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Date: 25 November 2017 at 14:14

Topic: Field of Consciousness

"We ask to be Thy servant, Oh Lord, and to be a vehicle of Divine

Love, a channel of Thy will. We ask for direction and Divine
assistance, and we surrender all personal will through devotion to
Thy Truth. We dedicate our life to Thy service. Help us to choose
love and peace above all other options, and to surrender all of our
judgments to Thee, that we might have unconditional love and
compassion for all life in all of its expressions and surrender our
very life to Thee at all times in all places. Gloria in Excelsis Deo,
now and forever. Amen.
Pedimos servir al Altsimo, Oh Seor, y ser el vehculo del amor
Divino, un canal de la Voluntad del Altsimo. Pedimos por guia y
asistencia Divina, y entregamos toda voluntad personal a travs
de la devocin a la verdad Divina. Dedicamos nuestras vidas al
servicio del Altsimo. Aydanos a elegir amor y paz sobre todas las
dems opciones, y a entregar todos nuestros juicios a Dios, para
que podamos tener el amor incondicional y la compasin por la
vida en todas sus manifestaciones y entregar nuestra misma vida
a Dios en todo momento y en todo lugar. Gloria in Excelsis Deo,
ahora y siempre, Amen

Field of Consciousness

Individual Survey Calibrations

Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

(Where Nothing Is Hidden)

1. ______Consciousness

2. ______Relationship/partner

3. ______Consciousnessat Birth

4. ______Mental balance

5. ______Emotionalbalance

6. ______Physicalbalance

7. ______Spiritualdevelopment

8. ______Health consciousness

9. ______Prosperity consciousness

10. ______Life force

11. ______Truth consciousness

12. ______Evolutionary development

13. ______Current capacity

14. ______Perseverance

15. ______Receptivity

16. ______Current level of Health

17. ______Happiness

18. ______Humility

19. ______Willingness to change

20. ______Libido (sexual energy)

21. ______Compassion

22. ______Relationship Compatibility

23. ______Acceptance

24. ______Insecurity

25. ______Relationship resolution

26. ______Physical coordination

27. ______Fear

28. ______Resolution of ego

29. ______Faith in God

30. ______Forgiveness

31. ______Fear of death

32. ______Attachments

33. ______Ability to express love

34. ______Ability to love yourself

35. ______Judgment, condemnation & criticism

36. ______Living in denial

37. ______Power

38. ______Force

39. ______Level of Pain

40. ______Level of Integrity

41. ______Mercy
42. ______Repressed Anger

43. ______Level of unconscious

44. ______Addiction level

45. ______Fruit of the spirit

46. ______Stress level

47. ______Impact of stress on health

48. ______Guilt

49. ______Work stress

50. ______Family stress

51. ______Relationship stress

52. ______Financial stress

53. ______Freedom

54. ______Peace

55. ______Energy center

56. ______Color

57. ______Obeying Gods laws

58. ______Knowing Gods laws

59. ______Surrender

60. ______Control

61. ______Male Energy

62. ______Female Energy

63. ______Energy centers balance

64. ______1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5.

______6. ______7.

Definition of Report.

The way the reportreads in the scale of 1 to 1000 or 1% to 100%.

The consultation will provide an explanation of what these numbers
mean. Please know that these numbers are from the non- linear
domain using kinesiology. This reportdetermines one's God
perfection. So if you arent satisfied with some of the numbers it
simply means that you have more work to do. Stay connected so that
we can work together to raise your consciousness. As your
consciousness goes higher your life will improve accordingly and
life will become heaven on earth. Because the evolutionary
unfoldment of the human race is about 20% the numbers on the test
may appear rather low. But as one begins to resolve their ego and
start loving themselves the numbers start to move higher
substantially. From birth, every human was predestined to be
enlightened, so there is hope for everyone, in fact you are
guaranteed to become enlightened, it is just a matter of when.The
two most important things to focus on daily is to resolve your ego
and learn to love yourself. When you have accomplished that you
will be very high in consciousness. Consider signing up for the
mentoring program. Here are some testimonials!!!!! Click Here.
encontre este enlace a Robert Smalley https://www.youtube.com/

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