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Good afternoon I will explain about the step step of making concrete deck

The purpose of making the deck concrete is:

1. It is expected that students can make the deck concrete in accordance with the specified size.

2. Able to calculate the required materials

Step work

1.Prepare materials and equipment to be used.

2. Create a concrete formwork with a size of 50 x 50 cm and 1 cm thick and install a score to
strengthen the mold.

3. Mark the formwork according to the size of the concrete deck that is 5 x 5 cm.

4. Place the formwork on plastic.

5. Prepare the reinforcing wire, the shape of the wire by twisting both ends of the wire.

6. Stir the ingredients until evenly mixed.

7. Pour the mix into formwork and solidify, leveling the surface of the concrete.

8. Allow for 1 minute until the puddle of ait on the surface of the mortar a little

Once the water on the surface of the concrete begins to dry out for the concrete with the concrete
size of 5 x 5 cm

9. Insert the wire into a concrete mixture in the formwork as deep as ¾ of the thickness of the
concrete slab.

10. let the mortar harden (1 day) after that, open the formwork and separate the concrete of the


Objectives of Practice :

At the end of practice students can:

1. Plan the ideal ladder in accordance with the desired shape

2. Make prints and scaffold references

Work steps

1. Understand the image, determine the distance between the point of the building with the point of

2. Preparing equipment and materials to be used.

3. Study work drawings and calculate material requirements.

4. Thoroughly cut, cut and trim the wood according to the required size.

5. Seize the boards as upright side of the ladder mold.

6. Stand up the pillars of the staircase.

7. Make landing with size 100 cm x 100 cm with height 140 cm

8. Extend the yarn to the reference for guidelines to make the slope of the staircase and the
benchmark reference girder.

9. Stand the beam and staircase benchmarks on the reference poles by reference to the thread that
has been stretched, then scored.

10. The block and multiplex printed boards (stair floor) are nailed to their rollers, then scored.

11. The upright sides of the ladder are nailed to the underside of the molds, further strengthened
with boards of strengthening. For upright sides ladders are drawn for easy installation.

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