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Lesson Title: Nutrition Lesson- Historical Thinking Lesson # 3 Date: March 8, 2017

Name: Benjamin Leggett Subject Social Studies/ Health/ Grade(s): 6/7

: Science

Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

In doing this activity I hope that I can open the students minds to the interconnectedness of the natural world around us, and
challenge their perspectives of the natural world around them by introducing different ways to use common flora that they see
every day.

Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)

Grade 6 Social Studies-

Content- The urbanization and migration of people. How urbanizations and migration has led away from the gathering aspects of
the First Peoples.

Grade 7 Science-
Content- First Peoples knowledge of changes in biodiversity over time- How First Peoples knowledge of biodiversity aided their
way of knowing how to be stewards of the land.

Core Competency:
Social Responsibility-
Social responsibility involves the ability and disposition to consider the interdependence of people with each other and the natural
environment; to contribute positively to ones family, community, society, and the environment; to resolve problems peacefully; to
empathize with others and appreciate their perspectives; and to create and maintain healthy relationships.

Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

I can see how perspective plays a major role in how I see the world.

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Teacher Students

Resources Cards ( Pacific Northwest Plant Knowledge Rain Gear, if Im feel adventurous
Cards) These could also be made by the teacher using
resources online. Pen

Clip Board

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

If weather looks like it will be poor for the next day, I can pre-emptively collect samples of all the plants and bring pictures
along and we can still do this lesson inside.

For student X, I would make sure to check in with them every plant to make sure they are staying on track and thinking
deeply about the plants
For student Y, I would make them my special helper, and show them a map of where the plants are, giving this student a
special task to keep them on task.
For student Z, just checking in every few minutes that they are on task will help their focus on the task.
Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)

Formative- Teacher Observation of discussion, and post activity reflection

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

Class will work together as a whole group, going from plant to plant. However, depending on classroom dynamics, you
could split class in to small groups and they could individually go from plant to plant, so as to not have all the students at
one plant at a time.

Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities Student Activities pacing

Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

(Lighting is dim)
Lets all close our eyes. We are going to do a
visualization. Students visualize
-Few deep belly breaths to calm the mind and prep for
- Start by picturing Departure Bay, take away the cars,
the ferry all the modern buildings. Take away all signs
of modern civilization. Its just you and the ocean and
the untouched natural world.
In your minds eye, take in the landscape. The sounds
of the waves on the beach, the smell of the ocean on
the warm breeze, Can you see the huge trees that
once grew in this area?

Take a moment to sit with this scene.

Okay slowly come back, wiggle your fingers and toes,

slowly open your eyes

Im going to ask you a question now, This is a No

Hands Up question.

How do you think your relationship with nature would

be different if you grew up during a time of closer
connection with the natural world?
or Students think on their answer, quietly to themselves
How do you think First Peoples relationship with
nature differs from ours?

Today, we are going to be doing an activity where we

go outside an explore the flora ( the plants) * explain
and write on the wall the word flora. We are going to
put on our investigative hats, and really question what
the plants around us could be used for.

Body (lesson flow/ management)

Before we go outside everyone is going to get out a

piece of paper and write Western Red Cedar,
Arbutus, Salal, Dandelion, Plantain, Stinging Nettle,
three on the front of the paper, three on the back, with
equal spacing, taking up the whole paper.
-Use overhead to demonstrate.

When I say go, 1 pod group member is going to grab

a clipboard for each of its members. And everyone is
going to need a pencil.
** Dress for the weather. Students get ready, dress for the weather, and bring
their clipboard, paper and pencil

* I will have already located the 6 plants that we will

be examining, We will be using our the park that is
close to our school, Bowen.
(This lesson can be adapted to a school ground,
where you use local flora that can be found
around the school yard. Dandelion, plantain,
Western-Red Cedar, are all found close to many

Arriving at the first plant, Dandelion, ask them what

they think this plant can be used for? Students write down their ideas of what the
dandelion is used for
Be prepared for, its a weed! Pull it out!
Perfect teachable moment.
What makes a weed?
What is a weed?
Is there such things as weeds in a forest?

Have them examine the plant.

Remind them that we practice light hand on the
land. No pulling out the plant or killing it.

Continue on to next 5 plants Continue this line of inquiry and observation for 5
remaining plants.

Now starting back, go to each plant and hand out a

resource card to each pod for them to see the
indigenous plant knowledge. Have students write down some of the takeaways
from the knowledge cards. Comparison
Class discussion on how their original answers differ
from the knowledge card.

Continue on for the remaining plants.

Closure ( connections within lesson or between

lessons, sharing successes, summaries)
Back in class **
Walk back to class
Bring in the connection to Core Competency- social

Some of us had one story of these plants in our mind,

but then with the aid of the Pacific Northwest Plant
Knowledge Cards, we learned a different story about
these plants.
We gained new knowledge about these plants and it
changed our perspective. Before some of us only new
one side of the story, but with more information we
learned a different part of these plants story.

Im going to ask you a question now, This is another

No Hands Up question.

Can you tell me about a situation where you learned

more information about something and it changed
your perspective about that thing.
( if the students are struggling with the question give
them prompts, learned someone elses side of the
story, learned more about a subject, etc)

Now in a minute, after youve had sometime to think

deeply about the question, Im going to give you a
piece of paper, you write down your answer as your Students think
ticket out the door today.

Hand out piece of paper, after a full minute of

students thinking, or when the noise level in the class Students write
gets higher

Collect students reflections Students hand in their answers

Reflections: (over)

** This lesson has the possibility to be turned into a QR scanner scavenger hunt as well. Where students use technology to go
from one plant to the other, starting the students in 6 groups, where they each start at a different plant, and the clues are given for
them to find the next plant in the scavenger hunt

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