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Calling attention motion:

Speaker: Now let us take up the Calling Attention Motion.Smt Flora Nancy,
please, call the attention of the Minister.

Flora: Speaker Madam, I would like to call the attention of the HRD
minister, to the fact of gender profile of teachers, in two districts of India,
Morigaon, in Assam, and Medak, in Andhra Pradesh. In spite of RTE being
implemented, the government has neglected the issue of Lack of Teachers
in many districts of India. What measures are being taken by the Govt.
towards this?

Speaker: Yes, Minister of HRD, please.

HRD: Teachers are undoubtedly the most crucial component of a schooling

system. Teachers also happen to be the most costly resource in schools
(OECD, 2005). Teacher professional development should hence be
considered a national priority from various social and economic
perspectives. The following sub-sections provide a brief review of the
existing teacher profile.

With the expansion of the government schooling system in India teachers

have been recruited massively over the past two decades. As a result, the
average profile of teachers in the country has changed in many ways. One
such change is a direct consequence of the recruitment policies of the
government under which the states chose to hire contract8 teachers over
regular hires.

The DISE reports for 2011-12 reveal 48.7% and 34.3% for female teachers
working in public primary schools in Morigaon and Medak respectively. At
the state level, female teachers represent 36.95% of the public primary
teacher workforce in Assam and 49.3% of the same in Andhra Pradesh.
The measures taken by the govt. to counterfeit these problems, and

i) Permanent teachers given provision to possess minimum qualification in

a period of 5 years, previously being 2014, and now 2019. An amendment
to the RTE Bill is coming up to tackle up this matter. and,

ii) The Ministry has initiated conducting of in service teacher course training
regularly by Adiseshiah Committee, along with KVS, and NCERT

Opp. Leader: Speaker Madam, in either cases, we can draw two

i) There is an evident gender discrepancy in the teaching workforce in
public- primary schools, and,
ii) There is significant difference between Morigaon and Medak, in Assam
and Andhra Pradesh respectively, in their percentage female workforce.
Will the Minister please give us some light on the percentage female
workforce distribution by Education Background?

Speaker: Minister of HRD, Please.

HRD: DISE national estimates for teachers’ educational qualifications
suggest relative positioning of Medak and Morigaon above and below the
national average, respectively. The variation between the two districts and
their respective state averages is substantial across the various levels of
educational qualifications.
The most obvious variation appears to be in the category of teachers, for
whom the highest education achievement is not beyond secondary school
(grade 10) completion. According to DISE 2011-12 data for the two
districts, approximately 61.18% of the teachers in Medak have 10+2+3
education, and 42.7% of the teachers in Morigaon, have 10+2, or 10+2+3
education. This level of teacher experience is very inspirational for the
HRD, as about half of the teaching workforce, in 2 of the most educationally
backward cities in India have well educated teachers up to 50%. To see
this rate rising, the office of the HRD, are initiating more of resources for
such development.

Speaker: कृप्या, श्री विशाल,

Opp. (Vishal): आदरणीय महोदय,

वशक्षकोों की वशक्षा प्रोफाइल और वलोंग प्रोफाइल में वगरािट से वशक्षण के
स्थिर में कमी आ सकती हैं । सभी िगों के एनसीआरटी पाठ्यक्रम को वशक्षण
के तरीके को जानने के वलए विशे ष प्रवशक्षण की आिश्यकता होती हैं | यवद यह
स्थिवत जारी रखने के वलए हैं , तो यह दे श के भविष्य को बावदत कर सकती हैं ,
और गुणित्ता िाले नागररकोों को लाने में असमिथ हो सकती हैं |
Speaker: Honorable Minister of HRD, Please.
HRD: Honorable Speaker Madam,
For the information of the house, this phenomena is very alarming indeed.
But, it takes time to get it all right. The teacher education policy in India,
has evolved over time, on the basis of recommendations, discussed in the
Commission of education, and subsequent report from the meeting. The
minister has also called for Central control over, the development and
enforcement of teacher training standards. Since the demand for teachers
have been on a constant rise, innumerable teacher training institutions
have cropped up, in the entire country. We also request the opposition
leader to support an upcoming bill, in the same issue, and any suggestion
form the opposition will be considered seriously. But please don’t oppose
for the sake of opposing

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