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Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna


Jayro Luna

Abstract: In this article, we present an interpretation of the well-known key of the general
key of Solomon, graphic-symbolic structure widely used in said magical rituals in
esoterism and referenced in several works of occult sciences. We present a brief history
of its origin and meaning and then we do an interpretation of the parts of the pentacle,
demonstrating relations with symbols of the Arturian cycle, also with the process of
building sigils in magical squares, as well as the process of obtaining magical names.

Keywords: Esotericism, Kabbalah, occult sciences, Solomon's General Key, Magic

Squares, Excalibur
Note of Warning: First, I apologize for the quality of my English language mastery, still
somewhat primal. The text originally written in Portuguese. However, I insist on
presenting this troublesome version in terms of the English language in order to acquaint
a larger number of people with the results of my research.

1. Introduction
Solomon's general key is a widespread clavicle and used in various rituals of esoteric,
kabbalistic and alchemical nature. The text though attributed to King Solomon originates
in the Middle Ages. It is a grimoire1 containing various keys, seals and incantations to
conjure up various entities. There are two versions, Clavicula Salomonis or Clavis
Salomonis - which contains 36 pentacles and the Lesser Key of Solomon or Lemegeton
Clavicle Salomonis Regis, which contains five parts: Ars Goetia, Ars Theurgy Goetia,
Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel and Ars Nova. Aleister Crowley, Samuell Lidell MacGregor
Mathers did a translation of this work into English.
Jerusa Pires Fereira observes how the word grimoire etymologically linked to the idea
of a grammar book, which is nevertheless curious, but at the same time reveals the
medieval nature of both concepts:
"Grimoire proceeds or binds directly to Grammaire,
designating Latin grammar, incomprehensible to the vulgar, also

Grimoires (French grimoire) are medieval collections of magical spells, rituals and incantations invariably
attributed to classical Hebrew or Egyptian sources. Such books contain astrological correspondences, lists
of angels and demons, guidelines on how to effect spells or mix remedies, cast supernatural entities and
make talismans, according to the point of view and experimental studies. The word comes from ancient
French grammar, from the same root as the word grammar. This is because in the latter half of the Middle
Ages, Latin grammar (books on Latin diction and syntax) maintained in schools and universities controlled
by the Church - and for the illiterate, non-ecclesiastical books were suspect to contain Magic. However,
grammar also denotes, for the literate and illiterate, a basic instruction book. A grammar represents the
description of a combination of symbols, also containing a description of how to combine them, to create
logical sentences. A grimoire, in turn, would be the description of a combination of magical symbols and
how to combine them properly, within a magical system. (Source: Wikipedia)

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

having the sense of a book of sorcery for the use of sorcerers, a

work or an obscure, indecipherable discourse. They are always
correspondent, from the Latin Grimorium and sometimes
Grimorium Verum, and it is known that these books are also
called 'alphabets of the devil'. They call attention to telling
wonderful secrets, among which the most important are: to make
appear and obey evil spirits, to evoke demons, to discover hidden
treasures, etc. "(FERREIRA, 1989, 45)
In this work, we are not going to deal with this work as a whole, but let us not
dwell specifically on a pancake, named just Key of Solomon, or General Key of Solomon.
This attribution is because from this key the unfolding obtained for the production of all
the other keys or screens that exist in the two books.
"The general key of Solomon (...) is used in the making of
Pancakes which serve in ceremonies said to be symbolic or
considered as approximate - that is, in which magical time is not
taken into account. Simply substitute the central part for such an
appropriate symbol. The Pantalla is then universal. "(PIOBB,
1982, p.266).
Jerusa Pires Ferreira notes that the editions of the Key of Solomon are several and of
different sources, having appeared in the Middle Ages the first versions, soon spread
numerous translations and new versions, notably in France, Italy, Germany and England.
The authorship attributed to King Solomon is very ambiguous, since some editions seek
to present two characters that shouldnt be confused; one is Solomon, king of the Jews
and the other a certain Solomon, magician of the Chaldean, being this second the true
author. However, the fact is that most of the editions attribute to Solomon, King of the
Jews, and the authorship of the enchanting book, unaware of the existence of the second.
"In 1456, EM Butler tells us that a listing appears in a
pamphlet of warning to the Duke of Burgundy a listing which
presents Solomon's Clavicles and Solomon's Sigilum as the most
current necromancy works at that time. The former occupying the
place of honor in the minds of practitioners of magic, from the
fourteenth century onwards, there being numerous versions of
many extant manuscripts." (FERREIRA, 1989, p.47)
Used in innumerable ritualistic operations of enchantment and initiation The Solomon's
key is considered the key matrix that gives rise to almost all other planetary keys.
2. The Structure of Solomon's Key
Below is a reproduction of Solomon's key, as found in Goethe's Art of the 72 Hell
Spirits2, translation and notes by Aleister Crowley:

Supposedly, the book is the integral translation of Lemegeton: The Clavicles of Solomon. Edition of
Mathers and Crowley, 1904.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

The key consists of three main parts besides the Hebrew inscriptions. The first is
the circle that circumvents and defines the boundaries of the pantacle (key), in which is
inscribed in Hebrew the sequence of the 22 letters of the alphabet. The second is a figure
that resembles at the bottom a sword hilt and on the top a cross from which emanate two
rays, one on each side. The Hebrew inscriptions refer to seven of the 10 sephiroth. The
third part, in simple line, is a sigil that is seen passing behind the figure of the sword /
We will first analyze the second figure, which we call the binomial sword-cross.
From the references made by the ten sephirot, this figure can also be a stylization of the
"Tree of Life" of the Kabbalah.
In the comparison between the two figures, one can note the clear quotation to
seven of the ten sephirot (Kether, Binah and Chochmah - the three on the cross) and more
Daath - the 11th sephirah, considered enigmatic, not to be pronounced or inscribed on the
Tree of Life, right in the center of the cross. In the blade of the sword, we find Tipheret,
Hod and Nezach (in the part of the sword's grip). There remain three sephiroth, namely:
Gewurah and Chesed that would be located at the height of the first line of secrecy, one
on each side. There we find the same Hebrew word, inscribed in the mirror, one in relation
to the other occurrence, which can be read as the verb "unwrap" the sword conjugated in
the past, but can also be read as "whole", "offering or "Sacrifice", depending on how one
sees the order and meaning of the letters placed there. In addition, it lacks the sephirah
"Malkuth" which is the material world or the Earth. Gewurah and Chesed related to the

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

planets Saturn and Jupiter and represented respectively the Severity and the Mercy. The
apparent absence of the names of the two sephiroth will be resolved when we analyze the
sigil, but for now, it should be noted that the sigil has a horizontal line connecting the
places where the two sephiroth should be.

The symbolic triad formed by sword-cross-tree of life comprises a series of

meaningful relationships within esotericism. The sword, for example, in Genesis (III, 24)
"The Lord God sent 'Cherubim' to the garden of delights, which shone a sword of fire to
close the path that led to the Tree of Life" (emphasis added). As for the cross, its symbolic
value goes far beyond Christianity and its use as a symbol in alchemy, cabal,
Freemasonry, and esotericism in general was and is common.
The proposed triad, in our view, comprises the passage from initiation (sword) to
wisdom (Tree of Life) through regeneration (cross). As Jules Boucher notes:
"Wirth3, closer to metaphysical truth, writes: 'The flaming
Sword is the symbol of the Word, or, in other words, of active
thinking.' It is the only weapon of the Initiate, which could be won
only by the force of the idea and by the force, it carries in itself.
Marius Lepage4, in the magazine Le Symbolisme, studied the

WIRTH, Oswald. Le Livre de lApprenti, p. 119.
LEPAGE, Marius. Le Synbolisme, 1939, p. 122 e segs.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

Flaming Sword at length. For him, the Sword covers two essential
meanings: that of creation, through the Verb-Light-Sound, and
that of purification and atonement under the trials of destiny.
"(BOUCHER 1989: 72-73)
Note that at the top of the blade, two rays emerge at the tip of the blade, one on
either side of the tip. Hence the relation to the idea of the flaming sword, but this also
mingles with the notion of the "Tree of Life," not only by the quotation from Genesis (III,
24) but also by the fact that the Tree of Life is actually an inverted tree in which its roots
are in the sky5.
Another significant fact inscribed in the key of Solomon is the reference to
sephirah "Daath" on the blade of the sword. According to Dion Fortune:

"The meaning of the word Kether, as we have already

observed, is Crown. Chokmah means Wisdom, and Binah,
Understanding. However, pending of these last Sephiroth, there
is a Third Sephirah, curious or mysterious, which is never
represented in the Hieroglyph of the Tree; it is the invisible
Sephirah Daath (Knowledge), which results from the conjunction
of Chokmah to Binah and which crosses the Abyss. Crowley
states that Daath is another dimension of the other Sephiroth,
constituting the vertex of a pyramid whose basic angles
correspond to Kether, Chokmah to Binah. In my view, Daath
represents the idea of the understanding of consciousness.
"(Fortune 1983, 32)

Entered into Salomon's general key, Daath gains prominent esoteric

meaning, since this key is the basis for the production of all other keys and pentacles. In
this sense, it is up to the initiate to learn the hidden meaning of the Daath, to develop
spiritually so that he can take advantage of this hidden meaning, since it will be necessary
for the correct application of the key.
It should be noted that the verb "unsheathe" the sword, conjugated in
Hebrew in the past tense, and placed twice at the beginning and end of the greater
horizontal line of the sigil, reinforces the comparison of the form of this structure with a
sword placed in the center of the key, as if it were embedded in it. In this vision, the figure
of the Arthurian sword stuck in the stone comes to mind.
According to Julius Evola:

"According to legend, Arthur demonstrated his innate

right to be the legitimate king of all England overcoming the
sword, that is, succeeding in extracting a sword embedded in a
large quadrangular rock placed on the altar of the temple, a rock
that seems is evidently a variant of the 'royal stone' belonging to
the ancient tradition of the Tuatha of Danann. Here we have a
double, convergent symbolism. On the one hand, there is the

It is worth reading the book already quoted from Dion Fortune, but we also indicate from PAPUS,
(Gerard Encausse), The Kabbalah: Secret Tradition of the East. So Paulo, Society of Ancient Sciences,

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

general symbolism of the 'foundation stone', which leads us to the

'polar' idea, by which allegory and myth would refer to a manly
power (the sword) to be extracted from that principle. Secondly,
extracting the sword from the stone may even mean the liberation
of a power from materiality, for the stone often has this meaning,
and this is in accordance with another episode of the legend: the
one in which Arthur, led by Merlin, takes hold of the Calibur or
Excalibur sword erected by a mysterious arm above the waters.
This weapon, however, it is said, had been fabricated at Avalon,
that is, has relation to the 'supreme center'; and the fact that it is
held above the waters again expresses a force separate from the
conditions of material, passionate and contingent life, a life which
has always been related to a fundamental aspect of the symbolism
of waters. (EVOLA, 1988, p.32-33)
Thus, if Arthur's legend puts him in relation to two swords, the one extracted from
the rock (drawn) and that which erected from the waters (hence drawn) can to be
metaphorized by the double inscription of the verb in the upper line of stealth. This leads
us to consider a relation between the origin of the key of Solomon and the origin and
symbolic formulation of the legend of King Arthur.

Liddell MacGregor Mathers, editor of Solomon's Clavicle, puts the

following note after introducing the key of the general key:
"... the mystical figure of Solomon is given only in two
manuscripts: Lansdowne 1202 and 1203. It was given by Levi in
his Dogma and Ritual of High Magic and by Johann Baptist
Grochedel in his Natural Magical Calendar, but in both cases,
without the words and letters in Hebrew, perhaps because they
were so adulterated by the illiterate copyists, became
unrecognizable. After much labor and study of the figure, I
believe that the words in the body of the symbol are intended to
form the ten Sephiroth arranged in the form of the Tree of Life,
with the name of Solomon on the right and left; while the
surrounding characters try to form the twenty-two letters of the
Hebrew alphabet. For this reason, I have restored it. This figure
forms in each case the frontispiece of the manuscripts mentioned.
"(MATHERS, 1889, p.140)

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

In the book quoted from Eliphas Lvi6, in fact, on page 109 we find
a reproduction of the pentacle without the inscriptions in Hebrew, except for 4 letters
arranged on the north-south-east-west axes of the circumference. We have not had access
to the book of Grosschedel and the cited originals, so we cannot validate at all the
reconstruction of the inscriptions made by the publisher, which in our view reinforces a
suspicion of conscious or unconscious association made with the symbology of the
Arthurian swords . However, on the other hand, it may also be suggestive to think that in
being the very ancient pentacle, it has served as inspiration for the composition of the
sword legend as an esoteric allegory.

Let us consider, on the other hand, the following assumption, that in

the pentacle we have not only an association between the figure of a sword and the cross,
but of two diametrically opposite swords and whose blades overlap. Thus, the sword from
which two rays come out is equivalent to Excalibur, which gave to King Arthur by the
Lady of the Lake, and the other sword, with a cross-shaped handle with bent ends, the
sword that drowned from the stone. Such a supposition makes sense not only by the
double inscription of the verb "unsheathed," but also by the fact that the sword coming
out of the stone represents the overcoming of the material aspects of our world while the
sword coming out of the waters is the spiritual force itself dictated.

LEVI, Eliphas. Dogma and Ritual of High Magic. So Paulo, Pensamento, 1988.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

There are a number of variants of the legends of King Arthur's cycle7.

In some it is considered a one-sword existence, whether it be a stone's throw, or a lady's
death, a few consider a two-sword existence, and there are more as variants that
understand that it is a single sword but lost and rediscovered. Know our interpretation
outlined here, we believe it is more consistent, with the existence of two swords with
different symbolic meanings and which are completed, as suggested by the central figure
of the key of Solomon's key.
Thus, we hope to have demonstrated the symbolic significance of the
cross-sword figure in the Key of Solomon. Now we are going to analyze the sigil behind
the cross-sword and believe that it demonstrates what original and for the first time its
meaning of how it will be done here, linking with the concept of secrecy used in esoteric
magic squares.
3. The Sigil in The Key Solomon
The third structural part of the general pentacle of the Key of
Solomon is a sigil that goes by behind the blades of the swords. The word comes from
the Latin (sigilum) which means "seal" and can related to the Hebrew ("segulah") that
means word, action or item of spiritual effect. The sigils can produced in different ways,
but as a rule, if it results in a glyph with composite geometric characteristics. Various
sigils produced from binding by specific cell lines of a magic square matrix.

"The minor seals, or sigils, of the individual spirits and

intelligences of the seven planets are formed by locating the
Hebrew letters of each name, based on the numerical values of
these letters, in their respective cells in the magic square of the
planet to which the name is associated, and then drawing a line of
letter to letter, in order. "(TYSON, 2008, page 946)

Sigils used in rituals and magical operations in various currents of

esotericism. The glyph has some basic rules for normalizing the signal, for example, if
the same cell is used two or more times later, this is marked with a specific signal, as in
the secrecy of Hagiel in the magic square of Venus:

In this respect we indicate the works: JENKINS, Elizabeth. The Mysteries of King Arthur: The Hero and
Myth reassessed through history, archeology, art and literature. So Paulo: Ed. Melhoramentos, 1994.
202 pp .; MALORY, Thomas. King Arthur and his Knights. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. 231 p

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

Sigils of Hagiel and Kedhemel

In addition, the initial and final cells of the sigil are marked with a small ball. The
cells that belong to the sigil are only those that present some type of angle or break of the
straight line, thus the cells that crossed by a straight line do not belong to the gematrical8
accounting of the sigil.
Observing these rules and analyzing the sigil of the pentacle of Solomon's General
Key, we immediately notice an identification of the sigil with the magic square of Venus,
since the sigil seems to contain 6 cells in a first analysis, in which the last one is counted
two times, totaling 7 cyphers:

The sum of the seven numbers in the magic square of Venus occurs in this way,
when we observe the values of each cell: 30 + 12 + 32 + 7 + 43 + 26 + 26 = 176. The
basic value of the magic square of Venus is 175, therefore, here we have 175 + 1, that is,
the overcoming of the symbolic meaning that carries the square of Venus, which are the
carnal passions.

22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28

This sigil holds special properties as its position is modified, for example, if we
think of a 180 change of the arrangement of the sigil on the grid of the matrix, we will
obtain as a sum the number 174 (20 + 38 + 18 + 43 + 7 + 24 + 24). This would designate
a decrease of the value of the magic square of Venus in a unit (175-1). The average of the

Gematry: kabbalistic mathematical operation that considers the relationship between letters and
numbers, typical of the Hebrew alphabet. In gematry a ten, a hundred, or a thousand can reduced to a
value less than ten, since you can add the numerals of a certain number until you reach the lower value.
We indicate SOD, Lochem. General Treaty of Kabbalah, volume 1: Gematry. Available at:

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

two positions of the sigil returns to the value of the magic square: 176 + 174 = 350/2 =
175. In turn if we change the two positions by 90 , we have the following values:

40+16+26+1+49+18+18 = 168 (175-7)

10+34+24+49+1+32+32 = 182 (175+7)

Thus, the average of two antipodes positions of the stealth always gives 175. In
the case of the four positions described, the sum of the four final cells (one of each
position) gives as a cypher total is 100 (26 + 24 + 18 + 32). If we mark these four
positions, we observe that we can determine a square in the central region of the magic

22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28

Let us now note that if we add the 4 adjacent cells to each of the marked numbers,
we form a diamond, whose sum is also 100 (49 + 1 + 43 + 7). In the center of the lozenge
/ square sum we have the number 25, so we can return to the number 175 in this way: 100
+ 100 = 200-25 = 175. The central figure is a magic square of Saturn (3x3 matrix) whose
sum of each line or column is 75:

24 49 18
7 25 43
32 1 26

The sigil of the key of Solomon's general key can be adapted to any other planetary
magical square (Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Moon, Earth), only specifically that of
Saturn will require a change in the operative mode as is the adaptation9.
We will show here how to adapt the sigil to the magical squares of Jupiter and
Mercury. The central question is to define the sigil in the number of cells that can assumed
in each square; in the case of Jupiter (4x4 matrix), the sigil must correspond to four cells,

We will not explain here how the operation is done in the Magical square of Saturn, since it seems to
us subject for another article.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

In the sum of the four cells in the magical square of Jupiter, based on the magic
square presented by Agrippa10, we obtain the result 63 (9 + 12 + 11 + 11 + 10 + 10),
which corresponds to 34 (standard sum of row or column of the square of Jupiter) plus
29 (number that can be reduced gematrically to 11, this one with high symbolic value: the
number of the avatar). Making the rotation of the four positions as we did with the sigil
in the square of Venus, we obtain in Jupiter the following results:

4 14 15 1

9 7 6 12

5 11 10 8

16 2 3 13

a) 9+12+11+11+10+10 = 63 (34+29)
b) 8+5+6+6+7+7 = 39 (34+5)
c) 2+14+6+6+10+10 = 48 (34+14)
d) 15+3+7+7+11+11 = 54 (34+20)

The average of each two antipodes positions is 51 (63 + 39 = 102/2 = 51), which
corresponds to 34 + 17. Note that if we eliminate the cell repetitions in the sums we have
the average 34, the default value of Jupiter's magic square. 51 is a number that represents
Jupiter plus half of Jupiter and that in the sum of two antipodes we have 3 times the value
of Jupiter. The four central cells of the operation result in 34. In this way, the properties
of stealth remain if we change the magic square on which it based. Let us now apply the
same principle to the magic square of Mercury and to get 8 cells, since the magic square
of Mercury is an 8x8 matrix, we will consider that the final key does not represent the
same cell but opens in two cells:

NETTESHEIM, Cornlio Agrippa de. Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Compilao de Notas de Donald
Tyson. So Paulo, Madras, 2008. p. 942.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

In the magical square of Mercury, we use the grid as defined by Agrippa, in which
each line, column or main diagonal gives the result 260, and is obtained by turning the
four positions that we have worked here the following results:
a) 32+ 25+46+27+30+43+21+42 = 266 (260+6);
b) 33+40+19+38+25+22+23+44 = 254 (260-6);
c) 61+5+43+21+45+19+11+38 = 243 (260-17)
d) 4+60+22+44+20+46+27+54 = 277 (260+17)

The difference between sums "a" and "b" is 6 (+ 6-6), the value is typical of the
magic square of the Sun (matrix 6x6) and the difference between positions "c" and "d" is
17 (+ 17-17), which is half the value of the line in the magical square of Jupiter (34). We
have already demonstrated in another text the intrinsic relations between the matrix of the
magical square of Mercury with the matrices of the Sun and of Jupiter. They are relations
that can be extracted from the grid of Mercury itself and obtain the squares of the Sun and
of Jupiter11.
We believe we have demonstrated how the sigil of Solomon's general key pentacle
is also a general sigil that can applied to any matrix grid of planetary magic squares that
will guard its basic properties. Similar results can obtained by applying stealth on the
magical squares of Mars, Sun, Moon and Earth.
4. The Name in Sigil
A sigil is not just a mathematical operation, the cells of a sigil make up
by operation that converts gematry into cabal, a name. This name is important in
understanding the hidden meaning of each magic square. Earlier in the text, we
exemplified with the magic square of Venus the sigils that refer to the names of Hagiel
and Kedhemel. These two names are understood as the first being the name of the Venus
Intelligence and the second the name of the spirit of Venus. The first is considered that of
a beneficial entity and the second of a severe entity. Magical operations try to evoke one
or the other according to the intentions of the operator.

LUNA, Jayro. Anlise da Mandala de Nazca: Algumas Consideraes Matemticas e Outras nem
tanto... em: Revista Dilogos, n. 17, maro, 2017, p373-393. Link:

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

The transformation of the gematrical cipher in Kabbalistic name and vice

versa obeys some basic rules. The value of the cipher in the cell may, as the case may multiplied
by ten. For example, the name Kedhemel in Hebrew corresponds to the letters QDMAL (lamrq).
Moreover, the values of the cells are 100 + 40 + 4 + 1 + 30 = 175, note,
however, that the figure of Q (100) is in the magic square the cell containing the figure 10.
Other possibilities are to dismember the cell number in two, for example,
the sigil of the name Jophiel (intelligence of Jupiter) are used the figures I (10) + H (5) + Ph (80)
+ I (10) + A (1) + L (30). The numbers of "I" and "A" correspond to a single cell whose value is 11.
Note also in this name of Jophiel how the numbers of "Ph" and "L" multiplied by ten12.
There is still the possibility of reducing the value of the cipher, so if a cell
contains, for example, the number 17, but what is wanted is the number 8, and, for some reason,
the cell itself is not used, then it assumed that 1 + 7 = 8. Finally, another possibility is to add cells
to obtain a specific value of a letter13.
Notice, then, what name inscribed in the sigil of the pentacle of the general
key of Solomon in the magic square of Venus.
30 + 12 + 32 + 7 + 43 + 26 + 26 = 176
Here we will observe the following gematricals operations:
a) add the cells 7 + 43 = 50 (letter "Nun")
b) we will add the cyphers 12 + 32 + 26 = 70 (letter "Hain")
With these operations we obtain the name "Goognell" ()14, which discounting the
false cognate from the beginning of the name, refers to a name not known to most of the
grimoires and cabalistic names books, and whose quality is to keep the secrets of secrecy in
We also exemplify the name obtained from the application of the sigil in the magical
square of Jupiter: 9 + 12 + 11 + 11 + 10 + 10 = 63
Here we will do the following operations:
a) We will add 9 + 11 + 10 = 30 (letter "Lamed")
b) We will multiply 10 by ten, we will get 100 (letter "coph")
With these operations, we obtain the name "Ghiakel" ()15, another enigmatic name
related to the properties of the sigil when applied to the magical square of Jupiter.
Whatever the magic square used in applying the operations of stealth in its four-position
variations in the eastern-west-north-south cardinal orientations, four cells are obtained at the
end. These four cells also make up a secret name. In Venus the cells are 26 + 24 + 18 + 32 = 100,
which form the name: 20 + 6 + 20 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 5 (32), containing seven letters: The Chalk
()16, and also "reach, which is written on the blackboard, letters that are later erased
and remain in the picture just long enough for the more dedicated students to grasp its meaning,
those who distracted badly will see the letters being off. As guru Raji Guenol notes:

All examples cited here of names in the sigils taken from Agrippa's work already quoted.
GUENOL, Raji. Book 2: Notes on Sigils. Arembepe-BA, author's edition, 1983.
Likely corruption of his name in: "Gonael-one of numerous guards of the gates of the North Wind. [Rf:
Ozar Midrashim 11,316.1]. DAVIDSON, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels. New
York, Free Press, 1979. p. 125.
Likely corruption of the name in: "Jachniel-one of numerous angelic guards of the gates of the South
Wind. [Rf. Ozar Midrashim 11, 316.] DAVIDSON, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen
Angels. New York, Free Press, 1979. p. 157. Another way of writing the name in Latin characters: Jakele.
Chalkydri (Ka1kydra)-archangels of the flying elements of the sun. Mentioned in Enoch II, where they
are linked with the phoenixes and placed amidst cherubim and seraphim. The chalkydri are 12-winged.
At the rising of the sun they burst into song. Their habitat is the 4th Heaven. In gnostic lore, they are
demonic. In Charles' Introduction to Enoch II, the chalkydri are described as "monstrous serpents with
the heads of crocodiles" and as "natural products of the Egyptian imagination." DAVIDSON, Gustav. A
Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels. New York, Free Press, 1979. p. 84.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

The rotations of the four institutions of Saturn's kamea

inscribed in other magical squares gives the operator names of spirits
who control the use of each case in each magic square, so that the
name arising in secrecy must be related in the operation to the name
evoked in the frame Magical, whether for intelligence or spirit.
(GUENOL, 1983, p. 66)

Remembering that these four positions are contiguous to the other four that form the
sides of a magic square 3x3 (Saturn), we can also form a name from the four contiguous: 1 + 49
+7 + 43 = 100, which can look like this: 1 + 40 + 9 + 7 + 40 + 3 and adding the central figure 25
(7) to complete the seven positions of the magic square of Venus: Zagzamtama (), name
of the spirit that controls the properties of the rotation of the square of Saturn inscribed on
Venus. The name appears to be one of several versions of Zagzagel, as seen in Gustav Davidson,
the occurrence of three variants of the name. In the variant we find, the end of the name seems
to refer to the need for the initiate to seek purity and consequently elimination of the spiritual
contamination ():

Zagzagel (Zagzagael, Zagnzagiel, Zamzagiel, - "divine

splendorM)-prince of the Torah and of Wisdom (but see Yefefiah, Iofiel,
Metatron). Zagzagel instructed Moses in the knowledge of the
Ineffable Name. He is the angel of the burning bush (but see Michael)
and chief guard of the 4th Heaven, although he is said to reside in the
7th Heaven, the abode of God. A prince of the presence, Zagzagel is a
teacher of angels and speaks 70 languages (cf. Metatron). [Rf: 3 Enoch;
Ginzberg, The Legends oftlle Jews.] In the latter source, Zagzagel is
described as the "angel with the horns of glory." In Midrash Petirat
Mosheh, Zagzagel joined 2 other ministering angels, Michael and
Gabriel, in accompanying God when the Holy One descended from
Heaven to take the soul of Moses (and to assist in burying him). [Rf:
Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature, p. 42.] (DAVIDSON, 1979, p. 325)

Zagzantama / Zagzagael seems to evoke the function of the angel who teaches, hence
the connection with the four cardinal cells, you are not feeling, from the chalk, what is within
reach, inscription of words that must be apprehended before the master erases them to give
place to the next lesson, idea or concept. In Filipino language "Tama" meaning "correct",
The transliterations provide specific names for certain magical operations, and it is
surprising how the equation that associates what pentacle's sigil of Solomon's key results makes
it possible to obtain very precise meanings in each magic square in which the process described
here is applied.
The rotation of the four cells from the cardinal axes to the collaterals suggests a dynamic
and continuous process, which reinforced by the idea of words written with chalk that are soon
extinguished and replaced by others, according to the rotation. This continuous spin is creating
a succession of names and words that have a hypnotizing effect on initiates. More than that, the
figures in constant rotation, but always reaching the same result make up an energetic ring that
suggests a psychological and spiritual effect.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna

Finally, we believe here to have demonstrated the complex construction

and structure of the figure known as the key of Solomon's general key. There is much that needs
to be questioned in this text, since we know that we can do no more than evoke suggestions,
assumptions and doubts, but reaching this goal, we believe we have already achieved enough
so that analysis and discussion on the subject even if in the course of time the need for
correction, revision and even refusal in whole or in part of the concepts discussed here is
reached, provided they are replaced by more efficient, clearer and more scientific ones.

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Unveiling the Secrets of the Solomon Key Jayro Luna


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