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What is meant by media convergence?

Media convergence is the merging of mass media communications to create something new. for
example, internet, radio and mobile phones.

What has been the impact on how audiences consume media?

Convergence has had a significant impact on how the audience consume media. In the past media
was consumed via print news. Due the advances in technology such as the internet media is
available on multiple platforms. For example, newspapers are available online now. also, social
media for example snapchat also provides news for example cosmopolitan, daily mail and vogue.
convergence has made audience consumption of media easier.

What has been the impact on how institutions produce media?

The impact on convergence on how audiences consume media has been large. In the past, the
institutions decided what the audience read. This was done through propaganda in posters and
newspapers. Now institutions find out what audience want to see and read and tailor their media to
consumer demand . for example magazines have different target demographics and have to tailor to
their audience to make money.Also media is now available via multiple different outlets for example
tv, radio, social media and magazines . this means that institutions can reach different audiences via
different routes .

How many types of camera shot can you name?

1. Medium shot : A medium shot is normally from the waist or knees up to show characters

2. Establishing shot : It is mostly used in a new scene to inform the viewer the surroundings
and get a sense of the environment .

3. Long shot : Used to show all of the character as the take up all of the frame height.

4. Dutch angle: It is when the camera shot is rotated to create unease and disorientation .

5. Close up: A close up is of a persons face. It is used to show characters emotion to the viewer

6. Extreme long shot: Used to show the character and their surroundings

7. Extreme close up : Extreme close up shows a lot of detail in the persons facial expression to
the viewer.
8. Low angle shot: It is to look up on people , portraying them as powerful

9. High angle shot : It is used to look down on the character and belittle them

10. Over the shoulder : It is used to show both sides of a conversation showing both characters
reactions to the viewer .
11. Point of view : It is used to show the audience what the character can see
12. Master shot: A single scene which is shot from start to finish to dramatize that moment for
the viewer

13. Two shot : Contains two people and it is used to show the relationship and interaction
between them

14. Three shot: Contains three people and it is used to show the relationship and interaction
between them

15. Group shot: Contains more than three people and it is used to convey the group dynamic

16. Dolly zoom: Creates an unnatural effect which can used to convey sudden realisation or
reaction to a dramatic event

17. Long take: Wide shot of a whole scene where it is film all in one go to portray a high
intensity scene to the viewer

How many types of film edits or transitions can you name?

1. Match on action: creates a visual link in viewers mind as action starts in one scene and ends
in the other.

2. Jump cut: abrupt cut from one moment to the next used to show shift in time. it can make
the viewer feel the adrenaline and frenzy of the scene

3. Parallel: cross cutting used to establish Action occurring at the same time.

Eyeline match: it allows viewers to see what the characters are looking at.

What is mise en scene? List the different types.

Mise en scene is used to compose frames based on the arrangement of scenery, costumes and props
on tv, in a film or live production. This is done by considering the:

1. Lighting : high key

2. Lighting : low key
3. Composition
4. Costume
5. Setting
What is genre?

The word 'genre' comes from the French word meaning 'type' or 'class'. Media
genres appear within a medium (film, television) such as the "horror" film or the television
"situation comedy". A genre can be recognised by its common set of distinguishing features.

The film industry releases certain genres at different times of year. When does this happen & why?

Production companies release certain types of genres at different times of the year to produce the
most amount of money based on when the target audience for the films are free and most likely to
watch them. for example, movies like comedies, action fiction and science fiction are aimed at
students and teenagers. This would mean that production companies would release these movies
around the summer time as people would be off from school and free to go to the cinema. Also,
movies like romantic comedies and romance would be released in February so that couple would go
and watch them on valentines day for example the movie Fifty shades freed is released on
February 9 for this purpose. This also goes for horror movies and thrillers which would be
realeaseded in October in preparation for Halloween, also student have a half term holiday around
that time which means they are free to go to the cinema.

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