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Lesson Plan Program of Study

Grade/Subject:___3/Engish Language Arts____________ Unit:__________Narrative

Elements_________________ Lesson Duration:__40 minutes___
Overview of lesson: Students will become familiar with verbs and action words. They will
achieve this by means of direct instruction, group work, grand conversation, and written
reflection. This will directly scaffold into the following lesson on character and

General Learning Outcomes: General Outcome 2-Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend
and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Specific Learning Outcomes:

2.3.2 Understand Forms, Elements, and Techniques; Understand techniques and elements

include events, setting and characters when summarizing or retelling oral, print or other media texts
describe the main characters in terms of who they are, their actions in the story and their relations with other characters

Students will (be specific)
1. Will learn the definition of a verb
2. Will use verbs in conjunction with everyday nouns
3. Students will review verbs and action words as a part of descriptive language.
4. Students will expand their vocabulary

Inquiry Question: What is the basic structure of narrative? What are the main elements of narrative? How are these
elements meaningful? How are these elements developed?

Guiding Questions: What is a verb? What are some common examples of verbs? How can we use verbs to construct
characters and mental pictures?

Observation: Teacher will watch and listen to see
how students work in discussion groups
Key Questions: Assess students responses to key
questions (see above)
Work Sheet


Resource #1: Language and Literacy
Resource #2: 50 Literacy Strategies
Resource #3:
Adjective Charades Slips
Introduction (_5-7_min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:

Review previous lesson by asking the students what a verb is and some examples. (The verb signals an
action, an occurrence, or a state of being)(action word)(a verb tells what a noun is doing or has done)
Also review what a noun is (Person, Place, or Thing)

Assessment of Prior Knowledge: *this will be attained by asking the above questions*

Expectations for Learning and Behavior:

Structure of the class Students are expected to work with peers in large groups following an introduction to the topic
via direct instruction.

Advance Organizer/Agenda: Introduction via Direct Instruction->Grand Conversation ->Large Group Activity
Transition to Body: Tell students that we will be playing Adjective Charades to reinforce the idea of adjectives and

Body (_25-30_min.):
Learning Activity:

Have students sit in circle at carpet to explain Verb charades

Have Cut out verb slips (from verb worksheet) in a hat.
To warm up choose 2 students and give each one of the following examples: running or
skipping. Tell the class each student will act out a different way to move. Allow class to begin
guessing until the right answer is made.
Split the class into two groups.
Have a member of each group pick a slip.
Allow member to act out, as in charades, the verb.
Each group takes turns respectively
Tally correct responses to see what team is more effective in acting out verbs. Allow a
maximum of three tries before moving onto the next round
Team wins with the most accrued points
Learning Activity 2

Do work sheet where children identify verbs in sentences

Do example on board or smartboard (The boy ran to the store)

Extension Activity

Do sentence writing incorporating the verbs used in verb charades. See work sheet. Can always do next class.
Closure ( _2_min.):

I will make sure they know we will be using our new knowledge of verbs to describe characters next class.

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