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196 Smiljić S, et al.

Clinical characteristics of tuberculosis

Medical Faculty, Kosovska Mitrovica-Priština, Serbia Originalni naučni rad

Department of Physiology1 Original study
The Health Centre, Kosovska Mitrovica UDK 616.24-002.5-053.88/.9
Pulmonary Department2 DOI: 10.2298/MPNS1206196S


Sonja SMILJIĆ1 and Blagica RADOVIĆ2
Summary – Pulmonary tuberculosis in the elderly shows a specific clinical presentation in relation to younger persons. The aim of
this study was to examine the influence of age and possible risk factors on pulmonary tuberculosis, clinical features of disease and
lung x-ray findings. The research included 151 patients who had been treated at the Pulmonary Department of the Health Centre in
Kosovska Mitrovica in the period from 2005 to 2009. Younger patients often suffer from severe forms of tuberculosis with caverns
(46.9%), a significantly higher number of their sputum is positive for bacillus Kohn and they show a greater tendency towards alcoho-
lism. A common symptom in older patients is dyspnea and radiographic changes are the most intense in the lower lung fields. The
number of younger people suffering from severe forms of cavernous tuberculosis is significantly higher. Sputum findings are often
negative, the caverns are found less often and lower lung fields are affected more often in the elderly.
Key words: Tuberculosis, Pulmonary; Radiography; Risk Factors; Age Factors; Signs and Symptoms; Sputum

Introduction Material and Methods

The number of patients with pulmonary tuberculo- A prospective study was conducted at the Pulmo-
sis in developed countries in recent decades has been nary Department of the Health Center in Kosovska
decreasing but there is a greater tendency of morbidity Mitrovica, the reference facility for the treatment of
among elderly persons [1]. However, in less developed pulmonary tuberculosis. The study included 151 pa-
and developing countries, the population is equally at tients with the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis,
risk of developing tuberculosis irrespective of the age who had been treated in the period between 2005
of the patient. One of the reasons for the continuing and 2009. All hospitalized patients were divided into
perpetuation of new cases of tuberculosis in most areas 2 groups: younger persons, aged between 18 and 59
of the world is the growing number of human immu- and older persons, aged 60 and over.
nodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients [2,3]. Pul- On admission the patients’ data regarding demo-
monary tuberculosis is a major health problem and it is graphics, age, gender, body mass and initial symptoms
a difficult task for the doctors to suspect tuberculosis of the disease were taken and processed afterwards. The
and recognize the typical symptoms [4]. An early esta- patients were considered to have positive symptoms of
blished diagnosis would allow optimal treatment and cough, sputum, dyspnea, weight loss, night sweats and
decrease mortality and morbidity in elderly patients fatigue if these symptoms had been present for two or
suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis [5]. more weeks. Weight loss was defined as positive if it
A great number of published data on pulmonary tu- was greater than 10% in the previous 6 months. Hemop-
berculosis were based on the characteristics of the disea- tysis was positive if it occurred only once.
se in young adults. Physiological, psychological and so- We dealt with the risk factors [6] of getting infected
ciological changes resulting from aging, together with by tuberculosis, including previous symptoms of tuber-
chronic degenerative diseases, are the reason enough to culosis, the possibility of contact with persons suffering
expect pulmonary tuberculosis in elderly patients with from tuberculosis, alcoholism, drug use, prolonged use
possibly different characteristics more often than in yo- of corticosteroids, the use of immunosuppressive thera-
unger patients [6]. Because of its frequency, severity of py and concomitant diseases such as diabetes mellitus,
clinical analysis and atypical radiological changes, pul- chronic renal failure, cancer, chronic obstructive pul-
monary tuberculosis in the elderly is an important dia- monary disease, liver cirrhosis, heart failure and HIV
gnostic problem [7]. In addition, making this diagnosis infections.
is difficult not only because of atypical presentation of The results of chest x-rays were categorized accor-
illness but also because doctors are less suspicious of ding to the extent of the changes, their location and
possible infection of the elderly by the tuberculosis baci- approximately to their morphological structure [10].
lli [8,9]. Sputum was taken from all the patients for direct mi-
In this paper, we compared the demographic data, croscopy of the preparations stained according to the
initial disease symptoms, risk factors, the presence of Ziehl-Neelsen method. Cultivation of bacillus on
comorbidities, and lungs imaging in patients of younger Lowenstein-Jensen surface was also performed for all
and older age in order to facilitate disease recognition samples. Sputum was taken in the morning, before bre-
and diagnosis. akfast, after a spontaneous expectoration. Each sputum
Corresponding author: Doc. dr Sonja Smiljić, Medicinski fakultet, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Anri Dinana bb, E-mail srna@eunet.rs
Med Pregl 2012; LXV (5-6): 196-199. Novi Sad: maj-juni. 197

Abbreviations Table 2. Initially presented symptoms in elderly and young pati-

HIV – human immunodeficiency virus ents with pulmonary TB
BK – Koch bacilli Tabela 2. Simptomi bolesti obolelih od tuberkuloze pluća mla-
OR – odds ratio đeg i starijeg životnog doba
CI – confidence interval 18-59 years >60 years OR 95% CI p
% %
Table 1. The comparison of demographic characteristics and bacte- godina godina OR 95% IP p
riological results of elderly and young patients with pulmonary tu- Cough/Kašalj 89 90.1 47 88.7 0.73 0.35-2.21 >0.05
berculosis  Expectoration
73 74.5 35 66.0 0.49 0.25-1.05 >0.05
Tabela 1. Demografski podaci i bakteriološki nalaz sputuma na BK Iskašljavanje
kod obolelih od tuberkuloze pluća mlađeg i starijeg životnog doba Hemoptysis
18 18.36 6 11.3 0.37 0.18-1.37 >0.05
18-59 years >60 years OR 95% CI p
% % Dyspnea/Dispneja 14 14.3 16 30.2 2.22 1.05-4.55 <0.05
godina godina OR 95% IP p
Weight loss
Number of patients 35 35.7 17 32.1 0.88 0.37-1.69 >0.05
98 64.9 53 35.1 Gubitak težine
Broj obolelih
Night sweats
Male sex/Muškarci 80 82.6 34 64.2 1.05 0.51-2.18 >0.05 10 10.2 6 11.3 1.41 0.75-5.86 >0.05
Noćno znojenje
Initial body weight
59.5 (13.1) 56.7 (14.3) >0.05 Fatigue
Telesna masa (SD) kg 15 15.3 7 13.2 2.77 0.82-9.89 >0.05
Previous TB disease
15 15.3 10 18.9 1.46 0.69-3.61 >0.05 CI-Confidence interval/IP – interval poverenja; OR-odds ratio/OR – odds ratio
Ranije lečeni od TB
(unakrsni odnos)
Infection TB contact
history 9 9.2 1 1.9 0.12 0.14-2.02 <0.05 one of the possible risk factors for tuberculosis. The
Kontaktna infekcija symptoms most often reported by the patients were co-
Bacteriologically con- ugh, expectoration, hemoptysis, dyspnea, weight loss,
firmed BK in sputum
73 74.5 29 54.7 0.47 0.23-1.29 <0.05
night sweats and fatigue. There were no significant dif-
Bakteriološki potvrđen ferences in the symptoms in patients suffering from
BK u sputumu pulmonary tuberculosis of younger or older age
CI-Confidence interval/IP – interval poverenja; OR-odds ratio/OR – odds ratio (p>0.05), except that dyspnea was more common in ol-
(unakrsni odnos); SD- standard deviation/SD – standardna devijacija;TB- pulmo- der patients (p<0.05) (Table 2). 
nary tuberculosis/TB – tuberkuloza pluća; BK- Koch bacillus/BK – Kochov bacil The presence of concomitant diseases, such as
positive for Koch bacilli (BK) was verified by the cultu- chronic obstructive lung disease and heart failure was
re on Lowenstein-Jensen surface. Pulmonary tuberculo- significantly higher in patients of older age (p<0.05).
sis was confirmed bacteriologically if two sputum fin- There were no significant differences between the
dings confirmed the existence of bacillus and/or in case two groups regarding the incidence of diabetes melli-
of positive sputum cultivation [11]. tus, chronic renal insufficiency and malignant disea-
Pearson’s χ2 test and Fisher’s exact test were applied ses (p>0.05). A significantly lower number of consu-
in the statistical data analysis for comparing groups. To mers of alcoholic beverages was among the older pa-
identify risk factors, we used the results of binary logi- tients (p<0.05) (Table 3).
stic regression and the results are presented as OR (odds Chest  radiographic finding varied significantly in
ratio) with 95% CI (95% confidence interval) and p - patients of younger and older age suffering from tuber-
value. Statistical hypothesis testing was conducted at culosis. In elderly patients, lower lung fields were signi-
the level of significance of 0.05. ficantly more affected (p<0.05). Upper lung segments
were equally affected in both groups. More serious cli-
Results nical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis with cavities
were significantly more frequent in younger patients
Out of 151 patients treated for pulmonary tuberculo- (p<0.05). In addition, the findings of micro-nodular mi-
sis at the Pulmonary Department, 98 (64.9%) patients liary shadows on chest X-rays which, together with ot-
were aged between 18 and 59 and 53 (35.1%) patients her diagnostic procedures enable us to diagnose miliary
were older than 60. Male sex was predominant in both tuberculosis of the lungs, were significantly higher in
groups, with 82.6% in younger and 64.2% in older pati- younger patients (p<0.05) (Table 4).
ents and there were no significant differences between
groups, but there were significantly more male patients Discussion
compared to female patients. In addition, there were no
statistically significant differences between groups re- The described differences in the incidence of pulmo-
garding body weight and earlier treatment of pulmonary nary tuberculosis among young and elderly persons may
tuberculosis (p>0.05). In the elderly, not only did the be related to weaker immune status resulting from old
contact infections have less importance for the occu- age [11,12]. The most important role in specific defense
rrence of the disease (p<0.050), but the number of spu- of the organism against tuberculosis is played by macrop-
tum positive for BK was statistically significantly lower hages and T-lymphocytes [10]. It is known that the elder-
(p<0.05) (Table 1). ly have less T-lymphocytes functions, including prolife-
None of the patients mentioned drug use, prolonged rative response. In our study, we found that the basic de-
use of corticosteroids or immunosuppressive therapy as mographic findings were not significantly different in
198 Smiljić S, et al. Clinical characteristics of tuberculosis

Table 3. Coexisting diseases in elderly and young patients with Table 4. Initially presented chest radiograph findings in elderly
pulmonary TB and young patients with pulmonary TB
Tabela 3. Pridružene bolesti kod obolelih od tuberkuloze pluća Tabela 4. Radiografski nalaz pluća na početku lečenja obolelih
mlađeg i starijeg životnog doba od tuberkuloze
18-59 years >60 years OR 95% CI p 18-59 years % >60 years % OR 95% CI p
% %
godina godina OR 95% IP p godina % godina % OR 95% IP p
Diabetes mellitus Normal/Normalan nalaz 6 6.1 3 5.7 0.45 0.12-1.75 >0.05
10 10.2 8 15.1 1.24 0.66-2.44 >0.05
Diabetes mellitus Right upper field
Chronic obstructive lung Promene u gornjim 64 65.3 35 66.0 1.05 0.53-1.85 >0.05
8 8.2 20 37.8 4.84 1.56-14.97 <0.05
disease/HOBP segmentima pluća
End-stage renal disease Left upper field/Prome-
6 6.1 4 7.54 1.82 0.16-2.03 >0.05
HBI ne u donjim segmentima 34 34.7 29 54.7 2.33 1.05-4.43 <0.05
Heart failure/KSI 1 1.0 9 15.1 1.07 1.12-1.26 <0.05 pluća
Hypertension Hilar adenopathy
20 20.4 13 24.5 1.14 0.57-2.43 >0.05 38 38.8 16 30.2 1.04 0.56-1.95 >0.05
Arterijska hipertenzija Hilarna adenopatija
Neoplasm/Maligne Cavity/Tuberkulozna
2 2.0 1 1.9 2.20 0.12-0.56 >0.05 46 46.9 10 18.7 0.30 0.15-0.60 <0.05
bolesti kaverna
Alcoholism/Alkoholizam 9 9.2 2 3.8 0.21 0.04-0.95 <0.05 Micro-nodular miliary
CI-Confidence interval/IP – interval poverenja;OR-odds ratio/OR – odds ratio shadow/Sitnomrljaste 2 2.1 0 0 <0.05
(unakrsni odnos); HOBP – hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća;HBI – hronična (milijarne) senke
bubrežna insuficijencija; KSI – kongestivna srčana insuficijencija Pleural effusion
3 3.1 1 1.9 2.94 1.12-7.22 >0.05
Pleuralni izliv
the examined groups but the bacteriological confirmati- CI-Confidence interval/IP – interval poverenja; OR-odds ratio/OR – odds ratio
on of Koch bacilli in sputum in the elderly was signifi- (unakrsni odnos)
cantly lower, maybe because it seems to be more diffi-
cult to obtain an adequate sputum sample from older pa- partial pressure of oxygen (PO2). Aging results in an in-
tients. This can be attributed to the fact that they cannot crease of alveolar ventilation with inadequate increase in
provide an adequate sputum either due to weakness or perfusion, which results in an increase of PO2 in lower
lack of cooperation, so the sputum appears to be of poo- lung lobes much higher than in the upper. Therefore, the
rer quality and contains more saliva than mucus from age-induced changes favored reproduction of Mycobac-
the lungs. Several studies have indicated that properly terium tuberculosis in the lower lung regions [16].
taken mucus facilitates diagnosis [11]. Therefore, the Caverns are less likely to occur in older patients,
proper way of providing sputum must be carefully expla- which is associated with their poorer immune status.
ined to the elderly patients. Less frequent incidence of cavernous forms of tubercu-
The symptoms of the disease, except for dyspnea, did losis is described in other immunocompromised pati-
not differ significantly in patients with pulmonary tuber- ents such as HIV positive patients who are treated for
culosis of younger or older age. The most common symp- pulmonary tuberculosis [17]. Some recent studies have
toms were cough and expectoration, which were experi- stated that there is a link between severe forms of tuber-
enced by over 70% of patients and weight loss that in 1/3 culosis with caverns and sputum positive for BK [18].
of the patients was about 10% on average in the previous Our data are consistent with what we quoted. The pre-
2 months. In older subjects there is a greater occurrence sence of caverns and positive sputum are interrelated
of comorbidities sach chronic obstructive pulmonary di- and are significantly higher in younger persons. Mili-
sease and congestive heart insufficiency. Diabetes melli- tary tuberculosis is an extremely rare disease at this day
tus more common in younger patients but not signifi- of age but, we diagnosed it in only two aounger persons,
cantly. The data are consistent our studies [13]. which is consistent with research we had conducted a
The influence of aging on the radiological presentati- year earlier [19]. Pleural outflow was reported in 4
on may be very important in miscomprehension of the (2.7%) of the total number of treated patients and there
clinical picture, untimely diagnosis and late introduction were no significant differences related to age. Doctors
of treatment. In most cases, radiographic changes sugge- must be careful in interpreting the chest radiographic
sting pulmonary tuberculosis are shown in the lower findings in the elderly because of the possible atypical
lung fields in older patients [14]. It is believed that the location of changes.
changes in the lower lung fields in younger patients are
atypical, and that this localization is found in about 50% Conclusion
of patients suffering from tuberculosis with immunode-
ficiency. Although changes in the middle and lower lung In this study, we identified some age-related differen-
areas indicate primary tuberculosis, the development of ces in the characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis inci-
disease in the lower parts of the lungs is usually due to dences. In younger group, there was a greater number of
immune abnormalities in the elderly [15]. patients after the initial infectious contact, the sputum
An alternative explanation for the radiographic chan- was positive for BK, there was greater cavernous tuber-
ges in the lower lung lobe is the disturbed ratio of venti- culosis and the most important nonspecific factor redu-
lation/perfusion in the elderly. Mycobacterium tubercu- cing the resistance to tuberculosis was alcoholism.
losis is better reproduced in an environment with higher
Med Pregl 2012; LXV (5-6): 196-199. Novi Sad: maj-juni. 199

Dyspnea and radiographic changes in the lower lung doctors not to suspect pulmonary tuberculosis and their
segments were more often in older patients. In addition, failure to diagnose tuberculosis on time, which has a di-
the most common comorbidities in older people, as it co- rect impact on morbidity and mortality in older persons
uld be expected, were chronic obstructive pulmonary di- with tuberculosis.
sease and heart failure. These may be the reasons for the
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Uvod cil Kohna i pokazuju veću sklonost k alkoholizmu. Kod starijih osoba
Tuberkuloza pluća kod starijih osoba pokazuje specifičnu kliničku su pridružene bolesti, hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća i srčana in-
prezentaciju u odnosu na osobe mlađeg životnog doba. Cilj rada bio suficijencija znatno češći. Karakterističan simptom za starije pacijen-
je da se ispita uticaj životnog doba i mogućih faktora rizika za obo- te je dispneja, a radiografske promene su najintenzivnije u donjim
levanje od tuberkuloze pluća, kliničke karakteristike bolesti i radio- plućnim segmentima. Nema razlika između grupa u odnosu na pol,
grafski nalaz pluća. telesnu masu, ranije obolevanje od tuberkuloze, kao i u odnosu na pri-
Materijal i metode družene bolesti poput dijabetesa melitus, arterijske hipertenzije, bu-
Ispitivanjem je bio obuhvaćen 151 pacijent lečen na Grudnom ode- brežne insuficijencije i malignih bolesti.
ljenju Zdravstvenog centra u Kosovskoj Mitrovici u periodu od 2005. Zaključak
do 2009. godine. Osobe mlađeg životnog doba znatno češće obolevaju od težih kaver-
Rezultati noznih oblika tuberkuloze. Starije osobe češće imaju negativan nalaz
Oboleli mlađeg životnog doba češće boluju od težih oblika tuberkulo- sputuma, ređe su kaverne i češće su zahvaćena donja plućna polja.
ze s kavernama (46,9%), znatno veći broj sputuma je pozitivan na ba-

Ključne reči: Plućna tuberkuloza; Radiografija; Faktori rizika; Starosni faktori; Simptomi i znaci; Sputum
Rad je primljen 18. VII 2011.
Prihvaćen za štampu 5. IX 2011.
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