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Felicia Madonna

A. Relaxation Chair Exercise

B. References:

Peterson C .A, & Stumbo N.J.(2000). Therapeutic Recreation Program Design: Principles
and procedures (3rd ed.) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1-33).

S. (n.d.). Adaptive Sports for Quadriplegics. Retrieved September 25, 2017, from

C. Equipment Needed:

Chairs, Low impact physical exercise of person

D. Activity Description

The Relaxation chair exercise is to get sedentary individuals to engage in physical

activity but also gain mindfulness and leisure out of the activity.

1. Pick a relaxing Pandora station (Water sounds)

2. Sit upright in chair
3. Take three deep breaths, inhaling as much air as possible and exhaling as much air as
possible each time.
4. Lift arms above head for inhale
5. Extend arms low for exhale
6. Close your eyes and reach one hand toward ceiling, hold for 5 seconds
7. Keep eyes shut and reach other hand toward ceiling, hold 5 seconds
Shoulder Exercise
8. Sitting in upright position, relax shoulders, repeat 5 shrugs moving shoulders in an
upward position towards ears then moving in lower opposite direction
9. Sitting in an upright position, relax shoulders, place hands on shoulders, finger tips
grabbing the corners of each individual shoulder, and roll shoulders forward 10 times,
moving shoulders forward/backward in a rotating continuous motion
10. Sitting in an upright position, relax shoulders, place hands on shoulder, finger tips
grabbing the corners of each individual shoulder, and roll shoulders backward in a
forward/backward rotating continuous motion
11. Sitting in an upright position, keeping your hands on your shoulders, touch your
elbows together make the corners meet in the midline of your body 10 times
12. Reach both your hands high to the ceiling and lean your body to the right and hold for
10 seconds, Repeat motion moving your body to the left for 10 seconds
13. Take three deep inhale/exhale breaths.
Neck Exercise
14. Relax your shoulders and lean your head to your right shoulder for 5 seconds, Repeat
motion moving your head all the way to your left shoulder
15. Relax your shoulders with your head in upright position and lean your head forward
so your chin is touching your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Lift head up and lean your
neck back so your looking at the ceiling, hold for 5 seconds.
Leg Exercise
16. Sitting in an upright position with your back straight and feet firmly on the floor,
place your hands on your hips and lean your body forward holding for five seconds.
Return to original upright position and repeat the forward motion 5 times counting to
five seconds each time.
17. Sitting upright with your feet placed firmly on the floor, keeping your heels on the
ground lift your toes toward the ceiling with both feet at the same time and hold for 5
seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Back Exercise
18. Sitting upright with your feet placed firmly on the floor, place one hand on the
opposite knee and turn around so your facing behind you while your arm is extended
still placed on the knee. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then return to original
forward facing position and repeat motion with other side of body and hold for 15
seconds. Repeat doing each side 3 times.
19. Sitting upright with your feet placed firmly on the floor and hands on your hips, lean
your shoulder to the opposite knee bending at the hip. Hold this position for 10
seconds and return to upright position. Repeat on other shoulder to opposite knee
holding for 10 seconds and repeat on each side 3 times.
Wrist Exercise
20. Sitting in an upright position, lift both arms directly out in front of you elongated with
palms facing the ground. Extend both wrists upwards so the back your seeing the
backs of your hands directly in front of you, Hold for 5 seconds. Now move wrist
down so you can see the palm of your hand, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat up and down
motion 4 times while holding for 5 seconds each time. Continue to roll wrist around
clockwise in a circle, for 20 seconds.
Closing Exercise
21. Sitting in an upright position, wiggle your toes with your feet placed lightly on the
floor for 15 seconds. Now wiggle your fingers for 15 seconds.
22. Sitting in an upright position, close your eyes and roll your heck in a clockwise
motion with your proceeding to the right, then back, then left, then forward moving in
a circular continuous motion.
23. Sitting upright, Take deep breaths inhaling as much air as possible then exhaling all
of the air. Repeat three times.
24. Close eyes and remind yourself of three great qualities you possess.
25. Practice this exercise everyday.

E. Interindividual: This activity doesnt require individuals to be engaged with each other

except the leader of the group showing the individuals what to do.

Intraindividual: The mindfulness of oneself and the body connecting has a lot to do with

this activity that requires the individual to be engaged with themselves.

F. Researched Adaptation:

A person diagnosed with guadriplegia which is paralysis of the arms and legs might struggle
with this activity seeing as though it is conducted using all four limbs. The individual might have
trouble with sitting in a chair and stabilizing their trunk while performing the exercises. To make
it accessible the individual could perform the exercises in a pool, limiting the exercises to fit
them. They could also use grip gloves to help stabilize if a pool is unavailable and modify the
exercise to their ability. If they cant wiggle their toes or fingers, then they can try to stimulate
the part of the body that is available to them like the knee or elbow. If they dont have a knee to
be able to grab for movement 18 than they can place their arm on the side of the chair and still
turn their torso around to face behind them. Make modifications as you proceed through each
exercise that pertains to the individuals needs.

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