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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Alexa Stallworth Date of Activity: 9/15/2017 Faculty name: Darlene

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

For my professional development activity, I attended a Peripheral Arterial Disease

(PADs) screening. Upon arrival to the event, I helped other nurses turn a small classroom into

mobile clinic where we would soon be filled with people seeking a PADs screening. Around 9

am we had our first wave of patients. I was teamed up with another nurse and were tasked with

coming up with the patient's Arterial-Brachial Index (ABI). I used the doppler to locate all of the

patient's pulses while the other nurse used a blood pressure cuff to cut the circulation and record

the findings. After 3 hours, the staff and I took a quick lunch before getting back to the clinic

where we switched roles and I calculated the patient's ABI. By the end of the day, we had

screened over 50 people for PADs. Afterwards, I helped the staff clean up the classroom and

move the equipment into one of the nurse's cars.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

This screening was held at the Green Valley Recreational Center and lasted 8 hours. I

was at the event from 8 am to 4 pm helping with set up, screenings, and clean up.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

I feel that this experience was incredibly valuable in that it showed me the importance of

health screenings. Often times, people do not have the access to health screenings and the
free PADs hosted by Carondelet turned out to be a huge success. By volunteering my time, I was

able to help the staff screen more than 50 older adults for PADs. It was rewarding to see how

many people were able to receive a free PADs consult with the doctor in order to catch early

symptomatology of PADs. By catching those with imbalanced blood pressures, we were able to

refer them out to seek specialized care to further prevent the likelihood of them suffering from

PADs related complications.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future;

why or why not? (Describe)

I would absolutely recommend this experience to any healthcare professional because not

only is it humbling to be present at a community based screening, but it also had a way of

advancing ones skills. At the event, we were required to locate pulses and take blood pressures

with the aid of a Doppler which is a skill that occasionally goes unrecognized. In short, this

activity was rewarding in the skills that I gained, networking with other health care professionals,

and communicating with patients in the older population.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? Confirmation Email Signature on validation of

clinical hours form obtained? Yes

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