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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Fatema saeed Grade Level: Grade 1 / RAK Academy BC

CCSS Standards: Phonics: sound W. 3 ofOctober,2017 Number of student: 21

Lesson Objectives: students will able to identify words the sound W (will, win, wag, web)

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- The student will able to watch the phonics song and sing with them.

- The students will able to recall the sound phase 2 letters.

- The students will able to read high frequency words (off, can ,had , back).

- The students will able to read (will,win,wag,web) words and write it on their board.

- The students will able to classify the real words (will, win, wag, web) and fake words (wng,wlli,

Students Prior Knowledge:

- Students learned the phonics in general.

Lesson Schedule

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- After the greeting, I will ask the students to sit on the spots on the ground.

- I will tell them I will show them video about song of phonics and lets sing together with.

5 min

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

- I will show them flash card have letters of phase 2 and their pictures.

- The student has to say sound of letter and mention what the picture is?

- The students will write the sound which the teacher says on their board.

- I will show them the flashcard has high frequency words (off, can ,had , back) and tell

students to tell the sound of letter of the word to could read the word one by one , then

I will stick on wall.

- I will write the words on the board (will,win,wag,web) .then, I will read the sound of

letter with students to make up the word.

25 min
- I will ask student to write the word after take it on their board.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 4 min

- I will show them get snack application to do play about real word or fake word.
- I will write the real words (will, win, wag, web) and fake words (wng,wlli, wein,weep)
- The student have to choose which word the real and which word is fake
- Then I will put the real word on mouth's Obb and fake words on mouth's Bob.

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