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Baron and Baronessa Araignee
Araignee Arcane Services
Most of you currently reading this PDF are already well aquainted with our approach
on all matters Occult and Magick - the approach of no bullshit, no misinformation
and no misconceptions. We may seem almost fanatical with our stance on such
matters - however it is for a good reason. During all the years we have studied and
mastered various systems and paths, we were absolutely overwhelmed by the sheer
amount of rubbish presented as "truth" in the world of the Occult Arts - and people
who know of no better takes all this bullshit in as truth. This continues to this very
day - and will likely never stop happening.

Every single thing we write is to open the seeker's eyes to what is the truth on
various matters concerning Magick and the Occult - and to attempt to abolish
misconceptions and misinformation. Once you realise and understand the nature of
the thing, you can control it - but for as long as you do not understand even the
slightest about the thing, you will never be able to control it. Remember this.

The purpose of this particular PDF is to state once and for all the nature of spirit
communication and manifestation. We will not tell you how to ensure perfect
communication and manisfestation, as this is a matter for another time - instead we
will abolish the most common misconceptions cocnerning the subject matter.

Let us be very honest - the subject of spirit communication and manifestation is

riddled with the very things we dispise: misinformation, misconceptions as well as
plain and simple bullshit; much more so than some other topics. Ironically enough -
the questions concerning magick that are asked the most, are all related to spirit
communciation and manifestation. Above we stated the relationship between
understanding the truth of something in order to apply it successfully - and this is the
simple reason why so many people struggle in this topic - because they do not fully
understand the basic principles thereof, and until they do - they are doomed to
continuous failure.

As with all our other works, this book is written from our many years of practical
experience, research and plain logic. The contents of this, as well as all our other
books will assuredly help you along your own path - when taken in and applied of

Please know that this is a free PDF and should not be resold in part nor as a
whole...however, feel free to share it. This book and all content within is protected
under copyright laws, and must not be reproduced in any way unless we (the
authors) have given written consent. For more free PDF's, visit our website as
detailed at the end of this book.

Without further delay...

Chapter One
Spirit Communication
In your day to day life, communication is a key factor in living. Phone calls, texts,
emails, converstations, discussions, you name it and communication is involved. If
you break human communication down to the basic physical action (minus
technology) - you get speech. Now, speech - irrelevant of language - is a universal
factor of humanity, from the first day that the first humans started using sounds to
carry messages from one to the other. Your brain is programmed by it's physical
nature to understand communication to be quite a physical act - you make use of
your vocal cords, tongue, mouth, lips and breath to make a sound or a series of
sounds that conveys your intent - which the other person or persons in turn hears.

We are all so used to this very physical form of communication - so when we think of
communicating with something of a non-physical (spiritual) form, naturally we expect
it to be exactly the same as communication with a physical form...when in fact it
differs like day and night.

Let's go back to physical communication. Now, your body doesn't just form words by
itself - no! What you intend to say, comes from your mind, and since the mind
cannot operate without the spirit/soul, ultimately whatever you intend to say comes
from the will of the spirit. This means that your thoughts and what you intend to say
are not composed of words - but rather emotions, images, colors etc that the brain
(mind) translates into sounds/words. Basically, communication is not exactly a
physical thing - but a spiritual/unseen thing...and to us living humans, it is conveyed
by a physical act.

The fact that communication is a spiritual thing by it's basic principles, ties into
telepathy, communciation with animals etc etc - however this is not what this chapter
is about...it is about communicating with spirits.

Now, let's think about spirits. What is the main thing that sets them apart from us?
They are not physical. We repeat this: they are NOT PHYSICAL. Irrelevant of what
nature they hold, they are not physical. Think about this lucidly for a moment - that
means that the laws of the physical do not apply to them. This also means that they
have no "body" as the living does - as proven by the fact that they can change their
shape and appearance as they please - they have no "set" form as we (the living)
do. Now think a bit further...

Since they have no physical body - they in turn have no organs, flesh or blood...and
have no lungs, have no need to breathe, have no lips, have no mouth, have no vocal
cords...and have no physical voice.

Now, just because something lacks a "voice" it definately doesn't mean that you
cannot communicate with it, and that it has nothing to convey or doesn't have the
capabilities to communicate - quite the contrary, as thoughts and communication
does not stem from the physical, but the spiritual as shown above. This simply
means that communication with a non-physical (and thus spiritual) creature will differ
from communication with something that is physical.

What we have stated above is something that most aspiring mages and even a lot of
people who already call themselves alleged "mages" forget about or do not consider
at all...and this is where the misconceptions and misinformation arise from.

When you are attempting to communicate with something that is spiritual, you will
NOT "hear" them with your physical ears. You will "hear" them with your spiritual
senses. The best way to describe this process is as follows:

 You are preparing to communicate with a spirit.

 You enter into a gnostic or meditative state etc (which people forget about as
well) in order to become more spiritually aware.

 You speak the spirit's name as well as what you wish to say - irrelevant if you are
saying it "out loud" or mentally.

 As soon as you speak, your words (which now has no reason for remaining mere
words), converts back to it's original state of intent, images, emotions, colors etc.

 The message reaches the spirit, because you are subconsciously projecting it to
the spirit in question.

 The spirit (if it chooses to communicate with you) establishes a link with you in
order to return the communication.

 Via this link, the spirit projects the response which in it's base form appears as
intent, colors, images, emotions etc.

 When you receive the communication, either your mind converts the spiritual
message into "words" and "sounds" for your better understanding - or it remains
in form of intent, colors, images, emotions etc.

Hopefully this gives you perspective on how communication with a spirit actually
works. Spirits have no language - how do you think you can communicate in English
to a spirit that died before English was even invented? Spirits use no words, as they
have no need for them - they communicate as our communication starts as: intent,
images, emotions and colors.

Now you are likely wondering about other forms of spirit communication, such as the
pendulum, dowsing rods, witch board (ouija board) etc and how it ties in to this. It's
actually quite simple:

With the pendulum, the spirit links up to you as usual and uses the energy of your
physical body in order to move the pendulum accordingly. Basically, it projects the
message through to you, which you (subconsciously) interpret as either a "yes", "no"
etc - which in turn makes the pendulum follow suit. The dowsing rods work in the
same manner...as well as the Witch Board. Another thing to consider is automatic
writing - which in fact is a form of partial posession. In this instance, by linking up to
you, the spirit gains knowledge of your vocabulary as well.

You may ask: "can a spirit communicate to me audibly?" and the answer is yes -
however only by means of posession - where the spirit posesses someone and in
turn gains the physical organs etc needed to physically "speak" which you can
audibly hear with your physical ears.

So, in conclusion - communicating with anything spiritual is down to:

 Projection and how receptive you are to receiving projected messages.

 Your spiritual senses.
 How spiritually open and aware you are.

It sounds simple, doesn't it? Everyone has the capacity and capability to
communicate with the spiritual, however either due to misconceptions or a problem
concerning one of the above three factors - either you will struggle a lot or even fail
continuously. Thus you must find a way to remedy the problem - because the barrier
lies with you and none other.
Chapter Two
Spirit Manifestation
This chapter will be shorter than the previous, as it already ties into what we have
already written here. Everyone in magick continuously asks if one can "summon a
spirit to physical mnaifestation" - and this irks us a great deal. Because a spirit has
no physical form, the only way it can manifest physically is via posession - and even
then it will not be able to change the host body as it pleases. If a spirit posesses
your mother as an example, you will be looking at the body of your mother, however
with another spirit dominating the spirit of your mother. Beyond this - and read

A spirit can manifest visibly - however "visibly" is very different than "physically". The
majority of the times when they manifest visibly, you perceive them with your
spiritual "eyes" (spiritual senses) rather than your physical eyes - meaning that if
anyone else is in the room with you, there is a very big chance that they will not even
know of the presence unless they are spiritually open enough. You can perceive
them with your physical eyes - yes...however spirits rarely do this due to this simple
fact: effort. It takes a lot of energy and effort on their behalf to make their spiritual
forms dense enough in order to be seen with physical eyes - energy and effort that
they would much rather use for some other purpose...as let's all be honest - what
could they possibly gain personally if they manifest themselves visibly to you?

Whenever someone promises to teach you "how to make a spirit manifest

physically" - they are simply bullshitting you, likely to make a quick buck by playing
off of misinformation and misconceptions. Do not fall into the same trap as so many
others and use your lucid reasoning at all times. Do not let them prey on your
ignorance, as this is how these parasites make a living. Chances are that not even
they are aware as to why spirits cannot manifest physically and they are mere
dabblers at best.

Back to the topic...in short:

 There is a big difference between physical manifestation and visible
 Spirits do not manifest physically unless posession takes place.
 Spirits are usually perceived through spiritual senses.
 Spirits can manifest visibly, but they simply do not care for it.

Again, your success in "seeing" spirits are due to:

 Your spiritual senses.

 How spiritually open and aware you are.

As in the previous chapter - your success or failure depends on the above two
Chapter Three
The Manipulation of Physical Objects
We'll say this upfront: yes, spirits can manipulate physical objects even though they
do not have a physical form. So, the question should not be if they can, but rather
how do they do so? Brace yourself for one of the biggest secrets of how spirits work
that applies to much more than just this subject matter...

Energy manipulation.

Everything - irrelevant of what it is - has a spiritual double...even if it is an inanimate

object. The spirit can easily interact with the spiritual double of the physical item. The
spiritual double and the physical item is never seperate from eachother - they can be
seen as "one". Where the spiritual double goes, the physical form goes - and where
the physical form goes, the spiritual double goes - even though etheric imprints may
be left, the spiritual double is always with the physical form.

So, as an example, in order to pick up a glass and throw it - the spirit interacts with
the spiritual double of the glass which in turn affects the physical glass, which
causes you to physically perceive the glass being picked up and thrown. They do not
literally pick up the physical glass - no. The glass simply moves because the spirit is
manipulating the spiritual double of the glass.

Remember this - and also remember that this applies to much more than just
moving random objects.

Many practitioners have never seen a spirit move an item before their very
eyes...and there is a simple reason for this that will sound familliar to you: effort. You
must understand that spirits as a whole do not care to do things like this for your
shock and amusement, frankly, many of them will find it offensive and annoying if
you demand that they "move the candle" or "touch my arm".

In conclusion:

 Spirits manipulate the spiritual double of an item to cause physical change.

In Conclusion
There are many factors that we did not mention in this small PDF, however what we
have mentioned must not be overlooked at all. Even though everyone is capable of
perceiving spirits and communicating with spirits - it takes a lot of effort and patience
in order to do so...and many people do not have enough dedication or patience to
develop their own spiritual senses and abilities. To practice any form of magick, you
must be extremely dedicated and patient - otherwise you will get nowhere and
simply waste your time. These are hard words, however they must be heeded.

Many people will claim to literally hear spirits with their physical ears, or to be able to
manifest spirits physically - however these people are the biggest liars and
bullshitters you can come across! However, it is of course up to you if you are going
to pay attention to them or not.

If you are still new in the world of the Occult or if you struggle too much to develop
your spiritual senses, we suggest trial and error, researching your possibilities in
extent and degree - or perhaps getting a teacher...we do offer apprenticeship
courses after all! (Yes, we are shamelessly advertising our business! If you are
interested, feel free to contact us.)

Nonetheless, we hope this PDF has given you a bit more insight into matters of the

Baron and Baronessa Araignee


Facebook: Araignee Strange -or- Araignee Arcane Services

YouTube: Araignee Arcane Services
Website: www.araigneearcaneservices.org

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