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101 ways to save on power bills, cut

household electricity costs

EVERY cent counts for South Australian families faced with skyrocketing power bills, so its vital to
have your home running as efficiently as possible.

Thanks to the energy bill busters at One Big Switch, here are 101 great ideas to help keep your power
usage and electricity charges down.

1. Switch retailers! Some South Australian households can save more than $400 in just a few
minutes by shopping around.

2. Get retained. Sometimes when youre just about to leave, your electricity retailer will discover a
better offer for you. Funny about that ...

3. Dial the heater down. Men are most comfortable at about 22 degrees and women at about 24
degrees. So start at 19 or 20 in winter and see if its comfortable.

4. Dial the air con up! Start at 22 or 23 and see if its comfortable before blasting out the icy-cold
air. Every degree adds about $120 to an average bill.

5. Did you know? Reverse cycle air conditioners are two to 2.5 times more efficient than electric bar
radiators or fan heaters!

6. Choose window coverings and double-glazing. This will help keep a consistent temperature
and, in turn, help reduce your power bills.

7. Avoid Vampire power. Save about 10 per cent by turning appliances off at the power point
when not using them.

8. Count the Stars. A 3-star fridge/freezer can be $900 cheaper than a 1-star appliance over the life
of the machine.

There are lots of ways you can save on your power bill.
9. Let food cool before placing it in the fridge or freezer. Hot food decreases the temperature in the
refrigerator, forcing it to work harder to keep the air cool.

10. Use pots and pans with snug-fitting lids. That way pans will heat up more quickly when

11. Dont overheat your water. Try 50-60 degrees. Every degree there saves about 1 per cent of
your water heating cost.

12. Join One Big Switch. We use the people power of tens of thousands of South Australians to
get group discounts from providers at onebigswitch.com.au

13. Or do it yourself. If you prefer, you can see every offer on the open market at the government
site energymadeeasy.gov.au

14. Join a hardship program. All retailers have them. If youre struggling, ask them for relief.

15. Look into concessions. The SA Government has a few concessions to help the most needy with
their power bills.

16. The Energy Bill Concession is worth up to $215 per year for eligible South Australians on low
or fixed incomes.

17. The Medical Heating and Cooling Concession is worth $215 for eligible households
18. The Cost of Living Concession is up to $200 for eligible South Australian households. Read
more here

19. Connect to gas. Natural gas can prove to be a cheaper way to heat your home and is well worth

20. Get insulated! Ceiling and floor insulation will keep heat in during winter and out in summer.

21. Remember, time is money. Use timers to control heaters.

22. Dont be slack and leave on heating and cooling appliances if you dont need them.

23. Limit household activity. Only heat or cool the spaces in your home you are using, rather than
the whole house.

24. Draught-proof your home with draught- stoppers, door snakes and window sealing tape.

25. Keep your windows and doors closed and draw the curtains at night to help keep the heat

26. Got a chimney you dont use? Block it off Santa will be able to find another way in.

27. Put a jumper on! Dress for the season and you wont need as much heating or cooling in the
first place.

28. Buy a hot water bottle! Theyre super cheap and super handy. Just pop it into your bed an
hour before you jump in or wrap it in your PJs for extra warmth!

Electric blankets can help keep you warm at night.

29. Rather not? Invest in an electric blanket they use less energy than room heaters.

30. Run slow-moving ceiling fans in reverse to help push the hot air back down to where it is
needed most.

31. Install a thermostat you can program yourself. This allows you to set timers for the
temperature in your house.

32. Ditch the beer fridge. They tend to be older and therefore less energy efficient, and can chew
through more than $250 a year.

33. Cant do without it? Then just turn the Beer Fridge on a few hours before your big event.

34. Check your seals and replace if damaged. A broken seal is the same as leaving the door open!

35. Clean the coils on the back or bottom of the fridge.

36. Place the fridge in a well-ventilated position and allow sufficient gap at the top and around the
sides of the fridge, away from direct sunlight or any source of heat.

37. Cook efficiently. Natural gas cooker and microwave ovens are the most efficient.

38. Cook large amounts in the oven and freeze them for the week. Using a microwave is more
energy efficient and cheaper to run than an oven when reheating food.

39. Thaw frozen foods before cooking.

40. Replace damaged coils and reflectors. Clean the reflectors for full heating benefit.

41. Keep your oven serviced. Keep the seals tight and oven clean to ensure no heat is wasted.

42. Simmer saucepans, dont boil. Lower heat will save energy over the long term.

There are lots of ways to reduce your power bills in the kitchen.
43. Clean the filters on the rangehood regularly. Vent the exhaust to outside your home and use the
exhaust fan on the lowest speed.

44. Use the toaster rather than a grill. It uses much less electricity.

45. Stack the dishwasher and dont run it until its completely full.

46. Connect the dishwasher to cold water.

47. When boiling water, use a kettle instead of a hotplate.

48. Electric fan-type ovens are more efficient than conventional ovens.

49. Get gas hot water. It uses less power than electrical hot water services.

50. Or get solar hot water. Its also more efficient.

51. Shift your usage. Save about $260 a year by using washing machines, dishwashers or heating
during off-peak times.

52. Fill in your backyard swimming pool! A pool pump can cost anywhere from $600 to $1500
a year to run and a spa costs about $240.

53. No way? Then run the pool or spa at night on an off-peak tariff or controlled load meter to
minimise cost.

54. Use timers on pool pumps to minimise when they run.

55. Make sure you have an efficient pool pump.

56. Clean pool filters often to maximise your pumps efficiency.

57. Cover it. An insulated cover on pools and spas will save money.

58. Solar or gas is cheaper than electricity for heating pools.

59. Go camping! The stars are beautiful at this time of year! But do pack a warm sleeping bag

60. Visit your local theatre or shopping mall on hot days! Take the bus or walk (if its not too

61. Host a board games night by candlelight!

62. Generate organic energy. Feeling cold? Do 20 push-ups, sit-ups or star jumps. Its green and
keeps you lean.

Reading to your children with a torch will save power and theyll think its fun too.
63. Read to the kids at night using a torch. Theyll love it!

64. Bake on cold days to heat up the house. Then have your cake and eat it!

65. Take shorter showers. Did you know showering can make up to 60 per cent of your hot water

66. Take a shower rather than a bath. Its more hygienic and youll save more.

67. Install a low-flow 3-star showerhead.

68. Use cold water where hot water is not necessary.

69. Cut two minutes off your shower time by using a shower timer. It can save a family $100 a year
on power.

70. Get a competition going! See who can have the quickest shower.
71. Install cost and greenhouse-efficient hot water systems such as solar or gas.

72. Take advantage of government rebates for greenhouse efficient hot water systems.

73. Shower in twos!

74. Do some research. The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme allows you to
compare the water efficiency of different products. Ratings are compulsory for all domestic washing
machines, dishwashers, showers and toilets, so opt for high stars.

75. Wash clothes in cold water wherever possible.

76. Fill it up! Wait until you have a full load before you wash.

77. Keep the filter clean so water can circulate freely.

78. Use energy-saving features on your washing machine.

79. Adjust the wash cycle to match the loads needs.

80. Spin dry before hanging out a load.

81. Make sure you clean the dryers lint filter regularly.

82. Or ditch the dryer altogether. It may take a little longer but it sure saves a lot of money!

83. Go for high-star-rated washing machines and dryers. Dryers that sense when clothes are dry
are more energy-efficient.

Solar panels can help reduce your electricity costs in the long term.

84. Put on panels. The big government concessions are over, but solar panels can still cut your costs
if you use energy during daylight hours.

85. Install a battery. Theyre not cheap (yet), but batteries now allow you to store solar power until
you need it.

86. Use your appliances during the day if you have solar power, so they run for free.

87. Otherwise, go off-peak. Off-peak pricing is finally available in South Australia. Ask your
electricity provider if they offer it.

88. Switch off lights in those rooms that arent being used. It may seem a very obvious move but its
something weve all been guilty of it!

89. Avoid multiple fittings. Dont be fooled and think you can trade a single light for multiple
lights with low-wattage bulbs.

90. Opt for energy-efficient CFL or LED light globes over incandescent globes. Some of these
bulbs are also dimmable!

91. The Light Bulb Saver App has handy tips about the best bulbs and right lighting for every
room in the house.

92. Install motion sensors in the hallways and outside the home, so that lights only come on when
movement is detected.

93. Opaque or dark shades require larger wattage lamps, so use light translucent shades instead.

94. Get cleaning dust on light fixtures reduces light levels.

95. Install solar lighting in the garden.

96. Use timeout devices for all non-essential appliances e.g. televisions so that the power is cut to
the appliance when it is not being used.

97. Give your appliances a staycation! Turn them all off for a day and read a book.

98. Unplug phantom electronics like DVD players, chargers, printers and televisions when not in

99. Use a powerboard with separate switching and turn it off when not in use.

100. Watch the weather. Some appliances work more effectively than others depending on
climate. Head to energyrating.gov.au to compare product types and brands.

101. Apply energy-saving settings to computers. For instance, program a blank screen if the
computer is not in use screen savers are energy-wasters.

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