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Why Should Primary Level Teaches Use

Electronic Presentations in Teaching ESL.


Course: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).

Professor: Tasneem AlNaimi.

Name: Shatha Abu-Nahla.

Email: Shatha_abunahla@yahoo.com.

The good teacher is not that person who stick to a specific teaching

strategy despite its efficiency for him, but who constantly changed it

according to the new circumstances, Explorations, and technology.

Internet and world wide web networks created enticing methods and tools

that help in improving the educational process. These methods; its

benefits, and advantages in education and language learning meet under

one umbrella we refer to it as CALL. The electronic presentation is one of

these ways that provides a variety of special and appealing options for

teachers of primary levels, and facilitate language teaching process in and

outside the classroom. For this field "VoiceThread" is an outstanding tech

tool that is used to meet the teacher’s requirements of creating electronic



Each stage has a turning point where it witnesses a development at all

levels. CALL, which stands for, (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is

the transition phase of education. Since 1960’s the quality of education

has increased and still in increase till this moment. The credit is due to the

use of different tech tools which accompanied by CALL revolution or as

what Brinkley et al (1999) indicates to it as “digital revolution.”

CALL in Education

Almost weekly we are witnessing a born of a new tech tool that supports

both parts of learning process; teachers and learners. CALL wouldn't

achieve its success if the results of using it weren't notable! Brinkley et al

(1999) reveals that "Electronic tools can make classes more efficient;

lectures more compelling, informative, and varied; reading assignments

more extensive, interesting, and accessible; discussions more free-

ranging and challenging; and students' papers more original and well

researched." (pp. 143-67). If we get back to the acronym below, we can

see that language learning constitutes an essential part of the

technological development.

CALL and Language Learning

Language learning is one of the main fields where computer and its

different software contributes to its growth. There are many reasons for

that; It allows a variety of forms and exercises for language learners to

practice the target language. Also, it uses the repetition as a way to

master this language. In addition to the privacy of using CALL's different

software which provides learners with free space to practice language as

well as evaluating their performance (Smith, 2016). In order to acquire a

second language, you need to work on improving the five main skills;

listening, writing, speaking, reading and lexical. Computers and different

tech tools provide you with a variety of methods and sources that allow

you to benefit from and accomplish these objectives. One of these tools is;

Electronic Presentations.

Electronic presentations

Five main educational fields mentioned by Brinkley et al (1999) where

teachers should use technology. Three of them highly recommended

using electronic presentations in enhancing language learning, raising

comprehending for learners, as well as decreasing teacher's efforts. The

idea of electronic presentations doesn't revolve around the substitution of

course content, but presents it digitally in order to make it more various

and renewed. also, to feel more flexible about adding different options

provided by internet and technology.

Electronic presentations and Education

The variety of options that electronic presentation strategy offers. In

addition to the ability to get rid of the monotony of the traditional teaching

ways are considered somehow the main reasons behind its importance.

Brinkley et al (1999) views that "When using computerized presentation,

however, you can easily add captions to the images, digitally highlight or

annotate them, or combine multiple images on a single slide." (pp. 143-

67). If you can notice how children concentrate on cartoon videos. Imagine

how teachers can get benefits of this when using electronic presentations

to transfer this attention towards learning. Teachers now by using

electronic presentations can guarantee more comprehending of the

subject given whether math, science or even language.

Electronic presentations in Language Learning

If you compare the efficiency of different language centers, you will notice

that; “The faster, the better.” What matters the most in language learning

classes is the speed of language learning process. Bajrami et al (2016)

states that Using visual material video or picture that inserted beside the

new word is faster 10 times for the kid to catch (p. 504). As well as the

importance of improving the lexical set for children (their vocabulary),

especially in this early age. Electronic presentations through its options

and the variety of sources, can guarantee both; the quality and the

quantity. Children, also are not familiar with the classroom environment

that includes speaking and face to face communication between their

teacher and classmates, so this might affect their enthusiasm towards

language learning. Thanajaro (2000) conducted a study that resulted in

"the use of authentic materials in ESL classrooms provided a positive

effect on ESL student's motivation to learn the language" as cited in

(Bajrami et al, 2016, p. 505). VoiceThread as a presentation tool is

designed to help you in gaining these objectives.


VoiceThread as Ferriter (2013) defines it is “an excellent online tool that

promotes meaningful conversation using visual prompts such as video

clips, images, graphs, and more.” In VoiceThread you only have to select

your content; PowerPoint slides, images, video clips, Word documents

and VoiceThread will automatically add them to a working window for your

presentation (ibid). Even with the variety of options and the allowance of

multimedia in VoiceThread, it is so easy to use especially with its simple

interface that makes it an approachable tool. It doesn’t require any special

technological skills. Also, it doesn’t matter what is the level you are using

VoiceThread with. (ibid).

VoiceThread Affordances

What gives VoiceThread this uniqueness from Ferriter (2013) point of view

is that “users can interact around a wide variety of stimuli.” “Instead of

uploading text-heavy prompts to start conversations, teachers can upload

provocative images, interesting video clips, or charts and graphs designed

to make students think differently about the topic being studied (ibid).”

Voice thread with its well-designed platform and its various options of

using different multimedia that is offered by the internet. In addition to the

countless resources can create a perfect tool for learning through

presenting. Voice thread not just allow the teacher to use audios and

videos, but also allow them to record it with their own sounds. This can

make children more familiar with their teacher which helps in creating a

comfortable environment to learn in and outside the classroom. It also

gives the teacher the chance to establish a whole study plan

electronically. Not just an extra tech tool to enhance language learning.

VoiceThread Drawbacks

Some reasons may prevent teachers from using VoiceThread such as

those mentioned by Voogt et al (2016) “the lack of face-to-face interaction,

especially outside the classroom. In this early age, children need to

interact virtually with the teacher. It is important on personality

development level rather than the educational level. Technical issues,

such as poor audio quality on voiced responses structural concerns such

as students having difficulty with the organization of information within a

VoiceThread” (p. 598). Also as any other tech tool in some level when the

teacher wants to take advantage of a further or advanced option he should

pay for it. This might not be encouraging especially for the schools with

limited potentials.


Now you become aware of CALL and its positive impact on education and

learning process in general as well as language learning in particular. We

highlighted electronic presentations as one of the teaching strategies that

based on technology. In addition to its beneficial effects on education and

language learning. We also present " VoiceThread" as an enticing tech

tool which concerns with electronic presentations, its features, and

advantages that make it worth using. Technology in a way or another

becomes an essential part of our lives, we cannot separate it whether

we're convinced by that or not. Ray Clifford said, “one thing seems certain:
though computers will not replace teachers, teachers who use computers

will replace those who don’t!” (Smith, 2016).


Bajrami, L., & Ismaili, M. (2016). The Role of Video Materials in EFL
Classrooms. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 502-506.
Retrieved from: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877042816313003/1-s2.0-

Brinkley, A. (2011). The Chicago handbook for teachers: A practical guide

to the college classroom. University of Chicago Press. Retrieved from:

Beatty, K. (2013). Teaching and Researching Computer-assisted

Language Learning. Retrieved from:

Ferriter, B. (2013). Using VoiceThread to communicate and collaborate.

Learn NC Online Site. Retrieved from:

Rivers, W. M. (1981). Teaching foreign-language skills. University of

Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.

Smith, B. (2015) Technology in Language Learning: An Overview.

Routledge. Retrieved from:

Thanajaro, M. (2000). Using authentic materials to develop listening

comprehension in the English as a second language classroom (Doctoral
dissertation). Retrieved from: http://theses.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-

Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (2016). Guest Editorial: Technology Enhanced

Quality Education for All –Outcomes from EDUsummIT 2015. Educational
Technology & Society, 19 (3), 1–4. Retrieved from: http://ju.proxy.coe-

Further reading

Barton, D. & Lee, C. (2013). Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts

and Practices. Language Learning and Technology,19, 65-68. Routledge.
Retrieved from: http://llt.msu.edu/issues/october2015/v19n3.pdf

Johnson, A. M., Ozogul, G., & Resslien, M. (2015). Supporting multimedia

learning with visual signaling and animated pedagogical agent:
moderating effects of prior knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted
Learning,31(2), 97-115. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12078.

Ruschoff, B., & Ritter, M. (2001). Technology-Enhanced Language

Learning: Construction of Knowledge and Template-Based Learning in the
Foreign Language Classroom. Computer Assisted Language Learning,
14(3-4), 219-232. Retrieved from:

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