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Make a Necklace Display: A Cheap & Easy

Way to Create A Great Looking Necklace
by Bea Graansma.
I made this necklace display that can be used for showing your work at jewelry shows and parties. Its also
a great prop for photographing your jewelry. This necklace bust is very inexpensive, and takes less than an
hour to make:

Figure 1: Front of homemade necklace display,

covered with imitation leather.

1. Trace the pattern shown in Figure 2 onto a piece of cardboard and cut it out. The pattern here
is 25 cm high x 28 cm wide, but feel free to make your necklace bust taller or shorter than
shown here.
Figure 2: Pattern for necklace display.
The small square drawn near the middle of the pattern
represents 1 square centimeter.

1. Glue fabric to the front of your display. Imitation leather, velour, or satin can make your display look
really elegant. If you choose imitation leather, you have to use a very strong glue, otherwise it doesnt
hold at the folds. In Figure 3, you can see the bare cardboard on the back of mine.

Figure 3: Back of finished necklace display.

2. Punch a hole in each of the two the bottom corners, as indicated on the pattern.
3. Run a knitting needle or the back of your scissors over the lines at the top and each side of your
necklace display, so they will be easy to fold. (See the lines in Figure 2.)
4. Carefully fold back the sides and top along these fold lines.
5. Thread a piece of string or elastic through the two holes and tie the string ends together, as shown in
Figure 3, to hold the sides back and make your necklace display stand upright.
6. Adorn your fabulous new necklace bust with a piece of jewelry!

Im not sure this display would be sturdy enough for frequent use at shows and fairs; I originally intended it
to be used for photographing necklaces. But its cheap, and therefore easy to replace when it shows wear
and tear.

Have fun with your great new necklace display!

Author Bea Graansma of Williams Giftshop is a fine artist and craftster from the Netherlands. Growing up
next to a construction company, Bea was always busy fiddling things together. Every bit of leftover stuff she
found came in handy, and working in a creative way is her strongest quality.

Today Bea creates bears made out of used jeans, crocheted flower brooches, decorated boxes, scarfs,
shawls, bookmarks, crocheted toys, and more. She has also mastered different styles of art including pen-
drawings, portraits, 3D works, etc. Through her website, Bea will lead you into her world: the one of
expression through art.

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Pgina principal

Tres bustos expositores para tus collares

Vas a ferias? Quers crear tus propios expositores para collares? Aqu vas a encontrar una serie de
bustos expositores para tus propios accesorios.
Necesitamos Cartn, lpiz, cortante y unos pocos elementos ms. Pueden decorarse con tela o bien con
otro tipo de papel para una mejor terminacin.
Pero como las imgenes hablan ms que mil palabras, vayamos a los ejemplos.
Kotomi es la autora del siguiente proyecto, sus imgenes y patrones estn disponibles para uso no

Les presento tres de sus proyectos.

Kotomi utiliz cartn de 420 gramos para el de mayor dimensin y para el ms pequeo de 180 gramos
para el primer Expositor.

Los patrones estn realizados en tamao A3 y A4 dependiendo del tamao de las joyas.

Bustos expositores de collares por Kotomi

A3 tamao de la descarga :

Modelo A3 : 235x150x70 mm tamao final

A4 tamao de la descarga :
Patrn A4 : 170x105x55mm tamao final
Ambos tamaos se muestran juntos aqu : flic.kr/p/dLL2ga

Si usted no tiene una impresora A3 puede descargar el tamao A4 e imprimir ampliando al 141%.

En el segundo ejemplo, Kotomi creo una pantalla en cartn que forr con tela. La misma tiene una base
circular de apoyo y una lengeta donde se enganchan los cierres de los collares.
Pantalla expositora de Kotomi

Para este proyecto, no se requiere impresora, ya que las dimensiones

dependern del tamao de sus collares. Por tal motivo, nos deja un esquema del mismo.
Paso a paso para el armado
Proceso del armado del Expositor Kotomi 2

Para el tercer proyecto de Kotomi, ella uso cinta de enmascarar para reforzar el plegado de la nica pieza
en el doblez superior (los hombros del maniqu). Esta adornado con papel de decoupage pero con la
tcnica de papel mach, es decir con desgarrando y pegando el papel. Roci con acrlico sanitado, con la
tcnica de un cepillo (tipo lluvia, no pintando con pincel). Dej secar durante toda una noche. Asimismo,
nos aconseja que si lo vamos a colocar sobre una superficie lisa (como un estante de vidrio), coloquemos
una cinta adhesiva en las lneas del fondo para que no se deslice.

Expositor de collares por Kotomi

Paso a paso Expositor Kotomi - Modelo 3

Esquema del Modelo 3 - Expositores Kotomi

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