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Time: 20171115 19:20:33.

Module: PSC-TrafficHandler/8.1/A/1
Event: Tree execution trace
ID: 9900006
Type: 2269699863190011905
Count: 4045465
Aff.Obj: 69286950
Info: Provider: Rating RatingPlan: 80
SDP local time: 2017-11-15 19:20:33 +01:00
Start time: 2017-11-15 19:20:33 +01:00

Print out of data set:

Account group id: 0
Service offerings: 2097152
FaF indicator: 0
Service class: 80
Subscription type: -1
Community ID: 0
Activation date: 2017-11-14
Active service: true
Passive service: true
Account in Euro: false
Euro conversion factor: 1.0
Main account: 250.000000
Main account empty level: 0.000000
Individual Price Factor: 100.0% (default value)
Dedicated Accounts:
ID Balance Start date Expiry date Empty level DA type DA owner

--- ----------- ------------- -------------- ----------- ------- --------

1 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

2 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

3 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

4 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

5 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

6 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

7 2000.000000 No start date 2017-11-16 No Money Consumer

8 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

9 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

10 0.000000 No start date No expiry date No Money Consumer

195 30.000000 No start date 2017-12-14 No Money Consumer

ID Counter Clearing date
--- ------- -------------
1 0 2017-11-01
2 0 2017-11-15
3 0 2017-11-01
4 0 2017-09-18
5 0 2017-11-13
6 0 2017-11-15
7 0 2017-11-15
8 0 2017-11-01
9 0 2017-11-01
10 0 2017-11-15
13 0 2017-11-14
51 0 2017-11-14
113 0 2017-11-15
114 0 2017-11-14
115 0 2017-11-14
231 1 2017-11-14
Usage counters: No usage counters exists
Offers: No offers defined
Dynamic discounts: No available discounts
Selected Offers: There are no selected offers.

Context specific information:

Charging context: CS1plus_V.1.0@ericsson.com
Service identifier: 4
Call setup result: Result NOT supplied
Subscription-Id-Address: 69286950
Service extension: Not set
Service scenario: Mobile Originating
Ericsson-Geo-Location-Cell-Identity: 11FE
Other-Party-Id-Address: 10201
Ericsson-Location-MCC-MNC: 61603
Subscription-Id-Location: 229979769
Roaming position: Inside HPLMN
Ericsson-Location-Area-Code: 0143

*** Reserve ***

Units to rate:
Service specific: 1 of 1. Units already paid: 0

========================================== [20171114_CR_MEMOSIMBOXING]
========================================== [Create accumulator]
1! Fee: Fee=0.0. Interrupt=false. DoNotInterruptIfInsufficientFunds=false. Price
1! IndividualPriceFactor=1.0
1! Money left: 250.0
1! Cost: 0.0 Accumulated cost: 0.0
1! Accumulator delta: 113:0 114:0 115:0
1! UsageCounter(s)= No UC update made. Modifier doesn't specify any
UC Id.
========================================== [Set Sunday Free Call Offer]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> DoesFieldExist : Accumulator Value exists
2? <FALSE> Using NOT on the result from all children.
1? <TRUE> Using NOT on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> CompareField : Accumulator Value[114](0) >= 1
3? <TRUE> Using NOT on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> The list of Offer IDs was NOT a match to the list in Rating Data
========================================== [Enable_OFFER]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <TRUE> DoesFieldExist : Offer exists[91] exists
2? <FALSE> CompareField : Offer enabled[91]([VALUE NOT FOUND]) = false
========================================== [MPC_DECOUVERT]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> ShortNumberList : Service class(80) is found in list
2? <FALSE> Account value at call setup (250) is NOT between -500 and -0.01
========================================== [CIP/IP]
========================================== [CS1_Plus]
1? <TRUE> String : Charging context ID("CS1plus_V.1.0@ericsson.com") equals
(case sensitive) "CS1plus_V.1.0@ericsson.com"
========================================== [Forwarding]
1? <FALSE> Short : Traffic case(Originating) = Forwarded
========================================== [Originating]
1? <TRUE> Short : Traffic case(Originating) = Originating
========================================== [Voice]
1? <FALSE> Using OR on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> UShort : Tele service code(SMS) = Voice
2? <FALSE> UShort : Tele service code(SMS) = Video
========================================== [SMS]
1? <TRUE> UShort : Tele service code(SMS) = SMS
========================================== [International]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [National]
========================================== [Shorts Barring]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Barring]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Yello Line Barring]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [FREE]
========================================== [KIFTALIFE]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [MTN Radio]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [3G_BUNDLES]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [CRBT]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [MAGIC_VOICE]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [UNDP - Toll free line]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Drive tests]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> Calling party number (69286950) is NOT found in list.
2? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Maintenance technician]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> Calling party number (69286950) is NOT found in list.
2? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [STK Service]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [INFODROME]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [MAGIC_VOICE]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Supa Pesa _ Upstream]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Short_code_116_to_Supa_Pesa]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Inmobia _ STK services]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [SMS_MO]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Mobile Adver]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Geopoll FM]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [INTERNET ACTIVATION]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [SMS PUB STOP]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [ERS DEALER REGISTERY]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
2? <FALSE> ShortNumberList : Service class(80) is found in list
========================================== [English_Class]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [SUBS REGISTRATION]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [NMS Remedy]
1? <FALSE> Using AND on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
2? <FALSE> Calling party number (69286950) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [PHONEBOOK BACKUP]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [FAF 50 SERVICE]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [MOBILE MONEY]
1? <FALSE> Using OR on the result from all children.
1? <FALSE> CompareField : Other-Party-Id-Address(10201) Exact_match 6262
2? <FALSE> CompareField : Other-Party-Id-Address(10201) Exact_match 6263
========================================== [IMI MOBILE]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [FREE MTN PROPE DAILY LEG]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [SDP_PROJECT]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [GIFT VIRAL MARKETING -20161205]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [Caller Exchange]
1? <FALSE> Called party number (10201) is NOT found in list.
========================================== [CLF Automated SMS]
1? <TRUE> Called party number (10201) is found in list.
1! Modifier for ServiceSpecific unit.
1! Price:0.0. Interval:1. Price factor:1.0
1! Max remaining units: 1. Money left: 250
1! ServiceSpecific units: 1. Cost: 0 Accumulated cost: 0
1! Accumulator delta: No accumulator selected
1! UsageCounter(s)= No UC update made. Modifier doesn't specify
any UC Id.

Total cost: 0.0
Allocation made to MA: 0.000000
Allocation made to DA(s):
Total Non-Monetary units: 0
Allocated Non-Monetary DA:
Rated ServiceSpecific: 1 units
Remaining ServiceSpecific: 0 (0) units
Accumulator values: 115:0 ( Delta : 0, Total delta : 0 ) 114:0 ( Delta : 0, Total
delta : 0 ) 113:0 ( Delta : 0, Total delta : 0 )
Used offers: []
Selected offers used in rating: []

Parameters that were changed:

Duration to closest time switch: No timeswitch

Output Fields

Output Tree defined variables

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