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Body modification, the tattoo and piercing in town

Body modification (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or human
physical appearance often done for aesthetics, sexual enhancement, rites of passage, religious
beliefs, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, for shock value, and as
self-expression, among other reasons. It includes plastic surgery, socially acceptable decoration
(e.g., common ear piercing in many societies), and religious rites of passage (e.g., circumcision
in a number of cultures), as well as the modern primitive movement.

Body piercing modifications may include; Ear piercing, Pearling - also known as genital
beading, Neck ring, Scrotal implants, Tattooing, Teeth blackening, Eyeball tattooing, Surface
piercing - a piercing where the entrance and exit holes are pierced through the same flat area of
skin, Micro dermal implants, Transdermal implant - implantation of an object below the dermis,
but which exits the skin at one or more points

Modifications that involve removal or split are; Hair cutting, Hair removal, Genital modification
and mutilation in, Females; genital mutilation, Clitoral hood reduction - removal of the clitoral
hood, Clitoridectomy - removal of the clitoris, Infibulation - removal of the external genitalia
(and suturing of the vulva), Labiaplasty - alteration (removal, reduction, enhancement, or
creation) of the labia. In male: Circumcision, Foreskin restoration - techniques for attempting
restoration, Emasculation - complete removal of the penis (orchiectomy plus penectomy),
Genital bisection - splitting of both the underside and the top of the penis, including genital
inversion, Orchiectomy - removal of the testicles, Penectomy - removal of the penis, Sub
incision - splitting of the underside of the penis, also called urethrotomy, Nipple cutting: Nipple
removal, Nipple splitting and Tongue cutting.

Body modifications occurring as the end result of long term activities or practices e.g. binding of
the waist and shaping of the torso, Cranial binding - modification of the shape of infants' heads,
Breast ironing, Foot binding, Anal stretching, penis enlargement Non-surgical elongation of
organs by prolonged stretching using weights or spacing devices. Some cultural traditions
prescribe for or encourage members of one sex (or both) to have one organ stretched till
permanent re-dimensioning has occurred, such as: The 'giraffe-like' stretched necks (sometimes
also other organs) .

Others include;

Human branding - controlled burning or cauterizing of tissue to encourage intentional scarring

Ear shaping, (which includes cropping), ear pointing or "elfin"

Scarification - cutting or removal of dermis with the intent to encourage intentional scarring or

Human tooth sharpening - generally used to have the appearance of some sort of animal.
The enhancement of physical attractiveness through body modifications, such as tattoos is
evident in a wide range of cultures and has recently become popular in different parts of the
world. There are various aspects through which people, especially youth, identify themselves.
People are always sending some sort of communication out at all times, whether it is
subconscious or not. Images and styles are adopted which communicate meanings about the
individual to his/her peers and to society. Styles of dress, language, music, and dance are some of
the ways that portray one's own unique symbols, values, and meanings. One other such signifier
of identity is through body modification, particularly tattooing and body piercing.

In today's society people have adopted the new style or trend of body modification. There are
many reasons in which people obtain piercings and tattoos. Those who modify, manipulate and
mutilate their bodies do so for many reasons. Some say it's simply exciting and pleasurable, or
part of the latest fad. Others place it in the context of art, ritual or self-expression-they say it's an
act with cultural and social significance. In contrast, many people can't understand why someone
would choose to put so many holes in her body or cut their skin. They see body modification as
self-destructive, much like anorexia or bulimia. I am a prime example of youth urge toward body
modification. Below I will talk about why, what, where, and how people modify their body and
how people look upon them.

Youth and adolescence is one of, if not the most, significant and influential moments in one's
life, when youth are seeking their identity of who they are. Tattooing and piercing are one of the
many ways through which youth may express their identity, for they are symbolic representations
of how the self is conceived or understood. People may also want themselves to be portrayed as
someone who they are not. For example, someone gets a tattoo or earrings just to look "tough" or
"cool". I remember when I was young; I thought having an earring was the coolest thing and at
the age of sixteen I couldn't take it anymore and pierced my ear against my parents will.

Getting a piercing or tattoo symbolizes a certain change in ones life. These changes, no matter
how miniscule they may seem, have a huge impact on a person's identity. Usually when a youth
gets a tattoo or earring, they are symbolizing their maturity by finally being able to make a
decision on their own and taking matters into their own hands. Body modification is clearly a
means by which youth seek to displace authority and etiquette. Within the last four years I have
gotten two earrings, a tongue ring, and a huge tattoo on my back. As I get older I frequently ask
myself, "Why did I get this tattoo? Why do I have two earrings? Why would I pierce my
tongue?" These are questions that I should have asked myself four years ago. As I get older I
dislike my tattoo more and more. The reason I got it was simply to look cool but know I am
stuck with it for as long as I live.

Most youth don't think about this when they begin to modify their body. Yes, piercings you can
take out but tattoos will always be there. Thank God that I got my tattoo on my back where
people can't see it because I have learned that in the business world tattoos are nothing to be
desired and that you could possibly risk a job because of it. Body piercing is believed to be a
self-imposed rite of passage. By this I mean that people, in general, feel an instinctive drive to
undergo some sort of a rite of passage. If society denies them this, they may create one for
themselves in order to feel as though they have a place in society. Almost everyone has been
tempted to get a tattoo or piercing, but did you ever ask yourself why you wanted one? This
theory tries to explain that it is natural and instinctive and possibly even necessary in order to
find your place in society. Along with this idea, there is a concept that deals with the issue of

Because culture in Western society only allows for pain in instances of accidents and pregnancy,
people find other ways of experiencing such pain. This pain cannot help but change one's outlook
on life in some way. Everyone will experience some sort of pain in his or her life, whether it is
physical or emotional. After any such experience, you are bound to look at life in a different, and
possibly better way. The media plays the number one role in the influence of this. Look at our
role models: David Beckham, successful soccer play; most of the music industry, professional
skateboarders and snowboarders. All of these people have some sort of body modification. What
does a kid think when their favorite basketball player or music group are pierced and tattooed
from head to foot? He wants to be just like them and all the talk from their elders about not being
successful because of the way you look goes right out the window.

Nowadays every other teenage girl that you see has her naval pierced. Where do you think that
they get this? The magazines they read, the shows they watch, and the music they listen to all
have an effect on youth. Major magazines promote this as the latest fad that everyone should get.
They show these beautiful models with tattoos and piercings. Once someone begins to modify
their body they begin to share a common identity among their peers. The individual learns to
categorize people based upon appearances and place them into respective categories of how to
anticipate and interpret behavior, or how to or how not to interact with them. When I got my
earring, I remember elders coming up to me and criticizing the way I looked, but I just thought
they were old and didn't know.

Body modification is one of the characteristics of style that demonstrates a commitment and
affiliation to a specific group. Tattooing is commonly cited as a tribal badge that signifies identity
with the likes of military personnel, prisoners, gangs (motorcycle, street, criminal organizations,
etc.) sports teams, or youth cultures. Skinheads are considered an example of youth culture.
Punks are another example of youth culture in society and who believe that there is no future for
them. Hair is commonly shaven into peculiar styles and of differing colors. Clothing is an often-
homemade fragment of other items, carefully pieced together with everyday objects such as
safety pins. Punks also use tattooing and body piercing as a means of making statements. The
same safety pins holding clothes together pierce noses, cheeks, and other parts of the face and
The use of body modification in this instance is to give them a homely look to let people know
that they just don't care. The question then arises as to whether or not the significance behind
tattooing and piercing lose their meanings, especially when comparing the difference between
the act as spiritual transformation and as "cool fad". It is more than likely that those who pursue
body modification as a cultural trend will discard it for the next "big thing".

One point to note is that the mainstreaming of body modification has been more within piercing
than tattooing, the difference of which is that jewelry from piercing can always be removed,
hence it is temporary. Perhaps popular culture is actually aware of the permanence of tattooing,
while other forms of modification such as branding are not even considered. Recently I watched
a segment on Opra concerning the look of some teens. On the show were a nineteen-year-old
girl, her mother, and a psychologist. The girl was tattooed from head to foot. She had piercings in
her forehead, tongue, ears, nipples, and lip. Her mother spoke of how embarrassed she was to be
seen in public with her own daughter. Imagine, being so embarrassed of someone you created
and are supposed to be proud of just because of the way she looks. The girl, a very smart
individual, talked about her piercings and tattoos as a form of body art, "I'm an artist. What I do
in the flesh is my art form. Flesh is my medium."

Meanwhile the doctor considered this nothing but body mutilation and that it shows nothing but
ignorance and hate. He also stated that it was nothing but an outcry for help or attention. The last
two to three decades have brought a significant change in the minds of women. Tattoos used to
be things that men only got because of the pain involved or it was just considered a masculine
thing to do. Now more and more women are getting tattoos. Could this be because they feel like
they have been oppressed for this long? Getting a tattoo or a piercing might be their way of
saying that they are gaining power in this world both socially and politically. "Ann, a lesbian,
sought tattooing as a means to 'communicate' ownership- control over my body and therefore
myself. They [tattoos] express my freedom to make decisions about my body.

Getting tattooed was a way of taking back power from those many forces of power and
empowering myself". Women sometimes get tattoos or piercing to make them look "sexy". Men
usually find it sexy if they see a tattoo on a private part of a woman's body such as their buttocks,
breast, or even on their lower stomach. It also might be considered sexy just for the fact that the
women was able to endure this pain. Some women simply get tattoos to make them look
masculine. People have found many different places and ways to tattoo or pierce their body. The
most common piercings today are the ears, tongue, lip, nose, eyebrow, and even the penis and

Tattoos range anywhere from skulls, snakes, and dragons to roses, naked people, or even names
or images that signify a special person or moment in ones life. These different tattoos and
piercings each send out different messages to people giving them a first impression of who you
are. Someone with skulls and images of hate all over their body might send out a scary or
intimidating message. On my back is an eight inch, black, tribal dragon that I got when I was
seventeen. I thought it was cool and would make me look tough. I put no time at all into
choosing what was to be tattooed permanently on my body. Now people look at it as if I am part
of some cult or something. Some people are afraid to talk to people like this. This type of tattoo
sends out a certain message of empowerment. Someone who has a tattoo of their mother, father,
grandfather, etc. sends out a certain sympathetic message saying that they loved this person
dearly and they died. In the world today, people are at a constant struggle with each other over
employment. One person is more qualified than the next and employers want to hire the best
person for the job. What impression would the employer get if someone came on an interview
with piercings and tattoos? The employer would think that this person really doesn't want the job
because he/she doesn't care about their appearance.

Unfortunately people are very stereotypical and do judge a book by its cover. "The first day of
interviews, three of the supervisors noticed and commented on the tongue stud. Being mostly
middle aged white guys; their reactions were mostly predictable. One guy actually asked me
about the tongue stud, then repeatedly reminded me that my employment was contingent on
passing a drug test. I patiently tried to explain to him that the stud in my tongue didn't mean that
I was on drugs any more than the color of his tie meant that he smoked cigars."

The business world is very conservative and that's how you should look. It would be extremely
uncommon to see people with tattoos all over and piercings everywhere to be working for a
successful company. I know that when I go on an interview or even go to fill out an application, I
take out my earrings and my tongue ring because it just doesn't look professional to have all of
this jewelry showing. Big companies don't want someone representing their company has
piercings and tattoos that are visible. They want someone who looks professional and
conservative that people won't look upon as a joke. On the upside, I recently read a survey taken
concerning the types of people who get pierced. The irony to this is that 83% have attended
college, 24% have college degrees, and 33% had gone to postgraduate study.

This survey shows that the majority of pierces are well educated contrary to popular belief.
Tattooing and body piercing has become a medium through which contemporary youth and
youth (sub) cultures in Western societies express their individuality. Along with various other
facets of style, body modification becomes a medium of identity, as well as a source of
spirituality, subversion, reclamation, and empowerment. The practice of body modifications can
enlighten Western society, for "the body become[s] an important site for rethinking such binary
oppositions as masculinity and femininity, gender and sex, the public and the private, and the
cultural and the natural."

The relative acceptance of tattooing and piercing emphasized the integral consistency of change,
that youth, culture, and subculture are dynamic facets of society, both influencing and being
influenced by each other. I believe that people shouldn't judge people on how they look, however
that is how it is and people who look differently (piercings and tattoos) must understand that. In
order to succeed in this tough society people must learn to fit in and relate to people. People do
not communicate well with people who are considered outcasts. Especially in the business world,
one must portray his or her appearance in a likely manner, for example, look conservative and
professional. Tattoos and piercings are not conservative or professional.

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