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Course Title: 7th Grade Math (Pre-Algebra)

Teachers Name: Miss Keyisha Watson
Teachers Email: watsonk@jenningsk12.org
Teacher website: misswatsonjjhmath.weebly.com
District Website: www.jenningsk12.org

Welcome to the 2017-2018 Academic School Year! My name is Keyisha Watson and I am
excited to begin my 2nd year teaching at Jennings Junior High. I am a native of Belzoni, MS
however, I resided in St. Louis almost 22 years. I received my bachelors degree from Harris-
Stowe State University. I am a mother of two boys, ages 18 and 16. My vision for the students I
serve is greater than the classroom, It their Future!
I. Course Standards/ Objectives:
Jennings School District has fostered ENGAGE NEW YORK CURRICULUM
aligned with Missouri Learning Standards from Department of Secondary and
Elementary Education. The districts choice to foster this curriculum is data
driven, the success of standardized assessment, and the alignment with MAP.
JSD expectations are for each child to receive a quality education. Information
regarding specific standards can be found on www.dese.mo.gov.

II. Classroom Rules and Student Responsibilities:

I am utilizing the Six Pillars of Character in my classroom this year. The Six
Pillars consist of trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and
citizenship. JJH Code of Conduct Policy along with our standards or citizenship/
work habits and grades, the school tardy policy, and school discipline policies can
be found online at www.jenningsk12.org

.We have many routines and procedures incorporated through the use of
CHAMPS (guidelines for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation,
and Success) that students will learn and follow. We respect each other,
including others personal property and are honest with others and ourselves. All
students have the right to learn and each student has the responsibility of allowing
all students that opportunity. It is the students responsibility to be prepared for
class each day. Suggested materials are notebook paper, pencil, and composition
notebook. If you are unable to get materials, please see the teacher so together a
plan can be put into place to ensure students are prepared for class each and every
Students earn both consequences and rewards. Consequences include, but are not
limited to verbal warning, time-out, detention (lunch or after school), parent
contact, office referral(DEAL BREAKER), and ISS ( in-school suspension).
Rewards include, but are not limited to verbal praise, individual rewards, whole
class rewards, positive parent contact, or positive office referral (DEAL
Students are expected to be in class with all materials when the bell begins to ring.
Students who are tardy or do not have their materials are not being responsible,
and therefore not demonstrating acceptable citizenship.
Students who are absent from class have the responsibility for getting the work
they missed from a classmate, the class website/ Google Classroom, or from the
designated area in the classroom. I will not remind students to make up work.
Once day per day of absence will be allowed to make up missing work. Any
work assigned prior to students absence will have the same due date after the
students return. If there are special circumstances, the situation will be handled
on case by case bases.

III. Grading Policy: The students degree of mastery of the Jennings School District is the
critical element in determining the letter grade in this class. Your student will
demonstrate mastery in this class by:
Grade Breakdown
Assessments (test and quizzes) 60% 90
Projects/Labs/Classwork 30%
Homework 10% 80



Students will be held responsible for obtaining and turning in absent work. Students who
were absent must make up work within the number of days equal to the absence.
Late homework or assignments must be turned in with 5 days of the original due date to
receive partial credit.
Homework will be assigned daily/ or every other day and sometimes on Friday, and is
due the next school day unless otherwise specified.
Projects will be given due dates when assigned and students will be notified about an
upcoming quiz or test 2-4 days in advance.
ALL MATH assignments should be completed in PENCIL and SHOW WORK to
receive full credit.

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