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Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

Challenges of sustainable tourism development in the developing

world: the case of Turkey
Cevat Tosun*
School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mustafa Kemal University, P.K. 23 Pirinclik, 31200 Iskenderun, Turkey
Received 4 April 1999; accepted 6 June 2000


This article presents an analysis of the challenges to sustainable tourism development in developing countries with special
references to Turkey as a part of the developing world. It was found that the factors that have emerged as challenges to sustainable
tourism development related to priorities of national economic policy, the structure of public administration, an emergence of
environmental issues, over commercialisation, and the structure of international tourism system. It concludes that although the
principles of sustainable tourism development are bene"cial, their implementation is an enormously di$cult task to achieve and
owing to the prevailing socio-economic and political conditions in the developing world. Hence, any operation of principles of
sustainable tourism development necessitates hard political and economic choices, and decisions based upon complex socio-economic
and environmental trade-o!s. Moreover, it states that implementation of these hard decisions may not be possible unless international
organisations encourage and collaborate with governments of developing countries to implement the principles of sustainable tourism
development.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Sustainable tourism development; Challenges; The developing world; Turkey

1. Introduction vehicle for policy formulation to progress sustainable

tourism development in those countries owing to limita-
Following the popularisation of sustainable develop- tions that originate from the structure of developing
ment as an environmental management concept by the countries and the international tourism system.
publication of the World Commission on the Environ- The main objective of this article is to examine chal-
ment and Development's (WCED) &Our Common lenges to sustainable tourism development in the context
Future' in the late 1980s (WCED, 1987), a growing pro- of the developing world with special references to Tur-
portion of the tourism research literature has focused key. However, it should be noted here that it may not
on the principles and practice of sustainable tourism be possible to "nd evidence to strictly support every
development. &The term sustainable tourism has come to contention about challenges of sustainable tourism
represent and encompass a set of principles, policy pre- development because of formidable di$culties to obtain
scriptions, and management methods' (Hunter, 1997, information from public and private sources and
p. 850). It is interesting to note that this literature has non-availability of written material about sustainable
originated from developed countries (English Tourist development issues in many developing countries where
Board, 1991; Globe'90, 1991; D'Amore, 1992; Owen, Witt almost every kind of information is treated as con"den-
& Susan, 1993; Harris & Leiper, 1995, etc.). Conse- tial. Therefore, this paper may re#ect in part a polemic
quently, the principles of sustainable tourism develop- based upon the author's observation. Following a review
ment appear to have been established by developed of the underpinnings of development, sustainable devel-
countries without taking into account conditions in the opment and sustainable tourism development, the paper
developing world. They fail to provide a conceptual then considers challenges to sustainable tourism develop-
ment in Turkey. A major conclusion is that sustainable
tourism development is an enormously di$cult task to
* Fax: #90-326-642-7381. achieve in developing countries without the collabora-
E-mail address: cevattosun@hotmail.com (C. Tosun). tion of the international tour operators and donor

0261-5177/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 1 - 5 1 7 7 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 6 0 - 1
290 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

agencies such as the World Bank and the International prescription, which is supposed to be applicable to all
Monetary Fund. countries without considering their level of development,
socio-cultural and political conditions.

2. Sustainable development
3. Sustainable tourism development
De"nitions of sustainable development have two com-
ponents: the meaning of development and the conditions Sustainable tourism development should be seen as an
necessary for sustainability (Miltin, 1992). Generally, adaptive paradigm, a part of the parental concepts of
development implies a process that makes an e!ort development and sustainable development, and it should
to improve the living conditions of people (Bartelmus, aim at contributing to objectives of sustainable develop-
1986). In the words of Dudley (1993, p. 165), &Develop- ment and development in general by determining speci"c
ment is not just about increased wealth. It means change; principles in the light of its parental concepts. That is to
changes in behaviour, aspirations, and in the way which say, sustainable tourism development should be &accep-
one understands the world around one'. &Economic ted as all kinds of tourism developments that make
growth does not by itself constitute development. Devel- a notable contribution to or, at least, do not contradict
opment is &round'; it includes human and institutional the maintenance of the principles of development in an
change as well as economic growth' (Hapgood, 1969, inde"nite time without compromising the ability of fu-
p. 20). It involves broader concerns of the quality of life ture generations to satisfy their own needs and desires'
such as life expectancy, infant mortality, educational at- (Tosun, 1998a, p. 596). In this manner, Butler's (1993,
tainment, access to basic freedoms, nutritional status and p. 29) de"nition of sustainable tourism development
spiritual welfare (Pearce, Barbier & Markandya, 1990). appears to be a substantial contribution to unify the
That is to say, development should not be regarded and concept of sustainable tourism development with its
treated as a technical engineering exercise and more parental terms. Butler stated that:
attention should be paid to historical, cultural, social, 2sustainable development in the context of
economic and political realities (Stiefel & Wolfe, 1994). tourism could be taken as: tourism which is developed
Additionally, the emphasis of sustainable development is and maintained in an area (community, environment)
to carry developmental achievements into the future in in such a manner and at such a scale that it remains
such a way that future generations are not left worse o! viable over an inde"nite period and does not degrade
(Department of Environment, 1989; Pearce et al., 1990; or alter the environment (human and physical) in
WCED, 1987). which it exists to such a degree that it prohibits the
In this context, sustainable development is de"ned by the successful development and well-being of other activ-
United Nations' World Commission on the Environment ities and processes. That is not the same as sustainable
and Development (WCED) (1987, p. 42) as a &development tourism, which may be thought of as tourism which is
that meets the needs of the present without compromising in a form which can maintain its viability in an area for
the ability of future generations to meet their own need'. an inde"nite period of time.
Repetto (1986: 15, cited in Pearce et al., 1990, p. 4) has
re#ected the above broad concern of sustainable develop- It is worth emphasising that Butler has distinguished
ment as follows: sustainable tourism development from sustainable
tourism. Although this distinction seems not to be widely
Sustainable development is a development strategy recognised, it is important. Sustainable tourism develop-
that manages all assets, natural resources, and human ment has been also reviewed comprehensively by other
resources, as well as "nancial and physical assets, for several researchers such as Bramwell and Lane (1993),
increasing long-term wealth and well-being. Sustain- Owen et al. (1993), Murphy (1994), Harris and Leiper
able development, as a goal rejects policies and practi- (1995), Tosun (1996), Mowforth and Munt (1998) and
ces that support current living standards by depleting Tosun (1998a) etc. For the purpose of this article it may
the productive base, including natural resources, and be useful to identify some basic principles of sustainable
that leaves future generations with poorer prospects tourism development by taking into account conceptual
and greater risks than our own. arguments for development, sustainable development
Examining the above context of sustainable develop- and sustainable tourism development (STD). These prin-
ment reveals several main points as yardsticks. First, ciples may be stated as follows:
sustainable development is predominantly considered as E STD should contribute to the satisfaction of basic and
a long-term strategy to preserve and conserve the envi- felt needs of those hitherto excluded in local tourist
ronment, though the present is not ignored. Second, it destinations.
proposes an inter- and intra-generational balanced level E STD should reduce inequality and absolute poverty in
of welfare. Third, it is perceived as a universally valid local tourist destinations.
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 291

E STD should contribute to the emergence of necessary foreign currency earning in the short and long term. The
conditions in tourist destinations which will lead local balance of payments current account de"cit increased
people to gain self-esteem and to feel free from the evils from 0.6 per cent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in
of want, ignorance and squalor (see Goulet, 1971; 1992 to 3.9 per cent of GDP in 1993. In 1993, the current
Thirlwall, 1989). That is to say, STD should help host account de"cit of US$6.4 billion and debt repayment of
communities be free or emancipated from alienating US$4.4 billion were largely "nanced by foreign borrow-
material conditions of life and from social servitude to ing. For 1994, foreign debt service was some US$9.5
nature, ignorance, other people, misery, institution, billion. The downgrading of Turkey's sovereign credit
and dogmatic beliefs (see Todaro, 1994). rating in January 1994 limited new foreign borrowing to
E STD should accelerate not only national economic US$721 million. The immediate mechanical e!ect of
growth, but also regional and local economic growth. the depreciation of the Turkish Lira (TL) was to raise
This growth must be shared fairly across the social the foreign debt burden. Consequently, the increase
spectrum. in the debt service ratio raised concerns about Turkey's
E STD should achieve the above objectives or principles ability to meet its external commitments without
in an inde"nite period of time without compromising debt rescheduling. Further, the dominant feature of the
the ability of future generations to meet their own labour market in Turkey is the rapid growth of the
need. working-age population and the large proportion of
lower-age groups * implying that strong job creation is
The above principles of sustainable tourism develop- needed merely to hold the unemployment rate steady
ment remind the reader that &the remit of sustainable (OECD, 1995, 1996).
tourism development is extended to consider the role of Worker remittances are an important contribution to
tourism in contributing to sustainable development more the balance of payments of the country, but the second
generally' (Hunter, 1997, p. 860). In this regard, sustain- and third generations of Turkish workers abroad have
able tourism must be regarded as an adaptive paradigm a tendency not to spend or invest their money in Turkey.
capable of addressing widely di!erent situations and ar- When this tendency is taken into account, tourism seems
ticulating di!erent goals. This implies that sustainable to be one of the few main alternative sources of foreign
tourism development, as an adaptive paradigm is currency earning. These economic necessities have forced
a multi-disciplinary and broad concept. Hence, it touches decision-makers to encourage tourism development
upon a wide range of issues such as economic develop- without considering principles of development and sus-
ment policy, environmental matters, social factors, struc- tainable development.
ture of the international tourism system, etc. Consequently, Turkey saw tourism as an easy, e!ective
Generally speaking, sustainable tourism development and relatively cheap instrument to achieve export-led
appears to be bene"cial. If applied, most of the negative industrialisation as a core principle of the free market
e!ects of mass tourism may be eradicated and many economy formulated by international donor agencies
alternative forms of tourism might be induced. However, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary
there seems to be several limitations to moving towards Fund (Tosun, 1999). The government in 1982 enacted the
a sustainable tourism development in a developing coun- Tourism Encouragement Law No. 2634 to accelerate
try such as Turkey. These are the priorities of a national mass tourism development. This Law has induced many
economy, a lack of a contemporary tourism development private and public entrepreneurs to undertake large
approach, the structure of the public administration sys- amounts of "xed investment in tourism by building ho-
tem, the emergence of environmental matters and over- tels, yacht ports, swimming pools, etc.
commercialisation, and the structure of the international The Tourism Encouragement Law No.2634 provided
tourism system. These variables are termed as &challenges a wide range of "scal and monetary incentives. It also
of sustainable tourism development' in the context of the appropriated State-owned land for tourism development,
developing world. It should be noted that some of these reduced bureaucratic formalities for tourism investors,
challenges are inter-related, and, thus, are not completely relaxed restrictions on the employment of foreigners in
exclusive. In the following sections they will be examined the tourism sector, introduced vocational education and
with special references to Turkey as a developing country training development projects, and gave precedence in
to exemplify those points made under the given broad telephone, telegram and postal services. These incentives
context of sustainable development and principles of were given to tourism investments that took place in
sustainable tourism development. tourism regions, tourism zones and tourism centres as de-
termined by the Tourism Incentive Act No.2634. This
3.1. Priorities of national economy ushered in spatial concentration at the expense of
regional balanced development.
When the balance of payments and external debt of It is argued that the incentives that were given to the
Turkey are examined, it is clear that the country requires tourism sector are a result of the adoption of a liberal
292 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

capitalist economic policy. This has created a &get-rich- 3.2. Lack of a contemporary tourism development
quick' mentality coupled with dubious practices in "scal approach
and monetary policies (Sezer & Harrison, 1994; Tosun,
1998a). Additionally, it was claimed that there were cases The tourism sector has been represented at a minister-
where incentives were given on the basis of inner party ial level for more than 30 years in Turkey, but a contem-
courtesy or intimacy of friendship and relationship rather porary approach to tourism development has not
than entrepreneurial capability (Kusluvan, 1994). This developed (Tosun, 1998b). Although enacting the legisla-
seems to be a re#ection of the haphazard system in tion of the Tourism Incentives Law No. 2634 appears to
Turkey for resource allocation by the state authorities have provided a more detailed structure for the tourism
and the preferential access to state decision-making bo- development; it was not the objective to create sustain-
dies that is extremely important for success in business able tourism development. Rather, the main objective
(Ayata, 1994). was to achieve tourism growth in volume and value
This may suggest that patron}client relationships have terms, in both demand and supply-side aspects. In the
become a tool to achieve national objectives at the words of Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997, p. 77); &The
expense of local communities in those local tourist plans have essentially consisted of volume/value objec-
destinations, widening intra-generation inequity and tives designed to be achieved through an allocation of
unbalanced regional development alongside wider state-owned resources and the provision of a range of
socio-economic and political concerns. That is to say, the incentives to help facilitate the achievement of these
pattern of tourism development was shaped by the gener- goals'. In the broader context of sectoral development
ous tourism incentives that re#ect concerns of central planning, these activities in relation to tourism growth in
government while, it is argued here, environmental, equi- Turkey are not e!ective planning and do not re#ect the
table or similar societal considerations have been deemed concerns of contemporary development approaches to
as being secondary. These issues in the context of Turkish tourism development. Obviously, these activities are a
tourism have also been discussed in details elsewhere part of overall economic growth policy to achieve cen-
(Sezer & Harrison, 1994; Tosun & Jenkins, 1996; Tosun, trally determined objectives driven by not only the need
1998a). of the country, but also by dominant business interests.
It is not realistic to expect that a sector of the economy Yet it may be said that in the absence of a fair distribu-
of a developing country will contribute to sustainable tion of the fruits of economic growth across the social
development of that country without a signi"cant change spectrum, such a policy may be counter-productive.
in both the overall socio-economic structure and the Examining seven Five-Year Development Plans
public administration system (Tosun, 2000). Sustainable (FYDPs) reveals that the main concerns of tourism devel-
tourism development requires equity both inter-and- opment have not changed much since the "rst such plan
intra generational, which seems to be incompatible with in 1963. These tourism plans have focused merely on
the interests of those people who invested their capital in maximising foreign tourists' receipts and thus increasing
the tourism industry. It appears to be very di$cult, if not the supply capacity of the tourism industry. In this
impossible, to formulate a tourism policy which contra- context, the main shortcomings of tourism development
dicts the investors' interests. Thus, it is unrealistic to approach in Turkey are determined as follows: (1) a lack
achieve sustainable tourism development and expect of #exibility and decentralisation, (2) some lack of com-
tourism &to promote greater equality in the distribution prehensiveness and integration (3) lack of community
of the bene"ts of that industry, if the forces making for perspective, (4) being driven by an industry dominated by
inequality are left a free rein in their society and if policies international tour operators, multinational companies,
aimed at the eradication of poverty are not vigorously major domestic business interests and central
pursued' (de Kadt, 1979, p. 45). government and (5) lack of consistency, co-ordination
The implication of the Turkish tourism development and co-operation (Tosun, 1996; Tosun, 1998b).
policy is clear. The opportunity to derive foreign ex- That is to say, sectoral planning is done in isolation.
change from tourism export and employment created by Co-ordination, two-way communication and co-opera-
the tourism industry are opportunities not easily ignored. tion between and amongst related bodies are very weak
Thus, tourism is too important to leave to the lower level and in most cases do not exist. Turkey has a traditional
of governmental bodies rather than cabinet level. Not powerful bureaucracy that dominates legislative and op-
surprisingly, tourism as a primary source of foreign cur- erational processes. Any approaches that con#ict with
rency earning and employment generation is perceived as this traditional bureaucracy are not acceptable to the
a national priority that pre-dominates over secondary powerful bureaucrats. This is an obstacle to establishing
objectives and wider issues such as preserving cultural co-ordination and co-operation between and among the
heritage, environment, fair distribution of economic various bodies. Moreover, there is competition among
growth, etc. all of which comprise the principles of sus- public bodies to increase this traditional bureaucratic
tainable tourism development. structure in order to enlarge their area of in#uence.
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 293

Ultimately, these structural and historical problems in to locally elected bodies. In this unitary state, &power is
the public administration system are an important limi- devolved to subordinated area units, but central author-
tation to the planning process. ity always retains the sovereignty and the right to deter-
Furthermore, the planning approach lacks a time di- mine the degree of autonomy that is enjoyed by these
mension. The short-term issues have dominated the units' (Harper, 1987, p. 15). That is to say, Turkey could
planning process. The nature of the tourism sector has not establish local governments as separate corporate
increased the domination of the short-term planning entities (Ersoy, 1992). Consequently, local governments
approach and policies. The State Planning Organisation were never permitted to develop independent policies free
(SPO) has failed to create clear solutions to sectoral from the strict central government control (Ersoy, 1992;
problems. There is a belief that to be important is to be Koker, 1995).
successful which leads the need to maximise foreign cur- Therefore, historically, Turkey has a strong central
rency earning in the present tourism season. This short- government that has practised administrative tutelage on
term thinking has increased the level of dependency on local government. This tutelage practice of the central
foreign tour operators. government has precluded an emergence of responsive,
One of the main obstacles in this regard is political e!ective and autonomous institutions at the local
instability, which ushered in inconsistent tourism policies level. Ultimately, this has ushered in non-participation
and planning practices. It is interesting to note that in or pseudo-participation of local people in their own
a 75 year history of the Turkish Republic 56 governments a!airs. Not surprisingly, the public administration
have been in power. The average span of duty of every system in Turkey seems to be too bureaucratic to re-
government was 1.3 years. According to the Ministry of spond to public needs e!ectively and e$ciently. As
Tourism (1997), between 1963 and 1996, 30 ministers a two-stage survey sponsored by the International Re-
were appointed to this position. The average span of duty publican Institute (IRI) illustrated, an overwhelming ma-
of each Minister of Tourism (MT) was 1.1 years, a span jority of urban settlers are very dissatis"ed with
too short to achieve anything, particularly at national the service delivery system by the municipalities and
level. Because of this, &the historical position of the overwhelmingly express feelings of being left out of the
Turkish state with respect to tourism has been fairly political process (IRI, 1995). In this regard, Carkoglu
inconsistent' (Sezer & Harrison, 1994, p. 82). (1997, p. 89) stated that &there is no reason to believe the
Furthermore, ministers and even general directors have situation should be any better at that administration
a tendency to change the personnel in their departments level'.
when they are appointed to a new post. The Ministry of The above argument in relation to public administra-
Tourism is not exceptional in this regard. Naturally, high tion system in Turkey reveals that Turkey evidently has
personnel turnover rates decrease e$ciency, continuity a weak local government with lack of "nancial resources
and thus the e!ectiveness of tourism development plans and authority to defend the interest of local people in
in particular and state bureaucracy in general. As their constituencies. In the words of Ersoy (1992, p. 336),
Brotherton, Woolfenden and Himmetoglu (1994) noted, the most important structural problem is that &no rela-
the change in government gave birth to something of tionship has been established between the functions and
a political hiatus and re-ordering of priorities, changes in responsibilities of municipalities and their income struc-
policies and personnel. These unstable policies have tures. 2one of the most important aspects of the prob-
caused uncertainty, which has led to the emergence of lem is persistently ignored'. Consequently, any approach
a laissez-fairel approach to tourism development. to sustainable tourism development in the absence of
To sum up, it may be said that these common short- strong local planning authority and involvement of local
comings of the current tourism development approach communities in the planning process to some degree
pose challenges to sustainable tourism development in seems to be very di$cult.
Turkey. It would be naive to expect that truly sustainable In turn, therefore, local governments in popular
tourism development will be achieved under the guid- local tourist destinations seem to have failed to meet
ance of such an ad hoc, short-term and narrow tourism local people's needs and have not, for example,
development approach. Indeed, under this given climate addressed issues like the migration of large numbers of
of uncertainty, it seems to be improbable to sustain tourists and second-home owners into those local holi-
sound tourism development. It is therefore evident that day resorts. For example, the Municipal Governor of
alternative approaches are required to achieve the goal of Kusadasi (a well-known coastal resort on the Aegean
sustainable tourism development. Sea), stated that the population of Kusadasi has been
dramatically increased due to the new jobs in the tourism
3.3. Structure of public administration system sector and those who settled here to spend the rest of
their lives * mainly retired people. Moreover, the popu-
Turkey as a unitary state contains a network of local lation has been further increased during the summer
o$cials who are centrally appointed and closely related season.
294 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

Every person who moves into a second home for 3}4 and mistreatment by hoteliers are against the Coastal
months [and every tourist visiting Kusadasi for one or Law dated 04. 04. 1990, No. 3621 and the 1982 Constitu-
two weeks] during the summer adds to the existing tion, according to which, coastal areas including beaches
burden on the shoulders of Kusadasi Municipal Gov- are under the protection of State. The coastal areas are
ernment. The range and cost of services have increased. public properties accessible free for everybody and
In spite of this, the revenues of the municipal with no limitation (see Kalkan, 1991). Somehow, there
government have not increased to be able to meet the appears to be no political will, opposition and legal
additional demand for services. In grants extended by action against the misuse of beaches and mistreatment by
Ministries and other bodies2to the Municipalities, hoteliers. This may be due to the fact that local people do
population is a criterion besides other characteristics not have much knowledge and information about the
of the town (Suyolcu 1980, pp. xii}xiii). relevant law and regulation. On the other hand, it
may also be a re#ection of a weak local government that
It is also reported that Bodrum (a well-known coastal "nds it di$cult to protect the interests of the local com-
resort on the Aegean Sea) has grown from a small "shing munities by taking legal action against the rich business
village to a centre of tourism explosion which houses elites.
nearly 100,000 tourists even though its population The second community is composed of indigenous
capacity is around 10,000. This has taken not only people and local civil servants (teachers, nurses, police,
Bodrum by surprise but Turkey itself. Bodrum has postmen, etc.). This immobile community (permanent
become the hottest tourist spot in Europe (Lamar, 1988). settlers) is separated from the mobile (seasonal) or tem-
The statements regarding Kusadasi and Bodrum seem porary community. Members of this community live at
to be still valid for many local tourist destinations in the rear of the developed local holiday destinations,
Turkey, owing to the fact that not much progress has where components of basic infrastructure are very poor
been made in the decentralisation of the public adminis- or at a primitive level. The settlements of the indigenous
tration system since 1980. Moreover, &2decentralisation people are in the form of slum housing, most of which do
practices created an opposite move towards centralisa- not have hot water systems, inside toilet, proper bath, etc.
tion in the 1980s' (Tosun & Jenkins, 1996, p. 528) and Naturally, there seems to be a very limited and negli-
local bodies have been organised in a way that can still be gible relationship in primitive form between members of
used by the ruling party. Hence, if central and local these two communities during the peak season: local
government are not in the same political party, people work for the temporary community as cleaners,
this creates con#ict and further problems in terms of waiters, night-keepers of hotels and luxury second
#exibility, simply because of partisanship. homes, dishwashers, gardeners, etc. These jobs are, by
Given the lack of "nancial resources and authority to nature, low paid and do not have high social status.
make independent decisions at local level, it seems to be Moreover, these jobs do not create opportunities to accu-
very di$cult for mayors of these resort towns to respond mulate skills and quali"cations that can be transferable
e!ectively to the needs of tourists and residents to other employment areas. Thus, when tourism disap-
simultaneously. As a result, the power structure and pears, the jobs will also disappear.
patron}client relations in these tourist destinations have The above discussion and author participant observa-
led local governments to respond primarily to the needs tion suggest that tourism development in prime local
of tourism entrepreneurs and tourists, and thus ignoring tourist destinations has brought powerful and organised
the needs felt by permanent residents. It is clearly observ- business interests into the powerless, unorganised in-
able in many local tourist destinations in Turkey that digenous communities. In the course of time, the business
there seem to be two di!erent communities. One con- interests have become dominant power holders and ser-
sists of tourists, tourism entrepreneurs and second ved their self-interest at the expense of indigenous people
homeowners. This community is well organised and has who live on the margin of their felt-needs. This seems to
a leading role in local politics owing to its members' be largely due to &the formation of local government in
"nancial power and client-relations with central govern- Turkey [that] has been initiated by the state, re#ecting
ment. Most members of this community do not live administrative and "scal concerns of the centre, and has
permanently or educate their children in those local not been a source of democratic citizen participation in
administrative units. This mobile community to a large a public space' (Koker, 1995, p. 61). In this regard,
extent belongs to high-income groups or educated elites tourism development appears to have ignored intra-gen-
at the national level. eration equity by catering for tourists and tourism entre-
Moreover, access of indigenous people to beaches in preneurs' needs at the expense of indigenous local people.
front of luxury hotels and holiday villages has been It should be kept in mind that transferring public re-
prevented via physical barriers such as fences. Addition- sources to tourism investors via the noted generous
ally, luxury hotels have hired security guards to stop tourism incentives has accelerated this process. In brief,
access of non-hotel guests onto beaches. These attitudes tourism continues to be driven by central government
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 295

and its clients, rather than community interests in As a result, Aegean and Mediterranean coastal strip
Turkey. This reveals that tourism development in many development has taken place, which may re#ect the
local tourist destinations in Turkey and elsewhere in the absence of comprehensive and integrative planning
developing world contradicts principles of sustainable approaches to tourism development. Moreover, many
tourism development as stated at the outset of this study. hotels and holiday villages violated construction regula-
Thus, it is extremely di$cult to achieve sustainable tions and the Coastal Law No. 3621. The construction
tourism development in Turkey without the political will of hotels and other facilities has not been integrated
to re-structure the public administration system towards into traditional or dominant architectural styles. This
decentralisation and community empowerment. haphazard building and polluting of resources has
endangered sustainable tourism development. Thus, the
3.4. Emergence of environmental matters "nal output is architectural pollution and an example of
construction site syndrome.
In the 1980s hard currency bottlenecks were serious Second, environmental pollution has become an
problems for Turkey. It was very di$cult for the govern- important problem at these popular local tourist
ment in power to "nd short-term foreign loans at even destinations due to the lack of measures to cope with
relatively steep interest rates, due to the serious socio- the generation of new or increased waste residues.
economic and political crisis that brought on the last Sewage disposal systems were installed solely according
military intervention. This caused Turkey to lose its to local residents' needs without taking into
credibility in the international "nancial market. There- account tourism development in many if not all tourist
fore, the government decided to develop the tourism destinations in Turkey. The carrying capacity of
industry without considering its opportunity costs. Soon sewage disposal systems have been exceeded due to
after, it prepared all necessary legislation that gave gener- a rapid increase in numbers of hotels and second-homes
ous incentives to develop the tourism sector in order to construction in addition to the migration of signi"cant
secure foreign currency earnings. Moreover, natural re- numbers of people from less-developed regions of
sources, historical sites and cultural heritage have been the country to work in the construction of hotels
conceived as idle and cost-free instead of a long-term and second homes. These people who worked in the
asset. construction industry then remained in the labour
Not surprisingly, the negative impact of tourism on the force as gardeners, dishwashers, waiters and the
physical environment has appeared, following the phase like. On the other hand, some hotels outside the
of more or less uncontrolled development during the main settlements have not linked their sewage disposal
1980s. In the absence of pro-active, comprehensive and system to the main system because of installation
integrated planning approaches, development has costs. Moreover, since there was no strict control
concentrated in a spatially unbalanced manner. It is and regulation that would have prevented hoteliers from
interesting to note that successive governments have en- polluting the environment, particularly at the initial stage
couraged this spatial concentration by deliberately chan- of tourism development, it is possible that non-solid
nelling generous tourism incentives to pre-determined waste "nds its way into natural water supplies. Hence,
tourism regions, tourism areas and tourism centres. Unbal- there may be pollution of underground and surface
anced and geographical concentration of tourism devel- water.
opment has created environmental problems in various Yacht tourism also has created considerable water
forms at di!erent local tourist destinations. pollution at some local tourist destinations on the coastal
First, uncontrolled hotel construction has emerged on areas. For example, yachts have polluted seawater
the coastal areas. To Alipour (1996) and Brotherton and around the yacht port in Kusadasi by discharging dirty
Himmetoglu (1997, p. 77), &these tourism facility develop- water into the sea without any pre-treatment. Solid waste
ments in the prime Aegean and Mediterranean coastal such as cans and bottle, etc. are thrown into the sea from
regions took place to a large extent in a haphazard way'. yachts in the area.
Although physical land-use planning and development Third, overcrowding, tra$c jams and noise have cre-
guidelines were prepared for these regions (Southwest ated discomfort for local people. It can be clearly observ-
Turkey Touristic Investment Areas) by the Ministry of able in prime local tourist destinations such Kusadsi,
Tourism, implementation of these guidelines have not Bodrum, Marmaris, Urgup, etc. that buses carrying tour-
been controlled. Moreover, it is stated that &Even if they ists unnecessarily use their horns. Some leave the main
are operating in the o$cial economy, Turkish business- road, passing through the local residential streets. In
men specialise in getting round the rules' (The Econom- particularly both early in the morning and late at night
ist, 1996, p. 13). This implies that unless there is a strong these buses have created an unacceptable disturbance for
control mechanism, implementation of the land-use local residents whilst transporting tourists from hotels to
planning regulations will be ignored easily by private airport or vice versa. Moreover, some bars, discos, night-
entrepreneurs. clubs remain open, playing loud music late at night. This
296 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

disturbs local residents who have to rise early in order to travertine of unsightly appearance and, secondly and
work on the farms, etc. more importantly, the polluted thermal waters will
Tra$c congestion seems to have become a problem pose a threat to human health where they continue to
particularly in the region of Cappadocia during the peak be used supplying baths, swimming pools and even
tourist season. For example, this problem can be ob- medicinal drinking water. (Altunel & Hancock, 1994,
served in front of the main rock churches that are on the p. 129).
main road. At times there are 4 or 5 buses bringing
visitors to the rock churches and underground towns. Tourists, both foreign and domestic, have tended to
The visitors stay 2}3 hours visiting some main attrac- behave in an irresponsible way. Visitors appear to have
tions, and tend to leave at the same time. The tra$c carelessly left solid waste such as cans, bottles and ciga-
congestion keeps tourists and residents waiting which rette butts on the travertine. This has contributed to the
consequently create discomfort. However, the tra$c deterioration of this fragile and unique natural resource.
problem appears to be due to an uncontrolled and disor- In brief, the urbanisation of the Pammukkale travertine
ganised tra$c system in addition to overcrowding. If plateau, and tourists themselves have progressively
some arrangements were to be put in place, the problem impaired the attractive environment that visitors come
could be solved, at least in the short term. to view. There are too many people in too small an
On local market-days (halk pazari), overcrowding has area.
become an unmanageable problem in the public open- The Cappadocia region is arguably one of the most
market areas in many local tourist destinations since attractive and fragile sites in the world due to its unique
these areas were designed and arranged according to cultural heritage and natural volcanic beauty. The geo-
local people's needs. Open public markets appear to be logical history of the region dates from Oligocene times,
very attractive for foreign tourists as they create a natural 38 million years ago or so (Bowen, 1987, 1990). The
shopping atmosphere in a traditional form and the shop- geological structure of volcanic origin has formed, by
ping is relatively cheap. However, sellers seem to pay so wind erosion, bizarre formations that are known as the
much attention to foreign tourists that they sometimes &fairy chimneys'. The "rst inhabitants date back to 3000
ignore local residents' shopping needs. Local people feel BC. in the Cappadocia plateau. Cappadocia provided an
humiliated by the lack of attention accorded to them. asylum to early Christians who had selected the Goreme
Shop owners "nd it more pro"table to deal with foreign Valley and Urgup for building churches in the year 53
tourists who are likely to buy more without bargaining as AD, thus laying the foundations of Christianity in this
local people do. part of the World. The broken valleys, which were for-
Fourth, the most detrimental impact of tourism devel- med by erosion, sheltered the Christians #eeing Roman
opment and tourists has been on both the unique and oppression. Christians built a multitude of churches by
highly fragile natural and man-made resources. This hollowing into the rocks in the Valley of Goreme. The
could be observed in Pamukkale and in the region of rock churches were decorated with impressive religious
Cappadocia since the mid-1980s. Pammukkale has be- frescoes (Turizm Bankasi, 1986; Nevsehir Il Turizm
come very attractive for tourists and, thus, for tourism Mudurlugu, 1995).
entrepreneurs, owing to the "ssure-ridge and terraced- The unique scenery, geological structure, religious
mound travertines created over the last 400,000 years as relics and historical sites are the primary attractions for
a result of deposition from thermal waters that spring at tourists. They distinguish the Cappadocia region from
353C from within active "ssures and faults. Many of these other local tourist destinations in Turkey. However,
"ssures travertine are up to 10 m wide. The actively those tourists who do not have an interest in religious
accumulating travertine attracts visitors to Pamukkale in relics and natural attractions have damaged these an-
increasing numbers. Consequently, urbanisation of the tique human and natural resources by behaving in an
areas has accelerated since the 1980s. Such uncontrolled irresponsible way. Some of the rock houses have been
urbanisation has given rise to two main problems: used as tea gardens, bars, etc.; and some have been
bought by foreigners, who visit the region every year, to
(1) Hotels and motels have been extracting subsur- use as accommodation during their stay in Cappadocia.
face thermal waters to supply private swimming pools Moreover, since there were no strict planning regulations
and baths. Pumping has led to a fall in the water table or local authorities with power to implement existing
and is beginning to exhaust some of the natural hot regulations, ribbon development has occurred along the
springs. (2) Some open "ssures are being "lled by scenic routes and in areas of volcanic beauty. There are
domestic waste from adjacent municipalities, hotels some examples of integrated building styles in the
and motels. Surface waters collecting in these "ssures environment, but generally there has been a failure to
will wash pollutants into the main thermal-water reser- integrate the superstructures of the tourism industry with
voir. This will bring two major problems. Firstly, the the natural volcanic beauty, which in the words of Pearce
polluted thermal waters will precipitate unclean (1978), is &architectural pollution'.
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 297

The Ministry of Tourism has become aware of the 3.5. Emergence of over commercialisation
environmental matters and has taken some measures to
prevent environmental damage through tourism devel- Utilising culture as a tourism resource is a critical
opment. For instances, the most signi"cant attractions issue. Culture should not be manipulated or exploited
(Goreme, Derinkuyu, Ihlara Valley, Zelve, etc.) were particularly as an instrument for tourism development.
taken under State protection, which can play an impor- In the past, several studies emphasised the negative im-
tant role to keep Cappadocia a world-class site. How- pact which unplanned and irresponsible tourism devel-
ever, measures have not been taken in time to stop this opment may have on the indigenous culture of a region
environmental erosion in some other parts of the region (Jafari, 1974; Young, 1973; Ritchie & Zins, 1978). How-
such as in Urgup and Ortahisar. Turkey has successfully ever, it is claimed that cultural heritage and traditional
implemented an Environmental Protection program values were manipulated and exploited for the sake of
to save Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas, which are a economic bene"ts of tourism development by placing the
species of sea turtle, on a small part of the Mediterranean Ministry of Culture under the umbrella of tourism in
Sea. This project was strongly supported by the central Turkey (Sosyal, 1982).
government because of international pressure, but excep- Although the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was
tional cases should not be generalised. separated into two separate ministries in 1989, the cur-
The report of the special professional group of tourism rent circumstances in many local tourist destinations
(Devlet Planlama Teskilati (State Planning Organisa- re#ect Soysal's concern. Local cultural values in many
tion), 1995), which had been taken as the basis for local tourist destinations have become a part of the
tourism sector development planning, seems to have fail- tourism product. They have been used as a commodity
ed to provide a comprehensive legislative guideline to and marketing tool to increase the average length of stay
stop environmental deterioration due to the tourism de- of the tourists and maximise foreign currency earning.
velopment. However, the report of the special profes- Consequently, a &get-rich-quick' mentality has emerged
sional group for environment (Devlet Planlama Teskilati, in the tourism industry. Hoteliers, and other tourism-
1994) highlighted the gap between legislation and imple- related entrepreneurs, have tried their best to use every-
mentation. Consequently, the Seventh FYDP (State thing available to maximise their pro"t margin without
Planning Organisation, 1995, p. 206) clearly pointed out considering the consequences of their activities even for
that &It is required that the articles of the Constitution their future business. Traditional ceremonies, folk
which are directly or indirectly concerned with environ- dances, etc. have been performed as part of the entertain-
mental matters should be amended in line with the prin- ment activities in hotels, bars, discos and restaurants. For
ciples of a sustainable economic development'. example, the author personally witnessed that a circum-
More speci"cally, it was suggested that the Environ- cision feast has been presented in such a way that it
mental Law No. 2872, the Law on Forests No. 6831, the created fear in boys who would be circumcised. To be
Law No. 2634 on Encouraging Tourism, the Law of paraded in front of so many foreign people with di!erent
Resettlement No. 3194, the Law of Coasts No. 3621 and language and colour should not be allowed and it be-
the Law on the Protection of Cultural and Natural comes an additional stress factor for those boys kept
Entities No. 2863 should be updated and amended ac- waiting for the sake of tourists and money. It is not only
cording to the requirement of sustainable development. uncomfortable for these boys, but the content of the
The relevant governmental documents in review reveal circumcision feast has become exaggerated that it is
that some professional groups in Turkey have already inconsistent with reality.
become aware that new legislative measures are ne- Another example, in this regard, is the performance of
cessary to preserve, protect and improve natural and &Turkish Nights'. Eroglu (1995) stated that Nevsehir
man-made resources. However, there is still not a com- School of Tourism and Hotel Management established
prehensive plan to cope satisfactorily with environmental a team specially educated to perform folk dance and folk
matters that have appeared through tourism develop- drama in restaurants and hotels in Cappadocia, but
ment. It is clear that the present level of legal action and hoteliers and restaurant operators have not accepted the
measures in respect to environmental codes appear to be specially educated team because of its relatively high
insu$cient. That is to say, planning lags behind change, cost, and prefer cheaper, unprofessional teams at the
as it often does in Turkey as a developing country, and expense of the destruction of cultural values. Eroglu
change brings the destruction of much of the country's (1995) particularly emphasised that some of the folk
rich historical heritage. Hence, this matter is one of the dramas have been performed in forms that have humili-
dominant threats to tourism development in Turkey. ated the local communities from where the dramas and
Perhaps, as the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) (1989, dances originated.
p. 54) stated, &Turkey may need international help and Additionally, it can be argued that traditional handi-
support in the years immediately ahead' to deal with this crafts have become a matter of mass production without
serious problems of tourism development in Turkey. paying much attention to their origins owing to the
298 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

&get-rich-quick' mentality that has been brought by Table 1

over-commercialisation. Moreover, a tourist may won- Origin regions for international tourist arrivals in Turkey, 1996
der whether he or she is in a Turkish town. Shops, bars,
Origin region Arrivals (%)
discos and even tourism employees use foreign version of
their names: Zafer is changed to Victor, Cevat to Gerald, Europe OECD 4,707,253 54.65
Meryem to Mary, Isa to Jesus, etc. It is not surprising to Other OECD 491,305 5.70
see shops named as the Irish Bar, English Bar, Elegant Eastern Europe 2,219,627 25.77
Wear, Leather Jacket Shop, etc. Even 10}15 years old Africa 119,718 1.39
West Asia 541,439 6.29
children speak some words in English, French, German, South Asia 466,956 5.42
etc. They prefer greeting foreign tourists with a foreign North America 4383 0.05
language without knowing their nationalities while they Central America 10,729 0.12
are polishing tourists' shoes. South America 38,631 0.45
Using cultural values at the wrong place, wrong time Oceania 937 0.01
Haymatlos 13,107 0.15
with the wrong standard has created in turn a misleading Total 8,614,085 100
and damaging image about local communities in those
tourist destinations. Overtime, it may become increasing- Source: Ministry of Tourism (1997).
ly di$cult to discern di!erence between commercially
inspired and authentic cultural shows, thereby compro-
mising the ability of future generations to satisfy their
own needs. 1994). It is noted that investment in promoting Turkey as
a tourist destination has a very minor impact on inter-
3.6. Structure of the international tourism system national tourist #ows to Turkey (Uysal & Crompton,
1984). Moreover, it is also reported that &it is rather
The structure of the international tourism industry in di$cult to claim that the popularity of Turkey as a tour-
developing countries is characterised by the domination ist destination is not the result of conscious and well
of Transnational Tourism Corporations (TTCs) from planned marketing and promotional e!orts of the MT
relatively advanced wealth industrialised countries and other related organisations' (Ozturk, 1996, p. 278).
(Britton, 1982; Ascher, 1985; WTO, 1985; Dieke, 1988; The current pattern of international tourism demand for
Jenkins, 1994). It is argued that these industrialised Turkey supports these statements. The EIU (Economic
countries generate tourist demand for most developing Intelligence Unit) (1993, p. 82) found that, &over 55 per
countries, and the large foreign "rms from these generat- cent of all visitors to Turkey travel on all inclusive tour
ing countries dominate the #ow patterns (Jenkins, 1994). packages tour and 15 per cent on a part organised
Particularly, in the absence of unique attractions, tourist basis2 Eighty "ve per cent of all charter passenger
demand is largely externally determined (Jenkins, 1980). arrivals travelled by using the companies which are
That is to say, signi"cant decisions as to which destina- owned and operated by foreigners'. In 1996 60 per cent of
tion regions are to be favoured with tourism develop- foreign tourists who visited Turkey arranged their trips
ments are frequently exercised by travel intermediaries through tour operators (State Institute of Statistics,
based, not in destination regions, but in the tourist 1997).
generating countries. &Given such external control over A closer look at the international tourist arrivals in
the fortunes of the tourism industry in destination re- Turkey illustrates that tourism development is reason-
gions it must be concluded that tourism is too fragile and ably dependent on a small number of origin countries. In
unpredictable an industry on which to base total 1996 60.35 per cent (5.2 million) of Turkey's arrivals
economic development of destination regions' (Hall, originated from OECD countries and 25.77 per cent (2.2
1994, p. 119 quoting Goodall, 1987, p. 72). million) from East European (see Table 1). The largest
This argument regarding dependency of tourism devel- single tourist arrivals in 1996 were from Germany, which
opment in developing countries suggests that type and accounted for 25 per cent of all arrivals. The top three
scale of tourism development in the developing world is markets accounted for about 52 per cent of total inter-
at the mercy of the international tour operators to a large national arrivals to Turkey in 1996 (see Table 2).
extent. In this regard, it may not be wrong to claim that It should be noted that the 2.2 million visitors (26 per
developing countries are decision-takers, rather than de- cent of all arrivals) from East European countries could
cision-makers regarding the tourism development that not be regarded as tourists in the real meaning of the
has taken place in their territories. There is evidence that word. The vast majority of these visitors were &suitcase
international tour operators and multinational com- traders' who aimed at to sell goods brought from their
panies in the tourism industry have shaped and directed own country in the streets. If these visitors were excluded,
the tourism development in Turkey and elsewhere in the the top two markets, Germany and the UK, would ac-
developing world (Ascher, 1985; Dieke, 1988; Kusluvan, count for 45 per cent of total arrivals to Turkey in 1996.
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 299

Table 2 become imperative for Turkey to accept and support

International tourist arrivals in Turkey by major origin country, 1996 certain scale and types of tourism development in certain
geographic locations in her territory at the expense of
Origin country Number of arrivals (%)
environmental degradation and worsening intra and
Germany 2,141,778 24.86 inter-generational-equity. In this context, it may be
Austria 235,540 2.73 said that under the current imperfect market conditions,
France 251,976 2.93 Turkey as a cheap popular tourist destination has two
Netherlands 216,672 2.52 choices. First, to accept the current type, scale and direc-
United Kingdom 758,433 8.80
USA 326,214 3.79 tion of tourism development that seems to contradict
Romania 191,511 2.22 principles of development and sustainable development.
UIS 1,582,423 18.37 Second, to reject the current type, scale and direction of
Israel 254,445 2.95 tourism development and accept a certain type and scale
Iran 378,130 4.39 of tourism development that will contribute to sustain-
Source: Ministry of Tourism (1997). able development. This second option seems not to be
More than 2 per cent per origin country. acceptable in terms of current political preferences and
economic priorities. In fact, the "rst option may be the
only choice for Turkey.

In this vein, the proportion of tourists who travelled on

all inclusive tour packages may have been higher than 4. Conclusion
the given 60 per cent.
Under the given high level of market dependency of Although arguments regarding the challenges to sus-
tourism development, and the badly needed foreign cur- tainable tourism development have been raised with
rency earning (particularly in the short term), it appears special reference to Turkey as a part of the developing
to be very di$cult for Turkey to make a radical move to world, they may be valid for many developing countries
change the current pattern of tourism development that have adopted a similar tourism development ap-
(Tosun, 1999). Hence, in a developing country such as proach and experienced similar di$culties. Hence, it may
Turkey, the government's role is to develop ad hoc strat- be possible to draw several general conclusions.
egies for tourism to cope with the high bargaining power First, like many other developing countries, Turkey
of international tour operators and adjust policies to the has chronic and severe macro economic problems such
changes caused by external factors. As Tosun (1997) as a high rates of unemployment, rapid growth of the
argues, it is very di$cult for Turkey to develop a pro- working-age population, high rate of in#ation and inter-
active planning approach by which to decrease or eradi- est, an increasing rate of de"cits in the current account of
cate the in#uences of the external factors on the tourism balance of payments and an increasing debt: service ratio.
development due to the nature of the international In the short term many developing countries do not have
tourism system. This suggests that the structure of the alternatives to tourism to "nd sources of foreign currency
international tourism system has led Turkey to create earnings and to create jobs for the rapidly growing work-
a tourist infrastructure of facilities based on Western ing-age population. Thus, developing world governments
standards even in relatively underdeveloped local areas do not have much option other than to support current
to provide the mass tourist with &the protective ecological tourism development even though it may not be compat-
bubble of his accustomed environment' (Cohen, 1972, ible with the principles of long-term sustainable deve-
p. 171) while local people in these areas have di$culty lopment. The development of tourism is essentially built
in satisfying their felt-needs such as those of housing, on long-term investment, but for short-term bene"ts.
education and health. The type, direction, volume and Sustainability as a long-term objective can only have
impact of international tourism in Turkey are being relevance if it can gather the support of present day
determined by external factors to a large extent. In this bene"ciaries. These macro-economic imperatives suggest
context, it may be stated that tourism is an industry that unless developing countries "nd additional sources
developed and run by foreigners for foreigners. of foreign currency earning and employment generation,
The above argument may suggest that the structure of they will support whatever forms of tourism development
international tourism seems to be an obstacle to making are available to them, including those that are unsustain-
decisions to move towards a more sustainable tourism able.
development in the developing world. It has left no Second, in developed countries, approaches to tourism
choice for Turkey to consider except the current mass development planning have moved from a historical,
tourism development, which is driven by the interna- narrow consideration of demand, supply and physical
tional tour operators and appears to contradict prin- requirements to more comprehensive, integrated and en-
ciples of sustainable tourism development. Thus, it has vironmentally sensitive approaches, which are sine qua
300 C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303

non for sustainable tourism development. However, this New measures should ensure the equality of treatment of
evolutionary process has not had much opportunity to all residents and should avoid creating other problems or
be applied in developing countries. Thus, on the one shaping the form of prevailing problems rather than
hand, contemporary approaches to tourism development solving them.
such as community involvement, comprehensive, integra- Fourth, there is a need to establishing quality stan-
tive and system approaches appear to be essential to dards for handicrafts so as to distinguish those handi-
achieve a better tourism development, if not sustainable crafts that are made in accordance with their origins from
tourism development, in the developing world. But, on those that are not. A special trademark or symbol can be
the other hand, adopting those planning models and developed to represent this quality standard. When
approaches developed in and for developed countries to buyers see this special trade mark or symbol, they can be
solve the problems of tourism in developing countries more con"dent about the quality of the products. The
requires considerable e!ort, "nancial resources and ex- quality standard marks should be publicised in tour
pertise, all of which may not be available in those coun- operators' brochures and via tourism information
tries. Even if these models are "nancially and technically centres. This measure may be a means to counter over-
feasible, it may not be feasible in terms of &politics'. In commercialisation and protect consumers. Similarly, en-
other words, decision-makers may not accept such tertainers such as folk dance performers, Turkish night
a model since it may be contrary to their interests. Any organisers, etc. should be controlled via a certi"cation
planning model should be both politically acceptable and program. The Ministry of Culture or relevant organisa-
desirable in developing countries if it is to be imple- tion should certify those entertainers who perform folk
mented. Adapting the techniques and approaches de- dances and organise traditional animation programs and
veloped by others does not necessarily meet developing only certi"cate holders should be permitted to organise
countries' needs. Hence, it is suggested that developing entertainment programmes. This may also help govern-
countries need to develop their own contemporary ment to collect more taxes. For example, many entertain-
tourism development approaches by taking into account ment organisers are not registered as self-employed in
their own socio-economic, political and legislative condi- Turkey and therefore many of them do not pay taxes.
tions to cope with the unplanned and uncontrolled There is now considerable evidence that tourism does
tourism development that has emerged as a challenge to have de"nite but variable impacts on communities and
sustainable tourism development. the wider society in developing countries. It should be
Third, centralisation of public administration func- noted that, as Harrison (1992) postulates, there may be
tions has brought the dangers of concentration of power something quite patronising in the suggestion that the
in too few hands in developing countries. This public culture of many developing countries may be weak and
administration structure has catered for business inter- require protection from outside in#uences. The cost of
ests as clients of decision-makers at the expense of in- achieving some economic advancement by adopting in-
digenous communities in many local tourist destinations. ternational mass tourism must be measured against the
This suggests that there is much truth in the German loss of cultural heritage, which can be observed in many
proverb &stadtluft macht frei' (town air makes man free). It developing countries as the result of the modernisation
is argued &in support of the conception that local bodies process. As tourism is part of this modernisation process,
know local problems and feelings, and so what is suit- it is important to anticipate and manage the negative
able, better than the central authorities possibly can' social, cultural, economic and environmental problems
(Allum, 1995, p. 413). Hence, local governments should arising from tourism. It should be kept in mind that it is
be re-organised to defend, protect and re#ect concerns not the modernisation that attract tourists, but the tradi-
and interests of local people in their administrative terri- tional and authentic cultural values that are the main
tories. Obviously, without "nancial resources, local gov- sources of attraction alongside other socio-economic
ernments cannot provide services to their constituencies. factors and natural resources in a tourist destination.
Consequently, local government should be empowered Fifth, environmental codes should be developed and
not only politically and legally, but also "nancially. Addi- enforced to protect unique and fragile natural resources
tional "nancial resources should be made available for and cultural heritage. Necessary rules and regulations
local governments to be used particularly for community should be enacted for this. These measures should be
development projects. For example, a community devel- strict and free of misinterpretation and misuse. If
opment tax or community compensation tax can be necessary, international agencies should be approached
collected to raise "nancial resources for this purpose. to collaborate to protect these non-renewable resources.
This may encourage local government to "nd ways of Additionally, signboards should be put in place to advise
empowering those who live in its area. tourists of restrictions. Through booklets and newsletters
However, re-organisation and empowerment of local tourists can be informed how these fragile resources can
governments may move patron-client relations to prov- be easily damaged. Tourist guides should be educated
incial level. In this vein, a cautionary approach is needed. about environmental issues. Tourist guides should be
C. Tosun / Tourism Management 22 (2001) 289}303 301

responsible to introduce to tourists relevant environ- sions based on cumbersome social, economic and envir-
mental codes and give, free of charge, relevant booklets onmental trade-o! are sine qua non. This cannot be
and newsletters, to tourists in their groups. Most impor- achieved within the present conditions of many
tantly, there should be control to implement these envir- developing countries without the assistance of interna-
onmental codes via empowering local government, non- tional organisation.
governmental organisations and local communities. If This study proposes that future research should focus
those codes are ignored for any reason there should be on how international organisations including the World
signi"cant monetary "nes that can be additional sources Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Union,
of "nance to improve and the protect the relevant envi- United Nations, International Tour Operators, etc. can
ronment. have a role in implementation of the principles of sustain-
Sixth, the Turkish tourism experience reveals that the able tourism development in developing countries. It
form and scale of tourism development that has taken should be noted that economically advanced countries
place in developing countries is shaped by international need to protect and preserve both the environment, and
tour operators. Intense competition between identical peace in the developing world since people of these coun-
tourist destinations in terms of price, rather than product tries have already accepted cross-border holidays as part
di!erentiation and quality, and increasing the supply of of their felt-need.
almost identical commodity tourist destinations increase
the dependency of destination countries on the interna-
tional tour operators. This high level of market depend- References
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