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Blood Pressure Class Assignment

1. What is Blood Pressure?

Blood Pressure is the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Also,
blood pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since
it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of
the arterial walls.

2. What is the cause/s of High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure is also called, hypertension, which is dangerous because it makes
the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and it contributes to hardening of the
arteries, or atherosclerosis, a stroke, kidney disease, and to heart failure.

Now, the exact causes of blood pressure are not known, but several things may play a
role in causing high blood pressure such as;

Note: Newborns and very young babies with high blood pressure may experience the
following signs and symptoms: failure to thrive, seizure, irritability, lethargy, respiratory

Other causes for people:

Being overweight or obese
Lack of physical activity
Too much salt in a diet
Too much Alcohol consumption
Older age
Family history of high blood pressure
Chronic Kidney disease
Adrenal and thyroid disorders
Sleep apnea

3. What causes Blood Pressure to increase and decrease?

Increase in Blood Pressure:

Stress and Anxiety:

Sudden episodes of stress or anxiety can cause sudden rise in blood pressure
Fear and Anxiety associated with going to a doctors office or emergency room can cause
a person stress to rise blood pressure causing a release of hormones that causes
constriction of the blood vessels, which is also called, white coat hypertension.


There are several medications that can cause increase in blood pressure such as; birth
control pills can also lead to chronically high hypertension. Also, certain over the counter
medications used often can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure. For example,
aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), also cocaine can raise blood pressure suddenly.

Salt Consumption:

Eating salty foods or drinks can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure because the
sodium in these items cause the body to retain more fluid. And sometimes the rise in
blood pressure may last a short time. But what a lot of people may not know is that eating
a heavy meal release hormone into the bloodstream that can cause a rise in blood pressure
and heart rate.


When a person inhale smoke they are inhaling nicotine, which has does have an
immediate effect on blood pressure. Nicotine causes changes in the proper functioning of
blood vessels and produces inflammation within the circulatory system, which
contributes to hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. And these changes can
occur after smoking one cigarette.

Decrease in Blood Pressure:

Note: A significant decrease if blood pressure may cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, fainting, clammy skin, confusion and thirst.


People who are physically fit or even exercise regularly have lower blood pressure then
people who are not fit or who do not exercise. Also, nonsmokers and people who eat
vegetable plant based diet, high fiber, low fat diet and not obese or overweight are likely
to have low blood pressure.

Normally, blood volume expands during pregnancy to meet the physiological needs of
the fetus. This means that more blood, which is more dilute, has more places to go. By
the second trimester, blood pressure is expected to fall from 5 to 10 points systolic, and
10 to 20 points diastolic, according to the Mayo Clinic. Systolic blood pressure is the top
number, resulting from the heart contracting, and diastolic is the bottom number,
measured when the heart relaxes.

Low Blood Volume:

Shock and hemorrhage can cause a drop-in blood pressure due low blood volume.
Dehydration may also cause low blood volume. Water loss can result from the use of
diuretic medicines or herbs, vomiting, diarrhea, strenuous exercise and excessive
perspiration. Signs of dehydration are dizziness, weakness, and fatigue. A sudden
decrease in blood pressure due to severe dehydration may be life-threatening.


Depending on the type of medication used to treat hypertension, various factors are
influenced to decrease blood pressure. Water pills lower fluid volume. Beta-blockers
interfere with the effects of adrenalin on the heart. Calcium channel blockers alter
electrolytes and slow heart rate. Other drugs can also decrease blood pressure, such as
antidepressants, those used to treat Parkinson's disease, and medications that remedy
erectile dysfunction. hypotension causes a sudden decrease in blood pressure upon
standing, because these medications interfere with blood vessel constriction and
increased heart rate which are needed to quickly move blood from the lower limbs to the
brain when moving from lying down to an upright position.

What are 3 Blood Pressure Medications?

a. (Lasix) Furosemide is part of the Diuretics family that is used to help the kidneys
remove salt, or sodium, and excess water
b. (Atenolol) Tenormin is part of the Beta Blocker medications that are designed to
help the heart beat with less force and speed.
c. (Zestril) Prinivil, Lisinopril is an ACE Inhibitor Medication. Angiotensin ll is a hormone
that the body makes. This hormone will cause the blood vessels in the body to
constrict or narrow which makes it more difficult for blood to flow through the
vessels raising blood pressure. ACE inhibitors help to prevent the body from making
this hormone, which will allow the blood vessels to expand allowing more blood to
flow through and blood pressure to lower.
Earhart, M. (2017). Factors That Decrease Blood Pressure. Retrieved from

Joy, T. (2017). Causes of Sudden Increase in Blood Pressure. Retrieved from




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