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CCcam Config File Tutorial (Basics) by B16MCC V1.


Black text is explanatory Blue Text Is For You To Input Red Text Is Created For You

Enter your desired settings below in place of the blue text to set up your server and allow clients you add to access it.
Your DNS Address Or Static IP Get A DNS Address from www.dyndns.com

Your Server Port Number 12000 The port you want your server to listen on for other people connecting to your card.

Client User Name jamesbond Choose a user name for the client

Client Password pass007 Choose a password for the client

Allow Up Hops 3 Allow this client access to cards from other clients this many hops away.

Share Your Key File 1 1 = Yes 0 = No Even if you share this, the client can choose not to use it

Remote EMM Auto Update 1 1 = Yes 0 = No If set to 1 , the user can access the EMM on your local card

Allow Reshares 2 Set to 3, Client can access card and reshare it 2 hops down

You need the information below to give other people access to your server and local card. Simply click Copy and then Paste each line into your CCcam.cfg

Server Listen Port SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000 Add this as the first line of your config

C Line To Give Client Copy C: 12000 jamesbond pass007 no You don't add this line in your config. Just send it to your Client

Add This To Your Config Copy F: jamesbond pass007 3 1 1 {0:0:2} You need to add this line for each user!

The information below is a very simple example of a CCcam.cfg If you're card sharing with some one else, you really only need 3 lines in your config to make it work


# This line is commented out because it starts with a # this means it will be ignored by the program and can be used to make notes.

C: dreambox.no-ip.org 12000 b16mcc skyuk no

# So, with the line above I'm connecting to someone elses server on port 12000 , my username is b16mcc and my password is skyuk , I'm not using his key file

F: jamesbond pass007 3 0 0 {0:0:2}

# This is someone connecting to my server using the username jamesbond and the password pass007. You have to give them this info and add it to config
# I'm allowing access to other cards at 3 hops, no access to my key file and no remote EMM. 500 Would Be 5 Hops No Key File & No EMM
# There's no special settings on providers, and I'm allowing all cards with 1 hop reshare {0:0:4} Would Be Access To Card + 3 Reshares

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