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"I dedicate this manual to the one's who wish to re- empathize themselves with

the human condition... daring to boldly go where most would fear to tread. The realm of
HUMAN FEELING. What is it exactly and is it our greatest power? Is it being lost to us due to the
constant barrage of hyper stimulation as we scurry from moment to moment as little froggies on
a lily-pad minefield-- second to second of our seemingly "fleeting" waking moments? This
manual is an attempt to FEEL AGAIN but to feel SO MUCH MORE."

EVOLVE OR DEVOLVE? The choice is and has always been YOURS and OURS.

CHAPTER 1 ------------------- Humble Beginnings---------------- page 1

"If we are to experience that place within ourselves from which our
strongest power resides and flows forth, can anything we imagine EVER be deemed

Some QUICK ADVICE before getting started in an easy list format. I decided not to ramble too
much in this area. Hopefully the suggestions will strike one as obvious, but none the less, here
we go...

1. Keep a journal regarding how the processes go. It doesnt have to be verbose, but describing
how the progress is being attained is important for later reflection. Keeping track of dreams is
also a good way to open up sensitivity and memory.

2. A healthy diet should be persued in accordance to the practicioner.

3. Exersize and stretching should become part of your lifestyle even if minimal. Best results are
always yielded to those with optimal health.

4. Take up reading in areas regarding emotions and how to transmutate them. The
practices/processes will make you more sensitive and work such as this is highly important.

mind-- The fulcrum where relaxation and power meet.

In this exersize, you tense each part of the body and then let it go. It serves as an excellent
means of relaxing the body. In a seated position-- Begin by tensing your fingers with the hands
open kinda like you are making stiff claws--- then release the tension and notice the difference.
Proceed to tense the wrists by making fists, and then you let it go after a few seconds. Notice the
difference after letting go. Then you straighten the fingers and bend the thumb to touch the
tips of the middle and ring finger with the index tand pinky ouching slightly on the
outside(resembling a crane type hand gesture)-- and tense the forearms then let it go. Now
notice any difference. Next, you tense the bicep by "Making a muscle"--bend the arm to around
90 degrees or less and tense the biceps. Again, let it go and note any difference. Feel the body
becoming warm from this practice. Then straighten the arm and bend slightly at the elbow, then
tense as if you are finishing a punch. This will tense the triceps. Now let it go and notice the
difference. Straighten the arms completely and resist moving up or down to tense the
shoulders effectively. Let go and notice the difference.

Proceed now to tense the neck by placing your hand at the front of the head and resist
moving forwards with the hand( or by control of tensing the lower jaw, attempt to tense the
neck in that manner but not too much), then let it go and notice the difference. Bring both arms
wide and above your head as if you are trying to pull down a large weight and tense the upper
back muscles-- then relax and note any difference. Now take both arms and press them out in
front as if you are pushing a heavy object to tense the chest-- then let go and feel the difference.
Notice the level of relaxation that follows tension. The body is warm and relaxed. Now, tense
your obliques by slightly leaning to the side over to one shoulder and then stop, feel the
difference on both sides. Tense the abdominal muscles as if you are preparing to be struck there
and be as solid as possible-- then let go to feel the difference. Now arch back a bit to feel your
lower back tense then let it go and feel the difference. Next, tense the glutes by bringing the
knees together and slightly coming off the floor. Let go the tension and feel the difference.
Tense your hamstrings now by doing a similiar tension in the legs that you performed
with the biceps-- however, the legs should already be ideally in the right position to tense-- keep
the foot flat to feel it best, then let go and notice the difference. Next, sink your heel a bit into
the floor so you can tense your thighs and quads, then let go and note any differences.
Following the quads, bring the foot up in the opposite manner(coming up off the toes) to tense
your calves and knees and then let go and feel the difference. Finally, curl your toes forward and
back to tense the feet and then let go. Notice the difference. You should be pretty relaxed
mentally and physically now and ready to proceed to the exersizes of this book. It would be wise
to expand this practice to a stretching program eventually. Its not always practical to stretch for a
long period of time before doing work of this kind because it isn't very physical but the more one
participates in stretching, an overall relaxation can be arrived at quicker and easier.

A.E(Accumulative effect) EXERSIZE ONE How to build a Vortex in the palm of your
hand <do for ONE WEEK several times daily before proceeding to next

The name of this exersize is the best way i know of trying to explain this technique. The
points given serve as a basic beginning reference. Later on, this practice will be expanded upon.
At first, we aim for working with each palm-- open, fingers spread slightly apart, and the active
hand is used very much like a pointer gesture-- except that the fingers are not closed.

For example-- you point at something (fist closed save for the extended finger)of interest
and then... open the rest of the fingers as to allow for circulation and the ability to feel subtle
sensations. Just make sure that they don't match the extension of the one finger you will be
using as your pointer. This is basic advice but you must work out the best way that works for
you. Buddha once said-- The mind is like a harp string. Too loose and it will not play-- too tight
and it will break. So you take the one finger that is extended and gently stir a vortex in the palm
of your other hand that is open with it's fingers slightly spread. Pay Careful attention to the
tension. If you tighten, the sensations may be lost.
Your target area for stirring is on the pad of the thumb and maybe even a bit outside of
it towards middle palm area. (The most sensitive the spot, the better.) When you have stirred the
vortex enough to feel a distinct tingle, buzzing exct, you then stop and continue it in the mind to
see how long it will continue. If it stops, that is fine. The more you can keep it going, the more
the vortex will collect the I.P.F or invisible proponent of force. There is no limit to how many
times this exersize can be performed on each hand. Eventually the palms will vibrate on
command or even without stop if you wish. Eventually both hands will be able to be open and
the energy felt quite powerfully. This is the peak of the practice but will take time and focus to
accomplish. The taoists call this the "vibrating palm". Ive learned that greater applications of
this technique can assist with easing people's pain like in anasthaesia. It can also of course, if one
wanted to hypothesize enough, be taken into the weaponization realm but thats a story for
another time.

To be thorough, i will also say that the circular direction can be either way you
choose, tho i usually apply clockwise. This is more of an "external clockwise" direction so it may
prove beneficial to try both ways(the direction a clock moves). You will eventually feel the
energy "wind down" but if you consider this phenomenon, its more about awareness. It isn't
that it stops, but that you stop being aware of it's movement. There is a way to have it
constantly swirl no matter what but is a difficult practice and takes time-- months, even years
depending on the ENTHUSIASM. I favor this methodology for one reason. I acknowledge this
force as my aura. To see it in this light, for me anyhow... makes the responsibility that much
more clear and important. To never lose focus is to constantly gain from this flux.(Eventually,
even minimal attention allows for a pretty powerful buzz) Not to say that it's easy at all but the
the energy taken in WILL enhance one's sensitivity or better put amplify one's "empathy". I have
found that shutting down or turning it "off" is a mere illusion-- a transferrence of one kind of
attention to another. YOu may wish to draw your own conclusion but know this. If it is put into a
constant flux-- there is no turning it off or powering down. You will constantly emanate your
aura at the CONSCIOUS LEVEL. So be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. Things to
note are the strength of the energy sensations-- be it warm, fuzzy, electrical, cool, warm, exct
exct. This will usually allow you to find YOUR ENERGY SIGNATURE. What youve read or heard
from others is never as important as your own ability to experience it for yourself. We call this
experiential knowledge and it is a kind of self knowledge that is treasured above all else. Other
things to notice is how the fingers will seem to become magnetic in their relationship to one
another. For example, my fingers actually curl no matter what. WHen seated, i prefer palm up
and it looks very much like a yoga posture. There is no reason to worry about this effecting one's
physical tasking. The pleasant sensation of the energy can be overrided by applying the muscles
of the hand. It's not like i can't straighten my palm in a rigid manner but it doesn't feel natural
when recieving the energy.The key is TO RELAX INTO THE ENERGY ONCE IT IS GENERATED. You
may find that something as simple as this can awaken a very powerful sense of healing as well
that can assist others with their pain through touch or hovering over the area of their body
where the pain resides.. Who knows how far down the rabbit hole leads but we all burrow a
slightly different path. I certainly prefer jack rabbit status over jack ass
anyday(chuckle)Furthermore- i would say that even a figure 8 or number 8 would also be a
beneficial vortex pattern to use as well. Enough for now. Moving on to the next exersize. Please
keep in mind that these are all done as part of a process of unfolding into A.E-- ACCUMULATIVE

notes expanded; It also occurred to me that you may wish to take note of any
phenomena arising from the practices as well--could be visual, auditory, a thought-- feeling--
intuitive ideas. Usually energy has a transparent quality in the day--sometimes a glow or spark
of this or that color towards--- In my case, i see alot of purple and gold, especially in the dark,
sometimes other primary colors--- Try not to strain the eyes or attempt to reduce blinking.

A.E(Accumulative effect) EXERSIZE TWO Activating the 2 major points of the big toe.
Page 2-=========================================>

In this exersize, we utilize the same pointer finger method and stirring the vortex action
with the active hand but direct our focus to the big toe of each foot respectively. To work on one
foot at a time unilaterally in the beginning is essential-- and eventually a progression to both
hands on the respective points bi laterally can be achieved when each hand is dedicated to the
specific foot. Note which foot is the most responsive. The top of the foot is less responsive than
the bottom so if it is woken up, it can multiply the effects quite dramatically when the bottom is
incorporated later.

Again, the emphasis is on A.E. The FIRST POINT to locate is at the juncture where the big
toe joins the foot . The SECOND is the sort of elbow or mid point of the big toe so the second
point is a bit higher towards the nail. The first part of the exersize is to stir a vortex on the first
described point like you did with the first exersize and then continue it in the mind once a
"connection" is made. All the same principles from the first exersize apply here. Just make sure
that you are in a comfortable seated position-- preferably on a chair with knees slightly apart--
nothing forced. If the knees are too close together--- the energy in that region may become
congealed. A principle to note that differs in this exersize is that in the first exersize--- hands
gave energy to the hands. In this-- it's an exchange between the hand and foot. The foot takes
more energy in than the hands so working with it in this manner increases the potency of the
palm vibrations. ABove benefits below. The feet connect to the pillars(legs) of the temple and
the hands are the sattelite dishes emerging from antennae(arms).

One of your feet will be more responsive and it will take time to bring the other foot up
to par with. Once that is done, they can be strengthened independently and of course
eventually, BILATERALLY at the same time(during this variation that will be described soon
enough, both arms stir the vortex on the respective points one at a time on the big toes of each
foot in the same manner as before.) The A.E of this exersize in combination with all the others
cannot be underestimated. Many would skip the finer details of the practice, only to find
themselves with mediocre to no results. So long as we keep in mind that WE are the SUBJECT
and the OBJECT of the experiment here; so much can be learned and an attitude of ecstatic
wonder would remain intact. Real science is not only objective but subjectively experiential.
Note the differences in feelings when you practice these techniques. They are simple and yet
something very potent develops out of them. Instead of faith-- TRUST YOURSELF. Trust is far
more powerful than faith unless of course the faith draws from your own inner reservoir of
aliveness( S.O.A) Source of Aliveness. Never let anyone tell you that it doesn't come from you.
One day, the cub that humanity is will awaken and roar as the lion. For now he slumbers. But
enough aboutt he sleeping giant...

A.E EXERSIZE 3-6 (PROCESS 1)"Painting" the second to 5th toes Page
3=============================== (Practice for at least a week or 2 with this method
combining previous exersize(s)==============>

IMPORTANT NOTE-- Adding a toe daily to the process can provide more benefits and
focus then trying to run through them all at once. Eventually you will strive to do this--- even
both feet at the same time with more than one finger to amp the results. But FOR NOW, work
with one of the little toes daily(on top of the ones you did before--- accumative effect always)--
and then switch feet-- Going back to the palm and big toe vortex-- These(palm and big toe
vortexes) serve as the roots of the tree. everything else transfers through the trunk and
branches. Once youve gone through each toe on a daily basis, you can do an entire run through
of the foot, one toe at a time in a practice. Its just important to "NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE" of
every detail.
Here we apply the same principles with the hands and feet as in the last exersize EXCEPT
that in this one(and the next 3 to follow)-- we use a "painting" vertical(forward to back) direction
with the extended finger. The breath can also be joined as you come towards the foot to the
heel(inhale) and to the nail for an (exhale). This is to add dimension to the focus and should not
be rushed. Base it on the best interval for you. 3-4 seconds each way is fine. Whether you keep
the extended finger "nail up" or down is up to you. I prefer keeping the nail upwards. It gets
more complex later on so this stage should emphasize simplicity. Remember that after youve
gotten the connection, you should continue the motions in the mind. The breath idea is to assist
if concentration becomes cumbersome but can really up the results no matter what. Breathing
is an excellent ally. You can also oscillate between the big toe with its 2 points and the second
toe; one after another. Eventually you will do them seperately but on both feet simultaneously;
not to mention both at the same time(just that they will both be "painted". At that point, the
vortexes will be strong in the hands and feet-- at the opening points.

note on A.E-- Its very important to note here that A.E means successive. It isn't that you
master one exersize and move on to the next until that one is done. They are to be practiced as
a system. It is always better to open or become aware of the vortexes in the palms before
transferring them to the feet. Not to mention, also reverting back to the big toe from time to
time as a "root" practice for the foot. For example-- palm vortex both hands then big toe,
second toe-- You can even go back to the palms or big toe to reinforce the energetic sensations.
Doing such will result in a bigger "buzz".

The name of this exersize( A.E Exersize 3-6 Painting the second to fifth toes) describes
the process of how to proceed with the rest of the foot. One toe at a time, utilizing the painting
motion with your extended finger one by one until you reach the little toe. If you have the time,
which is the way for the most powerful effects to manifest-- more than one practice can be
done. Make sure that both feet are completed "one foot at a time" and alternating toes one at a
time with the painting motion. You can go back to the big toe to amp the overall sensation as
well or to the palms and increase vortex sensitivity there.


A.E EXERSIZE 7 "Connecting the Energy Dots through focused breathing" Page
4===================(A week to 2 weeks is sufficient for this exersize although a month will
yield far more powerful effects")

In this exersize, you will be imagining points on the top of the foot, the knee and
on the thigh of the leg closer to your hip bone. Its essentially a 3-4 point practice(if you factor in
the toes). Foot, knee and near the hip(close to where the the thigh joins the hip). YOu first do
the previous exersizes as a warm up and then stir a point on the top of the foot to represent a
single vortex in the usual clockwise manner(the best place is in the middle of the region, more
central on the top of the foot. Don't forget to keep it going in the mind after stirring it as well like
in the above exersizes)

With an inhale, lead the energy from the toes towards the new point and feel it connect
like a circuit. YOu can choose to hold the breath for a few seconds here at the central vortex or
exhale and lead it back into the toes. Just experiment with sending the energy of the toes to the
central point on the foot that you stirred.(it may be difficult at first because you only trained
these one at a time but in time it will be easier to visualize. Just keep in mind that by visualizing,
i mean feel the energy more than seeing it. These exersizes really are about feeling more than
seeing.) Furthermore, single quicker breaths can be employed. The key is never to overstrain.
If you find that your lungs or diaphragm are being taxed, employ an easier breathing tactic.

Depending on the strength of the sensation, either continue with the practice or re-stir
the central vortex on the top of the foot and then proceed. You can also go back to any of the
previous methods for reinforcement that you have learned. The A.E exersizes are much like your
metaphysical toolbox and should be used often. Once you can do this well, stir a vortex on the
knee and then do your best to encourage the flow of energy to follow from the toes to the
central point(then exhale while keeping it in the central vortex)--

Then on the next inhale, bring the central vortex energy to the point you stirred on the
knee. From here you can exhale back down to the central point and collect it there or inhale
back the knee vortex, sort of "bouncing" the energy circuit. It is also doable to go all the way
back to the toes on the exhale and then inhale back to the central point(exhaling while leaving
the energy there)-- then inhaling the energy flow up to the knee. You can push the energy back
down towards the foot or tot he knee at this point.

Finally-- once proficient in the above, you stir a point where the thigh is close to joining
the hip, and then you keep it going in the mind by feeling it swirl. Next, you can apply the
breathing to either start at this point by simply exhaling the energy to the knee, then inhaling
back to the hip/thigh vortex-- Once you get this bouncing down, you then taking the energy
down to the foot. Just remember that if you proceed down more than one point, that the
exhale serves as a focusing in the point you stopped at before inhaling again to push it further.
the same applies for the upwards motion and the inhale. Otherwise, you will get "stuck"
maneuvering between two points(vortexes) only. Take note of any sensations that occur
elsewhere in the body. They will not always be local to the focus regions that you work with. It
isn't strange to have images come to you while practicing either or even see things in the room
you are practicing in.

This exersize serves as a way to train the will and encourage the energy to cooperate
with your breathing. Find a breath ratio that works for you. If you strain, then the energy will
become inhibited and success will be quite limited. This is also why 2 weeks to a month can be
optimal. There is really alot going on in this that needs to be mastered. There won't even be
more exersizes like this for a while after. It is an excellent practice for uniting breath, focus and
energy. Make sure that eventually you are able to feel location of all the points simultaneously
to the best of your ability and are able to move the energy by thought alone. Don't push
yourself too hard on the breath-- You can even drill to move the energy faster between points by
thought alone but you still need to have all the points memorized well before attempting to do it
in this way.

Consider this method as your graduation to the bi lateral training for the feet. The hands
may not yet be strong enough to purely mentalize the vortexes with a peak effect but the next
process takes you even deeper into the energetic reservoir to double your intake. Each process
will act as a multiplier for the last. This is so important and is what A.E(accumalitive effect)
actually means.


Chapter 2 " Aspiring to Infinity"

A.E Exersize 8-12 (Process 2) "Adding in the element of Bi-locality(Both feet at same
time using both hands to stir vortexes)" Page 4
Time for practicing this process should
be about the same time as 2-6, so about a week or 2--

Even though less is written in this section-- it will succeed in activating even more energy
than exersize 2-6 because simultaneous vortexes will double the energy intake. At this point of
your work, you should be quite responsive with both feet. If not, just go back and repeat 1-6
and strive for more accumalitive effect. The beauty is that it takes years to find one's peak in
these practices. Every time you think you have more... "GET READY FOR A BIG SUPRISE!!!"
haha.(SOme might get that inside joke..)

In exersize 8-12, we do all the same things as in 1-6-- Even the palm vortexes(except that
it's still one hand at a time. after sufficient work with the feet. The hands will remain vibrational
and strong magnetically). So we become aware of and stir the vortexes in each hand and then
proceed to the 2 big toe points except that now... we use both hands as our metaphysical coffee
stirrer. Make sure that when you lean that you are comfortable. It may be a bit more difficult for
some to reach. If difficulty arises-- i can not emphasize enough the need for a stretching routine.
Even if it comes easy, the ability to make the body less rigid is important. Not to say
strengthening isn't necessary for other aspects of life. The deeper the tension-- the deeper the
relax. Onward ho.

After the big toe of each foot has been stimulated simultaneously -- and then swirled
from within the mind's eye-- observe the sensations and see how amplified it feels. One of the
worst mistakes at this point(or at any other i might add) is to assume nothing happened and
then rush through all the other toes feverishly until you feel as if it's been enhanced. Focus is so
important. Discipline too. This will, like all great things, TAKE TIME, haha. You can go through
each extra toe daily. Just make sure that you don't try to "paint" any of them simultaneously
yet(more than one toe at same time with more than one finger). This is more of an advanced
technique that will come eventually but is another process that will advance you even further.
Once youve gone through each toe on a daily basis, you can do an entire run through of each
toe, one at a time in a practice. Its just important to "NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE" of every detail.

A.E exersize 13-17 (Process 3) Going back to energizing each foot seperately but
"Painting" one extra toe each time until the whole hand is a "brush" It takes about a week to
go one toe at a time while adding one more , and then can be done in a single practice daily for
another week

In this method, you proceed in the same manner as exersize 3-6 but every time you go
to the next step, you add a toe which means youll be using as many as 1-5 fingers of the
"painting" hand as you progress. For example-- the first day you work with stimulating the
vortexes in the big toe... once you move to the second toe, you use your index and your
middle(of the painting hand) to "paint" the big toe and the second toe. The vortex stirring in the
big toe is done as a "charge up" in this process but is "painted" once you add in the second
finger. This can be done daily. The next day you move up, you'd paint the big toe, second and
third toe with index, middle and ring fingers. Once you get up to using your index to your pinky
on the big toe to little toe-- you would simply adjust by matching the thumb with your big toe
while doing the "painting" horizontal motion. Once youve gone through the whole process in a
day at a time progressive manner, you can go through the whole process in a single practice.

A.E exersize 18-22 (Process 4) Returning to Both feet and repeating process 3 Bi-laterally

This process is like combining process 2 and 3 together. You stir the big toe points first
and then proceed to add one toe and one more of the "painting" fingers each time you advance
until you've accomplished a full brush with the hands. This can take as long as you want but the
energy should be alot stronger when both feet are being used in the same way as process 3(not
to mention the hands as well).

A.E exersize 23 Full hand brush on all toes with both hands and both feet.

You pretty much form a "brush with the whole hand, dedicating one finger to each
toe---- make sure to first stir the big toe points-- You are doing this with both hands on both
feet. You can if you wish spend extra time doing the brush on one foot at a time too. This can
only add more energy to the process.


What follows are the processes for strengthening the hands to their peak level and
amping the feet even more by working with the sides, back and soles. This work up to this point
and beyond is called "tertiary" work -- In other words, the hands are like the sattelite dishes of
the body and from them terminate the arms(antennae)-- Now, the best way to get energy to
traverse the antennae is to get a strong "signal" from the dish. Same goes for the feet--- The
pillars are the legs but to get a strong enough signal to travel through the legs, you need to
receive powerful signals coming into the feet. At this point you can probably tell that energy is
moving everywhere in the body, and not just the objective focus of the processes themselves.
The direct results in the indirect. The stronger the hands, the more can move up the arms and
into the torso and the same is for the feet and legs which link up to the reproductive region and
into the torso. The processes performed, if powerfully done, are IRREVERSIBLE. One does not
just wake up their aura only to look for a "safety" button and disengage. Many have
done work similiar to this and wished away the results due to not understanding the power they
awakened. Many fear that it cannot be theirs and assume they are possessed. Others, due to
the high energy they have acquired, attract the curiosity of many other beings that seem to exist
in between the frames of our dimensional existence and have experiences based on 2 things.
How they perceive the unknown and which aspects of the unknown that they choose to interact
with or how they are interacted with. So little is known. Too much has become highly mystified
with the flavours of religious ideation. I wrote this book as an attempt to give tools to someone
willing to "redefine the defined/accepted 'norms'" and I apologize if i appear to jump head first
into the cauldron of fantasy... BUT work of this kind will unveil things quite beautiful and too
terrible to describe. The terrible beauty. Our source of aliveness or S.O.A is the wild divine
nature that we lost somehow. With practices like this, we regain our power, plain and simple,
and then come forth to bump heads with all the established heads of orthodoxy or worse yet--
agree? The question remains "What are we really capable of? "

Chapter 3 "Embracing Infinity"

AE exersize 24 (Process 5) Vibrating palms cultivation

The first method is to expand upon the usual clockwise stirring and utilize the figure 8
representing infinity. You just trace an 8 over the palm. Imagine that you are drawing an S
starting in the usual spot by the pad of the thumb but continue it as far out as the base of the
ring and pinky fingers, then traverse back to the thumb pad region near thumb pad and base of
the index. This, while seemingly trivial will enhance the vortex to bring in more energy to the
hands. This should be assimilated for a couple days while working with the chosen process(s)
above. The more the merrier.

In regards to position. Up to this point you may have worked with the processes while in
a seated position. Hopefully, by this time, the energy has become strong enough to call upon
while standing(Eventually walking and finally, MOVING). None the less. Standing is the next
step. It wouldnt be very practical to have the energy only accessible from a seated position.
Begin to test your effectiveness of the energy when you stand up. See how your vantage point
changes. Does it lessen or increase, or go away altogether? A.E exersize 7 should be employed
while standing to master the feeling more, not to mention, incorporating the palm vortex at
various times of the day as a catch exersize. These practices should not only be done in the most
private recesses of one's life, BUT INSTEAD ANYWHERE. YOu may need the boost at any time--
or desire P.E(peak experience) at any moment. A good way to make the energy more powerful
for standing is to experiment Exersize 7 while walking slowly in a safe environment. Eventually
you would be able to do it anywhere. You can also just choose to bring energy UP on the inhale
and down on the exhale while walking or reverse-- up to you. When you stop, you may have
even more sensitivity. The opposite is also possible. Either way, it is important to continue on to
making the hands as strong as they can in terms of energy fluctuations. The work starting here
as i said, is IRREVERABLE. Many will even advise against it. It requires a vast sacrifice in regards
to one's previous conception of emotions because from this newly gained perspective, your
emotions literally form a body or aura. Emotional transmutation work becomes essential
because the energy becomes an obvious extension of your body in the actualized sense. Your
external environment may become more painful to experience not to mention your internal
states of mind. at the same time.. as Buddha once said said "He that increaseth bliss, also
increaseth suffering."

A.E exersize 2 can now be performed via the hands-- Make sure to practice it on the top
of the hands just like the way its described for the feet. You may choose to incorporate
breathing as well. Just make sure that if you work with the hands, that you also balance out by
working out a process with the feet as well to balance it out. This should be cupled with the
figure 8 infinity vortex as well and practiced for at least a week with a process involving the feet.
From time to time, A.E exersize 7 can be drilled to see if it is enhanced, seated, standing or

A.E exersize 3-6 can now be performed via the top of the hands. Same advice on
incorporating breathing as the last exersize. It will always serve as a powerful ally. Do not forget
to practice the big toe vortexes either uni lateral or bilateral and practice a process or 2. The
palm figure 8 should also be exersized as well. It should take about a week or 2 to assimilate
this. The A.E exersize 7 can also be practiced from time to time to get a gauge sensitivity.

A.E exersize 13-17 can now be performed via the top of the hands. the reasons for
skipping 7 and 8-12 should be obvious. 7 is already being prescribed throughout training and 8-
12 will be a much more advanced technique to practice later on since it will have to be entirely
mentalized(unless of course you are REALLLLLY FLEXIBLE, haha) YOu go finger to finger with the
principle of adding one until you get the "full brush". This should be persued over 1 week time
or more. Alot of the work repeats but is always taken up a level in terms of power sensitivity. If
you look back to how sensitivie you were int he beginning in comparison to now, you may amaze
yourself. Always choose to work with the feet processes to match your upper work. As above,
so below.

A.E exersize 25 Using fists as a gauge for energy

Close the hand into a fist, or both hands respectively-- gentle, not too tight-- Notice that
the energy sensations leave when a grasping of the fists occurs. Try(if you can) to feel the energy
wanting to unfold behind closed fists. Then open the fist(s) and count mentally how many
seconds it takes to build up to it's peak. If this seems too advanced, then use at a later time.
Everyone is different. AGAIN, this exersize implies you are keeping the energy going constantly
or able to call it up with your previous "tools". You can skip over this if it is not your desire to be
ON all the time or just use as a measuremental means for once it is called up. Most of the work
from this point on may culminate in the result of a continuous energy flow. Totally up to you. I
find the prospect of an undeniable aura a most ultimate attainment, but others seem to think

A.E exersize 26 Using the full brush on the top of the hands. Couple this with footwork
processes as well and the figure 8 palm vortices. Work with for a week or more. Don't forget
the value of exersize 7.
Note-- there hasnt been a focus on other reference points(besides the hands and feet,
very few on the leg) as of yet due to the solid importance of upping ones level as far as it can go
with the simplest of techniques. Later on when other systems are integrated, the results will be
incredibly advanced. For example, because of the amount of energy in the hands now(maybe a
bit later when the hand work and sole work is complete), to make a single energetic yogic
gesture could result in an exact pinning down of the energy channel it is suppose to activate. A
"root" gesture would give one access to the earth type energies flowing up to the gate of the
perimeum(felt as actual water or firelike, even electrical energy). What is important is that the
flow will be PERCEIVABLE and UNDENIABLE in terms of sensation, bringing it into the realm of
KNOWING rather than BELIEF. It will be acknowledged from these processes as an actual FORCE.
LAS, the invisible proponent of force has become VISIBLE. At this point, the practicioner may or
may not have discovered their "SIGNATURE' of energy. Usually it is hinted at throughout the
processes and can become evident as early as the second or 3rd process as possessing elemental
qualities.(Fire, water, air, electrical, warm fuzzies) Again, everyone is different. A person with
experience in these "processes" could easily grab a T.C.M meridian chart and grasp it's dynamics
much easier. This is another reason why chakras or meridians, or channels exct exct, organs,
have NOT been discussed. When they are, so much more will be available to perception.

A.E exersize 27 Exersize 2-6 can now be performed on the palm face of the hand and
fingers. This should still be coupled with the top of the hand as well and the figure 8 vortexes
PLUS the selected foot processes. The duration of this should last about 1-2 weeks. From time
to time, test these while standing. Also, note the continuuity or decline of the energies after
standing(once the foot processes have been performed).

A.E exersize 28 Exersize 13-17 can now be practiced on the top and bottom of the
hands. Figure 8 palm vortexes should be stimulated beforehand and foot processes should be
practiced afterwards, not to mention energy inventory while standing or walking as suggested
for exersize 7. 1-2 weeks is ideal in regards to time spent.

A.E exersize 29 "Full hand brush" can be performed on both sides of the hand. Open
with the figure 8 palm vortices. End with the foot processes and maybe even Exersize 7. A week
is sufficient time. All results with the foot processes become stronger when more energy is
generated in the hands. when more energy is in the hands, more energy is given to the feet
resulting in more foot energy. Heaven benefits the earth and the earth furthers heaven. Make
sure to test energy fluctuations while standing or basic walking. It would be a good idea to
employ Exersize 25 "Using fists as a gauge for energy" at this point. 1 week
A.E exersize 30 "Vibrating Palms final suggestions and mastery PART 1" Attempt to
mentally "Perform Exersize 2-6 " on the top of the hands. It may be easier to put them close
together for this practice.(as if you are cupping water to drink) You start with the 2 major points
on the thumb bi-laterally. If you focus on the line where the two hands touch eachother, you can
employ more of your peripheral vision to do this. It is harder to use direct gaze when viewing
more than one point. Even tho ideally, you won't have to look at the hands at all eventually. That
will be possible once you are proficient in this method. Remember to also use the figure 8
vortex and footwork as well as standing or walking experimentation. 1 week Don't forget breath
is a powerful ally in these exersizes. The breath will allow you to feel the energy go where you
want it to go easier.

A.E exersize 31 "Vibrating Palms final suggestions and mastery PART 2" Attempt to
mentally "Perform Exersize 2-6 " on the top and bottom of the hands(one after another).It may
be easier to work ont he top by putting the hands closer together (as if you are cupping water to
drink) Emphasize touching the thumbs together on the top side and gradually using more
peripheral vision to assist "painting" the fingers. Figure 8 vortexes can be attempted mentally as
well. Practice foot processes and incorporate standing and/or walking. 1 week

A.E exersize 32 "Vibrating palms part 3" Practice the previous exersize while "feeling"
the points meet on either side of the hand. Imagine while painting that both sides are being
covered-- You can also do the same with the 2 stirring points as well as the figure 8's. This is
obviously harder and for some may not yield as powerful results as the previous. If mastered, it
can certainly be alot more powerful. Figure 8 palm vortices and foot processes following that.
You can check your energy after standing as well. exersize 7 is recommended. 1 week

A.E exersize 33 "Vibrating palms part 4" practice Exersize 13-17 Mentally perform this
exersize on both hands at same time (top of hands) utilizing the above advice about keeping the
hands close together with thumbs touching. Figure 8 palm vortices and foot processes following
that. You can check your energy after standing as well. exersize 7 is recommended. 1 week

A.E exersize 34 "Vibrating Palms part 5" practice exersize 13-17 mentally as in the above
exersizes on the top of the hands first and then the bottom. Figure 8 palm vortices and foot
processes following that. You can check your energy after standing as well. exersize 7 is
recommended. 1 week
A.E exersize 35 "Vibrating palms part 6" Mentally perform exersize 13-17 with the
energy painting "penetrating" both sides of the hands simultaneously.Figure 8 palm vortices and
foot processes following that. You can check your energy after standing as well. exersize 7 is
recommended. 1 week

A.E exersize 36 "Vibrating palms part 7" Mentally brush both sides of the hands at
once-- The energy from each side penetrates from front to back.Figure 8 palm vortices and foot
processes following that. You can check your energy after standing as well. exersize 7 is
recommended. 1 week


A.E exersize 37 -40 (Process 6) "Striking the sides of the foot and finishing the top of the

Make sure to stimulate the figure 8 vortices and do some vibrating palm practice. IN this
exersize, you "paint" the point from the little toe all the way to the back of the heel, outlining the
outer side of the foot. And then you feel it in the mind. Then you proceed to the opposite side
by the big toe and paint in the same manner. You can go both ways and coordinate with
breathing if you would like. But continue it in the mind after each pass.

A.E exersize 38 "Stirring the point at the side of the heel"

First create the hand vortexes and work with the Vibrating palms. Strike the feet next.
Then Locate the point on the side of the heel directly center and stir until energized. Then
continue in the mind. Repeat on other side and then proceed with a foot process. 1 week.

A.E exersize 39 "Stirring the point on the back of the heel "

Make sure to stimulate the figure 8 vortices and do some hand practice Then locate the
point central on the back of the heel "on the boney part". and stir. Then continue it in the
mind-- then Stir the points on the sides of the heel, followed with striking the sides of the feet.
FInish with a foot process. 1 week

A.E exersize 40 "Practice exersize 37-39 on both feet at same time"

Make sure to stimulate the figure 8 vortices and do some vibrating palm practice. Then
practice as the title suggests and finish with a foot process. 1 week.


Chapter 4 "Becoming Infinity"

A.E Exersize 41-45 (process 7) "Mastering the 4 regions on the sole of the foot"

There are 3 "pads" on the sole of the foot before the toes emerge as branches. These
are very powerful amplifiers of the energy we are working to harness. The first is allocated in
the heel region on the bottom of the foot-- the next is the center of the foot between the two
boney regions. The "soft spot" And the third is the pad where the toes emerge. Working with
these progressively, can be very akward for some people. Many will feel unpleasant to ultra
powerful "tickling" sensations. The reason for this is that all the years we have worn shoes in
our environments, we have taught our energy to "ground" into the very portals where the
energy comes in. In other words, most of our energy is trapped in the foot. When these 3 pads
are stimulated and then the rest of the foot worked on... VERY POWERFUL energy results, and
this energy will also transfer to the hands that are working on them. Then the toes emerge from
the 3rd pad region. The work on these is exactly the same as the top of the foot but is far more
sensitive. To work on these regions and then practice on the top will yield most incredible
results energetically.

Keep in mind that at no point of this work have i said "WHAT THE ENERGY DOES". To put
something like human catharsis in a box is ludicrous. It is akin to a psychic trampoline. It
depends entirely upon the innate and natural or developed skills and aptitudes of the psychic
"jumper". What you do well is different than my specific set of attributes. The furthest i may go
at any given point is to say what others have said that "seem to be true" in regards to other
practices and systems, but that is usually about getting in touch with feeling ourselves as an
energy mechanism-- our emotions and sense of internal power. where this all takes us is a
question mark at best.

The most important elements in developing out of the above processes would be 1)
THOROUGH-NESS and 2) OBSESSION over the minute details of the process. This is why i only
wrote in a detailed manner at the beginning exersizes so that i may encourage you to refer to
previous practices and know what they are and how they are done. It is absolutely useless to be
overly descriptive in matters like these because the practicioner needs to also cultivate their own
memory of pattern and sequence to build their own practice of the methodologies. Without
these above 2 elements, all that lies before this is tedium and repetition. It is for those who
"harness the internal power" that it will make all the difference. I wrote for that small but ever
growing margin of the human race. Processes 1-7 have been laid out in a manner that will profit
those who go step by step but will be an annoying seeking out of referencing this material with
that material for anyone else who isn't serious. This IS a serious matter. Because with this
system we go BEYOND MATTER. We resolve ourself into what is called a "Causual state" and then
see what those "Causes" are. US. Not to say that we weren't effected by anyone else, but that
we are ultimately in control of our selfhoods. Once we see that WE ARE EMOTION, then we
have to better define what emotion is. Is it just a vague vocabulary pertaining to our
experiences in the world we live in? Or is it the very root common denominator of our souls
that we built carelessly as we were more concerened with Dr. Phil or American Idol-- or,
whether we'd land that perfect job or... you get the idea. I don't know about you but the
implications of what becomes possible after a human aura is powerfully developed into one's
ability to percieve-- seems... EPIC. Just keep in mind that the "WILD YOU" will emerge from
these processes and that ALOT of transmutational emotional work must be done. We are always
changing and so is our world. To remain stiff and inflexible does us no good and leads to zero
advantage. We must become flexible, but as elastic steel. Strong and adaptable like water. BUt
hot and passionate as the core of the planet, and swift as the very wind that can carry us home.

SO with this practice-- we begin by activating or becoming aware of the figure 8 vortices,
then Vibrating the palms practice-- then we proceed to the first pad and stir it. From there we
keep it going in the mind and then strike the sides of the feet and activate the 3 points on the
heel(sides and back)-- After that we perform one of the foot processes to see how much more
energy is available. It should be a considerable difference more and this is only utilizing one out
of the 3 pads, not to mention the under-toes.(haha, undertoes) This should be done for about a
weeks time--

A.E exersize 42 -----"Working with the second pad" Do as the above exersize except
that after you do the first pad, move to the second, and then finish in the usual manner. 1 week

A.E exersize 43------ "Working with the 3rd pad" DO the same as the above but add the
3rd pad and finish in the same manner. 1 week

Again note that i didn't detail these because i want you to remember what YOU DID in
exersize 41. Refer. refer. Review, review and.... REVIEW. Don't forget to activate the palm
vortices and do the vibrating palm work first. Also, working with EXERSIZE 7 is also very
important at this stage. You should be able to walk and maintain the sensations alot easier.

A.E exersize 44 "Working with the 'under-toes" Here, you start with the palm vortices,
practice the vibrating palm practices and then stir the 3 progressive pads on the soles one at a
time, striking the sides of the foot, the 3 points on the heel(left right and behind)-- THEN... you
proceed to work with the toes from underneathe in the same manner you did in exersizes 2-6, if
you recall correctly... and then finish with the upper foot This process should last at least a week.

A.E exersize 45 "adding in the method from exersize 13-17" to the previous^^^^^^
above mentioned technique(s) The whole string should be the same with the added 'add one
toe" principle instead of just one at a time. 1 week

A.E exersize 46 "Adding in the method of exersize 23 by brushing all the toes
underneathe but one foot at a time" Begin in the same way as exersize 44, but you replace one
at a time "painting" motion with the full brush method and then finish with the 3 pads, striking
sides of the foot, 3 points on the heel and then an upper foot process. 1 week

At this point, you should be quite familiar with the methods so that you can do it
your own way. So long as the spirit of the practice does not become rushed and lazy, you can
combine the tools in any manner. Just consider that you always want to start with the hands and
move to the feet. The more work, the more effects will come.

Furthermore-- if youd like to "play" with the idea of sitting on the floor and attempting
to simultaneously activate the 3 pads on the "under-foot"-- feel free to explore. I know i did and
got even more results but it starts to get a bit akward in this manner. One final note regarding
these processes(1-7)--- Not that i would suggest redoing it all again BUT, there are always at least
4 full dimensions to an extension-- Fingers, feet, legs, arms--- What i mean is that the inner and
outer of a finger is also just as plausible to utilize for amplification as the top or bottom. This is
another dimension that will confer alot more if experimented with. I just decided to only take it
so far. Nearly 50 + weeks of training is alot to begin with. Nearly a year. I will admit that it took
me several years of loving this process to get to my peak. There were also many other methods,
tricks and techniques that i learned along the way that i will be appending.


Chapter 5 PROCESS 8 "The ascending path"

The work as follows will be more about taking the energy from these powerful
regions(hands and feet) and flowing them into the rest of the body effectively and powerfully
without too much "thinning". Whenever you "stretch", you can lose potency when it comes to
energy(or any other element for that matter). So the importance now is to learn how to allow
these powerful storage regions to flow. There are many ways to achieve this and i will be
covering some really effective ones in this chapter. Welcome to PROCESS 8. Please do not forget
that the previous processes are still quite importante to work with and embedding them into
the very code of your life is essential.


The following methods are hand gestures( or mudras) that cause the energy in the
body to move in different ways. The first one is a bit more involved to form and the others are
just hovering the palms in front of the reference points discussed in exersize 7. In the first one,
you focus on your trusting of the energy that is YOU to travel up the legs from the feet and into
the base of your spine and collect. The energy should feel intense and can manifest in quite a
few ways. Just feel the upwards flow on the inhale as you trust your self, then send it back down
on the exhale or just let the awareness of movement go on the exhale and keep it there at the
base of your spine. In the traditions associated with this practice, there are way more visual
tools to memorize but my opinion is that feeling should be the most critical focus.

How to form the TRUST gesture pertaining to the EARTH principle of energy (research RIN mudra
for further clarification)

Clasp the hands palm facing eachother in an interlocked

manner 'right index between left thumb and left index finger and the rest following the same
pattern'(this is important because there are 'reverse' hand clasps with palms facing straight up
so the distinction is necessary) and then portrude the index or middle finger forwards from the
rest of the fingers. The right thumb sits on top of the left thumb where it joins the hand on the
bone for the yang variation and the left thumb on top of the right for yin, so there are 4 modes
for this gesture altogether. The other bindings do not have this many options so experimentation
is encouraged. Use the middle finger for a more intense approach akin to warrior-ship and the
index for a lighter mood. They are both powerful but the index is a bit more subtle. Feel the
power of your sense of self trust flowing through you. This "binding" is about being able to do
anything. But just because you feel that way doesn't mean you should run and jump off of a ten
story building, you know? Please exersize discretion. We aren't 10 foot and bulletproof, YET. HA!
A good focus point is to feel the base of the spine as if you are on hot coals and that they heat up
as you breathe into them(the reverse of breathing can also apply to energy). In other words, you
can breathe into the spot(or center) if you would like. The only reason why most traditions teach
an inhale upwards is because of the nature of this energy and trying to get it to come up the legs
from the feet. The perineum is called the gate of life and death in traditional chinese medicine
and you may be well to research that as well as the muladhara in hindu tantra but keep in mind--
too much religious ideation will hijack the course of this practice. The focus is on self, not deity.

Some more strategies for moving energy up the legs are as follows. Keep in mind that
mere focus could probably accomplish it at this level. If you inhale bringing the energy up the
legs like in exersize 7 and exhaled back down-- it could work. There's more than one road to
rome however.

If you sit with your leg crossed over the knee where there is "easy access" to the
ankle(with one foot resting on the knee ), you can take your corresponding hand and project it
over the soles of that particular foot. Not to mention if the "radiation" outwards or emittive
quality of your energy isn't strong enough yet, you could stir and paint some of the points on the
sole and with breathing... direct the energy horizontally to the knee in the opposite direction
from the same foot. Hovering or stirring the first or second pad would probably be sufficient at
this point. Once you get it to the knee, the breath can also be utilized in either way(in or exhale)
to bring it all the way up to the hip. This may seem a little challenging at first due to the legs
positioning, but if you think of it as an L shape-- its pretty easy to encourage the flow to go from
the knee to the hip. You can switch and work on the other leg as well or even sit indian style and
do both simultaneously; just keep in mind it will be a little different due to the way they cross
but it can be done with time and focus.

Furthermore, you can also hover the vibrating palm at the knee to go the other
direction to the foot, or even the hip and divert the flow down to the feet. You can build up a
momentum with these practices to get the energy further and further circulated into the body.
The trick is to get the flow into the hip region surrounding the "belt area" and below the navel.
It is important NOT to store it in the reproductive organ. Not that you couldn't do it that way
later on but for "control's sake", you may wish to store more in the bladder region slightly above.
The following region is called a "dan tien" and there are more of them as well but will cover later.

Alot of ideas are suggested in this section so that you find the the ones that are right for
you. I try to use as many as i can. You can even use both vibrating palms and set them in 2
places in the seated position where the one leg is up on the knee. For example; to feel the foot
to knee region better, place the palms as the sole on one end and in front of the knee on the
other. For bringing it up the upper leg-- hover the palms above the knee and hip region

You can blend foot to hip and plenty of other variations with the knee when seated
indian style as well. Main thing is don't lose circulation by staying in the position too long.
Hovering on the outside of the glutes on both sides with the palms can get the belt area to
circulate as well as the hip region. Even the knee can direct the energy directly to this region
easily(just by putting the palm more in front of the knee as opposed to above or to the sides.
When i said belt in regards to the hip area, i mean it literally. You would have to train your ability
to view the breath taking the energy in a circle, which isn't so hard. There will be a method
mentioned soon for using the hands to guide the energy through this region but the gesture(s)
need(s) to be learned first and foremost.

The order of how you move the energy (path-wise) isn't so important since the main
goal is getting them to circulate powerfully via the will. If you place your foot forward a bit more
with both on the floor(seated in a chair), you can hover above the knees too or any other
point(even behind). You just may have to lean down to start at the feet and guide it up towards
the hip but again, with the breath, this is a powerful practice. You can start at the feet(with
palms near the foot) or one foot at a time and breathe in as you use your hands as a guide up
the legs(in the front, inner thigh, outer, even back-- they all have slightly diff sensations). Of
course you can start up top and move down or visualize even two or more paths at once. The
goal is to really feel it and make it an incredible practice. It should feel quite powerful
eventually. The goal is always to feel more and more. This is the basis of ecstatic catharsis and
peak experience.

Again, notice that the information in this section is sporadic at best. It is now up to you
to develop your means of work with the energy. To experiment-- To... play and see where it
takes you.

"STRENGTHENING the Vibrating palms using magnetic principles"

Try bringing the palms to face eachother out in front of you at varying distances,
either pointing in front of you are upwards. If you make one palm pointing forward and the
other up, then you will have a sort of "snowball" packing gesture which will allow you to make
an energy ball. You can also point them in opposite directions if one is on top of the other or
facing. Once you get the hang of these different positionings, you can imagine varying magnetic
principles between them such as attraction/repulsion/ while bringing them together or away.
Once you play with these ideas in conjunction with the vibrating palm process and the figure 8
vortex, you will not be too far off from very powerful tools at your disposal. Not the difference
after youve practiced for a while and then transfer it to the feet process(s). The palms will
always assist with moving energy so long as their energetic emitting and recieving properties are
strong. ALSO, with 2 palms facing eachother in front of you with fingers pointing forwards... you
can direct the energy of one palm into the opposite and up that particular arm. It is akin to
playing marbles but more like... photonic marbles--- or... superconductive accelerated particle
marbles if you will. You can even use the palms to direct energy into the body or respective
points such as glands/organs, areas of pain, structures in the brain to enhance psychic
development. This will all be covered gradually, but the main point here is to get use to it and
develop your own way-- then see how it benefits the other processes. We will always be
working with the hands, the feet, and moving energy from these regions through the legs, arms,
torso, head exct exct--

Since the goal of this process 8 is to effectively move the energy from
the feet up to the tailbone and into the girdle/belt region, the following exersizes are also very

"Rocking on the tailbone, Shaking the tail and 'Pointing thumbs to concentrate energy in
the coccyx"

To rock the tailbone, sit on a chair and rock in spiral fashion, emphasizing feeling the tail
bone and the sensations should also follow to the base of the spine and perineum. Only the tail
bone should rock the with the body and not your shoulders. A spiral, rotational rocking, should
be strived towards without any unneccesary thrashing. If you choose, you can go to the earth
trust gesture afterwards and see the sensitivity there. It should be greater.

To shake ones tail. you stand up and rise up to the toes and gently fall back to the heels.
Focus on the vibrations hitting the tail bone when you do this. It does essentially the same thing
as the last exersize but in my opinion not quite as effectively because when sitting, you can do
full spirals. Falling onto the heels is more linear than circular.

To point thumbs and concentrate energy into the coccyx, you simple point your knuckles
forward and place both fists next to one another. You move slightly further apart and then
extend the thumbs to face one another, close enough to radiate the energy into the
tailbone(coccyx). The fists should be gentle-- there was an exersize in one of the earlier
processes that showed how to go from fist to open hand and gauge your energy. This is similiar.
Eventually, the thumbs can be turned towards the sky gradually and they will lead the energy up
the spine or torso quite effectively. By mid "point" or "thumbs up position" they should be near
the heart and when completely opposite facing eachother, they would be allowing sensitivty of
energy in the head and above.


The "pran" gesture(mudra)

Another energy gesture for feeling the tailbone region is called pran mudra. Palms face
up, touch your thumbs to pinky and ring fingers on each hand and let the middle and index
gently touch or be slightly seperated. The hands are seperated either on each side or ideally
above the knees if seated. This generates alot of heat and is excellent for upwards energy



Since the previous exersizes involved "moving" the energy with the vibrating palms and
suggested to bring them into the "belt" region of the body, a new mudra/gesture will be taught.
It is quite possible that these energies can bring out a "wilder" side of us but if the energies are
stored in the proper places, we can store them as fuel rather than explosive combustive forces
that we feel obligated to act upon. Not to say that we wouldnt want a measure of both worlds,
but it is possible to have very "sexual" or "aggressive", even "primal" thoughts stirred by moving
the energy into the belt region which should strike a person as obvious. None the less, the
mudra/gesture as follows will allow easy storage below the navel to "bypass" the reproductive
region. This can be a huge challenge at this point of Process 8, even earlier. As i have said

Gesture 1 for storing energy into the "below navel region, or dan tien, bladder region"

Take the right hand palm facing you and put the left palm in front of it(left hand closest
to chest) then touch the thumbs together. This i might add acts as an amplifier for energy
storage on any part of the body but here we will be placing it slightly below the navel region.
About an inch or less give or take below the navel. Turn the palms in this position to face up.
Whether they touch the body or not is up to you and your sensitivity level. Both ways yield


Gesture 2 for storing energy into the "Below navel region, dan tien, bladder are, slightly
above reproductive region"

This is a more difficult gesture but worth the time. It will result in making the hands and
body soft, cool and very adaptive. It's principle is one of RESPONSIBILITY but in the true sense.
Our ABILITY to RESPOND and adapt is our true RESPONSE-ABILITY. With great power comes
great responsibility. You get the idea. Most glaze over this concept but is perhaps the biggest
obstacle on the spiritual path.

(research KYO mudra if you have trouble making this gesture-- the instructions are here because
looking at it isn't always enough to produce it, haha-- here are some hint pictures
It is performed by turning both palms up in front of you, then taking the right pinky and
fitting it between pinky and ring finger, as well as the right ring finger and inserting it between
the left ring and middle finger(middle finger doesn't touch either ring or pinky-- just stays
extended) and reverse clasp them(have both fingers 'grab' eachother-- its similiar to interlocking
but on the reverse side) Then you touch the bones of the palms together leaving a sort of heart
shape cavity in the back-- Then you cross middle over the index finger of the right and then
middle over the index of the left. Remember to keep the pinkies and ring fingers clasped and
the palms touching at the bone. Now, bring the crossed fingers to connection in the following
manner. The indexes touch eachother as well as the middle fingers creating a triangle sort of
shape with the indexes while the middles touch. From there, you finalize it by capping off
theindex fingers with one thumb over each. Hold this position gently-- it will be stiff at first but
the more you work with, the hands will feel soft and the nature of water will fill the body. The
bladder and kidney regions will also be exemplified. This is an excellent gesture/mudra for the
BELT/GIRDLE region of energy discussed a bit earlier and will stimulate proper flow in a balanced
The above work is alot to practice so you may wish to take a month or so and
experiment in earnest. The most optimal way for any practicioner is to find a balance between
all the practices and not over do it-- Even tho the more repetitions bestow more sensitivity-- a
routine can be practiced within an hour. It is not possible to progress without a "progressive"

I cannot stress enough that methods mentioned above are not to be done sloppily, quickly and
in race-like fashion. It is only when we embrace the slow progression of the turtle as opposed to
the hare that we will see powerful results. Surely, any one of these exersizes done in and of
itself can boost one's sense of energy, but to make it a blissful, powerful and a peak experience,
we must immerse ourselves in the process unfolding.

Accumalitive effect is always the goal, or A.E. Tapping into the source of aliveness for
accumalitive effect results in ecstatic catharsis and from there on, no bounds are known save for
the walls we erect ourselves.



There will be a point when you will desire to consciously bring the path of energetic current
even to the heart and beyond. This body positioning will achieve that ends.

The WU CHI position is shown below. With the amount of power development by now, this
stance or better yet "full body circuit" can be exployed for excellent results. The arms and
overall body positioning is the main detail to pay attention to.
The palms are essentially in the same position as the Golden Vessel seal. The hands can even
float apart of eachother so long as they are proportional to one another, and that the elbows
reflect a similar proportion to the above diagram.


This is a majority of the work-_ everything else is about exploring the nature of the energy that is
developed and seeing what we can create with it. This of course is up to us all, and hopefully
some time we'll be able to exchange valuable insights and REAL-EYES-ATIONS to develop a truly
extraordinary BODY OF KNOWLEDGE. I have more i wish to add to the work but feel that the
core practices should first be worked out. Some things to HINT at would be utilizing the
Tradition Chinese Medicine 24 hour energetic cycle chart-- and coordinating more specific
gestures(aka mudras) to boost the effects. This has been a manual to attempt illustration
regarding the "science of feeling". What we can feel can many times surpass mere thought--
not to say thought isn't also a very efficient vehicle but should not be completely relied on when
coming to creating new ideas. In other words, it shouldn't get in the way or form a wall. If you
have stayed the course-- i applaud your efforts in transforming into the ecstatic cathartic human.
Hopefully we will evolve in ways that can better our species in this present chaotic world. If i do
write further-- i will try my best to integrate the hints mentioned above, even with how certain
alghorhythms can be worked with via biofeedback. Biofeedback can really add a dimension to
this practice. For now-- the rest of the book... is up TO YOU or better yet.. ALL OF US. For the
next chapter is the evolution of our species.

CHAPTER--- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!

written by Jason Berger aka Yeti


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