world and their lives, work and families. As a cultural phenomenon, it
means the exchange of ideas and values among cultures and implies, for some, a trend
toward the development of a single world culture.

Political globalization refers to the shift of political activities from a solely national level
to a global level through intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations
and the World Trade Organization.

As a legal phenomenon, globalization is, in part, a shift in the ways in which

international law is created and enforced.

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