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Heart and Mediastinum Trachea

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
MEDIASTINUM central compartment of thoracic Thoracic duct and lymphatic trunk
cavity; each side covered by mediastinal pleura;
hollow visceral structures united by loose CT and Blood supply: Anterior intercoastal artery; anterior
often infiltrated by fat mediastinal branches of internal thoracic artery
Venous drainage: Left brachiocephalic vein,
DIVISIONS internal thoracic vein and interior thyroid veins
Lymphatic drainage: parasternal, brachiocephalic
Boundaries: and tracheobronchial
Sup to Inf Superior thoracic aperture to
diaphragm INFERIOR DIVISION: Subdivided into: anterior,
Ant to Post Sternum and coastal cartilages middle and posterior by PERICARDIUM
to the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae
Laterally mediastinal pleura and some 1. Anterior smallest, between sternum and
parts of parietal pleura of lungs pericardium
Contents: Contents:
Remnants of Thymus Sternopericardial ligaments
Heart and large blood vessels Fat
Trachea and esophagus Lymphatic vessels and nodes
Thoracic duct and lymph nodes Branches of internal thoracic vessels
Vagus and phrenic nerves Inferior part of thymus (infants and childre)

Subdivisions: 2. Middle within pericardium

Transverse thoracic plane passes from Contents:
sternal angle through T4 and T5; divides Pericardium
into sup and inf mediastinum Heart
Roots of great vessels: ascending aorta,
SUPERIOR DIVISION pulmonary trunk, and superior vena cava
Contents: Arch of Azygos vein
Thymus primary lymphoid organ; Main bronchi
develops from 3rd brachial pouch; nag
eextend to inferior division sa bata; grows 3. Posterior anterior to T5-T12, between
til puberty (involution na); superior part: parietal pleura
posterior of pericardium Contents
Veins Thoracic aorta
Brachiocephalic vein Thoracic duct
Superior vena cava Tracheobronchial nodes
Arteries Azygos and Hemiazygos veins
Arch of aorta Esophagus
Roots of brachiocephalic trunk Esophageal plexus
Left common carotid artery Thoracic sympathetic trunks and thoracic
Left subclavian artery sympathetic nerves
Related nerves
Phrenic nerve VEINS
Vagus nerve 1. Brachiocephalic veins (R and L)
Cardiac plexus - Union of IJV and subclavian vein
- L is longer than R, crosses midline, L divides into R common carotid
joins R to form SVC and right subclavian arteries
- Shunt blood from head neck and upper 2. Left common carotid artery 2nd
limbs to R atrium branch; ascends posterior to
- R venous angle origin of R; receive aorta, slightly posterior and to
lymph from R lymphatic duct the left of brachiocephalic trunk,
- L venous angle origin of L; receive and anterior to the L subclavian
lymph from thoracic duct artery
2. Superior Vena Cava - valveless 3. Left subclavian artery 3rd
- Union of R and L brachiocephalic veins branch, arises from posterior
- Drains into R atrium at level of 3rd part of arch, post. to L common
intercostal cartilage artery; ascends lateral to trachea
- Right side of superior mediastinum, ant. and L common carotid artery
to trachea; posterolateral to ascending through superior mediastinum
- Joined by azygos before entering NOTE: Ligamentum arteriosum serves as landmark
pericardium for L recurrent laryngeal nerve (hooks underneath
- Terminal half: nasa middle, beside aortic arch, lateral to ligamentum arteriosum)
ascending aorta and forming posterior remnant of fetal ductus arteriosus; passes from
boundary of transverse pericardial sinus root of pulmonary artery to inf. surface of arch of
aorta; found in inferior margin of aortic arch and at
3. Inferior Vena cava larger than svc the origin of L pulmonary artery
- In abdomen, perforates the central
tendon of the diaphragm and the c. Descending aorta
pericardium - Thoracic aorta: continuation of aortic
- May rudimentary and functionless valve arch; begins at L side of inferior body of
T4 then descends in posterior
ARTERIES mediastinum on L side of T5-T12;
1. Aorta from aortic orifice on L ventricle; approaches median plane as it descends
consists of: and displaces esophagus to the right
a. ascending aorta (branches: R and L
coronary arteries)
b. arch of aorta (continuation ng
ascending, taas ng TTP; from 2nd right
sternocostal joint sa posterior magiging
thoracic aorta sa 2nd left sternocostal
joint; arches superoposteriorly to L and
ascends anterior to R pulmonary artery
and bifurcation of traches; descends on
L side and continues as descending
aorta from T4 vertebral body)
Branches of aortic arch
1. Brachiocephalic trunk 1st and
largest branch; posterior to
manubrium; ant. to trachea,
post. toL BC vein, ascends
superolaterally and reaches R
sife of trachea and right SC joint;

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