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How to Fight a Forest Fire Co-authors: 22
Three Methods: Encountering a Wild Fire Fighting a Forest Fire as a Professional Preventing Forest Fires 12 votes - 68% Updated: 19 hours ago
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Forest fires are an important element in the lifecycle of a forest. Unfortunately, many forest fires
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begin as the result of human negligence. When forest fires (also called wildfires) become large
and unwieldy, they threaten human life, animal life, and property. If you should encounter a forest
fire, contact the authorities right away and get yourself to safety. If you hope to become a
professional forest firefighter, you can train to do so. Ultimately, the very best way to fight forest
fires is to prevent them in the first place.
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1 Encountering a Wild Fire

1 Contact emergency services. Anytime you encounter an unattended or out-of-control

fire, contact the emergency services in your area. Provide as many details as you can,
such as your specific location (including landmarks) and the size of the fire.[1]
If you are in the US, dial 9-1-1.

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2 Cover your mouth. Inhaling carbon monoxide from a fire can be extremely hazardous. If
you should encounter a fire, cover your mouth and nose immediately. Use a sweatshirt,
scarf, or other material.[2]
If you have water available, make the fabric damp.
Keep your face pointed down, and keep yourself close to the ground.

3 Get yourself to safety. Get as far away as possible from the fire. Ideally, get into a
vehicle and drive away from the fire. If you are on foot, head for non-flammable terrain,
such as a road or body of water. If the fire is very close, attempt to find shelter in a building,
vehicle, body of water, or low area of ground (like a ditch).
If you are in the midst of a blaze, do not run. Instead, submerge yourself in a body of
water or lay in a low ditch. Wait for the blaze to pass, and then evacuate.
Dampen your clothes and/or cover yourself with mud or soil to protect yourself from
the heat.

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4 Evacuate your home. If a wildfire is near, you may be asked to evacuate your home.
Prepare your house to reduce fire damage, and make sure that all members of your
family evacuate safely. Try not to worry about personal possessions. Almost anything can be
replaced. When it is time to evacuate, be sure to:
Wear protective clothing, such as sturdy shoes, cotton/wool clothing, jeans, a long-
sleeved shirt, gloves, and a scarf or handkerchief to protect your face.
Make sure children and elderly people get to safety first.
Evacuate any pets.
Close all doors and windows.
Turn off your gas.
Open your fireplace damper, but close the screen.
Grab your important papers.

2 Fighting a Forest Fire as a Professional

1 Take a course in fire science. If you are interested in fighting wilderness fires, become
certified to do so. Understanding how fire behaves, grasping the ways that meteorology

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and geography affect fires, and learning about wilderness fire suppression tactics will enable
you to fight fires.
Contact your local colleges, universities, fire departments, and national parks to find
Firefighters in your city, or staff at a local wildlife area, may offer tutorials on
firefighting and prevention.
If you are certified, you may be able to work or volunteer as a wilderness firefighter.

2 Allow fires to burn. Fire is a natural part of the lifecycle of the forest, so in many
instances, emergency agencies will simply monitor a fire while it burns. When a forest
fire threatens structures, property, or people, emergency agencies will usually intervene to
contain it.[3]

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Create a fireline. In order to contain fires and protect property, many emergency agencies will
3 create what is called a fireline. This is accomplished by doing a controlled burn around
the perimeter of a forest fire. A controlled burn will allow you to cut off the fuel source of the
larger fire by already burning off the dry plants.[4]
A fireline removes the fuel component of the fire.
This method is considered an indirect attack on the fire.

4 Use water as a fire suppression tool. When fire crews arrive at a forest fire, they set
up power pumps at the closest water source that they can find, and then they run their
hoses to the fire. Other times fire may be brought in via tanker or helibucket.[5]
Firefighters often use water to create a fireline, soaking up the perimeter of the fire,
and preventing future spreading.

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5 Deploy suppressant foam. Depressant foam is used as an alternative water, to create
fire lines and/or suppress fire. Just like water, this foam can be applied from the ground
or from the air.[6]
Whether you use an aerial or a ground application, suppressant foam can help you
extinguish your fires faster by acting as an insulated barrier to keep unburned fuels
from being ignited.
The bubble structure of the foam also gives you a slower, more controlled water
drainage, which helps you penetrate better and longer into the fuel sources.

6 Use natural barriers to slow the spread of fires. Areas like rivers, lakes, roads,
swamps and rocky areas can be a natural ending spot for a fire so that you can
concentrate on tackling other sides.
All fire suppression activities are based from an anchor point, which is often one of
these spots.
The likelihood of the fire reaching this area is lower than average, so these area can
act as base camps for firefighters.

3 Preventing Forest Fires

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1 Prepare your home in advance. If you live in an area prone to fire danger, you must
take steps to prepare for a wildfire ahead of time. Make sure that your home is ready in
the event of a wildfire nearby.[7]
Make a fire plan for your family.
Create a 30-foot radius “safe zone” around your house by removing brush and
keeping your lawn short.
Clear all combustibles from the area, such as firewood, propane grills, and chemicals.
Remove debris from gutters, and under decks and porches.
Use fire-safe siding on your home.
Fill swimming pools with water.

2 Pay attention to fire warnings in your area. The National Weather Service has great
technology that detects where fires are likely to occur. If you're out camping, take note of
any warnings issued and/or fire forecasts for your area.[8] Some common warning include:
Red Flag Warning: This is issued when existing environmental conditions combined
with expected weather conditions could result in fires starting within the next 24 hours.
Fire Weather Watch: This is issued when Red Flag conditions are expected to arise
within the next 3 days.

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3 Follow the regulations in your area. Before you burn anything near your home,
contact your local fire department to find out what kind of burning is allowed in your area
(if any). Also, find out whether a permit is required to burn debris.[9] If burning is allowed in your
area, follow these standard guidelines:
Check the weather forecast. If it is particularly windy in your area, it may not be
advisable to start any type of fire.
Prepare the site correctly. Make sure the area where you'll be burning your fire is
surrounded by dirt or gravel for ten feet or more in each direction. Keep the
surrounding area watered down while the fire is active.
Remain with your fire until it is completely out. To ensure the fire has been completely
extinguished, pour water over it. Use a shovel to lift and turn over the ashes, then pour
another fresh bucket of water on it. Repeat this a few more times.

4 Exercise campfire safety. Having a bonfire can be an absolute blast, but if done
unsafely, it can result in serious damage. Make sure to exercise logic and caution when
having a campfire.[10]
Do not build a fire at a site during hazardous, dry conditions.
Do not build a fire if the campground prohibits it.
Do not build a fire if there is not an existing fire pit.
If pits are allowed, look for a site that is at least fifteen feet away from tent walls,
shrubs, trees or other flammable objects.

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Beware of low-hanging branches overhead.[11]

5 Extinguish all fires completely. Before you go to bed or leave the area, make sure
that all fires have been put out. Douse your fire liberally with water until it is cool.
Remember: If it's too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave! [12]

Community Q&A

How can I control a forest fire without air or water?

You'll have to use dirt and clearing large swaths of forest to stop the fire's spread.
wikiHow Contributor
Not Helpful 1 Helpful 8

Is a forest fire too hot to be stopped by water near a house, and what is the temperature
of the fire?

Not at all! Depending on how big the flames are, you might need a lot of water,
wikiHow Contributor but if your flames are 15 feet or smaller, a good garden hose will do. Just be sure
to spray the base of the flames. Depending on the color of the flames, the temp
can range from 150 - 400 degrees.
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When putting out a campfire, pay attention to both red and black embers. Both should be wet
and cold upon leaving.

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Make sure that you have secured your fire line by making it deep enough. A thin fireline may
be too close to the next fuel source, and it only takes an ember to jump the line to start an
additional fire.
If the fire is too much or you can't handle it, call the fire fighters to come and assist you.


Do not fight a forest fire yourself. Call the appropriate emergency team if you are in an area
and a fire begins. Evacuate immediately.

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Sources and Citations

1. ↑ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/wildfire-safety-tips/
2. ↑ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/wildfire-safety-tips/
3. ↑ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/wildfires/
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Categories: Featured Articles | Disaster Preparedness | Fire Emergencies

In other languages: Featured
Español: combatir un incendio forestal, Italiano: Domare un Incendio
Boschivo, Deutsch: Bekämpfe Wildfeuer, Français: combattre un feu de forêt, Português: Lutar
Contra um Incêndio Florestal, Русский: погасить лесной пожар, 中文: 扑灭森林火灾
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