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Tyrosaur 20 5" 1 3 - Shield 1 9 1/2

Warrior 2 Fixed Bite: 1 / 2 - Str(1)
Tyrosaur 26 5" 1 3 - Shield 1 9 1 / 2 - Str (1), Long
Spearman 2 Fixed Weapon
Bite: 1 / 2- Str (1)
Tyrosaur 31 5" 1 2 Fixed 1 9 1/2 Bow (21"): 1 / 2 -
Bowman Bite: 1 / 2 - Str(1) Str (1)
Tyrosaur Raptor 32 14" 2 2 Fixed 1 9 1 / 2 - Str (1) Base: 2
Cavalry Mount: 1 / 3 - Str (2)
Ophidian 23 6" 1 1 - Shield 1 8 1/2 Spit (6"): 1 / 2 -
Warrior Bite: 1 / 2 Str (1), Natural
Ophidian 29 6" 1 1 - Shield 1 8 1 / 2 - Long Weapon Spit (6"): 1 / 2 -
Spearman Bite: 1 / 2 Str (1), Natural
Ophidian 30 6" 1 0 1 8 1/2 Bow (21"): 1 / 2 -
Bowman Bite: 1 / 2 Str (1)
OR Spit (6"): 1 /
2 Str (1), Natural
Amphidian 12 8" 1 1 - Shield 1 6 1/2 Base: 1/2
Warrior Bite: 1 / 2
Amphidian 17 8" 1 1 - Shield 1 6 1 / 2 Long Weapon Base: 1/2
Spearman Bite: 1 / 2
Amphidian 17 8" 1 0 1 6 1/2 Shortbow (15"): Base: 1/2
Shortbow Bite: 1 / 2 1 / 2 - Str (0)
Amphidian 23 8" 1 0 1 8 1 / 2 - Str (1) Blowgun (12"): Infiltrate (29)
Scout Bite: 1 / 2 1 / 2 - Str (1) Base: 1/2
Amphidian 56 4" 3 0 1 7 2 / 2 - Str (0) Long Base: 4
Dactan Riders 15" Weapons
with Lances Flying 2 / 2 - Str (1)
1 / 3 - Str (2)
Amphidian 70 4" 3 0 1 7 2 / 2 - Str (1) Short Bows Base: 4
Dactan Riders 15" 1 / 3 - Str (2) (15"): 2 / 2 - Str
with Bows Flying (0) Natural
Heirosaur 40 6" 3 2 Fixed 1 8 Fearless 2 / 2 - Str (2) Base: 4
1 / 3 - Str (1),
d3 wounds

Copyright © 2008, Terrain Warehouse UK.

Terrain Warehouse UK grants permission to make copies for personal use only.





Tyrosaur 78 5" 3 3 Fixed 3 10 3 / 3 - Str (1) Magic (1 / 3)

Champion Fearless Bite: 1 / 3 Str (2)
Tyrosaur Hero 139 5" 4 3 Fixed 3 11 3 / 4 - Str (2) Magic (1 / 3)
Evasion (1) Fearless Bite: 1 / 3 Str (2)
Ophidian 65 6" 2 2 Fixed 2 9 Fearless 3 / 3 - Str (1) Magic Spit (6"): 1 / 3 -
Champion Bite: 1 / 3 Str (1), Natural
Ophidian Hero 133 6" 3 3 Fixed 3 10 3 / 4 - Str (2) Magic Spit (6"): 1 / 4 -
Evasion (1) Fearless Bite: 1 / 3 Str (1) Str (1), Natural
Ophidian 321 6" 3 2 Fixed 4 9 Fearless 2 / 3 - Str (1) Magic Spit (6"): 1 / 3 - Caster: Water,
Shaman Bite: 1 / 2 Str (1), Natural Nature, Life
Amphidian 56 8" 2 2 Fixed 2 8 Fearless 3 / 3 - Magic (1 / 3) Base: 1/2
Champion Evasion (1) Bite: 1 / 3
Amphidian Hero 113 8" 3 2 Fixed 3 9 Fearless 3 / 4 - Str (1) Magic (1 / 4) Base: 1/2
Evasion (2) Bite: 1 / 3
Amphidian 322 8" 3 2 Fixed 4 8 Fearless 2 / 3 - Str (1) Magic (1 / 3) Base: 1/2
Shaman Evasion (1) Bite: 1 / 2 Caster:
Water, Nature,
Dactan Mount 44 4" 3 0 1 7 2 / 2 Str (1) Base: 4
15" 1 / 3 Str (1)
Giant War 146 10" 6 3 Fixed 2 8 Fearless 6 / 3 Str (2) Base: 9
Lizard Swim Ram: 12 / 3
Str (2)

All Lizardmen can swim, including Cavalry. Lizardman war machines have 2 attacks per remaining wound, and cost 8 VP over standard
war machines. War machines cannot Swim. The reinforcement cost is 52 points.

Copyright © 2008, Terrain Warehouse UK.

Terrain Warehouse UK grants permission to make copies for personal use only.

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