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Age of Imperialism 1890-1920

In the post-Civil War Period, the United States

became involved in expanding economic interest
outside our borders.
Areas of Expansion
Pacific Rim
Latin America
Caribbean region

Policy in which stronger nations extend economic,

political, and / or military control over weaker
Expansionist: someone that supports imperialism.
Isolationist: someone that is against imperialism.
Causes of Imperialism
Global Competition
European powers
Desire of New Markets
Natural Resources
Raw Materials
Markets for finished products
Desire for military strength
Alfred T. Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon
History, 1660-1783
Nations that have dominated the world have always
had a dominate Navy.
Mahan's influence would cause the U.S to expand.
Causes of Imperialism

Continued philosophy of Manifest Destiny

Belief in Cultural Superiority
Spread of Christendom
Superiority of Anglo-Saxons culture
Bring civilization to pagan and primitive areas
Areas of Expansion

William Seward: Secretary of State under Andrew
Arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867.
$7.2 million (2 cents per acre).
At the time many considered this purchase a joke
Seward's Folly
Seward's Icebox
Areas of Expansion
Important to the United States since 1700s
Stopping port on the way to Asian markets
By 1870's, the United States possessed strong
economic ties with Hawaii.
Sugar plantations
Pearl Harbor naval base
In 1891, Queen Liliuokalani came into power.
Took away voting power from land owners, and began
regulating U.S businesses.
Business groups along with Marines helped to overthrow the
President McKinley declared Hawaii an U.S territory in
Spanish American War

Cuba - Spanish Colony
Economic Ties with the United States
Sugar, Rum, Etc...
1854 the United States offered to purchase.
1868-1878 Cubans revolted and moved towards
independence. Failed
1895 a second revolt breaks out.
Spanish American War

General Valeriano Weyler sent to Cuba in 1895 to

stop the rebellion.
Put thousands of rural citizens and communities in
prison camps to suppress rebellion.
Approx. 300,000
General Valeriano Weyler
Yellow Journalism -sensationalized writing
designed to stir emotions.

Support for Cuban independence begins to grow in

the United States.
News papers begin to cover Cuban story.
William Hearst and Joseph Pultizer allowed
Yellow Journalism to curb Americans opinions.
Many United States citizens begin to call for war.
War Hawks
The De Lome Letter

President McKinley attempt diplomatic means to

avoid war in Cuba.
Spanish minister (Enrique Dupuy de Lome) to the
United States wrote a letter criticizing the
President calling him weak.
Was leaked to the press in 1896.
Letter caused embarrassment to Spain but fueled
the war cause.
U.S.S Maine
February 15 1898 the U.S.S Maine exploded in
Havana harbor.
260 men killed
Cry for war Remember the Maine

On April 11th the United States Declares war on

USS Maine
Spanish American War

Two Fronts
George Dewey opened Fire on Spanish Fleet in Manila
Allowed U.S Troops to invade Philippines
Filipinos welcomed U.S forces because they wanted
Spanish American War

Naval Blockade
Inexperienced forces were sent to Cuba
Approximately 125,000 volunteered
Unprepared for war and conditions
Most Famous Battle of the war was fought outside
Theodore Roosevelt's march up San Juan Hill
Became a War Hero
Treaty of Paris
Cuba would gain independence
Puerto Rico and Guam turned over to the United
Philippines would be sold to the United States for
$20 million dollars
The Treaty touched off great debates in the Senate
Imperialism v. Anti-Imperialism
The taking of the Philippines would set off a major
rebellion in the Philippines that would last three
years and cost 24,000 lives.
Platt Amendment

After the war the Cuban Government wrote a

U.S forced several conditions to be written into it
known as the Platt Amendment
Cuba would make any treaties that would limit its
power or allow any foreign country to control any part
of its territory.
Cuba was not to go into debt
The United States has the right to intervene in Cuba
United States may buy of lease land from Cuba
Guantanamo bay
Philippine War

In reaction to the United States taking possession

of the Philippines, War would break out in 1899.
Led by Emilio Aguinaldo
Took three years and 24,000 lives to put down the
The Philippines would remain a U.S possession
until after WWII.
July 4th 1946.
China and the Open Door

During the 1800s, China was a country that was

heavily divided.
Spheres of influence; France, Great Britain,
Russia, Germany, and Japan all had settlements
along the coastline.
John Hay U.S Secretary of State issues an the
Open Door Notes.
Allowed for Free Trade in Chinese ports.
Spheres of influence
Spheres of Influence
Boxer Rebellion

Boxers were Chinese nationalist that fought

against imperialism.
1900, the Boxers led a rebellion to Free China
Killed many foreigners and Chinese that had
converted to Christianity.
Theodore Roosevelt

26 President of the United States

Became President in 1901 after the
assassination of William McKinley
Youngest President, 41
Worked toward expanding the United
States role in Latin America
Believed in Big Stick Diplomacy
Speak softly but carry a big stick
Panama Canal
Most Americans agreed that a canal cutting
through Latin America was needed.
Two possibilities
A French engineering company had attempted to
build a canal in the late 1800s.
In 1903, the United States attempted to purchase
the French company for $40 million.
The United States had to gain permission from the
Columbian Government.
Panama Canal

Columbia denied the U.S proposal

Roosevelt sent U.S Military to help support a
Panamanian revolution against Columbia.
Once the revolution was established, the United
States paid $10 million to Panama and an annual
rent of $240,000.
Panama Canal

Construction started in 1904


Completion took place August 15 1914

One of the worlds greatest feats
Cost approximately $380 million
Very difficult conditions
Yellow Fever & Malaria
5600 died in the the construction
United States operated and controlled until 2000.
Roosevelt Corollary
In 1904 the government of the Dominican Republic went
bankrupt and Theodore Roosevelt feared that Germany and
other nations might intervene forcibly to collect their debts. In
response, Roosevelt issued the Roosevelt Corollary (to the
Monroe Doctrine) as part of an 1904 message to Congress.
the United States may use force to police our
neighbors to the South.
Established the U.S as the predominate power in
the Western Hemisphere.
Roosevelt and Asia

1904 Russia declared war on Japan

Imperialist nations fighting over power in Korea
Early in the war, Japan established control of
Korea and Manchuria
Japanese approached Roosevelt and asked him to
mediate a peace settlement
He successfully negotiated the Treaty of
Portsmouth in 1906.
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Other Latin American Issues

Dollar Diplomacy
Policy of loaning money to Latin American companies
to gain Economic Power in a region
Between 1911-1918 Mexican and the United States
relations would deteriorate.
In 1911, Mexican peasants and workers rose up and
overthrew the Mexican Dictator Portirio Diez
Nationalized Oil Fields
Over the next ten years, the Mexican government would
change hands several times. The United States be drawn
close to war several times.

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