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Second Grade Making Words Lesson Plan Guide

Lesson Title: Phonics

Grade: 2nd Grade
Teacher: Sarah Wallace
Time Required: 50 minutes

Standard(s)-Common Core State Standard (CCSS): 2nd Grade, Phonics CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.3.F

Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Language Arts Objective: The learner will be able to correctly say a word that has a silent E by
saying the full word with the long vowel.

Assessment: The learner will participate and show adequate knowledge throughout games of knowing
how to elongate the vowel because of the silent e

Adaptations for Diverse and Special Needs:

Key Vocabulary Materials

silent e 1.) Board game
2.) Game pieces (coins)
3.) Word blocks
4.) Magic silent E tiles
5.) Letter tiles
6.) Dice

Anticipatory Set (Getting Started):

1.) Hi everybody! Today we are going to learn about a very special letter! His name is silent E and he
helps to create words that have long vowel sounds when he is around! Do you all remember what a
vowel is? (allow for answering and if they do not know, remind them). Great! Now we are going to
get started learning about silent Es special tricks!

Lesson Sequence:

Direct Instruction (10-15 min.):

1.) I brought a song for us to sing today that is going to help us remember what the silent E does.
Could you all help me sing it today? It goes to the same tune as Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
2.) I have brought with me today some words and letters that we can use to create words. The most
important letter that I brought with me is the silent e. Like I just mentioned, we are going to use
our silent e to help our other vowels use their long sounds, or say their names. We are going to
look at how when we add our magic silent E our words change and the vowels.
3.) Lets look at the first word I have here. Can you all sound out this word? (the word is cut). Now,
when I add my silent E this word becomes cute. The silent E makes the first vowel in our word
say its own name while he stays silent. Lets all say it together!
4.) Repeat step two with the words cap/cape, bit/bite, hop/hope, tub/tube, and hop/hope.
Application (25-30 min.):
1.) We are going to play a game today and were going to need to remember the rules of the Silent E.
Do you all remember what the rules of the silent E is? (wait for them to say the other vowel says
its name and it stays silent, and help them if they dont remember).
2.) I have a game board here and a stack of letters for each of you! We are each going to roll our dice
and for whatever number we get, you will move our piece that many spaces. When you have
reached your spot, we will all need to use our letters to spell whatever the picture is. All of our
pictures are words that have a silent E, so we will need to remember those rules of the silent e.
3.) Allow each student to roll and move their pieces as we continue to the end of the board game. Help
them sound out words that they may not remember how to spell.
4.) Play the game twice through if necessary.

Connection (10 min.):

1.) You all did awesome with our game and we spelled so many wonderful silent e words! Great job!
Can you guys tell me what the rules of the silent e are one more time? (allow them to tell me).
2.) We are going to sing our song about the silent e once more to make sure we remember all the rules
of silent e! (sing song).

1.) Great job everybody! I hope you all now will remember what our friend the silent e does! Hopefully
you all can spot some silent es in the books you like to read!

The students were very engaged throughout the entire lesson except for when I brought money
out as playing pieces. They were able to bring their attention back to the game. Also, I knew they were
engaged with the song because they knew the magic e song and continued to sing it throughout the
lesson. I believe that they did meet the objective.
The game went really well and they were very responsible during the game with their letters. I
may add different pictures since they kept landing on the same ones. I would also include a book if I had
more time because they mentioned they loved reading. I was happy that I was able to keep the students
engaged by making new rules and also was able to stop any goofing off by asking engaging questions
when they told stories. Such as when one student told a story about ice cream and I asked which word in
ice cream cone had a silent e.
Lesson Feature Check List
Preparation Scaffolding Group Options
Adaptation of content Modeling Whole class
Links to background Guided practice Small groups
Links to past learning Independent practice Partners
Strategies incorporated Comprehensible input Independent

Integration of Processes Application Assessment

Reading Hands-on Individual
Writing Meaningful Group
Speaking Linked to objectives Written
Listening Promotes engagement Oral
a b c d ef
g h i j kl
m n o pq
r s t u v
w x y z
(Rotated this to landscape when printing this off. Also, added the words in pen after printing so they can see the
spelling of each item.)

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