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Journal of Crystal Growth 41(1977) 228234

North-Holland Publishing Company



Martin Marietta Laboratories, Baltimore, Maryland 21227, USA

Received 13 January 1977; manuscript received in final form 15 May 1977

Magnesium hydroxide was precipitated at 60Cat various constant pH levels in the range 8.7 to 12.5 from magnesium chloride
and ammonium (or sodium) hydroxide. The particles of 0.050.30 pm diameter were characterized by transmission electron
microscopy, electron diffraction, and surface area measurements. Increase in pH in the range 9.0 to 11.0 favored edgewise growth
of the platelets. Decrease in pH tended to decrease the diameter to thickness ratio and surface area of the platelets, culminating in
a change in shape to dense equiaxed particles with a stacked-plate morphology at pH 8.75, where excess magnesium chloride
was present, and the growth rates in the c- and a-directions were nearly equal. At pH 10.0, nearly circular plates with indented
outline were observed, whereas,
2~ions at somewhat
affected the growthhigher
rate inor lower pH, direction
a particular the plates were hexagonal
differently, causinginchanges
shape. The results
in shape, indicated
and that
diameter to
excess 0Hratio.
thickness or Nucleation
Mg appeared easier at higher pH.

1. Introduction ditions of sparing solubility, as encountered in com-

mercial magnesium hydroxide production.
A preliminary account of this work has been given There appears to have been no work on the
by the authors [I]. The precipitation of magnesium morphology of magnesium hydroxide precipitated at
hydroxide is of great interest in connection with the elevated temperatures. Murotani and Shirasaki [8]
manufacture of magnesium oxide from magnesium precipitated Mg(OH)
2 by adding ammonia to a mixed
chloride contained in seawater [2,3] or natural brines solution of MgC12 and NH4C1 at 10Cand obtained
[3}. Lime slaked to calcium hydroxide is employed as widely different sizes of platelets depending on
the precipitating agent, however, in practice it is reagent proportions and concentrations. The sizes ob-
advantageous to employ dolime (CaO MgO), which tamed ranged from colloidal dimensions to about 0.5
provides an additional source of magnesium, the mag- pm. Large particles were obtained by adding ammo-
nesium oxide being slaked to hydroxide. Since a nia to magnesium chloride solution containing a little
variety of shapes of magnesium hydroxide particles citric acid. Hexagonal shaped crystals were (excep-
occur in practice, there is a need to understand the tionally) obtained by adding NaOH to a mixture of
factors affecting cyrstal growth. The present experi- MgC12, NH4OH, and NH4C1 and aging for one week.
ments were carried out using a simple model system, Using electron microscopy, Shirasaki [9] claimed
in order to provide a basis for experiments of that at low temperature, four sorts of cotton-type
increasing complexity approaching conditions precipitates having blossom-petal patterns could be
encountered in practice. obtained using MgSO4 and NH4OH. These gradually
It is well known [47] that crystal shape can be redissolved and were replaced by plate-like crystals on
modified by changing crystallization conditions, such standing for several days or weeks. He also obtained
as the solvent used, supersaturation, temperature, pH, evidence [10] of the existence of hydrated magne-
specific impurity levels, degree of stirring, and by the sium hydroxide of composition Mg(OH)2 m(H20) .

addition of surfactants. Much less is known about fac- where 1 <m <2, which was stable for several
tors controlling the morphology of precipitates pro- months in dry form at room temperature. This hy.
duced by a continuous chemical reaction under con- drated form apparently consisted of random single

V.A. Phillips eta!. I Effect of pHon growth of Mg(OH)2 crystals 229

layers of brucite-type lattice with water layers sand- The reactor was immersed in a water bath giving 1C
wiched between. Added ions, such as citrate, tended temperature control, and stirred fairly vigorously to
to stabilize the hydrated form [11]. The same ions keep the precipitated solids in suspension. Two
tended to stabilize basic MgSO4 hydrate formed by metering pumps (Milton Roy Company) were used to
reacting MgSO4 with ammonia in aqueous solution, control the reagent addition rates, the amounts added
and were thought to be chemically bonded [11]. being read off from the burettes.
Liu and Nancollas [12] studied the kinetics of The run times were about one hour. Although
Mg(OH)2 crystal growth from a seeded supersaturated equal reagent addition rates gave the correct stoichio-
mixture of MgCl2 and NaOH, but did not make metric ratio to form Mg(OH)2, initially it was neces-
2~ions,observations. Mixtures
or stoichiometric containing
mixtures, showed sary
order totoadd excess
set the pH of
at aone or the
desired other
value reagent
between in
excess Mg
a smaller cyrstallization rate constant than those with and 12.5, which was then held constant during the
excess OH ions. The crystallization rate constant run, adjusting the addition slightly from time to time
was reduced by various phosphonate additives, as needed. At pH ~ 8.75, excess magnesium chloride
Copperthwaite and Brett [13] added varying amounts was needed. At pH ~ 9.0, excess ammonia was
of KOH solution to stirred MgC1
2 solution, moni- needed. In order to attain the 12.5 pH level, caustic
toring the final pH. Average plate diameter, deter- soda was substituted for ammonia.
mined by X-ray analysis, increased from about 135 A note was made on the pH record chart of the
to 155 A with increase in (final) pH from 9.65 to time at which turbidity appeared, indicating the start
10.2, then levelled off up to pH 12.15. of precipitation. From then on, the crystals were
growing in a seeded environment under very low
effective supersaturation. Values
2~and of 0H ion concen-
MgOH~ion concen-
2. Experimental procedure tration, and
trations, computed
versus pH areMg shown in table 1. In some
The Analar purity reagents, namely 0.75 M magne- cases, crystals were aged for one hour at 60Cin the
slum chloride and either 1.50 M ammonium hydrox- bath liquor after completion of a run. The crystals
ide or 1.50 M sodium hydroxide, at ambient tempera- were filtered, washed repeatedly with hot (60C)
ture, were separately added from burettes, at about distilled water, and redispersed in water.
1.5 ml/min into 800 ml of distilled water at 60Cin a Reaction in dilute solution combined with rapid
reaction vessel. The latter consisted of a 3-necked stirring, under standardized reactor conditions, per-
flask fitted with pH electrodes connected to a pH mitted good reproduceability of both size and shape
meter and recorder. The meter was provided with of the particles. Many of the runs were repeated two
manual control for bath temperature compensation. or three times to prepare material for other experi-

Table 1

Estimated molar equilibrium concentrations in solutions of Mg2+ ions at various pH a

pH [0H) [Mg21] [MgOH~] [Mg2+]/[MgOH~]

8 106 12 4.2 X i0~ 2.9 x ~

9 i0~ 0.12 4.2 x 10~ 2.9 x 102
10 i0~ 1.2 x i~~ 4.2 x 10~ 2.9 x iO
11 io~ 1.2 X 10~ 4.2 X 106 2.9 x 100
12 102 1.2 x l0~ 4.2 x io~ 2.9 X 101
13 101 1.2 x 10~ 4.2 x l0_8 2.9 X 102

a Values of constants used: Ref.

= [H~] [0H] = i0~ (~=40C) [14]
= [Mg21] [0H]2 = 1.2 X 10h1 (18C) [15]
1 [MgOH~]/[Mg2f] [0H] = 350 (25C) [12]
230 V.A. Phillips eta!. / Effect of pH on growth of Mg(OH)
2 crystals

ments. Our experience indicates that washed

Mg(OH)2 crystals can be stored wet in a filled flask or
tube from which air is excluded for substantial
periods of time without appreciable change in mor-
phology or size. Once they are allowed to dry out,
the particles tend to stick together, and there is no
satisfactory way of redispersing for electron micro-
scopic examination. The solubility of magnesium hy-
droxide in water is very low and our experience indi-
cates that the very brief process of washing in hot
(60C)distilled water, caused no significant change in
particle size or shape.
A microdrop of the Mg(OH)2 aqueous suspension
was transferred onto a carbon film substrate on an
electron microscope grid and allowed to dry. This
procedure was found to give the most satisfactory
results of a number tried, and appears to give good
sampling of the sizes present and reasonable freedom
from agglomeration. Reproduceabiity was good.
Transmission electron microscope examination was
then carried out at 100 kV and 25,000X magnifica- i ~-i
tion. Average particle diamters were measured on 50
lig. 1. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with
particles in a given area of an enlarged print. It was NaOH at pH 12.5. Unaged.
possible to obtain diameter/thickness ratios in many
samples on a few (4 to 10) platelets which happened
to lay parallel to the electron beam. Surface area mea-
surements were made in a Quantachrome Monosorb
adsorption equipment on 0.20.5 g samples, which
had been oven dried overnight at 120C.

3. Results

Substantial changes in the size, shape, and perfec-

tion of the precipitated Mg(OH)2 particles were ob-
served as a function of pH (figs. 17, and table 2). At
pH 12.5 (fig. 1), pH 11, and pH 10.5 (fig. 2), very
thin plates were obtained with moderately well devel-
oped hexagonal shape. Most of the plates lay flat on
the substrate so that the electron beam was parallel to
the c-axis of the hexagonal structure, as confirmed by
selected-area electron diffraction. Approximate diam-
eter to thickness ratios were measured on those
which lay edge-on (table 2). At pH 12.5, the particles 02
were so thin that useful thickness measurements
could not be made. The ratio tended to increase with I I
pH, indicating that edge growth was favored over Fig. 2. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with
growth parallel to the c-axis. These average ratios NH4OH at pH 10.5. Unaged.
V.A. Phillips eta!. / Effect ofpH on growth of Mg(OH)2 crystals 231

Effe:tof pH on morphology, perfection and size of Mg(OH)2

particles formed from MgCI2/NH4OH during 1 h run at 60C
Run details Average particle Ratio ______________________________

pH a diameter (pm) diameter/thickness

Unaged Aged Range Average ___________________________________

at 60C




__________ -

10.45 xsNH4OH 0.050 510 7.3

9.95 xsNH4OH 0.183 0.256 26 4.3
9.50 xs NH4OH 0.147 0.164 46 5.1
9.00 xsNH4OH 0.112 0.112 26 4.5
8.75 xsMgCl2 0.303 13 2.3


divided by the average particle diameters indicated

that the average plate thicknesses were only 7090 A 0.2/i.
in this 10.5 to 10.9 pH range, compare with 200500 ______

A in the 9 to 10 pH range.
At pH 10.0, the crystals tended to be imperfect Fig. 4. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with
with indented outlines both before aging (fig. 3), and NH4OH at pH 9.5. Unaged.

_____ 0. 2p.
Fig. 3. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with Fig. 5. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with
NH4OH at pH 10.D. Unaged. NH4OH at pH 9.0. Unaged.
232 V.A. Phillips et al. / Effect of pH on growth of Mg(OH)2 crystals

after aging for one hour on the liquor at 60C.At perfection were too small to be apparent and even the
pH 9.5, relatively perfect crystals of well defined ragged crystal outline obtained at pH 10.0 (fig. 3) was
hexagonal shape were obtained. At pH 9.0, the crys- preserved.
tals appeared to be of poorer quality, with less well Surface areas were measured on unaged material
developed hexagonal shape than at pH 9.5, and some made in further 4 h runs at similar constant pH levels.
tendency to layering, i.e. plates were present showing The surface 2/g,
in the lowest pHabruptly
rather runs at 8.78.9
at pH 9.0was
more distinct
in morphology occurred when 10 m2/g,
26 to 12 mand stayed in the range 25 to 36 m2/g up to
precipitation was carried out at pH 8.75 [1]. This pH 11.0 (fig. 8). At pH 11.5 to 12.1, a big increase
yielded almost equiaxed particles which showed a occurred to 6368 m2/g, presumably corresponding
stacked-plate morphology (figs. 6, 7). The average to an increase in diameter/thickness ratio and
diameter was 0.3 pm (table 2). Selected-area electron increased peripheral area of the smaller particles (fig.
diffraction on an individual particle (fig. 7) showed it 8).
to be a single crystal with the c-axis normal to the
apparent layers. The term stacked plate morphol-
ogy is intended to be descriptive, rather than imply-
ing a particular mechanism of formation.
Aging for one hour in the liquor, maintained at the I 1
precipitation temperature of 60C,tended to result in
modest selective growth of the particles at pH 9.5 and
10.0 which eliminated the smallest particles and
increased the average size (table 2). At pH 9.0, aging
had no apparent effect (table 2)~changes if any, in

~ LJ~

___ 0.2p
Fig. 6. Magnesium hydroxide crystals precipitated with Fig. 7. Single particle precipitated at pH 8.75 with electron
4OH at pH 8.75. Aged 1 h at 60C. diffraction pattern.

V.A. Phillips eta!. / Effect of pH on growth of Mg(OH,)2 crystals 233

70 I tion it becomes energetically favorable to grow a

/ fresh layer rather than to continue growing existing
60 - layers in the a-direction, thus minimizing the surface
50 - / area of the particle. The evidence obtained by
/ Shirasaki [10] for the existence of a metastable hy-
~ 40 - / - drated form of magnesium hydroxide, consisting of
/ single layers of brucite type lattice with water layers
~ 30 sandwiched between, suggests that chemisorbed water
20 may play a role in assisting growth in the c-direction.
Although clumps of particles were commonly ob-
10 - served in the electron microscope, it was difficult to
I decide whether these were present in the liquid or
9 i~ ii 12 formed during drying out on the carbon substrate.
pH Precipitated magnesium hydroxide particles should
Fig. 8. Variation of BET surface area of magnesium hydrox- carry a charge below and above the isoelectric point
ide crystals with pH during precipitation, which occurs at about pH 12 [16]. Experiments were
made in an electrophoretic Zeta Meter equipment
[17], using distilled water electrolyte adjusted with
4. Discussion ammonia, a molybdenum cathode and platinum
anode. These showed that the charge was positive
These experiments in which magnesium hydroxide below the isoelectric point, indicating that magne-
was precipitated by reacting magnesium chloride solu- sium ions are more strongly adsorbed than hydroxyl
tion with ammonium (or sodium) hydroxide at 60C ions on the basal crystal surface. Since the charge will
at pH levels of 12.5 to 8.75 showed that the particle increase the further the solution pH is moved away
morphology, average diameter, diameter to thickness from the isoelectric value, any tendency to clumping
ratio and surface area varied with pH. At high pH should decrease. This is compatible with the micro-
levels (10.5 to 12.5) the precipitates were plates graphic evidence.
which tended to be small and very thin, and had rela- The hexagonal plate morphology shown most
tively high diameter to thickness ratio and surface clearly at pH 9.5, results from the fact that crystals of
area. Thus, high pH favored edgewise growth of plates hexagonal structure have anisotropic growth rates.
in directions lying in the basal crystallographic plane The slow rate perpendicular to the close-packed basal
rather than growth along the c-axis. Conversely, at low planes results in a plate form with the c-axis perpen-
pH near 8.75, growth along the c-axis was about as dicular to the plate. The hexagonal outline results
great as growth in the basal plane and roughly from the formation of prism faces perpendicular to
equiaxed particles tended to be formed. The rela- the close-packed, slow growth, directions in the basal
tively small variation in surface area over the pH plane. It was at first thought that the occurrence of
range from 9.0 to 11.0, with a somewhat higher value plates with indented outline at pH 10.0 might corre-
at pH 10.0 where rather imperfect particles with spond to a changeover point from the growth of first
indented outline (fig. 3) were observed, suggests that order prism faces to second order as a function of pH.
particle imperfection had a significant effect on sur- Selected area electron diffraction on hexagonal plates
face area. This would require higher resolution elec- grown at pH levels above and below pH 10.0 dis-
tron microscopy for evaluation, proved this and indicated that both had the same
Although the stacked-plate morphology ob- faces developed. It appears that at pH 10.0, which is
served at pH 8.75 suggested that separate plates might about that there
2+ ions, for equimolar concentrations
was a retardation of OH and
of development of
to formedthis
envisage andmechanism
become agglomerated,
giving rise to ait single
is difficult
crys- Mg
the usual prism faces. The reason for this is not clear.
tal, as observed by electron diffraction. It seems more The results indicate that excess OH anions or
likely that with decrease in hydroxyl ion concentra- Mg2~cations affect the growth rate in a particular
234 V.A. Phillips et al. / Effect of pH on growth of Mg(OH)2 crystals

direction differently, causing changes in the crystal Liu and Nancollas [12] (table 1). Looking
2~]/[MgOH~], at the con-
it is apparent that
area. the diameter to
Magnesium thickness ratio,
hydroxide and the
crystals surface
have the centration ratio [Mg
any effect of MgOH~ions would be negligible at pH
2 structure and can be viewed as having a 8 or 9, but would become important at pH 11 and
more or less perfect packing of anions with the above.
smaller metal cations lying in interstices. The effect
of excess anions or cations on growth is presumably
connected with this detailed structure and the way in References
which ions are added on, which involves consider-
ations of bonding and charge. Two anions must be [1] V.A. Phillips, J.L. Kolbe and H. Opperhauser, in: Colloid
added for every cation to maintain charge neutrality, and Interface Science, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Colloids
There was no evidence of any specific ion adsorption and Surfaces, 50th Symposium, Puerto Rico, 1976, Ed.
effect due to the presence of sodium ions in the M. Kerker (Academic Press, New York, 1976) Vol. 4.
experiment at pH 12.5. [2] R.J.
212. Hall and D.R.F. Spencer, Interceram. NR3 (1973)
Although no detailed measurements were possible [3] F.H. Norton, Refractories, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill, New
of nucleation and growth rates, our observations on York, 1968) p. 80.
the onset of turbidity suggested that nucleation was [4] D.E. Garrett, Br. Chem. Eng. 4 (1959) 673.
relatively easy at high pH, so that large numbers of [5] E.V. Khamskii, Crystallization from Solutions (Consul-
tants Bureau, New York, 1969).
small particles were obtained, and relatively difficult [6] J.W. Mullins, Crystallization (C.R.C. Press, Cleveland,
at pH 8.75, resulting in maximum particle diameter at 1972) ~. 207.
this pH. Since once begun, precipitation would occur [7] A.A. Shternberg, in: Growth of Crystals, Vol. 9, Eds.
at roughly constant rate throughout a one-hour run, N.N. Sheftal and E.I. Givargizov (Consultants Bureau,
low nucleation rate would favor growth on existing New York, 1975) p. 34.
particles. The larger a particle grows, the greater is the [8] H. Murotani and T. Shirasaki, Bull. Tokyo Inst. Technol.
42 (1961) 15.
probability that a screw dislocation will arise due to a [9] T. Shirasaki, Denki Kagaku 29 (1961) 557; Chem.
growth error. Even a single screw dislocation is suffi- Absir. 62, 7186a.
cient to facilitate growth in the c-direction on the [10] T. Shirasaki, Denki Kagaku 29 (1961) 656; Chem.
Frank mechanism [18]. The small crystals obtained Abstr. 6113h.
at high pH appeared to be free from dislocations, [11] T. Shirasaki, Denki Kagaku 29 (1961) 846; Chem.
Abstr. 6118b.
although higher resolution studies are desirable to [12] S-T. Liu and G.H. Nancollas, Desalination 12 (1973)
confirm this. 75.
The formation of a stable precipitate nucleus [13] M. Copperthwaite and N.H. Brett, in: Science of Ceram-
involves bringing together a sufficient number of ics, Vol. 3 (British Ceramics Soc., 1976) pp. 8599.
Mg(OH)2 molecules to form a nucleus of critical size. 114] L.A. Sullen and A.E. Martell, Stability Constants of
Complexes, Special Publication No. 17 (The
Liu and Nancollas [12] obtained electrical conductiv- Chemical London, 1964).
ity evidence for the existence of the MgOH~ion pair [15] R.C. Weast, Ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
in solution. Although the results of Klein et al. [19] (CRC Press, Cleveland, 1975) p. B-236.
indicate that Mg(OH)2 is the stable nucleus phase, the [16] G.A. Parkes, Chem. Rev. 65 (1965) 177.
presence of MgOH~ion pairs would tend to ease the [17] Zeta Meter Inc., New York, NY 10028.
diffusion supply problem, facilitating formation of a [18] W.T.
1953) Dislocations
p. 139. in Crystals (McGraw-Hill, New
critical nucleus. Molar concentrations of MgOH~ions [19] D.H. Klein, M.D. Smith and J.A. Driy, Talanta 14
were estimated as a function of pH from the data of (1967) 937.

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