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CREDITS CE Article 1

The Diagnostic Approach to Fever

of Unknown Origin in Dogs*
J ulie Flood, dvm, dacvim Abstract: Identifying the cause of a fever of unknown origin (FUO) in dogs presents a consider-
Antech Diagnostics able diagnostic challenge. The diagnostic workup can be frustrating for veterinarians and clients,
Irvine, California
especially when it fails to reach a final diagnosis after extensive testing. Fortunately, most causes
of FUO can be found or treated successfully. This article discusses FUO in dogs and provides
information about common causes, the diagnostic approach, and potential treatments.

rue fever (pyrexia) is defined as an serum biochemistry profile, and urinaly-
increase in body temperature due to sis with antimicrobial culture. The cause
an elevation of the thermal set point of fever in most dogs is an infection that
in the anterior hypothalamus secondary to either is found during the initial workup or
the release of pyrogens.1 With hyperther- responds to antibiotic treatment; therefore,
mic conditions other than true fever, the most dogs do not have a true FUO.5
At a Glance hypothalamic set point is not adjusted.1
Nonfebrile hyperthermia occurs when heat Differential Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis gain exceeds heat loss, such as with inade- The differential diagnosis for FUO in dogs
Page 14 quate heat dissipation, exercise, and patho- is extensive, and development of an algo-
Clinical Approach logic or pharmacologic causes.1 rithm covering all causes is not feasible.
Page 14 Dogs with true fever typically have body Some causes of FUO in dogs are listed
Potential Causes of Fever temperatures between 103F and 106F in Box 1.2,4,5 Most FUOs are caused by a
of Unknown Origin in Dogs (39.5C to 41.1C).2 Prolonged body tem- common disease presenting in an obscure
Page 15 peratures above 106F are dangerous and fashion.6
can result in organ failure, disseminated Current information in the veterinary
Staged Diagnostic
Approach to Fever of intravascular coagulation, systemic inflam- literature regarding FUO in dogs is lim-
Unknown Origin in Dogs matory response syndrome, and death.1,3 ited.1,5 Infectious, immune-mediated, and
Page 16 Such temperatures are usually seen with neoplastic diseases are all important and
nonfebrile causes of hyperthermia rather common causes.2,5,7,8 About 10% to 15%
Page 19
than with true fever.4 Temperatures less of FUOs in dogs remain undiagnosed
than 106F are unlikely to be harmful and despite thorough diagnostic evaluation.5
may be beneficial because they constitute The prognosis for undiagnosed FUO in
a protective response to inflammation.1,5 dogs is not known. However, a retrospec-
The term fever of unknown origin (FUO) tive study7 revealed that in 13 of 14 dogs
is used liberally in veterinary medicine.5 with undiagnosed FUO, the fever either
It should be used to identify a fever that resolved spontaneously or responded to
does not resolve spontaneously, that does antibiotics, NSAIDs, or corticosteroids.
not respond to antibiotic treatment, and
for which the diagnosis remains uncer- Clinical Approach
WEB tain after an initial diagnostic workup.5 The diagnostic approach must be tailored
EXCLUSIVE Along with a thorough history and physi- to the patient. It should be guided by his-
cal examination, initial diagnostics should tory and physical examination findings,
Supplemental material to this
include a complete blood count (CBC), simple laboratory testing, and the poten-
article is available at tial causes common to the geographic
CompendiumVet.com. *A companion article about fever of unknown location.9,10 A three-stage approach, such as
origin in cats begins on page 26. the one presented in Box 2, is commonly

14 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians | January 2009 | CompendiumVet.com

The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs CE

used.2,4,5 Communication with the owner is or subtle clinical signs (historical, intermit-
of utmost importance to ensure understand- tent, and current) because these may help
ing of the time and financial commitment that localize the fever source. A history of stiffness
may be required to obtain a definitive diagno- may suggest joint disease, but fevers can pres-
sis. Fortunately, a diagnosis can be obtained ent similarly.3 Often, diagnostic clues are not
in most circumstances, and many causes are readily apparent on physical examination, so
treatable or manageable.8 repeated detailed physical examinations are
All medications should be discontinued to essential (by multiple clinicians, if possible).10
help rule out a drug-induced fever. If the fever Careful attention should be paid to the whole
persists beyond 72 hours after medication cessa- bodypulses, skin, mucous membranes, oral
tion, a drug reaction can be ruled out.11 cavity, lymph nodes, heart, abdomen, bones
and joints, and rectum. Repeated fundic and
History and Physical Examination neurologic examinations are also important to
Obtaining a thorough history is the first step identify subtle changes. As the disease pro-
of a successful diagnostic approach. Clients gresses, new clues may emerge to help guide
should be questioned carefully about specific the next diagnostic steps.
Box 1
Complete Blood Count and Serum
Potential Causes of Fever Biochemistry Profile
of Unknown Origin in Dogs2,5 CBC and serum biochemistry profile abnor-
malities in dogs with FUO are generally non-
 acterial infection (focal or systemic): Bacter-
B specific, but they may indicate a need for
emia, infective endocarditis, septic arthritis, further diagnostic tests. Every CBC should
osteomyelitis, diskospondylitis, septic meningi- be accompanied by a blood smear evaluation
tis, pyothorax, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, stump to detect morphologic changes and parasites.
pyometra, peritonitis, deep pyoderma, abscess Frequently, multiple blood smears and care-
Bacterial diseases: Brucellosis, bartonello- ful scanning are necessary to find infectious
sis, borreliosis, leptospirosis, mycoplasmo- organisms (Figure 1). Sometimes only one
sis (hemotrophic and nonhemotrophic), tu- organism will be seen on an entire slide. It
berculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, is wise to save serum for serologic testing or QuickNotes
diseases caused by L-form bacteria (e.g., cel- other special tests that may be crucial in the
lulitis, synovitis) future. A serum bile acids assay may be indi-
Urine culture should
Viral: Canine distemper, parvovirus
cated because fever may be the only predomi- be conducted for all
Rickettsial: Ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, Rocky dogs with fever of
nant clinical sign in dogs with portosystemic
Mountain spotted fever, salmon poisoning
shunts.12 unknown origin.
Fungal: Histoplasmosis, blastomycosis,
cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis
Protozoal: Toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, Urinalysis with Culture
babesiosis, trypanosomiasis, hepatozoonosis, A urine sample obtained via cystocentesis
leishmaniasis (unless contraindicated) should be submitted
Immune-mediated diseases: Immune-
mediated hemolytic anemia, polyarthritis,
systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid
arthritis, vasculitis, meningitis, steroid-
responsive neutropenia and fever
Neoplastic: Lymphoma, leukemia, multiple
myeloma, malignant histiocytosis, necrotic
Courtesy of Dr.Ty McSherry

solid tumors
Noninfectious inflammatory diseases: Lym
phadenitis, panniculitis, pansteatitis, panos-
teitis, pancreatitis, granulomatosis
Miscellaneous: Portosystemic shunt, drug
reaction, toxin, shar-pei fever, metabolic bone
disorders, idiopathic causes Histoplasma organisms found on a blood
smear from a dog.

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CE The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs
Box 2
for a complete urinalysis with bacterial cul-
Staged Diagnostic Approach to Fever ture even if sediment is inactive. These tests
of Unknown Origin in Dogs2,4 should be repeated, especially if there is a his-
tory of lower urinary tract disease, as a nega-
Stage 1 tive urine culture does not rule out infection.
Take a thorough history. Further diagnostic testing could include urine
Stop all medications to rule out drug-induced fever. protein:creatinine ratio if proteinuria is pres-
Perform a meticulous physical examination, including fundic and
ent with inactive sediment.
neurologic examinations.
Obtain samples for CBC, blood smear, and serum chemistry profile.
Save serum for serology or other testing.
Two-view abdominal and three-view thoracic
Obtain a urine sample for complete urinalysis and urine culture.
radiographs should be obtained if the mini-
Submit a sample for urine protein:creatinine ratio if proteinuria and
inactive sediment are present. mum database does not reveal the cause of the
Conduct fecal centrifugation and fecal cytology, if indicated. fever. Total body radiographs can help aid in
Consider obtaining thoracic and abdominal radiographs. the diagnosis of masses, pneumonia, pyotho-
Consider trial antibiotics if bacterial infection is suspected (e.g., rax, or other infections. Joint radiographs can
doxycycline if ehrlichiosis is suspected). aid in the diagnosis of an erosive immune-
If necessary, proceed to stage 2. mediated polyarthritis.3 Other anatomic areas
to radiograph include long bones (especially in
Stage 2 young dogs), the spine, and dental structures
Repeat stage 1 tests as indicated. (tooth root abscesses, masses). Special contrast
Obtain thoracic and abdominal radiographs if not obtained in stage 1. radiographic studies can focus on other body
Conduct abdominal and other ultrasonography as indicated. systems (urogenital, spinal, gastrointestinal).
Conduct echocardiography if a heart murmur is present.
Conduct heartworm testing, if indicated. Ultrasonography
Conduct fine-needle aspiration with cytology of masses, lymph Abdominal ultrasonography allows for evalu-
nodes, and fluids (cyst, pleural, peritoneal, prostatic wash), if ation of organ parenchyma and can detect
indicated. lesions not apparent on survey radiographs.
Conduct blood culture. It can also assist with fine-needle aspiration
Conduct arthrocentesis. or biopsy if needed. Thoracic ultrasonogra-
Conduct fecal cultures, if indicated. phy can be conducted if abnormalities (e.g.,
Conduct bone marrow aspiration if warranted by CBC results. pleural effusion, cysts, masses) are detected
Conduct serology for infectious diseases. on radiographs. When thoracic disease is
Obtain long bone and joint radiographs.
not radiographically evident, ultrasonography
Conduct protein electrophoresis, if indicated.
is not rewarding because the lungs obscure
Conduct an immune panel, if indicated.
intrathoracic anatomy.13 Ultrasonography can
If necessary, proceed to stage 3.
also be used to evaluate ocular (including
Stage 3 retrobulbar), ventral cervical (thyroid/parathy-
Repeat stage 1 and 2 tests as indicated. roid, lymph node, salivary gland), and muscu-
Conduct echocardiography even if no murmur is present. loskeletal (skin, subcutaneous, joint, muscle)
Conduct transesophageal echocardiography. regions if indicated.1416
Conduct bone marrow aspiration even if CBC results are normal.
Perform biopsy as indicated. Echocardiography
Conduct bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage as indicated. Echocardiography should be conducted in
Conduct cerebrospinal fluid analysis. dogs with FUO and a heart murmur, especially
Conduct dental radiography. a new or diastolic murmur. Vegetative lesions
Consider computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, must be differentiated from proliferative myx-
nuclear imaging, or positron emission tomography. omatous valve degeneration. Dogs with infec-
Conduct laparoscopy or thoracoscopy as indicated. tive endocarditis are usually medium to large
Consider exploratory celiotomy. breeds that do not tend to have myxomatous
Administer trial antibiotic or antifungal therapy. valve degeneration.17 Echocardiography can
CBC = complete blood count
also be used to evaluate for a heart base mass
if one is clinically suspected.

16 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians | January 2009 | CompendiumVet.com

The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs CE

Blood Culture FIGURE 2

Blood cultures should be conducted (prefera-
bly during a pyrexic episode) for all dogs with
FUO, especially those with a heart murmur,
bounding pulses, lameness (polyarthritis),

Courtesy of Dr.Ty McSherry

back pain (diskospondylitis), or urinary tract
infection, as the latter three conditions can be
sequelae to endocarditis.17 It is common for
dogs with positive blood cultures to have iso-
lation of the same organism from other tissue
or fluid sites (cardiac, urinary, spinal).18 Aseptic
techniques for obtaining samples are described
elsewhere.2,19,20 The volume of the blood sam- Morulae in macrophages in a splenic aspirate from a dog infected with
ple is more important than the timing; larger Ehrlichia canis.
volumes are associated with an increased diag-
nostic yield in human medicine.19,21,22 Patient FIGURE 3
size determines the amount of blood to be
drawn. As a general guideline, 16 to 20 mL of
blood should be obtained from large dogs,
and 5 mL of blood should be obtained from

Courtesy of Dr.Ty McSherry

cats and small dogs.2 The blood should be
divided evenly and placed aseptically into aer-
obic and anaerobic blood culture vials (~70-mL
vials for large patients, and ~20-mL vials for
small patients).2 If the patients size allows, a
second blood sample can be obtained immedi-
ately from a different site and divided as
described above.2 If the dog has recently Fine-needle aspirate from a spleen in a dog with malignant histiocytosis.
received antibiotics, blood culture vials with
resins that bind antibiotics should be used.2,19 planum, skin, feces) can also be conducted if
Evidence suggests that recovery is improved in indicated. Fluid samples should be submitted
samples from blood culture resin vials because for bacterial culture if the sample quantity is
the resins may absorb inhibitors other than anti- sufficient.
biotics23; therefore, use of these vials for all
blood samples may be warranted. Bartonella Bone Marrow Evaluation
spp are emerging as an important cause of Bone marrow aspiration should be conducted
culture-negative infective endocarditis in dogs; early in the evaluation of dogs with FUO if CBC
therefore, submission of samples for Bartonella abnormalities consistent with bone marrow Arthrocentesis can
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing as disease are present. It should be considered in yield critical diag-
well as serology is recommended in suspected later diagnostic stages if no definitive diagno-
nostic information
cases.24 Blood culture PCR techniques are sis has been made, even if the CBC is normal,
being used in human medicine and may be because neoplasia and infectious diseases can
for many dogs with
valuable for use in dogs for detecting other be common causes of FUO in dogs.2,8 fever of unknown
infections in the future.25 origin.
Cytologic Examination Immune-mediated polyarthritis is a common
Fine-needle aspiration with cytology should cause of FUO in dogs even when no signs of
be conducted on any suspicious masses or arthritis are present (Figure 4).7,8 Arthrocentesis
lymph nodes, fluid accumulations, or abnor- should be conducted on several joints and the
mal organs. Cytology can be rewarding in samples submitted for cytologic evaluation
the diagnosis of many infections as well (EDTA microcontainer) and possibly bacterial
as in the identification of abnormal cells culture (aerobic, anaerobic, and mycoplasma).
(Figures 2 and 3). Impression cytology (nasal Infectious arthropathy needs to be ruled out

CompendiumVet.com | January 2009 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians 17

CE The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs
FIGURE 4 exposure (e.g., fungal disease, most rickettsial
diseases) or previous infection (e.g., protozoal
disease) and does not necessarily correlate with
active disease or current clinical signs.28

Immunodiagnostic Screening Panels

Immunodiagnostic panels (antinuclear anti-
body, rheumatoid factor, Coombs) are typically

Courtesy of Dr.Ty McSherry

unrewarding in dogs with FUO for several
reasons, including the potential for false-pos-
itive results.2,7,8 Antiplatelet antibody tests and
serum protein electrophoresis can be con-
ducted if thrombocytopenia or hyperglobu-
linemia, respectively, is present.
Joint fluid from the tarsus of a dog with
immune-mediated polyarthritis. Other Diagnostic Tests
Other diagnostic tests, such as prostatic wash,
if suppurative inflammation is seen on cytol- cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and bronchos-
ogy because samples from septic joints do not copy with bronchoalveolar lavage, should be
always contain degenerate neutrophils, and a considered if clinical abnormalities suggest
negative joint culture does not rule out infec- prostatic, neurologic, or respiratory disorders,
tion.26 If only a small sample can be obtained, respectively. Samples should be submitted for
it should be used for direct cytology. Otherwise, cytologic evaluation as well as aerobic and
it is recommended to submit synovial fluid sam- anaerobic bacterial culture if quantity permits.
ples in blood culture medium to improve the Bronchoalveolar lavage samples should also
diagnostic yield.26 Synovial membrane biopsy be submitted for mycoplasma and slow-grow-
with culture can also be considered.26 Bacterial ing fungal cultures.
endocarditis can cause true infective arthritis
or immune-mediated arthritis, and the two Advanced Imaging
conditions must be differentiated.27 Immune- Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic res-
mediated polyarthritis tends to involve the onance imaging (MRI) should be used to help
carpi and tarsi, whereas infective arthritis fre- delineate diagnosed conditions or when the
quently involves larger joints (e.g., stifle, elbow, diagnosis remains equivocal.10 Nuclear scintig-
shoulder).27 If immune-mediated polyarthritis is raphy is being used more frequently in vet-
suspected, serology for rickettsial disease and a erinary medicine to detect infections and may
heartworm test may be indicated.27 be a valuable tool in the investigation of FUO
in dogs.29 Another promising imaging modal-
Serology ity being used in human medicine, called
Serum samples should be submitted for fungal image fusion, is the combination of positron
and rickettsial disease testing if these diseases emission tomography (PET; a type of nuclear
are clinically suspected and if patient history imaging) and CT. A few reports of the use
indicates possible exposure. These tests should of image fusion in dogs demonstrate that this
not be used as screening procedures in the technique could play an important role in
hope that something abnormal will be found. investigating canine FUO.3033
Because Toxoplasma and Neospora spp are
ubiquitous protozoal parasites, paired serum Biopsy
to learn more
antibody titers for IgG and IgM should be sub- If fine-needle aspiration cytology cannot pro-
For more information on mitted if a diagnosis continues to be elusive. A vide a definitive diagnosis, a biopsy may be
special tests that can be
single high IgM indicates active or recent infec- helpful. In one study,7 biopsy samples submit-
used in diagnosing the
cause of FUO in dogs, tion, and a fourfold IgG rising titer confirms ted for histopathology enabled a diagnosis in
please visit the Web infection.28 It is important to remember that a 15 of 17 dogs with FUO. Tissue samples can
Exclusives section of negative antibody titer does not rule out infec- be obtained percutaneously (with or without
tion and that a single positive titer implies either imaging assistance); via endoscopy, laparos-

18 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians | January 2009 | CompendiumVet.com

The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs CE

copy, or thoracoscopy; or surgically during trial antifungal agents may be of use.

laparotomy. Submission of tissue samples for If the fever does not respond to antibiotics or
histopathology and possibly bacterial or fun- antifungals, options include waiting to see if new
gal cultures is recommended. Exploratory diagnostic clues arise and considering an immu-
celiotomy with biopsy is indicated only by the nosuppressive trial of corticosteroids. A dramatic
results of diagnostic testing.8 The diagnostic improvement should be expected within 24 to
yield of exploratory celiotomy in a dog with 48 hours of corticosteroid therapy in dogs with
no indication for surgery is unknown. an immune-mediated FUO.2,5 It is important to
inform owners about the risks of trial corticos-
Treatment teroids, such as allowing a fungal or bacterial
Specific treatment is based on the definitive infection to disseminate or further decreasing the
diagnosis, if found. Administering intravenous chance to diagnose the problem, as with lym-
fluids or placing a fan blowing toward the cage phoma. Ideally, during a corticosteroid trial, the
can be used to reduce the temperature in hos- dog should be hospitalized and monitored closely
pitalized patients. In dogs for which extensive for adverse effects.5 Initial improvement does not
investigation yields no diagnosis, judicious use equal successful treatment. One study7 revealed
of antibiotic therapy may be warranted. The that treatment 24 hours before referral was associ-
choice of antibiotic depends on the suspected ated with a statistically significant increase in the
bacterial agent. If no response is seen after 72 time to diagnosis. Therefore, it is suggested that,
hours with appropriate dosing, another antibi- when possible, therapy be withheld or withdrawn
otic that covers a different spectrum may be in dogs referred for investigation of FUO.
chosen.34 If a bacterial infection is suspected
in a severely ill patient, the four-quadrant Conclusion
approachchoosing an antibiotic or combi- The most common and important causes of
nation of antibiotics that is effective against FUO in dogs are infection, immune-mediated
aerobic, anaerobic, gram-positive, and gram- disease, and cancer. Using a logical diagnostic
negative organismsis recommended.34 If anti- approach to FUO in dogs usually results in a
biotic therapy is not successful, NSAIDs can be definitive diagnosis. Sometimes, being patient QuickNotes
administered, keeping in mind the potential and allowing new diagnostic clues to emerge
The most common
side effects.5,7 Fever can result in considerable by revamping historical information (via reas-
malaise, dehydration, and anorexia; therefore, sessing current information and possibly and important
clinicians must decide in each case whether obtaining a more detailed history) and repeat- causes of FUO in
NSAIDs could be beneficial.4 Antipyretics (e.g., ing physical examinations and simple labora- dogs are infection,
ketoprofen, flunixin meglumine, dipyrone) tory tests is more desirable than proceeding immune-mediated
should be used with caution because fever can with more invasive and expensive tests if the disease, and cancer.
be beneficial, and many argue that antipyretic dog is stable. Communicating with the client
therapy can have a negative impact on the is of utmost importance. A broad knowledge
body by causing hypothermia and impairing of the possible causative diseases and the abil-
the hosts immune defenses.4,5,35 Fevers may ity to interpret specific diagnostic test results
increase the bactericidal effect of antibiotics in the context of FUO in dogs are essential to
and serum and can also decrease the pathoge- diagnose the source of an FUO.
nicity of some pathogens.4,5,35 If an antipyretic
is considered necessary, aspirin can be admin- The author thanks Leo Ty McSherry, DVM, DACVP,
istered at a dosage of 10 mg/kg q12h PO.2 If clinical pathologist at Antech Diagnostics in Irvine,
there is clinical suspicion of a fungal disease, California, for the cytology images.

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1. Which statement regarding the investi- 2. What is the correct definition of a true 3. Which statement regarding fever in dogs
gation of FUO in dogs is false? fever? is true?
a. Two-view abdominal and three-view a. increase in body temperature due to an a. The cause of fever in most dogs is
thoracic radiographs are recommended. elevation of the thermal set point in the neoplasia.
b. Joint radiographs can aid in the diag- anterior hypothalamus b. Most FUOs in dogs are caused by a
nosis of an erosive immune-based b. increase in body temperature due to an common disease presenting in an
polyarthritis. elevation of the thermal set point in the obscure fashion.
c. Thoracic ultrasonography should anterior pituitary gland c. Dogs with true fevers commonly
always be conducted, especially if c. a marked, rapid rise in body tempera- have prolonged body temperatures
abnormalities are not detected on tho- ture without adjustment of the thermal above 106F.
racic radiographs. set point in the anterior hypothalamus d. Prolonged body temperatures
d. Dogs with infective endocarditis are d. a marked, rapid rise in body tempera- above 106F are not dangerous.
usually medium to large breeds that ture without adjustment of the
do not tend to have myxomatous valve thermal set point in the anterior
degeneration. pituitary gland

20 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians | January 2009 | CompendiumVet.com

The Diagnostic Approach to FUO in Dogs CE

4. FUO in dogs is commonly the result 7. Which statement regarding blood cul- 9. Which statement is true with regard to
of ____________ disease. tures for dogs with FUO is false? dogs with FUO?
a. infectious a. Blood cultures can be conducted for a a. Antibiotics should never be started
b. neoplastic dog currently on antibiotics. unless the definitive cause of FUO is
c immune-mediated b. It is rare for dogs with positive blood determined.
d. all of the above cultures to have isolation of the same b. A negative fungal antibody titer rules
organism from other sites. out infection with that organism.
5. Which statement regarding sample c. Obtaining a larger blood sample c. Initial improvement after the start
culture is true? volume is more important than of corticosteroids does not equate
a. A negative urine culture can rule the timing of the sample. to successful treatment because
out pyelonephritis. d. Bartonella spp are emerging as many diseases can respond favorably
b. A negative blood culture can rule an important cause of culture-negative initially.
out bacteremia. infective endocarditis in dogs. d. Bone marrow aspiration is only indi-
c. A negative joint culture can rule out cated if the CBC is abnormal.
septic arthritis. 8. Which statement regarding arthrocente-
d. none of the above sis in the evaluation of a dog with FUO is 10. W
 hich statement is false with regard to
true? dogs with FUO?
6. When evaluating a dog with FUO, a. Only one joint should be tapped a. Using a logical approach usually results
a. it is usually not necessary to evaluate to decrease the chance of septic in a definitive diagnosis.
a blood smear in conjunction with contamination. b. It is important to run as many diagnos-
the CBC. b. Immune-mediated polyarthropathies tic tests as quickly as possible when
b. a urine culture is only indicated tend to involve larger joints such as the evaluating a stable dog with FUO.
when there is an active urine stifles, elbows, and shoulders. c. Conduct fecal centrifugation and fecal
sediment. c. Degenerate neutrophils are not always cytology, if indicated.
c. repeated neurologic and fundic exami- seen with septic joints. d. If fever persists beyond 72 hours
nations are important. d. Immune-mediated polyarthritis is after a medication has been discontin-
d. a joint tap is recommended only for extremely rare in asymptomatic dogs ued, a drug-induced fever can be
dogs presenting with lameness. with FUO. ruled out.

CompendiumVet.com | January 2009 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians 21

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