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Tammy Hotchkiss October 4, 2015

Lesson Plan 4: October 4, 2015

Develop an understanding of
the parts and basic
functionality of a camera.


The required Text for

this course is the
Complete Digital
Eighth Edition. By: Ben Long
! Exposure
Access to the usage of a In this class, you will cover the fundamentals of exposure theory.
Digital Camera and tripod will
be used for this block of In chapter 5, you will learn about digitizing images, what the term
instruction and will be bit refers to, and the dynamics of pixels in relation to image
required for completion of resolution. You will learn how image sensors work and color
assignments. channels in an image.This will assist you in color adjustment,
! conversion, and correction.
Students will need access to a In chapter 6, you will learn exposure basics. You will discover
computer the online portion of how to prevent over- and underexposed through the use of
the course instruction. exposure control techniques. You will learn how valuable shutter
speed and aperture balance is to the clarity and perfection of your
Hours image.
This class is a hybrid course
and will include two hours of
instruction, including both in Extra Credit - 25 points - Continue to keep a photo journal for
class and online interactions. each day during this course. Journal should include an image

! (taken by you - of course) and narrative about that image

reflecting your experience with photography during this course.
It should provide the details of what you learned and gained this
semester in relation to photography.$

College Level 1
Tammy Hotchkiss October 4, 2015

1. Complete the online post 3 providing details about shutter

speed. Be sure to identify the key components to calculating a
Safe Shutter Speed for Handheld shooting, stabilization, and how
to assess which techniques would be best to use when taking an

2. Reading assignment 3 Chapter 5 and 6 in the textbook,

Complete Digital Photography Eighth Edition. By: Ben Long.
Complete a short discussion
online titled How JPEG
Compression Works.
discussion should be in paragraph
format and must be 50 words or
more written with complete
Grading System sentence structure. Student must
respond to at least one other
1. OnlinePost3 - 100 points students post with a response
2. ReadingThree - 100 points relevant to course reading
3. Outline - 100 points assignment.
4. Presentation 1 - 100 points
3. Write an outline of the key concepts described in chapters five
5. Chap 5&6 Quiz3 - 100 points and six from your textbook. Upload your outline in dropbox titled
A 90 -100 Exemplary OutlineThree.
In depth development of topic and
ideas. Academically written with 4. Create a 5-10 page Comparison Presentation 1 on the correct
syntax rich vocabulary, organized and incorrect way to capture an image. You are to use only your
thoughts, free of errors in grammar, images. Provide specific details of the shutter speed, aperture,
spelling, capitalization, punctuation, flash usage, exposure, resolution, and type of camera used with
and formatting. each page. Explain the differences in the correct and incorrect
B 80 - 89 Proficient
way and why it is important. You may use Powerpoint, Keynote,
Sufficiently developed ideas with
or Prezi applications. You may use your book or online sources as
structured paragraphs, effective
a references. Be sure to cite your references at the end of your
syntax, occasional errors in grammar,
spelling, capitalization, punctuation,
presentation. Have fun!
and formatting.
5. Successfully complete Quiz 3 on content covered in Chapter 5
C 70 - 79 Emerging
through Chapter 6 . Test will cover the Image Sensors and
Insufficiently developed ideas with
Exposure Basics as described in chapters five and six from the
non-structured paragraphs,
ineffective syntax, several errors in
grammar, spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, and formatting.
F 69 - below Unacceptable
Confusion with the topic, lack of
support of main ideas, multiple
errors in grammar, spelling,
capitalization, punctuation, and

College Level 2

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