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London Borough of


Budget Book 2016/17

Ian Williams CPFA

Group Director of Finance and Corporate


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Introduction by the Group Director of Finance and 5

Corporate Resources

The General Fund Budget Strategy 2016/17 6

Central Government Support 7
Inflation and Local Government Pay 8
Council Taxbase and Collection Fund surplus 9
Robustness of the estimates, Reserves and
Contingencies 10
Hackney’s Council Tax 2016/17 11
2016/17 Budget Details 12
Summary of Staff Numbers 13
The Council’s Budget and Council Tax 14
Corporate Plan 2015 to 2018 15

Section B - Budgets
Total Revenue Budget 16
Council Restructure 17
Directorate Cash Limits
Children, Adults and Community Health 23
Chief Executive 53
Finance and Corporate Resources 65
Neighbourhoods and Housing 85

General Finance Account 107

Section C - Housing Revenue Account 109

Section D - Capital Programme 113

Section E – General Fund Savings 2016/17 125

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1. Introduction by the Group Director of Finance and
Corporate Resources

The Budget Book sets out how the Council arrived at its financial requirements
for 2016/17 and how it intends to spend its budget. It is in effect the Council’s
financial expression of its plans and policies. It provides further details on each
Directorate together with summary information on each of the cash limited
services, funded from revenue that the Council provides, together with the
Housing Revenue Account and the Capital Programme.

This budget is based around a financial strategy built on certain principles

namely sustainability, proactively managing the impact of (future) resource
requirements, linking capital and revenue, continuing to meet the Government’s
efficiency agenda, and demonstrating value for money.

The budget for 2016/17 is based on maintaining current services whilst

delivering a 1.99% increase in the Hackney element of the Council Tax. This
increase, the first for 10 years, is specifically to provide additional resource to
help support the ongoing cost pressures in Adult Social Care. As a result of the
continuing significant reduction in Government support considerable budget
savings have had to be found to meet this loss of funding and also fund further
additional cost pressures.

The remainder of this budget book is laid out as follows:

Section A - This gives details of the processes that lie behind preparing the
budget, including how the Council Tax for Hackney was set. In addition there is
financial information, statistics and graphs relating to the Council’s General
Fund budget as a whole and how it aligns with the two year Corporate Plan.
Section B - The General Fund Revenue Budget
Section C - The Housing Revenue Account Budget
Section D - The Capital Programme
Section E – Savings

I hope that you will find the information contained within the budget book to be

Ian Williams
Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources
London Borough of Hackney

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2. The General Fund budget Strategy 2016/17

Background and context

Planning for the 2016/17 budget has been set against the continuing backdrop
of further significant reductions in financial support from Central Government
both for 2016/17 and in expectation of further reductions from 2017/18 onward.
Since 2010, when looking at savings options for the following year’s budget,
importance has also been attached to not just the year in question but also
following years. As such savings plans developed in one year often had an
element which related to and impacted on future years.

This proactive approach meant that a significant tranche of savings plans for
2016/17 was broadly agreed by summer 2015 with formal Cabinet agreement
in November 2015. A final tranche of savings was presented to, and agreed by
Cabinet in January 2016. These savings together with further corporate savings
has allowed the Council to set a balanced budget despite further significant
reductions in financial support from Central Government.

Of course identifying savings to offset a reduction in financial support is only

part of the budget setting process. For 2016/17, as has been the case for many
years, there have been emerging cost pressures and areas of unavoidable
growth. These have been addressed, in the same way as previous years, by a
combination of reallocating existing resources and additional savings.

Cost Pressures and Growth

The Council’s preferred strategy to manage growth and cost pressures has for
the last few years been for service areas to manage pressures within their
budgets wherever possible. A similar approach has been taken for managing
non pay inflation. This strategy has continued for 2016/17. However, it has
always been recognised that there will inevitably be some cost pressures which
cannot be managed by service areas or which are truly unavoidable e.g. Levies
and Concessionary Fares.

As part of the budget strategy part of the budget savings have been used to
hold a budget corporately to fund emerging and uncontrollable cost pressures.
This budget will be transferred to directorate cash limits only when the Group
Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is satisfied that the pressure has
been fully identified and evaluated and is not manageable within existing
directorate resources

In accordance with the Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources’

requirement that the budget is sustainable there is no “one off” growth in the
2016/17 budget.

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2. The General Fund budget Strategy 2016/17 (cont.)

To summarise, this strategy produces a balanced budget for 2016/17.

However, there are numerous further potential cost pressures on the horizon
attributable to a variety of factors including increased demand for services and
changes in Central Government policy.

3. Central Government Support

The Local Government Finance Settlement 2016/17

The provisional Local Government Settlement for 2016/17 was announced on

17 December 2015 with the final Settlement published on 8 February 2016.

Local Government Finance is complex in as much as there are often headline

figures of % changes quoted but these need to be viewed in the context of not
just the mainstream Revenue Support Grant and retained Business Rates but
also the myriad special and specific grants which, whilst adding to the Council’s
overall resource, often come with conditions.

In broad terms the 2016/17 settlement was in line with the forecast resources
on which the budget setting process was based. As a result there was no
requirement to change any of the expenditure plans or seek further savings for

Within the settlement for 2016/17, Hackney received approximately £65m of

specific or special grants (excluding Dedicated Schools Grant). The bulk of
these relate to Public Health (circa £35m), New Homes Bonus (circa £18m) and
NHS grant (circa £7.7m). These allocations were broadly in line with

Within the settlement there are plans to move to 100% Business Rate retention
for Local Authorities and also the opportunity for Local Authorities to agree a 4
year settlement with DCLG. Both of these will impact on future budgets.

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4. Inflation and Local Government pay

The Government's preferred measure of inflation for economic management

purposes is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI is also the measure that the
Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has to target when setting the
Bank Rate. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) published its inflation
expectations, included in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement 2015, for the next
3 years as follows:

 2016 0.8%
 2017 1.8%
 2018 1.8%

CPI inflation for 2015 has been at or very close to zero largely on the back
falling commodity, transport and distribution costs. Market expectations are that
for the foreseeable future any upward pressure on costs will be minimal due
largely to the economic slowdown in China and Asia and that the main
economic conditions suggest only very small increases in CPI over the next 12
months. In overall terms therefore, inflation is considered to be benign enough
to be manageable within the overall budget strategy whilst it is acknowledged
however, that specific services areas may suffer levels of inflation above and
below the CPI average.

There is currently (at the time of publishing this book) a pay offer of 1% in
relation to 2016/17 (excluding the bottom 8 pay scales for Hackney staff which
may increase by up to 2.5%) that is yet to be agreed. The cost of this pay award
proposal is approximately £1.6m and this sum is included corporately in the
2016/17 budget. Once a pay award is agreed the individual cost centre budgets
will be increased in line with the value of the award.

In addition to the Pay Award, the Council also faces another significant pay
pressure for 2016/17 in the form of the removal of the Employers National
Insurance rebate for employees contracted out of the State Earnings Related
Pension Scheme.

In 2012 the Government announced its plans to simplify the State Pension with
a new Flat rate State Pension being introduced in April 2016 which replaces
both the existing basic pension and also the State Earnings Related Pension
Scheme (SERPS). A direct consequence of this is that from April 2016 both
employers and employees no longer benefit from the National Insurance rebate
given to those who are in a recognised pension scheme. The cost of this to
Hackney is estimated to be around £2.5m and this amount has been included
corporately in the 2016/17 base budget.

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5. Council Taxbase and Collection Fund Surplus
In his Autumn Spending Review the Chancellor announced that all Local
Authorities with responsibility for providing adult social care would be able to,
annually for the life of this Parliament, increase their Council Tax rate by up to
2% in recognition of demographic changes which are leading to growing
demand for adult social care, and increased pressure on council budgets. The
only condition of any increase is that all additional revenue raised must be used
solely for adult social care services. This increase is in addition to the up to 2%
increase in Council Tax that all Local Authorities could charge without triggering
a referendum. This meant that for 2016/17 Local Authorities with adult social
care responsibility could effectively increase their Council Tax by up to 4%
without triggering a referendum.

Hackney has been in the unique position of freezing its element of the Council
Tax for the last 10 years and again for 2016/17 there is no increase in the
general element. However, in recognition of the significant pressures on adult
social care budgets, both in terms of increased cost of provision and increased
demand for the service, the 2016/17 budget increases the Band D Council Tax
rate by 2% for 2016/17. This generates around £1.330m additional resource
which will be used solely and exclusively for adult social care services.

To determine the total amount of income to be raised from Council Tax for
2016/17, both the amount expected to be collected (the collection rate) and the
physical number of properties in the Borough (the taxbase) have to be
considered. The 2016/17 budget assumes a collection rate of 95% . This rate
will continue to be used until such time as the Group Director of Finance &
Corporate Resources is confident that a higher collection rate is sustainable in
the medium term. The calculation of the taxbase for 2016/17 was finalised and
the subject of a report to Members in January 2016. At the meeting members
agreed a taxbase of 66,624 Band D equivalent properties.

In preparing the 2015/16 budget, assumptions were made about the Council
Tax collection performance for both in-year collection and for arrears of Council
Tax. The assumed overall collection rate for 2015/16 was set at 95%. As at the
end of December 2015 the cash and CTRS collected was almost 80% of the
total amount due. In light of this it has been estimated the budgeted collection
rate of 95% will be achieved and that, in the main due to collection of prior year
debt, there will be a Collection Fund surplus of £3.567m attributable to the
Council for the year. Historically any surplus on the Council Tax Collection Fund
relating to Council Tax would be used to fund one-off expenditure in the
following year. This principle continues for 2016/17 and the Collection Fund
surplus will be used again to support one off expenditure within the capital

Since the introduction of retained Business Rates in 2013, the Council has had
to run a Collection Fund for Business Rates as well. As part of the budget
setting exercise, there is a requirement to estimate the balance on the Fund at
year end with any surplus or deficit impacting the business rate yield for the
following financial year.

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The Council taxbase is an estimate of both the amount to be collected and the
number of physical taxable properties which may vary as new properties are
built or altered. Changes in the collection rate or physical taxbase will be
reflected in the Collection Fund. If there are more properties than assumed
and/or if collection is above the planned rate the Collection Fund will be in

As a result of finalising the Collection Fund for 2015/16 a surplus for Hackney
was estimated at £3.567m. This has been added as a one off resource to
support the Capital Programme shown in Section D.

6. Robustness of the estimates, adequacy of Reserves and


All local authorities face a number of corporate risks. In relation to these,

Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 requires the Councils Chief
Finance Officer (The Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources) to
report on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed
financial reserves.

The Council has taken a long term and strategic approach to managing the
budget gap over a number of years and this has allowed and continues to allow
proposals to be developed to cover a range of years to enable services to be
properly and fully reviewed. The authority enjoys a high measure of financial
stability and has over a number of years managed its finances well. Inevitably
there are several risks to the budget and these have been set out in the Budget
Report approved by Members in March 2016, including the challenges around
delivery of savings proposals and the measures in place to mitigate these risks.
On the advice of the Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources
Members agreed that the current level of General Balances should be held at
the existing position of £15m which is in line with the current policy to not allow
the general balance to drop below £15m and to hold earmarked reserves for a
range of specific purposes.

Based upon the measures in place to manage the delivery of the savings, the
provisions made in relation to contingency sums, levels of reserves and
balances the Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is of the view
that the budget estimates are sufficiently robust and reserves adequate on the
basis that no allocations unless already planned are undertaken.

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7. Hackney’s Council Tax for 2016/17

The Council Tax figures set out below are based on a two percent increase in
the Council Tax and a collection rate of 95%. The collection rate is in line with
the Council’s Medium Term Planning Forecast and supports Mayoral Priority
2, making sure the Council is high performing and efficient, by ensuring that
everyone pays what they owe and that the Council spends the money in the
most effective way.


Net Expenditure requirements 262.865
Revenue financing of capital expenditure 9.067
Net Budget Requirement 271.932

External Support (174.214)

Retained Business Rates (26.300)
Collection Fund Surplus (3.567)

Budget requirement for Hackney 67.851

Council Tax requirement for the Greater London 18.388
Authority (GLA)
Overall Council Tax Requirement 86.239

No. of Band D equivalent properties (the

Council’s Taxbase) 66,624
Basic amount of Council Tax for Hackney 1,018.42
Basic amount of Council Tax for GLA 276.00

Total Basic amount of Council Tax (per Band D property) 1,294.42

Decisions around the level of Council Tax increase have been made with
reference not only to local political and financial considerations but also taking
into account the Government’s controls over Local Government spending such
as the use of local referendum powers. In addition the Council has formally
consulted with representatives of the local business community

The revenue expenditure to be met from the Revenue Support Grant Allocation,
Council Tax and Collection Fund surplus is known as the budget requirement.
The element of this figure to be funded from Council Tax is £67.851m

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8. 2016/17 Budget details


In 2016/17 the Council plans to spend circa £1.1bn (before recharges) on

services to Hackney residents including, Education, Housing, Adult Social
Care, Children’s Care and Youth Services, Sport and Leisure, Refuse collection
and recycling and street cleaning and maintenance.

This significant investment is funded from a combination of sources including,

Government grants, Housing rents, other fees and service charges and Council
Tax. The planned expenditure and employees are spread among four
Directorates and the General Finance Account which deals with corporate
items. More detailed information about the services provided are included in
the relevant directorate sections further on in this book.

The following graphs show the percentage of total gross expenditure by main
service category (graph 1) and the percentage of total gross expenditure by
expenditure type (graph 2)

Graph 1

Percentage of Gross Expenditure by Service

Housing Revenue General Finance

Account Account
12.80% 2.66% Children, Adults and
Chief Executives Community Health
1.89% services

Finance and
Resources (support
services) Neighbourhoods and
1.53% Finance and
Corporate Housing
Resources (front line 6.63%

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8. 2016/17 Budget details (continued)

Graph 2

Percentage of Gross Expenditure by Type

Capital Charges Employee Costs

3.36% 18.89%

Support Servs
Third Party Payments Supplies and
59.42% Services

Third party payments include around:

 £176m for Schools Grants

 £292m for Housing rent allowances, rebates and benefits
 £70m for Adult Social Care and Health contracts
 £30m for Public Health Contracts
 £25m for Children’s Care contracts
 £9m for Levies charged by external bodies

9. Summary of staff numbers

The table below identifies the funded staffing levels within the approved budget.
These are expressed as full-time equivalent posts.

Directorate Full Time

Children Adults and Community Health Services 1776.25
Chief Executives 238.61
Finance & Corporate Resources 793.75
Neighbourhoods and Housing 826.61

Total 3635.22

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9. Summary of staff numbers (continued)

During 2015, as part of the budget strategy the Council offered a Voluntary
Redundancy programme to all employees. As a result around 170 employees
have either now left the Council or will leave during 2016/17. These reductions
are reflected in the budget for 2016/17.

10. The Council’s budget and Council Tax

The 2016/17 budget requires the Council to raise £67.851m from Council Tax

To the Council Tax required to fund Hackney Council services is added tax
collected by the Council on behalf of its preceptor, the Greater London
Authority, for the services it provides to the residents of Hackney. The Council
Tax for the Greater London Authority relating to Hackney was set at £18.388m
by the GLA in February 2016.

The total amount of Council Tax required (both the Hackney and GLA element)
is £86.239m. When this is divided by the Council’s taxbase of 66,624 you arrive
at the Council Tax charge per Band D equivalent property.

For 2016/17 this is

Hackney element £1,018.42

GLA element £276.00
Total Council Tax £1,294.42

The table below sets out the Council Tax for each Band of property for 2016/17,
divided between the amounts paid for Hackney Council Services and the
Greater London Authority.

Greater Council
London (Basic Total
Property Value £ (1991 Authority amount) Council
Band Values) (GLA) £ £ Tax £
Band A 40,000 or less 184.00 678.95 862.95
Band B 40,001 - 52,000 214.67 792.10 1006.77
Band C 52,001 - 68,000 245.33 905.26 1150.59
Band D 68,001 - 88,000 276.00 1018.42 1294.42
Band E 88,001 - 120,000 337.33 1244.74 1582.07
Band F 120,001 - 160,000 398.67 1471.05 1869.72
Band G 160,001 - 320,000 460.00 1697.37 2157.37
Band H More than 320,000 552.00 2036.84 2588.84

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11. Corporate Plan

The annual budget is a financial expression of the overall plan by the Council
to provide and resource its services each year.

In March 2015 the Council published its Corporate Plan for the period up to
2018 called “Hackney a Place for Everyone”. The full plan can be found at


The plan is based on 3 key priorities:

1. Making Hackney a place where everyone can succeed, through a

first-class education, investment and jobs, and providing support to
those who need it most.

2. Making Hackney a place that everyone can enjoy, with clean, safe
streets, excellent parks and public services, and a great quality of
life for all who live here.

3. Making Hackney a place where everyone can contribute, through

listening to residents, and involving them in the decisions we make
and the things we do.

The revenue and capital budgets contained in this book are set within the
context of the Council’s Corporate Plan and support the above priorities.

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Revenue Budgets

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In October 2015 the Chief Executive published his Delegated Powers Report for
consultation on the proposed changes to the Council’s management structure. The
purpose of the restructure was to both generate initial savings, by deleting a number
of senior posts and associated support, and also put in place a structure better suited
to continue to provide quality services in an environment of continuing reduction in
resources. Following changes arising from the consultation the final report was
published in November 2015 and the changes took effect from April 2016.The detail
of the report is not repeated here but to enable a better understanding of the budgets
at a Directorate level the summary information below is available.

The Directorates of Children and Young People’s Services, Health and Community
Services, Housing General Fund and Legal, HR and Regulatory Services have been

The following Directorates have been created – Children, Adults and Community
Health; Neighbourhoods and Housing; Chief Executive’s Directorate and the renamed
Finance and Corporate Resources Directorate.

Details of the services relating to each of the new Directorates and associated 2016/17
budgets can be found at the relevant directorate budget pages further on in this book.

The overall 2016/17 budget position is summarised in the table below.

Table 1 2016/17 2015/16

Budget Budget
Net Expenditure Budgets £m £m
Children Adults and Community Health 130.206 134.459
Education 25.768 26.802
Education – Schools Budget (estimate) 220.000 220.000
Less Dedicated Schools Grant (estimate) (220.000) (220.000)
Neighbourhoods and Housing 36.207 40.425
Chief Executives 15.291 17.521
Finance & Resources (support) 31.954 33.771
Finance & Resources (Front Line Services*) 11.458 13.583
HRA Recharge (8.000) (8.000)
Directorate Cash Limits 242.885 258.561
General Finance Account 19.980 13.903
RCCO in base budget 5.500 7.000
One off expenditure funded from Collection Fund surplus 3.567 1.179
Net Expenditure Budget 2016/17 271.932 280.643

*Finance and Resources Front Line Services are Revenues and Benefits and
Housing Needs

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MOVEMENT IN BUDGET FROM 2015/16 to 2016/17

2015/16 Net Budget requirement 280.643

Identified cost pressures 11.257
Pay Inflation 1.600
Total Increases 12.857

Specific savings proposals (see savings section E) (21.568)

Total Decreases (21.568)

2016/17 Net Budget requirement 271.932

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As mentioned above the Council has undergone a major restructure for 2016/17. This
does present some problems to readers of this book trying to make comparisons
between 2015/16 and 2016/17. At a cost centre level in almost all cases a direct
comparison can be made as the cost centre 2016/17 budget, together with 2015/16
comparator data moved in its entirety to its new directorate. This is also broadly the
case at divisional level as in most cases the division moved in its entirety to its new
directorate. A directorate level however, the position is much less clear. For example
in the old Health and Community Services Directorate there was a division called
Health and Wellbeing. As part of the restructure part of this division (Public Health)
moved to the new Children and Adults Services directorate and the remainder of the
division (Parks, Libraries and Green Spaces) moved to the Public Realm division
which is now part of the new Neighbourhoods and Housing directorate.

The following table sets out the movement in budget from 2015/16 to 2016/17

2015/16 Net Identified Savings 2016/17 start

start Service cost budget
budget Transfers Pressures (excluding
(excluding and Pay recharges)
recharges) Inflation

£m £m £m £m £m

Children, Adults and

Community Health
Services 0 161.949 (5.975) 155.974
Neighbourhoods and
Housing 0 40.816 (4.616) 36.201
Finance and
Corporate Resources 47.556 0.030 (4.168) 43.418
Chief Executive's 10.969 5.370 (1.048) 15.291
Children and Young
Peoples Services 49.941 (49.941) 0 0
Hackney Learning
Trust 26.802 (26.802) 0 0
Health & Community
Services 119.773 (119.773) 0 0
Housing 1.274 (1.274) 0 0
Legal HR and
Regulatory Services 10.245 (10.245) 0 0
HRA recharges (8.000) 0.000 0 (8.000)
General Finance
Account 22.083 (0.131) 12.857 (5.761) 29.048
Total 280.643 0 12.857 (21.568) 271.932

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Since 2006, the Council’s management of Housing services has been carried out by
its Arms Length Management Organisation (Hackney Homes Ltd.). This arrangement
was principally put in place to secure funding for the Decent Homes Project. Since
2008 over £220m of funding has been received enabling the Council to “make decent”
almost 14,500 homes in the Borough. The Decent Homes Project is now complete
and during 2015 the Council consulted with its stakeholders over proposals to bring
back the management of Housing services to the Council.

Whilst recognising all the good work undertaken by Hackney Homes the majority of
stakeholders agreed that there were significant efficiencies to be made by bringing the
service back in house and agreed to the proposals in the consultation.

As a result, from 1 April 2016, all Housing services are carried out by the London
Borough of Hackney. Hackney Homes Ltd has stopped trading and will be wound up
following closure of its accounts.

In previous year’s budget books, the element of expenditure on Hackney Homes has
been included in the Housing Revenue Account budgets. In the main this has been
part of the expenditure on Third Party Payments and reflected the contract sum
between the Council and Hackney Homes Ltd. In Hackney Homes’ books (not part of
the Council’s accounts) the contract sum would have been broken down into the usual
elements e.g. staff costs, premises, supplies etc.

For 2016/17 in overall terms the expenditure is broadly the same but importantly the
classification of costs is now different. There is no longer a contract sum in Third party
payments as the costs are included across all the main expenditure and income
headings. The reason for providing this explanation is that whilst in overall terms the
HRA budget has reduced slightly from circa £142m in 2015/16 to circa £140m in
2016/17, at first glance it appears that pay costs have increased from circa £4m to
circa £41m. Whilst this is technically correct it could be misleading and it is important
to state that these are not new or additional costs but simply a reclassification. Whilst
there may have been minor changes to staffing levels as part of the overall budget
process for the HRA, in broad terms the number of staff working for Housing services
has remained the same following their transfer from Hackney Homes Ltd. to the

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Summary of all Directorates

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 173,842,370 178,345,801 204,303,852 204,303,852
Indirect Costs 3,133,528 7,582,538 3,688,084 3,688,084
Training 1,586,713 1,516,243 1,906,333 1,906,333
Contribution to Provisions 3,969,000 3,969,000 3,969,000 3,969,000
Employee Costs 182,531,611 191,413,582 213,867,269 213,867,269
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 35,376,119 36,493,495 34,498,671 34,498,671
Energy Costs & Water Services 7,865,395 8,107,758 7,914,858 7,914,858
Rent & Rates 27,427,412 29,647,601 30,877,666 30,877,666
Premises Insurance 146,406 105,167 146,943 146,943
Grounds & Road Maintenance 15,674 90,100 6,687 6,687
Fixtures & Fittings 830,363 1,083,551 851,333 851,333
Cleaning 1,959,850 2,010,490 2,010,156 2,010,156
Contributution to Provisions 293,622 111,801 305,182 305,182
Premises Costs 73,914,841 77,649,963 76,611,496 76,611,496
Direct Transport Costs 3,286,714 3,601,455 3,126,341 3,126,341
Hire & Leasing 2,355,839 2,265,630 2,402,216 2,402,216
Transport Fees 1,719,651 1,774,372 1,677,305 1,677,305
Travel Allowances 233,108 208,665 504,720 504,720
Contribution to Provisions 158,172 158,172 0 0
Transport Costs 7,753,484 8,008,294 7,710,582 7,710,582
Furniture & Equipment 7,455,513 8,561,647 7,395,761 7,395,761
Catering 813,508 767,837 733,349 733,349
Clothing & Laundry 210,724 210,967 261,464 261,464
Communications & Computing 6,147,789 7,247,827 6,356,622 6,356,622
Fees & Services 15,043,546 19,833,764 16,940,633 16,940,633
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 2,618,979 2,265,797 2,676,210 2,676,210
Expenses 22,824,884 22,562,034 30,984,747 30,984,747
Grants & Subscriptions 5,218,902 5,384,444 5,224,563 5,224,563
Contribution to Provisions 2,879,895 8,163,010 3,463,217 3,463,217
Supplies and Services 63,213,740 74,997,327 74,036,566 74,036,566
General Third Party Payments 332,172,269 330,911,869 281,345,553 281,345,553
Voluntary Organisations 10,460,171 10,837,014 10,514,935 10,514,935
Social Services Client 87,822,070 99,225,000 88,514,077 88,514,077
Housing Benefits 292,271,100 309,035,870 292,277,100 292,277,100
Third Party Payments / Transfers 722,725,610 750,009,753 672,651,665 672,651,665
Support Services 47,117,661 48,727,481 9,381,643 49,112,538
Capital Charges 40,982,090 40,982,090 38,026,113 38,026,113
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 40,982,090 40,982,090 38,026,113 38,026,113

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,138,239,037 1,191,788,490 1,092,285,333 1,132,016,227


Government Grants (572,059,442) (584,207,527) (568,368,375) (568,368,375)

Other Grants & Contributions (6,689,768) (30,176,667) (11,942,414) (11,942,414)
Customer & Client Receipts (226,109,248) (241,203,529) (224,648,927) (224,648,927)
External Income (804,858,458) (855,587,723) (804,959,716) (804,959,716)

Recharges (52,737,898) (53,408,630) (15,393,615) (55,124,509)

Internal Income (52,737,898) (53,408,630) (15,393,615) (55,124,509)

TOTAL INCOME (857,596,356) (908,996,353) (820,353,331) (860,084,225)

NET EXPENDITURE 280,642,681 282,792,137 271,932,002 271,932,002

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Page 22 of 128
Children, Adults and Community Health Services

The structure of the directorate includes the following service areas:

Adult Social Care

 Adult Social Care for all client groups – older people, learning
disabilities, mental health and physical disabilities
 Carers
 Safeguarding
 Supporting People
 Adult Social Care Commissioning
 Access & Assessment for Adult Social Care
 Provided Services
Public Health
Children’s Services
 Children in Need
 Safeguarding and Learning
 Family Support
 Disabled Children Services
 Young Hackney
Hackney Education Services

The table below shows the budget movement from 2015/16 to 2016/17

Children Adults and Community Health £m £m £m

2015/16 Budget (excluding recharges) 0.000

Service Transfers
In: All as listed above 161.949

Savings (5.975)

2016/17 Budget (excluding recharges) 155.974

2016/17 Net Recharges 17.493

2016/17 Net Budget 173.467

Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care is committed to develop support and services for

residents that help people live as independently as possible with
fairness, equity and independence at the heart of these crucial services.

Adult social care services are provided across a mix of internal and
externally provided functions, covering the entire Social Care process
from safeguarding vulnerable adults, information and advice,

Page 23 of 128
signposting, referrals to universal services, initial assessment, to
brokering and commissioning of individual packages of care for clients,
to review ongoing support and monitoring as well as providing an out of
hours service. This includes clients with mental health issues, physical
disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory impairments, and older people.
We also work very closely with carers across the Borough to ensure they
are supported in their caring role. Differing service provision types
include residential care, homecare, day care, occupational therapy,
transport services, and meals on wheels to name but a few. Adult Social
Care service gross spend in 2016/17 will be around £83m and typically
this supports around 5,000 service users every year.

Public Health

The main public health service programmes and activities are:

• Sexual health services for adults

• Smoking cessation initiatives and projects.
• Health promotion and prevention for children aged 5-19,
including school nursing and young people’s sexual health
• Public mental health services commissioned from a wide
range of voluntary organisations.
• Community Based Services such as the Hackney Health
Hubs, Health Checks and the Healthier Hackney Fund.
• Projects aimed at reducing adult and child obesity and
increasing physical activity.
• Substance misuse services.

Children Services

The Children and Young People’s Service works with families to support
safe and effective parenting where children are at risk of significant
harm. Where it is not possible for children to be safely cared for within
their family network, the Service will look after those children. The core
focus of the Service is child protection, supporting families where their
children are on the edge of care, securing positive long-term life chances
of children looked after by the Council and providing universal and
targeted early help and prevention services for Hackney’s children and
young people.
The service is made up of the following areas:

 Access, Assessment, Youth Justice & Family Support –

this service joins together referral and screening activity
(through the multi-agency First Access and Screening
Team) and statutory assessments for children in need and
at risk with a broad range of family support and clinical
services at the ‘front door’ of Children’s Social Care.
 Children in Need – this service is responsible for the
safeguarding of children and young people assessed as

Page 24 of 128
being in need of social work intervention or protection
through statutory processes that include child protection
work, court proceedings and statutory family intervention
to help children remain at home safely.
 Safeguarding, Corporate Parenting and Learning – this
service works with and provides statutory services to
children and young people who are looked after, including
those in foster care, semi-independent or residential
placements, as well as those leaving care.
 Disabled Children’s Service – this service provides
specialist services to disabled children and young people
and their families. The service is incorporated into the
SEND provision located at Hackney Learning Trust.
 The Clinical Service – this service is integrated into CYPS
and provides family therapy, psychology and other
specialist clinical input into the assessment and treatment
of children and families, including for the purpose of legal
proceedings and for young people on youth justice orders
 Young Hackney – this service is the Council’s early help,
prevention and diversion service for children and young
people aged 6-19 years old (and up to 25 if disabled and/or
engaged with the substance misuse team).

Education and Schools

Hackney Learning Trust (HLT) plans to spend around £268m (gross

expenditure) in 2016/17, which includes around £167m delegated to
schools. HLT runs all the education services for the London Borough of
Hackney and is responsible for schools, children’s centres, early years
and adult education.

Page 25 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Directorate Management F0401 1,919,605 1,029,715 (288,769) 36,522

Directorate Management 1,919,605 1,029,715 (288,769) 36,522
Hackney Adult Placements D0356 182,143 175,158 146,494 180,842
Care Management & Review - North D0800 689,123 511,028 539,777 683,934
Care Management & Review - Central D0801 741,266 707,866 581,430 735,610
Care Management & Review - South D0802 774,162 943,808 607,345 767,967
OT & Telecare Team D0803 1,029,743 1,020,534 820,321 1,051,606
Unit Co-ordination Back D0805 118,543 94,400 92,318 117,145
Care Management 3,534,980 3,452,794 2,787,685 3,537,104
Adult Social Care Management D0817 657,545 657,766 659,985 833,509
Charging Policy Unit D0820 (1,940,185) (1,869,574) 11,595 15,012
Direct Payments Support Service D0605 53,612 51,009 33,704 33,704
Adults Divisional Support (1,229,028) (1,160,799) 705,284 882,225
Hackney One Team D0308 2,277,472 1,522,897 1,565,231 1,988,481
Marie Lloyd Centre D0505 650,736 502,154 325,690 404,895
Median Rd Dementia Centre D0506 519,742 440,579 415,328 525,014
Homeshare Daycare D0507 154,672 133,975 131,185 155,199
Sam & Annie Cohen Centre D0508 1,982 296,206 0 0
Home Care D0509 0 0 0 0
Meals On Wheels D0511 608,472 424,122 514,601 617,325
Mgmnt & Admin Support Team D0512 180,211 177,608 140,062 178,853
SHwC Korsakof D0516 447,231 533,717 0 0
Housing with Care - Unit A D0517 2,658,049 2,859,214 0 0
Housing with Care - Unit B D0518 3,560,995 4,120,047 (238,524) (122,746)
Overbury Scheme D0531 0 0 329,082 434,538
Appleton & Morrell Scheme D0532 0 0 335,401 430,826
Peppie & Newton Scheme D0533 0 0 435,642 557,814
Penn & Albion Scheme D0534 0 0 689,918 878,957
Rose Court Scheme D0535 0 0 793,218 1,009,003
Liz Mckeown & Catherine Hse D0536 0 0 453,016 578,532
Ashley Ct & Benabo Scheme D0537 0 0 649,725 828,733
Century Court D0538 0 0 652,162 831,170
Southwold Scheme D0539 0 0 588,668 750,960
Leander Court Scheme D0540 0 0 514,622 656,854
Adult Social Care Transport D0559 1,490,019 1,211,998 933,171 1,137,436
Provided Services 12,549,581 12,222,517 9,228,198 11,841,844
NHS Special Support Unit D0806 352,635 368,651 66,742 390,035
LD Assertive Outreach Team D0807 (83,732) (67,485) (83,732) (83,732)
LD Development Fund (LDDF) D0808 81,299 34,411 67,462 83,171
LD P & V Commissioning D0809 12,602,650 (1) 0 0
OP P & V Commissioning D0810 11,976,318 0 0 0
PD P & V Commissioning D0811 4,348,904 0 0 0
SDDT P & V Commissioning D0812 316,834 0 0 0
HIV D0813 5,852 0 0 0
OT & Telecare Equipment D0814 739,812 622,391 494,812 494,812
Voluntary Sector Contracts - OP D0815 708,069 856,051 708,069 708,069
Voluntary Contracts - Disabilities D0816 75,651 0 75,651 75,651
Physical Support D0822 0 11,867,860 10,506,839 10,506,839
Sensory Support D0823 0 692,307 277,742 277,742
Support with Memory & Cognitio D0824 0 1,835,243 1,598,616 1,598,616
Learning Disability Support D0825 0 14,395,862 12,348,551 12,348,551
Mental Health Support (ASC) D0826 0 7,485,028 2,680,436 2,680,436
Asylum Seekers Support D0827 0 225,910 169,615 169,615
Support for Social Isolation D0828 0 0 0 0
Mental Health Support (ELFT) D0829 0 0 3,250,095 3,250,095
Care Commissioning Support 31,124,292 38,316,228 32,160,898 32,499,900
Voluntary Sector Mental Health D0352 976,054 363,139 976,054 976,054
Rehabilitation Social Work D0354 364,264 336,850 286,191 361,412
Mental Health Services Management D0355 210,011 161,348 130,784 165,944
North Mental Health D0357 4,722,687 1,105,387 1,072,382 1,360,117
South Mental Health D0359 715,956 682,306 575,163 729,334
Lee House D0363 661,148 437,054 451,051 561,275
Forensic Social Work Team D0365 244,203 231,276 (4,835) 252,188
Emergency Duty Service D0366 225,608 153,634 176,112 231,078
Approved Social Workers Pool D0368 126,145 122,923 94,462 118,446
Home Treatment Team D0369 78,554 50,724 28,305 83,047
Assertive Outreach Team D0370 91,292 83,519 50,901 78,294
CM&R Team - Older People Mental Health D0457 514,609 511,364 403,764 509,536
Mental Health 8,930,531 4,239,524 4,240,334 5,426,725

Page 26 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Concessionary Fares D0402 12,561,055 12,561,055 12,561,055 12,561,055

Information & Assessment Team D0855 992,884 992,883 778,214 988,884
Hospital Social Work Team D0856 804,766 804,776 659,875 839,528
Unit Co-Ordination (Front) D0857 121,374 160,496 93,845 118,589
Safeguarding Team D0858 295,424 295,425 237,101 295,404
Health and Wellbeing D0859 175,636 187,128 122,456 158,271
Access & Assessment 14,951,139 15,001,763 14,452,546 14,961,731
Substance Misuse D0350 589,733 589,733 552,376 594,239
Voluntary Sector Other Adults D0353 0 0 0 0
Median Road Resource Centre D0503 1,718,672 1,497,334 1,546,138 1,829,415
First Response Provider Team D0510 1,642,003 1,174,463 65,620 95,124
First Response Duty Team D0513 398,456 78,363 0 0
Therapy at Home & Sensory Team D0514 927,429 607,337 0 0
Integrated Independence Team D0520 0 1,112,128 2,009,669 2,405,992
Prevention & Reablement 5,276,293 5,059,358 4,173,803 4,924,770
Carers D0408 66,480 66,480 66,136 66,136
Brokerage Team D0804 203,991 196,020 159,301 200,428
Commissioning Management Team D0561 195,017 188,213 2,945 3,926
Supporting Peolple Programme D0563 13,141,709 13,141,709 13,141,709 13,141,709
Workforce Development Team D0566 541,322 541,321 340,614 434,194
Business & Service Improvement Team D0582 751,592 811,755 499,728 632,745
Commissioning & Procurement Team D0586 1,134,195 1,094,505 948,276 1,199,153
Direct Payments Team D0821 250,430 244,731 193,453 244,849
SP Commissioning 16,284,736 16,284,734 15,352,162 15,923,140
Adult Services 91,422,524 93,416,119 83,100,910 89,997,439
Public Health D0861 0 270,810 (66,425) (66,425)
Public Health 0 270,810 (66,425) (66,425)
Safeguarding and Learning F0255 2,489,571 2,197,505 1,611,897 1,996,509
City and Hackhey Children's Safeguarding board F0258 318,715 318,716 244,475 336,845
Independent Reviewing F0260 1,488,835 1,699,951 1,274,135 1,606,911
Safeguarding and Learning Service 4,297,121 4,216,172 3,130,507 3,940,265
Children in Need F0050 5,145,103 5,751,013 3,865,838 4,836,152
LAC - Virtual school F0100 818,289 779,417 712,776 870,983
LAC - Under 18's F0101 1,838,806 2,125,882 1,641,398 1,980,265
Leaving Care Services F0102 1,221,350 1,292,665 1,019,439 1,212,402
Children's Resources F0150 4,181,935 3,248,830 4,583,686 4,701,526
Fostering Services F0152 9,656,379 10,415,845 9,300,228 9,570,600
Adoption Services F0153 3,742,183 3,732,974 3,613,272 3,802,563
Corporate Parenting 21,458,942 21,595,613 20,870,799 22,138,339
Family Support Central F0300 1,595,473 1,258,598 1,285,045 1,628,641
Parenting Support Service F0302 2,001,671 1,832,270 1,678,719 1,886,004
Family Support Service 3,597,144 3,090,868 2,963,764 3,514,645
Disabled Children Service F0201 2,712,879 3,506,318 2,372,238 2,479,973
Short Breaks F0209 974,297 1,074,822 948,267 975,014
Disabled Children Services 3,687,176 4,581,140 3,320,505 3,454,987
Access and Assessment F0202 5,521,460 5,310,313 4,215,373 4,933,356
Overstaying Families Intervention Team F0312 1,432,199 1,432,199 1,374,422 1,441,288
Access and Assessment 6,953,659 6,742,512 5,589,795 6,374,644
Business Support F0257 220,223 259,121 187,455 223,734
Childrens Commissioning F0307 273,982 218,214 172,928 217,917
Child Health Commissioning and Reporting 494,205 477,335 360,383 441,651
YH Commissioning F0362 2,627,764 2,624,063 2,152,343 2,193,921
YH Central Provision and Placement F0363 1,449,907 1,438,460 979,368 1,215,633
YH Families F0364 178,504 178,504 0 314,271
YH Adventure Playground F0365 415,114 411,430 335,508 419,091
YH Youth Justice F0367 535,120 1,129,026 774,725 1,095,046
YH Sports F0368 262,905 251,680 406,499 523,515
MOPaC: London Crime Prevention Fund F0369 188,317 116,151 188,317 236,780
Early Help & Prevention F0370 4,412,888 4,307,886 2,522,576 2,992,295
Young Hackney 10,070,519 10,457,200 7,359,336 8,990,552
Children and Families 55,703,869 56,911,853 47,460,927 53,691,235
Education and Schools 31,116,058 31,116,058 25,767,560 29,808,740

DIRECTORATE TOTAL 180,162,056 182,744,555 155,974,203 173,467,511

Page 27 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
Full Time 2016/17 Pay
Cost Centres Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Budget

Directorate Management F0401 4.00 431,916

Directorate Management 4.00 431,916
Hackney Adult Placements D0356 3.00 125,795
Care Management & Review - North D0800 12.00 536,540
Care Management & Review - Central D0801 13.00 579,035
Care Management & Review - South D0802 14.00 604,088
OT & Telecare Team D0803 19.00 865,538
Unit Co-ordination Back D0805 3.00 92,259
Care Management 64.00 2,803,255
Adult Social Care Management D0817 3.00 362,814
Adults Divisional Support 3.00 362,814
Hackney One Team D0308 33.60 1,358,815
Marie Lloyd Centre D0505 13.83 270,829
Median Rd Dementia Centre D0506 12.16 367,114
Homeshare Daycare D0507 2.00 76,589
Meals On Wheels D0511 10.60 310,988
Mgmnt & Admin Support Team D0512 2.00 127,679
Housing with Care - Unit B D0518 7.00 324,705
Overbury Scheme D0531 12.00 367,667
Appleton & Morrell Scheme D0532 12.15 335,401
Peppie & Newton Scheme D0533 16.09 435,642
Penn & Albion Scheme D0534 25.73 689,918
Rose Court Scheme D0535 29.83 793,218
Liz Mckeown & Catherine Hse D0536 15.00 453,016
Ashley Ct & Benabo Scheme D0537 24.19 649,725
Century Court D0538 22.00 652,162
Southwold Scheme D0539 21.83 588,668
Leander Court Scheme D0540 18.84 514,622
Adult Social Care Transport D0559 25.39 483,636
Provided Services 304.24 8,800,394
Care Commissioning Support 0.00 0
Rehabilitation Social Work D0354 6.00 281,265
Mental Health Services Management D0355 2.00 83,114
North Mental Health D0357 12.00 568,990
South Mental Health D0359 12.00 567,515
Lee House D0363 11.80 368,002
Forensic Social Work Team D0365 18.00 944,520
Emergency Duty Service D0366 0.00 191,453
Approved Social Workers Pool D0368 2.00 92,580
Home Treatment Team D0369 4.00 208,787
Assertive Outreach Team D0370 2.00 103,098
CM&R Team - Older People Mental Health D0457 8.00 400,728
Mental Health 77.80 3,810,052
Information & Assessment Team D0855 19.00 778,214
Hospital Social Work Team D0856 14.00 668,673
Unit Co-Ordination (Front) D0857 3.00 93,845
Safeguarding Team D0858 4.50 219,682
Health and Wellbeing D0859 1.00 122,456
Access & Assessment 41.50 1,882,870
Substance Misuse D0350 3.00 142,194
Median Road Resource Centre D0503 34.72 1,024,168
First Response Provider Team D0510 1.34 50,672
Integrated Independence Team D0520 42.50 1,358,514
Prevention & Reablement 81.56 2,575,548
Brokerage Team D0804 4.00 159,301
Commissioning Management Team D0561 1.00 40,910
Workforce Development Team D0566 3.00 154,829
Business & Service Improvement Team D0582 9.00 474,467
Commissioning & Procurement Team D0586 17.70 906,279
Direct Payments Team D0821 5.00 192,005
SP Commissioning 39.70 1,927,791
Adult Services 611.80 22,162,724
Public Health D0861 49.44 2,491,400
Public Health 49.44 2,491,400

Page 28 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
Full Time 2016/17 Pay
Cost Centres Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Budget

Safeguarding and Learning F0255 27.00 1,075,966

City and Hackhey Children's Safeguarding board F0258 5.00 287,587
Independent Reviewing F0260 23.00 1,206,815
Safeguarding and Learning Service 55.00 2,570,368
Children in Need F0050 80.00 3,537,256
LAC - Virtual school F0100 12.00 502,776
LAC - Under 18's F0101 27.00 1,178,119
Leaving Care Services F0102 16.00 663,339
Children's Resources F0150 10.00 453,686
Fostering Services F0152 17.00 780,699
Adoption Services F0153 12.00 553,074
Corporate Parenting 94.00 4,131,693
Family Support Central F0300 21.00 1,186,968
Parenting Support Service F0302 19.00 771,336
Family Support Service 40.00 1,958,304
Disabled Children Service F0201 8.00 371,504
Short Breaks F0209 2.00 86,698
Disabled Children Services 40.00 458,202
Access and Assessment F0202 83.00 3,793,915
Overstaying Families Intervention Team F0312 7.00 256,035
Access and Assessment 90.00 4,049,950
Childrens Commissioning F0307 4.00 161,563
Child Health Commissioning and Reporting 4.00 161,563
YH Central Provision and Placement F0363 16.00 732,240
YH Families F0364 27.80 1,191,216
YH Adventure Playground F0365 7.95 307,780
YH Youth Justice F0367 25.00 1,149,662
YH Sports F0368 12.00 429,108
Early Help & Prevention F0370 52.90 2,250,039
Young Hackney 141.65 6,060,045
Children and Families 544.65 22,927,381
Education and Schools 566.36 28,629,358

DIRECTORATE TOTAL 1776.25 76,642,779

Page 29 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 77,430,548 77,347,065 76,642,779 76,642,779
Indirect Costs 2,596,906 6,227,166 2,789,961 2,789,961
Training 832,556 807,972 744,150 744,150
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 80,860,010 84,382,203 80,176,890 80,176,890
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 294,626 279,830 253,148 253,148
Energy Costs & Water Services 271,173 240,536 245,377 245,377
Rent & Rates 556,242 513,637 555,274 555,274
Premises Insurance 8,582 7,459 7,619 7,619
Grounds & Road Maintenance 500 500 1,463 1,463
Fixtures & Fittings 21,984 38,312 14,873 14,873
Cleaning 334,336 333,633 317,855 317,855
Contribution to Provisions 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
Premises Costs 1,532,443 1,458,907 1,440,609 1,440,609
Direct Transport Costs 272,845 231,690 246,598 246,598
Hire & Leasing 769,350 758,547 808,734 808,734
Transport Fees 1,644,806 1,693,169 1,595,680 1,595,680
Travel Allowances 87,554 68,703 259,271 259,271
Contribution to Provisions 158,172 158,172 0 0
Transport Costs 2,932,727 2,910,281 2,910,283 2,910,283
Furniture & Equipment 1,930,878 1,997,608 2,135,181 2,135,181
Catering 666,143 627,534 584,381 584,381
Clothing & Laundry 98,000 98,755 98,000 98,000
Communications & Computing 774,571 947,998 736,050 736,050
Fees & Services 2,904,621 3,283,308 2,797,901 2,797,901
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 703,606 619,437 602,843 602,843
Expenses 21,292 26,718 24,202 24,202
Grants & Subscriptions 4,184,741 4,185,170 4,166,531 4,166,531
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 86,654 86,654
Supplies and Services 11,283,852 11,786,528 11,231,743 11,231,743
General Third Party Payments 265,120,905 262,686,798 255,244,123 255,244,123
Voluntary Organisations 3,000,158 3,395,100 2,800,158 2,800,158
Social Services Client 87,822,070 99,225,000 88,514,077 88,514,077
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 355,943,133 365,306,898 346,558,358 346,558,358
Support Services 19,218,459 18,463,502 1,818,324 19,311,632
Capital Charges 6,399,949 6,399,949 6,399,949 6,399,949
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 6,399,949 6,399,949 6,399,949 6,399,949

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 478,170,573 490,708,268 450,536,156 468,029,464


Government Grants (277,258,138) (278,327,760) (273,614,226) (273,614,226)

Other Grants & Contributions (3,642,235) (12,180,225) (3,723,752) (3,723,752)
Customer & Client Receipts (16,971,144) (17,318,728) (16,909,325) (16,909,325)
External Income (297,871,517) (307,826,713) (294,247,303) (294,247,303)

Recharges (137,000) (137,000) (314,650) (314,650)

Internal Income (137,000) (137,000) (314,650) (314,650)

TOTAL INCOME (298,008,517) (307,963,713) (294,561,953) (294,561,953)

NET EXPENDITURE 180,162,056 182,744,555 155,974,203 173,467,511

Page 30 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 419,975 303,388 431,916 431,916
Indirect Costs 311,809 311,809 203,197 203,197
Training 0 15,730 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 731,784 630,927 635,113 635,113
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 156 0 0
Transport Fees 18,412 8,334 18,412 18,412
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 18,412 8,490 18,412 18,412
Furniture & Equipment 0 512 0 0
Catering 0 14,423 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 562,987 146,517 562,987 562,987
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 0 1,447 0 0
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 5,665 3,914 5,665 5,665
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 568,652 166,813 568,652 568,652
General Third Party Payments 362,641 145,848 352,466 352,466
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 362,641 145,848 352,466 352,466
Support Services 238,116 230,832 0 325,291
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,919,605 1,182,910 1,574,643 1,899,934


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 (1,863,412) (1,863,412)
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (153,195) 0 0
External Income 0 (153,195) (1,863,412) (1,863,412)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME 0 (153,195) (1,863,412) (1,863,412)

NET EXPENDITURE 1,919,605 1,029,715 (288,769) 36,522

Page 31 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 25,581,087 22,840,960 22,162,724 22,162,724
Indirect Costs 1,948,748 5,198,433 2,077,788 2,077,788
Training 352,461 269,360 226,885 226,885
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 27,882,296 28,308,753 24,467,397 24,467,397
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 65,258 47,779 34,668 34,668
Energy Costs & Water Services 89,002 62,619 53,638 53,638
Rent & Rates 75,241 73,828 70,387 70,387
Premises Insurance 6,119 4,996 6,119 6,119
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 9,984 9,641 3,273 3,273
Cleaning 68,640 66,360 51,275 51,275
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 314,244 265,223 219,360 219,360
Direct Transport Costs 142,595 106,888 142,595 142,595
Hire & Leasing 222,634 206,534 212,134 212,134
Transport Fees 23,837 35,060 21,975 21,975
Travel Allowances 62,542 52,882 57,017 57,017
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 451,608 401,364 433,721 433,721
Furniture & Equipment 43,918 63,767 37,208 37,208
Catering 137,872 66,190 80,366 80,366
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 94,053 123,868 86,690 86,690
Fees & Services 61,235 299,361 101,143 101,143
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 216,628 139,843 201,903 201,903
Expenses 2,727 3,865 2,727 2,727
Grants & Subscriptions 7,119 6,227 7,298 7,298
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 86,654 86,654
Supplies and Services 563,552 703,121 603,989 603,989
General Third Party Payments 85,590 454,260 1,084,815 1,084,815
Voluntary Organisations 1,966,579 1,606,223 1,966,579 1,966,579
Social Services Client 67,234,317 74,100,561 67,298,142 67,298,142
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 69,286,486 76,161,044 70,349,536 70,349,536
Support Services 6,893,159 6,893,322 0 6,896,529
Capital Charges 235,252 235,252 235,252 235,252
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 235,252 235,252 235,252 235,252

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 105,626,597 112,968,079 96,309,255 103,205,784


Government Grants (5,478,575) (6,208,609) (4,718,162) (4,718,162)

Other Grants & Contributions (1,763,432) (6,930,422) (1,370,451) (1,370,451)
Customer & Client Receipts (6,962,066) (6,412,929) (7,119,732) (7,119,732)
External Income (14,204,073) (19,551,960) (13,208,345) (13,208,345)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (14,204,073) (19,551,960) (13,208,345) (13,208,345)

NET EXPENDITURE 91,422,524 93,416,119 83,100,910 89,997,439

Page 32 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Care Management

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,874,844 3,099,702 2,803,255 2,803,255
Indirect Costs 702 29,969 1,906 1,906
Training 803 803 803 803
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,876,349 3,130,474 2,805,964 2,805,964
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 1,010 1,010 1,010 1,010
Energy Costs & Water Services 4,646 4,646 4,646 4,646
Rent & Rates 6,767 6,767 6,767 6,767
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 505 505 505 505
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 12,928 12,928 12,928 12,928
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 200 0 0
Transport Fees 101 1,538 101 101
Travel Allowances 8,178 8,670 8,178 8,178
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 8,279 10,408 8,279 8,279
Furniture & Equipment 0 42 0 0
Catering 101 1,000 101 101
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 1,515 1,515 1,515 1,515
Fees & Services 1,524 450 1,524 1,524
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 643 3,838 643 643
Expenses 303 7 303 303
Grants & Subscriptions 2,020 800 2,020 2,020
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 6,106 7,652 6,106 6,106
General Third Party Payments 0 1,890 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 1,890 0 0
Support Services 676,910 676,920 0 749,419
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,580,572 3,840,272 2,833,277 3,582,696


Government Grants (45,592) (132,043) (45,592) (45,592)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (255,435) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income (45,592) (387,478) (45,592) (45,592)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (45,592) (387,478) (45,592) (45,592)

NET EXPENDITURE 3,534,980 3,452,794 2,787,685 3,537,104

Page 33 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Adults Divisional Support

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 332,639 830,647 362,814 362,814
Indirect Costs 77,646 28,746 163,995 163,995
Training 59,022 5,350 15,384 15,384
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 469,307 864,743 542,193 542,193
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 95 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 95 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 1,136 3,019 1,136 1,136
Travel Allowances 0 950 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 1,136 3,969 1,136 1,136
Furniture & Equipment 0 385 0 0
Catering 0 81 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 19,198 70,395 15,095 15,095
Fees & Services 39,002 53,306 34,002 34,002
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 500 1,517 500 500
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 75 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 86,654 86,654
Supplies and Services 58,700 125,759 136,251 136,251
General Third Party Payments 32,601 32,526 25,704 25,704
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 32,601 32,526 25,704 25,704
Support Services 163,833 163,986 0 176,941
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 725,577 1,191,078 705,284 882,225


Government Grants 0 (125,066) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (336,811) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (1,954,605) (1,890,000) 0 0
External Income (1,954,605) (2,351,877) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (1,954,605) (2,351,877) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE (1,229,028) (1,160,799) 705,284 882,225

Page 34 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Provided Services

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 9,644,191 9,282,498 8,800,394 8,800,394
Indirect Costs 60,280 101,776 60,280 60,280
Training 7,656 4,694 7,656 7,656
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 9,712,127 9,388,968 8,868,330 8,868,330
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 28,569 33,876 28,608 28,608
Energy Costs & Water Services 39,296 43,470 39,296 39,296
Rent & Rates 59,075 51,507 59,075 59,075
Premises Insurance 1,748 1,748 1,748 1,748
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 3,273 7,940 3,273 3,273
Cleaning 47,235 61,588 47,235 47,235
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 179,196 200,129 179,235 179,235
Direct Transport Costs 133,906 101,122 133,906 133,906
Hire & Leasing 204,054 198,244 204,054 204,054
Transport Fees 8,110 6,568 8,110 8,110
Travel Allowances 23,951 22,889 23,951 23,951
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 370,021 328,823 370,021 370,021
Furniture & Equipment 28,074 35,845 27,917 27,917
Catering 73,692 46,401 71,596 71,596
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 25,854 21,043 25,854 25,854
Fees & Services 2,799 9,801 2,799 2,799
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 174,215 101,059 174,215 174,215
Expenses 2,424 2,546 2,424 2,424
Grants & Subscriptions 707 1,007 707 707
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 307,765 217,702 305,512 305,512
General Third Party Payments 4,855 26,595 4,855 4,855
Voluntary Organisations 20,381 10,471 20,381 20,381
Social Services Client 311,779 149,130 307,870 307,870
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 337,015 186,196 333,106 333,106
Support Services 2,471,463 2,471,463 0 2,613,646
Capital Charges 180,874 180,874 180,874 180,874
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 180,874 180,874 180,874 180,874

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 13,558,461 12,974,155 10,237,078 12,850,724


Government Grants (127,562) (127,438) (127,562) (127,562)

Other Grants & Contributions (5,632) (43,455) (5,632) (5,632)
Customer & Client Receipts (875,686) (580,745) (875,686) (875,686)
External Income (1,008,880) (751,638) (1,008,880) (1,008,880)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (1,008,880) (751,638) (1,008,880) (1,008,880)

NET EXPENDITURE 12,549,581 12,222,517 9,228,198 11,841,844

Page 35 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Care Commissioning Support

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 0 1,636 0 0
Indirect Costs 1,222,080 1,260,411 1,222,080 1,222,080
Training 3,659 1,998 3,659 3,659
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,225,739 1,264,045 1,225,739 1,225,739
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 11 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 11 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 2,714 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 2,714 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 1,267 0 1,267 1,267
Catering 0 436 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 2,525 0 2,525 2,525
Fees & Services 0 2,463 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 152 1,309 152 152
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 3,944 4,208 3,944 3,944
General Third Party Payments 34,451 655 34,451 34,451
Voluntary Organisations 970,144 1,143,944 970,144 970,144
Social Services Client 36,992,205 47,287,552 40,792,686 40,792,686
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 37,996,800 48,432,151 41,797,281 41,797,281
Support Services 299,730 299,730 0 339,002
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 39,526,213 50,002,859 43,026,964 43,365,966


Government Grants (4,501,798) (4,711,950) (4,501,798) (4,501,798)

Other Grants & Contributions (136,382) (3,061,960) (136,382) (136,382)
Customer & Client Receipts (3,763,741) (3,912,721) (6,227,886) (6,227,886)
External Income (8,401,921) (11,686,631) (10,866,066) (10,866,066)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (8,401,921) (11,686,631) (10,866,066) (10,866,066)

NET EXPENDITURE 31,124,292 38,316,228 32,160,898 32,499,900

Page 36 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Mental Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,089,224 3,122,172 3,810,052 3,810,052
Indirect Costs 526,079 750,651 526,710 526,710
Training 30,322 35,786 26,410 26,410
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,645,625 3,908,609 4,363,172 4,363,172
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 5,050 10,044 5,050 5,050
Energy Costs & Water Services 9,696 6,233 9,696 9,696
Rent & Rates 4,545 13,127 4,545 4,545
Premises Insurance 932 932 932 932
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 1,377 0 0
Cleaning 3,535 4,000 3,535 3,535
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 23,758 35,713 23,758 23,758
Direct Transport Costs 8,689 5,107 8,689 8,689
Hire & Leasing 8,080 8,000 8,080 8,080
Transport Fees 1,010 12,697 1,010 1,010
Travel Allowances 24,759 15,080 24,388 24,388
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 42,538 40,884 42,167 42,167
Furniture & Equipment 6,638 17,111 6,638 6,638
Catering 8,272 16,660 8,272 8,272
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 6,556 4,694 6,556 6,556
Fees & Services 11,619 7,294 11,619 11,619
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 5,326 3,134 5,327 5,327
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 1,010 1,383 1,010 1,010
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 39,421 50,276 39,422 39,422
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 976,054 363,139 976,054 976,054
Social Services Client 3,673,220 6,077 8,585 8,585
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 4,649,274 369,216 984,639 984,639
Support Services 1,110,260 1,110,260 0 1,186,391
Capital Charges 31,773 31,773 31,773 31,773
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 31,773 31,773 31,773 31,773

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 10,542,649 5,546,731 5,484,931 6,671,322


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (1,331,418) (1,290,535) (1,228,437) (1,228,437)
Customer & Client Receipts (280,700) (16,672) (16,160) (16,160)
External Income (1,612,118) (1,307,207) (1,244,597) (1,244,597)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (1,612,118) (1,307,207) (1,244,597) (1,244,597)

NET EXPENDITURE 8,930,531 4,239,524 4,240,334 5,426,725

Page 37 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Access and Assessment

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,938,858 2,322,188 1,882,870 1,882,870
Indirect Costs 3,623 104,537 3,623 3,623
Training 0 385 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,942,481 2,427,110 1,886,493 1,886,493
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 9 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 9 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 233 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 1,019 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 1,252 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 2,367 0 0
Catering 0 90 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 169 0 0
Fees & Services 0 141,150 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 835 1,785 835 835
Expenses 0 365 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 835 145,926 835 835
General Third Party Payments 0 284,386 17,419 17,419
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 12,591,009 12,612,470 12,591,009 12,591,009
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 12,591,009 12,896,856 12,608,428 12,608,428
Support Services 460,024 460,024 0 509,185
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 14,994,349 15,931,177 14,495,756 15,004,941


Government Grants (43,210) (292,569) (43,210) (43,210)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (636,229) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (616) 0 0
External Income (43,210) (929,414) (43,210) (43,210)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (43,210) (929,414) (43,210) (43,210)

NET EXPENDITURE 14,951,139 15,001,763 14,452,546 14,961,731

Page 38 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Prevention and Reablement

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,342,691 1,705,202 2,575,548 2,575,548
Indirect Costs 37,483 2,739,126 119,269 119,269
Training 3,618 0 3,618 3,618
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,383,792 4,444,328 2,698,435 2,698,435
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 30,629 2,754 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 35,364 8,270 0 0
Rent & Rates 4,854 2,427 0 0
Premises Insurance 2,247 1,124 2,247 2,247
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 6,711 0 0 0
Cleaning 17,365 267 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 97,170 14,842 2,247 2,247
Direct Transport Costs 0 659 0 0
Hire & Leasing 10,500 90 0 0
Transport Fees 12,770 7,581 10,908 10,908
Travel Allowances 3,397 3,017 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 26,667 11,347 10,908 10,908
Furniture & Equipment 7,779 6,538 1,386 1,386
Catering 55,612 841 202 202
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 1,010 244 0 0
Fees & Services 410 55,265 45,318 45,318
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 10,220 3,520 0 0
Expenses 0 447 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 136 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 75,031 66,991 46,906 46,906
General Third Party Payments 13,683 26,879 1,002,386 1,002,386
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 461,613 447,805 392,577 392,577
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 475,296 474,684 1,394,963 1,394,963
Support Services 1,085,740 1,085,740 0 750,967
Capital Charges 20,344 20,344 20,344 20,344
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 20,344 20,344 20,344 20,344

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 6,164,040 6,118,276 4,173,803 4,924,770


Government Grants (760,413) (755,294) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (40,000) (291,449) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (87,334) (12,175) 0 0
External Income (887,747) (1,058,918) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (887,747) (1,058,918) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 5,276,293 5,059,358 4,173,803 4,924,770

Page 39 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
ADULT SERVICES - Prevention and Reablement

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,358,640 2,476,915 1,927,791 1,927,791
Indirect Costs 20,855 183,217 (20,075) (20,075)
Training 247,381 220,344 169,355 169,355
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,626,876 2,880,476 2,077,071 2,077,071
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 1,192 1,192 1,192 1,192
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 304 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 1,192 1,496 1,192 1,192
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 710 710 710 710
Travel Allowances 2,257 1,257 500 500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,967 1,967 1,210 1,210
Furniture & Equipment 160 1,479 0 0
Catering 195 681 195 195
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 37,395 25,808 35,145 35,145
Fees & Services 5,881 29,632 5,881 5,881
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 24,737 23,681 20,231 20,231
Expenses 0 500 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 3,382 2,826 3,561 3,561
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 71,750 84,607 65,013 65,013
General Third Party Payments 0 81,329 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 88,669 0 0
Social Services Client 13,204,491 13,597,527 13,205,415 13,205,415
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 13,204,491 13,767,525 13,205,415 13,205,415
Support Services 625,199 625,199 0 570,978
Capital Charges 2,261 2,261 2,261 2,261
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 2,261 2,261 2,261 2,261

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 16,534,736 17,363,531 15,352,162 15,923,140


Government Grants 0 (64,249) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (250,000) (1,014,548) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income (250,000) (1,078,797) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (250,000) (1,078,797) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 16,284,736 16,284,734 15,352,162 15,923,140

Page 40 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 0 2,741,996 2,491,400 2,491,400
Indirect Costs 0 28,152 (66,425) (66,425)
Training 0 30,000 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 0 2,800,148 2,424,975 2,424,975
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 123 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 73 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 196 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 65 0 0
Transport Fees 0 5,628 3,660 3,660
Travel Allowances 0 21 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 5,714 3,660 3,660
Furniture & Equipment 0 9,754 0 0
Catering 0 3,788 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 43 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 553 0 0
Fees & Services 0 77,058 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 0 2,975 0 0
Expenses 0 387 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 0 94,558 0 0
General Third Party Payments 31,963,521 29,344,801 29,938,940 29,938,940
Voluntary Organisations 0 617,160 0 0
Social Services Client 0 101,761 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 31,963,521 30,063,722 29,938,940 29,938,940
Support Services 1,000,000 269,993 1,000,000 1,000,000
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 32,963,521 33,234,331 33,367,575 33,367,575


Government Grants (32,963,521) (32,174,445) (33,434,000) (33,434,000)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (789,076) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income (32,963,521) (32,963,521) (33,434,000) (33,434,000)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (32,963,521) (32,963,521) (33,434,000) (33,434,000)

NET EXPENDITURE 0 270,810 (66,425) (66,425)

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Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 24,745,693 24,776,928 22,927,381 22,927,381
Indirect Costs 197,342 549,765 450,401 450,401
Training 244,002 256,789 252,430 252,430
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 25,187,037 25,583,482 23,630,212 23,630,212
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 34,500 37,183 34,600 34,600
Energy Costs & Water Services 23,500 19,123 23,500 23,500
Rent & Rates 219,311 178,119 94,311 94,311
Premises Insurance 2,463 2,463 1,500 1,500
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 963 963
Fixtures & Fittings 12,000 28,671 11,600 11,600
Cleaning 45,600 47,104 45,500 45,500
Contributution to Provisions 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
Premises Costs 382,374 357,663 256,974 256,974
Direct Transport Costs 24,600 19,152 24,600 24,600
Hire & Leasing 25,031 30,107 25,031 25,031
Transport Fees 255,408 296,998 272,908 272,908
Travel Allowances 25,012 15,800 20,580 20,580
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 330,051 362,057 343,119 343,119
Furniture & Equipment 101,122 137,737 102,122 102,122
Catering 38,744 53,606 39,951 39,951
Clothing & Laundry 0 712 0 0
Communications & Computing 351,536 494,595 348,536 348,536
Fees & Services 406,971 886,944 433,493 433,493
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 159,418 147,612 149,398 149,398
Expenses 10,075 13,976 12,342 12,342
Grants & Subscriptions 158,446 161,518 148,446 148,446
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 1,226,312 1,896,700 1,234,288 1,234,288
General Third Party Payments 3,810,793 3,843,529 3,541,442 3,541,442
Voluntary Organisations 1,033,579 1,171,717 833,579 833,579
Social Services Client 20,587,753 25,022,678 21,148,862 21,148,862
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 25,432,125 30,037,924 25,523,883 25,523,883
Support Services 6,240,752 6,222,923 0 6,230,308
Capital Charges 197,125 197,125 197,125 197,125
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 197,125 197,125 197,125 197,125

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 58,995,776 64,657,874 51,185,601 57,415,909


Government Grants (1,816,459) (2,945,123) (2,959,315) (2,959,315)

Other Grants & Contributions (1,367,209) (3,949,133) (426,960) (426,960)
Customer & Client Receipts (108,239) (851,765) (338,399) (338,399)
External Income (3,291,907) (7,746,021) (3,724,674) (3,724,674)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (3,291,907) (7,746,021) (3,724,674) (3,724,674)

NET EXPENDITURE 55,703,869 56,911,853 47,460,927 53,691,235

Page 42 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Safeguarding and Learning

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,943,244 3,142,332 2,570,368 2,570,368
Indirect Costs 7,383 7,290 7,383 7,383
Training 169,448 169,634 186,376 186,376
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,120,075 3,319,256 2,764,127 2,764,127
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 100 100 100 100
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 9,134 9,135 9,134 9,134
Travel Allowances 2,650 1,546 2,650 2,650
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 11,884 10,781 11,884 11,884
Furniture & Equipment 9,600 10,762 9,600 9,600
Catering 4,700 14,354 4,700 4,700
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 4,800 4,737 4,800 4,800
Fees & Services 75,836 68,290 109,836 109,836
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 102,126 43,215 92,126 92,126
Expenses 1,175 1,540 1,175 1,175
Grants & Subscriptions 30,346 30,346 30,346 30,346
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 228,583 173,244 252,583 252,583
General Third Party Payments 320,659 213,880 222,813 222,813
Voluntary Organisations 20,600 20,600 20,600 20,600
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 341,259 234,480 243,413 243,413
Support Services 736,820 754,853 0 809,758
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4,438,621 4,492,614 3,272,007 4,081,765


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (110,540) (151,040) (110,540) (110,540)
Customer & Client Receipts (30,960) (125,402) (30,960) (30,960)
External Income (141,500) (276,442) (141,500) (141,500)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (141,500) (276,442) (141,500) (141,500)

NET EXPENDITURE 4,297,121 4,216,172 3,130,507 3,940,265

Page 43 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,775,484 3,822,991 3,537,256 3,537,256
Indirect Costs 9,100 22,299 9,100 9,100
Training 0 1,328 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,784,584 3,846,618 3,546,356 3,546,356
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 3,802 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 70,000 88,301 75,000 75,000
Travel Allowances 2,500 1,409 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 72,500 93,512 75,000 75,000
Furniture & Equipment 0 107 0 0
Catering 0 261 707 707
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 35,000 384,746 17,000 17,000
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 1,000 2,179 2,000 2,000
Expenses 1,000 653 967 967
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 37,000 387,946 20,674 20,674
General Third Party Payments 97,968 99,808 98,468 98,468
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 561,674 999,678 575,000 575,000
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 659,642 1,099,486 673,468 673,468
Support Services 904,738 904,738 0 970,314
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5,458,464 6,332,300 4,315,498 5,285,812


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (313,361) (579,637) (200,000) (200,000)
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (1,650) (249,660) (249,660)
External Income (313,361) (581,287) (449,660) (449,660)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (313,361) (581,287) (449,660) (449,660)

NET EXPENDITURE 5,145,103 5,751,013 3,865,838 4,836,152

Page 44 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Corporate Parenting

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,173,205 4,289,127 4,131,693 4,131,693
Indirect Costs 32,918 110,979 32,918 32,918
Training 21,324 21,485 17,824 17,824
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,227,447 4,421,591 4,182,435 4,182,435
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 719 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 719 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 1,750 0 0
Transport Fees 113,094 115,558 122,594 122,594
Travel Allowances 12,475 8,509 10,543 10,543
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 125,569 125,817 133,137 133,137
Furniture & Equipment 39,163 35,229 39,163 39,163
Catering 5,600 8,647 7,100 7,100
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 105,313 73,168 97,313 97,313
Fees & Services 176,295 152,775 165,123 165,123
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 15,200 20,060 15,400 15,400
Expenses 5,200 8,606 7,200 7,200
Grants & Subscriptions 111,500 106,157 101,500 101,500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 458,271 404,642 432,799 432,799
General Third Party Payments 306,600 527,179 276,600 276,600
Voluntary Organisations 90,979 100,400 90,979 90,979
Social Services Client 15,453,248 17,487,219 15,984,849 15,984,849
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 15,850,827 18,114,798 16,352,428 16,352,428
Support Services 1,069,555 1,077,371 0 1,267,540
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 21,731,669 24,144,938 21,100,799 22,368,339


Government Grants (230,000) (534,194) (230,000) (230,000)

Other Grants & Contributions (42,727) (1,604,569) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (410,562) 0 0
External Income (272,727) (2,549,325) (230,000) (230,000)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (272,727) (2,549,325) (230,000) (230,000)

NET EXPENDITURE 21,458,942 21,595,613 20,870,799 22,138,339

Page 45 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Family Support Service

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,249,430 1,916,560 1,958,304 1,958,304
Indirect Costs 8,250 67,888 8,250 8,250
Training 1,180 791 1,180 1,180
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,258,860 1,985,239 1,967,734 1,967,734
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 10,000 10,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 (3,017) 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 10,080 20,711 20,711
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 963 963
Fixtures & Fittings 0 7,348 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 14,411 31,674 31,674
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 500 8,354 500 500
Travel Allowances 2,100 230 2,100 2,100
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,600 8,584 2,600 2,600
Furniture & Equipment 9,200 10,318 9,200 9,200
Catering 1,000 1,906 1,000 1,000
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 3 0 0
Fees & Services 33,800 20,727 75,437 75,437
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 600 727 600 600
Expenses 200 450 200 200
Grants & Subscriptions 3,000 6,000 3,000 3,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 47,800 40,131 89,437 89,437
General Third Party Payments 484 262 102,034 102,034
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 20,000 20,000
Social Services Client 734,216 708,057 734,216 734,216
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 734,700 708,319 856,250 856,250
Support Services 537,115 525,716 0 550,881
Capital Charges 16,069 16,069 16,069 16,069
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 16,069 16,069 16,069 16,069

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,597,144 3,298,469 2,963,764 3,514,645


Government Grants 0 (110,385) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (97,216) 0 0
External Income 0 (207,601) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME 0 (207,601) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 3,597,144 3,090,868 2,963,764 3,514,645

Page 46 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Disabled Children Services

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 539,940 616,299 458,202 458,202
Indirect Costs 8,700 38,700 8,700 8,700
Training 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 548,640 654,999 466,902 466,902
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 125,000 72,917 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 125,000 72,917 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 8,100 21,252 8,100 8,100
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 8,100 21,252 8,100 8,100
Furniture & Equipment 0 13,898 0 0
Catering 0 182 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 15,800 30,800 15,800 15,800
Fees & Services 1,500 27,048 1,500 1,500
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 600 691 600 600
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 7,000 6,417 7,000 7,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 24,900 79,036 24,900 24,900
General Third Party Payments 144,500 124,017 108,596 108,596
Voluntary Organisations 500,000 423,037 500,000 500,000
Social Services Client 2,068,043 2,938,197 2,108,725 2,108,725
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 2,712,543 3,485,251 2,717,321 2,717,321
Support Services 164,711 162,665 0 134,482
Capital Charges 103,282 103,282 103,282 103,282
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 103,282 103,282 103,282 103,282

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,687,176 4,579,402 3,320,505 3,454,987


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 1,738 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 1,738 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME 0 1,738 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 3,687,176 4,581,140 3,320,505 3,454,987

Page 47 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Access and Assessment

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,251,709 4,176,003 4,049,950 4,049,950
Indirect Costs 23,526 21,477 74,838 74,838
Training 0 405 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,275,235 4,197,885 4,124,788 4,124,788
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 10,000 10,000 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 20,711 20,711 0 0
Premises Insurance 963 963 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 398 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 31,674 32,072 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 15,000 14,890 15,000 15,000
Travel Allowances 3,100 1,292 3,100 3,100
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 18,100 16,182 18,100 18,100
Furniture & Equipment 2,000 912 2,000 2,000
Catering 1,000 216 1,000 1,000
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 120,000 0 0
Fees & Services 26,440 143,339 6,497 6,497
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 1,500 906 1,500 1,500
Expenses 500 290 500 500
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 31,440 265,663 11,497 11,497
General Third Party Payments 101,550 101,660 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 20,000 25,680 0 0
Social Services Client 1,418,291 1,705,173 1,418,291 1,418,291
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 1,539,841 1,832,513 1,418,291 1,418,291
Support Services 1,040,250 1,012,159 0 784,849
Capital Charges 17,119 17,119 17,119 17,119
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 17,119 17,119 17,119 17,119

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 6,953,659 7,373,593 5,589,795 6,374,644


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (509,740) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (121,341) 0 0
External Income 0 (631,081) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME 0 (631,081) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 6,953,659 6,742,512 5,589,795 6,374,644

Page 48 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Child Health Commissioning and Reporting

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 210,533 154,857 161,563 161,563
Indirect Costs 81,105 83,904 81,105 81,105
Training 5,050 5,050 5,050 5,050
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 296,688 243,811 247,718 247,718
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000
Hire & Leasing 19,531 19,531 19,531 19,531
Transport Fees 1,102 1,192 1,102 1,102
Travel Allowances 1,187 1,187 1,187 1,187
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 35,820 35,910 35,820 35,820
Furniture & Equipment 2,159 2,159 2,159 2,159
Catering 544 3,441 544 544
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 2,623 2,623 2,623 2,623
Fees & Services 100 100 100 100
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 12,366 48,324 12,366 12,366
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 2,100 3,534 2,100 2,100
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 19,892 60,181 19,892 19,892
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 84,852 80,480 0 81,268
Capital Charges 56,953 56,953 56,953 56,953
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 56,953 56,953 56,953 56,953

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 494,205 477,335 360,383 441,651


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 0 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0


NET EXPENDITURE 494,205 477,335 360,383 441,651

Page 49 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health

2015/16 2015/16
2014/15 2014/15 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 6,602,148 6,658,759 6,060,045 6,060,045
Indirect Costs 26,360 197,228 228,107 228,107
Training 47,000 58,096 42,000 42,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 6,675,508 6,914,083 6,330,152 6,330,152
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 24,500 27,183 24,600 24,600
Energy Costs & Water Services 23,500 22,140 23,500 23,500
Rent & Rates 73,600 73,692 73,600 73,600
Premises Insurance 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 12,000 20,925 11,600 11,600
Cleaning 45,600 47,104 45,500 45,500
Contribution to Provisions 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
Premises Costs 225,700 237,544 225,300 225,300
Direct Transport Costs 10,500 1,250 10,500 10,500
Hire & Leasing 5,500 8,826 5,500 5,500
Transport Fees 38,478 38,316 41,478 41,478
Travel Allowances 1,000 1,627 1,000 1,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 55,478 50,019 58,478 58,478
Furniture & Equipment 39,000 64,352 40,000 40,000
Catering 25,900 24,599 24,900 24,900
Clothing & Laundry 0 712 0 0
Communications & Computing 223,000 263,264 228,000 228,000
Fees & Services 58,000 89,919 58,000 58,000
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 26,026 31,510 24,806 24,806
Expenses 2,000 2,437 2,300 2,300
Grants & Subscriptions 4,500 9,064 4,500 4,500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 378,426 485,857 382,506 382,506
General Third Party Payments 2,839,032 2,776,723 2,732,931 2,732,931
Voluntary Organisations 402,000 602,000 202,000 202,000
Social Services Client 352,281 1,184,354 327,781 327,781
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 3,593,313 4,563,077 3,262,712 3,262,712
Support Services 1,702,711 1,704,941 0 1,631,216
Capital Charges 3,702 3,702 3,702 3,702
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 3,702 3,702 3,702 3,702

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 12,634,838 13,959,223 10,262,850 11,894,066


Government Grants (1,586,459) (2,300,544) (2,729,315) (2,729,315)

Other Grants & Contributions (900,581) (1,105,885) (116,420) (116,420)
Customer & Client Receipts (77,279) (95,594) (57,779) (57,779)
External Income (2,564,319) (3,502,023) (2,903,514) (2,903,514)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (2,564,319) (3,502,023) (2,903,514) (2,903,514)

NET EXPENDITURE 10,070,519 10,457,200 7,359,336 8,990,552

Page 50 of 128
Children Adults and Community Health
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - Education and Schools

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 26,683,793 26,683,793 28,629,358 28,629,358
Indirect Costs 139,007 139,007 125,000 125,000
Training 236,093 236,093 264,835 264,835
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 27,058,893 27,058,893 29,019,193 29,019,193
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 194,868 194,868 183,880 183,880
Energy Costs & Water Services 158,671 158,671 168,239 168,239
Rent & Rates 261,690 261,690 390,576 390,576
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 500 500 500 500
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 220,096 220,096 221,080 221,080
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 835,825 835,825 964,275 964,275
Direct Transport Costs 105,650 105,650 79,403 79,403
Hire & Leasing 521,685 521,685 571,569 571,569
Transport Fees 1,347,149 1,347,149 1,278,725 1,278,725
Travel Allowances 0 0 181,674 181,674
Contribution to Provisions 158,172 158,172 0 0
Transport Costs 2,132,656 2,132,656 2,111,371 2,111,371
Furniture & Equipment 1,785,838 1,785,838 1,995,851 1,995,851
Catering 489,527 489,527 464,064 464,064
Clothing & Laundry 98,000 98,000 98,000 98,000
Communications & Computing 328,982 328,982 300,824 300,824
Fees & Services 1,873,428 1,873,428 1,700,278 1,700,278
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 327,560 327,560 251,542 251,542
Expenses 8,490 8,490 9,133 9,133
Grants & Subscriptions 4,013,511 4,013,511 4,005,122 4,005,122
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 8,925,336 8,925,336 8,824,814 8,824,814
General Third Party Payments 228,898,360 228,898,360 220,326,460 220,326,460
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 67,073 67,073
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 228,898,360 228,898,360 220,393,533 220,393,533
Support Services 4,846,432 4,846,432 818,324 4,859,504
Capital Charges 5,967,572 5,967,572 5,967,572 5,967,572
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 5,967,572 5,967,572 5,967,572 5,967,572

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 278,665,074 278,665,074 268,099,082 272,140,262


Government Grants (236,999,583) (236,999,583) (232,502,749) (232,502,749)

Other Grants & Contributions (511,594) (511,594) (62,929) (62,929)
Customer & Client Receipts (9,900,839) (9,900,839) (9,451,194) (9,451,194)
External Income (247,412,016) (247,412,016) (242,016,872) (242,016,872)

Recharges (137,000) (137,000) (314,650) (314,650)

Internal Income (137,000) (137,000) (314,650) (314,650)

TOTAL INCOME (247,549,016) (247,549,016) (242,331,522) (242,331,522)

NET EXPENDITURE 31,116,058 31,116,058 25,767,560 29,808,740

Page 51 of 128
Page 52 of 128

The Chief Executive’s Directorate includes the following areas:

Chief Executive’s Office

 Chief Executive
 Regeneration (non-housing)
 Economic Development
Assistant Chief Executives
 Communications and Consultation
 Performance , complaints, policy and partnerships
 Management Support
 Mayor’s Office and Civic support
 Management and Support
Safer Communities
 Community Safety Team/ Warden Services
 Domestic Violence/Racial Harassment
Legal Services
 External Legal services
 Internal Legal services
Human Resources
 Human Resource
 Recruitment
 Payroll
Electoral Services
 Elections
Growth Boroughs Unit

The table below shows the budget movement from 2015/16 to 2016/17

Chief Executive's £m £m £m

2015/16 Budget (excluding recharges) 10.969

Service Transfers
IN: Legal, HR and Governance 7.323

OUT: CCTV, Pollution Control (1.953)

Net service transfers 5.370

Savings (1.048)

2016/17 Budget (excluding recharges) 15.291

2016/17 Net Recharges (4.944)

2016/17 Budget 10.347

Page 53 of 128
Chief Executive
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Communications Management A2100 9,929 3,461 777,246 0

Hackney Today A2101 1,885 (17,813) 199,897 0
Design Team A2102 1,840 (33,017) (56,237) 0
Film Location Management A2103 675 (6,606) (24,787) 0
Events Management Team B0092 162,152 162,154 107,282 180,835
Strategic Policy & Research A2001 8,269 3,689 830,455 0
Business Analysis A2002 4,005 673 245,491 0
Senior Management A2005 1,492 19,712 201,686 0
Overview and Scrutiny A2006 3,457 (8,918) 0 0
Mayors Office A2008 3,819 (28,240) 358,974 0
Corporate & Democratic Core A2010 4,543,733 4,543,733 0 4,194,014
Members Services N2006 1,756 (2,378) 101,970 0
Speakers Costs N2102 0 24,866 136,302 0
Governance Services N2100 5,330 4,440 313,015 0
Members Costs N2101 0 (186,597) 1,273,433 0
Community Partnerships Grants A2251 2,990,899 2,990,899 2,990,899 2,990,899
Assistant Chief Executive 7,739,241 7,470,058 7,455,626 7,365,748
Chief Executives office A2007 146,959 92,832 393,434 80,000
Subscriptions A2009 (64,000) (63,999) 187,813 0
Programmes & Project Delivery A2014 5,679 (80,716) 194,321 0
Economic Development (Deprived Grant) H0580 4,464 4,463 0 0
Regeneration Delivery H0642 769,651 997,666 567,543 790,761
Chief Executive's Office 862,753 950,246 1,343,111 870,761
Growth Boroughs Unit A2011 0 0 0 0
Growth Boroughs Unit 0 0 0 0
Community Safety H0000 1,848,055 1,848,054 1,372,470 1,730,040
Domestic Violence H0001 265,109 302,100 189,845 273,418
Safer Communities 2,113,164 2,150,154 1,562,315 2,003,458
Directors Office N2000 110,788 74,082 22,901 107,376
External Legal Service N2001 920 (156,019) 774,010 0
Internal Legal N2002 32,204 (151,156) 2,249,734 0
Legal Services 143,912 (233,093) 3,046,645 107,376
Trade Union B0152 315 (31,123) 91,706 0
Recruitment Contract Client B0160 2,135 53,261 (52,035) 0
HR & OD Policy B0174 5,338 (58,028) 272,580 0
Payroll Team B0176 11,659 84,075 288,750 0
Directorate HR Support B0177 (84,187) 130,722 890,450 0
HUMAN RESOURCES AND OD (64,740) 178,907 1,491,451 0
Electoral Services N2004 3,293 3,294 392,195 0
Election Costs N2005 0 0 0 0
Electoral Services 3,293 3,294 392,195 0

Total for Directorate 10,797,623 10,519,566 15,291,343 10,347,343

Page 54 of 128
Chief Executive
Full Time 2016/17 Pay
Staff Analysis Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Budget £

Communications Management A2100 17.00 911,746

Hackney Today A2101 3.00 171,778
Design Team A2102 3.00 148,121
Film Location Management A2103 2.00 98,464
Events Management Team B0092 4.50 221,100
Strategic Policy & Research A2001 14.60 810,589
Business Analysis A2002 4.50 227,571
Senior Management A2005 1.00 160,592
Mayors Office A2008 7.00 353,069
Speakers Costs N2102 2.20 94,392
Governance Services N2100 6.00 277,084
Programmes & Project Delivery A2014 4.25 228,778
Assistant Chief Executive 69.05 3,703,284
Chief Executives office A2007 3.00 366,688
LBH Deprived Areas Fund Grant H0580 17.00 702,503
Regeneration Delivery H0642 15.00 849,215
Chief Executive's Office 35.00 1,918,406
Growth Boroughs Unit 2.00 216,670
Community Safety H0000 25.00 1,256,800
Domestic Violence H0001 6.31 308,584
Safer Communities 31.31 1,565,384
External Legal Service N2001 1.00 66,824
Internal Legal N2002 48.25 2,735,130
Legal Services 49.25 2,801,954
Trade Union: Unison B0152 3.00 91,706
Recruitment Contract Client B0160 6.00 233,965
HR & OD Policy B0174 8.00 475,452
Payroll Team B0176 7.00 270,750
Directorate HR Support B0177 18.00 943,981
HUMAN RESOURCES AND OD 42.00 2,015,854
Electoral Services N2004 8.00 501,690
Members Services N2006 2.00 85,735
Electoral Services 10.00 587,425

Total for Directorate 238.61 12,808,977

Page 55 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 13,962,066 15,509,423 12,808,977 12,808,977
Indirect Costs 176,707 741,903 169,247 169,247
Training 266,228 208,440 216,068 216,068
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 14,405,001 16,459,766 13,194,292 13,194,292
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 12,000 19,928 12,000 12,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 3,821 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 40,380 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 9,334 0 0
Cleaning 9,500 11,901 9,500 9,500
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 21,500 85,364 21,500 21,500
Direct Transport Costs 15,360 21,732 12,997 12,997
Hire & Leasing 732 9,647 6,000 6,000
Transport Fees 13,732 12,202 13,732 13,732
Travel Allowances 0 623 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 29,824 44,204 32,729 32,729
Furniture & Equipment 47,989 107,491 46,989 46,989
Catering 10,870 16,666 11,544 11,544
Clothing & Laundry 2,000 2,146 1,000 1,000
Communications & Computing 423,063 725,405 444,115 444,115
Fees & Services 357,030 930,577 315,737 315,737
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 234,097 330,265 230,395 230,395
Expenses 1,416,473 1,140,720 1,311,866 1,311,866
Grants & Subscriptions 294,086 444,443 295,302 295,302
Contribution to Provisions 0 6,464 0 0
Supplies and Services 2,785,608 3,704,177 2,656,948 2,656,948
General Third Party Payments 2,185,756 1,818,951 2,122,755 2,122,755
Voluntary Organisations 2,587,718 2,571,483 2,587,718 2,587,718
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 4,773,474 4,390,434 4,710,473 4,710,473
Support Services 5,413,504 5,291,969 868 5,120,172
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 27,428,911 29,975,914 20,616,810 25,736,114


Government Grants (197,529) (304,771) (199,874) (199,874)

Other Grants & Contributions (1,375,736) (2,999,782) (1,459,026) (1,459,026)
Customer & Client Receipts (2,921,061) (3,714,429) (2,268,894) (2,268,894)
External Income (4,494,326) (7,018,982) (3,927,794) (3,927,794)

Recharges (12,136,962) (12,437,366) (1,397,673) (11,460,977)

Internal Income (12,136,962) (12,437,366) (1,397,673) (11,460,977)

TOTAL INCOME (16,631,288) (19,456,348) (5,325,467) (15,388,771)

NET EXPENDITURE 10,797,623 10,519,566 15,291,343 10,347,343

Page 56 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,810,583 4,090,383 3,560,241 3,560,241
Indirect Costs 8,639 25,451 8,567 8,567
Training 25,804 30,416 25,604 25,604
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,845,026 4,146,250 3,594,412 3,594,412
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 7,000 3,687 7,000 7,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 504 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 17 0 0
Cleaning 9,500 8,009 9,500 9,500
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 16,500 12,217 16,500 16,500
Direct Transport Costs 7,580 11,022 4,810 4,810
Hire & Leasing 800 6,447 6,000 6,000
Transport Fees 8,229 6,213 8,229 8,229
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 16,609 23,682 19,039 19,039
Furniture & Equipment 31,692 29,835 30,692 30,692
Catering 9,376 13,548 7,550 7,550
Clothing & Laundry 1,000 333 0 0
Communications & Computing 255,301 277,710 252,860 252,860
Fees & Services 54,220 218,300 52,720 52,720
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 176,146 147,647 172,883 172,883
Expenses 1,382,580 1,131,420 1,306,580 1,306,580
Grants & Subscriptions 2,150 66,220 2,150 2,150
Contribution to Provisions 0 6,464 0 0
Supplies and Services 1,912,465 1,891,477 1,825,435 1,825,435
General Third Party Payments 681,283 802,892 689,214 689,214
Voluntary Organisations 2,587,718 2,571,483 2,587,718 2,587,718
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 3,269,001 3,374,375 3,276,932 3,276,932
Support Services 4,596,700 4,490,879 0 4,267,567
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 13,656,301 13,938,880 8,732,318 12,999,885


Government Grants 0 (52,313) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (513,098) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (1,213,598) (1,337,757) (922,878) (922,878)
External Income (1,213,598) (1,903,168) (922,878) (922,878)

Recharges (4,703,462) (4,565,654) (353,814) (4,711,259)

Internal Income (4,703,462) (4,565,654) (353,814) (4,711,259)

TOTAL INCOME (5,917,060) (6,468,822) (1,276,692) (5,634,137)

NET EXPENDITURE 7,739,241 7,470,058 7,455,626 7,365,748

Page 57 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,476,055 2,263,877 2,147,184 2,147,184
Indirect Costs 5,699 12,400 5,699 5,699
Training 3,970 10,941 3,970 3,970
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,485,724 2,287,218 2,156,853 2,156,853
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 1,276 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 34,510 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 7,329 0 0
Cleaning 0 3,540 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 46,655 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 432 951 432 432
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 432 951 432 432
Furniture & Equipment 1,527 5,841 1,527 1,527
Catering 694 621 694 694
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 5,373 43,995 5,373 5,373
Fees & Services 24,954 401,830 26,729 26,729
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 1,584 9,422 1,584 1,584
Expenses 32,632 2,065 3,195 3,195
Grants & Subscriptions 225,589 216,870 222,813 222,813
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 292,353 680,644 261,915 261,915
General Third Party Payments 363,542 141,987 347,421 347,421
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 363,542 141,987 347,421 347,421
Support Services 275,009 216,987 0 303,218
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,417,060 3,374,442 2,766,621 3,069,839


Government Grants (65,000) 0 (65,000) (65,000)

Other Grants & Contributions (973,637) (431,004) (975,494) (975,494)
Customer & Client Receipts (682,851) (1,155,122) (348,016) (348,016)
External Income (1,721,488) (1,586,126) (1,388,510) (1,388,510)

Recharges (832,819) (838,070) (35,000) (810,568)

Internal Income (832,819) (838,070) (35,000) (810,568)

TOTAL INCOME (2,554,307) (2,424,196) (1,423,510) (2,199,078)

NET EXPENDITURE 862,753 950,246 1,343,111 870,761

Page 58 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 211,132 214,920 216,670 216,670
Indirect Costs 0 0 0 0
Training 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 211,132 214,920 216,670 216,670
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 5,000 0 5,000 5,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 5,000 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 112 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 112 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Catering 0 194 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 2,292 19,386 2,472 2,472
Fees & Services 126,168 138,575 120,000 120,000
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 2,078 8,826 1,660 1,660
Expenses 0 0 830 830
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 130,538 166,981 124,962 124,962
General Third Party Payments 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500
Support Services 830 615 868 868
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 360,000 400,128 360,000 360,000


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (300,000) (340,128) (300,000) (300,000)
Customer & Client Receipts (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000)
External Income (360,000) (400,128) (360,000) (360,000)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (360,000) (400,128) (360,000) (360,000)


Page 59 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,780,386 2,124,217 1,565,384 1,565,384
Indirect Costs 2,000 7,000 2,000 2,000
Training 17,073 7,763 17,073 17,073
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,799,459 2,138,980 1,584,457 1,584,457
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 2,041 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 1,988 0 0
Cleaning 0 71 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 4,100 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 7,780 8,100 8,187 8,187
Hire & Leasing (68) 3,200 0 0
Transport Fees 1,600 1,579 1,600 1,600
Travel Allowances 0 45 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 9,312 12,924 9,787 9,787
Furniture & Equipment 5,900 7,018 5,900 5,900
Catering 400 200 400 400
Clothing & Laundry 1,000 1,813 1,000 1,000
Communications & Computing 12,589 5,330 12,589 12,589
Fees & Services 29,000 39,593 29,000 29,000
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 10,437 749 10,437 10,437
Expenses 1,000 704 1,000 1,000
Grants & Subscriptions 1,000 90,693 1,000 1,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 61,326 146,100 61,326 61,326
General Third Party Payments 172,619 231,929 172,619 172,619
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 172,619 231,929 172,619 172,619
Support Services 433,589 433,837 0 441,143
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,476,305 2,967,870 1,828,189 2,269,332


Government Grants (132,529) (252,458) (134,874) (134,874)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (254,399) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (99,612) (58,997) 0 0
External Income (232,141) (565,854) (134,874) (134,874)

Recharges (131,000) (251,862) (131,000) (131,000)

Internal Income (131,000) (251,862) (131,000) (131,000)

TOTAL INCOME (363,141) (817,716) (265,874) (265,874)

NET EXPENDITURE 2,113,164 2,150,154 1,562,315 2,003,458

Page 60 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,253,101 3,634,333 2,801,954 2,801,954
Indirect Costs 14,369 16,023 12,981 12,981
Training 18,167 21,282 18,207 18,207
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,285,637 3,671,638 2,833,142 2,833,142
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 2,949 2,949 2,949 2,949
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,949 2,949 2,949 2,949
Furniture & Equipment 8,609 6,513 8,609 8,609
Catering 400 400 400 400
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 39,984 35,284 39,984 39,984
Fees & Services 79,419 84,344 69,788 69,788
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 32,768 32,899 29,891 29,891
Expenses 0 241 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 37,331 41,944 42,208 42,208
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 198,511 201,625 190,880 190,880
General Third Party Payments 740,138 413,741 707,186 707,186
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 740,138 413,741 707,186 707,186
Support Services 107,376 91,124 0 107,376
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4,334,611 4,381,077 3,734,157 3,841,533


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (365,000) (592,243) (438,000) (438,000)
External Income (365,000) (592,243) (438,000) (438,000)

Recharges (3,825,699) (4,021,927) (249,512) (3,296,157)

Internal Income (3,825,699) (4,021,927) (249,512) (3,296,157)

TOTAL INCOME (4,190,699) (4,614,170) (687,512) (3,734,157)

NET EXPENDITURE 143,912 (233,093) 3,046,645 107,376

Page 61 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,109,358 2,461,228 2,015,854 2,015,854
Indirect Costs 146,000 590,324 140,000 140,000
Training 200,000 125,080 150,000 150,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,455,358 3,176,632 2,305,854 2,305,854
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 870 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 (265) 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 605 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 287 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 578 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 865 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 4,259 0 0
Catering 0 938 2,500 2,500
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 64,315 69,271 71,000 71,000
Fees & Services 24,641 30,354 15,500 15,500
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 1,273 3,285 4,129 4,129
Expenses 0 493 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 27,885 27,415 27,000 27,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 118,114 136,015 120,129 120,129
General Third Party Payments 215,674 215,902 193,815 193,815
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 215,674 215,902 193,815 193,815
Support Services 0 11,356 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,789,146 3,541,375 2,619,798 2,619,798


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (102,099) (490,050) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (500,000) (504,760) (500,000) (500,000)
External Income (602,099) (994,810) (500,000) (500,000)

Recharges (2,251,787) (2,367,658) (628,347) (2,119,798)

Internal Income (2,251,787) (2,367,658) (628,347) (2,119,798)

TOTAL INCOME (2,853,886) (3,362,468) (1,128,347) (2,619,798)

NET EXPENDITURE (64,740) 178,907 1,491,451 0

Page 62 of 128
Chief Executive

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 321,451 720,465 501,690 501,690
Indirect Costs 0 90,705 0 0
Training 1,214 12,958 1,214 1,214
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 322,665 477,291 502,904 502,904
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 16,241 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 546 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 2,610 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 522 111 522 522
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 522 2,238 522 522
Furniture & Equipment 261 54,025 261 261
Catering 0 765 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 43,209 274,429 59,837 59,837
Fees & Services 18,628 17,581 2,000 2,000
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 9,811 127,437 9,811 9,811
Expenses 261 5,797 261 261
Grants & Subscriptions 131 1,301 131 131
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 72,301 220,101 72,301 72,301
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 0 47,171 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 395,488 745,263 575,727 575,727


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (971,103) (183,532) (183,532)
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (5,550) 0 0
External Income 0 (349,774) (183,532) (183,532)

Recharges (392,195) (392,195) 0 (392,195)

Internal Income (392,195) (392,195) 0 (392,195)

TOTAL INCOME (392,195) (741,969) (183,532) (575,727)

NET EXPENDITURE 3,293 3,294 392,195 0

Page 63 of 128
Page 64 of 128

Finance and Corporate Resources Directorate includes the following areas:

Audit and Anti Fraud

 Internal Audit and Investigation
 Tenancy Fraud
Strategic Property Services
 Property, Strategy and Projects
 Fleet
 Energy Management Unit
Financial Management
 Financial Services
 Debt Team
 Accountancy
 Central Payments Team
 Financial Management Systems
 Education Business Partnerships
 Directorate Based Finance Teams
 Directorate Finance Support
 ICT Contracts and Performance
 Technical Services
 E - Business
Customer Services
 Revenues
 Benefits
 Support Services
 Customer Services/Front of House
 Soft Facilities Management
 Housing Needs and Resources
 Registration Services
Building Schools for the future

Page 65 of 128
The table below shows the budget movement from 2015/16 to 2016/17

Finance & Corporate Resources £m £m £m

2015/16Budget (excluding Recharges) 47.556

Service Transfers
IN: Registration Services (0.169)

In year virements 0.200

Savings (4.168)

2016/17 Budget (excluding Recharges) 43.419

2016/17 Net recharges 32.043

2016/17 Net Budget 11.376

Page 66 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Financial Management J0000 10,086 343,248 2,154,023 20,000

Treasury & Pensions J0001 10,956 10,921 561,972 0
Exchequer J0003 3,576 (13,417) 319,168 0
Accountancy J0004 68,325 (104,468) 1,320,150 0
Systems J0005 5,066 (47,523) 478,859 0
FMS Contract J0007 0 0 1,088,131 0
Central Payments Team J1610 4,093 (27,806) 479,852 0
Financial Planning and Technical J0500 (59,427) (118,123) 207,214 0
Financial Management 42,675 42,832 6,609,369 20,000
Housing Benefit Fraud Team J1001 0 -36,271 0 0
Internal Audit & Investigation J1002 9,193 -287,648 1,185,339 0
Tenancy Fraud J1003 1,087 -39,775 225,480 0
Audit and Anti fraud 10,280 (363,694) 1,410,819 0
DFT - CS Accountancy J1502 9,748 9,749 924,890 0
DFT - CS Payments & Income J1503 8,606 (36,064) 823,861 0
DFT - CYP J1504 8,053 (27,430) 691,184 0
Finance Directorate Support 26,407 (53,745) 2,439,935 0
Procurement J1600 14,357 (36,281) 700,980 0
Revenues & Benefits Client J2000 7,099 0 (628,644) (628,644)
Customer Services Cashiers J2001 3,045 (33,430) 368,411 0
Net Cost of Benefits J2002 1,122,412 1,122,412 1,122,412 1,122,412
Council Tax Administration J2003 3,000,932 3,027,837 2,239,993 3,078,968
NNDR Administration J2004 1,089,923 930,199 749,314 988,408
Business Support Admin J2005 4,132,757 4,291,714 1,639,679 2,305,852
Housing Benefit Administration J2006 1,774,011 1,913,841 48,581 1,020,511
Courier J2008 1,061 (16,197) 124,483 0
Postal Services J2009 (21,818) (127,041) 988,054 0
Customer Services - R&B 11,109,422 11,109,335 6,652,283 7,887,507
Front of House B0353 260,904 231,859 2,983,493 0
Customer Services - Customer Services 260,904 231,859 2,983,493 0
Customer Services - Registrars B0350 (1,251) 35,609 (169,135) 4,387
HN Temp Accom HGF Hostel D0720 (3,370,356) (3,440,433) (5,509,725) (5,495,627)
HN Homeless Assessment HGF D0721 704,448 807,604 0 0
HN Temp Accom - B & B HGF D0722 1,309 371,232 170,000 171,309
HN Temp Accom PSL HGF D0723 111,335 (314,797) 0 0
HN AD Housing Needs HGF D0724 3,332,586 2,688,172 3,886,070 6,354,606
HN Temp Accom S/C Annexes HGF D0725 2,512,919 2,829,020 3,500,000 3,512,919
HN Housing Options HGF D0727 626,014 1,013,228 0 0
HN Housing Supply HGF D0728 124,781 95,188 0 0
HN Housing Demand HGF D0729 691,763 624,647 0 0
HN Needs & Resources - F&I HGF D0731 476,911 409,985 0 0
HN Social Lettings Agency D0734 5,395 51,852 0 0
HN Homelessness Grant Prog HGF D0733 154,648 236,742 0 0
Customer Services - Housing Needs GF 5,371,753 5,372,440 2,046,345 4,543,207
Keltan House B0052 0 (95,857) 544,130 0
Hackney Town Hall B0053 0 (131,937) 680,156 0
Maurice Bishop House B0055 0 13,927 165,541 0
Christopher Addison House B0057 0 1,451 44,969 0
Stoke Newington Town Hall B0058 0 19,722 638,259 0
Florfield Road B0063 0 8,156 226,880 0
Cleaning Contract B0066 0 8,704 1,013,986 0
377 Mare Street B0070 0 7,995 122,166 0
Facilities Management B0072 5,609 (46,877) 2,442,294 0
Bocking Street B0073 0 5,966 126,543 0
The Annexe B0074 0 (17,046) 413,327 0
280 Mare Street B0087 0 (7,516) 101,383 0
SN Assembly Hall & Council Chamber B0089 0 46,599 18,936 18,936
Hackney Service Centre B0094 0 (15,486) 2,027,573 0
Andrews Road 39-43 B0095 0 (1) 0 0
Cusromer Services - Facilities Management 5,609 (202,200) 8,566,143 18,936

Page 67 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
ICT Management B0800 1,116 24,719 457,160 0
Photocopying B0801 (37,835) 10,103 360,070 0
Print Unit B0802 40,522 6,096 1,181,104 0
Master Data B0805 148,943 158,464 1,053,085 0
Telecommunications B0806 9,789 70,024 910,479 0
ICT Infrastructure B0807 4,666 19,957 2,486,210 0
Contracts & Performance Management B0808 (34,660) 19,958 291,308 0
ICT Projects B0809 3,023 48,775 476,288 0
Information Management B0810 69,595 27,605 528,414 0
ICT Develeopment B0811 (38,767) 15,317 459,414 0
Application Support B0814 (149,076) (128,991) 1,379,176 0
Business Solutions B0815 8,053 (96,704) 552,088 0
Account Management B0816 1,569 (54,874) 159,214 0
Technical Support B0817 56,181 312,228 1,040,053 0
ICT 83,119 432,677 11,334,063 0
Technology Learning Centre J6001 1,037,684 1,037,685 1,106,304 1,106,304
Property And Asset Management J6002 2,505 95,615 351,740 0
Estates Management (GF) J6003 (1,737,596) (1,596,166) (2,582,196) (2,582,196)
Estates Management (HRA) J6004 39,128 (1) 36,488 36,488
Property Strategy & Projects J6006 1,751 (25,352) 114,147 0
Empty Properties J6007 0 0 39,956 0
Property Business Support J6009 1,903 36,460 284,945 0
R & M - Civic Buildings J6010 87,925 262,335 107,461 0
TLT Property J6012 6,122 1 927,125 0
Voluntary Sector Properties GF J6013 (76,145) (68,682) (33,983) (33,983)
Voluntary Sector Properties HRA J6014 651 1 651 651
Fleet Management J1700 5,018 (17,955) 333,440 0
Energy Management Unit B0455 473 263 (12,411) 0
Building Surveyors B0079 1,616 1,616 14,373 0
Strategic Property Services (628,965) (274,180) 688,040 (1,472,736)
Building Schools for the Future J4000 350,576 350,576 156,440 375,175
Directorate total 16,644,886 16,645,228 43,418,775 11,376,476

Page 68 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
Full Time 2016/17 Pay
Cost Centres Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Budget £

Financial Management J0000 11.00 849,364

Treasury & Pensions J0001 17.00 914,527
Exchequer J0003 7.00 283,188
Central Payments Team J1610 11.80 429,723
Accountancy J0004 14.00 781,697
Systems J0005 8.00 466,806
Financial Planning and Technical J0500 4.00 186,214
Financial and Management Control 72.80 3,911,519
Internal Audit & Investigation J1002 20.75 1,152,581
Tenancy Fraud J1003 6.00 268,088
Audit and Anti fraud 26.75 1,420,669
DFT - CS Accountancy J1502 20.00 1,093,531
DFT - CS Payments & Income J1503 18.80 813,887
DFT - CYP J1504 12.00 680,572
Finance x4 (Directorate Finance Support) 50.80 2,587,990
Procurement J1600 13.00 810,186
Customer Services Cashiers J2001 9.00 349,681
Council Tax Administration J2003 77.00 2,720,782
NNDR Administration J2004 17.00 594,234
Business Support Admin J2005 1.83 939,847
Housing Benefit Administration J2006 84.00 3,546,878
Courier J2008 3.00 85,349
Postal Services J2009 23.17 773,656
Customer Services - R&B 215.00 8,381,783
Front of House B0353 79.40 2,911,079
Customer Services - Customer Services 79.40 2,911,079
Customer Services - Registrars B0350 17.20 561,685
HN AD Housing Needs HGF D0724 100.00 4,673,058
Customer Services - Housing Needs GF 100.00 4,673,058
Facilities Management B0072 17.00 617,982
Cusromer Services - Facilities Management 17.00 617,982
ICT Management B0800 3.00 317,612
Print Unit B0802 7.00 284,183
Master Data B0805 15.00 714,323
ICT Infrastructure B0807 15.00 642,394
Contracts & Performance Management B0808 5.00 232,451
ICT Projects B0809 8.00 476,288
Information Management B0810 13.00 607,680
ICT Develeopment B0811 12.00 608,531
Application Support B0814 27.80 1,295,726
Business Solutions B0815 14.00 823,490
Account Management B0816 3.00 191,057
Technical Support B0817 23.00 1,328,428
ICT 145.80 7,522,163
Property And Asset Management J6002 6.00 349,162
Estates Management (GF) J6003 4.32 242,464
Estates Management (HRA) J6004 4.68 262,670
Property Strategy & Projects J6006 5.00 313,877
Property Business Support J6009 5.00 321,489
R&M Civic Buildings J6010 1.00 85,413
TLT Property J6012 14.00 770,502
Fleet Management J1700 5.00 266,133
Energy Management Unit B0455 1.00 75,629
Building Surveyors B0079 6.00 343,414
Property Services 52.00 3,030,753
Directorate Total 793.75 36,797,794

Page 69 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 39,570,503 40,684,757 36,797,794 36,797,794
Indirect Costs 163,066 335,558 233,066 233,066
Training 265,960 288,653 263,427 263,427
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 39,999,529 41,308,968 37,294,287 37,294,287
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 916,255 1,796,634 916,255 916,255
Energy Costs & Water Services 1,147,695 1,295,412 1,147,695 1,147,695
Rent & Rates 24,296,233 26,484,498 28,119,398 28,119,398
Premises Insurance 137,824 96,795 137,824 137,824
Grounds & Road Maintenance 5,174 1,600 3,224 3,224
Fixtures & Fittings 527,720 690,106 563,493 563,493
Cleaning 251,032 271,135 253,857 253,857
Contribution to Provisions 214,622 32,801 224,622 224,622
Premises Costs 27,496,555 30,668,981 31,366,368 31,366,368
Direct Transport Costs 51,251 32,739 46,529 46,529
Hire & Leasing 222,873 203,171 219,373 219,373
Transport Fees 28,744 22,712 26,169 26,169
Travel Allowances 17,651 23,533 19,216 19,216
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 320,519 282,155 311,287 311,287
Furniture & Equipment 619,489 968,929 623,744 623,744
Catering 84,109 65,085 81,109 81,109
Clothing & Laundry 7,493 7,082 5,760 5,760
Communications & Computing 3,044,908 3,627,263 2,989,630 2,989,630
Fees & Services 2,318,458 5,657,644 2,318,960 2,318,960
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 1,297,449 939,774 1,270,618 1,270,618
Expenses 6,556 6,714 4,676 4,676
Grants & Subscriptions 256,812 250,002 258,383 258,383
Contribution to Provisions 820,954 3,372,288 1,250,954 1,250,954
Supplies and Services 8,456,228 14,894,781 8,803,834 8,803,834
General Third Party Payments 6,526,560 7,386,129 6,962,361 6,962,361
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 292,255,600 309,020,370 292,255,600 292,255,600
Third Party Payments / Transfers 298,782,160 316,406,499 299,217,961 299,217,961
Support Services 5,834,071 5,725,724 0 5,625,291
Capital Charges 2,889,237 2,889,237 2,889,237 2,889,237
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 2,889,237 2,889,237 2,889,237 2,889,237

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 383,778,299 412,176,345 379,882,974 385,508,265


Government Grants (294,603,775) (304,835,891) (294,554,275) (294,554,275)

Other Grants & Contributions (40,061) (10,210,809) (5,747,452) (5,747,452)
Customer & Client Receipts (34,319,702) (41,971,213) (33,200,310) (33,200,310)
External Income (328,963,538) (357,017,913) (333,502,037) (333,502,037)

Recharges (38,169,875) (38,513,204) (2,962,162) (40,629,752)

Internal Income (38,169,875) (38,513,204) (2,962,162) (40,629,752)

TOTAL INCOME (367,133,413) (395,531,117) (336,464,199) (374,131,789)

NET EXPENDITURE 16,644,886 16,645,228 43,418,775 11,376,476

Page 70 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,412,312 4,255,577 3,911,519 3,911,519
Indirect Costs 52,630 69,193 52,630 52,630
Training 75,522 111,862 76,020 76,020
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,540,464 4,436,632 4,040,169 4,040,169
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 515 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 515 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 342 0 342 342
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 1,024 2,279 1,024 1,024
Travel Allowances 103 1,066 103 103
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 1,469 3,345 1,469 1,469
Furniture & Equipment 10,027 6,334 10,027 10,027
Catering 2,402 1,383 2,402 2,402
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 31,036 49,474 31,036 31,036
Fees & Services 676,178 983,714 676,178 676,178
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 18,394 13,212 18,394 18,394
Expenses 471 923 471 471
Grants & Subscriptions 58,135 57,695 58,135 58,135
Contribution to Provisions 0 24,600 0 0
Supplies and Services 796,643 1,137,335 796,643 796,643
General Third Party Payments 1,713,000 1,846,789 1,713,000 1,713,000
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 1,713,000 1,846,789 1,713,000 1,713,000
Support Services 0 7,279 0 20,000
Capital Charges 488,131 488,131 488,131 488,131
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 488,131 488,131 488,131 488,131

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,539,707 7,920,026 7,039,412 7,059,412


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (214,600) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (1,074,021) (1,178,928) (430,043) (430,043)
External Income (1,074,021) (1,393,528) (430,043) (430,043)

Recharges (6,423,011) (6,483,666) 0 (6,609,369)

Internal Income (6,423,011) (6,483,666) 0 (6,609,369)

TOTAL INCOME (7,497,032) (7,877,194) (430,043) (7,039,412)

NET EXPENDITURE 42,675 42,832 6,609,369 20,000

Page 71 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,592,727 1,298,826 1,420,669 1,420,669
Indirect Costs 6,985 5,529 4,942 4,942
Training 23,194 12,403 23,194 23,194
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,622,906 1,316,758 1,448,805 1,448,805
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 10 0 10 10
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 2,396 448 2,396 2,396
Travel Allowances 500 1,237 500 500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,906 1,685 2,906 2,906
Furniture & Equipment 6,625 992 6,625 6,625
Catering 412 200 412 412
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 45,094 2,500 45,094 45,094
Fees & Services 143,301 69,196 158,427 158,427
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 7,293 2,376 7,293 7,293
Expenses 0 88 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 7,727 4,060 7,727 7,727
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 210,452 79,412 225,578 225,578
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 0 317 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,836,264 1,398,172 1,677,289 1,677,289


Government Grants (161,602) (76,717) (112,102) (112,102)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 (49,500) (49,500)
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (20,767) (42,608) (42,608)
External Income (161,602) (97,484) (204,210) (204,210)

Recharges (1,664,382) (1,664,382) (62,260) (1,473,079)

Internal Income (1,664,382) (1,664,382) (62,260) (1,473,079)

TOTAL INCOME (1,825,984) (1,761,866) (266,470) (1,677,289)

NET EXPENDITURE 10,280 (363,694) 1,410,819 0

Page 72 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,760,756 2,609,829 2,587,990 2,587,990
Indirect Costs 0 5,609 0 0
Training 25,339 19,503 25,339 25,339
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,786,095 2,634,941 2,613,329 2,613,329
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 1 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 1 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 1,399 939 1,399 1,399
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 1,399 939 1,399 1,399
Furniture & Equipment 2,567 1,111 2,567 2,567
Catering 0 47 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 4,684 8,474 4,684 4,684
Fees & Services 0 67,623 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 11,792 8,471 11,792 11,792
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 2,850 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 19,043 88,576 19,043 19,043
General Third Party Payments 13,000 11,357 13,000 13,000
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 13,000 11,357 13,000 13,000
Support Services 0 2,137 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,819,537 2,737,951 2,646,771 2,646,771


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (40,061) (17,847) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (20,780) 0 0
External Income (40,061) (38,627) 0 0

Recharges (2,753,069) (2,753,069) (206,836) (2,646,771)

Internal Income (2,753,069) (2,753,069) (206,836) (2,646,771)

TOTAL INCOME (2,793,130) (2,791,696) (206,836) (2,646,771)

NET EXPENDITURE 26,407 (53,745) 2,439,935 0

Page 73 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,009,280 964,114 810,186 810,186
Indirect Costs 7,984 1,732 8,220 8,220
Training 7,769 9,009 7,769 7,769
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,025,033 974,855 826,175 826,175
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 773 50 773 773
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 773 50 773 773
Furniture & Equipment 1,700 82 1,700 1,700
Catering 1,000 435 1,000 1,000
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 6,000 21,050 6,000 6,000
Fees & Services 3,576 14,299 3,576 3,576
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 3,000 3,596 3,000 3,000
Expenses 0 13 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 29,076 23,880 29,076 29,076
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 44,352 63,355 44,352 44,352
General Third Party Payments 4,000 15,786 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 4,000 15,786 0 0
Support Services 0 436 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,074,158 1,054,482 871,300 871,300


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 (143,653) (143,653)
Customer & Client Receipts (426,667) (457,629) (26,667) (26,667)
External Income (426,667) (457,629) (170,320) (170,320)

Recharges (633,134) (633,134) 0 (700,980)

Internal Income (633,134) (633,134) 0 (700,980)

TOTAL INCOME (1,059,801) (1,090,763) (170,320) (871,300)

NET EXPENDITURE 14,357 (36,281) 700,980 0

Page 74 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 18,209,286 19,208,962 16,527,605 16,527,605
Indirect Costs 38,852 116,966 110,659 110,659
Training 37,844 44,236 37,844 37,844
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 18,285,982 19,370,164 16,676,108 16,676,108
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 81,000 125,762 81,000 81,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 110,000 106,616 110,000 110,000
Rent & Rates 16,545,792 20,766,722 20,895,792 20,895,792
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 290,000 456,706 290,000 290,000
Cleaning 3,000 4,574 5,000 5,000
Contribution to Provisions 10,000 33,049 20,000 20,000
Premises Costs 17,039,792 21,493,429 21,401,792 21,401,792
Direct Transport Costs 31,023 22,804 31,023 31,023
Hire & Leasing 54,073 49,911 54,073 54,073
Transport Fees 17,082 14,951 17,082 17,082
Travel Allowances 15,928 18,125 15,928 15,928
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 118,106 105,791 118,106 118,106
Furniture & Equipment 46,198 85,160 46,198 46,198
Catering 1,100 1,222 1,100 1,100
Clothing & Laundry 1,760 4,932 1,760 1,760
Communications & Computing 857,540 1,184,736 856,540 856,540
Fees & Services 341,690 1,145,081 328,631 328,631
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 293,040 186,990 293,040 293,040
Expenses 5,974 4,901 3,974 3,974
Grants & Subscriptions 104,179 106,176 104,179 104,179
Contribution to Provisions 720,000 994,551 1,150,000 1,150,000
Supplies and Services 2,371,481 3,713,749 2,785,422 2,785,422
General Third Party Payments 200,710 201,749 200,710 200,710
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 292,255,600 309,020,370 292,255,600 292,255,600
Third Party Payments / Transfers 292,456,310 309,222,119 292,456,310 292,456,310
Support Services 5,643,748 5,516,498 0 5,386,556
Capital Charges 97,867 97,867 97,867 97,867
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 97,867 97,867 97,867 97,867

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 336,013,286 359,519,617 333,535,605 338,922,161


Government Grants (293,055,173) (303,372,174) (293,055,173) (293,055,173)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (6,920,440) (5,554,299) (5,554,299)
Customer & Client Receipts (23,302,698) (29,563,173) (22,369,883) (22,369,883)
External Income (316,357,871) (339,855,787) (320,979,355) (320,979,355)

Recharges (2,914,587) (2,914,587) (1,043,264) (5,507,705)

Internal Income (2,914,587) (2,914,587) (1,043,264) (5,507,705)

TOTAL INCOME (319,272,458) (342,770,374) (322,022,619) (326,487,060)

NET EXPENDITURE 16,740,828 16,749,243 11,512,986 12,435,101

Page 75 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
CUSTOMER SERVICES - Revenues and Benefits

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 10,968,304 12,502,471 8,381,783 8,381,783
Indirect Costs 31,819 5,999 31,819 31,819
Training 21,390 25,249 21,390 21,390
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 11,021,513 12,533,719 8,434,992 8,434,992
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 1,000 2,045 1,000 1,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 226,792 226,792 226,792 226,792
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 6 0 0
Cleaning 0 599 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 227,792 229,442 227,792 227,792
Direct Transport Costs 13,893 5,478 13,893 13,893
Hire & Leasing 51,073 45,036 51,073 51,073
Transport Fees 16,856 14,001 16,856 16,856
Travel Allowances 1,428 5,047 1,428 1,428
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 83,250 69,562 83,250 83,250
Furniture & Equipment 17,438 51,137 17,438 17,438
Catering 1,100 1,190 1,100 1,100
Clothing & Laundry 1,760 3,508 1,760 1,760
Communications & Computing 803,281 1,120,914 803,281 803,281
Fees & Services 221,462 949,627 221,462 221,462
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 284,217 183,163 284,217 284,217
Expenses 350 15 350 350
Grants & Subscriptions 2,935 5,029 2,935 2,935
Contribution to Provisions 0 224,551 0 0
Supplies and Services 1,332,543 2,539,134 1,332,543 1,332,543
General Third Party Payments 5,710 6,319 5,710 5,710
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 292,255,600 304,031,375 292,255,600 292,255,600
Third Party Payments / Transfers 292,261,310 304,037,694 292,261,310 292,261,310
Support Services 2,927,554 2,801,238 0 2,716,172
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 307,853,962 322,210,789 302,339,887 305,056,059


Government Grants (293,055,173) (303,372,174) (293,055,173) (293,055,173)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (2,983,582) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (2,757,179) (3,813,510) (2,632,431) (2,632,431)
External Income (295,812,352) (310,169,266) (295,687,604) (295,687,604)

Recharges (932,188) (932,188) 0 (1,480,948)

Internal Income (932,188) (932,188) 0 (1,480,948)

TOTAL INCOME (296,744,540) (311,101,454) (295,687,604) (297,168,552)

NET EXPENDITURE 11,109,422 11,109,335 6,652,283 7,887,507

Page 76 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
CUSTOMER SERVICES - Customer Services

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,169,889 2,131,928 2,911,079 2,911,079
Indirect Costs 5,011 77,273 5,011 5,011
Training 14,262 9,453 14,262 14,262
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,189,162 2,218,654 2,930,352 2,930,352
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 238 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 238 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 2,847 3,753 2,847 2,847
Catering 0 (58) 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 43,950 51,718 42,950 42,950
Fees & Services 0 7,861 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 6,100 1,246 6,100 6,100
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 1,244 0 1,244 1,244
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 54,141 64,520 53,141 53,141
General Third Party Payments 0 120 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 120 0 0
Support Services 0 2,999 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,243,303 2,286,531 2,983,493 2,983,493


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (72,273) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 (72,273) 0 0

Recharges (1,982,399) (1,982,399) 0 (2,983,493)

Internal Income (1,982,399) (1,982,399) 0 (2,983,493)

TOTAL INCOME (1,982,399) (2,054,672) 0 (2,983,493)

NET EXPENDITURE 260,904 231,859 2,983,493 0

Page 77 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 632,140 627,535 561,685 561,685
Indirect Costs 2,022 2,022 73,829 73,829
Training 2,192 2,792 2,192 2,192
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 636,354 632,349 637,706 637,706
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 1,083 2,000 2,000
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 1,083 2,000 2,000
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 226 226 226 226
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 226 226 226 226
Furniture & Equipment 0 1,697 0 0
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 3,309 1,665 3,309 3,309
Fees & Services 13,059 59,006 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 2,223 771 2,223 2,223
Expenses 5,624 4,791 3,624 3,624
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 24,215 67,930 9,156 9,156
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 156,177 152,244 0 173,522
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 816,972 853,832 649,088 822,610


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (61,749) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (818,223) (756,474) (818,223) (818,223)
External Income (818,223) (818,223) (818,223) (818,223)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (818,223) (818,223) (818,223) (818,223)

NET EXPENDITURE (1,251) 35,609 (169,135) 4,387

Page 78 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,438,953 3,947,028 4,673,058 4,673,058
Indirect Costs 0 31,672 0 0
Training 0 6,742 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,438,953 3,985,442 4,673,058 4,673,058
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 80,000 123,717 80,000 80,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 110,000 106,616 110,000 110,000
Rent & Rates 16,319,000 20,539,930 20,669,000 20,669,000
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 290,000 456,700 290,000 290,000
Cleaning 3,000 2,892 3,000 3,000
Contribution to Provisions 10,000 33,049 20,000 20,000
Premises Costs 16,812,000 21,262,904 21,172,000 21,172,000
Direct Transport Costs 17,130 17,326 17,130 17,130
Hire & Leasing 3,000 4,875 3,000 3,000
Transport Fees 0 486 0 0
Travel Allowances 14,500 13,078 14,500 14,500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 34,630 35,765 34,630 34,630
Furniture & Equipment 25,913 28,573 25,913 25,913
Catering 0 90 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 1,424 0 0
Communications & Computing 7,000 10,439 7,000 7,000
Fees & Services 107,169 128,587 107,169 107,169
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 500 1,810 500 500
Expenses 0 95 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 100,000 101,147 100,000 100,000
Contribution to Provisions 720,000 770,000 1,150,000 1,150,000
Supplies and Services 960,582 1,042,165 1,390,582 1,390,582
General Third Party Payments 195,000 195,310 195,000 195,000
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 4,988,995 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 195,000 5,184,305 195,000 195,000
Support Services 2,560,017 2,560,017 0 2,496,862
Capital Charges 97,867 97,867 97,867 97,867
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 97,867 97,867 97,867 97,867

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 25,099,049 34,168,465 27,563,137 30,059,999


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (3,802,836) (5,554,299) (5,554,299)
Customer & Client Receipts (19,727,296) (24,993,189) (18,919,229) (18,919,229)
External Income (19,727,296) (28,796,025) (24,473,528) (24,473,528)

Recharges 0 0 (1,043,264) (1,043,264)

Internal Income 0 0 (1,043,264) (1,043,264)

TOTAL INCOME (19,727,296) (28,796,025) (25,516,792) (25,516,792)

NET EXPENDITURE 5,371,753 5,372,440 2,046,345 4,543,207

Page 79 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources
CUSTOMER SERVICES - Facilities Management

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 623,927 575,871 617,982 617,982
Indirect Costs 3,503 0 3,503 3,503
Training 11,494 3,500 11,494 11,494
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 638,924 579,371 632,979 632,979
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 878 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 833,125 846,697 833,125 833,125
Rent & Rates 2,737,328 345,157 2,084,248 2,084,248
Premises Insurance 47,985 294 47,985 47,985
Grounds & Road Maintenance 5,174 1,600 3,224 3,224
Fixtures & Fittings 162,720 156,990 198,243 198,243
Cleaning 247,032 227,919 248,832 248,832
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 4,033,364 1,579,535 3,415,657 3,415,657
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 3,100 0 200 200
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 3,100 0 200 200
Furniture & Equipment 35,871 58,672 41,464 41,464
Catering 77,443 58,648 74,443 74,443
Clothing & Laundry 5,733 2,150 4,000 4,000
Communications & Computing 4,613 3,295 4,023 4,023
Fees & Services 466,303 477,505 466,303 466,303
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 81,563 25,426 56,759 56,759
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 100,954 2,063,137 100,954 100,954
Supplies and Services 772,480 2,688,833 747,946 747,946
General Third Party Payments 3,164,673 3,651,508 3,630,370 3,630,370
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 3,164,673 3,651,508 3,630,370 3,630,370
Support Services 0 1,605 0 0
Capital Charges 840,984 840,984 840,984 840,984
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 840,984 840,984 840,984 840,984

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 9,453,525 9,341,836 9,268,136 9,268,136


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (591,357) (662,477) (701,993) (701,993)
External Income (591,357) (662,477) (701,993) (701,993)

Recharges (8,856,559) (8,881,559) 0 (8,547,207)

Internal Income (8,856,559) (8,881,559) 0 (8,547,207)

TOTAL INCOME (9,447,916) (9,544,036) (701,993) (9,249,200)

NET EXPENDITURE 5,609 (202,200) 8,566,143 18,936

Page 80 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 7,472,481 8,161,701 7,522,163 7,522,163
Indirect Costs 32,608 112,328 32,608 32,608
Training 54,348 66,733 54,387 54,387
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 7,559,437 8,340,762 7,609,158 7,609,158
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 3,206 4,321 3,206 3,206
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 29 0 0
Cleaning 0 612 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 3,206 4,962 3,206 3,206
Direct Transport Costs 2,150 2,794 2,150 2,150
Hire & Leasing 161,800 146,994 161,800 161,800
Transport Fees 1,949 2,867 1,874 1,874
Travel Allowances 60 1,185 60 60
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 165,959 153,840 165,884 165,884
Furniture & Equipment 480,589 787,759 480,252 480,252
Catering 1,252 2,550 1,252 1,252
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 2,059,433 2,318,467 2,005,647 2,005,647
Fees & Services 13,593 75,193 13,593 13,593
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 851,129 695,300 851,129 851,129
Expenses 44 204 44 44
Grants & Subscriptions 39,499 27,700 39,499 39,499
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 3,445,539 3,907,173 3,391,416 3,391,416
General Third Party Payments 1,259,106 1,437,206 1,259,106 1,259,106
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 1,259,106 1,437,206 1,259,106 1,259,106
Support Services 0 7,844 0 0
Capital Charges 651,606 651,606 651,606 651,606
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 651,606 651,606 651,606 651,606

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 13,084,853 14,503,393 13,080,376 13,080,376


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (894,181) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (357,245) (404,029) (196,353) (196,353)
External Income (357,245) (1,298,210) (196,353) (196,353)

Recharges (12,644,489) (12,772,506) (1,549,960) (12,884,023)

Internal Income (12,644,489) (12,772,506) (1,549,960) (12,884,023)

TOTAL INCOME (13,001,734) (14,070,716) (1,746,313) (13,080,376)

NET EXPENDITURE 83,119 432,677 11,334,063 0

Page 81 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,114,807 3,609,877 3,030,753 3,030,753
Indirect Costs 20,504 24,201 20,504 20,504
Training 28,622 21,407 25,552 25,552
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,163,933 3,655,485 3,076,809 3,076,809
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 832,049 1,663,899 832,049 832,049
Energy Costs & Water Services 204,570 337,851 204,570 204,570
Rent & Rates 5,013,113 5,372,104 5,139,358 5,139,358
Premises Insurance 89,839 96,501 89,839 89,839
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 75,000 76,381 75,250 75,250
Cleaning 1,000 37,545 25 25
Contribution to Provisions 204,622 0 204,622 204,622
Premises Costs 6,420,193 7,584,281 6,545,713 6,545,713
Direct Transport Costs 15,655 7,141 10,933 10,933
Hire & Leasing 7,000 6,266 3,500 3,500
Transport Fees 1,021 1,178 1,421 1,421
Travel Allowances 1,060 1,920 2,625 2,625
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 24,736 16,505 18,479 18,479
Furniture & Equipment 35,912 28,581 34,911 34,911
Catering 500 600 500 500
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 36,508 39,267 36,606 36,606
Fees & Services 229,944 1,303,417 228,379 228,379
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 9,402 4,403 7,375 7,375
Expenses 67 585 187 187
Grants & Subscriptions 18,196 27,641 19,767 19,767
Contribution to Provisions 0 290,000 0 0
Supplies and Services 330,529 1,694,494 327,725 327,725
General Third Party Payments 172,071 221,324 146,175 146,175
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 172,071 221,324 146,175 146,175
Support Services 2,187 2,061 0 0
Capital Charges 810,649 810,649 810,649 810,649
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 810,649 810,649 810,649 810,649

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 10,924,298 13,984,799 10,925,550 10,925,550


Government Grants (1,387,000) (1,387,000) (1,387,000) (1,387,000)

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (1,480,343) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (7,885,619) (8,981,335) (8,750,668) (8,750,668)
External Income (9,272,619) (11,848,678) (10,137,668) (10,137,668)

Recharges (2,280,644) (2,410,301) (99,842) (2,260,618)

Internal Income (2,280,644) (2,410,301) (99,842) (2,260,618)

TOTAL INCOME (11,553,263) (14,258,979) (10,237,510) (12,398,286)

NET EXPENDITURE (628,965) (274,180) 688,040 (1,472,736)

Page 82 of 128
Finance and Corporate Resources

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 374,927 0 368,927 368,927
Indirect Costs 0 0 0 0
Training 1,828 0 1,828 1,828
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 376,755 0 370,755 370,755
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 1,774 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 4,248 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 484 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 (248) 0 0
Premises Costs 0 6,258 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 2,071 0 2,071 2,071
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 0 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,071 0 2,071 2,071
Furniture & Equipment 0 238 0 0
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 443,873 1,521,616 443,873 443,873
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 21,836 0 21,836 21,836
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 465,709 1,521,854 465,709 465,709
General Third Party Payments 0 410 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 410 0 0
Support Services 188,136 187,547 0 218,735
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,032,671 1,716,069 838,535 1,057,270


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (683,398) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (682,095) (682,095) (682,095) (682,095)
External Income (682,095) (1,365,493) (682,095) (682,095)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (682,095) (1,365,493) (682,095) (682,095)

NET EXPENDITURE 350,576 350,576 156,440 375,175

Page 83 of 128
Page 84 of 128

The structure of Neighbourhoods and Housing includes the following areas:

Directorate Management
Public Realm
 Streetscene
 Waste Strategy & Recycling
 Waste Operations
 Parking
 Other Environmental Services
 Leisure and Green Spaces
 Regulatory Services
 Markets
 Libraries, Heritage and Culture

The table below shows the budget movement from 2015/16 to 2016/17

Neighbourhoods and Housing £m £m £m

2015/16 Budget (excluding recharges) 0.000

Service Transfers
IN: All services listed above 40.817

Savings (4.616)

2016/17 Budget (excluding recharges) 36.201

2016/17 Net Recharges 11.493

2015/16 Net Budget 47.694

The following paragraphs give a summary of some of the planned service

activity for the year 2016/17.

Public Realm

 Around 261km of Hackney’s streets being cleaned by skilled

operatives, roads are swept at various frequencies ranging from
twice weekly up to daily and in some cases, such as high streets
 Four Graffiti and fly-posting removal teams with an additional
wash down crew dedicated to removing staining from the public
 Maintenance of around 11,214 street lights and 9,000 street trees
on the borough’s roads and footpaths.

Page 85 of 128
 Inspecting and repairing 238km of roads and 410km of footways.
 Door-to-door weekly waste and recycling collections to
approximately 55,000 street-based properties amounting to some
6.4m collections per year. In addition to this there are
approximately 0.5m yearly waste and recycling collections from
estate bin stores, serving approximately 54,000 estate properties.
 Continued development of the waste management and recycling
services, including expansion of recycling (including food waste)
for schools, estates and flats above shops in the borough, and an
increase in the range of materials collected for reuse and
 The management of parking places, Pay & Display equipment,
signs and lines, car park facilities and the CPZ review programme
for over 70% of the borough, 87 Hackney Homes Estates and 6
off street car parks.
 The management of contracted services that deliver parking and
traffic enforcement activities
 Management of market operations in the 6 Council operated
street markets and regulating street trading licenses in
accordance with statutory requirements and Council policies.
 Provision of cycle training for 1800 people including 1400 school
children, 300 individual adults, and we also provide cycle training
for community groups and all ability groups.
 Around 10,000 Environmental Enforcement actions including
targeted street patrols and visits to business and residents to
tackle persistent issues and take appropriate action against those
who cause or benefit from all aspects of environmental anti-social
behaviour such as litter, waste dumping, graffiti, flyposting, and
illegal street trading.
 Maintenance and on-going provision of service at Hackney’s
eight libraries
 Maintenance and on-going service provision of Hackney’s 318
hectares of Green Spaces and 19 Green flag Parks
 Providing a Leisure and Physical Activity service with its partner
Greenwich Leisure Ltd, the organisation which manages Leisure
Centres and facilities in hackney on the council’s behalf
 Planning and Regulatory services which includes, Building
Control, Licensing and Enforcement, Planning and Land Charges


The Housing division deal is responsible for providing families and individuals
with accommodation in Hackney’s social housing properties, housing
regeneration and delivery and maintaining the private sector housing renewal

Hackney’s housing accommodation is around 30,000 Tenanted and Leasehold


Page 86 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Directorate Management D0567 1,104,978 1,011,743 589,808 749,363

Sports Development D0050 488,183 488,183 283,046 360,372
Leisure Centres D0051 2,801,677 2,801,677 1,605,759 1,643,001
Leisure 3,289,860 3,289,860 1,888,805 2,003,373
Satellite Sites North D0110 261,137 379,819 0 0
Clissold Park D0111 467,906 517,434 0 0
Springfield Park D0112 379,118 331,655 0 0
St. Johns Churchyard D0113 130,853 131,854 0 0
Hackney Downs D0114 222,991 170,189 0 0
Satellite Sites South D0120 64,865 59,833 0 0
Hackney Marshes D0121 594,440 577,955 0 0
Haggerston Park D0122 415,117 465,641 0 0
London Fields D0123 448,731 464,118 0 0
Shoreditch Park D0124 163,135 171,026 0 0
Events D0130 (76,650) (7,458) (30,114) (2,960)
Parks Development D0133 1,152,207 961,299 542,351 687,072
Abney Park D0134 0 0 0 0
Parks Operations - Staffing D0135 0 0 2,128,959 2,709,120
Parks Operation - North D0136 0 0 98,100 113,646
Parks Operation - South D0137 0 0 120,157 139,046
Parks Operational - Central D0138 0 0 633,610 702,649
Project Management D0604 114,467 114,466 0 0
Green Spaces 4,338,317 4,337,831 3,493,063 4,348,573
Divisional Support Cultural Service D0057 359,406 354,387 379,776 482,200
Libraries Core Team D0200 1,473,791 1,628,504 1,261,022 1,443,378
Shoreditch Library D0201 553,065 523,577 435,618 511,693
Clapton Library D0202 364,815 373,516 261,762 316,887
CLR James Library D0203 1,317,272 1,280,355 976,627 1,138,120
Homerton Library D0204 478,386 437,323 325,046 370,372
Hackney Central Library D0205 1,109,025 1,134,381 905,318 1,022,366
Stamford Hill Library D0206 574,501 534,559 385,963 452,000
Stoke Newington Library D0207 566,624 522,032 432,996 522,487
Stock Services D0208 719,835 727,311 482,582 613,159
Community Library Service D0209 203,574 201,586 162,943 207,422
Museums D0250 445,731 445,731 399,704 444,453
Cultural Services D0251 217,874 217,874 77,733 133,226
Archives D0252 170,210 170,057 134,799 172,596
Libraries, Heritage and Culture 8,554,109 8,551,193 6,621,889 7,830,359
Highways and Engineering H0250 8,527,182 8,482,311 7,830,996 8,493,259
Highways Bridges H0253 51,151 51,151 51,151 51,151
Highways Street Lighting H0254 1,215,035 1,215,035 1,101,547 1,104,631
Highways Winter Maintenance H0255 100,613 100,613 100,613 100,613
Street Furniture H0258 361,000 361,000 311,419 311,419
Highways H0259 1,429,408 1,533,779 1,409,239 1,433,207
Traffic H0260 437,197 452,788 431,161 438,037
Traffic & Transportation H0300 1,112,443 1,066,636 206,407 867,138
Crossing Patrols H0301 304,624 275,341 243,258 308,201
Streetscene 13,538,653 13,538,654 11,685,791 13,107,656
Hygiene Services H0100 (27,390) (49,240) (195,729) (71,481)
Milfields Overhead Account H0351 3,020,005 3,116,922 2,403,701 2,905,058
Waste Transfer Station H0355 389,244 352,923 296,829 399,491
Commercial Waste H0356 (1,493,204) (1,781,112) (1,775,839) (1,489,129)
Vehicle Maintenance H0357 2,749,450 2,799,383 2,259,328 2,299,093
Street Cleansing Area 1 H0358 7,315,240 7,784,170 5,720,255 7,291,801
Refuse Collection Area 1 H0359 1,890,707 1,734,597 1,228,833 1,896,900
AD Public Realm H0367 225,908 226,179 545,891 690,799
Co-Mingled Recycling H0370 2,272,968 2,207,360 1,834,539 2,316,109
Toilets H0401 207,931 159,680 191,783 199,141
Environmental Operations 16,550,859 16,550,862 12,509,591 16,437,782
Environmental Enforcement H0050 866,247 822,998 607,687 782,225
CCTV and Emergency planning H0002 1,625,901 1,623,391 1,479,305 1,617,825
Warden Services H0007 622,429 626,951 473,918 638,444
Waste Management Technical Unt H0350 825,175 825,176 709,640 847,393
Recycling Overhead H0366 943,929 986,870 755,845 909,750

Page 87 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
2016/17 2016/17
Cost 2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Cost Centres Centre Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)

Environment and Waste Strategy 4,883,681 4,885,386 4,026,395 4,795,637

Business Improvement Dev. Team H0200 (13,703,705) (13,990,904) (16,015,832) (15,635,634)
Parking Off Street (car parks) H0201 (192,388) 59,936 48,605 48,893
Parking Contract Services H0202 4,501,403 4,473,036 4,421,424 4,496,856
Parking Operations H0203 1,958,535 2,019,472 1,705,380 1,955,173
Parking Business Processes H0204 2,183,422 2,185,727 1,692,024 2,058,468
Parking (5,252,733) (5,252,733) (8,148,399) (7,076,244)
Street Markets H0151 78,546 78,546 22,573 87,722
Shop Front Trading H0152 37,515 37,515 (13,239) 44,335
Markets 116,061 116,061 9,334 132,057
Planning Business Support H0601 612,387 610,402 477,926 601,629
Land Charges H0602 (110,210) (203,309) (328,860) (190,175)
Divisional Support Team H0603 316,957 298,575 337,199 405,459
Projects and Divisional Support H0632 265,053 241,378 155,684 198,530
Strategic Policy H0633 740,566 740,567 580,731 680,099
Development Management & Enforcement H0634 (392,242) (489,348) (722,667) (438,045)
Growth Team H0635 295,914 383,024 201,753 201,753
Licensing H0650 168,714 160,296 16,478 178,858
Building Control H0651 113,682 113,681 (28,048) 121,276
Trading Standard H0150 533,364 532,851 371,623 478,112
Hackney Mortuary H0400 372,340 441,636 350,561 371,345
Bereavement and Property Protection H0402 7,532 7,642 5,500 5,500
Environmental Health H0403 791,274 833,269 639,453 813,266
Technical Business Support H0801 297,928 289,239 200,588 256,170
Planning and Regulatory Services 4,013,259 3,959,903 2,257,921 3,683,777
Public Realm 50,032,066 49,977,017 34,344,390 45,262,970
Housing Policy and Strategy H0640 194,264 171,621 192,263 242,412
Travellers Delegated H2768 (4,429) (4,430) (4,641) 19,261
Leasehold & Income Delivery H2953 (72,338) 0 (72,131) 43,016
Private Sector Housing H0713 1,051,912 1,011,020 1,025,134 1,250,793
Housing Services 975,145 1,006,590 948,362 1,313,070
Housing Resources H0967 125,856 110,009 125,856 125,856
Housing 1,295,265 1,288,220 1,266,481 1,681,338
Directorate Total 52,432,309 52,276,980 36,200,679 47,693,671

Page 88 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
Full Time 2016/17
Cost Centres Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Pay Budget

Directorate Management D0567 386,921

Sports Development D0050 198,684
Leisure Centres D0051 44,999
Leisure 0.00 243,683
Events D0130 100,830
Parks Development D0133 291,493
Abney Park D0134 79,456
Parks Operations - Staffing D0135 2,128,959
Green Spaces 0.00 2,600,738
Divisional Support Cultural Service D0057 4.40 192,023
Libraries Core Team D0200 10.50 425,762
Shoreditch Library D0201 8.00 255,744
Clapton Library D0202 6.00 189,571
CLR James Library D0203 17.25 521,339
Homerton Library D0204 5.00 147,058
Hackney Central Library D0205 14.00 417,169
Stamford Hill Library D0206 7.25 216,515
Stoke Newington Library D0207 9.75 309,504
Stock Services D0208 2.50 85,382
Community Library Service D0209 4.50 153,273
Museums D0250 3.50 131,496
Cultural Services D0251 1.50 72,987
Archives D0252 3.50 131,020
Libraries, Heritage and Culture 97.65 3,248,843
Highways and Engineering H0250 28.00 1,219,226
Traffic & Transportation H0300 54.00 2,459,568
Crossing Patrols H0301 10.85 234,162
Streetscene 92.85 3,912,956
Hygiene Services H0100 10.00 359,777
Milfields Overhead Account H0351 33.00 1,660,730
Waste Transfer Station H0355 8.00 378,429
Commercial Waste H0356 19.00 880,720
Vehicle Maintenance H0357 3.00 124,697
Street Cleansing Area 1 H0358 167.94 5,952,004
Refuse Collection Area 1 H0359 66.00 2,499,034
AD Public Realm H0367 2.00 199,039
Co-Mingled Recycling H0370 43.00 1,283,474
Toilets H0401 0.00 27,594
Environmental Operations 351.94 13,365,498
Environmental Enforcement H0050 14.00 601,931
CCTV and Emergency planning H0002 9.00 415,843
Warden Services H0007 12.00 609,008
Waste Management Technical Unt H0350 11.00 528,740
Recycling Overhead H0366 10.00 452,435
Environment and Waste Strategy 56.00 2,607,957

Page 89 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
Full Time 2016/17
Cost Centres Cost Centre Equivalent (FTE) Pay Budget

Directorate Management D0567 386,921

Business Improvement Dev. Team H0200 20.00 991,215
Parking Contract Services H0202 5.00 237,543
Parking Operations H0203 20.50 830,947
Parking Business Processes H0204 28.00 1,034,734
Parking 73.50 3,094,439
Street Markets H0151 4.50 193,528
Shop Front Trading H0152 5.12 216,973
Markets 9.62 410,501
Planning Business Support H0601 11.75 477,926
Land Charges H0602 3.00 111,621
Divisional Support Team H0603 1.00 66,877
Projects and Divisional Support H0632 2.00 122,246
Strategic Policy H0633 7.00 267,235
Development Management & Enforcement H0634 20.00 991,295
Growth Team H0635 18.00 799,761
Licensing H0650 12.00 576,850
Building Control H0651 11.25 504,434
Trading Standard H0150 7.00 364,273
Hackney Mortuary H0400 2.00 69,467
Environmental Health H0403 11.00 601,888
Technical Business Support H0801 7.00 198,075
Planning and Regulatory Services 113.00 5,151,948
Public Realm 794.56 34,636,563
Housing Policy and Strategy H0640 3.35 189,946
Travellers Delegated H2768 0.00 95,908
Leasehold & Income Delivery H2953 7.00 399,353
Private Sector Housing H0713 21.70 1,050,403
Housing Services 32.05 1,735,610
Housing Resources H0967 0.00 0
Housing 32.05 1,735,610

Directorate Total 826.61 36,759,094

Page 90 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 38,554,102 40,479,405 36,759,094 36,759,094
Indirect Costs 111,724 192,786 351,385 351,385
Training 186,469 175,678 197,700 197,700
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 38,852,295 40,847,869 37,308,179 37,308,179
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 315,856 559,721 379,620 379,620
Energy Costs & Water Services 924,900 1,046,362 950,563 950,563
Rent & Rates 561,377 595,526 586,377 586,377
Premises Insurance 0 913 1,500 1,500
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 78,000 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 73,562 138,702 65,870 65,870
Cleaning 183,242 212,081 183,029 183,029
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 2,058,937 2,631,305 2,166,959 2,166,959
Direct Transport Costs 1,927,900 2,295,936 1,919,620 1,919,620
Hire & Leasing 882,967 814,348 871,393 871,393
Transport Fees 30,619 44,539 29,813 29,813
Travel Allowances 121,903 109,806 129,825 129,825
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,963,389 3,264,629 2,950,651 2,950,651
Furniture & Equipment 1,416,635 2,047,097 1,337,208 1,337,208
Catering 23,225 29,391 23,425 23,425
Clothing & Laundry 103,231 102,984 100,279 100,279
Communications & Computing 1,068,600 1,110,514 1,153,567 1,153,567
Fees & Services 2,472,282 2,971,080 2,487,719 2,487,719
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 323,435 315,929 298,022 298,022
Expenses 1,500 8,819 1,500 1,500
Grants & Subscriptions 46,713 68,279 43,657 43,657
Contribution to Provisions 191,461 2,916,778 557,129 557,129
Supplies and Services 5,647,082 9,570,871 6,002,506 6,002,506
General Third Party Payments 15,006,225 18,042,440 13,173,476 13,173,476
Voluntary Organisations 5,295 3,431 5,295 5,295
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 15,011,520 18,045,871 13,178,771 13,178,771
Support Services 11,006,899 11,246,286 0 11,492,992
Capital Charges 10,819,325 10,819,325 10,819,325 10,819,325
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 10,819,325 10,819,325 10,819,325 10,819,325

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 86,359,447 96,426,156 72,426,391 83,919,383


Government Grants 0 (739,105) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (1,471,736) (4,625,851) (852,184) (852,184)
Customer & Client Receipts (30,161,341) (36,463,159) (33,061,320) (33,061,320)
External Income (31,633,077) (41,828,115) (33,913,504) (33,913,504)

Recharges (2,294,061) (2,321,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

Internal Income (2,294,061) (2,321,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

TOTAL INCOME (33,927,138) (44,149,176) (36,225,712) (36,225,712)

NET EXPENDITURE 52,432,309 52,276,980 36,200,679 47,693,671

Page 91 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 498,245 419,276 386,921 386,921
Indirect Costs 466 466 (192,950) (192,950)
Training 14,578 10,478 14,578 14,578
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 513,289 430,220 208,549 208,549
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 5,238 5,239 5,238 5,238
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 5,238 5,239 5,238 5,238
Furniture & Equipment 875 1,347 875 875
Catering 1,479 1,479 1,479 1,479
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 1,885 808 1,885 1,885
Fees & Services 284,511 366,711 284,511 284,511
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 5,000 6,355 5,000 5,000
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 1,784 1,903 1,785 1,785
Contribution to Provisions 93,236 0 80,486 80,486
Supplies and Services 388,770 378,603 376,021 376,021
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 197,681 197,681 0 159,555
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,104,978 1,011,743 589,808 749,363


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 0 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0


NET EXPENDITURE 1,104,978 1,011,743 589,808 749,363

Page 92 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 36,801,158 38,874,427 34,636,563 34,636,563
Indirect Costs 111,258 192,320 541,335 541,335
Training 165,331 157,745 176,562 176,562
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 37,077,747 39,224,492 35,354,460 35,354,460
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 258,242 501,432 311,224 311,224
Energy Costs & Water Services 923,319 1,044,781 948,982 948,982
Rent & Rates 561,377 595,526 586,377 586,377
Premises Insurance 0 913 1,500 1,500
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 78,000 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 73,562 138,702 65,870 65,870
Cleaning 183,242 206,700 183,029 183,029
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 1,999,742 2,566,054 2,096,982 2,096,982
Direct Transport Costs 1,896,650 2,265,448 1,888,370 1,888,370
Hire & Leasing 882,967 814,348 871,393 871,393
Transport Fees 25,381 38,296 24,575 24,575
Travel Allowances 98,089 89,227 106,011 106,011
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,903,087 3,207,319 2,890,349 2,890,349
Furniture & Equipment 1,414,615 2,043,509 1,333,870 1,333,870
Catering 21,746 27,606 21,746 21,746
Clothing & Laundry 102,607 102,357 99,655 99,655
Communications & Computing 1,060,885 1,102,711 1,143,552 1,143,552
Fees & Services 2,187,657 2,592,802 2,190,408 2,190,408
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 308,832 303,058 282,019 282,019
Expenses 1,500 7,921 1,500 1,500
Grants & Subscriptions 43,954 63,876 40,897 40,897
Contribution to Provisions 98,225 2,916,778 476,643 476,643
Supplies and Services 5,240,021 9,160,618 5,590,290 5,590,290
General Third Party Payments 14,206,742 17,336,821 12,990,098 12,990,098
Voluntary Organisations 5,295 3,431 5,295 5,295
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 14,212,037 17,340,252 12,995,393 12,995,393
Support Services 10,802,091 11,040,011 0 10,918,580
Capital Charges 10,593,469 10,593,469 10,593,469 10,593,469
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 10,593,469 10,593,469 10,593,469 10,593,469

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 82,828,194 93,132,215 69,520,943 80,439,523


Government Grants 0 (739,105) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (625,352) (4,502,703) (729,036) (729,036)
Customer & Client Receipts (29,876,715) (35,592,329) (32,135,309) (32,135,309)
External Income (30,502,067) (40,834,137) (32,864,345) (32,864,345)

Recharges (2,294,061) (2,321,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

Internal Income (2,294,061) (2,321,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

TOTAL INCOME (32,796,128) (43,155,198) (35,176,553) (35,176,553)

NET EXPENDITURE 50,032,066 49,977,017 34,344,390 45,262,970

Page 93 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 318,315 353,676 243,683 243,683
Indirect Costs 0 (235) 0 0
Training 0 229 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 318,315 353,670 243,683 243,683
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 7,555 76,972 7,555 7,555
Energy Costs & Water Services 7,508 70,863 7,508 7,508
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 6 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 15,063 147,841 15,063 15,063
Direct Transport Costs 1,344 266 1,344 1,344
Hire & Leasing 0 67 0 0
Transport Fees 0 12,142 0 0
Travel Allowances 530 546 530 530
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 1,874 13,021 1,874 1,874
Furniture & Equipment 2,065 22,513 2,065 2,065
Catering 121 840 121 121
Clothing & Laundry 3,016 3,016 3,016 3,016
Communications & Computing 4,570 3,672 4,570 4,570
Fees & Services 158,270 238,784 158,270 158,270
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 2,028 8,540 10,063 10,063
Expenses 0 150 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 1,056 960 1,056 1,056
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 171,126 278,475 179,161 179,161
General Third Party Payments 1,298,441 2,751,766 83,441 83,441
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 1,298,441 2,751,766 83,441 83,441
Support Services 119,458 120,947 0 114,568
Capital Charges 1,365,583 1,365,583 1,365,583 1,365,583
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 1,365,583 1,365,583 1,365,583 1,365,583

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,289,860 5,031,303 1,888,805 2,003,373


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (169,277) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 (1,572,166) 0 0
External Income 0 (1,741,443) 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME 0 (1,741,443) 0 0

NET EXPENDITURE 3,289,860 3,289,860 1,888,805 2,003,373

Page 94 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Green Spaces

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,788,271 2,963,635 2,600,738 2,600,738
Indirect Costs 388 74,855 196,132 196,132
Training 15,691 17,320 15,252 15,252
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,804,350 3,055,810 2,812,122 2,812,122
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 124,751 167,446 154,751 154,751
Energy Costs & Water Services 171,100 186,804 171,100 171,100
Rent & Rates 16,100 61,513 16,100 16,100
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 78,000 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 643 0 0
Cleaning 33,910 55,477 33,910 33,910
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 345,861 549,883 375,861 375,861
Direct Transport Costs 112,435 132,251 102,435 102,435
Hire & Leasing 86,000 87,665 86,000 86,000
Transport Fees 153 564 0 0
Travel Allowances 6,209 6,908 6,209 6,209
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 204,797 227,388 194,644 194,644
Furniture & Equipment 121,531 176,021 121,531 121,531
Catering 0 2,364 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 14,160 14,259 14,160 14,160
Communications & Computing 39,217 49,930 38,664 38,664
Fees & Services 22,220 87,454 52,220 52,220
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 10,160 11,803 8,441 8,441
Expenses 0 799 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 207,288 342,630 235,016 235,016
General Third Party Payments 0 190,783 12,672 12,672
Voluntary Organisations 0 125 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 190,908 12,672 12,672
Support Services 828,817 833,428 0 855,510
Capital Charges 453,104 453,104 453,104 453,104
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 453,104 453,104 453,104 453,104

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4,844,217 5,653,151 4,083,419 4,938,929


Government Grants 0 (46,111) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (661,986) (139,456) (139,456)
Customer & Client Receipts (505,900) (607,223) (450,900) (450,900)
External Income (505,900) (1,315,320) (590,356) (590,356)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (505,900) (1,315,320) (590,356) (590,356)

NET EXPENDITURE 4,338,317 4,337,831 3,493,063 4,348,573

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Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Libraries, Heritage and Culture

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,848,997 3,720,494 3,248,843 3,248,843
Indirect Costs 0 12,413 184,916 184,916
Training 21,798 22,233 21,798 21,798
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,870,795 3,755,140 3,455,557 3,455,557
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 136,000 154,130 136,000 136,000
Rent & Rates 474,014 409,761 474,014 474,014
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 4,500 21,169 4,500 4,500
Cleaning 110,500 115,264 110,500 110,500
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 826,014 801,324 826,014 826,014
Direct Transport Costs 3,300 3,340 3,300 3,300
Hire & Leasing 4,000 3,678 4,000 4,000
Transport Fees 2,833 2,876 2,833 2,833
Travel Allowances 2,820 2,010 2,820 2,820
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 12,953 11,904 12,953 12,953
Furniture & Equipment 520,200 533,572 435,200 435,200
Catering 6,300 11,133 6,300 6,300
Clothing & Laundry 500 642 500 500
Communications & Computing 189,314 205,834 189,314 189,314
Fees & Services 334,696 371,898 334,696 334,696
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 28,950 24,659 28,950 28,950
Expenses 0 1,930 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 5,025 19,899 5,025 5,025
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 1,084,985 1,169,567 999,985 999,985
General Third Party Payments 856,846 886,027 823,846 823,846
Voluntary Organisations 1,250 1,306 1,250 1,250
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 858,096 887,333 825,096 825,096
Support Services 1,373,982 1,379,898 0 1,208,470
Capital Charges 934,680 934,680 934,680 934,680
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 934,680 934,680 934,680 934,680

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 8,961,505 8,939,846 7,054,285 8,262,755


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (200,755) (227,217) (200,755) (200,755)
Customer & Client Receipts (206,641) (161,436) (231,641) (231,641)
External Income (407,396) (388,653) (432,396) (432,396)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (407,396) (388,653) (432,396) (432,396)

NET EXPENDITURE 8,554,109 8,551,193 6,621,889 7,830,359

Page 96 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Streetscene

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,072,411 4,515,862 3,912,956 3,912,956
Indirect Costs 33,237 13,170 9,916 9,916
Training 21,195 21,195 21,195 21,195
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 4,126,843 4,550,227 3,944,067 3,944,067
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 482,954 482,954 482,954 482,954
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 482,954 482,954 482,954 482,954
Direct Transport Costs 23,411 17,871 23,411 23,411
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 5,000 8,636 5,000 5,000
Travel Allowances 8,647 10,146 8,647 8,647
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 37,058 36,653 37,058 37,058
Furniture & Equipment 22,840 25,589 22,840 22,840
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 5,261 5,261 5,261 5,261
Communications & Computing 50,920 71,522 50,920 50,920
Fees & Services 1,242,160 1,242,602 1,242,160 1,242,160
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 17,448 17,815 17,448 17,448
Expenses 0 1,010 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 4,523 4,773 4,523 4,523
Contribution to Provisions 0 947,303 0 0
Supplies and Services 1,343,152 2,315,875 1,343,152 1,343,152
General Third Party Payments 2,898,863 3,400,631 2,849,282 2,849,282
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 2,898,863 3,400,631 2,849,282 2,849,282
Support Services 1,392,358 1,494,318 0 1,421,865
Capital Charges 6,746,946 6,746,946 6,746,946 6,746,946
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 6,746,946 6,746,946 6,746,946 6,746,946

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 17,028,174 19,027,604 15,403,459 16,825,324


Government Grants 0 (352,994) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions 0 (1,354,170) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (1,195,460) (1,487,725) (1,405,460) (1,405,460)
External Income (1,195,460) (3,194,889) (1,405,460) (1,405,460)

Recharges (2,294,061) (2,294,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

Internal Income (2,294,061) (2,294,061) (2,312,208) (2,312,208)

TOTAL INCOME (3,489,521) (5,488,950) (3,717,668) (3,717,668)

NET EXPENDITURE 13,538,653 13,538,654 11,685,791 13,107,656

Page 97 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Environmental Operations

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 13,775,662 14,920,675 13,365,498 13,365,498
Indirect Costs 2,000 7,900 (40,707) (40,707)
Training 15,478 18,780 15,696 15,696
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 13,793,140 14,947,355 13,340,487 13,340,487
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 10,994 84,664 10,994 10,994
Energy Costs & Water Services 81,924 94,729 81,924 81,924
Rent & Rates 16,683 9,356 16,683 16,683
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 6,311 0 0
Cleaning 10,000 6,805 8,287 8,287
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 119,601 201,865 117,888 117,888
Direct Transport Costs 1,616,084 1,950,976 1,607,958 1,607,958
Hire & Leasing 754,249 669,713 754,249 754,249
Transport Fees 5,765 1,659 5,765 5,765
Travel Allowances 31,540 31,540 31,540 31,540
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 2,407,638 2,653,888 2,399,512 2,399,512
Furniture & Equipment 489,345 745,690 489,364 489,364
Catering 7,725 5,058 7,725 7,725
Clothing & Laundry 66,555 61,619 66,555 66,555
Communications & Computing 48,056 27,167 48,056 48,056
Fees & Services 344,846 333,481 327,100 327,100
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 11,058 4,804 11,058 11,058
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 6,533 2,346 6,533 6,533
Contribution to Provisions 98,225 70,000 476,643 476,643
Supplies and Services 1,072,343 1,250,165 1,433,034 1,433,034
General Third Party Payments 1,974,144 2,033,091 1,974,144 1,974,144
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 1,974,144 2,033,091 1,974,144 1,974,144
Support Services 3,939,467 3,878,050 0 3,928,191
Capital Charges 193,500 193,500 193,500 193,500
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 193,500 193,500 193,500 193,500

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 23,499,833 25,157,914 19,458,565 23,386,756


Government Grants 0 (330,000) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (150,000) (972,768) (100,000) (100,000)
Customer & Client Receipts (6,798,974) (7,292,284) (6,848,974) (6,848,974)
External Income (6,948,974) (8,595,052) (6,948,974) (6,948,974)

Recharges 0 (12,000) 0 0
Internal Income 0 (12,000) 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (6,948,974) (8,607,052) (6,948,974) (6,948,974)

NET EXPENDITURE 16,550,859 16,550,862 12,509,591 16,437,782

Page 98 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Environment and Waste Strategy

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 2,598,338 2,434,396 2,607,957 2,607,957
Indirect Costs 15,033 10,714 12,033 12,033
Training 30,169 22,826 30,169 30,169
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 2,643,540 2,467,936 2,650,159 2,650,159
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 3,606 22,549 3,606 3,606
Energy Costs & Water Services 8,659 13,001 8,659 8,659
Rent & Rates 22,406 22,394 22,406 22,406
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 55,319 80,725 55,319 55,319
Cleaning 2,786 866 2,786 2,786
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 92,776 139,535 92,776 92,776
Direct Transport Costs 31,733 41,735 36,983 36,983
Hire & Leasing 12,109 8,258 2,000 2,000
Transport Fees 6,392 6,190 5,859 5,859
Travel Allowances 20,433 13,324 28,355 28,355
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 70,667 69,507 73,197 73,197
Furniture & Equipment 233,135 492,261 235,135 235,135
Catering 3,000 3,454 3,000 3,000
Clothing & Laundry 7,091 10,504 5,639 5,639
Communications & Computing 88,101 73,258 85,221 85,221
Fees & Services 12,544 12,240 2,541 2,541
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 14,615 3,189 8,416 8,416
Expenses 1,000 1,192 1,000 1,000
Grants & Subscriptions 2,975 11,230 1,460 1,460
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 362,461 607,328 342,412 342,412
General Third Party Payments 823,333 1,014,887 816,271 816,271
Voluntary Organisations 4,045 2,000 4,045 4,045
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 827,378 1,016,887 820,316 820,316
Support Services 739,712 808,662 0 769,242
Capital Charges 852,352 852,352 852,352 852,352
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 852,352 852,352 852,352 852,352

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5,588,886 5,962,207 4,831,212 5,600,454


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (174,132) (118,755) (174,132) (174,132)
Customer & Client Receipts (531,073) (943,066) (630,685) (630,685)
External Income (705,205) (1,061,821) (804,817) (804,817)

Recharges 0 (15,000) 0 0
Internal Income 0 (15,000) 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (705,205) (1,076,821) (804,817) (804,817)

NET EXPENDITURE 4,883,681 4,885,386 4,026,395 4,795,637

Page 99 of 128
Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 3,301,278 3,351,331 3,094,439 3,094,439
Indirect Costs 42,074 42,074 38,622 38,622
Training 28,748 28,748 40,000 40,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 3,372,100 3,422,153 3,173,061 3,173,061
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 3,757 42,857 25,000 25,000
Energy Costs & Water Services 11,325 11,325 0 0
Rent & Rates 24,059 24,096 24,059 24,059
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 13,743 15,730 6,051 6,051
Cleaning 26,046 26,075 27,546 27,546
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 78,930 120,083 82,656 82,656
Direct Transport Costs 74,737 80,012 79,333 79,333
Hire & Leasing 23,049 41,130 21,584 21,584
Transport Fees 738 1,099 618 618
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 98,524 122,241 101,535 101,535
Furniture & Equipment 7,764 14,685 10,000 10,000
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 1,500 1,500 0 0
Communications & Computing 524,484 530,808 566,011 566,011
Fees & Services 3,247 5,302 3,747 3,747
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 204,594 205,669 177,664 177,664
Expenses 0 9 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 2,542 2,542 1,000 1,000
Contribution to Provisions 0 1,899,475 0 0
Supplies and Services 744,131 2,659,990 758,422 758,422
General Third Party Payments 5,181,058 5,214,985 5,148,077 5,148,077
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 5,181,058 5,214,985 5,148,077 5,148,077
Support Services 998,456 1,034,456 0 1,072,155
Capital Charges 43,884 43,884 43,884 43,884
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 43,884 43,884 43,884 43,884

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 10,517,083 12,617,792 9,307,635 10,379,790


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (15,769,816) (17,870,525) (17,456,034) (17,456,034)
External Income (15,769,816) (17,870,525) (17,456,034) (17,456,034)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (15,769,816) (17,870,525) (17,456,034) (17,456,034)

NET EXPENDITURE (5,252,733) (5,252,733) (8,148,399) (7,076,244)

Page 100 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 403,438 458,888 410,501 410,501
Indirect Costs 0 16,990 0 0
Training 0 729 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 403,438 476,607 410,501 410,501
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 2,054 1,419 3,793 3,793
Energy Costs & Water Services 17,559 24,685 54,547 54,547
Rent & Rates 5,400 58,996 30,400 30,400
Premises Insurance 0 913 1,500 1,500
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 13,775 0 0
Cleaning 0 250 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 25,013 100,038 90,240 90,240
Direct Transport Costs 5,946 5,484 5,946 5,946
Hire & Leasing 3,560 3,837 3,560 3,560
Transport Fees 0 0 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 1,778 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 9,506 11,099 9,506 9,506
Furniture & Equipment 1,412 1,618 1,412 1,412
Catering 0 (22) 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 1,249 2,281 1,249 1,249
Communications & Computing 2,662 2,488 47,235 47,235
Fees & Services 0 4,250 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 2,381 494 2,381 2,381
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 7,704 11,109 52,277 52,277
General Third Party Payments 541,410 689,423 574,410 574,410
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 541,410 689,423 574,410 574,410
Support Services 103,826 106,678 0 122,723
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,090,897 1,394,954 1,136,934 1,259,657


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 (177,808) 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (974,836) (1,101,085) (1,127,600) (1,127,600)
External Income (974,836) (1,278,893) (1,127,600) (1,127,600)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (974,836) (1,278,893) (1,127,600) (1,127,600)

NET EXPENDITURE 116,061 116,061 9,334 132,057

Page 101 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing
PUBLIC REALM - Planning and Regulatory Services

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 5,694,448 6,155,470 5,151,948 5,151,948
Indirect Costs 18,526 14,439 140,423 140,423
Training 32,252 25,685 32,452 32,452
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 5,745,226 6,195,594 5,324,823 5,324,823
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 4,525 4,525 4,525 4,525
Energy Costs & Water Services 6,290 6,290 6,290 6,290
Rent & Rates 2,715 9,410 2,715 2,715
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 343 0 0
Cleaning 0 1,963 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 13,530 22,531 13,530 13,530
Direct Transport Costs 27,660 33,513 27,660 27,660
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 4,500 5,130 4,500 4,500
Travel Allowances 27,910 22,975 27,910 27,910
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 60,070 61,618 60,070 60,070
Furniture & Equipment 16,323 31,560 16,323 16,323
Catering 4,600 4,779 4,600 4,600
Clothing & Laundry 3,275 3,275 3,275 3,275
Communications & Computing 113,561 138,032 113,561 113,561
Fees & Services 69,674 296,791 69,674 69,674
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 17,598 26,085 17,598 17,598
Expenses 500 2,831 500 500
Grants & Subscriptions 21,300 22,126 21,300 21,300
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 246,831 525,479 246,831 246,831
General Third Party Payments 632,647 1,155,228 707,955 707,955
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 632,647 1,155,228 707,955 707,955
Support Services 1,306,015 1,383,574 0 1,425,856
Capital Charges 3,420 3,420 3,420 3,420
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 3,420 3,420 3,420 3,420

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 8,007,739 9,347,444 6,356,629 7,782,485


Government Grants 0 (10,000) 0 0

Other Grants & Contributions (100,465) (820,722) (114,693) (114,693)
Customer & Client Receipts (3,894,015) (4,556,819) (3,984,015) (3,984,015)
External Income (3,994,480) (5,387,541) (4,098,708) (4,098,708)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (3,994,480) (5,387,541) (4,098,708) (4,098,708)

NET EXPENDITURE 4,013,259 3,959,903 2,257,921 3,683,777

Page 102 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,254,699 1,185,702 1,735,610 1,735,610
Indirect Costs 0 0 3,000 3,000
Training 6,560 7,455 6,560 6,560
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,261,259 1,193,157 1,745,170 1,745,170
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 57,614 58,289 68,396 68,396
``` Energy Costs & Water Services 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 5,381 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 59,195 65,251 69,977 69,977
Direct Transport Costs 31,250 30,488 31,250 31,250
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 1,004 0 0
Travel Allowances 23,814 20,579 23,814 23,814
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 55,064 52,071 55,064 55,064
Furniture & Equipment 1,145 2,241 2,463 2,463
Catering 0 306 200 200
Clothing & Laundry 624 627 624 624
Communications & Computing 5,830 6,995 8,130 8,130
Fees & Services 114 11,567 12,800 12,800
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 9,603 6,516 11,003 11,003
Expenses 0 898 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 975 2,500 975 975
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 18,291 31,650 36,195 36,195
General Third Party Payments 799,483 705,619 183,378 183,378
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 799,483 705,619 183,378 183,378
Support Services 7,127 8,594 0 414,857
Capital Charges 225,856 225,856 225,856 225,856
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 225,856 225,856 225,856 225,856

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,426,275 2,282,198 2,315,640 2,730,497


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (846,384) (123,148) (123,148) (123,148)
Customer & Client Receipts (284,626) (870,830) (926,011) (926,011)
External Income (1,131,010) (993,978) (1,049,159) (1,049,159)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (1,131,010) (993,978) (1,049,159) (1,049,159)

NET EXPENDITURE 1,295,265 1,288,220 1,266,481 1,681,338

Page 103 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing
HOUSING - Housing Policy and Strategy

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 191,947 168,337 189,946 189,946
Indirect Costs 0 0 0 0
Training 2,317 3,212 2,317 2,317
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 194,264 171,549 192,263 192,263
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
``` Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 0 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Catering 0 72 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 0 0 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 0 72 0 0
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 0 0 0 50,149
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 194,264 171,621 192,263 242,412


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 0 0 0

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0


NET EXPENDITURE 194,264 171,621 192,263 242,412

Page 104 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing
HOUSING - Housing Services

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 1,062,752 1,017,365 1,545,664 1,545,664
Indirect Costs 0 0 3,000 3,000
Training 4,243 4,243 4,243 4,243
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 1,066,995 1,021,608 1,552,907 1,552,907
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 57,614 58,289 68,396 68,396
``` Energy Costs & Water Services 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 5,381 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 59,195 65,251 69,977 69,977
Direct Transport Costs 31,250 30,488 31,250 31,250
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 1,004 0 0
Travel Allowances 23,814 20,579 23,814 23,814
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 55,064 52,071 55,064 55,064
Furniture & Equipment 1,145 2,241 2,463 2,463
Catering 0 234 200 200
Clothing & Laundry 624 627 624 624
Communications & Computing 5,830 6,995 8,130 8,130
Fees & Services 114 11,567 12,800 12,800
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 9,603 6,516 11,003 11,003
Expenses 0 898 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 975 2,500 975 975
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 18,291 31,578 36,195 36,195
General Third Party Payments 799,483 705,619 183,378 183,378
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 799,483 705,619 183,378 183,378
Support Services 7,127 8,594 0 364,708
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,006,155 1,884,721 1,897,521 2,262,229


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions (846,384) (123,148) (123,148) (123,148)
Customer & Client Receipts (184,626) (754,983) (826,011) (826,011)
External Income (1,031,010) (878,131) (949,159) (949,159)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (1,031,010) (878,131) (949,159) (949,159)

NET EXPENDITURE 975,145 1,006,590 948,362 1,313,070

Page 105 of 128

Neighbourhoods and Housing
HOUSING - Housing Central GF

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 0 0 0 0
Indirect Costs 0 0 0 0
Training 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 0 0 0 0
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
``` Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contributution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 0 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 0 0 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Expenses 0 0 0 0
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 0 0 0 0
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges 225,856 225,856 225,856 225,856
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 225,856 225,856 225,856 225,856

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 225,856 225,856 225,856 225,856


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts (100,000) (115,847) (100,000) (100,000)
External Income (100,000) (115,847) (100,000) (100,000)

Recharges 0 0 0 0
Internal Income 0 0 0 0

TOTAL INCOME (100,000) (115,847) (100,000) (100,000)

NET EXPENDITURE 125,856 110,009 125,856 125,856

Page 106 of 128

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 0 0 0 0
Indirect Costs 0 0 0 0
Training 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Employee Costs 0 0 0 0
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 0 0 0 0
Energy Costs & Water Services 0 0 0 0
Rent & Rates 0 0 0 0
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 0 0 0 0
Fixtures & Fittings 0 0 0 0
Cleaning 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Premises Costs 0 0 0 0
Direct Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Hire & Leasing 0 0 0 0
Transport Fees 0 0 0 0
Travel Allowances 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 0 0 0 0
Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Catering 0 0 0 0
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 0 0
Communications & Computing 0 0 0 0
Fees & Services 0 0 0 0
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Expenses 20,605,807 20,605,807 29,047,003 29,047,003
Grants & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Supplies and Services 20,605,807 20,605,807 29,047,003 29,047,003
General Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0
Voluntary Organisations 0 0 0 0
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 0 0 0 0
Third Party Payments / Transfers 0 0 0 0
Support Services 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges 0 0 0 0
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 20,605,807 20,605,807 29,047,003 29,047,003


Government Grants 0 0 0 0
Other Grants & Contributions 0 0 0 0
Customer & Client Receipts 0 0 0 0
External Income 0 0 0 0

Recharges 0 1 0 0
Internal Income 0 1 0 0


NET EXPENDITURE 20,605,807 20,605,808 29,047,003 29,047,003

Page 107 of 128

Section C – Housing Revenue Account

Page 108 of 128

The HRA budget for 2016/17 sets a balanced HRA budget in accordance with legal
requirements without jeopardising the long term investment in the stock which is
essential for the future viability of the HRA, while maintaining high quality services to
tenants and leaseholders.

The HRA Business Plan has been updated for 2016/17 and the budget is consistent
with this. However it is likely to require major revisions during 2016 as the full impact
of Government decisions become clearer.

Tenants will receive a small reduction in their rent and a modest increase in their
service charges after a two year freeze. However, as Housing Benefit will be adjusted
commensurately these changes will largely affect tenants who are not in receipt of HB.

2016/17 HRA BUDGET

The proposed 2016/17 HRA budget is shown in the table below


Dwellings rent (111,241)
Non dwellings rents (3,595)
Tenant charges for services and facilities (11,872)
Leaseholder charges for services and facilities (8,947)
Other Charges for services and facilities (4,121)

Total income (139,776)

Repairs and maintenance 31,616
Services to Estates 16,093
Supervision and Management 41,999
Rents, Rates and Other Charges 1,604
Increase in provision for bad debts 1,567
Cost of Capital Charges 1,253
Depreciation 29,644

Gross Expenditure 123,776

Net Cost of Service (16,000)

Revenue Contribution to Capital Outlay 16,000


Page 109 of 128

Rents have been set in line with the government requirement of a reduction of 1% this
will result in an average rent reduction of £1.02 from £102.57 per week to £101.55 per
week. The reduction in income arising from the 1% rent reduction imposed by
government is £1.1m, however taking into account the Right To Buy sales and the
planned decant and demolitions as part of the regeneration programmes the overall
rent income budget has reduced by £2.65m.

Service charges for tenants are based on a pooled cost approach, where all tenants
receiving a service are charged the same amount. Service charges for tenants
normally increase in line with the cost of the service. In previous years we have been
able to pass on savings to residents as efficiencies in the service have been made.
For 2016/17 the cost of the service has increased, largely due to the increased
National Insurance contribution required from contracted out employers as part of the
new state pension arrangements. A small increase in the service charge is required
as set out in the table below.

2016/17 Proposed
2015/16 Charge Charge
£ per week £ per week
Block Cleaning 5.55 5.63
Estate Cleaning 2.41 2.45
Grounds Maintenance 1.98 2.01
Landlord Lighting 1.36 1.36
Concierge - Granard House 18.05 19.55
Other Sites 18.05 20.55


The budget setting assumptions are based on 1% inflation except in contractual cases.
A provision has been made for a 1% pay award which will only be added to budgets
once agreed. The savings in the table below are in part savings from the business plan
projections with its long term projections on inflation, as well as savings from the base

The significant increase in the number of Right to Buy sales following the increase in
discount and the reduction in the qualifying period to three years has been continued
in 2015/16 and given the current level of applications is likely to remain high during
2016/17. The impact on the HRA income is noted in above and there are a number of
budget adjustments made on the expenditure side of the budget to reflect the number
of sales, and these are in addition to the savings shown in the table below.

The consequence of the government announcement on the 1% rent reduction is that

the HRA Business Plan savings requirement has increased to £20m over the next four
years. The savings target for 2016/17 increased from £3.2m to £4.6m. Two rounds of
savings exercises were undertaken firstly to identify £3.2m then a second round to
identify a further £1.4m. These have been endorsed by Hackney Homes Board. The
savings are summarised in the table below.

Page 110 of 128

Employee inflation limited to 1% per annum in line with the
council’s Medium term Planning Forecast (MTPF) for housing
management staff, repairs and management staff and estate based
staff. 635
Other inflation limited to 1% per annum on all other expenditure
budgets. 450
As the Council delivers its cost reductions there will be a reduction
in the recharge to the HRA. 200
Reduction in Repairs & Maintenance Voids to reflect the trend of a
lower a number of void properties year on year. 175
The Procurement 2014 programme is expected to result in savings
from the re-tendering exercise - both revenue & capital. 500
Concierge Service, review of the service and charges. This is part
of the three year plan to review the Concierge Service. Work has
already commenced on testing and piloting service models which
will bring about savings from the start of April 2016. 300
Staff savings in Tenancy & Leasehold Services 245
HH Contingency and alignment of budgets across HH. 253
Staff savings in Finance & Resources Division and CE support
services 289
Review of costs for servicing lifts, installation of new lifts and
monitoring equipment is expected to reduce the cost of servicing
lifts. 250
Restructure of the Asset Management and Planned Maintenance
divisions 600
Reduction in Bad Debt Provision 300
Additional leasehold service charge income 100
Creation of Housing Hubs. 150
Use of mobile mast money reserve to fund the capital programme 150

TOTAL 4,597

Page 111 of 128

Subjective Summary

2016/17 2016/17
2015/16 2015/16 Budget £ (excl Budget £ (inc
Budget £ Probable £ Recharges) Recharges)
Direct Costs 4,325,151 4,325,151 41,295,168 41,295,168
Indirect Costs 85,125 85,125 144,425 144,425
Training 35,500 35,500 485,028 485,028
Contribution to Provisions 3,969,000 3,969,000 3,969,000 3,969,000
Employee Costs 8,414,776 8,414,776 45,893,621 45,893,621
Repair & Maintenance of Buildings 33,837,382 33,837,382 32,937,648 32,937,648
Energy Costs & Water Services 5,521,627 5,521,627 5,571,223 5,571,223
Rent & Rates 2,013,560 2,013,560 1,616,617 1,616,617
Premises Insurance 0 0 0 0
Grounds & Road Maintenance 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000
Fixtures & Fittings 207,097 207,097 207,097 207,097
Cleaning 1,181,740 1,181,740 1,245,915 1,245,915
Contributution to Provisions 34,000 34,000 35,560 35,560
Premises Costs 42,805,406 42,805,406 41,616,060 41,616,060
Direct Transport Costs 1,019,358 1,019,358 900,597 900,597
Hire & Leasing 479,917 479,917 496,716 496,716
Transport Fees 1,750 1,750 11,911 11,911
Travel Allowances 6,000 6,000 96,408 96,408
Contribution to Provisions 0 0 0 0
Transport Costs 1,507,025 1,507,025 1,505,632 1,505,632
Furniture & Equipment 3,440,522 3,440,522 3,252,639 3,252,639
Catering 29,161 29,161 32,890 32,890
Clothing & Laundry 0 0 56,425 56,425
Communications & Computing 836,647 836,647 1,033,260 1,033,260
Fees & Services 6,991,155 6,991,155 9,020,316 9,020,316
Printing Stationery & Office Expenditure 60,392 60,392 274,332 274,332
Expenses 773,256 773,256 595,500 595,500
Grants & Subscriptions 436,550 436,550 460,690 460,690
Contribution to Provisions 1,867,480 1,867,480 1,568,480 1,568,480
Supplies and Services 14,435,163 14,435,163 16,294,532 16,294,532
General Third Party Payments 43,332,823 40,977,551 3,842,838 3,842,838
Voluntary Organisations 4,867,000 4,867,000 5,121,764 5,121,764
Social Services Client 0 0 0 0
Housing Benefits 15,500 15,500 21,500 21,500
Third Party Payments / Transfers 48,215,323 45,860,051 8,986,102 8,986,102
Support Services 5,644,728 8,000,000 7,562,451 7,562,451
Capital Charges 20,873,579 20,873,579 17,917,602 17,917,602
Capital Financing 0 0 0 0
Capital Charges / Financing 20,873,579 20,873,579 17,917,602 17,917,602

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 141,896,000 141,896,000 139,776,000 139,776,000


Government Grants
Other Grants & Contributions (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000)
Customer & Client Receipts (141,736,000) (141,736,000) (139,209,078) (139,209,078)
External Income (141,896,000) (141,896,000) (139,369,078) (139,369,078)

Recharges (406,922) (406,922)

Internal Income 0 0 (406,922) (406,922)

TOTAL INCOME (141,896,000) (141,896,000) (139,776,000) (139,776,000)


Page 112 of 128

Section D - Capital
This Section and the detailed budgets that follow presents the Council’s indicative
three year capital budget, for 2016/17 to 2018/19, although it should be noted that
formal resource approval is sought only to year one in respect of 2016/17. Future years
will be subject to change as schemes are developed more fully with robust business
cases being required before formal resource and spend approvals are sought. The 3
year programme is included however as it is used to inform the calculation of the
prudential indicators, which are required to be set out for the next 3 financial years.

This year’s budget builds on last year’s three year indicative plan with the incorporation
of latest in year developments. By and large the plan presented last year is maintained
with adjustments made to Regeneration schemes, in particular the removal of
Hackney Central Regeneration but with the incorporation of the Dalston Quarter
Regeneration. Hackney Central has been removed due to further feasibility and
scoping work being carried out to ensure enhanced value creation and will be re-
introduced into the programme as proposals are more fully developed.

There are of course risks associated with the three year capital programme,
particularly as it requires substantial upfront investment financed by increased
borrowing, to be repaid as capital receipts are realised from the sale of assets
developed in mixed use schemes and via the substantial regeneration programme.
This requirement arises from the significant funding cuts to Local Authorities including
reduced capital grants, which will result in reduced reserves and cash balances as
they are used to finance the extensive capital programme. In turn, the borrowing
requirement is likely to need to be met from external borrowing rather than internal
that has previously been used.

The Council is also currently reviewing Housing proposals to appropriate Housing

Revenue Account (HRA) Land to the General Fund (GF) so that the Council can
effectively deliver the ambitious Housing Estate Regeneration Programme without
breaching the HRA debt cap. This comes with added financial risk to the GF as
additional external borrowing will be taken on by the GF to forward fund the
programme, although it is intended that these arrangements will be cost neutral to the

The Capital Programme as detailed herein shows that priorities lie in delivering
significant regeneration of the Borough to meet the changing needs and demographics
of the community and which in turn lead to increased expenditure on Education and
Housing through repairs and maintenance of current sites and the need to build new
assets to meet demand.


Full details of the three year indicative Capital Programme is presented in the pages
following this introduction. The programme provides a breakdown for each directorate
with a further analysis summarising the Housing and Non- Housing requirements. The
2016/17 Budget incorporates the re-profiling work carried out in 2015/16 during
September and December and includes schemes which already have been approved
through previous decisions of the Cabinet and Council. As already stated, all schemes

Page 113 of 128

where spend approval is not already in place will require robust business cases before
any further resource and/or spend approval is given. Such schemes cannot proceed
until this has been completed.

The indicative programme incorporates schemes that will deliver the following:

 The manifesto commitment to build 3000 new homes in the borough

between 2016 and 2019 whilst at the same time ensuring that the HRA
debt cap is not breached;
 6 additional forms of entry at primary schools and a further 6-7 forms of
entry at secondary schools, including the provision of a new secondary
school –maintaining pace with the demand for school places alongside
ensuring all of our existing schools are in a suitable state of repair;
 Regeneration of our town centres.
 Ongoing maintenance of the corporate property estate and the
maintenance of the ICT infrastructure going forward following the current
investment in upgrades to the Council’s main ICT platforms.
 A highways maintenance programme retained at the current levels of
£4m pa and associated programmes in respect of ongoing street lighting,
surface water drainage and road safety engineering schemes also
maintained at current levels.
 The ongoing maintenance of the Council’s parks and green spaces and

A summary of the proposed capital programme for Non-Housing and Housing is

detailed in the following tables with individual scheme detail below.

Non Housing 2016/17(£) 2017/18(£) 2018/19(£)

Chief Executive 7,805,902 - 63,600,000

Children, Adults & Community
Services 91,896,311 120,311,000 64,913,000
Finance & Corporate
Resources 13,516,908 5,134,000 4,797,000

Neighbourhoods & Housing 25,630,902 7,930,000 7,080,000

Total Non-Housing Budget 138,850,023 133,375,000 140,390,000

Page 114 of 128

Housing 2016/17(£) 2017/18(£) 2018/19(£)

Housing AMP Capital Schemes 64,738,732 59,188,000 91,086,000

Council Capital Schemes 4,331,185 624,000 637,000

Private Sector Housing
schemes 2,077,503 1,353,000 1,380,000

Estate Renewal Programme 107,453,000 102,261,000 69,430,000

Other Regeneration Schemes 9,008,000 8,323,000 6,898,000

Total Housing Budget 187,608,420 171,749,000 169,431,000

Total 326,458,443 305,124,000 309,821,000


The Capital Programme is funded through various sources including;

1) Specific & non-specific government grants
2) Government supported capital expenditure grant, via SCE(C) capital grant
3) Capital receipts
4) Revenue contributions to capital
5) Other one off funding sources e.g. S106 developer contributions
6) Borrowing

The indicative resources available for each year of the Capital Programme is set out
below. It is important to note that these are based upon the work done as part of the
development of the Capital Strategy, taking account of the progression of various
negotiations with Developers and other External Parties. They are therefore best
estimates using the information currently available and will be subject to change. Any
change in resources available will result in changes to the associated expenditure
and/or financing plans in order that a net balanced position for the capital budget is

Non-Housing 2016/17 (£) 2017/18 (£) 2018/19 (£)

Resources Brought Forward 54,626,342 6,547,000 -

Grants + Contributions 17,200,243 20,939,000 5,415,000
Revenue Contributions 9,067,000 4,750,000 3,500,000
Reserves + Discretionary 19,330,638 7,187,000 6,772,000
Capital Receipts 38,625,800 27,838,000 59,339,000
Borrowing Requirement 0 66,114,000 65,364,000
TOTAL NON-HOUSING 138,850,023 133,375,000 140,390,000

Page 115 of 128

The detailed resource position reflects the following:
 The increased resource brought forward in 2016/17 relates pre-dominantly
to re-profiling exercises from 2015/16, which was completed before the
budget setting process and comprises capital receipts, grants and
contributions carried forward and reserves and balances not yet applied.
 The Grants & Contributions incorporates resources announced by the
government for 2016/17 and the figure for the following two years captures
our forecast based on initial agreements with various governmental
Departments. These largely relate to delivery of the education programme
where we are expecting the Government to support the Council in delivery
of primary & secondary school places.
 The 2016/17 Collection fund surplus available to finance capital expenditure
is estimated at £3.567m and will be used to support the Non-Housing
Capital Programme. This is included within revenue contributions in the
table above.
 The Council anticipates to utilise a significant amount of capital receipts in
2016/17 to fund various capital schemes thus eliminating the need for

The resources available to finance the Housing capital programme are summarised
in the table below

2016/17 (£) 2017/18 (£) 2018/19 (£)


Resources Brought Forward 24,743,590 0 0

Grants + Contributions 3,070,000 0 8,505,000

Revenue Contributions 43,822,000 50,799,000 54,415,000

Reserves 57,364,928 0 0

Capital Receipts 47,719,000 89,674,000 64,961,000

Borrowing Requirement 10,888,903 31,276,000 41,550,000

TOTAL HOUSING 187,608,421 171,749,000 169,431,000

The detailed resource position reflects the following:

 The Revenue Contribution allocation includes the Major Repairs Reserve
(MRR), which is the depreciation calculation on the housing stock recycled
to create resource for re-investment. The amount of MRR for 2016/17 is
£30.195m, for 2017/18 it is £30.799m and £31.415m for 2018/19.

Page 116 of 128

 The remainder of the Revenue Contributions include the Revenue
Contributions to Capital Outlay (RCCO), which is being increased to support
the capital programme and reflects the Council’s commitment to driving out
efficiencies in the Housing Revenue Budget. The RCCO for 2016/17,
2017/18 and 2018/19 is £13.627m, £20.000m and £23.000m respectively.
 The Capital Receipts amount for 2016/17 incorporate the Council’s
projected share of the 2015/16 brought forward Right to Buy disposals. We
also anticipate additional RTB receipts for 2016/17, however for prudential
measure these have not been included as it is difficult to estimate the
number of RTB sales in future years. It is also anticipated that further Estate
Regeneration receipts will be received in 2016/17, reducing the Borrowing
Requirement indicated in the table above. These receipts have not yet been
included as the Council are still in the process of negotiating the profile of
these receipts over a number of years in order to optimise capital value to
the Council.
 The Capital Receipts indicated for 2017/18 and 2018/19 includes the
projected Regeneration receipts for sale of land from various current and
future schemes including Woodberry Down and Coleville Estate. These
figures are in line with those included in the approved HRA business plan.
 The forecast resources does not incorporate an anticipated one off capital
receipt, being an overage payment expected from one of the current
regeneration schemes. The actual amount of the receipt is subject to
change dependent on market conditions at the point of realisation. Any
change in resources available will result in changes to the associated
financing plans in order that schemes can be delivered within the HRA debt
cap. The Corporate Director of Finance & Resources will continue to
exercise discretion on the use of this resource to effectively ensure
borrowing within the Council remains prudent and affordable.
 With the allocation of all expected and known resources the Housing Capital
Plan is projecting a significant Borrowing requirement for 2017/18 and
2018/19. However, in 2019/20 and possibly going forward a surplus is
anticipated in resources due to increased Capital receipts from
Regeneration schemes. These surpluses will in the first instance be used to
re-pay the borrowing carried out in the earlier years.

Page 117 of 128

NEIGHBOURHOODS & HOUSING 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Museums & Libraries
Essential maintenance to library 300,000 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Second Generation Library Self Issue
Machines - 120,000 - - - -
Invest to save CCTV in Libraries - 200,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total 300,000 420,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Essential maint to Leisure Facilities 1,900,000 - - - - -
Leisure Development in Borough 100,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 2,000,000 - - - - -
Abney Park 900,000 - - - - -
Shoreditch Park Green Flag 77,980 - - - - -
Springfield Park Restoration 669,453 - - - - -
Hackney Marshes 3,195,194 - - - - -
Parks Strategy: Parks Infrastructure - 1,450,000 - 850,000 - 750,000
Parks Equipment and Machinery
Replacement - 150,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total 4,842,627 1,600,000 - 850,000 - 750,000
Highways Planned Maintenance - 4,000,000 - 4,000,000 - 4,000,000
Street Lighting - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Develop Borough Infrastructure - 300,000 - 300,000 - 300,000
Highways Planned WaterDrainage - 280,000 - 280,000 - 280,000
Bridge Height Sign Programme 50,000 - - - - -
Denne Terrace Retaining Wall 290,000 - - - - -
Central London Grid (Phase 1) 315,000 - - - - -
James Taylor Building 15,961 - - - - -
13-18 Sidworth street 11,978 - - - - -
Stamford Hill 95-99 4,936 - - - - -
SS Road Safety - 300,000 - 300,000 - 300,000
Enforcement Strategy database 225,000 225,000 - - - -
Forest Road Youth Centre 3,718 - - - - -
Hackney Central Town Centre 1,045,297 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 1,961,890 5,205,000 - 4,980,000 - 4,980,000
EHPC Schemes
Recycling fleet replacement - 2,400,000 - - - -
Recycling Weighing Equipment - 280,000 - - - -
Kennels 18,023 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 18,023 2,680,000 - - - -
Public Realms TfL Funded Schemes
Maintenance (TFL) - 349,000 - - - -
Local Transport Fund (TFL) - 100,000 - - - -
Corridors (TFL) - 2,140,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total - 2,589,000 - - - -
Other Services
Wick Road 2 way - - - 700,000 - -
Parks Trees - 200,000 - 200,000 - 200,000
Shoreditch Area Action Plan 700,000 - 700,000 - 600,000 -
Hackney Street Markets Strat - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Bridge Maintenance Schemes - 130,000 - 200,000 - 250,000
Updating Trafic Calming Measur - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
S106 Highways Schemes 2,784,362 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 3,484,362 530,000 700,000 1,300,000 600,000 650,000

Page 118 of 128

NEIGHBOURHOODS & HOUSING 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Museums & Libraries
Housing AMP Capital Schemes
Shoreditch B Decent Homes 3,420,507 - - - - -
Homerton Decent Homes 742,464 - - - - -
Asset Management Programme - - - 59,188,000 - 91,086,000
Estate Lighting 1,106,941 - - - - -
Ventilation Systems 311,398 - - - - -
CCTV upgrade 468,000 - - - - -
Security Front Entrance Doors 966,567 - - - - -
Door Entry Syst (Replacements) 4,629,394 - - - - -
Lifts Major Components 1,441,071 - - - - -
Relining to Tanks 270,000 - - - - -
Dom Boiler Replace/Cen Heating 4,923,500 - - - - -
Replace Play Equipment 80,000 - - - - -
Road & Footpath Renewals 538,268 - - - - -
Void Re-Servicing 3,700,000 - - - - -
Water Mains/Boosters 100,000 - - - - -
Disabled Adaptations 2,099,604 - - - - -
H & S and Major Replacement 1,528,039 - - - - -
Lift Renewals 1,989,500 - - - - -
Intergrated Housing Manag System 200,000 - - - - -
Boiler Hse Major Works 160,000 - - - - -
Fire Risk Works 8,856,000 - - - - -
High Value Repairs/Imp & Wk 1,173,000 - - - - -
Lightning Conductors 761,000 - - - - -
Capitalised Salaries 2,500,000 - - - - -
Lateral Mains 2,720,578 - - - - -
Re-wire 2,808,242 - - - - -
Green initiatives 200,000 - - - - -
New Bathroom/New Kitchen 4,210,000 - - - - -
Contingency Planned Maintenance 2,397,184 - - - - -
Hardware Smoke Alarms 2,124,971 - - - - -
Damp Remedial Works 1,344,392 - - - - -
Roof Replacements 1,503,000 - - - - -
Window Replacement 3,765,113 - - - - -
Mobile Working 1,200,000 - - - - -
Recycling Scheme 500,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 64,738,732 - - 59,188,000 - 91,086,000
Council Capital Schemes
Housing Needs Allocation HRA 531,185.00 - - - - -
Housing Needs Alloc Non HRA 2,600,000.00 - - 624,000 - 637,000
B/wide Housing under occupation - 400,000 - - - -
Hostels - Major Repairs - 400,000 - - - -
Under Occupation (Voids) - 50,000 - - - -
Special Needs Adaptation Prog - 50,000 - - - -
Commercial Properties - 300,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total 3,131,185 1,200,000 - 624,000 - 637,000
Private Sector Housing schemes
Private Sector Housing schemes 163,827.00 - - 1,353,000 - 1,380,000
Disabled Facilities Grant - 860,000 - - - -
Empty property grant (EPG) 510,000.00 - - - - -
External works grant (EWG) 36,173.00 - - - - -
General repairs grant (GRG) 262,503.00 - - - - -
Hospital discharge grant (HDG) 20,000.00 - - - - -
Landlords grant (LLG) 50,000.00 - - - - -
Warmth & security grant (WSG) 175,000.00 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 1,217,503 860,000 - 1,353,000 - 1,380,000

Page 119 of 128

NEIGHBOURHOODS & HOUSING 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Museums & Libraries
Estate Renewal Programme
Estate Regeneration Programme - 11,090,000 - 92,261,000 - 69,430,000
Estate Renewal Implementation - 1,500,000 - - - -
Bridge House Phase 2 - 11,365,000 - - - -
ER1 Tower Court - 12,085,000 - - - -
Kings Crescent Refurb - 2,256,000 - - - -
Kings Crescent Phase 1+2 - 28,981,000 - - - -
Colville Phase 2 - 17,770,000 - - - -
ER1 Colville phase 3 - 1,683,000 - - - -
St Leonard's Court - 8,617,000 - - - -
Acquisition Frampton Arms PH - 2,362,000 - - - -
Aikin Court - 2,390,000 - - - -
Great Eastern Building - 969,000 - - - -
King Edwards Road - 2,043,000 - - - -
Nightingale - 4,342,000 - 10,000,000 - -
Net Sub Total - 107,453,000 - 102,261,000 - 69,430,000
Other Regeneration Schemes
Woodberry Down Bid - 5,066,000 - - - -
Specialist Housing 300,000 - - - - -
Other Regeneration Schemes - - - 8,323,000 - 6,898,000
Marian Court Phase 3 - 3,642,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total 300,000 8,708,000 - 8,323,000 - 6,898,000

Total Budget 81,994,322 131,245,000 700,000 178,979,000 600,000 175,911,000

Page 120 of 128

CHIEF EXECUTIVE SERVICES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Dalston Town Centre Managment Projects
S106 43,782 - - - - -
Dalston Square Open Space 7,185 - - - - -
Afford Workspace Space Studio 106,183 - - - - -
Hackney Central Town Centre Managment
Projects. 43,327 - - - - -
Dalston 2011/12 (CE) 33,425 - - - - -
Hackney Wick Regen. 3,702,000 - - - - 63,600,000
Dalston Regeneration - 3,870,000 - - - -
Net Sub Total 3,935,902 3,870,000 - - - 63,600,000

Total Budget 3,935,902 3,870,000 - - - 63,600,000

Page 121 of 128

CHILDREN, ADULTS & COMMUNITY 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Primary School Programme
Primary Capital Prog 13/14 - - - - - -
Primary Capital Programme 3,500,000 - 2,953,000 3,500,000 - 6,400,000
Major Schemes Contingency 112,760 - - - - -
Woodberry Down 2,034,445 - 1,000,000 350,000 - -
Orchard Refurb & Extension 514,214 - - - - -
Queensbridge Expansion 95,000 - - - - -
Harrington Hill Expansion 138,715 - - - - -
Early Ed. for 2 Year Olds 408,455 - - - - -
East Wick 3FE 2,277,604 3,044,060 - - - -
Sir Thomas Abney 1,952,911 - - 471,000 - -
Grazebrook Primary Expansion 38,627 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 11,072,731 3,044,060 3,953,000 4,321,000 - 6,400,000
AMP Primary Programme
C C AMP needs/maintenance - 200,000 - 200,000 - 200,000
Primary School AMP Needs 3,075,615 - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000
Jubilee Primary 202,414 - - - - -
Queensbridge Primary 444 - - - - -
Tyssen Roof Replacement 184,264 - - - - -
Benthal AMP 89,948 - - - - -
Betty Layward AMP 4,838 - - - - -
Gayhurst AMP 5,000 - - - - -
Kingsmead AMP 2,000 - - - - -
Woodberry Down AMP 515,750 - - - - -
Gainsborough AMP 3,207 - - - - -
Grasmere AMP 15,430 - - - - -
Holmleigh AMP 30,492 - - - - -
Whitmore AMP 8,016 - - - - -
Randal Cremer AMP 39,568 - - - - -
William Patten AMP 15,312 - - - - -
Improvements to Kitchens 138,370 - - - - -
Gainsborough Addiional Works 100,000 - - - - -
Debeauvoir AMP 9,555 - - - - -
Woodberry Down CC Relocation 550,000 - - - - -
Shacklewell School 50,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 5,040,224 200,000 - 3,200,000 - 3,200,000
Secondary School Programme
Additional Secondary Sch prov 9,774,307 4,300,000 20,714,000 15,112,000 33,325,000 -
BSF Whole Life Costing 413,000 750,000 - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
Stoke Newington BSF Life Cycle 20,369 - - - - -
Clapton Girls BSF Life Cycle 122,014 - - - - -
Cardinal Pole Extension 1,630,000 - - - - -
Haggeston BSF Life Cycle 46,751 - - - - -
Clapton Portico 35,000 - - - - -
BSF LC Early Failure Conting 130,409 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 12,171,850 5,050,000 20,714,000 16,112,000 33,325,000 1,000,000
Building Schools for the Future
Tiger Way Development 1,559,239 16,093,000 - 24,992,000 - 1,958,000
My Place Portfolio Contingency 652 - - - - -
Mossbourne Victoria Park Acad 137,348 - - - - -
Our Lady's (Insurance Flood) 31,436 - - - - -
Ickburgh BSF Ph3 381,200 - - - - -
Horizon BSF 389,735 - - - - -
Clissold &Regents PRU 's H&S 199,000 - - - - -
BSF PRUs 6,452,150 - - - - -
PRU Nile Street 2,300,000 22,117,000 - 46,819,000 - 18,830,000
Net Sub Total 11,450,760 38,210,000 - 71,811,000 - 20,788,000

Page 122 of 128

CHILDREN, ADULTS & COMMUNITY 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
Misc School Programme
Education & Children's Services
Asbestos works 380,065 - - - - -
Devolved Formula Capital 38,379 - - - - -
Kench Hill Straw Bale EcoClass 32,000 - - - - -
Fair Play Pathfinder 20,000 - - - - -
Short Breaks 139,358 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 609,803 - - - - -
Adult Social Care
Oswald Street Day Centre 3,833,884 - - - - -
Median Road Refurbishment 1,000,000 - - - - -
Essential Maintenance to op Centres 100,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000
ICT upgrade - SLS/SHwC Units 100,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000
77 Parkholme Supp HSG 13,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 5,046,884 - - 200,000 - 200,000

Total Budget 45,392,251 46,504,060 24,667,000 95,644,000 33,325,000 31,588,000

Page 123 of 128

FINANCE & CORPORATE RESOURCES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
SCHEME/PROJECT Existing New Existing New Existing New
FM Upgrade HSC generator 256,500 - - - - -
DDA 270,000 - - - - -
Planned Maintenance - 500,000 - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
Intallation of AMR's 50,000 - - - - -
Voluntary Sector property maintenance 1,063,234 - - - - -
81 Downham Road 100,000 - - - - -
22 Dalston Lane 10,000 - - - - -
Day-mer 16 Howard Road 10,000 - - - - -
80a Eastway 3,000 - - - - -
Homerton Fields Lodge 15a HR 10,000 - - - - -
Wally Foster Centre 15,000 - - - - -
61 Leswin Road (Roof) 10,000 - - - - -
Keltan House Essential Works 321,045 - - - - -
80 Eastway 15,908 - - - - -
Acquisition Gd Flr Retail DWC 2,300,000 - - - - -
15-49 Chapman Rd Car Pound 1,035,000 - - - - -
Clapton Common Frm Toiet Refurb 50,000 - - - - -
Asbestos Surveys 150,000 - - - - -
Carbon Reduction Projects 67,000 - - - - -
Reactive Maintenance 300,000 - - - - -
280 Mare St M&E Upgrades 50,000 - - - - -
2 Hillman St M&E Upgrades 50,000 - - - - -
Emergency Lighting Robert Hse 8,000 - - - - -
Sarah Lane Court 350,000 - - - - -
PV Solar Panel 41,500 - - - - -
Happy Nest 40,000 - - - - -
61 Evering Road 55,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 6,631,186 500,000 - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
ICT Plan Items
ICT General - 2,015,000 - 3,275,000 - 3,275,000
Telephony system upgrade/replacement - 1,100,000 - - - -
Corporate Events Booking System - 271,000 - 22,000 - 22,000
Replace AV systems 30,000 - - - - -
Legal Case Management System 97,250 - - - - -
Financial Management System 238,336 - - 337,000 - -
Equis Integration 72,535 - - - - -
Directorate System R&E 241,601 - - - - -
One Account 310,000 - - - - -
Business Intelligence 1,290,000 - - - - -
Open Text Records Management 60,000 - - - - -
Comino to eDOCS Migration 200,000 - - - - -
Council Document System 250,000 - - - - -
Web Improvement 120,000 - - - - -
RCCO funded eBusiness posts 10,000 - - - - -
Masterdata Integration 80,000 - - - - -
Net Sub Total 2,999,722 3,386,000 - 3,634,000 - 3,297,000

Total Budget 9,630,908 3,886,000 - 5,134,000 - 4,797,000

Page 124 of 128

Section E - General Fund Savings 2016/17
Planning for the 2016/17 budget has been set against the continuing backdrop of further
significant reductions in financial support from Central Government both for 2016/17 and
in expectation of further reductions from 2017/18 onward. Since 2010, when looking at
savings options for the following year’s budget, importance has also been attached to not
just the year in question but also following years. As such savings plans developed in one
year often had an element which related to and impacted on future years.

This proactive approach meant that a significant tranche of savings plans for 2016/17 was
broadly agreed by summer 2015 with formal Cabinet agreement in November 2015. A
final tranche of savings was presented to, and agreed by Cabinet in January 2016. These
savings together with further corporate savings has allowed the Council to set a balanced
budget despite further significant reductions in financial support from Central

Of course identifying savings to offset a reduction in financial support is only part of the
budget setting process. For 2016/17, as has been the case for many years, there have
been emerging cost pressures and areas of unavoidable growth. These have been
addressed, in the same way as previous years, by a combination of reallocating existing
resources and additional savings.

The following table sets out the overall savings by directorate.

Savings by Directorate

Directorate Savings £
Children, Adults and Community Health (CACH) 5.975
Neighbourhoods and Housing (N&H) 4.616
Finance and Corporate Resources (F&CR) 4.168
Chief Executive (CE) 1.048
Corporate 5.761

Total 21.568

Page 125 of 128

Adult Social Services Day Care Transformation: Final phase of
delivering the day care transformation project agreed in 2012. 700
Integration of Waste Services: This is a continuation of the work to
integrate street based collections which commenced in 2013/14. 227
1CYPS project in Children’s services builds on work already undertaken to
redesign services in Family Support Services and Young Hackney with the
main focus being on improvements to service delivery Our investment will
be focussed on prevention thereby building resilience; and on simplifying
and unifying services avoiding duplication where possible. It is through
these actions that the savings have been and will continue to be delivered. 1,958
Disabled Children's Services - Line management moved from Children’s
Social Care to the Additional Needs Service within HLT. It is anticipated
that further integration will release savings of around £200k 200
TOTAL 3,085
Mental Health - Review of residential packages and cost of care to ensure
alignment with fair price for care. 150
Car Parking - Additional Parking Charge Notice income (£900k) and
income from suspensions from new developments and filming (£100k) 1,000
Legal Services and HR recruitment - Additional Income from services
provided 110
Finance - Improved Income Collection Performance and increased
commercial income 800
TOTAL 2,060
Leisure Centres: Negotiation of a nil management fee for the
management of the Council’s six Leisure Centres, 1,100
Streetscene Efficiencies 210
Directorate wide savings, identifying non staff underspends,
capitalisation of expenditure and opportunities for further efficiency
savings. 452
Member Allowances - The budget for Members Allowances is being
adjusted following the reduction of costs associated with the cessation of
the rights of Members to enter into the Local Government Pensions
Scheme. 78
Directorate efficiency savings including residual savings from
implementation of HR business partner model, savings within
Organisational Development, and reduction in photocopying costs 108

Page 126 of 128

Safeguarding and Learning. Efficiency gains to achieve savings of £150k 150
HLT - The service is budgeting to make £1,000k of efficiency savings in
2016/17 1,000
Finance - Redefinition of Finance, Procurement and & Audit 1,000
TOTAL 3,076
Rationalisation of Estate, Asset Management and Pension costs. 3,000
Changes to RCCO’s and capital financing 1,500
TOTAL 4,500
Senior Officer Restructure 1,000
Savings on Agency Staff Costs, vacant posts & revised vacancy rate 1,000
TOTAL 2,000

Planning - Increased income from Planning Performance Agreements
(PPAs) 90

Legal Services - Savings in General Litigation, employment and childcare

law arising from a combination of expected income from costs recovered
through general litigation (£40k) and £110k savings from the deletion of an
employment lawyer and childcare lawyer post.
Adult Social Care - Introducing charges for the tele care service. This
charge would only be applicable to those who do not meet eligibility
criteria for adult social care, and this brings us is in line with other London

Page 127 of 128


R&B and Customer Services Restructure: This comprises proposals in

relation to Housing Benefits and Housing Needs, Customer Services,
Council Tax and NNDR

Libraries - In 2016/17 the saving will be achieved through a reduction in

staffing numbers (through VR) to reflect the business patterns of the library
service, including channel migration to customer led transactions and
increasing access to information online.
Chief Executive Restructure - Savings from a reduction and consolidation
of management posts resulting from the restructure
Environment and Waste Strategy: Reduction of 2 posts from 10 covering
Environmental Enforcement.
Deletion of three posts in Planning Services and replacement with a more
senior post 100
Increase in Car Parking Pay & Display Charges 600

Page 128 of 128

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