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Chinese herbal medicine for resistant hypertension: a systematic


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Xiong, Xingjiang, Xiaoke Li, Yuqing Zhang, and Jie Wang.

Citation 2015. Chinese herbal medicine for resistant hypertension: a
systematic review. BMJ Open 5 (1): e005355.

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Open Access Research

Chinese herbal medicine for resistant

hypertension: a systematic review
Xingjiang Xiong,1 Xiaoke Li,2 Yuqing Zhang,3 Jie Wang1

To cite: Xiong X, Li X, ABSTRACT

Zhang Y, et al. Chinese Strengths and limitations of this study
Objectives: This study aimed to summarise the
herbal medicine for resistant
current evidence from randomised control trials (RCTs) The strength of this systematic review is its com-
hypertension: a systematic
review. BMJ Open 2015;5:
concerning treatment of patients with resistant prehensive, unbiased search of various databases,
e005355. doi:10.1136/ hypertension with Chinese herbal medicine (CHM). including the four main Chinese databases,
bmjopen-2014-005355 Design: Seven databases, including the Cochrane without language and publication restrictions.
Library, PubMed, EMBASE, CNKI, VIP, CBM and The included trials were small with significant
Prepublication history for Wanfang, were systematically searched from their heterogeneity.
this paper is available online. inception to March 2014 for RCTs investigating This systematic review reached no definite con-
To view these files please treatment of resistant hypertension in which CHM was clusions about the effectiveness and safety of
visit the journal online used either as a monotherapy or in combination with CHM for resistant hypertension.
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/ conventional medicine versus placebo, no intervention
bmjopen-2014-005355). or conventional medicine.
Results: Five trials containing 446 hypertensive
Received 9 April 2014
patients were identified. The methodological quality of
artery disease and renal insufciency.1 2
Revised 29 September 2014 However, many hypertensive patients are unre-
most trials was evaluated as generally low. All included
Accepted 3 October 2014 sponsive to standard antihypertensive care.3 4
trials compared CHM plus antihypertensive drugs with
antihypertensive drugs alone for resistant hypertension. Since the publication of a scientic statement
Formulations of CHM included tablet, decoction and from the American Heart Association (AHA)
injection. It was found that, compared with on the evaluation and treatment of resistant
antihypertensive drugs alone, CHM (tablet) plus hypertension in 2008, there has been growing
antihypertensive drugs resulted in clinically, but not clinical and research interest in the epidemi-
statistically, significant reductions in systolic blood ology, pathophysiology and management of
pressure (SBP; weighted mean difference (WMD)= resistant hypertension.5 Resistant hypertension
10.32 mm Hg; 95% CI 21.10 to 0.46; p=0.06) and
is dened as a failure to achieve a BP goal of
diastolic blood pressure (DBP; WMD=3.30 mm Hg;
95% CI 7.66 to 1.06; p=0.14). CHM (decoction) plus
<140/90 mm Hg, despite treatment with a diur-
antihypertensive drugs also produced a clinically etic and three different antihypertensive
meaningful, but not statistically significant, reduction in medication classes at maximally tolerated
SBP (WMD=12.56 mm Hg; 95% CI 26.83 to 1.71; dosages.6 Resistant hypertension is currently a
p=0.08), and did significantly decrease DBP (WMD= devastating medical, social and economic
7.89 mm Hg; 95% CI 11.74 to 4.04; p<0.0001). problem. Despite knowledge about the man-
There were no significant differences in SBP (WMD= agement of resistant hypertension and the avail-
3.50 mm Hg; 95% CI 8.95 to 1.95; p=0.21) and ability of numerous effective antihypertensive
DBP (WMD=1.00 mm Hg; 95% CI 1.39 to 3.39; drugs and combinations of drugs, it remains a
p=0.41) between CHM (injection) plus the concern for both primary care clinicians and
antihypertensive drugs group and antihypertensive
specialists.7 8 Therefore, some patients choose
drugs alone. The safety of CHM remained uncertain.
non-conventional therapy to prevent and
Conclusions: No definite conclusions about the
effectiveness and safety of CHM for resistant
manage resistant hypertension.9 There is
hypertension could be drawn. More rigorously robust evidence of the BP-lowering effects of
designed trials are warranted. complementary therapies, including aerobic
exercise,10 tai chi,11 qigong,12 yoga,13 acupunc-
ture,14 moxibustion,15 cupping,16 massage,17
dietary Fments18 and herbal medicine.19 20
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
INTRODUCTION Chinese herbal medicine (CHM), one of the
Effective control of blood pressure (BP) in most important components of traditional
patients with hypertension decreases the inci- Chinese medicine (TCM), is widely used in
Correspondence to
Dr Xingjiang Xiong;
dence of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, East Asia.21 CHM has been used for more than
xiongxingjiangtcm@163.com, sudden death, stroke, coronary heart disease, 3000 years and has unique concepts concern-
5administration@163.com heart failure, atrial brillation, peripheral ing aetiologies and systems of diagnosis and

Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355 1

Open Access

treatment.22 There has been continuing interest in the role from botanical herbal products according to the
of CHM in managing resistant hypertension.2325 CHM has Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (2010
the potential to complement conventional Western edition). All prospective RCTs comparing CHM used
medical treatment by improving efcacy with few adverse alone or in combination with conventional medicine
events (AEs). CHM, either alone or as an adjunct to antihy- versus placebo, no intervention or conventional medi-
pertensive drugs, is widely used by TCM practitioners in cine for resistant hypertension were included in this
China. Many clinical studies ranging from case series to review, regardless of blinding, publication status or lan-
clinical trials have reported that CHM improves signs and guage. Trials investigating the effect of any type of CHM,
symptoms, decreases BP and modies cardiovascular risk with or without conventional medicine, in patients with
factors in patients with resistant hypertension.2628 resistant hypertension were included. Trials using CHM
However, there are still uncertainties concerning the ef- concomitantly with other types of complementary ther-
cacy of CHM because of the lack of high-quality, large- apies such as tai chi, qigong, acupuncture, moxibustion,
sample randomised controlled trials (RCTs). To the best of cupping and massage were excluded.
our knowledge, there is no critically appraised evidence, Interventions in the control group included conven-
such as a systematic review or meta-analysis, of the benets tional Western medicine, placebo or no intervention
and safety of CHM for resistant hypertension. Therefore, without restriction on dosage, formulations or fre-
we aimed to systematically review published and unpub- quency. Trials comparing CHM with other complemen-
lished RCTs to ascertain the role of CHM in treatment of tary therapies were excluded, as were case reports, case
resistant hypertension. series, quasi-randomised trials, animal experiments and
duplicated publications. It was required that patients in
the treatment group had been treated with the same
METHODS type and dosage of conventional therapy according to
Search strategies the same standards as that used in the control group.
The following electronic databases were searched from The duration of treatment was required to be more than
their inception until 17 March 2014: the Cochrane Library 2 weeks.
(March 2014), PubMed (19592014), EMBASE (1980
2014), Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, Outcome measures
19802014), VIP information database (19892014), BP and AEs were required to be reported as the main
Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBM, 1978 outcome measures at the end of the treatment.
2014) and Wanfang Data Information Site (19982014).
Since CHM is widely used in China, published reports Data extraction
listed in the four main Chinese electronic databases were Two independent reviewers read the titles and abstracts
retrieved to identify the maximum possible number of of references that appeared promising based on prede-
trials. Ongoing clinical trials registered on the website of ned selection criteria. Full articles were retrieved for
the Chinese Clinical Trial Register (available at: http:// further assessment. Reasons for exclusion of studies were
www.chictr.org/) and the international clinical trial regis- recorded. After the nal selections had been made, two
try of the US. National Institutes of Health (available at: reviewers independently extracted the data from the eli-
http://clinicaltrials.gov/) were also searched. gible studies. The data extraction form comprised the
Keywords for database searching were (resistant hyper- following items: (1) general information about the
tension OR hypertension OR high blood pressure OR article, including authors, title, year of publication and
blood pressure) AND (traditional Chinese medicine source; (2) patient characteristics, including sample size,
OR Chinese herbal medicine OR Chinese herb OR age and sex of the participants and diagnosis standard;
herbal medicine OR herb therapy) AND (clinical (3) characteristics of the included trials, including
trial OR randomized controlled trial). Additionally, con- random sequence generation, allocation concealment,
ference proceedings relevant to this topic, references from blinding, intention-to-treat analysis, reporting of drop-
relevant clinical trials and review articles were manually outs or withdrawals, interventions in the treatment and
searched in an attempt to retrieve all potentially relevant control groups and duration of treatment; (4) outcomes,
published and unpublished articles. including BP data at baseline and after treatment; (5)
length and frequency of follow-up; and (6) AEs. The
Participants authors were contacted by email, fax or telephone con-
Patients enrolled in the studies were required to meet at cerning any missing or confusing information about the
least one of the current or past guidelines for or deni- trials. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and
tions of resistant hypertension.5 6 No restrictions were consensus was reached with a third party.
imposed on age, sex or ethnicity.
Quality assessment
Interventions The risk of bias criteria according to the guidelines of
CHM was dened as a decoction, tablet, pill, powder, the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Review of Interventions
granule, capsule, oral liquid or injection that originated were assessed to evaluate the methodological quality of

2 Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355

Open Access

the included studies.29 The following domains were eval-

uated: random sequence generation (selection bias),
allocation concealment (selection bias), blinding of par-
ticipants and personnel ( performance bias), blinding of
outcome assessment (detection bias), incomplete
outcome data (attrition bias), selective reporting
(reporting bias) and other bias. The evaluated domains
were judged as low, unclear or high risk of bias
according to the criteria of the Cochrane guidelines.
The trials were then categorised into three levels: low
risk of bias (all items at low risk of bias), high risk of bias
(at least one item at high risk of bias) or unclear risk of
bias (at least one item unclear). Discrepancies were
resolved by discussion between the four reviewers.

Statistical analysis
Mean changes in BP data between baseline and after
intervention were used to assess differences between the
treatment and control groups. Since all outcomes were
continuous data, they were presented as weighted mean
difference (WMD) and its 95% CI. WMD and 95% CI
were calculated using Revman V.5.1 software provided by
the Cochrane Collaboration (Copenhagen: The Nordic
Cochrane Centre, Cochrane Collaboration, 2011). Figure 1 PRISMA 2009 flow diagram.
Heterogeneity was assessed by the I2 statistic and was
considered to be signicant when I2 was >50%. The antihypertensive drug therapy alone. Formulations of
xed effects model was used to analyse data that were CHM included tablet,30 32 decoction31 34 and injec-
not signicantly heterogeneous, whereas the random tion.33 The duration of treatment ranged from 4 to
effects model was used where there was signicant het- 24 weeks. The compositions of the CHM used in each
erogeneity (I2 >50%). p<0.05 was considered statistically study are presented in table 2. The effects on BP were
signicant. If a sufcient number of studies (at least 10) reported by all ve studies; however, AEs were only
were available, an attempt was made to assess publica- reported in one of them.30
tion bias by using funnel plots.
Quality of the included studies
The criteria recommended by the Cochrane Handbook for
RESULTS Systematic Reviews were used to assess the risk of bias of the
Descriptions of trials ve trials. The majority of studies were assessed to be of
The ow chart in gure 1 depicted the search process generally poor methodological quality (gure 2). All
and study selection. Primary searches of the seven elec- trials declared randomisation; however, none reported
tronic databases yielded 1826 potentially relevant arti- the methods used to generate allocation sequences (such
cles. After removal of 1093 duplicates, 733 articles as random number tables). Allocation concealment was
remained. After reading the subjects and abstracts of not reported by all included trials. One trial reported
these 733 articles, 695 were excluded for at least one of blinding of participants and personnel.32 However, no
the following reasons: (1) not a clinical trial; (2) case trial described blinding of the outcome assessment. One
report; (3) lack of control group; and (4) efcacy of trial used a placebo control.32 No trial reported
CHM not being the objective of the study. The full texts intention-to-treat analyses, dropouts or pretrial estima-
of the remaining 38 articles were retrieved and another tions of sample size.
33 excluded for the following reasons: participants did
not meet the inclusion criteria (n=27), no control group Estimates of effects on outcomes in terms of BP
(n=3), duplication (n=2) and no data for extraction All studies focused on the effects of CHM on resistant
(n=1). Thus, ve eligible studies were ultimately hypertension. Subgroup analysis was performed accord-
included.3034 All ve trials had been performed in ing to the different forms of CHM, namely tablet,30 32
China and their ndings published in Chinese. decoction31 34 and injection.33
The basic characteristics of these studies were sum-
marised in table 1. They included 446 patients in all. All Tablet
trials used CHM as adjunctive therapy for resistant Two RCTs compared CHM (tablet) plus antihypertensive
hypertension. Interventions included CHM combined drugs with antihypertensive drugs alone.30 32 One trial
with antihypertensive drugs, whereas controls included conducted by Huang et al30 assessed the effectiveness of

Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355 3


Open Access
Table 1 Basic characteristics of included studies
Sample size Main
(randomised/ outcomes
analysed) Age Diagnosis During of (intergroup Adverse Main findings from
Study ID M/F (years) standard Intervention Control treatment differences) effects report original study
Huang et al30 185/185 T: 52.9 CGMH-2004 Radix Salviae Hydrochlorothiazide (10 mg 24 weeks SBP and Y Long-term use of Radix
T: 52/40 7.0 Miltiorrhizae four time a day)+candesartan DBP: p<0.05 T: distending Salviae Miltiorrhizae tablet
C: 51/42 C: 54.3 tablet (4 tablets, cilexetil capsules (8 mg four feeling in head (2 can improve BP and blood
6.4 3 times/day) times a day)+nifedipine cases) lipids for resistant
+control (10 mg twice daily) C: nausea, hypertension; however, as
+atorvastatin tablet (10 mg vomiting and other complementary therapies,
four times a day)* gastrointestinal it could enhance the
reactions (2 antihypertensive effect
cases) more significantly.
Wang and Zheng31 98/98 T: 41.5 CGMH-2004 Decoction of Hydrochlorothiazide (25 4 weeks SBP and N Decoction of Radix
T: 38/24 11.2 Radix Angelicae 50 mg four times a day) DBP: p<0.05 Angelicae Sinensis and
C: 19/17 C: 42.5 Sinensis and +metoprolol tartrate (50 mg Radix Astragali combined
13.4 Radix Astragali twice daily)+nifedipine with antihypertensive
(300 mL/d) controlled release tablet (30 drugs may reduce BP,
+control 60 mg four times a day) improve cardiac function,
+benazepril hydrochloride modulate blood lipids
tablet (10 mg four times a metabolism and regulate
day) blood viscosity.
Zhang et al32 40/40 57.8 1978 Ganoderma Antihypertensive drugs (no 3 months SBP and N Ganoderma Lucidumseu
T: 27 9.60 WHO-ISH Lucidumseu detailed information about DBP: p<0.01 Sinensis tablet was
Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355

C: 13 (T/C: GMH Sinensis tablet dosage) particularly beneficial for

NR) (110 mg, 3 the treatment of resistant
times/day) hypertension with
+control hyperviscosity and
hyperglycaemia. It is also
helpful to prevent and
relieve complications in
Zhang et al33 63/63 T: 80.9 1999 NS 250 mL Amlodipine, irbesartan and 4 weeks SBP and N Gastrodin injection was
T: 30/3 3.7 WHO-ISH +gastrodin hydrochlorothiazide (no DBP: p>0.05 beneficial to old patients
C: 27/3 C: 79.0 GMH injection (20 mL/ detailed information about with refractory
4.7 day)+control dosage) hypertension, and can
improve the balance of ET
and NO levels in plasma.
Yan34 60/60 T: CGMH-2004 Chinese herbal Diuretics+ACEI+-blockers, 1 month SBP and N Chinese herbal medicine
T: 17/13 56.43 medicine (1 and/or dihydropyridine DBP: p<0.01 combined with
C: 16/14 8.21 dose/day) calcium antagonists antihypertensive drugs
C: +control was effective in lowering
57.52 BP in patients with
8.33 resistant hypertension.
*Another class of antihypertensive drugs may be combined when blood pressure control is not satisfied.
Taking at least two kinds of antihypertensive drugs.
C, control group; CGMH-2004, Chinese Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension-2004; N, no; NR, not reported; NS, normal saline; T, treatment group; WHO-ISH GMH, WHO-ISH
guidelines for the management of hypertension; Y, yes.
Open Access

Table 2 Composition of Chinese herbal medicine used in the studies

Study ID Chinese herbal medicine Composition of Chinese herbal medicine
Huang et al Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae tablet Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (Danshen, Danshen Root)
Wang and Decoction of Radix Angelicae Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Danggui, Chinese Angelica) 15 g, Radix
Zheng31 Sinensis and Radix Astragali Astragali (Huangqi, Root) 15 g, Rhizoma Gastrodiae (Tianma, Tall
Gastrodia Tuber) 10 g and Stigma Maydis (Yumixu, Corn Stigma) 60 g
Zhang et al32 Ganoderma Lucidumseu Sinensis Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides
Zhang et al33 Gastrodin injection Gastrodin/4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 4-O--D-glucoside
Yan34 Chinese herbal medicine Radix Astragali (Huangqi, Root) 30 g, Radix Angelicae Sinensis
(Danggui, Chinese Angelica) 12 g, Radix Paeoniae Rubra (Chishao,
Red Paeony Root) 9 g, Rhizoma Chuanxiong (Chuanxiong, Szechuan
Lovage Rhizome) 9 g, Semen Persicae (Taoren, Peach Seed) 6 g, Flos
Carthami (Honghua, Safflower) 6 g, Radix Platycodi ( Jiegeng,
Platycodon Root) 6 g and Fructus Aurantii (Zhike, orange fruit) 6 g

the Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae tablet on patients with Decoction

resistant hypertension complicated with hyperlipid- Two trials compared CHM (decoction) plus antihyper-
aemia. Another trial performed by Zhang et al32 evalu- tensive drugs with antihypertensive drugs alone.31 34
ated the therapeutic effects of the Ganoderma Lucidum One trial, performed by Wang and Zheng,31 evaluated
Seu Sinensis tablet on resistant hypertension with hyper- the effects of a decoction of Radix Angelicae Sinensis
viscosity and hyperglycaemia. Meta-analysis of these two and Radix Astragali plus antihypertensive drugs on
trials showed no difference between CHM (tablet) plus resistant hypertension. The other trial, performed by
antihypertensive drugs and antihypertensive drugs alone Yan,34 reported the effect of CHM (decoction for sup-
in decreasing SBP (WMD=10.32 mm Hg; 95% CI plementing qi and activating blood circulation) com-
21.10 to 0.46; p=0.06) or DBP (WMD=3.30 mm Hg; bined with antihypertensive drugs on BP compared
95% CI 7.66 to 1.06; p=0.14), with I2 values ranging with antihypertensive drugs alone. Meta-analysis of
from 61 to 78% (gure 3A). these two trials revealed no signicant difference
between the treatment and control groups on decreas-
ing SBP (WMD=12.56 mm Hg; 95% CI 26.83 to
1.71; p=0.08) with high heterogeneity (2=4.48,
p=0.03; I2=78%); however, DBP was signicantly
reduced (WMD=7.89 mm Hg; 95% CI 11.74 to
4.04; p<0.0001) with no heterogeneity (2=1.12,
p=0.29; I2=11%), more so by the CHM (decoction)
plus antihypertensive drugs than by the antihyperten-
sive drugs alone (gure 3B).

One RCT performed by Zhang et al33 compared CHM
(gastrodin injection) plus antihypertensive drugs with
antihypertensive drugs alone. Meta-analysis showed no
signicant decrease in SBP (WMD=3.50 mm Hg; 95%
CI 8.95 to 1.95; p=0.21) or DBP (WMD=1.00 mm Hg;
95% CI 1.39 to 3.39; p=0.41) in the study patients
(gure 3C).

Adverse events
With increasing reports of liver and kidney toxicity
caused by CHM, its safety is being scrutinised.3537 AE
monitoring was reported in detail by only one of the
trials30 reviewed; the other four studies did not mention
AEs. Huang et al reported that AEs occurred in two
patients in the Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae tablet group.
Symptoms included a distending feeling in the head.
Figure 2 Risk of bias summary. There were also two patients with AEs in the control

Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355 5

Open Access

Figure 3 Forest plot of the effect of Chinese herbal medicine on blood pressure.

group; they experienced nausea, vomiting and other DISCUSSION

gastrointestinal reactions ( p>0.05).30 No AEs were Summary of evidence
severe. In Western medicine, control of persistently high BP is
commonly accomplished by adding more/other types of
Publication bias antihypertensive drugs to the regimens of patients who are
The number of included studies was too small (less than already receiving antihypertensive medications. However,
10) to assess publication bias. in China, three-quarters of community health clinics

6 Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355

Open Access

provide both Western medicine and TCM treatments.38 39 trial used an injection and demonstrated positive results
Given a widespread perception in China that TCM is in terms of BP, blood rheology, ngernail microcirculation
useful in human healthcare, it is not uncommon for TCM and blood sugar.33 However, the control group did not
physicians to prescribe CHM as an adjunct to conventional receive placebo injections; it is known that injections alone
Western medicine when managing hypertension.40 41 have a strong placebo effect. Therefore, we cannot rule
CHM is considered to have a positive add-on effect if the out that the placebo effect was responsible for the overall
BP decreases to within the normal range, no matter how effect of Chinese herbal injections.52 CHM was adminis-
many or what types of antihypertensive drugs have already tered in tablet form in two trials,30 32 one of which had a
been used.4244 Such an add-on design is currently a placebo control. Therefore, these ndings should be inter-
common practice and is widely employed in clinical preted conservatively. It is recommended that CHM be
studies of TCM for hypertension.4547 prepared in the form of a tablet, capsule, pill or injection
This is the rst reported attempt to assess the efcacy in future trials.53 Information on dropout rates, withdra-
and safety of CHM for resistant hypertension by systematic- wals and intention-to-treat analysis was not provided,
ally reviewing reports published in English and Chinese. which might have led to attrition bias and other biases.
The overall results from the ve included RCTs with 446 Another important limitation of this systematic review was
patients with resistant hypertension suggested that, the inadequate reporting of mortality and progression to
compared with antihypertensive drugs alone, CHM severe complications with long-term follow-up, which
(tablet) plus antihypertensive drugs clinically reduce SBP weakens the reliability and validity of recommendations.42
(decreased by 10.32 mm Hg) and DBP (decreased by Moreover, signicant clinical heterogeneity in the SBP and
3.30 mm Hg); however, these reductions are not statistic- DBP was found. This heterogeneity may be strongly
ally signicant. Moreover, CHM (decoction) plus antihy- related to variations in methodological quality, partici-
pertensive drugs also produced a clinically meaningful pants, interventions and controls. Further, since only trials
reduction in SBP (decreased by 12.56 mm Hg); however, published in Chinese with positive results regarding BP
this change was also not statistically signicant. CHM were included, potential publication bias cannot be com-
(decoction) plus antihypertensive drugs appear to be pletely ruled out. Additionally, since only one trial
more effective in reducing DBP (decreased by reported AEs, we had insufcient clinical data to draw def-
7.89 mm Hg). We found no signicant difference between inite conclusions concerning AEs. We therefore recom-
the effects of CHM (injection) plus antihypertensive drugs mend that AEs of CHM be monitored rigorously and
and antihypertensive drugs alone on SBP (decreased by reported appropriately in future studies.
3.50 mm Hg) and DBP (increased by 1.00 mm Hg). Our
review demonstrated that, when used as an adjunct to anti-
hypertensive drugs, CHM may enhance their antihyperten- CONCLUSIONS
sive effect and be particularly benecial for treating In summary, we can currently draw no rm conclusions
resistant hypertension. about the effectiveness and safety of CHM for resistant
hypertension. The methodological quality of the
Limitations included trials was generally poor. Further rigorously
The generally poor quality and pronounced heterogeneity designed clinical trials are warranted to more precisely
of the studies reviewed here should be taken into consider- ascertain the effectiveness and safety of CHM.
ation. First, poor methodological design is one of the most Additionally, future RCTs should avoid the limitations of
common problems confronted by both complementary the trials included in this systematic review by paying more
and alternative medicine.4850 The primary studies had a attention to the following methodological issues: (1)
number of methodological weaknesses. All ve included adequate generation of allocation sequence and conceal-
trials declared randomisation; however, none detailed the ment of allocation; (2) appropriate methods of double
methods of random sequence generation. Additionally, no blinding; (3) rational use of placebo controls; (4) strict
study described allocation concealment. Therefore, the reporting of dropouts and usage of intention-to-treat ana-
studies potentially had selection bias. A double-blind lysis; and (5) reporting of trials according to the recom-
design is an important means of preventing outcomes mendations of the CONSORT Statement.54
from being inuenced by either the placebo effect or
observer bias. However, only one study has described the
Author affiliations
use of placebos and the blinding of participants and per- 1
Department of Cardiology, Guanganmen Hospital, China Academy of
sonnel. Blinding of outcome assessment was not reported Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
by any trial. The lack of a placebo control was of critical 2
Bio-organic and Natural Products Laboratory, McLean Hospital, Harvard
concern for the included clinical trials and for TCM Medical School, Belmont, California, USA
research as a whole. Some features associated with CHM Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
may have restricted the use of placebos in these trials. For
example, decoctions were used in two trials.31 34 Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Trish Reynolds, a clinical
However, it is difcult to prepare a liquid (decoction) that specialist in medical oncology and psychotherapy from the Royal Australasian
has the same colour, taste and avour as a placebo.51 One College of Physicians, in revising the English language of the manuscript.

Xiong X, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005355. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005355 7

Open Access

Contributors XX and XL designed the systematic review, performed data 19. Xiong XJ, Yang XC, Liu YM, et al. Chinese herbal formulas for
collection and extraction, contacted the original authors for missing or treating hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine: perspective of
confusing information, carried out the statistical analysis and interpretation of modern science. Hypertens Res 2013;36:5709.
20. Mashour NH, Lin GI, Frishman WH. Herbal medicine for the
the data, and wrote the first draft of the report. YZ and JW searched for treatment of cardiovascular disease. Arch Intern Med
articles, assessed their eligibility and performed a major revision of this 1998;158:222534.
report. When discrepancies occurred, they were resolved by discussion 21. Wang J, Xiong XJ. Current situation and perspectives of clinical
between XX, XL, YZ and JW. All authors approved the final version of the study in integrative medicine in China. Evid Based Complement
manuscript. Alternat Med 2012;2012:e268542, 111.
22. Wang J, Wang PQ, Xiong XJ. Current situation and
Funding XX was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation re-understanding of syndrome and formula syndrome in Chinese
Project of China (No. 81403375). medicine. Internal Med 2012;2:e1000113, 15.
23. Mansoor GA. Herbs and alternative therapies in the hypertension
Competing interests None. clinic. Am J Hypertens 2001;14:9715.
24. Xiong XJ, Yang XC, Liu W, et al. Trends in the treatment of
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. hypertension from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013;2013:e275279, 113.
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.
25. Vora CK, Mansoor GA. Herbs and alternative therapies: relevance to
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Curr Hypertens Rep
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
26. Zhang GP, Jin HM, Long JJ, et al. Effect of ganoderma lucidum (ling
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