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GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

Animal Welfare in Public and Private Standards and

On-Farm Compliance

Tierwohl in staatlichen Vorschriften und privaten Standards und

ihre Einhaltung auf dem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb
Dominic Norbert Annen, Christine Wieck and Markus Kempen
Universität Bonn

Abstract (Mindest-) Standards der öffentlichen und privaten

Regelungen übererfüllen. So sind Vorschläge zur wei-
This paper evaluates the animal welfare situation on
teren Verbesserung des Tierschutzes in der Landwirt-
cattle farms in Germany and Austria applying a mul-
schaft, die eine einfache Erhöhung der Mindestanfor-
tidimensional assessment framework. Using minimum
derungen beinhalten, hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf
requirements formulated in public legislation and
das Tierwohl mit Vorsicht zu bewerten.
private certification schemes, animal needs indices
are calculated. They are subsequently compared with Schlüsselwörter
results from on-farm surveys. Most private certifica-
tion schemes address animal welfare in their require- Tierwohl; staatliche Regelungen; private Standards;
ments but this does not necessarily result in higher Indikatorensystem
levels of farm animal welfare if they only overlap with
existing national standards. The on-farm evaluations
showed that most farms already voluntarily over- 1 Introduction
comply with some of the standards imposed by public
Compliance with private and public standards plays
legislation or private labels. Thus, proposals to simply
an increasing role for agricultural producers. Depend-
increase standards to improve farm animal welfare
ing on the type of animal production, the spectrum of
without considering the already implemented on-farm
obligations ranges from requirements of food safety
animal welfare level have to be evaluated with caution.
and quality to animal welfare standards (FARMER et
Key Words al., 2007: 18f.). In particular animal welfare condi-
tions are increasingly part of private schemes and
animal welfare; public and private standards; animal widely applied across the food supply chain from
needs index retailers, over hauliers and slaughterhouses to farms
(HORGAN and GAVINELLI, 2006: 304; VEISSIER et al.,
Zusammenfassung 2008: 284f.). However, an increased consideration of
Unter Nutzung eines indikatorengestützten Bewer- animal welfare obligations in private standards does
tungssystems untersucht diese Arbeit das Tierwohl auf not necessarily lead to a higher level of farm animal
rinderhaltenden Betrieben in Deutschland und Öster- welfare, if they simply overlap with European and
reich. Mit Hilfe von Mindestanforderungen, wie sie in national legislation.
der relevanten Gesetzgebung und in privaten Zertifi- The scientific literature provides a wide variety
zierungssystemen formuliert sind, werden Tierwohlin- of definitions of animal welfare. The animal-based
dikatoren berechnet. Anschließend werden diese mit standpoint by BROOM (1996) defines it as the “ani-
den Ergebnissen von Kontrollen auf landwirtschaftli- mal’s state as regards its attempts to cope with its
chen Betrieben verglichen. Die meisten privaten Zerti- environment”, whereas MCINERNEY (1994) explores
fizierungssysteme berücksichtigen die Tiergerechtheit the meaning of farm animal welfare as “a subset of
von Haltungsbedingungen in ihren Anforderungen, man’s perception of his own welfare”. A more pro-
jedoch führt dies nicht unbedingt zu besseren Ergeb- duction-based approach is taken by KNIERIM (2002)
nissen, wenn diese Anforderungen sich nur mit beste- who considers animal welfare as a criterion that
henden rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen überschnei- measures to what extent housing conditions within the
den. Die Auswertung der betrieblichen Kontrollen agricultural production system contribute to the ani-
zeigt, dass die meisten Betriebe bereits freiwillig die mal’s well being. As general principle to describe

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

animal well-being, the Five Freedoms defined by the to conduct evaluations of the mandatory minimum
FARM ANIMAL WELFARE COUNCIL (1993) have animal welfare status of farms. Precondition for this
reached broad scientific consensus. The Five Free- “desk-based” evaluation is the assumption that farms
doms form the conceptual basis of several farm animal fully comply with legislative and/or certification
welfare assessment methods. Based on the approach standards and that the chosen assessment framework
of DAWKINS (1993), they identify the determinants of overlaps sufficiently with the official monitoring and
the animals’ own perception of their welfare state and certification indicators. Such an approach may allow
define conditions to preserve it (WEBSTER, 2001: using the costly and time-consuming on-farm visits
233): (1) Freedom from hunger and thirst – by ready for the systematic monitoring of farm compliance
access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health with all regulations and to control if the obligations
and vigour. (2) Freedom from discomfort – by provid- really lead to animal welfare adequate husbandry con-
ing an appropriate environment including shelter and ditions.
a comfortable resting area. (3) Freedom from pain, Building on this discussion of assessment frame-
injury or disease – by prevention or rapid diagnosis works and using a multidimensional assessment
and treatment. (4) Freedom to express normal behav- framework, this study contributes to the literature by
iour – by providing sufficient space, proper facilities providing an approach for the systematic evaluation of
and company of the animal's own kind. (5) Freedom the legislative and farm certification system obliga-
from fear and distress – by ensuring conditions and tions regarding the question if the regulations estab-
treatment which avoid mental suffering. lish the preconditions for welfare friendly animal hus-
There exists numerous ways to assess the welfare bandry. This analysis of the animal welfare situation
friendliness of the animal husbandry conditions on the on farms contributes to the current discussion regard-
farm. A first step may be a simple comparison of ing animal welfare of livestock. It deepens the under-
monitoring checklists of private and state-driven farm standing of the situation of animal welfare in a multi-
certification schemes. This, however, only allows a dimensional concept as not only one single indicator
very limited judgement in terms of animal welfare is compared, but an assessment framework covering
even though some schemes show a grading into ma- many indicators is used. The analysis is performed for
jor, minor and facultative requirements. Their stand- Austria and Germany using the animal welfare mini-
ardized measurements lead to yes/no answers that do mum requirements formulated in public and private
not reflect differentiated on-farm animal welfare con- legislation and certification schemes as information
ditions and complicate comparisons among farms basis for the calculation of an animal welfare index.
(BOTREAU et al., 2007: 1185). Single indicator eval- The calculations based on minimum requirements for
uations of, say animal space, may offer a better Austria are then compared with results from an on-
approach, but still only show a very limited picture farm animal welfare assessment done in Austria in the
of the animal welfare situation. Hence, animal wel- year 2009.
fare assessment frameworks should be preferred The next section proceeds with a description of
(BOTREAU et al., 2007: 1180) as they involve a higher the current regulatory environment, followed by an
number of relevant parameters. Examples of these overview on the methodology and data in section 4.
systems are provided by BARTUSSEK et al. (2000) Section 5 presents the results and the article is rounded
with the Animal Needs Index (ANI) and others (e.g. up with conclusion and recommendations in the final
BOTREAU et al., 2007; CAPDEVILLE and VEISSIER, section.
2001; HÖRNING, 2001; SCOTT et al., 2001). A general
issue of integrated assessment systems arises in prac-
tice. Although most systems lack to some extent ani- 2 Legislative and Private Standards
mal-based parameters in order to achieve a better ensuring Animal Welfare
practicability (WILLEN, 2004: 13), on-farm assess-
ments require apart from time consuming on-site ex- EU-wide minimum animal welfare standards are for-
amination in most cases expert knowledge and/or mulated in the Statutory Management Requirements
techniques. This problem may be addressed when introduced with the Cross Compliance (CC) system
using instead livestock husbandry regulations given which relate to obligations from already existing EU
by legislative standards and farm certification schemes directives and regulations. For the cattle sector, the

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

horizontal “Animal Protection Directive”1 which is ards via a high control intensity.9 Thus, the present
relevant for all farm animals and the “Calves Di- study will analyze the differences between legislative
rective”2 are the relevant legislative texts. This means minimum animal welfare requirements and private
that for adult cattle only general obligations regarding standards and across the various labels and what the
animal welfare are formulated (see also Table 2) prescribed standards means in terms of the fulfillment
whereas for calves more details are regulated specifi- of animal welfare needs.
cally in a separate directive. For organic farming, the
EU organic regulation3 provides the relevant legisla-
tion. It imposes substantially stricter conditions com- 3 Reference Frameworks to
pared to the legislative farming standards relevant for Evaluate Animal Welfare
conventional farms in particular with respect to space
allowance requirements in the stables, outdoor access, In recent years, there has been a broad consensus
housing systems, feed stuff, and medication. among scientists that farm animal welfare should be
National animal welfare obligations must at least regarded as a “multidimensional concept” (see e.g.
comply with European regulations. For Germany, the RUSHEN and DE PASSILLÉ, 1992; FRASER, 1995;
relevant EU legislation is mainly implemented in the SØRENSEN and SANDØE, 2001: 3; BLOCKHUIS et al.,
“Regulation for Farmed Animals“4 and the “Animal 2003: 446; SMULDERS et al., 2006: 439; BOTREAU et
Welfare Act”5. Thus, as for the EU, no specific legis- al., 2009: 363). Methods for evaluating farm animal
lation for adult cattle exists. For Austria, the relevant welfare vary in their share of environmentally- and
legislation is found in the “Animal Protection Act”6 animal-based assessment parameters. Environmentally-
and the “Regulation Concerning Minimum Require- based parameters (e.g. space allowance or air-quality)
ments for the Keeping of […] Cattle […]”7. For adult focus on the evaluation of the animal’s housing condi-
cattle, Austrian law defines specific minimum welfare tions and farm management; animal-based parameters
standards in particular with respect to locomotion and assess the animal’s responses to environmental influ-
floor conditions. Thus, one can implicitly infer that ences affecting health, physiology and behaviour
these standards must be higher than EU requirements (JOHNSEN et al., 2001: 27). As the use of environmen-
as there are no standards formulated on EU level for tal-based parameters offers a less complicated, repeat-
adult cattle. able and relatively objective evaluation of minimum
Standards implemented by private labels may go housing conditions given by legislative and certifica-
on top of the minimum requirements formulated by tion standards, they are primarily involved in the
national law or the EU organic farming regulation. In overall animal welfare systems considered for this
both study countries, there are numerous farm certifi- study. A detailed overview on integrated animal wel-
cation schemes and labels8 that define their own re- fare assessment methods can be found in ANNEN
quirements to be met by farmers and participants of (2012, section 1.6f.).
the supply chains in order to be allowed to market the The Austrian “Animal Needs Index” (ANI) de-
resulting products under the respective logo. At the veloped by BARTUSSEK (1990) represents the first
same time, there are also farm certification schemes index system to measure overall farm animal welfare
that go only marginally beyond the legislatively set at herd level which can be adapted to various live-
standards but ensure full compliance with these stand- stock categories (e.g. cattle, BARTUSSEK et al., 2000).
BARTUSSEK used the Five Freedoms as definition
basis of farm animal welfare for this development.
The implementation degree of the Five Freedoms in
Council Directive 98/58/EC (Article 4) (EC, 1998) livestock housing can be assessed by innumerable
Council Directive 91/629/EEC (Article 3 and 4) (EC, physical, physiological, ethological, and anatomical
1991) indicators but to make an assessment tool useful, the
Council Regulation 834/2007 (EC, 2007) number of indicators has to be limited. Thus, the ANIs
Tierschutz-Nutztierverordnung (BMELV, 2006a) principally regard five welfare aspects of farm ani-
Tierschutzgesetz (BMELV, 2006b)
Bundestierschutzgesetz (BKA, 2004)
Tierhaltungsverordnung (BMGF, 2004) 9
Further details on the relationship of public and private
E.g.: Conventional labels (QS, Neuland, Schirnhofer), standards on the farm and the enforcement can be found
organic labels (Bioland, demeter, Bioaustria, AMA-Bio). in WIECK and ANNEN (2012).

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

Table 1. Animal need index assessment categories and scales for adult cattle
ANI assessment scales
ANI category Points
a b c d e f g
Loose housing Tie-stalls Outdoor
I. Locomo- Pasture
Lying Cubicle/ Movement exercise
tion Floor area days/ year
down, rising stall size of tether days/year
Points [0–3] [0–3] [0–1] [0–1] [1–3] [0.5–1.5] [0–10.5]
II. Social Herd Pasture
Floor area Breeding exercise
interaction structure days/year
Points [0–3] [-0.5–2] [-0.5–1] [0.5–2.5] [0.5–1.5] [-1–10]
III. Condition Lying area Activity Outdoor
of flooring Softness Cleanliness Slipperiness areas yard
Points [-0.5–2.5] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1.5] [0.5–1] [-2.5–8]
Outdoor Outdoor
IV. Light, air, Light inten- Air Draughts in Noise
exercise exercise
noise sity quality lying area intensity
days/year hours/ day
Points [-0.5–2] [-0.5–1.5] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1] [0.5–2] [0.5–2] [-2–9.5]
V. Stock- Cleanliness Condition of Condition of Cleanliness Condition of Techno- Animal
manship of stables equipment inte-gument of animals hooves pathies health
Points [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–1] [-0.5–0.5] [-0.5–1.5] [-0.5–1.5] [-0.5–1.5] [-3–8]
Minimum points -8.5
Maximum points 46
Source: modified from BARTUSSEK et al. (2000)

mals, represented by the evaluation categories “loco- An overview of the most recent version (the
motion” (freedom of movement), “social interaction”, ANI35L/2000) of the ANI assessment scales and
“condition of flooring”, “light, air and noise” (climati- categories for cattle is given in Table 1. Each ANI
sation in the stables) and “stockmanship” (quality of category contains several assessment scales awarding
stockman care). BARTUSSEK (1999: Table 1) shows points to different characteristics of the observed live-
“ethologic and hygienic arguments” that underpin stock housing system. The better the animal welfare
these five aspects of animal welfare. Apart from the level of housing conditions, the higher the assigned
freedom from hunger and thirst, all other defined points. All points are summed up to an overall ANI
freedoms relate to the ANI categories in different score allowing the compensation of poor results from
ways. A special focus is put on the freedom to display one category with better ones from another. This
normal patterns of behaviour which is reflected in the compensation and the different weighting of assess-
assessment scales of every category. The missing ment criteria is seen critical in the literature (e. g.
assessment regarding malnutrition may be seen as a SANDØE et al., 1996: 113f.; BRACKE et al., 1999:
deficit.10 286ff.; 2001: 17; ALBAN et al., 2001: 100; SCOTT et
al., 2001: 7f.).
The ANI was primarily developed for the evalua-
tion of housing conditions on organic farms. General-
ly, organic standards prescribe stricter free range and
As correctly pointed out by one of the anonymous re-
pasture requirements than comparable conventional
viewers, during on-farm assessments, “lean” cows are
detected on a regular basis. Even though well fed ani- standards. This results in a strong reward in the re-
mals may be in the own interest of the farmer, this indi- spective ANI categories which may lead to a bias in
cates that there may be other reasons, as for example the ANI framework. Nevertheless, also in the scien-
illness or problems with the energy balance of dairy tific community, free range and pasture conditions are
cows in the first period of the lactation that lead to un-
dernourished animals. Thus, the deficit of the ANI
largely considered to be important determinants for
framework to account for this has to be acknowledged farm animal welfare (GONYOU, 1996). As BARTUSSEK
and should be addressed in future work. (1999: 186) points out, all species used in livestock

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

Table 2. Overlap between the ANI indicator set and official CC indicators for animal welfare
Calves Directive Animal Protection Directive
No. of over- Share of No. of over- Share of
Short description of lapping ANI points in Short description of lapping ANI points in
relevant obligations assessment final ANI relevant obligations assessment final ANI
scales [%] scales [%]
Minimum space for group Freedom of movement /
8 36.0 7 25.8
and individual housing sufficient space
Perforated walls to allow Accommodation for sick
1 5.6 0 0.0
visual and physical contact or injured animals
Innocuous accommodation Innocuous accommodation
3 11.2 4 15.1
materials and construction material and construction
Adequate electrical circuits Keeping of animals for
1 3.4 0 0.0
and equipment farming purposes
Air circulation, temp. etc. 2 7.9 Air circulation, temp., etc. 2 7.5
Suitable lighting 2 9.0 Suitable lighting 2 7.5
Condition of flooring 5 21.3 Record keeping 1 2.2
Inspections of automated Inspections of automated
1 3.4 1 3.2
and mechanical equipment and mechanical equipment
Sanitary standards 2 6.7 Qualified and sufficient staff 0 0.0
Inspections of calves 3 10.1 Inspections of animals 3 10.8
Restrictions for tethering, Prohibition to administer
3 22.5 1 4.3
chains, muzzles, etc. harmful substances
Diet and feeding intervals 0 0.0 Diet and feeding intervals 1 5.4
Feed and water access 1 3.4 Feed and water access 2 8.6
Animal care in case of Animal care in case of
3 12.4 4 17.2
illness and injury illness and injury
Protection for animals not
Appropriate bedding 3 13.5 1 4.3
kept in buildings
Provision of cow colostrums Requirements for breeding
0 0.0 0 0.0
after birth procedures
Conditions of mutilation 0 0.0
Source: own compilation

husbandry show a broad range of behavioural patterns the largest overlap with official CC monitoring pa-
and ethological functions demanding appropriate rameters for cattle. This is illustrated in Table 2 where
space allowance and possibilities of movement. the numbers of ANI assessment scales that assess the
Several studies have proven the practicability and respective obligation are indicated as well as the per-
repeatability of the ANI framework (e.g. NAPOLITANO centage weight that this obligation receives in the final
et al., 2009; POPESCU et al., 2009) and concluded that ANI score. As an example, obligations concerning
it provides an adequate framework for the evaluation floor conditions given by the “Calves Directive” are
of housing conditions of organic and conventional addressed by five ANI scales accounting for 21.3% of
farm types. Moreover, the ANI shows among all as- reachable ANI points.
sessment frameworks (e.g. TGI 200 by SUNDRUM et As most farm certification schemes follow legis-
al., 1994; WELFARE QUALITY®, 2009; EFSA11, 2009), lative standards, it can be assumed that the ANI is also
an appropriate instrument to evaluate their animal
welfare requirements. But one could argue that it does
Technically, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
does not offer with the publication “Scientific opinion of
the Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare“ (EFSA,
2009) an assessment framework, but only a scientific “scientific opinion”, they provide, as the other mentioned
judgement regarding husbandry practices and how reference frameworks, criteria with which the adequate-
they adhere to welfare needs. But nevertheless, with this ness of husbandry conditions can be evaluated.

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

not match the current state of science, as its develop- Details of the Animal Welfare Assessment
ment process started about 20 years ago. In this re- The ANI is evaluated for horned12 adult cattle with at
gard, the recently developed “WelfareQuality®” as- least 500 kg of weight and calves (under the age of
sessment system might be the better choice, as it con- 6 months) weighting between 150 and 180 kg. Farms
siders more animal-based measures revealing the “di- are distinguished by housing system (tie-stalls (TS)
rect” outcomes of the interaction between the animal versus loose housing (LH)) and by production focus
and its environment (see e.g. JOHNSEN et al., 2001: (suckler versus dairy cows) as animal conditions are
27; WELFARE QUALITY®, 2009). Generally, animal- very different for these categories. In addition, an ANI
based measures have to be conducted on-farm, are assessment for calves was done. The overall ANI
costly, and require assessment expertise. This is why assessment follows an approach already taken by
this study proposes a different assessment approach as ANNEN et al. (2011a) for the evaluation of farm ani-
it evaluates animal welfare standards of compliant farms mal welfare standards for fattening pigs in Austria and
independent of time-consuming on-farm assessments. Germany.
This independence of on-farm assessments has the To give an example how the approach is imple-
disadvantage that no animal-based measures or health mented, consider the assessment category “locomo-
status of the animals can be assessed. But the ANI tion” and here the scale 1a related to “floor area”.
offers several assessment scales which at least allow Based on the assessment sheet (BARTUSSEK et al.,
an indirect inference on the animal health status based 2000), three points were awarded if the respective
on evaluations of the cleanliness of the animals, or standard defines as a requirement that at least 9 square
overall housing conditions. This may offset the before meter per livestock unit have to be provided by the
mentioned drawback and consequently may allow to- farm for horned cattle. The number of points was ad-
gether with the already mentioned high practicability, justed accordingly, if the standard requires less floor
assessment quality and overlap with official monitor- area. If no requirement was set in the respective
ing indicators of the ANI, to conclude that the ANI is standard (e.g. scale 2e related to “number of pasture
an appropriate evaluation system in the context of this days/year”), then the legislative requirement was as-
study. sumed and if no legislative requirement exists, then
zero points were awarded for that specific item13 (see
also Figure 1 for scales that received zero points). If
4 Methodology and Data categories show a direct correlation to other catego-
ries, their ratings are adjusted to those of the correlat-
4.1 Methodology
ing scales (e.g. scales 5a “cleanliness of the stables”,
First, an inventory of mandatory and voluntary animal 5c “condition of integument” and 5d “cleanliness of
welfare standards applied in Austria and Germany is the animals” are correlated with each other; or scale
done. Second, the animal welfare standards are clus- 5e “condition of hooves” indicates a correlation to the
tered into groups according to the similarity of im- ANI category 3 “condition of flooring”). In this man-
posed minimum requirements. Third, assuming full ner, the operationalisation of all assessment scales was
compliance of the participating farms, ANI scores for performed.
each animal welfare obligation in each cluster group Thus, the overall calculated ANI scores for adult
are calculated using the ANI framework as the refer- cattle and calves for each cluster of standards represent
ence. By this, overlap between legislative and certifi- the minimum animal welfare level of livestock condi-
cation requirements across schemes and countries can
be analysed and an evaluation of farm animal welfare 12
levels as imposed by minimum requirements is possi- As pointed out by one of the anonymous referees, most
dairy cows, at least in Germany, are unhorned. Hence,
ble. In a next step, the ANI cluster outcomes are com- at least for the evaluation of German dairy cows, a more
pared with the results of ANI on-farm assessments. appropriate point of reference would have probably
This was only possible for Austrian standards as the been “unhorned adult cattle”. Given the final stage of this
results from the on-farm check regarding the level of study, this cannot be changed any longer, but for future
animal welfare were only available for Austrian investigations, it is recommended to consider this point.
farms. But nevertheless, this allows drawing conclu- This was most relevant for scales in the category “social
interaction”. In retrospect, in the final display of the results,
sions on farm animal welfare as considered in private it probably would have been advisable to distinguish
and public standards and regarding its implementation between low standards and cases where no legislation
and compliance status on the farm. exists instead of awarding “zero points” to both cases.

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

tions on a specific farm. In order to simplify further cattle farms located all over Austria. Various public
explanations, they are in the following referred to as and private standards were relevant for the evaluated
minimum ANIs. As mentioned before, it is important farms. Compliance with CC requirements was exam-
to keep in mind that this approach does not use on- ined using official monitoring procedures. Further
farm assessment of the housing conditions as it relies information on the evaluation can be found in WIECK
on the requirements formulated in the codes of prac- and ANNEN (2013).
tice or legislation. Thus the approach can only indi-
rectly infer on the actual health status or behaviour of
the animals. 5 Results and Discussion
Based on BARTUSSEK (1999), ANI ratings of
animal welfare conditions for cattle are classified ac- 5.1 Inventory of Standards and
cording to Table 3, as for example housing conditions Clustering to Groups
that achieve less than 11 points in the evaluation are The number of standards as well as the resulting clus-
rated as “not suitable”. To the opposite, livestock con- ter groups are given in Table 4. This count involves
ditions scoring more than 28 points (out of 46 totally farm certification, marketing schemes, as well as qual-
available) are rated as “very suitable”. ity meat programmes. All results were anonymised
according to the request of several labels. Alto-
Table 3. Rating of animal welfare levels according gether, 258 programmes/labels/standards could
to the ANI framework be identified for cattle that consider animal wel-
fare obligations in their codes of practice. Nearly
Sum of Evaluation of ANI Achieved ANI
ANI points with respect points expressed
Numerical all reviewed programmes/labels/standards can be
Points to welfare in percentage distinguished into several partly overlapping
< 11 Not suitable 0 – 15 VI sub-standards for different livestock types kept
11 - < 16 Scarcely suitable 16 – 30 V in loose housing systems and tie stalls.
16 - < 21 Somewhat suitable 31 – 50 IV The conventional non-certified standard
21 - 24 Fairly suitable 51 – 60 III refers to the legislative minimum standard based
> 24 - 28 Suitable 61 – 75 II on EU, CC and national law and represents the
> 28 Very suitable > 75 I relevant requirements for all farms not partici-
Source: own representation based on BARTUSSEK (1999) pating in conventional or organic certification
schemes. As there is no conventional standard
for adult cattle farming defined by national law
4.2 Data in Germany, the standard is instead given by the “
Animal Protection Directive”. The EU organic stand-
Farm Certification Schemes ard relates to the actual EU provisions for organic
For cattle farming in Austria and Germany a wide farming.
spectrum of trade marks, conventional and organic A more complex situation emerges for conven-
farm associations and certifications of origin as well tional and organic labels. From 27 reviewed private
as monitoring bodies with logos indicating animal conventional labels in Austria, only one label for adult
welfare reference exists. The selection criteria were cattle and calves was found to have higher animal
that the schemes have to impose requirements, formu- welfare requirements than the conventional non-
lated in their codes of practice, with focus on livestock certified standard. For all other conventional labels,
housing conditions. Moreover, the schemes have to no separate clusters were formed. With 66 private
ensure regular controls and enforce sanctions if obli- conventional labels clustered to ten groups with dif-
gations are not met. In a literature and internet re- fering animal welfare requirements, Germany shows a
search in the year 2009, all labels that fit into this wider range of schemes than Austria. Although con-
criteria were included in the study. siderably more Austrian than German private organic
labels were identified, eight cluster groups for both
On-Farm Assessments countries could be formed indicating that the animal
During the period from February to March 2009, ANI welfare requirements between the labels were more
on-farm evaluations were carried out on 40 Austrian divers in Germany than in Austria.

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

Table 4. Number of reviewed standards and of derived clusters

Conventional EU Conventional Organic
Livestock Housing non-certified std. organic std. labels labels
type system
Reviewed Cluster Reviewed Cluster Reviewed Cluster Reviewed Cluster
LH 1 1 1 1 5 0 26 2
Suckler cows
TS 1 1 1 1 5 0 26 1
LH 1 1 1 1 4 1 25 1
Dairy cattle
TS 1 1 1 1 4 0 25 1
Suckler calves LH 1 1 1 1 5 0 26 1
Dairy calves LH 1 1 1 1 4 1 25 2
LH 1 1 1 1 11 2 18 2
Suckler cows
TS 1 1 1 1 11 1 18 0
LH 1 1 1 1 11 2 17 2
Dairy cattle
TS 1 1 1 1 11 1 17 0
Suckler calves LH 1 1 1 1 11 2 18 2
Dairy calves LH 1 1 1 1 11 2 17 2
Source: own compilation

5.2 Animal Welfare Evaluation of Public certified standard, this can be traced back to the over-
and Private Standards’ Minimum lap of national obligations with the respective CC
Requirements requirements. The same applies to the obligations im-
posed by the EU organic standard that completely
In this section, the minimum animal welfare require-
overlap with national legislation in Austria and Ger-
ments of the clustered standard groups are reported
many. They are exceeded by several organic schemes
differentiated by the five ANI categories. The calcu-
lated minimum ANIs reflect the minimum animal with slightly higher minimum requirements.
welfare level of the standards in each cluster. This The lowest minimum level of animal welfare for
calculated information may also be used to explore the Austrian calves is defined by the conventional non-
overlap between animal welfare requirements of private certified standard, whereas the ANI shares of all other
and public standards. Generally, legislative standards standards indicate considerably higher minimum re-
prescribe the lowest animal welfare requirements and quirements. The strong variation in the ANI shares of
accordingly achieve the lowest minimum ANIs. But in the categories “locomotion” and “social interaction”
some EU member states, as for example Austria, Eu- can be traced back to considerable deviations of the
ropean law is exceeded by national regulations result- standards’ minimum space allowance, free range and
ing in a higher minimum ANIs for the legislative pasture obligations. The substantially lower variation
standard and potentially higher minimum ANIs of of the ANI shares of the remaining categories “condi-
private certification schemes. tion of flooring”, “light, air, noise” and “stockman-
ship” can to some extent be ascribed to comparably
5.2.1 Standards for Calves high ANI shares of the conventional non-certified
We distinguish calves raised by suckler and dairy standard and the specific weighting of the respective
cows. As the “Calves Directive” does not allow rais- ANI indicator scales that involve a more subjective
ing calves in tie-stalls, a further classification into assessment of attributes that do hardly differ among
housing systems is not necessary. The outcomes of the the standards sets. The organic schemes show espe-
calculations are presented in Table 5 for Austrian and cially in the category “social interaction” strong varia-
in Table 6 for German calves standards. tion, but they are in line with the shares calculated for
Overall, the ANI values for Austrian standard the EU organic standard. The ANI shares assigned to
clusters show similarity with those for Germany. In the conventional scheme show substantial deviation
the case of the ANI shares for the conventional non- from the conventional non-certified standard and take

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

values comparable to the EU organic standard. In 5.2.2 Standards for Adult Cattle
reference to the ANI category “light, air, noise”, they For adult cattle, the clusters of standards are differen-
even reach the highest values. tiated according to production type and housing sys-
Using the animal welfare grading inherent in the tem. The results for Austria are presented in Table 7,
ANI framework, overall, animal welfare conditions on for Germany in Table 8. Across all schemes, the low-
Austrian farms can be rated as “suitable” or even est average ANI shares are allotted to dairy farms
“very suitable” with a slight markdown for the situa- fitted with tie-stalls. Farms with dairy cows managed
tion on farms not participating in any certification in loose housings already reach substantially higher
scheme, but adhering only to national law. In Germany, animal welfare evaluations, especially with respect to
the picture is similar with high ratings (“suitable”, “very the categories “locomotion” and “social interaction”
suitable”) for the minimum requirements in organic (with the exception of the group accounting for com-
schemes, whereas the conventional certified and non- pliance with national law only). These categories con-
certified requirements leave room for further animal tain several indicator scales enabling a precise assess-
welfare improvement (rated with “somewhat suitable”). ment of the animal’s space allowance under considera-

Table 5. Animal welfare evaluation of minimum requirements for calves in Austria

Share of points per ANI category [%] Animal
Cluster Loco- Social Cond. Light, air, Stockm.ship Average welfare
motion interac. flooring noise grading
Conv. non-cert. 50 43 48 45 55 62 48 50 IV
EU organic 77 67 67 64 68 76 68 70 II
Organic scheme 1 77 67 71 68 68 76 70 72 II
Conv. non-cert. 50 24 48 45 55 62 44 46 IV
Conv. scheme 77 62 76 73 64 67 70 71 II
EU organic 77 48 67 64 68 76 65 66 II
Organic scheme 1 77 48 71 68 68 76 67 68 II
Organic scheme 2 100 81 71 77 73 81 80 82 I
Note: A: applies to cattle farms that keep more than 50 calves per year; B: applies to cattle farms that keep a maximum of 50 calves per year.
Source: own compilation

Table 6. Animal welfare evaluation of minimum requirements for calves in Germany

Share of points per ANI category [%] Animal
Cluster Loco- Social Cond. Light, air, Stockm.ship Average welfare
motion interac. flooring noise A B A B grading

Conv. non-cert. 50 43 48 45 55 62 48 50 IV
Conv. scheme 1 50 43 48 50 55 62 49 51 A: IV; B:III
Suckler Conv. scheme 2 91 76 81 82 68 76 80 81 I
calves EU organic 77 67 67 64 68 76 68 70 II
Organic scheme 1 86 76 67 68 73 81 74 76 A: II; B: I
Organic scheme 2 95 86 71 64 73 81 78 79 I
Conv. non-cert. 50 24 48 45 55 62 44 46 IV
Conv. scheme 1 50 24 48 50 55 62 45 47 IV
Dairy Conv. scheme 2 91 71 81 82 68 76 79 80 I
calves EU organic 77 48 67 64 68 76 65 66 II
Organic scheme 1 86 57 67 68 73 81 70 72 II
Organic scheme 2 95 67 71 64 73 81 74 76 A: II; B: I
Note: A: applies to cattle farms that keep more than 50 calves per year; B: applies to cattle farms that keep a maximum of 50 calves per year.
Source: own compilation

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

tion of the applied housing system. The same applies interaction” than those of comparable dairy farm
to clusters of standards for suckler cow farms. Alt- standards, the application of tie-stalls also leads to a
hough they achieve, due to their characteristic herd decrease of the respective values and animal welfare
structure, considerably higher ANI results for “social grading.

Table 7. Animal welfare evaluation of minimum requirements for adult cattle in Austria
Share of points per ANI category [%] Animal
Cluster Loco- Social Cond. Light, air, Stock- Aver- welfare
motion interac. flooring noise m.ship age grading
Conv., non-cert. 29 18 62 39 59 41 IV
cows EU organic std. 62 50 67 52 64 59 III
(loose Organic scheme 1 62 50 71 57 64 61 II
Organic scheme 2 90 82 67 83 73 79 I
Conv. non-cert. 10 23 57 39 59 38 IV
cows EU organic std. 29 36 67 52 64 50 IV
(tie-stalls) 29 36 71 57 64 51 III
Organic scheme 1
Conv., non-cert. 29 0 62 39 59 38 IV
cattle Conv. scheme 90 68 81 70 59 74 II
(loose EU organic std. 62 32 67 52 64 55 III
Organic scheme 1 62 32 71 57 64 57 III
Conv., non-cert. 10 5 57 39 59 34 IV
cattle EU organic std. 29 18 67 52 64 46 IV
(tie-stalls) 29 18 71 57 64 48 IV
Organic scheme 1
Source: own compilation

Table 8. Animal welfare evaluation of minimum requirements for adult cattle in Germany
Share of points per ANI category [%] Animal
Cluster Loco- Social Cond. Light, air, Stock- Aver- welfare
motion interac. flooring noise m.ship age grading
Conv., non-cert. 19 18 38 39 55 34 IV
Conv. scheme 1 19 18 48 43 59 37 IV
cows Conv. scheme 2 90 77 86 74 64 78 I
(loose EU organic std. 62 50 67 52 64 59 III
Organic sch. 1 71 59 67 57 73 65 II
Organic sch. 2 71 59 67 70 73 68 II
Conv., non-cert. 10 23 33 39 55 32 IV
cows Conv. scheme 1 10 23 43 43 59 36 IV
(tie-stalls) 29 36 67 52 64 50 III
EU organic std.
Conv., non-cert. 19 0 38 39 55 30 IV
Conv. scheme 1 19 0 48 43 59 34 IV
cattle Conv. scheme 2 90 73 86 74 64 77 I
(loose EU organic std. 62 32 67 52 64 55 III
Organic sch. 1 71 41 67 57 73 62 II
Organic sch. 2 71 41 67 70 73 64 II
Conv., non-cert. 10 5 33 39 55 28 V
cattle Conv. scheme 1 10 5 43 43 59 32 IV
(tie-stalls) 29 18 67 52 64 46 IV
EU organic std.
Source: own compilation

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

In general, it can be noticed that clusters of organic Moreover, the ANI shares detected for German calves’
standards reach substantially higher average ANI standards show strong overlap with those calculated
shares than those associated to the conventional non- for German adult cattle. As mentioned before, this can
certified standard. Both legislative standards, the con- be ascribed to partially overlapping requirements im-
ventional non-certified as well as the EU organic posed by the legislative standards and certification
standard are exceeded by private certification schemes schemes.
imposing higher minimum requirements. Although the Overall, if a grading based on the ANI concept of
highest average ANI result is achieved by a private animal welfare is performed, the results indicate that
organic scheme, a private conventional scheme also the combination of tie-stalls with non-participation in
scores rather well, in particular for the requirements any certification scheme leads to a “scarcely suitable”
regarding the “condition of flooring”. situation for adult cattle on farms which only margin-
The ANI results detected for Austrian calves ally improved if the farm participates in conventional
standards show strong overlap with those calculated or organic schemes (grading IV “somewhat suitable”).
for Austrian adult cattle standards. Both evaluations Loose housing systems improve the animal welfare
highlight the large differences in requirements regard- situation where several schemes (Organic Scheme 2 in
ing the categories “locomotion” and “social interac- Austria, Conventional Scheme 2 in Germany) impose
tion”. These similarities can be related to the basic requirements that are evaluated very positively (“very
legislative CC obligations and the EU organic stand- suitable”) but overall, also for this housing system, the
ards as they impose overlapping requirements for both results for “conventional, non-certified” farms still lead
types of animals. The same holds for private schemes, to a low animal welfare evaluation grading (“some-
as here no distinction of requirements for adult cattle what suitable”). The remaining clusters are graded
is made either. into “fairly suitable” and “suitable”, which may result
Considering of the housing systems, the standard in the conclusion that the animal welfare status is ac-
clusters identified for German adult cattle are distin- ceptable but further improvements still are not totally
guished into legislative conventional and organic out of range.
standards and two groups each, aggregating conven-
tional and organic schemes. Compared to the previous 5.2.3 Comparison of Minimum Requirements with
On-Farm Assessments in Austria
evaluations, the German adult cattle standards show in
nearly all categories the largest differences in the ANI As already mentioned in section 3, current outcomes
scores. This may be explained by the large differences of on-farm ANI assessments conducted in Austria are
between the clusters but also with the low results for available.15 Hence, in Figure 1 the calculated mini-
conventional non-certified standard. Furthermore, the mum ANIs based on full compliance with Austrian
already high obligations imposed by the EU organic law and certification obligations are plotted against
standard and organic certification schemes are ex- the averages of on-farm measured ANI scores. In this
ceeded by a conventional scheme reaching the highest regard, the abbreviations T1a to T5g represent the
ANI point shares in four categories (locomotion, floor respective ANI assessment scales already described in
conditions, social interaction, light & noise intensity, Table 1. As in the on-farm assessment of animal wel-
air quality). fare, only conventional non-certified farms and organ-
The ANI shares for cattle hold in farms that fol- ic farms participated only these two groups can be
low national law (“conventional non-certified”) are in compared. In case of conventional non-certified farms
nearly all categories considerably lower than those (top panel in Figure 1), assessments were involved on
calculated for comparable Austrian adult cattle stand- farms fitted with tie-stalls and those equipped with
ards. This is due to the absence of specific national loose housings. Therefore, the calculated minimum
laws in Germany contrary to the situation in Austria values represent the average of the two evaluations
where specific requirements for cattle farms are regu-
lated that exceed the European requirements, at least to 15
In 2009, in the context of the CCAT research project, a
some extent. The German obligations for cattle farm- survey on 65 farms in Austria was conducted. Main sur-
ing simply meet the European CC guidelines given by vey focus was on farmer’s behaviour and opinions re-
the “Animal Protection Directive” formulated in more garding CC, but, supported by an Austrian veterinary
general terms and applying to all livestock types.14 official, an inspection of the animal confinements was
done and data was collected to calculate the on-farm
ANIs. More information on the survey results can be
Further details can be found in ANNEN et al. (2011b). found in WIECK and ANNEN (2013).

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

Figure 1. Comparison of minimum and on-farm assessed ANIs for adult cattle (Austria)
Comparison of minimum and on-farm assessed ANIs for conventional adult cattle
% of ANI points

























Locomotion Social interaction Condition of flooring Light, air, noise Stockmanship
ANI scales and categories
Weighted minimum ANI TS & LH Average of on-farm assessed ANI (n= 11)

Comparison of minimum and on-farm assessed ANIs for organic suckler cows
% of ANI points

























Locomotion Social interaction Condition of flooring Light, air, noise Stockmanship
ANI scales and categories
Calculated minimum ANI organic label Average of on-farm assessed ANI (n= 14)

Comparison of minimum and on-farm assessed ANIs for organic adult cattle
% of ANI points


























Locomotion Social interaction Condition of flooring Light, air, noise Stockmanship

ANI scales and categories
Weighted minimum ANI label & EU organic Average of on-farm assessed ANI (n= 15)

Note: * A loose housing systems is assumed; ** A tie-stalls is assumed; *** In case of tie-stalls, an outside run is available for the animals.
Source: own compilation

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

weighted with the shares of farms using the respective ered by European or national legislation. This enlarges
housing systems. The same procedure is applied to the the differences between the calculated and on-farm
calculated minimum values for organic adult cattle measured shares. Nevertheless, for this category “so-
(middle panel in Figure 1). As the on-farm assessments cial interaction”, high ANI values are detected indicat-
were conducted on farms certified under either a pri- ing that even in absence of regulation, farms voluntar-
vate organic label or the EU organic standard, the ily fulfill animal welfare needs. With respect to floor
presented average minimum values were also weighted and space allowance conditions in the stable (“loco-
according to the shares of these farms. For adult cattle motion”), the on-farm measured ANI values show a
kept in loose housing systems associated to a private lower deviation from the calculated minimum re-
Austrian organic label, an additional differentiation quirements indicating lower levels of voluntary over-
into suckler cows (bottom panel in Figure 1) and dairy compliance. Considering the relatively high level of
cows was carried out. For organic adult cattle the ap- legislative requirements in this field, an increased risk
plication of loose housing systems is assumed. of non-compliance may be expected and should ac-
Generally, it can be observed that considering the cordingly be considered in public controls.
respective animal type, housing environment and/or Although conventional farms show in the ANI
certification grade, the calculated minimum ANIs categories “locomotion” and “social interaction” con-
(“dotted lines”) are in most categories considerably siderably lower on-farm ANI results than organic
lower than the averages of the on-farm measured ANI farms, they reach in nearly all assessment scales of the
values (“solid lines”). Thus, we observe voluntary category “stockmanship” higher ANI shares than their
over-compliance on the farms. This may be explained organic counterparts. This can to some extent be as-
by positive impacts on animal health and farm profits cribed to the ANI indicator structure where the ANI
that drive farmers to provide larger space, outdoor assessment scales of the category “stockmanship”
access and other amenities to their herds, but the result allow, due to the more subjective design, a greater
may in part also be due to the methodological chal- margin of discretion. Nevertheless, due to an indirect
lenges in calculating the minimum ANIs, as described correlation of several assessment scales of the category
previously in section 4. Hence, the minimum ANIs “stockmanship” with those involved in the categories
may be calculated too conservatively. The consequence “locomotion”, “social interaction” and “condition of
would be that we do not observe as much voluntary flooring”, one would have assumed higher ANI results
over-compliance as stated in Figure 1. Nevertheless, for organic farms in the area of “stockmanship”.
what can be said with certainty across all animal types
is that only for few assessment scales the full number
of ANI points was reached in the on-farm assessment. 6 Conclusions
Thus, improvements towards fully satisfactory hous-
ing conditions and higher levels of animal welfare are Using animal welfare minimum requirements laid
still possible. This effect could be achieved by either down in public and private legislation and certifica-
increasing the minimum requirements of public or tion schemes as information basis, animal needs indi-
private standards or by voluntary (financial) incen- ces considering the categories locomotion, flooring
tives for farmers to improve the housing conditions. and space conditions, social interaction, and stock-
The detailed analysis shows, that especially in the manship for calves, suckler cows, and dairy cows are
categories “social interaction”, “light, air, noise” and calculated considering different housing systems. The
“stockmanship”, on-farm measured values exceed calculation assumes that farms fully comply with all
substantially the calculated minimum shares. But also standards and laws. Subsequently, these calculated
concerning the animals’ access to free range and pas- results are compared with previously on-farm assessed
ture (assessed in the scales T1e, T1f, T2d, T2e, T4e, animal housing conditions in Austria. Some additional
T4f), good ANI results are achieved. Under-compliance, assumptions, further discussed in section 3, regarding
i.e. violations against minimum requirements for space the interpretation of the regulations and the use of the
allowance (T1b and T1c) and slipperiness of the lying animal needs index had to be made in order to come
area (T3c) could be detected for both farm types and a up with the results.
slight breach was noticed regarding animal health Contrary to Austria, in Germany no national law
(T5g) for organic suckler cows only. exists that further specifies the CC guidelines given by
One of the five indicator scales in the category the “Animal Protection Directive”. This is reflected in
“social interaction” focuses on requirements not cov- the calculated minimum ANIs. In nearly all ANI cate-

GJAE 62 (2013), Number 3

gories for adult cattle (both suckler and dairy cows) standards to improve farm animal welfare without
the ANI scores are considerably lower than for Aus- considering the already implemented on-farm level
trian adult cattle. The housing system is relevant for have to be evaluated with caution. Given the on-farm
the evaluation as cattle farms with tie-stalls reach sig- findings from our study, it is recommended that the
nificant lower animal welfare levels than those with current situation on farms regarding relevant animal
loose housings. In terms of grading of the animal wel- welfare standards (e.g. floor area, floor conditions,
fare situation, for tie-stalls only “scarcely or some- activity area, animal health) is systematically assessed
what suitable” minimum conditions could be identi- in order to ensure that a new or adjusted standard goes
fied. For loose stalls and all other schemes, the animal beyond the currently implemented level.
welfare situation ranges mostly in the categories “fairly The detected overlap of the ANI indicators with
suitable” and “suitable”. official farm monitoring and certification indicators
Several certification schemes address animal wel- ensures a cost-efficient evaluation of minimum re-
fare in their obligations but this increased integration quirements without time-consuming on-farm meas-
does not necessarily result in higher levels of farm urements if farms comply with the regulations. Never-
animal welfare if they only overlap with existing na- theless, on-farm control visits should not be reduced
tional standards as this is for example the case for the to zero as they still form an important element in the
“Conventional scheme 1” in Germany for adult cattle. control of actual farm compliance with the regulations
In average, suckler cow farms have better animal wel- and for the monitoring of animal health and animal
fare conditions than comparable dairy farms in which behavior. For farms not or only partly complying with
most of the impact results from better evaluations in the standards, the chosen approach is not suitable as it
the category “social interaction”. The animal welfare does not consider the individual on-farm compliance
situation for calves is somewhat better where condi- situation. For the future, a more systematic compari-
tions can be rated as “suitable” or even “very suitable” son of on-farm results with “desk-based” approach
for most standards with a slight markdown for the may offer interesting perspectives for the monitoring
situation on farms complying with national law only. of the animal welfare situation on farms.
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Concluding remarks and perspectives. In: Acta Agricul- The data for this project was sampled within the EU
turae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science 46 6th Framework Programme project “Cross Compliance
(Suppl. 27): 109-115. Assessment Tools (CCAT)” (Contract no. 44423-
SCOTT, E.M., A.M. NOLAN and J.L. FITZPATRICK (2001): CCAT, http://www.ccat.wur.nl/UK/). The authors
Conceptual and methodological issues related to welfare
acknowledge the support of Dr. Elfriede Ofner-
assessment: A framework for measurement. In: Acta
Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science Schröck and Mag. med. vet. Ewald Schröck in conduct-
51 (Suppl. 30): 5-10. ing the on-farm survey. We appreciate helpful com-
SMULDERS, D., G. VERBEKE, P. MORMÈDE and R. GEERS ments by the anonymous reviewers. All remaining
(2006): Validation of a behavioural observation tool to errors are our responsibility.
assess pig welfare. In: Physiology and Behavior 89 (3):
SØRENSEN, J.T. and P. SANDØE (2001): Preface. In: Acta
Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science
51 (Suppl. 30): 3-4.
(1994): Animal needs index 200/1994 – A manual for Contact author:
the assessment of housing systems. Köllen Druck und DR. CHRISTINE WIECK
Verlag GmbH, Bonn (in German). Institut für Lebensmittel- und Ressourcenökonomik,
VEISSIER, I., A. BUTTERWORTH, B. BOCK and E. ROE (2008): Universität Bonn
European approaches to ensure good animal welfare. In: Nussallee 21, 53115 Bonn
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 113 (4): 279-297. e-mail: Christine.Wieck@ilr.uni-bonn.de


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