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Apariţia suflului subtil al vieţii universale (SVARA)

Universul – Macrocosmosul, se naşte din cele 5 elemente fundamentale (tattvele); el continuă după
aceea să existe numai prin jocul tattvelor, iar la sfârşit el dispare în tattve; prin cunoaşterea fără
greşeală a tattvelor se cunoaşte natura tainică reală a Universului.
Tattvele sunt fundamentul cel mai de preţ al întregii Creaţii.
Nemanifestată, fără formă, unica dătătoare de lumină nemuritoare este suprema existenţă, marea şi
nesfârşita putere a lui Dumnezeu; din Ea provine eterul cel subtil sonor Akasha Tattva; din Akasha
Tattva ia apoi naştere eterul subtil tactil Vayu Tattva. Această mare putere şi supremă existenţă
Dumnezeiască este însuşi SHIVA, care este indisolubil fuzionat cu SHAKTI, suprema Sa putere divină
creatoare, care aici este identic cu PARABRAHMAN al vedanticilor, ce este considerat Principiul
primordial, sau cu alte cuvinte singurul care există la începutul evoluţiei universale.
Din acest Principiu suprem provin după aceea, treptat, cele 5 eteruri subtile fundamentale, tattvele.
Această condiţie a lui PARABRAHMAN este numită în text “nemanifestată“, deoarece ea este
transcendentă sau cu alte cuvinte se află în întregime dincolo de ceea ce este în mod natural
nemanifestat, nefiind deci numai o simplă absenţă a unui lucru manifestat.
“Fără formă“, deoarece totdeauna formele nu apar decât atunci când iau naştere tattvele şi cele 2
manifestări polare ale materiei: pozitivă (+) (Surya Svara) activă (♂) (YANG) şi negativă (–) (Chandra
Svara) pasivă (♀) (YIN).
“Unica“, deoarece nu există decât o singură asemenea condiţie de existenţă.
“Dătătoare de lumină eternă“, deoarece această lumină divină este viaţa eternă care animă orice
viaţă care este supusă devenirii, Viaţa vieţii. De la acest nivel apar, gradat, în procesul emanaţiei
universale, cele 5 eteruri subtile fundamentale, tattvele.
Din Vayu Tattva provine eterul subtil luminos Tejas Tattva, iar din acesta provine eterul subtil
gustativ Apas Tattva din care apoi se naşte eterul subtil olfactiv Prithivi Tattva. Acestea sunt deci cele
5 eteruri subtile fundamentale, iar ele au o încincită extensie, diferenţiindu-se fiecare în câte 5 aspecte.
Conform Principiului fundamental al reflexiei, fiecare tattva se va ”oglindi“ în fiecare tattva,
rezultând astfel în final 25 de sub-tattve; toate stările de agregare ale materiei, atât fizice cât şi subtile,
nu sunt prin urmare decât nişte combinaţii mai mult sau mai puţin complexe de relaţii energetice
Din acestea (tattvele) provine Universul; prin intermediul lor el se menţine; în ele, el dispare; prin
ele, de asemenea, el apare din nou şi din nou.
Corpul fizic este făcut din cele 5 tattve, tot cele 5 tattve, dar sub altă formă, fac să apară toate
manifestările subtile. Corpul fizic este totdeauna compus din cele 5 tattve în forma lor grosieră; în
acest corp grosier se manifestă de asemeni cele 5 tattve sub forma lor subtilă care există astfel în plan
bioenergetic; în plan psihic; în plan mental şi în plan cauzal. Acestea sunt prin urmare cele 4 forme
subtile ale tattvelor.
Prin cunoaşterea naturii esenţiale a inspiraţiei şi expiraţiei se ajunge, pe baza identităţii analogice
dintre microcosmos şi Macrocosmos, la cunoaşterea celor 3 aspecte ale energiei timpului (trecutul,
prezentul şi viitorul).
Cunoaşterea celor 3 timpuri, trecutul, prezentul şi viitorul, este în fond o cunoaştere ştiinţifică a
cauzelor şi efectelor fenomenelor. Dacă noi cunoaştem cu adevărat starea tattvică prezentă a unui
proces oarecare, vom putea cunoaşte pe baza iniţierii în Svara-Yoga, atât stările anterioare cât şi pe
cele următoare.
Această ştiinţă secretă a ascensiunii suflurilor subtile reprezintă Taina Tainelor şi ea este considerată
a fi revelaţia adevăratului bine, care permite discernerea sigură între bine şi rău. Această cunoaştere
tainică face să apară spontan în fiinţa umană credinţa în Dumnezeu şi totodată cu ajutorul ei se pot
produce uluitoare miracole în faţa materialiştilor şi ateilor, în plus ea fiind susţinătoarea, în toate
acţiunile divin integrate şi binefăcătoare, celor care cred în Dumnezeu.


The word “Tattvas” is a Hindu term connotating "realities, or states of being. The Tattvas represent primordial
energies representing the five elements of Spirit (Akasha), Air (Vayu), Fire (Tejas), Water (Apas), and Earth

Images of the 5 Elemental Tattvas

Tattva Name Tattva Name Tattva Name Tattva Name Tattva Name

Akasha Vayu Tejas Apas Prithivi

Element: Spirit Element: Air Element: Fire Element: Water Element: Earth
State: Aethyr State: Gas State: Heat State: Liquid State: Solid
Spirituality Mentality Vitality Emotionality Physicality

The Tattvic Colors & Their Meanings

Akasha is a Black Ovoid (Egg) upon a white background - This represents the darkness of the void from
when all life emanates.

Vayu is a Blue Circle upon a red background - This represents the color of the sky which circles the planet.

Tejas is a Red Triangle upon a green background - This represents the heat of color of fire which rises into
the sky.

Apas is a Silver Crescent upon a black background - This represents the color of the Moon, and it’s metal

Prithivi is a Yellow Square upon a violet background - This represents Prithivi is yellow, representing the
color of the Sun, and it’s metal gold. This color is the shade of the Sun, the star from which Earth is created.
Additionally, yellow is the color of sand, the Earth beneath the sea, from whence all life emanated.

Additionally, yellow is the color of sand, the Earth beneath the sea, from whence all life emanated.


Nature’s Not So Finer Forces

This post was written by Donald Michael Kraig
on May 31, 2013 | Comments (6)

In Israel Regardie‘s The Golden Dawn, there is a paper entitled “The Tattwas of the Eastern School.”
It was addressed to the members of the Philosophus Grade of the Order by Frater De Profundis ad
Lucem (Latin for “From the depths to the light,” the motto of Frederick Leigh Gardner, 1857–1930). It
was dated August, 1894. This document was withdrawn from circulation within the branch of the
Golden Dawn into which Regardie had been initiated (the Stella Matutina), but continued to be given
to members of the American branch of the Order, as well as to those who remained loyal to co-founder
Macgregor Mathers after the Order’s schism in the early 1900s.

There are some other instructions on using the Tattwas and the changing energies of the Tattwas
(traditionally known as the Tattwic or Tattvic Tides, although that expression was not used in this
document) in The Golden Dawn, but this paper is the most elaborate discussion of the subject.
Regardie called the Tattwas an “alien system” and stated he believed the concepts didn’t mix well with

the Western systems that are combined within the Golden Dawn. The concepts and practices
surrounding the Tattwas come from ancient India.

Regardie writes that this paper is simply a summary of the book Nature’s Finer Forces written by
Rama Prasad and published by the Theosophical Society. This would be rather breathtaking as this
paper is dated the same year that Prasad’s book was published (although parts of it were published
earlier). That means within a few months the leaders of the Golden Dawn took material none of them
had ever seen or heard of before and incorporated it into their system. If true, it would be interesting to
find out why they felt it was as important as the Tarot, the Kabalah, Enochian magick, and other
systems. Regardie decided to include it in his book because, “it was considered highly important by
some of the early Order Adepti.”

Regardie suggests that the reason it was withdrawn from his branch of the Order was that the author, F.
L. Gardner, didn’t give credit to its source. I find that highly unlikely that Gardner, an upcoming
author and antiquarian book dealer, would do that. Further, I have a second edition of Prasad’s book,
and there is so much that Gardner doesn’t cover in his paper that it is hardly a summary at all! In fact,
a great deal of this paper has little or nothing to do with Prasad’s book. It seems more like Gardner
took some concepts he didn’t understand and tried to make it fit within the Golden Dawn tradition. It
also makes me wonder whether Regardie ever took the time to actually read Prasad’s book.

Regardie must have considered the Golden Dawn’s interpretations of the Tattwas important even if
they were “alien.” The occultist Gareth Knight was kind enough to give me the complete set of the
Tattwas Regardie had hand made for himself.

Gardner’s paper is filled
with undefined Sanskrit terms, moralisms from Christian (and later Hindu) beliefs, and outright
incorrect claims. For example, Gardner claims that if the breath goes and comes out of the “wrong
nostril it is a sure sign some sort of disease is coming on.” That is highly simplistic. Rather, it shows
there is an imbalance that, if left uncorrected, could weaken the body and allow a disease to develop.
Such imbalances occur all the time and correct themselves automatically.

At one point Gardner writes, “When the Breath comes not out of both nostrils at the same time, it is
flowing in the Sushumna. Nothing ought to be done under these conditions, for everything turns out
badly.” This is just plain wrong. According to the Tattwic system, the breath is going through the
Sushumna when it comes equally through both nostrils. The balance should allow all spiritual things to
go forward very well. There is even a spiritual practice, Swara Yoga, designed to increase the time that
this naturally occurs.

Gardner writes, “by constant practice one is able to develop two distinct syllables in his thought. It is
evident that when a man inhales a sound is produced like HAN. When exhaling the sound is SA. By
constant practice, the breath becomes associated with these sounds so that effortlessly the mind
understands HANSA in relationship to the Tattwas. Thus we see that one full breath makes HANSA
which is the name of the Ruler of the Universe together with His Powers.” Again, this is completely
wrong. The tradition is that the breath makes the sound and all the practitioner has to do is become
aware of it. “HANSA” (more usually written Hamsa or reversed in the Tibetan version, So-aham) is
not the name of the “Ruler of the Universe” and Brahman (not to be confused with Brahma), the
ultimate Godhead, is never addressed as “He.”

This is just a sample of the errors promulgated by Gardner. Perhaps the actual reason the paper was
withdrawn from Regardie’s branch of the Golden Dawn was because it was so wrong. Perhaps if
Regardie had actually read Prasad’s book we’d know more. In my next post I’ll share some of the uses
of the Tattwas.



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