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Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Taylor Zimmerman

Content Area: Reading

Grade Level: 4th

Lesson Length: 20 minutes

For each section, refer to the Lesson Plan Rubric for more information about what to include.

Contextual Information and Rationale

Provide background information about the content lesson, including why it is important for students to learn, why it is relevant for their
lives, and how this lesson fits into a broader sequence of learning.

This lesson will be small group guided reading. It will be the second day of meeting and we will be focusing on predictions and
setting up a KWL chart. This week we are introducing main idea and supporting details. A KWL chart gets students thinking about
the important components of a story without them realizing it quite yet. In the K column students have to write down things they
already know about a story. They dont write down every small detail but instead get into the habit of writing down crucial
information to the plot of the story. Later this lends itself when distinguishing between main idea and supporting details. A KWL
chart also helps students engage deeper in the reading and helps set a purpose for the reading. When writing in the W column of
the chart, students are thinking about what they want to know before they continue reading. This encourages them to keep the
things they wrote down in mind as they begin to read and finally answer them in the L column at the end when they finish.

Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets:
1. 4.1 The student will use effective oral communication
skills in a variety of settings. -Students will have made a text connection by the end of day 2
c) Seek ideas and opinions of others. book group meetings.
d) Use evidence to support opinions. -Students have read 20 pages of The Magic Finger by the end of
f) Communicate new ideas to others. day two book group meetings.
g) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with -Students will understand the format of a KWL chart.
diverse teams. -Students will be able to verbally discuss and share ideas about
5. 4.5 The student will read and demonstrate predictions.
comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction -Students will have at least two things written down under
texts, and poetry. know, 2 under what I want to know, and 2 under what I learned.
f) Describe the relationship between text and
previously read materials.
h) Draw conclusions/make inferences about text.
i) Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
k) Use reading strategies throughout the reading
process to monitor comprehension.

Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback
Describe how you will assess students. demonstrate mastery. you will provide, potential plans for
adjusting instruction, etc.
-Students will be assessed formatively as Students will demonstrate mastery as we
we are discussing the events of the book work on our KWL charts each time we I will provide feedback in the form of
thus far and talking about our predictions. meet. On Thursday I am introducing what prompts. Examples include:
a KWL chart is and why theyre helpful What else did you notice?
-I will also be assessing students KWL when reading. I dont expect students to Is there something else you can go back
charts for completion and accuracy. They come up with super detailed observations and add?
should have at least two things written and questions on their first time using the Why did you choose that, how is it
down under each column. For accuracy, I chart. As we add to our chart and update important?
am simply checking that students have it, Ill be looking for more details and Go back and look again.
written the things they know in the K more meaningful questions. For instance, Where could I find the answer to that?
column and not the L column. the main character is a girl could change Etc.
to the main character is an 8-year-old girl
who doesnt like hunting. While I will -I will not be adjusting instruction for this
encourage them to make detailed small group guided reading because I have
observations and come up with made sure that the 10 pages we are
meaningful questions, Im not expecting reading in The Magic Finger are
all students to be experts at writing KWLs appropriate for filling out a KWL chart. I
and Ill be looking for mastery over time am also certain that the 4 people reading
as they get more familiar with how book The Magic Finger are capable of following
groups work and the kinds of observations along and filling out a KWL.
and questions they should be coming up
Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources,
and technology that will be used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.
For example, a gradual release plan may include sections such as I do, we do, you do together, and you do alone.

Be sure to refer to the lesson plan rubric for specific information as to how you will be assessed.
Teacher: Student: Materials, Resources, and Technology:

1) I will call students over to the table 1) Students will come to the table 5 copies of The Magic Finger
to begin our book group. with their chair from their desk, Our book group folders
2) I will summarize where we left off their book group folders, and Something to write with for each student
the last time we read. something to write with. KWL chart
3) I will look around at students book 2) Students will give examples of K, Sticky notes
group folders to make sure they W, and L, for a book weve already Dictionary
wrote down a text connection read so they can get an idea of
from the previous meeting. If they what type of things to write down.
have not done so, I will inform 3) Students work together to come
them that they need to be thinking up with things they already know
of a connection to make after from the first days reading and
todays reading. write then down in the know
4) I introduce and explain the KWL column.
chart to students. I explain each 4) Students come up with at least two
column and as a group we come up things they want to know and
with examples of each from a class write them down in the W column.
read aloud we have already done. At this point students will also
(students will get to pick this) share one prediction about the
5) As a group, we will brainstorm story.
things that we already know about 5) Students begin reading. If they
in the book. This could be finish before everyone else, they
something we know about the reread or look up unknown words
main characters, the setting, or a in the dictionary.
major event. I will explain to 6) Students finish and wait for the
students that we write down the group to be done. We go around
details we think are important that and briefly discussed what
we know, not every little detail happened, and take note if our
that has occurred thus far in the predictions came true.
story. 7) Students write at least two things
6) I will then ask students to come up down in the L column.
with at least two things they want 8) Students close up their folders, put
to know on their own. I will their books back in order on the
prompt them to think of where we shelf, and take their chairs and
left off and what they might be folders back to their desks.
eager to find out. I will also tell
them that we update this chart
and will add more to it after we
7) I tell students to place their sticky
note on page 27 and begin reading.
They know when they hit the
sticky note, they have to stop.
8) After reading we summarize
together what happened in the
pages we read.
9) We then look at our KWL charts
and write at least two things in the
L column. They can be something
that answered a question in the W
column or something new they

Behavior/ accommodations:
The four students in my group are academically capable of completing the KWL chart as well as reading the book I selected for them. My
mentor teacher actually lets students choose the first book they read for book groups so that it doesnt feel forced and unpleasant. The group
Im reading with all read at a level higher than The Magic Finger. My main concern will be getting them to slow down and produce quality
work. I want them to really think about the important components of the story and I think reading a book at or slightly below their grade
level reading ability will provide me with a lot of insight on who is actually reading to understand and picking out those important details.

Behaviorally, I will be reminding students to be respectful of others turns to speak and share ideas. I will also go over again the procedures
for finishing reading before everyone else and reminding them they cant go past the sticky note on page 27.

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