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Arabic For Kids

Summer Cap
Day 1
Part 1

SWBAT name the members of a family in the TL

SWBAT follow basic instructions in the TL

SWBAT introduce themselves in the TL

SWBAT state the number of family members they have in Arabic.

SWBAT count to 20 in the TL

SWBAT identify the quantity of an object/item in TL

SWBAT perform and answer basic greetings

SWBAT use the singular form of familial related nouns

Topic: Family

Introduction: (15 minutes)

1. Teacher will greet the students in Arabic and introduce themselves. Teacher will teach students
how to say hello in Arabic. Practice greeting each student.
a. Say Hello to each student and wait for them to respond back appropriately
2. Teach students how to respond to What is your name? with My name is
3. Ask Each student what their name is in TL, they should respond in TL
4. Teacher will review how to say How are you and how to respond Fine/good
5. Teacher will say Hello, how are you? to each individual student and wait until they each
answer back with good/fine. Repeat twice.
6. Ask students have they ever studied Arabic and ask them what words or phrases they may
7. Teacher will teach students how to write their name in Arabic.
a. Have students practice on a piece of paper, or on a chalk board. Write 3x
b. Instruct students to write their names in Arabic on all of their worksheets

Basic instructions: (15 minutes)

1. Teacher, Today we are going to learn how to follow some directions in Arabic
a. When I say X that means to do Y i.e. When I say Neg-less that means to sit down in
your seat
b. Phrases to teach: Sit down, attention, be quiet, stand, write, read, talk
c. Review each phrase twice
2. To Practice, You will play Simon Says or Simone Yaqool
a. Ask students if they know how to play Simon says. Introduce game in Arabic as Simone
b. After students understand how to play, start the game. Say each command three times.
Make sure to trick students i.e. tell them to sit when they are already sitting.
Arabic For Kids
Summer Cap
Day 1
Activity 1: Vocab presentation (20 minutes)

1. Introduce topic. Today we are going to learn about the Family in Arabic
2. Present slide show with vocabulary. Have students repeat each word 3x
a. Vocab: Family, Mother, Father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt,
cousin, dog, cat, and,
b. Phrases: I have, I live with
3. Practice saying: I live with X, Y, and Z. I have an X.

Activity 2: Matching (15 Minutes)

1. Students will be instructed to complete the matching activity with a partner

2. Teacher will review answers by calling on students individually to answer questions.

Activity 3: Numbers (30 minutes)

1. Introduce topic, We will learn how to count in Arabic

2. Teacher will present Power point on numbers
a. Vocab: 1-20
b. Use finger to show number i.e. holding up five fingers and saying the number in Arabic.
Also have students mirror that action.
3. Listen to song about numbers 3x.
a. Help students to sting along and learn the song.
4. Hand out Number practice worksheet.
a. Students will practice writing number 1-10 3x each
5. Give students Number study guide

Activity 4: Numbers Review Game (20 minutes)

1. Ask students to form 2-3 teams (no more than 3 students to a team)
2. Teach students that when you say How many is there in Arabic that is means How many is
there i.e. Kam hadtha? Means how many is there?
3. Teacher gives instructions that they will be playing a game about numbers. The teacher will
show the students pictures and one person from each team, after talking with their team mates
quietly, must say how many of each item there is in TL. Inform students that the winners get
a. i.e. Show a picture of three cats and ask How many is there in TL, students should
answer in TL
b. Teacher will keep track of points on the board.

Activity 5: Counting Family (20 minutes)

1. Review Family Vocab

2. Introduce counting family, We will learn how to say I have X number of Y
a. I.e. I have 3 uncle (Use singular form to keep it simple)
b. Have students practice saying, I have # Noun
3. Have students fill out their Family member chart
Arabic For Kids
Summer Cap
Day 1
a. Students will, using Arabic numbers, fill in the number of each kind of family member
they have
4. Ask students how many of each do they have based on their chart? i.e. How many Aunts do you
have? Student should answer in TL with I have # X

Activity 6: Drawing Family (20 minutes)

1. Hand out blank pieces of paper & crayons/color pencils/markers/pens

2. Instruct students to draw their family members and then label them in Arabic (Use transcribed
version) i.e. Mother =Umee
3. Walk around and assist children
a. Ask who they are drawing? Students should answer in TL
4. Select a couple students to show their pictures and say who each person is in the picture in

Review (25 minutes)

1. Give Students Day 1 Vocab Sheet to take home or put in folders

2. Play Simone Yaqool to review basic instructions
3. Review counting to 20
4. Review Vocab
Arabic For Kids
Summer Cap
Day 1

Part 2

SWBAT recite the Arabic Alphabet

SWBAT Write Alif, Ba, Ta, Tha, Ha, Jim, & Kha

SWBAT identify 7 letters in Isolated, Initial, Medial, and Final positions.

SWBAT identify the sound that each letter makes.


Each student should have their own notebook or composition notebook

Activity 1: Alphabet Presentation (30min)

1. Teacher will introduce the topic, Today we will learn the Arabic Alphabet
2. Teacher will present Power point of each letter, making students repeat the letter 3x each
a. Ask students what letters sound like in English i.e. Ta reminds me of T in English, Alif
reminds me of A, etc.
3. Students will listen to Alphabet song 3x
a. Students will listen the first time, try to sing the second time, and sing it the third time.

Activity 2: Alif (30 minutes)

1. Introduce: The first letter we will learn how to write is Alif

a. Tell students It makes the sound a, have students repeat 3 times
b. Ask students, what letter in English does this remind you of? (A)
2. Students should use notebooks/composition notebooks.
3. Write on the board all three positions of Alif (Leave on the board after lesson)
a. Ask students what letter is this, pointing to the isolated version of Alif.
b. Tell students, this is what Alif looks like by itself (point to isolated), What Alif looks like
at the beginning of the word (point at Initial), and so forth.
4. Demonstrate the strokes to achieve each version of Alife in the initial, medial, and final state
using finger to trace the letter on the board
5. Have students practice writing each position 10x
a. Walk around and check the progress of students. Help students.

Activity 2: Ba (30 minutes)

1. Introduce: The second letter we will learn how to write is Ba

a. Tell students It makes the sound ba, have students repeat 3 times
b. Ask students, what letter in English does this remind you of? (B)
2. Students should use notebooks/composition notebooks.
3. Write on the board all three positions of Ba
a. Ask students what letter is this, pointing to the isolated version of Ba.
Arabic For Kids
Summer Cap
Day 1
b. Tell students, this is what Alif looks like by itself (point to isolated), What Alif looks like
at the beginning of the word (point at Initial), and so forth.
4. Demonstrate the strokes to achieve each version of Ba in the initial, medial, and final state using
your figner to trace the letter on the board.
5. Have students practice writing each position 5x
a. Walk around and check the progress of students. Help students.
6. Introduce how to connect Alif and Ba
7. Write on the board the 2 ways to write Alif and Ba together
a. Demonstrate on the board the strokes to connect the letters
8. Ask students to practice writing each way three times
a. Walk around the room and assist students as needed.
9. Ask students to come up to the board and write a connected version of Alif and Ba

Activity 3: Ta & tha (40min)

1. Introduce: We will learn how to write is Ta & tha

a. Tell students It makes the sound ta It makes the sound tha,have students repeat 3
b. Ask what is the difference between these letters (Point out the dots)
c. Ask students, what letter in English does this remind you of? For each letter (T)
2. Students should use notebooks/composition notebooks.
3. Write on the board all three positions of Ta
a. Demonstrate strokes using finger to follow the letter
b. Ask students what letter is this, pointing to the isolated version of Ta.
c. Tell students, this is what Ta looks like by itself (point to isolated), What Ta looks like at
the beginning of the word (point at Initial), and so forth.
d. Repeat for tha
4. Have students practice writing each position 5x
a. Walk around and check the progress of students. Help students.
5. Introduce connecting Alif, Ba, Ta, and tha.
6. Hand out Connection Worksheet: Alif, Ba, Ta, and tha.
7. Write on the board the some ways to connect Alif, Ba, Ta, and tha
a. Demonstrate on the board the strokes to connect the letters
8. Ask students to practice writing each way three times
a. Walk around the room and assist students as needed.
9. Ask students to come up to the board and write a connected version of Alif, Ba, Ta, and tha
a. Ask students to try and put sounds together for each word

Activity 4: Ha & Jim (40 min)

1. Introduce: Last letters we will learn how to write is Ha and Jim

a. Tell students It makes the sound Ha It makes the sound J, have students repeat 3
b. Ask the students what the difference is between the two letters (Point out dots)
c. Ask students, what letter in English does this remind you of? (H and J)
2. Students should use notebooks/composition notebooks.
Arabic For Kids
Summer Cap
Day 1
3. Write on the board all three positions of Ha and Jim
a. Demonstrate strokes using finger to follow the letter
b. Ask students what letter is this, pointing to the isolated version of Ta.
c. Tell students, this is what Ha looks like by itself (point to isolated), What Ha looks like at
the beginning of the word (point at Initial), and so forth.
d. Do the same for Jim
4. Have students practice writing each position 3x
a. Walk around and check the progress of students. Help students.
5. Introduce connecting Alif, Ba, Ta, THA, Ha, Jim.
6. Hand out Connection Worksheet: Alif, Ba, Ta, Tha, Ha, Jim.
7. Ask students to practice writing each way three times
a. Walk around the room and assist students as needed.

Review: (Last 10 minutes of class)

1. Give Students Arabic Alphabet Study Guide

2. Give students Alif-Jim practice sheet
3. Sing Alphabet song
4. Review letters they practiced writing

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