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6Imperialism & World War I:

The U.S. Steps on to the World Stage.

Big Question
How did the role of the federal gov. change during world war 1 ?
How did the foreign policy of the US change between 1865 and 1919?

Review of U.S. Foreign Policy: 1789 -1890

1796: Washingtons Farewell Address: warned against foreign alliances (set the standard for isolation for
years) the thing that caused Washington to be so concerned about foreign alliances was major world
event) the Napoleonic wars- on paper we were alliances with French but we were tied to Britain
Culturally- the USA is in the Middle
1823: Monroe Doctrine: this states as Americans foreign policy that the western hemisphere is off limits
to any new European Colonization, not an American idea the British came up with it, British stirred up
the Indians against the US and then after the Napoleonic War, the British didnt see the US as a big threat
so they wanted to use us to stir up the Spanish because they were weak from the War and hopefully if they
(Britain) werent busy they can come and get the land BUT Americas secretary of state John Adams told
John Monroe why should we be in their shadow? and we get ahead of them and make the Doctrine
which was our way of looking at imperialism

3 Factors Fueled American Imperialism:

Industrialization: USA and Europe industrialized to a point that our markets are out stripped and so are our
resources, we are producing more than we have the resources for and we are producing so much that the prices are
decreasing, the industrialists start seeking new markets and sources for raw materials abroad (start selling things
to other countries)
Cultural Superiority:
Anglo-Saxonism: idea that English speaking people were moral superior and has better system of govt
and their culture was destined to dominant the world, tie this into the survival of the fittest and the gossip
of wealth they believe that Americans had a duty to spread their Christian religion to less civilized people,
made by Rudyard Kipling
The White Mans Burden: like the Gospel of Wealth but not on economic terms but on a global political
terms, Kipling was born in India and was a British subject and married an English women and then
moved to America, during this time America was involved in the Spanish-American War and we were
trying to make a decision about the Philippines, He write the poem but some see this a propaganda trying
to rationalize imperialism but he is trying promote imperialism and to tell the American to do the same
thing that the British did LORD OF THE RINGS: the ring= power, the English people= hobbits and they
are the only people that can get rid of it, the Humans= the Newcomers Others= the Asians and A.A.
(story that theyre going to better themselves if they base themselves off the British)
National pride: building a modern navy
Admiral Alfred T. Mahan - Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660 1783. Hes president of the US
naval war column. His book is the study how the British created an empire that controlled 2/3 of Earth,
Questioned how the British controlled so much. he argued that a powerful nation needed a large navy to
protect their ships and defend their rights to trade with other countries, he looks forward and says how is a
modern nation supposed to complete this same thing and set a list
Requirements for a modern navy: 1. Convert to steel powered ships instead of sailing vessel 2.USA needs
coiling station (island, port, farms etc.) to support the ship needs 3. He befriends Roosevelt and he carries
his ideas to White House
Theodore Roosevelt: hes very influence both economically and politically, he carries Maham ideas to
office and he will be the beginning of a major naval program when he becomes president

Expansion in the Pacific

As early as the 1790s, the Hawaiian Islands were important to the US: merchants were stop there on their way
to china and India, there they would refill up on water, food, and oil for ships, American missionaries had
established schools an churches there so is gave an American presence grows, and later plantation owners
went there and established their plantation there becoming very rich and very powerful
1842 John Tyler: extended the Monroe Doctrine to Hawaii and warned the British to not mess to Hawaii, so
we pull Hawaii under the umbrella
1882 Pearl Harbor: build Naval Banks here, its in the Middle of the Pacific, and in reach of a lot of things,
its a re-supply station
1887 Bayonet Constitution:the plantation owners forced the king to a new constitution, kings power is
dimished and it increases the power of the American and the European planters power, and end up having
more democratic institutions
1893 Planters Revolt:
Queen Liliuokalani: come to power and tries to pass a constistion that would give monarchy more power
(American planters along with marine and Hawaiian planters will not have this and revolt)
Sanford Dole: a temporary govt is set up under him and once he becomes in charge of Hawaii they push
for annexation of Hawaii, he was in charge of Hawaii
President Grover Cleveland: he blocks the annexation because he is friends with the Queen
William McKinley: he pushes for Annexation because of the War
Spanish-American War: we get a hold of the Philippines so we need something to go in between the to
and from so we have to annex Hawaii
Japan: they too are thinking about annexation
July 6, 1898 Congress annexed Hawaii.

The Spanish-American War

5 Factors Led to the Spanish American War:

The Cuban Revolution: Cuban had wanted independences from Spain for awhile now,
US Investment: Americans invested million in Cuban business (rum, plants, etc.), Cuban Revolution threatens the
investments, if there is a threat to the American dollar then the military is called in
Yellow Journalism:
William Randolph Hearst & Joseph Pulitzer: American Publishers, they were the robber berans / the
industrialist statements of the news media, they were trying to est. themselves as the sole monopoly, they
were trying to dominant the newspaper industry, stir up the American Populists
Yellow Journalism: comes from the very cheap yellow paper they used, the paper had a yellow color to
it, weird stories inside the newspaper, they want get the publics attention
The de Lme Letter: the Spanish diplomat wrote a letter and the newspaper published the letter which critized
President McKinley saying that he was a coward, makes things get worse (putting
USS Maine: American battle ship set down to Havana Harbor and it sat there to protect American interest and be
on stand by incase we go into battle and have to evacuate Americans, on February 15, 1898 the ship explodes up,
killing 260 US sailors, nobody knew what caused the explosion, some say that the Spanish had sent a torpedo to
blow it up
Significance: the Yellow Journalism caused the American Public to cry out for war and on April 25, 1898
USA does declare war on Spain (many years later they discover that the ship wasnt blown up by the
Teller Amendment: states that once the war was over the US will give Cuba its Independence this is added to the
Declaration of War, were going to go there to free it.

The U.S. Fights a War on Two Fronts

1st Front: the Pacific: part of the Spanish fleet in the Philippines while we have our fleets in Hong Kong,
Roosevelt sends a telegram telling them to intercept the Spanish fleet and destroy it and then he resigns and goes
to Texas to est. Rough Riders
George Dewey (May 1, 1898) : sails out of Hong Kong and goes to Philippines and he destroy the
Spanish fleet there, then he blockades Manila Harbor and waits for American soldiers and when they
arrive they get together with Emilio Alguinaldo
Emilio Alguinaldo: hes a rebel that has been fighting against Spanish, we say that if he sides with us then
we will give the Philippines Their independence, with his help the Spanish surrender the Philippines on
August 1898
2nd Front: the Caribbean: May 28, 1898 the US Navy blockades the Harbor of Santiago Cuba and we land troops
June 2, 1898 while Roosevelt is forming the rough riders
Puerto Rico: the rough riders are on foot, Roosevelt is 2nd in command and he leads them to the Kettle
Battle of San Juan Hill (Kettle Hill):
In TX, a bunch of people come together and form the 1st U.S. Volunteer Regiment
Theodore Roosevelt: lead the charge up the San Juan Hill, 2nd Commander
9th and 10th Negro Calvary Lead by General John J. Black Jack Pershing.
Competition of who can make the fewest mistakes, the US won.

End of the Spanish American War

The Treaty of Paris of 1898: 3 treaty
Spanish surrendered on July 25, 1898.
Entire war lasted 113 days. Second shortest in American History
December 10, 1898: This is the day that the Treaty of Paris of 1898 was signed
Provisions: 1. Ended the Spanish American war 2. Teller Amendment: Cuba gets their independence 3.
We make the anti-imperialist upset because we take other islands, We also demand the Philippines making
them made because we told them we were going to give then independence but now we are taking it, the
Spanish and Germans are mad at us, US gives the Spanish 20 million for annexation of the Philippines
and on February 6, 1898 the Treaty passes the Senate by one Vote meaning that there was a strong anti-
imperialist in the Senate
Impact of Spanish American War: Philippines Not happy so 1899 they fights against us
In 1899 Filipino Uprisings - Aguinaldo. ( he rises up)
Concentration Camps. We set up camps to the Philippines, American used water boarding for the first time, the
British invented this first when they were using it in Africa
U.S. Army has problems: instead of just running up to the opponent, we have to find tactics
Equipment: leave the 3040 gun and use 1903 Springfield clip, M19 machine gun
Tactics. Use better ways
Isthmian canal:
William Howard Taft: he becomes the governor of the Philippines

Puerto Rico
Foraker Act (aka Organic Act) April 2, 1900: most important est. Puertorican citizenship, est. the governor and
ectutive council by the President of the US this is not the way that other states came into the US, House of
Represtives was created with 35 elctectorl members the judicial system with a judicial court the judges were
appointed by the governor, the supreme court was appointed by the US, there is a nonresident voting commission
congress, all federal laws are all in effect in Puerto Rico, an anti- imperialist chase this see this as a raw deal for
the imperialists
Jones-Shafroth Act (March 2, 1917): confirmed US citizenship on the Puerticans, it created a govt more on the
line of a US state where you have a governor that is appointed by the President and the judges are appointed by
the President just like we do under territorial actuations but the legislative branch was elected by the people
1952 Puetro Rico will become a self-governing commonwealth. Was treated like a state but it never was really a
state, they ask to become a part of the US several times but they dont. They dont have to pay taxes if they are
not going to be part of the US.

US established a military government in Cuba. right after the war, you have to est. civil authority (since there was
a war and the civil authority was taken out it has to be replaced)
The Teller Amendment (April 19, 1898): stated that we were going to withdraw from Cuba but we dont want to
leave them weak
Power vacuum Germany. They are looking for any opportunity to move in a country and take over, and we
didnt want to give them that chance with Cuba so
In 1900 the Cubans wrote a constitution. That was the major thing that we left there, before we leave we revise
the constitution to our liking ex. The Platt amendment
The Platt Amendment (February 1901). 1) We are doing both the Cubans and Americans affair. Est. that Cuba
cant transfer any of its terrority to any country except the US, 2)if they owe money to someone then they want
the land then they can trade their land to pay off the debt so Cuba couldnt borrow money from any foreign
countries that they couldnt pay off with current tax revenue (they cant raise taxes b/c the people will be broke
and have a revolution and the officials dont have any control), 3) it allowed the US to infer with Cuban affairs
when we see it necessary, 4) the US was granted lease of Gitmo Bay (Guantanamo Bay)(one of the coiling
stations) SIGH: even though Cuba was independent, they had limited rights to the say in foreign policy and
financial affairs they were limited on their foreign affairs,
The U.S. withdrew troops in 1902.

Open Door Policy Suggested by John Hay to all foreign powers. EQUAL trading rights for all
He told everyone that everyone agreed but China didnt.
Boxer Rebellion- b/w alliance of 8 European powers carved up China with their spheres of influence
The Righteous Harmony Society - Boxers: they take over embassies, wanted to ride foreign
influences, became Chinas defenders against the foreign community
They murdered missionaries and Chinese Christians
The Empress Dowager: de-facto leader of Qing dynasty wanted to ride country of foreigners
Multinational force: Major countries joined together to free their people from China
U.S. issued more Open Door notes.
US Open Doors: allowed for
The Boxer Protocol. 1901, China and 11 other nations signed this and it ended the rebellion

American Influence in Latin America.

Governments: in the 19th century the were either dictatorship(one strong man running everything) or oligarchy,
( a group of elite people)
Economy: based on extracting gold or material products, natural resources and the profits were
American & European investment: often times get sided off (in order for my slice to get bigger everyones has to
get smaller), takes off here, takes off with the California Gold Rush,
California Gold Rush: many people went there, most people that went a complex way (ship) so they brought up
the Canal (they usually went down to Latin America and got a train to go across and then a ship up to California)
this show the need for the Isthmian Canal
Isthmian canal: 1534, easier access to the gold rush
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850): btw the US and Britain, the British though that we would become too much
influential and the US thought that if we had to much interest there the British would try to shove us out so in this
treaty they agreed that any Canal would be neutral, it be controlled by both sides, 1855: the Panama canal was
Ferdinand de Lesseps (1880): before they had gone into Egypt to build the Suez canal which was very successful,
the locations of the canal are different: Egypt was a desert doesnt rain a lot and get many people to go out there
and work it was flat, he wants to repeat this which will cut through Latin America and sets it at panama canal,
there is a lot of problems: have a mountain range that is there that makes it hard, tropical rainforests (when it rains
the soil will fill in the shoveled area), diseases: yellow fever strikes the French and their workers and killed many
of them, they had thought that it happened because of vapors or mildew and they began to clean thing but that
didnt do any good, they did realize that yellow fever was spread by mosquitoes and they were putting plants all
over there sleeping areas with water which attracted the bugs, end result in a failure

U.S.S. Oregon
Spanish-American War U.S. interest in a canal. The ship took a long time to reach the detines place and at times
wouldnt hear from them for weeks so this brought to our attention that the canal would benefit us
Poor communication.
U.S. was forced to have a 2 ocean navy.: if we didnt have canal then we will have to have 2 Ocean navy (one
navy for each ocean) but with the canal we will only have to have one navy
An empire made a canal a necessity.

Teddy Roosevelt
1900 Election William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt (TR). Roosevelt is the governor of New York, hes a war
hero and he is a progressive, the republicans were okay with him, he goes corrupt parties to try to destroy them,
but then he begins to go after corrupt republicans and they get mad, and then the republicans elect William
McKinley and get him into the President so then Roosevelt will become vice president and he doesnt do anything
but then
September 6, 1901 McKinley assassinated. And then Theodore becomes president Now that damn cowboy is
president (John Hay) and just as Hay has suspected, TR is going to bring in a different foreign policy thing that
he wants
TRs Foreign Policy:
1. He wants the Isthmian Canal
2. wants to keep Europe out of Latin America
3. Speak softly and carry a big stick
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (November 18, 1901): the Clayton bull treaty, it gives the US the right to control and crate
the Canal but it assured the British that it was going to be neutral (translation: if we go to war the only people that
we are going to let go through the canal is going to be the British)
Congressional debate - Nicaragua or Panama? With TR, congress began to debate the canal issue and the location
(Not sure were to put it). The Nicaragua may have been better location (you have a river that goes from the
Caribbean to some islands where there are some lakes that are all most to the Pacific side but there is mountain
range that you have to go through, but the French offer to sell Panama for $40 million, Roosevelt supports this
because he has many investors that are in this, so congress agrees to accept the offer but if an arrangement can be
made with Columbia because Panama is a Columbian state but they ask for more money that the US is willing to
pay but there is a revolution going on in Panama
Panamanian Revolution: Panama vs. Columbia: we see to it that they receive support, many we send some
Marines down to the Panama and see that the Columbian forces cant get their forces to the uprising as a result the
Panamanians declare their independence, we immediately recognize their independence and we negotiate the
Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty
Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty (November 18, 1903): est. the terms in which the US will control the Panama Canal,
Bunau Varilla was the Panamas minister (he signs the treaty, he was a French citizen), Panama would receive 10
million for the canal, and the US pays $250,000 annually for rent

Obstacles: include
Difficult Terrain: mountains, and rainforests, as the ex-governor of New York he was helped to build the
Erie Canal so he knew that engineers would have to deals with this, so he makes them make lakes and
series of locks to move the ships through
Tropical Diseases:
Yellow fever: had been trying to find a cure for a while, it is being transferred by mosquitoes, so
they empty out all the water area
Dr. Walter Reed & Dr. Carlos Finlay: Dr. Carlos Finay had been working for the Spanish trying to
find a cure for the yellow fever, he was on the trail of this when the Spanish American War
erupted, then the 2 doctors work together and they figure out that the culprit is a pathogen that is
carried by a mosquito (it bites you and you get malaria and a result from that discovery William
Dr. William Gorgas: he implements a sanitary area in Panama to rid the country side of yellow
fever, the bugs have to lay their eggs in water and when they hatch they bite you, well if you deny
the water then you get rid of the bug problem so they begin to drain ponds, lakes and the area that
they cant drain then they spread oil, everyone has mosquito nets and many other supplies to keep
them away from them as a result: many more died form yellow fever than bullets
Completion: opened on Aug. 15, 1914, took 10 years to build, spent $400 million (they had to build railroads to
get dirt moved, thousands had to come and work on this

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 28.24

Venezuela Affair (1902): Britain and France are lending large sums of money to Venezuela and Venezula are not
paying them back, and they are stirring up their populist citizens that are there, hoping to run of the Germans and
British, they are sending troops there, the US doesnt want this so Roosevelt steps in to end this
Roosevelt Corollary (1904): 1904 final defines in what it is stated that the US had the right to intervene in the
Latin countries when stability was in question: reminds of the Monroe Doctrine: if your not running your affairs
right then we have the to step in or as Roosevelt said you better run things right or were going to have to step in
one way or the other
Dominican Republic (1905): first major test, American officials take over the Customs and Duties, one day the
Dom. Rep. had borrowed tons of money from European power and we step in one day we have DR. officers
collecting taxes the next the Marines take over, with this the money is paid off to the creditors and when do this
until 1941,
Intervention: the US will use the Roosevelt Corollary to intervene mult. Times (Cuba, Haiti, etc.),
The 19 Public Bads of Empire: Problem with this is that it leads to paternalism that we are the big brother and as
a result it leads to resentment, irony is that Roosevelt ends up going into many countries

$Dollar Diplomacy$
Dollar Diplomacy is the term used to describe the effort of the United States particularly under President
William Howard Taft to further its foreign policy aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its
economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
President William Howard Tafts foreign policy: hes Roosevelts handpicked successor, Roosevelt steps down
after two terms (he finished up McKinleys term and he gets elected again) wasnt interested in it being president,
largest president ever, foreign policy was called Dollar Diplomacy: it reflects his secretary of state
Sec. of State Knox: an agent of Corp. America, he represents the interests in the Corp. US, he urged Taft
and American invertors to invest in countries that have important things that the US needs, he said that we
are doing these people a favor because if we dont then the Europeans will and we treat these people fair
(lines Monroe Doctrine) and its better than sending troops in to fix things, Taft just wants to buy then off
but in often times financial assistance investments leads to directly military intervention there some more
resentment towards the US
Investment: what happens is that we put money in there and its threatened in social revolution and then
we need to fix it,
Keep foreign powers out of Latin American & Far East: its better that we go in and do this other than any
other country because we are going to be fair
Investment problems:
Ruling elite: so the govt needs a dictator to prop up the interest or we send in the military to protected the
Failure: but he doesnt protect the interest, and people think that we are paying him to beat them up and
thats not what we are doing
Often U.S. military intervention followed investment.
Resentment of U.S. investment and military intervention.

Missionary Diplomacy
AKA Moral Diplomacy:
Missionary Diplomacy was Woodrow Wilson's idea of the United States' moral responsibility to deny
recognition to any Latin American government that was viewed as hostile to American interests.
President Woodrow Wilson & Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan: his father is a minister, Wilson is an
idealist and his foreign policy is going to follow along those lines, His Sec. Of State is William Bryan and hes a
populist candidate and a democratic candidate (anti-imperialist), very idealist, hes very religious and hes a
missionaries of democracy: if you bring people democracy then we will have peace , foreign investment take
everything so we need to bring democracy and therefore they will like us
Wilson announced in 1913 that the U.S. will never again seek one additional foot of territory by conquest.
But he did not rule out the use of military force:
Haiti: he goes into Haiti,
Dominican Republic: He hoes into DR,

The Mexican Revolution (the First Major Challenge of Foreign Policy)

Mexico proved to be one of Wilsons greatest challenges.
Porfirio Diaz: Dictator of Mexico since 1876, sells the country off to the foreign higher bidder
Mexicos mineral resources: 75% of Mexicos resources were owned by foreigners (standard oil, railroads, and so
Francisco Madero: hes a reformer, over throws Diaz in 1911 and promises reforms, more reforms on the lines of
social, land redistributions, breaking up trusts, breaking up large companies, nationalizing foreign companies, etc.
and the ruling elites attitude was negative and they gather money for weapons and the revolution continues, you
have many foreign intervention (Cowboy Diplomacy: those with wagons who sell weapons to people) and as a
result the reforms fail
Victoriano Huerta: he comes to power supported by ruling elites, he puts on military clothes, the gackle (Keb) he
over throws Huerta and then gets a V. Pre. and kills him so since hes killing people,
Problems with Missionary Diplomacy arise:

Intervention in Mexico
Wilsons policy toward Huerta: Wilsons reaction is to not recognize their govt, we are not going to deal with
murders and he starts to allow weapons to get to the Spanish Revolution
Tampico & Vera Crus: 1914: the sailors are there drinking, the Mexican officers arrest them and put them in jail
but Wilson uses this as an opportunity to step in and he sends US ships to Mexico and he learns that the Germans
are sending ship to Peutra so he orders US marines to occupy that city, when the marines step off the ship the
Mexicans start fighting back
Venustiano Carranza: he comes to power( he over throws Huerta) while this is going on, but the revolution
doesnt die down, political the 2 governors are at an understanding
Pancho Villa: He says that it isnt over, hes still a revolutionary and he cont. to fight, he thinks that if he attacks
Americans then people will feel sorry for him and he ill get support from other countries, in 1916 Villas forces
capture 12 American Engineers working on railroads in Mexico and kills them and that gets our attention then he
comes over and kills 17 more and the US doesnt turn the other check
The Mexican Expedition (1916 1917): Wilson order General John Jay Peraisn and 6,000 troops to get villa
dead or alive, Persain brings weapons, airplanes, cars, and looks everywhere for Villa but they dont find him

World War I:
America Reluctantly Becomes a World Power.

The Roots of World Conflict

1915-1914 Europe enjoys a time of peace and prosperity , mostly focused on expansion, their
standard of living was going up, things after the Napoleonic War were settling down
4 Factors that lead to World War I:
o Militarism: civilian politicians begin to wear military uniform (everyone is wearing them)
o Alliances: All of the European Nations make alliances with each other that if one country goes to
war then the other one will help which will lead to everyone going into war
o Imperialism: all these countries have desires on other land but unfortunately the countries are over
lapping each other and are getting in the way( the Russians and Austria-Hungry are over lapping in
o Nationalism: a lot of pride in their country and a lot of these people are not in their countries

The European Alliance System

Treaty of London 1839: the Great Britain guarantee the safety of Belgium, but they are afraid that in the wake of
the Napoleonic War that France may invade Belgium but it turns out that in the early 20 th century Germany is
going to be the big problem b/c it forms up and becomes a country
Franco-Prussian War (1870 71) two main consequences: Prussia and a bunch of other little countries, they fight
with the French and the Germans walk all over them, one: created German, and two: they have a thing for revenge
three: Austria, Hungry and Russia are completing to take land in, overlapping boundaries
Balkans: Austria- Hungary and Russia wanted it, imperialistic desires
Dual Alliance (later Triple Alliance): 1879, Austira- Hungary and Germany, created when ____ allies with
German this will become the triple alliance in __- in 1895 France
The Triple Entente: Britain and France are part, if one of these nations
Entente Cordiale (friendly understanding): France and Russia, 1895, Britain sings to get in good w/ France

The Spark That Sets Europe on Fire.

June 28, 1914 Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Germany pledged to support Austria-Hungary.
July 23, 1914 Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia: wanted Serbia to take all blame for assassination
and let their agents come investigate the murder
July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.

Europe Explodes
Russia Plan XIX: the Russians agrees to help out Turkey, order a general mobilization, anticipated fighted, Aust.-
Humgary and German
German Ultimatum: 1914, halt mobilization w/in 12 hours
Ottoman Empire: signs a treaty agreed to declare war on Russia
France: Aug 3- Germany declares war on them
August 4, 1914: Germany declares war on Russia
Germany The Von Schlieffen Plan. Goes through the Netherlands, behind Paris, got Britain into the war
Britain - Treaty of London 1839. Declares war on Germany
Italy: the British have been planning an alliance with Italy and they are going to leave the Triple Alliance
Leaves the Triple Alliance.
The London Pact April 25, 1915
Declared war on Austria-Hungary on May 23, 1915.

Stalemate in Europe
All pre-War plans failed: none were successful
Military doctrine failed: they hadnt kept pace with advancement in tech., civil war tech.
New technology: new weapons that no one was ready to deal with so in the end the soldiers pay the price:
Weapons of World War I
Artillery: French 75 mm Howitez, German Big Berthat siege mortar: one of the largest, German Paris
Gun need to shell Paris from behind German lines 90 miles away: British 15 inch howitzer the ma
The Machine Gun: the most important weapon of the war

Trench Warfare: underground

Barbed Wire: slowed down, infantry
No mans land if the land btw the trenches if the opposing sides
Stalemate: no ones moving around, they are stuck
How to break the trench warfare stalemate?
Infantrymen going Over the Top: we are going to shell the German trenches and when they come out
they are going to be out of it, The british vs. the german by the end of the day 60 thousand have lost their
Flame Throwers: not an effective way yo end a stalemate
GAS: Germans invent Mustard Gas, first time: they end up, not very useful, they end up making
better gas makes,
Tanks: solution to trenches, British invent this, they are going to take a bulldozer and buy water things,
they use the word water proves the fire power of the machine gun and the protection that is needed and
Aerial Warfare
Zeppelins: of explosives, but can just shoot the thing and explodes
Aerial Warfare: full of helium (explosive), airplanes
o Reconnaissance.
o Dogfights fights btw planes
o Fighters: there to attack enemy airfare.
o Bombers begin to drop bombs in the trenches

The War at Sea

Allies have the advantage, Germans couldnt go against them, all sides used dread knocks: the
ships are made out of iron and are steam driven, guns are out on the side of the ships, the Germans
only made one attempt to break out and that was the Battle of Jutler, they did more damage to the
British than they received themselves and they won but the result was that many more victories like
that then the Germans wouldnt have much of a navy left, so as a result they resign submarines from
trying to win the war from the sea, Britain is an island nation that cant support itself, so they have to
import massive funds of materials so they are going to use submarines
Submarines: use this to import materials, this is going to boarder around Great Britain and any
ship that tries to go into Britain is going to be sunk in order to starve them, the US consider the
Unristed Submarine Warfare but that would be a violation of the International Rights but the
submarines did rescue the lives of some (the submarines were small and couldnt fit many)

U.S. Neutrality
Wilson: runs for president as a progressive foreigner on domestic issues, he focuses on foreign things, and thats
about everything that he does, when he gets into office he deals with domestic issues, when the world breaks out
in war in the middle of his term: he declares the US as neutral but . . . .
American Industry: the US still sold weapons to both sides, the AI is trading with both sides, both the allies and
the central powers couldnt manufacture their own war materials for their own needs so they turn to the AI for
supplies, they sold food, ammunition, and etc. but more went to the allies than the Central Powers, soon the Allies
become connected to the US and then they cant pay US off with gold anymore so they turn to borrowing money
and if the Allies lose then they are not going to be able to pay their loans back
German Exclusion Zone: the Germans declare a mega war zone around Britain, and Wilson warns the Germans
that they will be accountable for any lose of American soldiers on their property, first thing that happens is the
Lusitania . . . .
Lusitania May 1, 1915: it sunk, it was a passenger ship 1,198 people lost their lives,128 were Americans, the ship
was carrying ammunition (that was the main reason why it sank: it was hit with one torpedo) And Roosevelt calls
for war but Wilson refuses to abandon neutrality (his still against war), Wilson demands an apology from the
Germans, wants them to pay for the damage and wants them to end submarines warfare, Germans give him
everything but the commitment of ending the submarine warfare however ..
Sussex March 24, 1916: the French sink the Sussex, and Wilson threatens to brake off diplomatic relations for the
loss of Americans lives on this ship which means that the US is declaring war as a result the Germans dont want
us in the War so they make the Sussex Pledge . . . .
The Sussex Pledge May 14, 1916: they state that they will not attack passenger ships, merchant ships will not be
targeted unless it was confirmed that they were carrying weapons and ships will not be sunk unless provisions
have been made for the safety of the passengers and crew, this made it impossible for the Germans to not cont. the
submarine warfare b/c in order for them to make sure that they have weapons you have to get on the ship and
search and if you do that then they are going to end up sinking the ship and you cant make provisions for the
passengers and the crew: so it ties the Germans down

The U.S. Enters the War

The Sussex Pledge: it buys Germany more time, in the mean time Congress is working on laws about US entering
the war, they begin to gather military and stock material for the war
Election of 1916: the socialist Candidate is Vixen and he wants to nationalize railroads, banks, etc., the Socialist
didnt want to involve themselves in war, the Prohibition candidate Handlin: they didnt have much of a policy on
the foreign things and just wanted to abolish the use of alcohol and the 18 th Amden. Was making problems right
now and the 18th Amendment was making problems right now: the Republic Party Nominate Hues: 12.04 The
republican party had split in 1912 in the election btw Taft and Roosevelt, Hues forms a coalition btw the
constrictive Taft supporter and the pro-war Roosevelt supporters, b/c of this Wilsons campaign slogan is
Because he kept us out of war, very close election, Wilson believes that he lost the Election but he won b/c of
California, later he says that he wants peace with others, As a result on Jan. 17, he suggests that the US acts like a
neutral arbitrator and wanted to negate peace with out Victory (he thinks that if you have a winner then the other
side is going to be mad and itll set things up for the next war) the central power looks at this and decline because
they think that they are going to win the war, they also believed that they could get Britain out of the war very
easily, and Germany decided that the US was going in the war and they cont. the submarine warfare, the Allies:
they deny this because it requires them to dismember all the central powers colonial empires
Peace Without Victory: dont take this b/c too much blood has spilled, The Germans have miscalculated1) the
British are very strong 2) the US can mobilize much more rapidly than they realize 3) they have the greatest
intelligence failure (the French soldiers are refusing to fight and then a new General was put in, the General kills
every man that refused to fight and the soldiers realize that they are serious and they start fighting, the soldiers
now have better food and resting times) 4)Foreign Policy (big mistake)- the Zimmerman Note
The Zimmerman Telegram: Jan. 16, 1917: He sends a message to the German Ambassador in Mexico, the British
get a hold of the Commutation Cable in the North Sea and cut it, leaving the central powers with no
communication, the British decode what the Germans are saying through the radio transmitter, letter says: if the
Mexicans attack the US then they will give them TX, CA, AR, and NM, Bad idea B/C: 1) the risk of the US
finding out about the letter 2) Mexico cant because they are in Revolution, 3) Mexico is not in a military position
to attack the US 4) they have no desire to attack US, Germans hope that they can hold us off and slow us down,
the British gets Mexicans to go into the German camp and get the note so the Germans wont know that we broke
the code, March 1, 1917: show this to Wilson, the US govt makes the telegram public but it doesnt make it big
but the Americans believe that the telegram isnt real, the journalist ask Zimmerman if the letter was real and he
said yes and that gets people to fight (b/c they found out that it was real) March 2, 1917 Wilson asks Congress for
a Declaration of War and on April 6, 1917 they give it to him
Reasons the U.S. entered the War:
S = Sussex Pledge L = Lusitania sinking U = Unrestricted Submarine Warfare T = Ties to Britain
Z = Zimmerman Note

The Two Sides

Triple Entente became The Allies:
B = Britain F = France A = Austria I = Italy R = Russia
Triple Alliance became The Central Powers:
A H = Austria- Hungary O = Ottoman Empire G = Germany

America Goes to War

The world must be safe for democracy Wilson
The Home Front
Selective Service Act: All men from the ages of 21- 30 they have to register for draft, local draft force will draft
men at random, Men will have to sign up, 2.8 million men were drafted and 2 million volunteered, US almost
filled the military with 5 million men
Organizing Industry: have to organize industry
War Industries Board: going to regulate the war material, a lot of cutting down on things
Unions: they have an excellent propaganda in the ministry of media, the company owners had to sign a
contract that they will give their workers a 8 hour work day and in return the workers cant go on strike,
they make higher wages
Women: the woman that never worked now have work, some move up in they were working there before
( the spots were used for men and now the women take over)
African-Americans - The Great Migration. They are working in the factories and the factories are hiring
Conservation Efforts:
Hooverizing: encourage people to rationalize there for volunteer food
Public Relations: tryig to get people to support the war
Victory Gardens: plant gardens
Fuel Administration: run by Harry Graveled and purpose was to rationalize fuel
Daylight Savings Time: they did this to save fuel (not really)
Financing the War: taxes are increased and liberty bonds are sold (bonds- a piece of paper with a face value of $25
and you hold on to it until you can get the same value of it)(pay $25 for it and it says 50, the govt is buying this
from you)

Public Support for the War

Trading with the Enemy Act: made it illegal to sell goods or support the central powers, gave the mail the right to
sensor the mail
Sedition Act: President Woodrow Wilson was concerned that dissent, in time of war, was a significant
threat to morale. The passing of this act forbade Americans to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or
abusive language" about the United States government, flag, or armed forces during war. Espionage
Act .Punished anyone that helped the enemy
Schenck v. U.S. (1919) - The congress could limit the Constitution Act if there was a clear and present danger.
Committee on Public Information (CPI): promoting the war and swaying the public opinion, Movie actors
traveled the nation to rally public support.
Four-minute men: did one minute speeches for people to buy war bonds
The Star Spangled Banner. Everyone begins to sing this
Sauerkraut = liberty cabbage
Frankfurters = liberty sausages
Dachshunds = liberty pups
German shepherds = Alsatians

Yanks in the Trenches

General John J. Pershing & the AEF (June 14, 1917): Leads the American Expedition force June 14, 1917 to
France but he gets there with only 30 thousand troops, not enough to make an impact, they are there to give the
British soldiers some relief, Pershing wants an American section on the front (area of his own) he doesnt want his
men to be mixed in with the French and the British, Americans dont arrive in Europe until the summer of 1918
Bolshevik Revolution (November 1917): Communist take hold of Russia, Russians pull out of the war, this allows
German to pull forces off the east and switch them to the western front against the French and British
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 3, 1918):
German Spring Offensive (March 21, 1918): they hope for one last offensive, to break through Paris, in 1 wk the
Germans pushed 30 miles, but a little to late, new troops have come and they stop the Germans 50 miles off of
Meuse-Argonne Offensive (September 26 November 11, 1918): 1.2 million American pull on this front,
Sergeant Alvin York: was drafted, he was awards the Battle of Honor, he lead an attack against 30 German
machine guns, and took control of area

The War Comes to an End

October 1918: the German lines were crumbling.
AEF captures Sedan (Nov. 7, 1918): this is a key railroad hub that is supplying German with new ammunition,
men, etc., As a result Germany asks for Armistice
Armistice: November 11, 1918 at 11 am this is just a cease fire but the war is not over but the fighting has stopped

The Paris Peace Talks

Wilsons 14 Points (January 8, 1918): a list of things that Wilson considered a cause of conflict and if things were
done about these then we wouldnt have war,
1) no secret diplomacy- alliance made other get into the war
2) freedom of the seas
3) freedom of trade
4) Armies reduction there were armies race
5) restoration of national boarders
6) national self determination (people having the right to what the govt has)
7) wanted to create an independent Poland (it was the gate way that armies want to get to Europe),
Problems: the Allies dont want to sign this, so Wilson says accept them or we will pull out (they have German
troops on their territory-this is why they sign it- the trenches are in France) so they end up signing
The Treaty of Versailles (Jun 28, 1919): Germany accepts full responsibility for the War, this is something that the
French want, the British wanted Germany stripped all of their colonies so they are, they lose all of their coaling
stations and lose Provinces of lasacelo arrain, Germany disarmed-Germany army was limited to one hundred
thousand men, German Navy was prohibited from having submarines and their size of ship were numbered and
they couldnt have an air force, and artillery was limited on size and number, this was worthless b/c they worked
around it: German high schooler and colleges had flying planes: these were created later, countries were created
(lathea and Lequeau) Poland, Czuevo. And Urkaslvoka, and Austria and Hungary will be split up, German had to
pay 33 billion in war reformations, they ended up paying only 4.5 billion and it created the league of nations
(design to avoid war by resolving it, idea of open diplomacy- no secret diplomacy)

The U.S. Senate and the Treaty

Treaty of Versailles: July 10, 1919,
Nobel Prize: award to Wilson b/c of T.o.V, he has created a treaty that is acceptable
Trouble in the Senate: 5 thousand men have been arrested w/o trail by jury by the sedation act, trading with the
enemy, etc., Americans are rethinking about this, they are those who believe that the things are to harsh on the
central powers and believe that it was going to cause future problems, there are those who are okay with the terms
b/c Germany deserved it
Harsh terms:
The League of Nations: dont like that it says that if one country is attacked then all of them have to
defend that country, Congress decides if we go to war or not and this is taking it away
Republican Henry Cabot Lodge: believed that the League of Nation and the Ver. Treaty took away the
right to conduct foreign policy, so he opposed the Treaty of Versailles
Proposed revision: the senators come up with a revised treaty but Wilson says that they cant show up
with this and renegotiate this so he fights for public support
Wilson fights for public support: so the senate will sign the treaty
Committee on Public Relations: propaganda to help out with the public support
Whistle Stop Tour: were you get on a train and go to train from town to town getting peoples attention, 3-
4 speeches each day and being president long distance
Wilsons Disability: Sept 25 1919, he has a stroke, his disability is not know to the public, towards the
end doesnt make the choices but his wife and people close to him, they decide to keep all this quiet, so
the US has to go to Germany again b/c US didnt pass the Versailles Treaty
Senate Vote: we have to go to German for new treaty, all the European powers sign the Ver. Treaty and join the
League of Nation, we dont

Impact of World War I

U.S. Impact:
Isolationism: we go back to isolationism
Xenophobia: People came to fear foreigners. Reaction to war and events in Russia, Germany, and other
Nativism. policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants
Palmer Raids. Arrest 500 people that are connected to bombing
Workers gained higher wages.
Americans attained a higher standard of living.
Minorities: Due to the Great Migration African American are up in the North and get jobs, race whites
begin in 1919 when A.A attempt to buy houses in white neighborhoods in Illinois and Indiana
Women: now start to get jobs that are meant for men and get their wages, leads to the 19 th Amendment
giving the women the right to vote
Global Impact:
Nationalism: it spread. other ethnic groups want there own countries because others have there own
Arabs and Jews: British created a statement that they were in favor of creating a Jewish homeland, they
didnt state were and when, as a result Jews are flooding into Palestine in large Numbers, as a result A.
and J. are getting in each others way and this begins the A. and J. conflict
Russia: fights a civil war until 1922
Germany: is humiliated and in turmoil
European: nations are largely destroyed and unable to feed, clothes or shelter their citizens, there are tons
of unexploded bombs
1918 1920 Flu Pandemic: more people die here than any others starts in Spain and then Americans
bring it home, there were villages in Alaska that were affected and died
The world map: it is redrawn b/c of the new countries that were created
Aftermath: we set up the things that will cause WWII to start

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