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Communicating with Angels –Part 1

As we were studying about the individual Angels (Guardian Angels and Archangels), we did some exercises
which helped us to connect with these beings. While doing the exercises, many of you were able to actually
connect with them, speak to them and seek guidance. Some of you couldn’t.

For those of you who did connect, congratulations! For those who couldn’t, despair not, for there is hope.
Remember, hope is what takes us ahead in life. Like Desmond Tutu said “Hope is being able to see there is
light despite all of the darkness.” In our case where is this light? Just what we are coming to – why you couldn’t
connect and what can you do to connect.

When you connect with these beings, what is it that you are doing? You are “visualising” things! Visualising, as
we understand it means seeing things with your mind's eyes. However, visualising has other ways also. What,
in fact, you are doing is “imagining” things. Imagination is perfect, for it is your mind which is at work, for without
imagination we simply cannot move ahead. For a moment, just close your eyes and IMAGINE what it would be
like to be going out for a candle light romantic dinner with someone you love. What do you see? What do you
hear? What do you feel? What are the thoughts racing through your mind? All these, and more, are going
through your mind while you are sitting at home, or office, and IMAGINING the dinner scene. This is exactly
what is happening when you try to connect with your Guardian Angel or one of the Archangels.

Like we just mentioned, visualising can happen in many ways. Each one does it differently, eg. 1. Some “SEE”
in their mind’s eye images of the scene, person or event; 2. Some “project” a picture of themselves outside of
themselves, something like in a dream where you see things being done by you as if like real; 3. Experience an
imagined event as if seeing it with their own eyes, like an accident, or a show; 4. Feel the emotions as if
involved in the event or happening or contact, like fear of something which may or could happen; 5. Describe,
storyline, of an event. Which amongst these are you? Each may have one or more of these abilities, something
which is referred to as psychic ability, the ability to use your mind’s powers to perceive. This is also known as

Intuition is something we all have, that which we know as ‘gut feeling’. Haven’t we have had that feeling at
some point of time, when something stopped us from doing something we wanted to do, or even pushed us to
do it when we were hesitant about it? We all have it, just that we are unaware of its potential, so fear in
following it. Some have it developed from birth, some do it with practice. The point is that we all have it, latent
waiting to be activated. In this lesson we will understand why we are unable to use this ability, the blocks to its
fulfilment, which will help us open up to communicating with our Angelic Guides.

As we have already studied, we all have these Guardian Angels, one for each of us, assigned the task of taking
care of us, guiding us and helping us when called on. Since their task has been tailor-made to meet our needs,
we need to connect and communicate with them frequently, for they have the knowledge of what was, what is
and what will be for us. They can take us forward in our life journey safely.
What prevents us from communicating with them?


Sometimes we unconsciously block the information coming to us from them. Our EGO tells us “I know more
than what these people know, no point wasting time over them,” but we tend to forget that the information our
Angels and Guides provide us with, are meant to help us in our soul purpose, to heal and grow spiritually.
Being comfortable the way we are, in our own “comfort zone” we ignore these messages, and the persistence
from our Guide, creates a battle in us, our mind and our soul, leaving us confused, just one of the reasons why
we are having a difficult time. These Higher Beings have only one desire for us – that we win in every situation
in life, and in order to be able to do that, we need to listen to them.

We all are different from others, even from members of one’s own family, the reason being that we have shifted
our consciousness and developed on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels (remember, all these three
planes are interconnected. You cannot develop one at the cost of the others.) This shift in consciousness is
part of the journey of life, and without help from our Guides, we will not be able to make this shift, as we learnt
during the lessons knowing about the Archangels, how they are always there to guide us on the various paths
we wish to follow. Would it be possible without their guidance and help?


What is fear? Explaining it from the Angel’s point of view, it is a wall one creates between the energy of love
(your spiritual being) and you (the emotional being). This is a wall which even the Angels can’t break down for
they know only the language of love, as we have studied earlier. If you have fear in your heart or mind, you will
never be able to hear communication from your Guides, their messages of guidance, encouragement and love.
Often, these fears do not belong to us even. We are experiencing what others feel or think, and manifesting it
into our own lives. Fear of not wanting to hear what others may have to say about you. In fact, we disconnect
our hearts from our minds, let the mind take over and the mind is irrational, it goes by logic and not your
emotions. When this happens, fear overtakes you.

Let’s take a common day experience. We have our loved ones going out for dinner, and when going they tell us
they would be back home by so-and-so time. For some reason, unknown to you, they haven’t been able to
make it back in time, or even communicate to you the cause of delay. You panic and start fearing the worst.
Sitting at home, can you do anything? No, yet you let fear overtake you and you start thinking of the worst
possible scenario. Does it help in any way? Not that we can think of. Instead, if in a situation like this you were
to send out your love, they could respond soon, for the Angels will carry this message of love to them, make
them aware that someone is waiting for them.

Here we understand that if there is anything which our heart does not desire, it is not our intention to get that,
and the Angels and Guides will never ask us to do anything which is not for our highest good. Communicate
with your Guides from a level of love, not fear.


Humans are trained, since childhood, to take every information which comes their way with a ‘pinch of salt’,
with doubt. Just what many of us are labelled as ‘doubting Thomases’. This trait follows us when we
communicate with the Angels. We doubt the information they give us, and when we doubt their information,
they just move away from us, for they simply do not like to be questioned. Yes, you may ask for confirmation of
the message, for in doing so, you are acknowledging having heard the message, just want a clarification on
one or more issues. If you doubt the information, you will start disbelieving everything in life and that is not a
healthy attribute.

How would you know you are doubting any information coming your way? When you say something like, “I
don’t believe this,” or, “I can’t believe this to be true,” or maybe, “How can one communicate with a non-entity
(this term here is used to denote a person whom we cannot see physically)”. These doubts are the result of our
limiting beliefs about what spiritual gifts and psychic abilities mean. Accept and acknowledge our worthiness
and ability to communicate with those in the higher spiritual realm. Acknowledge your divinity and the constant
connection to Eternal Source.


Sometimes, an emotion prevents us from connecting to and listening to the messages of the Angels. Which is
this emotion which prevents us? Most often it is fear, something which we discussed above. Also, we get
involved in an emotional conflict with people around us, and the more we get involved in these emotions, the
more we stay away from listening to the guidance from our Angels, who maybe, at that point of time, could be
helping us to resolve these conflicts and move on in life.

Remember, if we are here and in connection with someone, we are meant to resolve these conflicts, which
could have been carried over from previous lifetimes, not escalate them. When you get involved in such
conflicts, pause and ask yourself what emotions you are feeling, who are they directed towards and why are
you feeling this way.

The Root Chakra, situated at the base of the spine is where all fear related emotions dwell. If you are an
energy healer and know how to clear your chakras, give special attention to this chakra, cleaning it and
energizing it. If you aren’t into energy healing, face the fear, give it love energy coming from your heart and
release it. By releasing it, we intend that in future we will not engage ourselves in emotional dramas which drain


To move forward on the spiritual path, we need to free ourselves from all the distraction we have in life. These
distractions divert our attention from the chosen path and also act as a barrier to connecting with and
communicating with our Guides. In order to connect with them, one needs to find a quiet place and time, free
from all distractions. Distractions merely serve to feed the ego’s need to control one’s life, and they take over
control of our mind by diverting our focus. (We will be discussing this in detail when we come to the exercises
to help you stay focused).
26/04/2017, 19:40:37: Naresh Mintri: Day 24 –

Communicating With Angels – Part 2

In the previous lesson we had discussed why some of us, despite our best efforts, are unable to communicate
with our Guardian Angels or the Archangels. The hurdles and obstacles which come in the way of efficient
communication were explained. One needs to work on overcoming these by ourselves and prepare ourselves
to be ready to connect with them.

Having established a line of communication with the Higher Beings, how do we know they are speaking to us?

When studying about the individual Archangels, and doing the exercises associated with each, we had
experienced that they communicate with us individually in different ways. No two persons will have a similar
experience. What are the many ways they give us their messages?

These are some of the guidelines we need to be aware of to begin training ourselves to receive these

1. *They speak quietly* – Unlike humans who attempt to speak at the top of their voices, Angels speak in soft,
measured tones, which may go unnoticed if we are not careful, bringing our inner being into focus. This is the
reason why it is said that the best time to communicate with them is early in the morning, in a meditative state,
in silence, when you can hear them. When in danger, we would like them to shout or scream at us, like humans
do, but they, as per their habit, speak to us ever so softly, that it takes practice to be able to perceive them.
Look at the obstacles, which we learnt about in the previous lesson, work on each one of them and be ready to

2. *They speak in symbols* – For those of you who have been studying the ways of the Angels, you would
have heard or read about Angel signs. They could be feathers lying around in the least expected places, or
anywhere else, when you least expect them; consecutive numbers, some saved or special symbol which
carries a specific meaning for you; a message on an advertising hoarding noticed when you are pondering over
a question; or maybe, even a song or jingle which gives you an idea or brainwave.

You may wonder what these may have to do with communication? While we discuss about Angel signs in detail
in the next lesson, know that while nothing in the Universe happens by chance, these signs and symbols come
before you just when you need to receive guidance, for a thought playing in your mind. We have learnt that the
Universe communicates with humans through the Angels, and you getting these messages are just that, hence
Angel Signs. The more we open ourselves up, and prepare ourselves for them, the more they will seem to
appear before us. Why frequently? Remember, the human mind is constantly thinking. There is something or
the other going through it, most which need answers and guidance, hence the frequent replies and messages.

3. *They speak through others* – How often has it happened to you that you were looking for an answer or
guidance and someone from somewhere, a totally unknown person, comes up and gives you a clue. It takes a
moment for it all to register in your mind and understand what it was all about, and when you turn around to
look for that person, to thank him, he is nowhere to be found. That was a person sent to you by an Angel to
give you the message. It could even probably be that your Guardian Angel momentarily took on a human form
to give you the message and then leave, once the work was done.

Many of us have had it happen to us on numerous occasions. Looking for directions in an unknown place and
someone gives it to you there; looking for something somewhere, and someone guides you to a place or
location where you can find it, and so on. These are common place happening, for those who are not
acquainted with the ways of the Angelic Realm. Now that you know about it, next time something like this
happens with you, at least mentally thank your Guardian Angels for the help! The more grateful you are for
these small help, rest assured that more bigger help is preparing to come your way.

4. *They speak through dreams* – Our parents then, and many New Age teachers now, used to tell us that if
we are worried about something, and are looking for an answer which no one seems to be able to provide, then
before going to sleep, ask that question to yourself, mentally, and leave it for the Universe to reply at a suitable
time. It may happen that very night itself, or may even take a couple of days to come. Rest assured just, like AA
Sandalphon told us, all your prayers are answered. It may take a while, answered they will be.

Even in dreams, we get messages in symbols. It's very rare that you get a direct message. Just one of the
reasons why it is recommended that you maintain a journal where you make a note of your dreams and any
thoughts which you had made you feel unsafe, read before going to bed. See if there is a connection between
the two. The more you practice maintaining a journal, the better you will be at interpreting these signs and

Sometimes, the dreams we have are so frightful, that we tend not to remember them. Better to forget them and
get over with as soon as possible, but then there is a message in it too, for it could be that they refer to some
event which may happen in the future. It takes some practice to disassociate yourself from the emotions of
such frightful dreams (many would call them nightmares).

*How to get the messages?*

For those who meditate regularly, the answer is very simple They will tell you that all you need to do is to turn
your focus inwards, silence yourself and pay attention to what is happening – thoughts, feelings, emotions. The
difficult part is to keep your focus and intention stationary, away from the fears and distractions. The ever-busy
mind also has to be kept quiet to be able to hear these messages.

Here is an exercise to help you get started (for the non-meditators mainly, can be used by others too):

1. Find a quiet place where you will not be distracted for some time. Initially start with short periods, gradually
increasing the time. Use the same place and time for these sessions, so that you are mentally in sync with the
work in hand. You may use candles, incense or some soothing, relaxing music, anything which makes you feel
comfortable and relaxed.
2. Set your intention to hear/receive messages from your Guides and Angels. Create the protective bubble
around you, something which we learnt about in the first lesson. Make an affirmation that “only those energies
which are in complete and perfect alignment with my true nature and being, and also to the Eternal Source,
come to me and reach me”. Also, ask for absolute clarity in the messages, no ambiguity or codes.
3. As you close your eyes and sit (or lie down if you are comfortable that way, something we don’t suggest for
you may tend to fall asleep) start focusing on your breathing. Know that when you breathe in, you are taking in
the physical manifestation of the Eternal Source, you are taking in the wonderful energy of the Creator.
4. Allow your body to relax. Take a look around your body and check every area for any signs of stress or
tension. Release that and let it relax. You may have a tingling sensation, that is all right, but you should feel
5. Now, comes the difficult part – quietening your mind. It isn’t difficult, coming to think of it. All you have to do
is to let all thoughts which come to your Mind to come and go away. Just DO NOT get “involved” with them.
The more you practice it, the better you get at it.
6. Initially, you may not hear or feel anything. That is also all right. Despair not, for this is just the beginning. In
doing this exercise regularly, you are letting your Guides and Angels know you are ready and willing to receive
their messages. Soon, they will start communicating with you. So long as they do not speak to you, simply
enjoy your “my time”, be at peace with yourself.
7. Before you end the session, coming back to full awareness, remember to thank your Guides and Angels for
being there with you during the session, guiding you and taking care of you. In thanking them, in advance, for
guidance which may still be on its way, you are directing them to deliver all that for which they have received

In the next lesson we will learn about the various signs and symbols used by the Angels to communicate with
29/04/2017, 15:24:26: Naresh Mintri: Day 25:
Angel Signs

You asked for help, and here it is. Your Angels are speaking to you, and this is how they do it….

Remember seeing those detective and mystery stories and how the detective and investigator go about looking
for clues? This is just what you will need to be doing, to look for answers from your Angels, for they too speak
in clues and signs, like we learnt earlier in the course. All you have to do is open yourself up to accepting these
signs and guidance, and the more you do it, the more guidance you get from them.

To begin with, a short prayer:

“Dear Angels, I would love to have more of your guidance and help and ask you to help me by giving good
clear guidance, in ways that I can understand clearly and follow. Please do help me follow my path in life in a
way which is for my highest good and the good of all. Thank you, in advance, for all your loving guidance, help
and care. Amen! “
Remember AA Sandalphon told us that no matter how small or big, every prayer is answered. And, when we
do ask The Universe for something it is mainly with “me” in mind, and when it is only for self, the Universe takes
its time to respond, depending on what the prayer is for and how good it will be for you, if given straight away.
However, if we ask for something for ourselves, with a view on how it will, or can, help others, the Universe
responds faster. So, whenever we ask for something from the Universe, let us just add “….for the Highest
Good of all, or something better!”

When you are asking something for yourself, with others in mind too, as the Law of Attraction says, it comes to
you, positively and multiplied many times. This way, all benefit from it.

Guardian angels are personal messengers of peace, wisdom, and insight. They are always with you to support
and help you find the light, even in the darkest of places and connecting with you – providing you with wisdom,
direction, and angelic energy. Angels and those we have lost, particularly ones we have loved dearly, they will
often leave signs to reassure, comfort and guide those they've visited. Whether it's to reassure us they are by
our sides, help us through a difficult time or merely to let us know they're there if we need them, these beings
will always find a way of alerting us to their presence – often in very unusual and unexpected ways.

The angels are very happy to leave us signs of their presence, as they know that we often need to have
tangible evidence to help reinforce our belief in them. Different kinds of signs left by the angels can offer us
helpful messages, insights, and guidance, which will always be for our greatest good.

Signs left by the angels are meant to help stir and awaken our intuitive nature so that we can expand our
conscious connection and deepen our relationship with a higher power.

The power is not within the sign itself; the power is within the message that the sign reveals. The intention of
the angels through using specific signs to reach you is to help comfort you, encourage you, inspire you, support
you, prepare you, uplift you, strengthen your faith when needed, and reveal specific guidance and information
to you—and all this on behalf of God. The angels will never leave you any signs that will cause you any fear or
alarm, and if you do feel this way, then you can be sure that it is your ego and your imagination at play.

Angelic guidance can help you in all areas of your life, but remember you will need to ask for this help.

Everyone receives angelic signs, but for many people, they are simply too busy or distracted to notice.

To start tuning into the signs and guidance from your angels, the first thing you need to do is start paying
attention and be looking for them! Angel signs may come in response to asking your angels for help, asking for
validation, or they may appear seemingly out of thin air as a way for your angels to show you that you're loved
and supported.

Angels Signs

1) A White Feather

In your time of need, your Guardian Angel may bring a white feather as a gift to let you know that he is around.
The white feather is a classic sign, which says, “We are here for you, we are supporting you; you are not
alone.” You’ll probably find your white feather in an unexpected place, or it will appear in a place where no
feather existed just moments before. A feather is a safe and gentle way for your angels to show you they are
with you. This is one of the most common of all the angel signs and I’m sure you’ve heard of it. White feathers
are known as the calling card of the angels and they can be of any size. Some people find lots of little white
fluffy feathers and others find larger swan-sized quills. Have you ever found feathers of your own? Their
appearance can be quite unexpected or they might appear in an unusual way.

2) Clouds

One of the most obvious of angel signs is through the clouds, a cloud which looks like an angel. Your angels
may also draw your awareness towards clouds that look like hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols
to offer.

3) Angel Music

It’s rare but if you’re very lucky you may hear the sound of the celestial choir.

Angel music sounds as if a million angels are singing in harmony, accompanied by an orchestra of harps. I
guess it sounds exactly the way you feel it ought to sound! Musicians have tried many times to reproduce angel
music of their own and their tracks do sound similar, although without the vibration of the angels you will never
get an exact replica. The angelic choir is said to be praising God, the Creator Being, and is one of the most
memorable ways in which angels can communicate with us

4) Babies and Pets

Babies and animals have not yet taken on many of the filters which can block people's ability to clearly see the
angels. Have you ever noticed a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, or at a
blank spot on the wall? Or perhaps your pet’s focus is entirely captured by something you seem unable to
see… Chances are they're looking right at an angel! In the presence of angels babies, small children, and
animals will be at ease, comforted… and excited.

5) Coins

Finding coins, or currency in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit. If you
find a coin on your path, or perhaps someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold
any meaning for you? Have you asked for financial help from your angels? What were you thinking about right
before you noticed the coin? This very well may be a sign from your angels, or from a loved one… When you
find a coin know that it was deliberately placed on your path, and is a symbol illustrating you're loved,
supported and guided.

6) Media Signs

After asking your angel for help, your sign might come in a surprising way. You might be flicking through a book
or magazine and come across an article or paragraph that contains the information you are seeking. You could
change the television channel and a news reporter will be discussing the very thing you are interested in, or
perhaps you overhear a conversation between strangers. Be alert after asking for help - your angels will guide
you to the information.

7) Sparkles of Light

Angels are beings of love and light. Seeing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, are all
common ways of experiencing your angels. A bright star which catches your attention, shafts of light streaming
down from above, a flash of light appearing without an actual light source, light shimmering off an object in an
unusual way, or an orb of light hovering near, are all signs of angels. Try closing your eyes, and if you still see
the light, it's very likely an angel is with you. Breathe, relax, and if you're ready, your angel may expand the light
before you, or envelop you within the angelic glow to bring you healing, upliftment, and rejuvenation.

8) Rainbows

Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. When you ask for angelic assistance and shortly after see a
rainbow, know your prayers have been heard and are being answered. If you've been thinking about your
angels, or asked for a sign, and you notice a rainbow, it's likely your angels are confirming they are with you. A
rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn't even been raining, are
extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement, and validation from the heavens.

9) Temperature Change

When you're in the presence of angels, you may experience a change in temperature, which can be a
wonderful validation that your angels are with you. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you. Or
you may get the chills, and feel cold, with a tingling or pressure in your head or on the back of your neck. This
shouldn't be uncomfortable… it is an exciting physical manifestation from these angelic spiritual beings.

10) Feelings

If you feel like you are in the presence of an angel… You probably are! You may feel like someone just walked
past you, when no one is there, or you may get the impression someone is present in a room with you when it
is empty. Your angels may reach out to you, very subtly and wrap you in their wings of love, brush your arm or
neck, or gently place their hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels will make their presence very
obvious giving you an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. Or when you're in a book store, you get the
chills, and then a book suddenly jumps off the shelf. Pay attention, your angel is with you!

11) Coincidences

What a fun way for angels to reach out to us! We all experience coincidences from time to time, those moments
when unexpected things come together in the perfect way. Perhaps you have asked your angel for help in
obtaining a particular item.

Another scenario is that you might bump into an old friend several times after not seeing him for years. Maybe
the two of you need to chat to discover why. It could be that your angel is setting something up. Know that
coincidences are just another way of your angel bringing you a sign.

12) Scents

When angels are around, many people notice an accompanying fragrance. The most common is the smell of
flowers, especially roses. If you are with other people, an extraordinary phenomenon may occur. Half of those
present may notice the overwhelming smell while the other half notice nothing at all. The smell will suddenly fill
the air and then disappear without warning, as quickly as it arrived. Other common scents include vanilla and a
recognizable odor of perfume or aftershave. This means that the angel is accompanying a deceased loved one.
The scent is a beautiful reminder of a loving human soul. Feel honored by this gift. If you suddenly smell the
overpowering scent of a bouquet of flowers, it could be that your angel is standing close by. They love to arrive
on a drift of flower scents.

13) Voices
When you receive a message in your mind, or you a whispered voice which seems to appear out of thin air,
you may be experiencing the guidance of your angels. Don't assume you're making it up! If you can't really
hear what is being said, ask your angel to speak a bit louder so you can understand. Hearing the guidance of
your angels is a beautiful sign of their presence, and is common when you are in need of comfort, reassurance,
or angelic guidance.

14) Numbers

Indeed one of the most common ways angels will attempt to capture your attention and guide you is through
Angel Numbers. Whether you are sitting in traffic behind a car with 333 on the license plate, or you seem to
look over at the clock every day at 11:11 exactly. These numbers have specific meanings for you. Because
angel numbers are such a common sign from your angels.

15)Noticing Random Beauty

If you are having an awful day and suddenly see something beautiful and uplifting, this is a sign from your
“Angels are the masters at helping you snap out of this lower state, and assisting to bring you back up to a
higher vibrational state – and many times, all it takes is one sign! Next time, remember to point out your
beautiful sign to others – it will no doubt raise up their energy as well!” (source)

16) Random Touch or Feeling

Sometimes one just feels the presence of something that is not there. This could be a touch, an emotional
feeling, or even just a presence.
“Your angels may reach out to you, very subtly and wrap you in their wings of love, brush your arm or neck, or
gently place their hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels will make their presence very obvious,
giving you an overwhelming sense of unconditional love.” (source)

17) Call of Support

Have you ever received a call exactly when you needed it? That was probably your guardian angel. Your angel
wants you to have the guidance you need and will do everything possible to make that happen.

Contained within the signs the angels leave us is infinite possibility for growth and positive transformation. The
key is to be present, and aware, and to look for the signs from the angels. Angels have a way of making their
presence known, and so you may experience them in a way that's not listed… With presence and awareness,
you can tune into, experience, and act upon the signs you receive from your angels.
04/05/2017, 12:52:25: Naresh Mintri: Day 26:

*Angel Card Reading*

We have studied about the Angels, their roles in our lives, how we can connect to them and call on them for
help and guidance.

Meditation, as we have practiced, is one way of communicating with the Angels. They respond to our prayers
with signs, which we need to keep looking for, recognizing, deciphering and understanding. Despite all this,
some need a more better and clear guidance. In such cases, we can use Angel Oracle Cards.

The moment we speak of Card Reading, we think of Tarot Cards and/or Psychic Readings. While Psychic
Reading is done by a medium connecting to Spirits and Guides, in the case of Oracle Cards they come as
guidance from God and the Angels. Tarot too, works similarly, but they rely more on a combination of factors to
give a clear, good reading about the future. On the other hand, Angel Oracle Cards empowers the person with
life-affirming messages and spiritual tools to help them contact their own Angels.

*How to give an Angel Card Reading*

Before you pick up any deck and start giving a reading, here are some basics you should be aware of.

Choose a deck which you are naturally drawn to - which ones do your instincts tell you are right for you. Every
Angel Card Reader needs the angel deck that is the best and just right for them. If you want to read for yourself
or others, you might try different decks. Then choose the one that is the best for you. The sensation that you
are going to feel when you use the perfect deck for you will be special. Using that deck will make you feel
drawn to it. But any deck that raises the feeling of love in you will work perfectly. Have fun asking your guardian
angels for guidance.

*Types of Angel Card decks*.

There are numerous decks available by various Angel Card Authors, and they can be bought from bookshops,
new age/spiritual shops - also by mail order on-line. Some decks have the full Angelic messages on the cards,
others have a short message and a guidebook which expands on the full meaning.

Now that you have your deck, you need to familiarize yourself to them, as they also need to familiarise
themselves to your energies. So…. “Play” with the cards – read them, shuffle them, fan them out, spread them
out on a table or on the floor – whatever you feel that you want to do. All of these actions energise the cards
and tune them in to your own vibrations – familiarizing yourself in this way will enable you to connect to the
cards with both your conscious and sub-conscious self.

The best way to do this is to hold each individual card in your hand, one card at a time held lightly between two
fingers, close your eyes, and feel the vibrations. Then open your eyes, see the card – the picture and message
on it – reflect on it for a moment. What does it mean to you? What is the message you are getting from it. The
more you do it, the better you will get at it. Take a quiet moment by yourself to open your cards.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the cards and their meanings, it’s time to give a reading, be it for
yourself or someone else. When you do a reading for someone you know, there is every possibility that your
EGO comes into play. You draw a card, and the message it gives may make you comment “I knew it all along,
this is what he is like!” Does this mean you will never read a card for someone you know? Definitely not, for you
will read for them too. All that you need to do is *be open minded and non-judgemental*. No matter what the
cards say, for anyone you doing a reading for, just DO NOT judge. Whatever your intuition tells you, speak that
truly, without adding anything from your emotions.

When doing a reading, you also need to connect yourself with the person for whom you are doing the reading.
This connection has to be at the energy level, where your energy connects to the other person’s energy, and
based on the energy of the person at the moment you doing the reading, the Angels will guide you. “How do I
connect?”, is something you will obviously ask. The answer is also very simple. There are two ways you can do

1. If the person is sitting in front of you, you may ask him to give you something which he wears regularly,
say a ring, the wrist-watch, a pendant/chain, and the like. Since this is with the person regularly, it has already
picked up the energy vibrations of the person (remember how the cards pick up your own vibrations and work
accordingly?). You hold this in your non-dominant hand (the hand which you usually do not use for writing
purposes), and then proceed.

2. If the person is not present, and has asked you for a reading long-distance, you should ask for his date of
birth, place of birth, and if possible time. Else ask for the parent’s name. “Aren’t these needed for astrology?” is
your next question. Right? Yes, they are needed for astrology, but we need them here also. No two persons
have the same energy signature in the world. Each one is unique in every way. So a person born at a particular
place, on a particular date, at a particular time and to a particular set of parents, will have a special energy
signature, which no one else will have. There may be others born at the same time, place, etc., but not to the
same parents, so someone special!

Having established this connection, it is now time to connect to your Angels for guidance.
There are many who work with just a single deck of cards, some use multiple decks. We mentioned this earlier
in this lesson. You may ask your Angels to guide you to which deck to work with. Just follow your intuition.
There is no right or wrong in this. Whatever feeling comes from within you is the right one. For those who know
pendulum dowsing, they may even dowse over the decks to choose which one to work with.

Always remember to pray to your Angels and ask them to help you get good, clear guidance for the highest
good of the person for whom you are doing the reading. You may also call on one or more of the Archangels,
your Guardian Angels, or any other Ascended Master to be with you and help you during the reading.
Remember, they are all more than willing to help us when called on.

Having chosen your deck, start shuffling it. Shuffle it for as long you feel guided. Then spread it out, like you
would for a game of cards. If the person is in direct contact with you, be it physically present or connected over
phone, you may ask him which card to draw – the number from left or right. That is the card which gives the
reading for him, at that moment. If you are not in direct contact, just move your hands over the spread or dowse
over it.

Sometimes you may be guided to draw more than one card. That is also right, do it. Read all the cards together
to get your guidance. While shuffling, one or more cards may fall out from the deck. These cards known as
“jump cards” are to be read together with the main card, even if you draw one or more card, for they complete
the entire guidance.

Once you have completed your reading, pack up the deck, thank your guides and Angels and also the person
for whom you did the reading.

To sum it all up….. here are a few tips, again.

• Always do the readings in a quiet room or place, away from any other distractions
• Have faith in your ability to choose the right card(s) when doing a Reading. If it helps, remind yourself that
your Angels are your guiding hand and that they are ultimately the ones who are choosing the cards for you.
• Always remember to say “thank-you” to your Angels after every Reading.
• Sometimes a card will fly from the pack whilst you shuffle, or simply stick out. They are known as jump
card. Always pay extra attention to these cards as they are special messages from the Angels
• The most important thing is that you get pleasure from using your cards – enjoy!

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