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Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of material handling, receiving, stocking and staging

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Supply Chain, Material Handling Terminology and Receiving Documentation 270102a; Receiving: Process and Track
Incoming Material 270102b; Stocking and Staging 270102c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3400 / 1

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. be able to receive incoming

2. process and track incoming


3. stock and stage incoming


Teacher Signature Date

2 / CTS, TMT: PTA3400 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet
1. be able to receive incoming material
1.1 outline the supply chain I can consistently I can usually outline I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
outline the supply the supply chain. assistance to outline the to outline the supply provided evidence of
chain. supply chain. chain. this performance task.

1.2 define material handling I can consistently I can usually define I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
terminology define material material handling assistance to define to define material provided evidence of
handling terminology. terminology. material handling handling terminology. this performance task.

1.3 describe the I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
documentation related to describe the the documentation assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
receiving documentation related related to receiving. the documentation documentation related this performance task.
to receiving. related to receiving. to receiving.

2. process and track incoming material

2.1 explain the procedure for I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
processing shipments of explain the procedure the procedure for assistance to explain the to explain the procedure provided evidence of
materials received for processing processing shipments procedure for for processing this performance task.
shipments of materials of materials received. processing shipments of shipments of materials
received. materials received. received.

2.2 describe the importance of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
paying attention to detail describe the importance the importance of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
for receiving procedure of paying attention to paying attention to the importance of importance of paying this performance task.
detail for receiving detail for receiving paying attention to attention to detail for
procedure. procedure. detail for receiving receiving procedure.

2.3 describe quality assurance I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3400 / 3

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
standards and describe quality quality assurance assistance to describe to describe quality provided evidence of
requirements assurance standards and standards and quality assurance assurance standards and this performance task.
requirements. requirements. standards and requirements.

2.4 describe global I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
positioning system (GPS) describe global global positioning assistance to describe to describe global provided evidence of
and radio frequency positioning system system (GPS) and global positioning positioning system this performance task.
identification (RFID) (GPS) and radio radio frequency system (GPS) and radio (GPS) and radio
frequency identification identification (RFID) frequency identification frequency identification
(RFID) technology. technology. (RFID) technology. (RFID) technology.

3. stock and stage incoming material

3.1 describe the importance of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
proper stock identification describe the importance the importance of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
and locating of materials of proper stock proper stock the importance of importance of proper this performance task.
identification and identification and proper stock stock identification and
locating of materials. locating of materials. identification and locating of materials.
locating of materials.

3.2 apply stocking procedures I can consistently apply I can usually apply I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
stocking procedures. stocking procedures. assistance to apply to apply stocking provided evidence of
stocking procedures. procedures. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


4 / CTS, TMT: PTA3400 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisites: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

PTA3400: Material Handling

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of material storage; picking and issuing freight; and the
proper process for packing goods.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Material Storage 270102d; Picking and Issuing 270102e; Packing 270102f

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3405 / 5

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. store materials

2. fill and issue orders

3. pack materials

Teacher Signature Date

6 / CTS, TMT: PTA3405 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

1. store materials
1.1 describe considerations I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
for the storage of describe considerations considerations for the assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
materials for the storage of storage of materials. considerations for the considerations for the this performance task.
materials. storage of materials. storage of materials.

1.2 identify the benefits of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
appropriate storage identify the benefits of the benefits of assistance to identify to identify the benefits provided evidence of
methods appropriate storage appropriate storage the benefits of of appropriate storage this performance task.
methods. methods. appropriate storage methods.

1.3 describe legislative and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
legal requirements relating describe legislative and legislative and legal assistance to describe to describe legislative provided evidence of
to the storage of particular legal requirements requirements relating legislative and legal and legal requirements this performance task.
materials relating to the storage to the storage of requirements relating to relating to the storage of
of particular materials. particular materials. the storage of particular particular materials.

1.4 describe common storage I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
systems used on the work describe common common storage assistance to describe to describe common provided evidence of
site storage systems used on systems used on the common storage storage systems used on this performance task.
the work site. work site. systems used on the the work site.
work site.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3405 / 7

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2. fill and issue orders
2.1 explain the order cycle, I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
including authorization explain the order cycle, the order cycle, assistance to explain the to explain the order provided evidence of
and documentation including authorization including order cycle, including cycle, including this performance task.
and documentation. authorization and authorization and authorization and
documentation. documentation. documentation.

2.2 describe picking I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures describe picking picking procedures. assistance to describe to describe picking provided evidence of
procedures. picking procedures. procedures. this performance task.

2.3 describe issuing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures describe issuing issuing procedures. assistance to describe to describe issuing provided evidence of
procedures. issuing procedures. procedures. this performance task.

2.4 identify reasons for I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
product allocation identify reasons for reasons for product assistance to identify to identify reasons for provided evidence of
product allocation. allocation. reasons for product product allocation. this performance task.

3. pack materials
3.1 describe packing materials I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
describe packing packing materials. assistance to describe to describe packing provided evidence of
materials. packing materials. materials. this performance task.

3.2 describe packing methods I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
for primary containers, describe packing packing methods for assistance to describe to describe packing provided evidence of
secondary containers and methods for primary primary containers, packing methods for methods for primary this performance task.
unitizing loads containers, secondary secondary containers primary containers, containers, secondary
containers and unitizing and unitizing loads. secondary containers containers and unitizing
loads. and unitizing loads. loads.

Teacher feedback and


8 / CTS, TMT: PTA3405 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisites: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

PTA3400: Material Handling

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of shipping products, dealing with product returns and
ensuring adequate stock maintenance.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Shipping 270102g; Product Returns 270102h; Stock Maintenance 270102i

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3410 / 9

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. ship materials

2. process product returns

3. maintain stock

Teacher Signature Date

10 / CTS, TMT: PTA3410 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. ship materials
1.1 identify types of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
shipments identify types of types of shipments. assistance to identify to identify types of provided evidence of
shipments. types of shipments. shipments. this performance task.

1.2 determine mode of I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
shipping and their determine mode of determine mode of assistance to determine to determine mode of provided evidence of
advantages and shipping and their shipping and their mode of shipping and shipping and their this performance task.
disadvantages advantages and advantages and their advantages and advantages and
disadvantages. disadvantages. disadvantages. disadvantages.

1.3 identify documentation I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
related to shipping identify documentation documentation related assistance to identify to identify provided evidence of
related to shipping. to shipping. documentation related documentation related this performance task.
to shipping. to shipping.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3410 / 11

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2. process product returns
2.1 identify internal and I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
external product return identify internal and internal and external assistance to identify to identify internal and provided evidence of
procedures and related external product return product return internal and external external product return this performance task.
documentation procedures and related procedures and related product return procedures and related
documentation. documentation. procedures and related documentation.

2.2 outline policies and I can consistently I can usually outline I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for outline policies and policies and assistance to outline to outline policies and provided evidence of
maintaining a procedures for procedures for policies and procedures procedures for this performance task.
core/exchange program maintaining a maintaining a for maintaining a maintaining a
core/exchange program. core/exchange core/exchange program. core/exchange program.

3. maintain stock
3.1 explain stock maintenance I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures explain stock stock maintenance assistance to explain to explain stock provided evidence of
maintenance procedures. stock maintenance maintenance this performance task.
procedures. procedures. procedures.

Teacher feedback and


12 / CTS, TMT: PTA3410 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisites: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

PTA3400: Material Handling
PTA3405: Storage & Packing
PTA3410: Shipping & Returns

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of merchandising, material handling equipment and the use
of catalogues.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Merchandising 270102j; Material Handling Equipment 270102k; Catalogues 270102l

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3415 / 13

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
14 / CTS, TMT: PTA3415 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment
2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. implement merchandising

2. describe material handling

equipment and safety

3. explain the purpose of

material catalogues

Teacher Signature Date

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3415 / 15

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. implement merchandising strategies

1.1 define merchandising and I can consistently I can usually define I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
merchandising programs define merchandising merchandising and assistance to define to define merchandising provided evidence of
and merchandising merchandising merchandising and and merchandising this performance task.
programs. programs. merchandising programs.

1.2 describe merchandising I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
related to daily operations describe merchandising merchandising related assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
related to daily to daily operations. merchandising related merchandising related this performance task.
operations. to daily operations. to daily operations.

1.3 describe locations and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
methods for building describe locations and locations and methods assistance to describe to describe locations provided evidence of
displays methods for building for building displays. locations and methods and methods for this performance task.
displays. for building displays. building displays.

2. describe material handling equipment and safety markings

2.1 identify material handling I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
equipment identify material material handling assistance to identify to identify material provided evidence of
handling equipment. equipment. material handling handling equipment. this performance task.

2.2 identify packaging I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet provided
equipment identify packaging packaging equipment. assistance to identify to identify packaging evidence of this
equipment. packaging equipment. equipment. performance task.

2.3 identify hazards related to I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
material handling identify hazards related hazards related to assistance to identify to identify hazards provided evidence of
equipment to material handling material handling hazards related to related to material this performance task.

16 / CTS, TMT: PTA3415 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
equipment. equipment. material handling handling equipment.

2.4 describe safety markings I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
applied to material describe safety safety markings assistance to describe to describe safety provided evidence of
handling equipment markings applied to applied to material safety markings applied markings applied to this performance task.
material handling handling equipment. to material handling material handling
equipment. equipment. equipment.

3. explain the purpose of material catalogues

3.1 describe the function of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
catalogues describe the function of the function of assistance to describe to describe the function provided evidence of
catalogues. catalogues. the function of of catalogues. this performance task.

3.2 describe the structure of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
catalogues describe the structure of the structure of assistance to describe to describe the structure provided evidence of
catalogues. catalogues. the structure of of catalogues. this performance task.

3.3 identify types of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
catalogues identify types of types of catalogues. assistance to identify to identify types of provided evidence of
catalogues. types of catalogues. catalogues. this performance task.

3.4 describe the purpose of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
vehicle identification describe the purpose of the purpose of vehicle assistance to describe to describe the purpose provided evidence of
numbers and serial vehicle identification identification numbers the purpose of vehicle of vehicle identification this performance task.
numbers numbers and serial and serial numbers. identification numbers numbers and serial
numbers. and serial numbers. numbers.

Teacher feedback and


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3415 / 17

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in doing measurement calculations and using measuring tools;
identifying standard stock items; and identifying consumables.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Measuring Calculations 270103a; Measuring Tools 270103b; Standard Stock 270103o; Consumables 270103p

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


18 / CTS, TMT: PTA3420 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. perform calculations related
to common measurements

2. use measuring tools

3. identify standard stock

items common to the trade

4. identify consumables

Teacher Signature Date

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3420 / 19

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. perform calculations related to common measurements

1.1 perform calculations I can consistently I can usually perform I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
related to measurement perform calculations calculations related to assistance to perform to perform calculations provided evidence of
using imperial and metric related to measurement measurement using calculations related to related to measurement this performance task.
units using imperial and imperial and metric measurement using using imperial and
metric units. units. imperial and metric metric units.

1.2 explain the term torque I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
convert numbers between explain the term torque. the term torque. assistance to explain the to explain the term provided evidence of
decimals and fractions term torque. torque. this performance task.

1.3 convert numbers between I can consistently I can usually convert I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
decimals and fractions convert numbers numbers between assistance to convert to convert numbers provided evidence of
between decimals and decimals and numbers between between decimals and this performance task.
fractions. fractions. decimals and fractions. fractions.

1.4 calculate percentages I can consistently I can usually calculate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
calculate percentages. percentages. assistance to calculate to calculate provided evidence of
percentages. percentages. this performance task.

20 / CTS, TMT: PTA3420 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2. use measuring tools
2.1 perform linear I can consistently I can usually perform I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
measurements in imperial perform linear linear measurements assistance to perform to perform linear provided evidence of
and SI units measurements in in imperial and SI linear measurements in measurements in this performance task.
imperial and SI units. units. imperial and SI units. imperial and SI units.

2.2 demonstrate use of I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
measuring tools demonstrate use of demonstrate use of assistance to to demonstrate use of provided evidence of
measuring tools. measuring tools. demonstrate use of measuring tools. this performance task.
measuring tools.

3. identify standard stock items common to the trade

3.1 identify fastening devices, I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
including alloys and identify fastening fastening devices, assistance to identify to identify fastening provided evidence of
grades devices, including including alloys and fastening devices, devices, including this performance task.
alloys and grades. grades. including alloys and alloys and grades.

3.2 identify lines and fittings I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
identify lines and lines and fittings. assistance to identify to identify lines and provided evidence of
fittings. lines and fittings. fittings. this performance task.

3.3 identify specialty items I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
identify specialty items. specialty items. assistance to identify to identify specialty provided evidence of
specialty items. items. this performance task.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3420 / 21

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
4. identify consumables
4.1 identify compounds and I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
mixtures identify compounds and compounds and assistance to identify to identify compounds provided evidence of
mixtures. mixtures. compounds and and mixtures. this performance task.

4.2 identify shop supplies I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
identify shop supplies. shop supplies. assistance to identify to identify shop provided evidence of
shop supplies. supplies. this performance task.

4.3 identify hazards related to I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
repackaging and storing identify hazards related hazards related to assistance to identify to identify hazards provided evidence of
consumables to repackaging and repackaging and hazards related to related to repackaging this performance task.
storing consumables. storing consumables. repackaging and storing and storing
consumables. consumables.

Teacher feedback and


22 / CTS, TMT: PTA3420 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes around electrical fundamentals, electrical circuits and battery

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Electrical Fundamentals 270103e; Electrical Circuits 270103f; Battery Fundamentals 270103g

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3425 / 23

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. explain the fundamentals of

2. explain the fundamentals of

electrical circuits

3. describe the operation of the

battery and handling

Teacher Signature Date

24 / CTS, TMT: PTA3425 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. explain the fundamentals of electricity

1.1 recognize common I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
electrical symbols used in recognize common recognize common assistance to recognize to recognize common provided evidence of
the trade electrical symbols used electrical symbols common electrical electrical symbols used this performance task.
in the trade. used in the trade. symbols used in the trade. in the trade.

1.2 explain the physical I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
qualities of insulators, explain the physical the physical qualities assistance to explain the to explain the physical provided evidence of
conductors and qualities of insulators, of insulators, physical qualities of qualities of insulators, this performance task.
semiconductors conductors and conductors and insulators, conductors conductors and
semiconductors. semiconductors. and semiconductors. semiconductors.

1.3 explain magnetism and I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
electromagnetism and explain magnetism and magnetism and assistance to explain to explain magnetism provided evidence of
their properties electromagnetism and electromagnetism and magnetism and and electromagnetism this performance task.
their properties. their properties. electromagnetism and and their properties.
their properties.

1.4 explain the measurement I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of electromotive force, explain the the measurement of assistance to explain the to explain the provided evidence of
current, resistance and measurement of electromotive force, measurement of measurement of this performance task.
power electromotive force, current, resistance and electromotive force, electromotive force,
current, resistance and power. current, resistance and current, resistance and
power. power. power.

1.5 describe the purpose of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
current control devices describe the purpose of the purpose of current assistance to describe to describe the purpose provided evidence of
current control devices. control devices. the purpose of current of current control this performance task.
control devices. devices.

2. explain the fundamentals of electrical circuits

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3425 / 25

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2.1 identify the three basic I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
circuits and their basic identify the three basic the three basic circuits assistance to identify to identify the three provided evidence of
properties circuits and their basic and their basic the three basic circuits basic circuits and their this performance task.
properties. properties. and their basic basic properties.

2.2 explain open, short and I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
grounded circuits explain open, short and open, short and assistance to explain to explain open, short provided evidence of
grounded circuits. grounded circuits. open, short and and grounded circuits. this performance task.
grounded circuits.

2.3 describe how to use a I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
digital multimeter describe how to use a how to use a digital assistance to describe to describe how to use a provided evidence of
digital multimeter. multimeter. how to use a digital digital multimeter. this performance task.

2.4 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
diodes, special-purpose explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
diodes and transistors diodes, special-purpose diodes, operation of diodes, of diodes, this performance task.
diodes and transistors. special-purpose diodes special-purpose diodes special-purpose diodes
and transistors. and transistors. and transistors.

3. describe the operation of the battery and handling procedures

3.1 describe common batteries I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and their advantages and describe common common batteries and assistance to describe to describe common provided evidence of
disadvantages batteries and their their advantages and common batteries and batteries and their this performance task.
advantages and disadvantages. their advantages and advantages and
disadvantages. disadvantages. disadvantages.

3.2 identify hazards I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
encountered with identify hazards hazards encountered assistance to identify to identify hazards provided evidence of
lead-acid batteries encountered with with lead-acid hazards encountered encountered with this performance task.
lead-acid batteries. batteries. with lead-acid batteries. lead-acid batteries.

3.3 explain battery I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
construction, sizing and explain battery battery construction, assistance to explain to explain battery provided evidence of
capacity construction, sizing and sizing and capacity. battery construction, construction, sizing and this performance task.
capacity. sizing and capacity. capacity.

26 / CTS, TMT: PTA3425 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
3.4 list precautions and I can consistently list I can usually list I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for boosting precautions and precautions and assistance to list to list precautions and provided evidence of
batteries procedures for boosting procedures for precautions and procedures for boosting this performance task.
batteries. boosting batteries. procedures for boosting batteries.

3.5 list precautions and I can consistently list I can usually list I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for charging precautions and precautions and assistance to list to list precautions and provided evidence of
batteries procedures for charging procedures for precautions and procedures for charging this performance task.
batteries. charging batteries. procedures for charging batteries.

3.6 describe handling, storage I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and disposal of batteries describe handling, handling, storage and assistance to describe to describe handling, provided evidence of
and electrolyte storage and disposal of disposal of batteries handling, storage and storage and disposal of this performance task.
batteries and and electrolyte. disposal of batteries and batteries and
electrolyte. electrolyte. electrolyte.

Teacher feedback and


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3425 / 27

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students learn about the operation and components of bearings, seals and suspension systems and about wheels, tires and

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual who
holds certification as a parts technician journeyperson.

ILM Resources: Bearings 270103c; Seals 270103d; Light-Duty Suspension Systems 270103h; Wheels, Tires and Hubs 270103j

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.



28 / CTS, TMT: PTA3430 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. describe common bearings

2. describe seals and their


3. describe the operation of

light-duty steering systems
and identify replacement

4. describe the design features

and purpose of wheels, tires
and hubs

Teacher Signature Date

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3430 / 29

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. describe common bearings

1.1 state the functions of I can consistently state I can usually state the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
bearings, showing an the functions of functions of bearings, assistance to state the to state the functions of provided evidence of
understanding of bearing bearings, showing an showing an functions of bearings, bearings, showing an this performance task.
loads and classes of understanding of understanding of showing an understanding of
bearing loads and bearing loads and understanding of bearing loads and
classes of bearings. classes of bearings. bearing loads and classes of bearings.
classes of bearings.

1.2 describe friction bearings I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
describe friction friction bearings. assistance to describe to describe friction provided evidence of
bearings. friction bearings. bearings. this performance task.

1.3 describe anti-friction I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
bearings describe anti-friction bearings. assistance to describe to describe anti-friction provided evidence of
anti-friction bearings. anti-friction bearings. bearings. this performance task.

1.4 describe storage methods I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and methods of supplying describe storage storage methods and assistance to describe to describe storage provided evidence of
bearings methods and methods methods of supplying storage methods and methods and methods this performance task.
of supplying bearings. bearings. methods of supplying of supplying bearings.

30 / CTS, TMT: PTA3430 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2. describe seals and their functions
2.1 state the function of seals I can consistently state I can usually state the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
the function of seals. function of seals. assistance to state the to state the function of provided evidence of
function of seals. seals. this performance task.

2.2 identify seals and their I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
applications identify seals and their seals and their assistance to identify to identify seals and provided evidence of
applications. applications. seals and their their applications. this performance task.

2.3 describe information I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
required to supply describe information information required assistance to describe to describe information provided evidence of
replacement seals required to supply to supply replacement information required to required to supply this performance task.
replacement seals. seals. supply replacement replacement seals.

3. describe the operation of light-duty steering systems and identify replacement parts
3.1 identify steering linkage I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
types and explain their identify steering linkage steering linkage types assistance to identify to identify steering provided evidence of
operation types and explain their and explain their steering linkage types linkage types and this performance task.
operation. operation. and explain their explain their operation.

3.2 explain the function and I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
lubrication requirements explain the function and the function and assistance to explain the to explain the function provided evidence of
of common light-duty lubrication lubrication function and lubrication and lubrication this performance task.
manual steering gears requirements of requirements of requirements of requirements of
common light-duty common light-duty common light-duty common light-duty
manual steering gears. manual steering gears. manual steering gears. manual steering gears.

3.3 explain the function of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
power steering gears explain the function of the function of power assistance to explain the to explain the function provided evidence of
power steering gears. steering gears. function of power of power steering gears. this performance task.
steering gears.

3.4 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
power steering pumps describe the operation the operation of power assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of power steering steering pumps. the operation of power operation of power this performance task.
pumps. steering pumps. steering pumps.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3430 / 31

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
3.5 explain the function and I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
design features of steering explain the function and the function and assistance to explain the to explain the function provided evidence of
column safety features design features of design features of function and design and design features of this performance task.
steering column safety steering column safety features of steering steering column safety
features. features. column safety features. features.

3.6 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts and identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
related sales opportunities replacement parts and parts and related sales common replacement replacement parts and this performance task.
related sales opportunities. parts and related sales related sales
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.

4. describe the design features and purpose of wheels, tires and hubs
4.1 explain the construction, I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sizing and rating of explain the the construction, assistance to explain the to explain the provided evidence of
automotive and light truck construction, sizing and sizing and rating of construction, sizing and construction, sizing and this performance task.
tires and wheels rating of automotive automotive and light rating of automotive rating of automotive
and light truck tires and truck tires and wheels. and light truck tires and and light truck tires and
wheels. wheels. wheels.

4.2 explain the construction, I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sizing and rating of explain the the construction, assistance to explain the to explain the provided evidence of
heavy-duty truck tires and construction, sizing and sizing and rating of construction, sizing and construction, sizing and this performance task.
wheels rating of heavy-duty heavy-duty truck tires rating of heavy-duty rating of heavy-duty
truck tires and wheels. and wheels. truck tires and wheels. truck tires and wheels.

4.3 explain the purpose of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
static and dynamic explain the purpose of the purpose of static assistance to explain the to explain the purpose provided evidence of
balancing static and dynamic and dynamic purpose of static and of static and dynamic this performance task.
balancing. balancing. dynamic balancing. balancing.

4.4 describe causes of tire I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
wear and common repair describe causes of tire causes of tire wear and assistance to describe to describe causes of provided evidence of
methods wear and common common repair causes of tire wear and tire wear and common this performance task.
repair methods. methods. common repair repair methods.

4.5 identify components of a I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
wheel hub and spindle identify components of components of a assistance to identify to identify components provided evidence of
assembly a wheel hub and spindle wheel hub and spindle components of a wheel of a wheel hub and this performance task.
assembly. assembly. hub and spindle spindle assembly.

32 / CTS, TMT: PTA3430 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
4.6 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts and identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
related sales opportunities replacement parts and parts and related sales common replacement replacement parts and this performance task.
related sales opportunities. parts and related sales related sales
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.

Teacher feedback and


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3430 / 33

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students learn about steering systems and hydraulic drum and disc brake systems, electric brakes, and antilock brake

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual who
holds certification as a parts technician journeyperson.

ILM Resources: Light Duty Steering Systems 270103i; Hydraulic Brake System Fundamentals 270103k; Hydraulic Drum Brake Systems
270103l; Hydraulic Disc Brake Systems 270103m; Hydraulic Brake Systems, Power Assist, Electric Brakes and Antilock
Brake Systems 270103n

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


34 / CTS, TMT: PTA3435 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. describe the operation of
light-duty suspension

2. describe the fundamentals

of brake systems and
identify types of brake fluids

3. describe the operation of

hydraulic drum brake

4. describe the operation of

hydraulic disc brake

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3435 / 35

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
5. describe the operation and
identify supply replacement
parts of assisted brake
systems, electric brake
systems and antilock brake

Teacher Signature Date

36 / CTS, TMT: PTA3435 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. describe the operation of light-duty suspension systems

1.1 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
light-duty suspension explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
systems light-duty suspension operation of light-duty of light-duty suspension this performance task.
light-duty suspension systems. suspension systems. systems.

1.2 describe springs used in I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
light-duty suspension describe springs used in springs used in assistance to describe to describe springs used provided evidence of
systems light-duty suspension light-duty suspension springs used in in light-duty suspension this performance task.
systems. systems. light-duty suspension systems.

1.3 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
shock absorbers describe the operation the operation of shock assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of shock absorbers. absorbers. the operation of shock operation of shock this performance task.
absorbers. absorbers.

1.4 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
suspension components describe the operation the operation of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of suspension suspension the operation of operation of suspension this performance task.
components. components. suspension components. components.

1.5 describe suspension I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
design describe suspension suspension design. assistance to describe to describe suspension provided evidence of
design. suspension design. design. this performance task.

1.6 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts and identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
related sales opportunities replacement parts and parts and related sales common replacement replacement parts and this performance task.
related sales opportunities. parts and related sales related sales
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3435 / 37

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2. describe the fundamentals of brake systems and identify types of brake fluids
2.1 explain the principles that I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
apply to brake systems explain the principles the principles that assistance to explain the to explain the principles provided evidence of
that apply to brake apply to brake principles that apply to that apply to brake this performance task.
systems. systems. brake systems. systems.

2.2 state Pascals law and its I can consistently state I can usually state I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
implications for brake Pascals law and its Pascals law and its assistance to state to state Pascals law and provided evidence of
systems implications for brake implications for brake Pascals law and its its implications for this performance task.
systems. systems. implications for brake brake systems.

2.3 choose the correct brake I can consistently I can usually choose I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fluid for a given choose the correct the correct brake fluid assistance to choose the to choose the correct provided evidence of
application based on brake fluid for a given for a given application correct brake fluid for a brake fluid for a given this performance task.
purpose, function and application based on based on purpose, given application based application based on
purpose, function and function and on purpose, function purpose, function and
characteristics of brake
characteristics of brake characteristics of and characteristics of characteristics of brake
fluids fluids. brake fluids. brake fluids. fluids.

2.4 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
common brake explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
components common brake common brake operation of common of common brake this performance task.
components. components. brake components. components.

2.5 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
hydraulic components describe the operation the operation of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
when used as a system of hydraulic hydraulic components the operation of operation of hydraulic this performance task.
components when used when used as a hydraulic components components when used
as a system. system. when used as a system. as a system.

2.6 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts for identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
brake components and replacement parts for parts for brake common replacement replacement parts for this performance task.
related sales opportunities brake components and components and parts for brake brake components and
related sales related sales components and related related sales
opportunities. opportunities. sales opportunities. opportunities.

3. describe the operation of hydraulic drum brake systems

3.1 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
drum brake system explain the operation of the operation of drum assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of

38 / CTS, TMT: PTA3435 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
components drum brake system brake system operation of drum brake of drum brake system this performance task.
components. components. system components. components.

3.2 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
drum-type parking brake explain the operation of the operation of drum- assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
systems drum-type parking type parking brake operation of drum-type of drum-type parking this performance task.
brake systems. systems. parking brake systems. brake systems.

3.3 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts for identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
hydraulic drum brake replacement parts for parts for hydraulic common replacement replacement parts for this performance task.
systems and related sales hydraulic drum brake drum brake systems parts for hydraulic drum hydraulic drum brake
systems and related and related sales brake systems and systems and related
sales opportunities. opportunities. related sales sales opportunities.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3435 / 39

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
4. describe the operation of hydraulic disc brake systems
4.1 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
disc brake systems explain the operation of the operation of disc assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
disc brake systems. brake systems. operation of disc brake of disc brake systems. this performance task.

4.2 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
disc-type parking brake explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
systems disc-type parking brake disc-type parking operation of disc-type of disc-type parking this performance task.
systems. brake systems. parking brake systems. brake systems.

4.3 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts for identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
hydraulic disc brake replacement parts for parts for hydraulic common replacement replacement parts for this performance task.
systems and related sales hydraulic disc brake disc brake systems and parts for hydraulic disc hydraulic disc brake
systems and related related sales brake systems and systems and related
sales opportunities. opportunities. related sales sales opportunities.

5. describe the operation and identify supply replacement parts of assisted brake systems, electric brake systems and antilock brake
5.1 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
vacuum-operated power describe the operation the operation of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
brake units of vacuum-operated vacuum-operated the operation of operation of this performance task.
power brake units. power brake units. vacuum-operated power vacuum-operated
brake units. power brake units.

5.2 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
hydraulically operated describe the operation the operation of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
power brake units of hydraulically hydraulically operated the operation of operation of this performance task.
operated power brake power brake units. hydraulically operated hydraulically operated
units. power brake units. power brake units.

5.3 describe the operation of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
electro-hydraulic power describe the operation the operation of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
brake units of electro-hydraulic electro-hydraulic the operation of operation of this performance task.
power brake units. power brake units. electro-hydraulic power electro-hydraulic power
brake units. brake units.

5.4 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of

40 / CTS, TMT: PTA3435 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
air-over-hydraulic power air-over-hydraulic air-over-hydraulic operation of of air-over-hydraulic this performance task.
brake units power brake units. power brake units. air-over-hydraulic power brake units.
power brake units.

5.5 explain the operation of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
electric braking systems explain the operation of the operation of assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
electric braking electric braking operation of electric of electric braking this performance task.
systems. systems. braking systems. systems.

5.6 explain the operation of an I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
antilock brake system explain the operation of the operation of an assistance to explain the to explain the operation provided evidence of
(ABS) an antilock brake antilock brake system operation of an antilock of an antilock brake this performance task.
system (ABS). (ABS). brake system (ABS). system (ABS).

5.7 identify common I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
replacement parts for identify common common replacement assistance to identify to identify common provided evidence of
assisted brake systems, replacement parts for parts for assisted brake common replacement replacement parts for this performance task.
electric brake systems and assisted brake systems, systems, electric brake parts for assisted brake assisted brake systems,
electric brake systems systems and ABS and systems, electric brake electric brake systems
ABS and related sales
and ABS and related related sales systems and ABS and and ABS and related
opportunities sales opportunities. opportunities. related sales sales opportunities.

Teacher feedback and


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3435 / 41

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in verbal and written communication.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Science of Communication 270104a; Verbal Communication 270104b; Written Communication 270104c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.



42 / CTS, TMT: PTA3440 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. identify effective

2. apply verbal communication


3. apply written
communication skills

Teacher Signature Date

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3440 / 43

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. identify effective communication

1.1 describe communication I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
(basic psychology and describe communication (basic assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
nature) communication (basic psychology and communication (basic communication (basic this performance task.
psychology and nature). nature). psychology and nature). psychology and nature).

1.2 describe communication I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
barriers describe communication assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
communication barriers. communication barriers. communication barriers. this performance task.

1.3 describe what makes I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
communication work describe what makes what makes assistance to describe to describe what makes provided evidence of
communication work. communication work. what makes communication work. this performance task.
communication work.

1.4 describe modes of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
communication describe modes of modes of assistance to describe to describe modes of provided evidence of
communication. communication. modes of communication. this performance task.

44 / CTS, TMT: PTA3440 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2. apply verbal communication skills
2.1 identify verbal I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
communication skills identify verbal verbal communication assistance to identify to identify verbal provided evidence of
communication skills. skills. verbal communication communication skills. this performance task.

2.2 identify effective listening I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
skills identify effective effective listening assistance to identify to identify effective provided evidence of
listening skills. skills. effective listening skills. listening skills. this performance task.

2.3 describe the relationship I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
between verbal describe the the relationship assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
communication and relationship between between verbal the relationship between relationship between this performance task.
interpersonal or customer verbal communication communication and verbal communication verbal communication
and interpersonal or interpersonal or and interpersonal or and interpersonal or
customer relations. customer relations. customer relations. customer relations.

2.4 use verbal communication I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
skills to deliver a verbal communication verbal communication assistance to use verbal to use verbal provided evidence of
presentation skills to deliver a skills to deliver a communication skills to communication skills to this performance task.
presentation. presentation. deliver a presentation. deliver a presentation.

3. apply written communication skills

3.1 identify when and why a I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specific form of written identify when and why when and why a assistance to identify to identify when and provided evidence of
communication is used a specific form of specific form of when and why a why a specific form of this performance task.
written communication written specific form of written written communication
is used. communication is communication is used. is used.

3.2 organize written I can consistently I can usually organize I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
information organize written written information. assistance to organize to organize written provided evidence of
information. written information. information. this performance task.

3.3 describe the relationship I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
between written describe the the relationship assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
communication and relationship between between written the relationship between relationship between this performance task.
interpersonal or customer written communication communication and written communication written communication
and interpersonal or interpersonal or and interpersonal or and interpersonal or
customer relations. customer relations. customer relations. customer relations.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3440 / 45

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Teacher feedback and

46 / CTS, TMT: PTA3440 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: PTA3440: Communication

PTA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in conflict resolution, customer service and sales techniques.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with
journeyperson certification as a parts technician.

ILM Resources: Conflict Resolution 270104d; Customer Service 270104e; Sales Techniques 270104f

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.



Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3445 / 47

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. discuss conflict resolution

2. identify the goals of

customer service

3. describe sales techniques

Teacher Signature Date

48 / CTS, TMT: PTA3445 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. discuss conflict resolution strategies

1.1 define conflict I can consistently I can usually define I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
define conflict. conflict. assistance to define to define conflict. provided evidence of
conflict. this performance task.

1.2 describe conflict I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
resolution strategies describe conflict conflict resolution assistance to describe to describe conflict provided evidence of
resolution strategies. strategies. conflict resolution resolution strategies. this performance task.

1.3 describe the advantages of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
conflict describe the advantages the advantages of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of conflict. conflict. the advantages of advantages of conflict. this performance task.

1.4 describe the disadvantages I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of conflict describe the the disadvantages of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
disadvantages of conflict. the disadvantages of disadvantages of this performance task.
conflict. conflict. conflict.

2. identify the goals of customer service

2.1 describe approaches used I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
to provide customer describe approaches approaches used to assistance to describe to describe approaches provided evidence of
service used to provide provide customer approaches used to used to provide this performance task.
customer service. service. provide customer customer service.

2.2 discuss customer I can consistently I can usually discuss I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
expectations discuss customer customer expectations. assistance to discuss to discuss customer provided evidence of
expectations. customer expectations. expectations. this performance task.

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3445 / 49

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2.3 describe the impact of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
customer service describe the impact of the impact of customer assistance to describe to describe the impact provided evidence of
customer service. service. the impact of customer of customer service. this performance task.

3. describe sales techniques

3.1 describe the attributes of a I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
salesperson describe the attributes the attributes of a assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of a salesperson. salesperson. the attributes of a attributes of a this performance task.
salesperson. salesperson.

3.2 identify sales methods I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
identify sales methods. sales methods. assistance to identify to identify sales provided evidence of
sales methods. methods. this performance task.

3.3 describe basic sales I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
psychology describe basic sales basic sales assistance to describe to describe basic sales provided evidence of
psychology. psychology. basic sales psychology. psychology. this performance task.

3.4 identify sales leads I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
identify sales leads. sales leads. assistance to identify to identify sales leads. provided evidence of
sales leads. this performance task.

3.5 describe techniques for I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
closing sales describe techniques for techniques for closing assistance to describe to describe techniques provided evidence of
closing sales. sales. techniques for closing for closing sales. this performance task.

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50 / CTS, TMT: PTA3445 Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: None

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the practice of workshop health and safety, communication and career

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with specialized training in occupational health and
safety (and understanding of the parts industry) and/or a parts technician with journeyperson certification.

ILM Resources: Safety Legislation, Regulations and Industry Policy in the Trades 650101a (270101a); Climbing, Lifting, Rigging and
Hoisting 650101b (270101b); Hazardous Materials and Fire Protection 650101c (270101c); Environmental Protection
270101d; Communication 090101d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3900 / 51

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. describe legislation,
regulations and practices
intended to ensure a safe
workplace in the parts
technician apprenticeship

2. describe the use of personal

protective equipment (PPE)
and safe practices for
climbing, lifting, rigging and
hoisting in the parts
technician apprenticeship

3. describe the safety practices

for hazardous materials and
fire protection in the parts
technician apprenticeship

4. demonstrate communication
skills and workshop safety
as they pertain to
occupational health and
safety standards

5. demonstrate an
understanding of the parts
technician apprenticeship
trade and of apprenticeship
opportunities that exist by
creating a personal career

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2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

6. adhere to environmental
protection legislation

Teacher Signature Date

Parts Technician Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: PTA3900 / 53

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. describe legislation, regulations and practices intended to ensure a safe workplace in the parts technician apprenticeship trade
1.1 demonstrate the ability to I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
apply the Occupational demonstrate the ability demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
Health and Safety Act, to apply the ability to apply the demonstrate the ability ability to apply the this performance task.
Regulation and Code, as Occupational Health Occupational Health to apply the Occupational Health
and Safety Act, and Safety Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act,
well as the changes from
Regulation and Code, Regulation and Code, and Safety Act, Regulation and Code,
Bill C-45 as well as the changes as well as the changes Regulation and Code, as well as the changes
from Bill C-45. from Bill C-45. as well as the changes from Bill C-45.
from Bill C-45.

1.2 explain the core I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
requirements applicable to explain the core the core requirements assistance to explain to explain the core provided evidence of
all industries requirements applicable applicable to all the core requirements requirements applicable this performance task.
to all industries. industries. applicable to all to all industries.

1.3 demonstrate an I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
understanding of the 26 demonstrate an demonstrate an assistance to to demonstrate an provided evidence of
parts of the OHS Code understanding of the 26 understanding of the demonstrate an understanding of the 26 this performance task.
requirements applicable to parts of the OHS Code 26 parts of the OHS understanding of the 26 parts of the OHS Code
requirements applicable Code requirements parts of the OHS Code requirements applicable
all industries
to all industries. applicable to all requirements applicable to all industries.
industries. to all industries.

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2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
1.4 demonstrate an I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
understanding of the 12 demonstrate an demonstrate an assistance to to demonstrate an provided evidence of
parts of the OHS Code understanding of the 12 understanding of the demonstrate an understanding of the 12 this performance task.
requirements applicable to parts of the OHS Code 12 parts of the OHS understanding of the 12 parts of the OHS Code
requirements applicable Code requirements parts of the OHS Code requirements applicable
specific industries and
to specific industries applicable to specific requirements applicable to specific industries
activities and activities. industries and to specific industries and activities.
activities. and activities.

1.5 demonstrate an I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
understanding of the 11 demonstrate an demonstrate an assistance to to demonstrate an provided evidence of
OHS Code Schedules that understanding of the 11 understanding of the demonstrate an understanding of the 11 this performance task.
the Explanation Guide OHS Code Schedules 11 OHS Code understanding of the 11 OHS Code Schedules
that the Explanation Schedules that the OHS Code Schedules that the Explanation
does not address
Guide does not address. Explanation Guide that the Explanation Guide does not address.
does not address. Guide does not address.

1.6 explain the role of the I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
employer and employee in explain the role of the the role of the assistance to explain to explain the role of provided evidence of
regard to occupational employer and employee employer and the role of the employer the employer and this performance task.
health and safety in regard to employee in regard to and employee in regard employee in regard to
occupational health and occupational health to occupational health occupational health and
safety legislation. and safety legislation. and safety legislation. safety legislation.

1.7 explain industry practices I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
for hazard assessment and explain industry industry practices for assistance to explain to explain industry provided evidence of
control procedures in four practices for hazard hazard assessment and industry practices for practices for hazard this performance task.
main hazard categories assessment and control control procedures in hazard assessment and assessment and control
procedures in four main four main hazard control procedures in procedures in four main
hazard categories. categories. four main hazard hazard categories.

1.8 identify and describe I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
hazard assessment tools identify and describe and describe hazard assistance to identify to identify and describe provided evidence of
that both employees and hazard assessment tools assessment tools that and describe hazard hazard assessment tools this performance task.
employers must use in that both employees both employees and assessment tools that that both employees
and employers must use employers must use in both employees and and employers must use
assessing and controlling
in assessing and assessing and employers must use in in assessing and
work-site hazards controlling work-site controlling work-site assessing and controlling work-site
hazards. hazards. controlling work-site hazards.

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Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.9 identify and describe I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
engineering controls that identify and describe and describe assistance to identify to identify and describe provided evidence of
provide the highest level engineering controls engineering controls and describe engineering controls this performance task.
of worker protection that provide the highest that provide the engineering controls that provide the highest
level of worker highest level of that provide the highest level of worker
protection. worker protection. level of worker protection.

1.10 identify and describe I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
employer administrative identify and describe and describe employer assistance to identify to identify and describe provided evidence of
controls that limit hazards employer administrative and describe employer employer this performance task.
to the lowest level possible administrative controls controls that limit administrative controls administrative controls
that limit hazards to the hazards to the lowest that limit hazards to the that limit hazards to the
lowest level possible. level possible. lowest level possible. lowest level possible.

1.11 describe the I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of describe the the responsibilities of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
employees and employers responsibilities of employees and the responsibilities of responsibilities of this performance task.
to apply emergency employees and employers to apply employees and employees and
employers to apply emergency employers to apply employers to apply
emergency procedures. procedures. emergency procedures. emergency procedures.

1.12 describe positive I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
tradesperson attitudes with describe positive positive tradesperson assistance to describe to describe positive provided evidence of
respect to the legal tradesperson attitudes attitudes with respect positive tradesperson tradesperson attitudes this performance task.
responsibilities for all with respect to the legal to the legal attitudes with respect to with respect to the legal
responsibilities for all responsibilities for all the legal responsibilities for all
workers. workers. responsibilities for all workers.

1.13 describe the roles and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of describe the roles and the roles and assistance to describe to describe the roles provided evidence of
employers and employees responsibilities of responsibilities of the roles and and responsibilities of this performance task.
with respect to the employers and employers and responsibilities of employers and
employees with respect employees with employers and employees with respect
selection and use of
to the selection and use respect to the employees with respect to the selection and use
personal protective of personal protective selection and use of to the selection and use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) equipment (PPE). personal protective of personal protective equipment (PPE).
equipment (PPE). equipment (PPE).

2. describe the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe practices for climbing, lifting, rigging and hoisting in the parts
technician apprenticeship trade

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2.1 select, use and maintain I can consistently I can usually select, I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specialized PPE and select, use and maintain use and maintain assistance to select, use to select, use and provided evidence of
materials for climbing, specialized PPE and specialized PPE and and maintain maintain specialized this performance task.
lifting and loading materials for climbing, materials for climbing, specialized PPE and PPE and materials for
lifting and loading. lifting and loading. materials for climbing, climbing, lifting and
lifting and loading. loading.

2.2 describe manual lifting I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures, including describe manual lifting manual lifting assistance to describe to describe manual provided evidence of
correct body mechanics procedures, including procedures, including manual lifting lifting procedures, this performance task.
correct body correct body procedures, including including correct body
mechanics. mechanics. correct body mechanics. mechanics.

2.3 describe rigging hardware I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and the safe work load describe rigging rigging hardware and assistance to describe to describe rigging provided evidence of
hardware and the safe the safe work load. rigging hardware and hardware and the safe this performance task.
work load. the safe work load. work load.

2.4 select the correct I can consistently select I can usually select the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
equipment for rigging the correct equipment correct equipment for assistance to select the to select the correct provided evidence of
typical loads for rigging typical rigging typical loads. correct equipment for equipment for rigging this performance task.
loads. rigging typical loads. typical loads.

2.5 describe hoisting and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
load-moving procedures describe hoisting and hoisting and assistance to describe to describe hoisting and provided evidence of
load-moving load-moving hoisting and load-moving this performance task.
procedures. procedures. load-moving procedures.

2.6 explain the most I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
commonly used sling explain the most the most commonly assistance to explain the to explain the most provided evidence of
configurations to connect commonly used sling used sling most commonly used commonly used sling this performance task.
a load to a hook configurations to configurations to sling configurations to configurations to
connect a load to a connect a load to a connect a load to a connect a load to a
hook. hook. hook. hook.

2.7 demonstrate the standard I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
movement signals a demonstrate the demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
signaler is required to standard movement standard movement demonstrate the standard movement this performance task.
know to signal a crane signals a signaler is signals a signaler is standard movement signals a signaler is
required to know to required to know to signals a signaler is required to know to
signal a crane operator. signal a crane required to know to signal a crane operator.
operator. signal a crane operator.

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3. describe the safety practices for hazardous materials and fire protection in the parts technician apprenticeship trade
3.1 describe the roles, I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities, features describe the roles, the roles, assistance to describe to describe the roles, provided evidence of
and practices related to the responsibilities, features responsibilities, the roles, responsibilities, features this performance task.
Workplace Hazardous and practices related to features and practices responsibilities, features and practices related to
the Workplace related to the and practices related to the Workplace
Materials Information
Hazardous Materials Workplace Hazardous the Workplace Hazardous Materials
System (WHMIS) Information System Materials Information Hazardous Materials Information System
program (WHMIS) program. System (WHMIS) Information System (WHMIS) program.
program. (WHMIS) program.

3.2 describe the three key I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
elements of WHMIS describe the three key the three key elements assistance to describe to describe the three provided evidence of
elements of WHMIS. of WHMIS. the three key elements key elements of this performance task.

3.3 describe handling, storage I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and transportation describe handling, handling, storage and assistance to describe to describe handling, provided evidence of
procedures when dealing storage and transportation handling, storage and storage and this performance task.
with hazardous materials transportation procedures when transportation transportation
procedures when dealing with procedures when procedures when
dealing with hazardous hazardous materials. dealing with hazardous dealing with hazardous
materials. materials. materials.

3.4 describe safe venting I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures when working describe safe venting safe venting assistance to describe to describe safe venting provided evidence of
with hazardous materials procedures when procedures when safe venting procedures procedures when this performance task.
working with hazardous working with when working with working with hazardous
materials. hazardous materials. hazardous materials. materials.

3.5 describe fire hazards, I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
classes, procedures and describe fire hazards, fire hazards, classes, assistance to describe to describe fire hazards, provided evidence of
equipment related to fire classes, procedures and procedures and fire hazards, classes, classes, procedures and this performance task.
protection equipment related to equipment related to procedures and equipment related to
fire protection. fire protection. equipment related to fire protection.
fire protection.

4. demonstrate communication skills and workshop safety as they pertain to occupational health and safety standards
4.1 use various types of I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
communication to various types of various types of assistance to use to use various types of provided evidence of
provide trade-related communication to communication to various types of communication to this performance task.
provide trade-related provide trade-related communication to provide trade-related

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2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
information, employing information, employing information, provide trade-related information, employing
standard terms for standard terms for employing standard information, employing standard terms for
components and components and terms for components standard terms for components and
operations operations. and operations. components and operations.

4.2 identify key areas of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibility that an identify key areas of key areas of assistance to identify to identify key areas of provided evidence of
employee has in regards responsibility that an responsibility that an key areas of responsibility that an this performance task.
to shop and trade safety employee has in regards employee has in responsibility that an employee has in regards
to shop and trade safety. regards to shop and employee has in regards to shop and trade safety.
trade safety. to shop and trade safety.

4.3 explain the correct use of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fire extinguishers and explain the correct use the correct use of fire assistance to explain the to explain the correct provided evidence of
explain fire prevention of fire extinguishers extinguishers and correct use of fire use of fire extinguishers this performance task.
techniques and explain fire explain fire prevention extinguishers and and explain fire
prevention techniques. techniques. explain fire prevention prevention techniques.

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5. demonstrate an understanding of the parts technician apprenticeship trade and of apprenticeship opportunities that exist by creating
a personal career portfolio
5.1 demonstrate an I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
understanding of the parts demonstrate an demonstrate an assistance to to demonstrate an provided evidence of
technician apprenticeship understanding of the understanding of the demonstrate an understanding of the this performance task.
trade and related job parts technician parts technician understanding of the parts technician
apprenticeship trade and apprenticeship trade parts technician apprenticeship trade
related job and related job apprenticeship trade and related job
opportunities. opportunities. and related job opportunities.

5.2 describe what it means to I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
be an apprentice and describe what it means what it means to be an assistance to describe to describe what it provided evidence of
describe requirements for to be an apprentice and apprentice and what it means to be an means to be an this performance task.
the employee and describe requirements describe requirements apprentice and describe apprentice and describe
for the employee and for the employee and requirements for the requirements for the
employer. employer. employee and employee and
employer. employer.

5.3 describe Albertas I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
apprenticeship and describe Albertas Albertas assistance to describe to describe Albertas provided evidence of
industry training system apprenticeship and apprenticeship and Albertas apprenticeship apprenticeship and this performance task.
industry training industry training and industry training industry training
system. system. system. system.

5.4 describe the roles and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of the describe the roles and the roles and assistance to describe to describe the roles and provided evidence of
Alberta Apprenticeship responsibilities of the responsibilities of the the roles and responsibilities of the this performance task.
and Industry Training Alberta Apprenticeship Alberta responsibilities of the Alberta Apprenticeship
and Industry Training Apprenticeship and Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training
Board, government and
Board, government and Industry Training and Industry Training Board, government and
post-secondary post-secondary Board, government Board, government and post-secondary
institutions institutions. and post-secondary post-secondary institutions.
institutions. institutions.

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5.5 describe the roles and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of the describe the roles and the roles and assistance to describe to describe the roles and provided evidence of
provincial apprenticeship responsibilities of the responsibilities of the the roles and responsibilities of the this performance task.
committees (PAC), local provincial provincial responsibilities of the provincial
apprenticeship apprenticeship provincial apprenticeship
apprenticeship committees
committees (PAC), committees (PAC), apprenticeship committees (PAC),
(LAC) and occupational local apprenticeship local apprenticeship committees (PAC), local apprenticeship
committees committees (LAC) and committees (LAC) local apprenticeship committees (LAC) and
occupational and occupational committees (LAC) and occupational
committees. committees. occupational committees.

5.6 refine and present a I can consistently refine I can usually refine I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
personal career portfolio, and present a personal and present a personal assistance to refine and to refine and present a provided evidence of
showing evidence of career portfolio, career portfolio, present a personal personal career this performance task.
strengths and showing evidence of showing evidence of career portfolio, portfolio, showing
strengths and strengths and showing evidence of evidence of strengths
competencies. competencies. strengths and and competencies.

5.7 demonstrate knowledge of I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
workplace requirements, demonstrate knowledge demonstrate assistance to to demonstrate provided evidence of
rights and responsibilities of workplace knowledge of demonstrate knowledge knowledge of this performance task.
and relate this knowledge requirements, rights and workplace of workplace workplace
responsibilities and requirements, rights requirements, rights and requirements, rights and
to personal career or
relate this knowledge to and responsibilities responsibilities and responsibilities and
employment expectations personal career or and relate this relate this knowledge to relate this knowledge to
employment knowledge to personal personal career or personal career or
expectations. career or employment employment employment
expectations. expectations. expectations.

5.8 outline the educational I can consistently I can usually outline I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
requirements to move into outline the educational the educational assistance to outline the to outline the provided evidence of
the parts technician requirements to move requirements to move educational educational this performance task.
apprenticeship trade into the parts technician into the parts requirements to move requirements to move
apprenticeship trade. technician into the parts technician into the parts technician
apprenticeship trade. apprenticeship trade. apprenticeship trade.

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6. adhere to environmental protection legislation
6.1 describe environmentally I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sound practices and describe environmentally sound assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
procedures at the work environmentally sound practices and environmentally sound environmentally sound this performance task.
site practices and procedures at the work practices and practices and
procedures at the work site. procedures at the work procedures at the work
site. site. site.

6.2 outline the compliance I can consistently I can usually outline I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
requirements of current outline the compliance the compliance assistance to outline the to outline the provided evidence of
legislation and hazardous requirements of current requirements of compliance compliance this performance task.
waste regulations legislation and current legislation and requirements of current requirements of current
hazardous waste hazardous waste legislation and legislation and
regulations. regulations. hazardous waste hazardous waste
regulations. regulations.

6.3 describe strategies to I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
reduce waste generated at describe strategies to strategies to reduce assistance to describe to describe strategies to provided evidence of
the work site reduce waste generated waste generated at the strategies to reduce reduce waste generated this performance task.
at the work site. work site. waste generated at the at the work site.
work site.

6.4 explain spill prevention I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and spill containment explain spill prevention spill prevention and assistance to explain to explain spill provided evidence of
strategies and spill containment spill containment spill prevention and prevention and spill this performance task.
strategies. strategies. spill containment containment strategies.

6.5 explain release prevention I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and containment strategies explain release release prevention and assistance to explain to explain release provided evidence of
prevention and containment release prevention and prevention and this performance task.
containment strategies. strategies. containment strategies. containment strategies.

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