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CE Article

Using Constant Time Delay

to Teach Braille and the Nemeth
Code for Mathematics and Science
Notation to Students Making
the Transition from Print to Braille
Sarah E. Ivy and Jonathan D. Hooper
Structured abstract: Introduction: Many students with adventitious vision loss or
progressive vision loss need to transition from print to braille as a primary literacy
medium. It is important that this transition is handled efciently so that the student
can have continued access to a literacy medium and make progress in the core
curriculum. For this study, we used constant time delay to teach literary braille
contractions and Nemeth Code for Mathematics and Science Notation (hereafter,
Nemeth Code) braille symbols to learners with visual impairments who were making
the transition from print to braille. Methods: A single-subject, multiple-probe re
search design was used to test the effectiveness and efciency of constant time delay
to teach literary braille or Nemeth Code. Three female students, aged 13 to 15 years,
participated at a specialized school for students with visual impairments. The
students braille and math instructor delivered interventions in the classroom. Pro
cedural delity and interobserver agreement data were collected. Results: Two
students each learned 40 short-form literary braille contractions, and one student
learned 28 Nemeth Code symbols throughout the study. Students appeared to
generalize learning after instruction with the rst word set to identify similar
contractions. Students maintained learning throughout the study at high levels.
Visual analysis of the data suggests a functional relationship between constant time
delay and contraction identication. Discussion: This study replicated previous work
(Hooper, Ivy, & Hatton, 2014) to expand understanding of the scope of the useful
ness of time delay in braille education. Implications for practitioners: For students
making the transition from print to braille, constant time delay may be an efcient
method to help students acquire braille. The efciency itself may increase students
condence and motivation to learn braille.

Students with visual impairments require dren without visual impairments learn in-
more time to acquire skills than their typ- cidentally (Ferrell, Shaw, & Deitz, 1998;
ically developing peers, and often need Wall Emerson, Holbrook, & DAndrea,
direct instruction to learn skills that chil- 2009). In addition, visually impaired

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students are expected to learn two sets of succession (0-second delay); and a fading
curricula in the same amount of time in phase, in which a time delay (such as 5
which other students are expected to learn seconds) is inserted between the presen
one. Not only do visually impaired stu tation of the stimulus and the prompt,
dents need to meet the Common Core or providing the opportunity for a student to
other state standards (National Governors respond independently. Time delay has
Association Center for Best Practices & been identied as an evidence-based prac
Council of Chief State School Ofcers, tice to teach discrete skills to students with
2010), but they also need to be provided disabilities in small-group instruction (Led
with explicit instruction to master skills ford, Lane, Elam, & Wolery, 2012), to
from the expanded core curriculum teach students with autism (National Pro
(ECC; Hatlen, 1996). For example, not fessional Development Center on Autism
only do students who are blind need to Spectrum Disorder, 2010), and to teach a
learn essential skills for reading, but they range of academic skills to students with
must also learn the braille code. Print severe developmental disabilities (Spooner,
readers who experience vision loss to the Knight, Browder, & Smith, 2012), includ
degree to which print is no longer acces ing specically picture and sight-word rec
sible or efcient for reading need to learn ognition (Browder, Ahlgrim-Delzell,
braille in the most efcient manner pos Spooner, Mims, & Baker, 2009). In addi
sible to enable access to written materials tion to being effective, time delay has
with minimal disruption in content acqui shown to be more efcient than other types
of response prompting procedures in gen
sition. Therefore, it is extremely impor
eral (Demchak, 1990; Handen & Zane,
tant that classroom time is used wisely by
1987; Schuster et al., 1998; Wolery et al.,
implementing not only effective but ef
1992), and to teach sight-word recognition
cient strategies.
specically (Walker, 2008). Ivy and Hatton
Time delay is a systematic response-
(2014) reviewed research studies that iso
prompting procedure that has a strong
lated the effects of response prompting on
evidence base that supports its use in
skill acquisition for persons with little to no
teaching a variety of skills to students
functional vision and found that time delay
with disabilities. As dened by Cooper,
has been explored very little with this group
Heron, and Heward (2007), time delay is of learners.
characterized by two phases: an instruc Hooper, Ivy, and Hatton (2014) dem
tional phase, in which a stimulus (such as onstrated the efcacy of a 5-second
a print word) and a prompt (such as an constant time delay to teach braille
interventionist reading the word aloud) word recognition to four students, aged
are delivered to a student in immediate 10 to 11 years, with visual impairments
and additional disabilities who were
performing at least one grade below
by answering questions on this article. their reading level. Three participants
For more information, were able to identify most letters of the
visit: <http://jvib.org/CEs>. alphabet and at least some correspond
ing whole-word contractions in English

344 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved
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Table 1
Participant characteristics.
Primary literacy Braille assessment
Participant Age Diagnoses Visual acuity medium results

Beth 13.4 Aphakia, glaucoma 20/200 Print 25.7%

Erin 15.8 Aniridia, glaucoma CF at 1 inch Braille 34.7%
Amanda 14.9 Bilateral optic atrophy NLP Braille 91.0%

Age is reported in years and months. CF = counting fingers; NLP = no light perception. Braille assess
ment results are reported as the percentage of known symbols in the following skill areas from Braille:
Contracted Reading and Writing in EVALS (N = 222): alphabet letters (n = 26), alphabet words (I = 24),
part words (I = 7), whole or part words (I = 22), lower cells (I = 20), initial letter dot 5 (I = 22), initial
letter dot 4-5 (I = 5), initial letter dot 4-5-6 (I = 6), final letter dot 4-6 (n = 5), final letter dot 5-6 (n = 7),
final letter dot 6 (n = 2), and short-form words (n = 76).

Braille American Edition (EBAE); delay. The purpose of the study was
however, they were not yet demonstrat threefold: to test the effectiveness of con
ing reliable decoding skills. One student stant time delay in teaching middle school
was not yet facile with the braille al students to accurately and consistently
phabet, but could inconsistently recog identify braille contractions and Nemeth
nize his name in EBAE. Words selected Code symbols, to test the efciency of
for time delay instruction were col constant time delay in teaching students
lected through interviews with students, to accurately and consistently identify
teachers, and caregivers to spark ex contractions, and to test the extent to
citement, engagement, and emotion in which students maintained learning.
students (Wormsley, 2011, p. 147).
The four students each mastered auto Methods
matic recognition of 9 to 12 highly The institutional review board at Vander
motivating words in 13 to 36 instruc bilt University approved all procedures.
tional sessions. A functional relation
Written consent was obtained from the
ship was demonstrated with each par
participants and their guardians prior to
ticipant. The results demonstrated the
the start of the study.
efcacy and efciency of constant time
delay in teaching braille word recogni
tion; however, students had difculty
maintaining some word learning for the Three adolescent females who attended a
length of the study. specialized school for students with vi
The current study is a systematic rep sual impairments were selected for the
lication of Hooper et al. (2014) to teach study. Each participant was diagnosed
short-form contractions in EBAE or with an adventitious or a degenerative
Nemeth Code for Mathematics and Sci visual condition with no additional dis
ence Notation (hereafter, Nemeth Code) abilities. Although the rst literacy me
symbols to students making the transition dium for all participants was print, based
from print to braille. To our knowledge, it on their current visual functioning, all
is the rst study to teach isolated braille three students were in the process of mak
and Nemeth Code symbols using time ing a full transition to use braille as their

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CE Article
primary literacy medium. Details regard matics lessons. The classroom teacher
ing participants are presented in Table 1. provided instruction in a one-to-one for
mat at a table in the back of the class
Erin room. An observer was present for at least
At the start of the study, Erins functional 33% of sessions to collect reliability data.
vision no longer allowed her to access print.
All academic instruction throughout the Materials
school day occurred verbally or in braille. Braille was created using a Perkins
However, Erin had not yet been taught all of Brailler on 3-by-5 index cards with the
the literary braille code. top right corner removed. From left to
right, each card consisted of a lead-in line
Beth (dots 2-5), one space, the word or math
Throughout the study, Beths functional ematic symbol in the center of the card,
vision still allowed her to access print; one space, and a lead-out line (dots 2-5).
however, her educational team decided When presented to the participants, the
that print was an inefcient mode for ac cards were placed on a rubber mat to
cessing written materials for academic in minimize movement of the cards while
struction. Although her instructional ma they were being read.
terials were being presented in a visual
format, she was receiving braille instruc Word and symbol selection
tion to transition to a more efcient liter Braille words were selected for instruc
acy medium. Beth had not yet been taught tion using assessment results from the
all of the literary braille code. Braille: Contracted Reading & Writing
chapter of EVALS: Evaluating Visually
Amanda Impaired Students (Texas School for the
At the start of the study, Amandas func Blind and Visually Impaired, 2007).
tional vision no longer allowed her to ac Forty unknown literary braille contrac
cess print. Unlike Erin and Beth, she had tions were selected for instruction for
mastered most of the literary braille code. Erin and Beth. We chose short-form con
Her instructional materials were presented tractions to decrease the likelihood that
primarily in braille; however, she had only the content of the experimental instruc
received instruction in some of the Nemeth tional sessions would overlap with the
Code. According to her classroom teacher, materials being taught in their regular lit
limited knowledge of the Nemeth Code in eracy classes so that we could isolate the
hibited her ability to demonstrate a mastery effects of constant time delay on braille
of mathematics concepts on the annual stan recognition. Based on an informal assess
dardized assessment. ment with consideration of the material
that would be presented on the annual
SETTING, MATERIALS, AND WORD standardized mathematics assessment, 28
AND SYMBOL SELECTION unknown Nemeth Code symbols were se
Setting lected for Amanda. Selected braille words
Instruction occurred in the students typ and Nemeth Code symbols were ran
ical classroom during braille or mathe domly assigned to one of four sets for

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Table 2
Literary braille contractions and Nemeth Code braille symbols selected for Beth, Erin, and
Participant Word or symbol set 1 Word or symbol set 2 Word or symbol set 3 Word or symbol set 4

Beth immediate, although, receiving, declare, herself, ourselves, because, below, between, myself,
thyself, beneath, oneself, oclock, according, before, himself, almost,
conceive, conceiving, receive, altogether, declaring, itself, yourselves, rejoicing,
beyond, behind, deceiving, together, deceive, always, rejoice, afterward, beside
perceive, braille yourself themselves, perceiving
Erin receiving, word, beside, deceiving, altogether, myself, together, herself, world, yourself, oclock,
declare, rejoice, afterward, deceive, yourselves, conceiving, perceiving, between,
these, himself, conceive, before, according, rejoicing, below, themselves,
receive, although, thyself, oneself, itself, beneath, behind, many, blind, declaring
immediate ourselves almost
Amanda cents, close brackets, is is not perpendicular to, since, theta, is parallel to, pound, is not greater than,
not parallel to, circle, square, octagon, close infinity, pi, open alpha, open brackets,
triangle, integral, braces, congruence, is braces, beta rectangle, therefore, is
hexagon, not less than, is not equal to
perpendicular to

each participant. For Erin and Beth, each nger from beginning to end within 1
word set consisted of 10 literary braille second of a verbal response. A nonwait
contractions. For Amanda, each symbol error was dened as an incorrect verbal
set consisted of seven Nemeth Code or tracking response before the control
braille symbols. Word or symbol sets are ling prompt. A wait error was dened as
presented in Table 2. an incorrect verbal or tracking response
after the controlling prompt. Examples of
RESPONSE DEFINITIONS incorrect verbal responses included the
During experimental sessions, event re student mispronouncing the embossed
cording was used to quantify students word or symbol, or verbalizing a different
ability to identify words or symbols on a form of the word or symbol (for example,
trial-by-trial basis where an opportunity said closed bracket instead of closed
to identify a word or symbol was afforded brackets). A no response was recorded if
in each trial. For each trial, participants a participant made no verbal or tracking
responses were classied in one of ve
response within 5 seconds after the con
ways: correct anticipation and correct
trolling prompt. The metric used to deter
wait, which were considered correct re
mine a functional relationship using vi
sponses; nonwait error and wait error,
sual analysis was the percentage of
which were incorrect responses; or no
correct anticipations out of the total num
response. A correct anticipation was de
ned as a correct verbal and tracking re ber of trials per session.
sponse before the controlling prompt. A
correct wait was dened as a correct ver EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN
bal and tracking response after the con The efcacy of constant time delay to
trolling prompt. Verbal responses were teach contraction identication was tested
considered correct if the student read the using a multiple-probe, single-case de
word or symbol as it was embossed on sign across behaviors (Horner & Baer,
the rst attempt. Tracking responses were 1978). In this study, a participants abil
considered correct if the student tracked ity to read each word or symbol set con
the word or symbol with at least one stituted a new behavior. The design was

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replicated with three students. The PROBE PROCEDURES
multiple-probe design controls for com Probe procedures were implemented for
mon threats to internal validity (such as three consecutive probe sessions that pre
history, maturation, or testing) because ceded the intervention condition for each
the independent variable is introduced in word or symbol set, as well as at the end of
a time-lagged sequence (Gast & Ledford, the study. During each probe session, stu
2010). Experimental control can be dem dents were given opportunities to read ev
onstrated by a positive change in trend or ery word or symbol included in the four
level of independent, correct responses sets. In this way, baseline performance was
(correct anticipations) at the time of in assessed for words or symbols not yet
troducing constant time delay. taught, and maintenance data were col
lected for words or symbols already taught.
GENERAL PROCEDURES The number of opportunities to read a given
Regardless of condition, all sessions con word or symbol varied by probe session but
sisted of either 35 (Amanda) or 50 (Erin were the same within a given probe condi
and Beth) trials. No more than two ses tion: two opportunities were given for
sions occurred in one day, and at least two words or symbols that would be taught in
hours elapsed between sessions that oc the next intervention condition, and one op
curred on the same day. portunity was given for all other words or
At the beginning of each session, the symbols. For example, in the rst probe
interventionist shufed the word or sym condition for Beth and Erin, 50 trials per
bol cards and verbalized directions for the session consisted of two opportunities to
student according to the condition being read each word or symbol in the rst set and
implemented. To initiate each trial, a one opportunity to read each word or sym
word card was placed in the correct ori bol in the other three sets. In the nal probe
entation for reading on a rubber mat in condition, two opportunities to read words
front of the participant. The intervention or symbols in the last set and one opportu
ist verbally prompted the participant to nity to read all other words or symbols were
nd the end of the lead-in line as neces given.
sary. Then the interventionist gave the At the beginning of each probe session,
instructional cue (Read the word. or the following directions were given: To
What is this symbol?). At the end of a day I will show you some words or sym
trial, the interventionist gave positive ver bols. If you know the word or symbol,
bal reinforcement for correct responses read it. If you do not know the word or
regardless of independence (for instance, symbol, wait, and I will show you a new
Excellent! That is [word]! or, Yes! one. For each trial, the interventionist
That symbol is [symbol name].). After gave the participant 5 seconds to respond
every fth trial in a session, the interven after the instructional cue. If the student
tionist gave general positive verbal rein made a correct response, the intervention
forcement such as, Thank you for read ist gave positive verbal reinforcement;
ing with me to the student for her otherwise, no feedback was provided to
participation. the student.

348 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved
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Description of student behavior Interventionist feedback

Correct Before the controlling prompt, student reads

anticipation "That's right. Good reading!"
and tracks the word or symbol.

Before the controlling prompt, student reads "Remember to look at the whole word or symbol."
the word or symbol but does not track it.
Nonwait error
Before the controlling prompt, student "Remember to wait if you don't
reads incorrect word or symbol. know the word or symbol."

Response Correct After the controlling prompt, student reads

"That's right. Good reading!"
type wait and tracks the word or symbol.

After the controlling prompt, student reads correct

"Remember to look at the whole word or symbol."
word or symbol but does not track it.
error After the controlling prompt, student "Remember to wait if you don't
reads the incorrect word or symbol. know the word or symbol."

No response Does not respond after the controlling prompt. "Remember to read the word or symbol after me."

Figure 1. Description of student behavior and interventionist feedback by response type.

INTERVENTION PROCEDURES The following directions were given at

Intervention procedures were imple the beginning of each 0-second delay ses
mented for each word or symbol set, one sion: Today I will show you some words
at a time, following each probe condition. or symbols. First, I will read the word or
Intervention sessions afforded students symbol. Then you can read it after me.
ve opportunities to read each word or In 0-second delay trials, the controlling
symbol in a given set. Two types of ses prompt immediately followed the instruc
sions were implemented during interven tional cue; therefore, the student did not
tion that corresponded to the length of have the opportunity to respond indepen
delay implemented between the instruc dently. After the controlling prompt, the
tional cue and the controlling prompt (0 interventionist waited 5 seconds for a re
seconds and 5 seconds). To begin inter sponse, then provided instructional feed
vention for a given set, sessions were back, and began the next trial.
implemented with 0-second delay trials The following directions were given at
until the student reached 100% correct the beginning of each 5-second delay ses
waits for an entire session. Thereafter, sion: Today I will show you some words
sessions were implemented with 5-second or symbols. If you know the word or
delay trials until the student reached symbol, read it. If you dont know it, wait,
100% correct anticipations for an entire and I will read the word or symbol to
session. During intervention, the inter you. Then you can read the word or sym
ventionist reading aloud the word or sym bol. The interventionist implemented a
bol served as the controlling prompt. At 5-second delay after the instructional cue,
the end of each trial, the interventionist which allowed the participant to re
gave verbal feedback to the student ac spond independently. If the student did
cording to the students response. De not respond after 5 seconds, the control
scriptions of student behavior and inter ling prompt was given. After the control
ventionist feedback by response type are ling prompt, the interventionist waited 5
provided in Figure 1. seconds for a response, then provided

2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 349
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instructional feedback, and began the next Procedural delity = (Number of oc
trial. currences/Number of occurrences
and nonoccurences) X 100
An independent observer collected data in Interobserver agreement was less than
real time to estimate the accuracy with 100% for only six sessions; for all ses
which the interventionist followed proce sions, the average was 99.4% (range: 94.3
dures (procedural delity) and recorded to 100%). In addition, minimal discrep
student responses (interobserver agree ancies between rst and second observer
ment). Data were collected during at least data did not inuence the effect used to
33% of sessions for each condition, word determine a functional relation, as can be
set, and participant. Dependent variable seen in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Procedural
data were graphed to detect potential ob delity was 100% for all except four be
haviors, for which procedural delity was
server drift of bias (Artman, Wolery, &
still an average of above 99% for all ses
Yoder, 2010). In addition, point-by-point
sions. These behaviors included correct
agreement was calculated using the fol
administration of time delay (M = 99.8%,
lowing formula (Ayres & Gast, 2010):
range = 97.1 to 100%), correct adminis
tration of controlling prompt (M =
Interobserver agreement = (Number
99.9%, range = 98 to 100%), no addi
of agreements/Number of agree
tional assistance (M = 99.9%, range =
ments and disagreements) X 100
97.1 to 100%), and correct administration
of noncontingent verbal praise for atten
Data were collected to estimate proce
tive behavior (M = 99.2%, range = 97.1
dural delity of the following variables, to 100%).
which occurred once per session: correct
placement of the rubber mat, consistent Results
greeting and dismissal of the student, ran Three students learned all words or
domization of word or symbol order, and symbols presented in the four sets, and
appropriate directions read to student. In they maintained learning for the length
addition, procedural delity was esti of the study. For each set of symbols,
mated by the occurrence or nonoccur students participated in only one
rence of the following variables, which 0-second delay session and two to six
were recorded on a trial-by-trial basis: 5-second delay sessions. First and sec
presentation of a new, correctly placed ond observer data for correct prompted
word or symbol; provision of an instruc and unprompted responses are pre
tional cue; correct administration of a sented for each participant in Figures 2
time delay; correct administration of a through 4. The data clearly demonstrate
controlling prompt; no additional assis a functional relationship between con
tance; and noncontingent verbal praise for stant time delay and word or symbol
attentive behavior. Procedural delity identication, evidenced by immediate
was calculated using the following for changes in level when the intervention
mula (Ayres & Gast, 2010): was introduced for all word or symbol

350 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved
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Figure 2. Percent correct anticipations (represented by circles) and correct waits (represented
by triangles) for Beth. Data from an independent observer are indicated with X.

sets with all three participants. For curacy did not appear to decline when new
seven sets, no changes were observed contractions were introduced.
before constant time delay. For three
sets, minimal changes were observed BETH
(: 30% correct anticipations) before Given constant time delay, Beth
the intervention. For two sets, moderate learned 37 of 40 braille words in 17
changes (40 60% correct anticipations) instructional sessions that were held on
were observed before. Afterwards, students 12 different instructional days over a
maintained learning at high levels, and ac period of 1 month. During the rst

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Figure 3. Percent correct anticipations (represented by circles) and correct waits (represented
by triangles) for Amanda. Data from an independent observer are indicated with X.

probe condition, Beth was not able to length of the study. In her last probe
identify any of the words, as shown in session, she identied all 40 words with
Figure 2. She identied 3 words in the 100% accuracy.
third set prior to constant time delay After instruction on the rst word set, it
instruction. With instruction using con appeared that Beth began to generalize
stant time delay, she identied 100% of identication of parts of words to gure out
the words in each set within 3 to 7 words not yet taught. She demonstrated
sessions. After instruction, she main several examples of this generalization.
tained accuracy above 80% for the For instance, after learning conceive,

352 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved
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Figure 4. Percent correct anticipations (represented by circles) and correct waits (represented
by triangles) for Erin. Data from an independent observer are indicated with X.

conceiving, and perceive in the rst word deceiving in the second word set, Beth
set, Beth identied perceiving in the identied declaring and deceive in
next probe condition without having re- the third probe condition. However, she
ceived direct instruction with that con- did not identify rejoice or rejoicing
traction. However, during the same until they were taught directly in the
probe condition, she was not able to nal word set. Also, although Beth did
identify receive, deceive, receiving, or not know the contraction th before the
deceiving. After learning declare and study, shortly after learning to recognize

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although for this study Beths teacher re open brackets without instruction. Al
ported the following scenario that oc though there is a logical relationship be
curred during free time in her writing tween symbols she identied to those pre
class: Beth was teaching braille to a viously learned, it could be that she made
sighted classmate who wanted to write a logical guess or that she encountered
a word with th in it, and asked her teacher the symbol outside of the experimental
if dots 1-4-5-6 represented th like in session.
AMANDA Given constant time delay instruction,
Given constant time delay instruction, Erin learned 30 of 40 braille words in 17
Amanda learned 26 of 28 Nemeth Code instructional sessions held on 12 different
symbols in 12 instructional sessions instructional days over a period of 1
that were held on 8 different instruc month. During the rst probe condition,
tional days over a period of approxi Erin identied blind in the third session,
mately 1 month. During the rst probe as shown in Figure 4. Erin identied an
condition, Amanda was not able to increasing number of words without di
identify any of the symbols, as shown in rect instruction. In the third set she iden
Figure 3. She identied 1 symbol in the tied 4 words without constant time de
third set and 1 symbol in the fourth set lay. In the fourth set she identied 6
prior to the intervention. With constant words without constant time delay. With
time delay instruction, she identied constant time delay instruction, she iden
100% of the symbols in each set within tied 100% of words in each set within 3
3 sessions. For the last symbol set, she to 6 sessions. After instruction, she main
identied all symbols during her sec tained accuracy above 80% for the length
ond session, but we decided to collect of the study.
a minimum of 3 data points per condi Two words Erin identied without
tion. After instruction, she maintained instruction, blind and below, did not
accuracy above 80% for the length of bear resemblance to previously taught
the study except in 1 session (session words. Over 9 probe sessions, Erin
19). In her last 3 probe sessions, she identied an additional 8 words without
identied all 28 symbols with 100% direct instruction. After learning him
accuracy. self in the rst word set, Erin identied
Over the course of the study, Amanda myself, herself, and yourself, but did not
was able to identify two Nemeth Code recognize oneself, thyself, or itself. Af
symbols without direct instruction. After ter learning ourselves and yourselves
learning closed brackets in the rst sym in the second and third word sets, re
bol set, Amanda identied open brackets spectively, Erin identied themselves
without instruction. Similarly, after learn without instruction. After learning re
ing closed braces in the second symbol ceive, receiving, declare, and rejoice in
set, she identied open braces without the rst word set, Erin was not able to
instruction. The interventionist did not identify similar words such as deceive
ask Amanda how she was able to identify or rejoicing. However, after learning

354 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved
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deceive, deceiving, and conceive in the EFFECTIVENESS OF CONSTANT
second word set, Erin did recognize TIME DELAY
conceiving, rejoicing, and declaring Three adolescent students making the
without instruction. Interestingly, Erin transition from print to braille at the time
did not mistake world for word after of the study learned between 28 and 40
learning word in the second set, even words or symbols in approximately a
though there is only a 1-dot difference. 1-month period. Of the 108 words or
symbols slated for instruction among the
Discussion three students, 15 were acquired prior to
This study was planned to replicate and introduction of constant time delay. Most
expand earlier work that showed that con of the words or symbols identied in
stant time delay was effective and ef probe sessions prior to instruction were
cient to teach automatic word recognition alternate forms of words or symbols pre
to young braille learners with additional viously taught (for example, declaring
disabilities (Hooper et al., 2014). It was and declare, open and closed braces).
our thinking that constant time delay Students quickly learned the other 93
could be very useful to teach unknown words or symbols with constant time de
contractions to older students who were lay instruction. A functional relationship
making the transition from print to braille between constant time delay and the cor
who needed to learn the code quickly in rect identication of words or symbols
order to facilitate access to written mate was established by immediate changes in
rials in other subject areas. Hence, stu the percentage of correct unprompted tri
dents in this study were eligible for ser als from probe to intervention across 4
vices under the primary classication of word or symbol sets, replicated with 3
visual impairment, unlike students in participants. The results corroborate nd
ings of Hooper et al. (2014), and suggest
Hooper et al. (2014), who qualied for
that constant time delay is an effective
services under the classication of multi
method to teach literary braille contrac
ple disabilities. In addition, we changed
tions and Nemeth Code symbols to ado
the procedures used in the previous
lescent students making the transition
study in three major ways, by increasing
from print to braille.
the size of each word or symbol set
from three highly motivating words to 7 EFFICIENCY OF CONSTANT TIME DELAY
to 10 braille or Nemeth Code contrac AND MAINTENANCE OF LEARNING
tions; by changing mastery criterion All 3 participants completed the study in
from 83.3% over 3 sessions to 100% approximately 1 month. Students who
accuracy for a single session; and by were taught literary braille learned all 40
changing the controlling prompt from a contractions within only 12 instructional
physical and verbal prompt, which in sessions. The student who was taught
cluded pointing out 2 salient tactile fea Nemeth Code learned 28 symbols within
tures of a word, to a verbal prompt, only 8 instructional sessions. Instruc
which only consisted of stating the cor tional sessions lasted approximately 15
rect word or symbol. minutes, and no more than 2 were held in

2015 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September-October 2015 355
CE Article
the same day. In addition to constant time Finally, empirical data and anecdotal
delay being a very efcient method for evidence suggest that students may have
instruction, students maintained near- generalized learning from constant time
perfect levels of accuracy with previously delay instructional sessions to probe ses
taught contractions as new contractions sions and typical classroom environ
were introduced, increasing the cognitive ments. The data on student generalization
demand of the task. Maintenance of learn may be supported by theories related to
ing was much greater for this group of stu recombinative generalization, dened as
dents than students with visual impairments the demonstration of novel arrangements
and additional disabilities who participated of previously established linguistic units
in the Hooper et al. (2014) study. It is un (Suchowierska, 2006, p. 514). For exam
clear whether this improved performance is ple, this may explain why one student
related to procedural variables such as the identied declaring after being taught de
higher mastery criterion used for this study clare and deceiving. One instructional ap
or student characteristics such as age or the proach to support recombinative general
absence of additional disabilities. ization is matrix training, which in this
case would involve introducing braille
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE contractions in a specic order to support
AND FUTURE RESEARCH generalization. Future research should in
DAndrea (1997) explains the importance corporate more meaningful generalization
of motivation as a factor inuencing a measures (such as identication of words
students transition from print to braille. in connected texts) and should explore
She suggests using motivating content to matrix training for teaching braille.
create the opportunity for a student to
immediately succeed with the transition. Conclusion
However, academic students may be as The results of this study support the use
motivated by success in learning the of constant time delay to teach word or
braille code quickly as they are by inter symbol identication to those students
esting content. For the students in this making the transition from print to
study, learning the code quickly seemed braille who could benet from an ef
to be sufcient motivation to participate, cient instructional method. Constant
succeed, and maintain learning. Unfortu time delay is intended to complement,
nately, we are not able to report students not replace, current instructional ap
prior experience with braille or literacy proaches to teaching dual-media learn
instruction. Future research should ex ers, which include practice reading and
plore the appropriateness of using con writing connected text. More research is
stant time delay to introduce braille with needed to explore factors that affect
or without additional tactile readiness and learning and generalization.
perceptual training. The students in this
study already knew at least one quarter of References
the braille code. How students with little Artman, K., Wolery, M., & Yoder, P. (2010).
or no braille skills would respond remains Embracing our visual inspection and anal
to be studied. ysis tradition: Graphing interobserver

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The Braille Bug wants to visit your classroom!

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