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I : I *( Bauer-L. Heb. 458s; THAT 2:556f :: W.H.

Schmidt WMANT 17 2
(1967) 1331:
+ ;)SamP. lm; MHeb. image, statue, idol; DSS (Kuhn Konkordanz 187; THAT 2:562);
JArm. ; Sam.; Ph. (Jean-H. Dictionnaire 245; THAT 2:556); EmpArm. lm, lmh the
effigy, his effigy (Donner-R. Inschriften text 225:3, 6; text 226:2; Jean-H. Dictionnaire 245;
Hoftijzer-Jongeling Dictionary 968: statue); Ug. lm pny (Gordon Textbook text 1002:59 =
Dietrich-L.-S. Texte 2, 31:61; Aistleitner 2319; cf. Gordon Textbook 19:2059); Akk. sbst.
lmu statue, figurine, image (AHw. 1078f; CAD : 78): in particular: 1. the statue of a god; 2.
the statue of a king; 3. a statue in general; 4. a figurine; 5. a relief, bas-relief; 6. metaphorical, a
constellation, shape, likeness, representation; BArm. ; Syr. lm, lemt; CPArm.

* hypothetical form

THAT Jenni-W. Handwrterbuch

:: in contrast with

WMANT Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Neukirchen

DSS Dead Sea Scrolls; Dam.; DJD; Kuhn Konkordanz

JArm. Jewish Aramaic; JArm.b Jewish Aramaic of the Babylonian tradition; JArm.g ~ Galilean tradition;
JArm.t ~ Targumic tradition; HAL Introduction; Kutscher Fschr. Baumgartner 158ff

Sam. Samaritan Pentateuch; HAL Foreword; Wrthwein Text 47ff (fourth ed.); Murtonen Vocab.; Ben-

Ph. Phoenician

EmpArm. Empire Aramaic; also ImpArm.

Ug. Ugaritic

= the same as

cf. confer, comparable with

Akk. Akkadian; often followed by references to AHw. or CAD

sbst. substantive

AHw. von Soden AHw.

CAD Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 1956

BArm. Biblical Aramaic; Bauer-L. Arm.; KBL Foreword

see further

Syr. Syriac

CPArm. Christian Palestinian Aramaic; Schulthess Gramm.

lm; Mnd. ilm (Drower-M. Dictionary 393b) image, idol, shape, form; Nab., Palm. Hatra lm,
lm and lmt statue (Jean-H. Dictionnaire 245; Hoftijzer-Jongeling Dictionary 968, lm I; see
also BArm. under ;) OSArb. lm (Conti Chrest. 161a) and lm (Conti Chrest. 224b)
likeness, statue; Arb. nm idol (Arm. loanword, see Fraenkel Fremdwrter 273): cs. , sf.
, , ; pl. cs. , sf. , : THAT 2:556-563.
1. statue, inscribed column 2K 1118/2C 2317.
2. idol Nu 3352 Ezk 720, Am 526 (text uncertain) probably meaning effigies of the
Kwn, Babylonian astral deities (see AHw. 420b kjjmn; CAD : 38a line 6ff kjmnu
adj. b: steady as a name of Saturn) and sakkut (Sumerian dSAG.KUD, see E. Reiner urpu
tablet 2 line 180; Rudolph KAT 13/2:207; Wolff BK 14/2:304; THAT 2:557).
3. pl.: a. images, figures: effigies of men Ezk 1617,
pictures of the
Chaldaeans carved into the wall Ezk 2314; b. replicas, likenesses of the boils and mice 1S 65.11
(see THAT 2:557f).
[Page 1029] 4. a. transitory image Ps 397 (parallel with ) , Ps 7320 text uncertain (parallel
with )cj. for prp. ( BHS) :: Wrthwein Wort und Existenz 169: MT their
idol; b. the of Ps 397 7320 belongs to II * rather than to I, and so means silhouette,
fleeting shadows, so e.g. Humbert tudes sur le rcit du paradis et de la chute 156; cf. Kopf VT
9 (1959) 272 and in general W.H. Schmidt WMANT 172 (1967) 1331.

Mnd. Mandaean

Nab. Nabataean

Hatra DISO xix; KAI 23757; AfO 16:141ff; Syria 29; 30; 32; 40; 41

OSArb. Old South Arabian including Min.; Himyr.; Qatab.; Sab.; Hadr.; Conti Chrest.; Mller
Altsdarab.; Hfner Altsdarab.

Arb. Arabic; Lane Lexicon; Lisn; Tj Ar.; Wehr Wrterbuch; WKAS

Arm. Aramaic

adj. adjective, adjectival

KAT Kommentar zum Alten Testament, Leipzig and Gtersloh

BK Biblischer Kommentar, Neukirchen

cj. conjectural reading

BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Stuttgart 1968

MT Massoretic Text

VT Vetus Testamentum
5. likeness: a. of a man as the of God Gn 126f 96: for bibliography see Westermann BK
1/1:203-214; see further Barr BJRL 51 (1968) 11-26; Stamm Zur Frage der Imago Dei im Alten
Testament (in Humanitt und Glaube. Gedenkschrift fr Kurt Guggisberg 243-253); Mettinger
ZAW 86 (1974) 403-24; O.H. Steck FRLANT 115 (1975) 140567; O. Loretz Die
Gottebenbildlichkeit des Menschen; THAT 2:558-562: man, Gods likeness, Gods image, i.e. he
is Gods viceroy, representative or witness among the creatures; b. the son as the of his
father Gn 53.

BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester

ZAW Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft

FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, Gttingen

every Biblical reference quoted

Koehler, L., Baumgartner, W., Richardson, M., & Stamm, J. J. (1999, c1994-1996). The Hebrew and
Aramaic lexicon of the Old Testament. Volumes 1-4 combined in one electronic edition. (electronic ed.)
(1028). Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill.

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