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1.1 Background
English to be one of essential ingredients and affect the teacher's ability to communicate.
through the English language teaching, teachers must be knowledgeable formal language, both
Associated with the knowledge of the rules of the language, the process of language, and language
skills. language skills includes four kinds listening, speaking, reading and writing.
However, the study here is the skills of writing. writing a language skills that aims to reveal
the ideas, ideas, and feelings in writing. writing teacher would have thought processes to Express
the idea and the idea is widely or diverging thingking. the process of writing very related to do
with the factors development free thinking, based on experience underlying. where the experience
can be obtained through reading, listening and discussion.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What are the constraints of writing paragraphs in English?
2. Is an outline important in writing paragraphs?

1.3 Purpose of Mini Research

1. To know the constraints of writing paragraphs in English
2. To know if an outline is important in writing a ppparagraph

1.4 Benefit of Mini Research

1. Can explain the difficulty of students in writing and solutions deal with learning
difficulties write students
2. Increasing interest student in subjects English, especially on learning aspects of writing



1.2 Solution
1.Start Writing
The first thing in the learning process is to grow intention and courage. Although initially wrong,
but over time will definitely be! How can we write good if we do not start writing. So, start
writing right now!
2. Read As many as Every writer is reader first.
Agreed, if all the initial penuli are readers Because by reading, you will know all the pattrns,
grammar, even common mistakes in writing.
3. Bring Notebook
Everywhere To make a writing, definitely need an idea. Make sure you bring a notebook,
recorder or smartphone to anywhere. And every time you see an interesting event, do not hesitate
to record it
4. Befriended with dictionaries.
The dictionary is mandatory when you write! Without a heavy dictionary with no weapons.
In fact, even professional translators still need dictionaries to check translation.
5. Sensitive to the Environment
Streets while holding a smartphone? It is okay, but it will be more useful if you look to the
left right around you. Because there could be inspiration there to write
6. Grammar
What's up with grammar? Is grammar as difficult as imagined? Of course not. Grammar will
be difficult at first and if not used, but if you continue to write using grammar, guaranteed will
automatically use grammar properly as native speakers.
7. Stop the interruption.
Again learn to write a sudden phone sounds, or there is a good TV show, and on the laptop
appear notofikasi facebook. CLOSE first all procrastinators (bully) while learning to write to
focus, and writing quickly completed.
8. Join the Community Writing English
There is nothing wrong with the English writing community. That way, you will be motivated
to keep learning because many people who encourage and correct each other.
9. Prepare a Special Room for Writing
Inspiration and learning to focus usually will emerge from the room berish, neat and nice
views. So make sure your room is feasible to start writing. Or, if possible you can create a special
room for learning and reading.
10. Write every day.
Commitment is the hardest thing to do. However, if you are committed and continually write
in English, it is guaranteed! Can quickly be good at writing english. You can write anything in one
day. Either blog, status, diary, and so forth.
11. Create a blog
Who do not know about the day gini blog? Blogs are an excellent means of writing. Through
blogs, your posts are stored automatically without menuhin laptop memory. In fact, we can write
on blog via smartphone. Simple yet useful. Blogs also allow your writing to be read by so many
people that they can correct or enjoy your writing.
12. Learning from failure. In this world, nothing works in one work. Even the inventors of
light bulbs, computers, inventors of advanced formulas all require experimentation. So, let
yourself write early with ugly, boring or disconnected stories, wrong grammar and so on, because
with practice will make our writing more perfect.

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