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1. Picture of eyes (exopthalmos) - patient is supposed to have hyperthyroidism

2. Picture of mucocele on lower lip - 3 questions - 1 is ill, the other is treatment (excise), the third has to

..-- r
do with the fact that mucous wold be inside and that it has to do with an injured salivary gland

3. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis - a few questions on this one is ill (small herpes lesions with fever),

:f; the other is treatment (palliative with lidocaine rinses and analgesics, etc)

'~4. Major apthous ulcers - two questions on this, one was on lip the other was on palate... the key is that it

.~ was "long staiJ.ding" and "healed with a scar"

S 5. Lichen planus- Whickham's Striae on buccal mucosa (left) - treat with steroids

6.PAN . . MAX left sinus has a raised area on the floor - answer is cyst
~_:.~ 7.PA - extension of MAX sinus between premolar and molar
~ 8.Picture of tongue - has a "flap" area on right closer to the lateral border - pt had past trauma to tongue
~ and this is how it healed
~:. 9. Ling~al varicos!ties (~ooked like b~ue~rown bum.ps) . .. \icxlCiiiiiJl,U i-!cmc(C,Cil C Teiti.V1I.jecfc::-w!~~tL~t"
<::. 10. MultlpletelangIectasIas-looked like lIttle telangiectasias on the tongue Yf .' . : J . . d,. > • '. '.

t II. HypothYroidisDi"- key was patient was gaining weight, lower voice, feels cold ,-1""">C';·~:·.-J·· '>:. ";'-/': - f- C {;li, .:,.: .'<'­
~ 12. Sickle Cell Anemia - shows PA with radiolucent area (less striations in bone) .";\tC1l( G(l eVtd. t. 'OtYi£
~- , ~ -:, 13. Median Rhomboid Glossitis - 2 questions, one was ill the other was Tx - use nystatin ­
"~~~:/ 14. Midline Fracture of Mandible (obvious step between 24 and 25) .

~... /'./" ,'),

~J..t:·!Pleomorphic Adenoma (lesion on palate) ::eeVIICjI1 IlJiKed7uiIJC(';;mDjft't)r,)'f)C()'5t.lltVaJ?I.j nfOpitL1,I)

16. Kid with a neck swelling - asked two questions about the pic - not sure what the answers were - don't

give enough information (check to see if related to 3rd molar, I&D, etc were answer choices)

17. Dowel should be 113m the length of the canal width - seemed to be the reasonable answer since the

others were so wide that it would fracture the tooth -~ "". . . \"7o-t

18. Picture of patient with obvious class III


19. PA dealingwith space maintenance. - 3 different questions relating to this

A) one has the premolar 4lmost in - so EXT the primary molar

B) one has the primary molar there but there is no premolar coming in - maintain molar

C) one has the premolar coming in funky and the primary molar with caries - answer choice was to

either restore the molar (would probably need pulp treatment) or pull the molar and guide the
premolar in with ortho (not sure of the answer)
1. Patient with LINGUAL TONSIL - it enlarges when she gets sick (not path)
2. PAN - mistake, the collar got in the way (looks like a white bell curve on the pan)
3. PAN - mistake, earrings left in (See two ghost images)
.. ~,

4. PAN - interruption in the x-ray (white columns and teeth are different sizes)
5. PA - film is b a c k w a r d s , '.,~ , ; - \ ' < C ,
6. PA - SLOB rule - the cone was placed mesially and they want you to ill one of the carials in an endo ,;.'--- ..:.- '.: .•.
7. Pic of person taking a BW - underangulated (this one is stupid)
'~~.'" "

8. Nasty pic of hairy tongue - asks how to get rid of it - take patient off of medsfmouthrinses and improve

oral hygiene vestlt.-WmttJ"iuO lJf h4pt!r r..er;),mno Ptf/J1IMrZ­

9. ID the palatoglossus muscle (it's the one that is the first pillar, in front of the tonsils)
10. BW - blurry - the patient moved
11. Ranula - on the floor of the mouth (looks like mucocele but on the floor of the mouth) - take it out (real

answer is marsupialize - but they were dumb)

12. MAN has soap bubble radiolucencies - answer is ameloblastoma-. pC'S!. n1Ci7d· m
c~r ttrflrt1cn Il:ra.htn .
13. Patient with diabetes
14. Overweight woman = her hypertension is most likely related to that
15. Patient had Hep A over a year ago - she is okay to treat l' . . . .­
16. Patient has OHL and AIDS - how do you treat (may need antibiotics ifhis immune system is 10w)."*Ca~lt tl.J fpSn..'.~ \
17. Hypocalcified teeth - pic (white and brown spots) &1~I1/ I IL,
18. Patient with fluorosis - can't do anything to reverse (well, you could do microabrasion and bleach - but

that is not an answer)

19. Picture of amelogenesis impetfecta (BW or PA - no enamel on teeth) C~]. qD· (/?)
20. Picture of dentinogenesis impetfecta (obliterated pulp c h a m b e r s ) . ). ,_. .
21. Another picture of dentinogenesis impetfecta (teeth are lucent) - see oral path text .! :"J '1'--1 -<.tf.-F
22. PA - teeth have pulp stones - this will make endo harder
23. Hypercementosis· follow the PDL (was an upper PA)
24. PAN - points to the pharyngeal space - was normal (one of the answer choices was man fracture)
25. Oroantral communication - answer was fix with flap surgery (didn't give any info on size ofthe


26. What is the common goal offlap surgery (vague question) either access the roots for debridement or

pocket elimination

27. PA with vertical root fracture and PA radiolucency 7 EXT

28. PA with horizontal root fracture in the coronal1/3 cd of tooth - what do you do?;:'"
29. 3 questions related to gingival hyperplasia 1) Ca++ channel blocker caused it 2) reduce or switch moos
of possible 3) ill ' . '. . . ' " i , ' ! , i ) "(.,u­
Best Tx for ANUG is scaling/debridement t';!'>i) C!t.\D 01 I?'g Ll i Hl.. 1l1~1J..e. ~ A'i~h hI OOt:") [lItt\VL)lUlifU;IL(tctr· .. iojc ,,1 j .
~t is ~he best way to tell if a patie.nt has a stable perio status - there was ~o increase in p~cket depth
Primordial cyst - the show you a radiOgraph an tell you that all the other third molars came m (#17 -; i ' (Cl(;U \-~J
area) i..::r t¥\~ \Y1 p\aOt.ofc:dD~. Am;t~·tYwt(:jel1tMI1j1-ed el'UMte.i DrCltL{;] qitfi1,
t ".
" " ...... ? nptkfC..1.c.­

a-tf{ ,,~,~ .)- .

33. How do you test tnat the autoclave is working - biological indicators·J !tW)');':) -t 1~'1'IV>iJ,
~) WBC was increased above normal ~ patient has leukemia (also bleeding gingiva) Q
35. Pt has low plat. count -. tbromobo~penia ~; ·v.J\~ed.\Vu.\~)ml\\\{w.
36. Acute adrenal msufficlency - patient on sterOids might hive attack If not supplemented
37. PAN - shows generalized root blunting - was because of ortho
38. Picture of palate with nicotinic stomatitis - obvious
39. Picture of tobacco pouch keratosis - obvious
40. Leukoplakia on left buccal mucosa - biopsy
41. PT is the test for COUMADIN
42. Pic of geographic tongue - do nothing
43. Profile of pateint - patient is taking INH - answer is that patient has TB \Nt\ .-;. i~\'llttrl·ti I al~O ttAli.< ~1 {i;~v11i') D{
44. Picture of osteoradionecrosis - on right posterior area of mandible PW"1,,Z t~~!lMd.
45. Periodontal abstess~- uppet molar; tooth is vital and there is an infection

46) Picture of aStillman's cleft (the v-shaped one) - treatment is scale, plane and place a givgival graft

47. PA - showing periapical ceme+.al dysplasia- obvious

48. Slide showing gemiDation(max lateral) - there is some other odd deformity
49. Pic - ill the circumvallate papillae
50. PAN -.patient has missing teeth - ectodermal dYspla:>ia ,!.lfi0 CUI; C6 (if (ilk' J ·m.pe(.f't.t aioncx (Y1tili3·rt~£j.
51. KaPOSIS'S sarcoma on palate - IllY .-] NeD p/CiDm of va'5[lJ..<t:v endC!fh.RiituJ Ci'?fj in .
52. Slide showing Class V caries - check to see if generalized to entire mouth before restoring that one


53. PA with swelling due to wisdom tooth - refer to OMS

54. Your patient is having a seizure - protect from injury
55. Pt is not responding - a) activate the.EMS b) check airway c) check breatl~ing d) check circulation
56. Pic of very large diastema - too big to do anything about "pO r C ·1~·t~nS'
57. Anterior tooth in occlusion -restore with hybrid composite
5_~,) P~ -look at styloid process - has eagl~'s syndrome(pt has pain when he turns his neck)Co/ti·-fin:t S~flori~iQid JifflIk:i'lT
. 59..) Dlstobuccal cusp of one tooth occludes In the central fossa of another :'<::'.::0.:) . , . : ':; ::/, .'
60. Why are sealants most likely to come off (shows a picture) - had to do wi!J1 not properly isolating -i.1.()!

pl~~ip.gright OR wear? ..... -_. .'''''. .

61. Yellow material painted on dies for crown was die spacer to make room for cement
62. Picture of an infection of Stensen's duct - what is the first thing you would do - see)f.you can get saliva

out{palpate)-ortakeasialogram? Cr(JClYl:.-bOIjIClnU - -- .--­

63. S~cell carcinoma on lip s,f->
64. Basal cell carcinoma on face ('Y .;,::. '., .
65. Picture of the RINN system - how does this help get better radiographs (more paralell and


66. Picture of traumatic ulcer after extraction ofa tooth

67. How do you treat alveolar osteitis (dry socket) - with an iodoform gauze L i;/)t:: Inl i·i{je(<£jcllv(. (~'Yl {.!(trr vV I ~;;'il_i;l.L. .
68. Picture using transillumination to look for "cracked tooth syndrome" or tooth fracture . L0l::-"'!..!e.~)?lr'Z-i 21..j't;1.
69. Patient has pain on release of biting - root fracture syndrome J .j ffi'-'.

70. 2 questions on endo diagnosis - thought they were irreversible pulpitis

71. teeth that are traumatized will not pulp test in an accurate way right away
72. Younger teenager with swollen tonsils - was an inflammatory condition
73. Overhanging restorations cause perio problems (duh)
74. Antianginal drugs (NTG) - cartoon pic - patient is having an MI
75. What speed film gives patient least exposure to radiation (B,C,D,E) -"-c' F
76. PAoftaurodont-c,'>~) ".,' ?:' ,
n. Median pa1atil cyst - occlusal film - what do you do? -1Sl.i\'~\(<Ji f)(\. s~loi.-J.6 nC'"t \l'(LO.
78. CASE WITH patient with KIDNEY DISEASE (98- 110) - NOTE, the rest of the cases were the same
is in 1996-97 packet
79. What drug is okay to use? (aspirin, tylenol, naproxen, advil)
80. What is an interieukin, IL-1 and how does it relate to perio disease .> ~',' ",.' ,,', " : ...,,- -. , ' :-.
." ~

81. Does trauma from occlusion contribute to perio disease? '1E;S -;-,)'; ,:,,'
82. If a stent was placed for dialysis, does the' patient need premed? ":::' S
83. If the patient had a kidney transplant the patient might need antibiotics due to anti-rejection meds
84. If the patient is on steroids, will need supplemen~ti~n . _, . r'
[;JJji:J.~, '<Y;"/' :::: ';', \~; '7
85. What makes the best bond (best cement)for placmg III a PFM? A) glass lOnomer ~ zmc phosphate }. ,,' }'"
86. Picture of#9 margin - why is it inflamed? A) margin is plaque trap b) porcelain is rough
87. If you had a 2mm pocket, where would you place the finish line? (1 mm under the gumline to maintain
health~ Atg\(l~i\faf Uilli \f ~'lOtUV1~("C~'. i'UC;.'r. ' ,\),v.\".:/ f),~(;'::, '
88. What I~ the roam r~on that thingsdebond (t?e mechaniCS of,cement) - dIdn't wrdelstarrd ? :'''';~;:::;:i''' >,~. " !
89. Whatkindofretentrondoyougetwhen.bondmgtoenamel~'(·":'r' : ,,-"-,
90. What do you use to etch .'35% phosphoricacid L,' \ . , } , ) . , , '

91. Patient has malaise, lethargy, itching - what do you do? A) benedryl b) refer for kidney eval c) treat, ",);' ';"
then refer d) do nothing
92. Occlusal film - sialolith

93. Picture of epulis fissuratum (MAN) coming from underneath denture - treat by excision

94. Advantage of using Maryllind bridge - conserves tooth structure

95. Disadvantage of using Maryland bridge - debonding

96. Slide oflingual varicosities· due to age

97. PA with either an odontoma or developing supernumerary tooth

98. Patient had supernumerary teeth • cl~docranial dysp~ _. '£.)U\.Q LiNe "lq;ntrvlf peer. pt, CaVt {{~f?VV>i1 V1'1tUCS1tu..tl.((ikS ~

92:.~Slide of patient with swelling on face for 24 hrs duration - send to oral surgeon \'10 1."';12- -\f'\;lCiJfuf\'l'li:'.cl C/t{;,JI( UZ'J

·1 OO:'Question dealing with "liver clot" • answer - pressure and reassess <

101.Ifunable to triatchthe color for porcelain use - Iowcolorand less grey

102. Patient had needlestick and tested by Elisa for lllV - what are they looking for - Ab to lllV

103. Test function ofsterilization - once per week (according to dental secrets book)

104. A 6mm pocket displaying continued bleeding on probing in spite of good oral hygiene and root planing
would result from - retained subgingival bacteria (calculus)
105. After scaling and root planing, you are most likely to find - reduction in inflammation and 1-2 rom
probing depth
106.PA ofmesioangular 3'd MAN molar impinging on 2nd molar - tx is EXT ~nJ mOla..(
107.P~c showing fu~ky m~lar development - syphilli,s ";f..;llA.lbll'fT~1 \--iela.I'!I'
lO8.Plc oftetracyclrne starn -leave alone ",::"ve~l ~e(.· 'b" t""'~A "..heS'" o~\OlaY1"
GOOD LUCK '(. ~ L.;,)\V\.\C.\.I I'" , ' ­

-¥ CleldDClI.HU.a.C d""6pkL0lcl..·- yrttcltfJel (etrvrfjl."11 Dr dCC1d.UMA.-'j 1ft't~\, DciWtj ed of fCl.i LiLJ errlLpn~)) d
Fev \Y1L~~'l e~'Jt t(~cti!. ' . .?h-~ ·<)l..i.re(()L,.nk(~~.S tt'ju::r (.1:-'.2.
5\'itW'i .)(Ii..l..d'"it-'i'D"LJ
LLIH:"vnq)tlC1 ~i.t>t\i'i CL6\Cf·tf.tl [{2.N iecCT Slnrlpc:""S: '
I. · ,.

Questions Remembered 2003

1. Picture of eyes: Exophthalmos- pt is suppose to have 'hV'eerthyro,dis,m (also-6~)

2. Picture of M~£O~le on lower lip: 3 questions-1. 102. Tx (Excise) 3. The fact that mucous would
be inside and that it has to do with injllre.d sal~ry gl~r:Jd)
3. Aarte Herpetic Gingivostomatitis: a few questions on this one-1. 10 (5'1" h;w:t with ~r!ed '
2Tx(Palliative with lidocaine rinses and analgesics, etc) . Xl SIhJI ~
4. Major Aphthous Ulcers: 2 uestions on this (one was on the lip and the other was on ~ ~
the key Is that it WiI 0 standi •and ~ with;» S~~ °""64
5, Uchen Planus: Whickham's striae on buccal mucosa (left)- treat ~ .
6. PAN-Max. left sinus has raised area on the floor- answer is cyst (""",-,~.,.~~<-",,- (.op\-".- ~)
7. PA- extension of Max. sinus between premolar and molar . \~,,,,,,.\,.~~-\\,-. f"" (, "4. ~ ~ /~~
8. Picture of tongue: has a "flap" area on right doserto the lateral border- pt had past trauma to

tongue and this is how it healed

9. Ungual varicosities (looked like blue/brown bumps)

CJ!J> Multiple Telengiectasias- lookep like little telangiectasias on the tongue

11.lfljPOtfiYiQ[dism: key was patient was I{aining weieht, lower voice, feels mid

12. Siclde cell anemia: shows PA with radiolucent area t!~i$triatio!!1in bo~J ,
13. Median Rhomboid Glossitis: 2 questions-I. 10 2. Tx (use nystatin) c.~tAjO<r_s t, ,~

14. Midlinefraeture of mandible (Obvious step between 24 and 25)
-15. Pleomorphic Adenoma (lesion o~- !!lost common salivary neoplasm I
16. ICed with neck swelling- asked 2 questions about the pic- not usre what the answers were- don't 1
give enough infonnation (check to see if related to 3mmolar,l&D, etc were answer choices) ,i
@Oowel should be Y3 the lensQ1 of the canal width ',~' i
18. Picture of pt with obvious crass Ilf
19. PA dealing with space maintenance- 3 different questions relating to this:
a. One has the premolar almost in-so EXT the primary molar
b. One has the primary molar there but there is no premolar coming in- maintain molar
c. One has the premolar coming in funky and the primary molar with caries- answer choice
was to either restore the molar (would probably need pulp treatment) or pull the molar
and guide the premolar in with ortho (not sure ofthe answer)
20. Pt with lingual tonsil- it enlarges when she gets sick (not path)
21. PAN- mistake: the coUar got in the way (looks like a white bell curve on pan)
22. PAN- mistake: earrings left in (see two ghost images)
23. PAN-mistake: interruptions in the x-ray (white columns and teeth are different sizes)
24. PA- film is backwards
25. PA- SLOB rule: the cone was placed mesially and they want you to 10 one of the canals in an
26. Pic of person taking BW- underangulated (this one is stupid)
27. Nasty pic of Hairy tongue- asks how to get rid of it- take pt offof meds/rnouthrinses and

~.::;':~;7~;~~~~~~UScle {it's the one that is the first pillar, in front of the tonsils}

29. BW- blurry- the pt moved

@anu'a on the floor of the mouth (looks like mucocele but on the floor of the mouth)O take it out
(real answer is marsupializeO but they were dumb)
31. MAN (has soap bubble radiolucencies- answer is ~~ .
32. Pt with diabetes

. 33. ~erweight women- h~ most likely related to that

.- 34. Pt had Hep A over a year ago- she is okay to treS.t ¥

- - 35. Pt has OHl and AIDS- how do you treat (may need antibiotics if his immune sys is low)

36. Hypocalcified teeth- Pic (white and brown spots)
37. Another picture of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (teeth are lucent) - see oral path text

. -
38. PA- Complications of pulp stones - this will make endo harder
39. Hypercementosis-
40. PAN- points to th
e POL (was an upper PA)
aryngeal spa was nonnal ( one of the choices was mand fracture)
41. O~_~r1~1 co'!l~L!nicationOanswer was fix witht~Ps.~rg~·iV){didn'tgive any info on size ofthe
.communication) 1 _.. ._..

42. What is the common goal of flap surgery (vague question) either access the roots for
43. PA with ~fracture and PA radio'uce~.c@ ~ '/
@>A with horizontal root ~0Btin the ~~~fU3·ofth~_~t.h:what do you do~
45. 3 questions related to gingival hyperplasia: 1. Cct++ channel blocker caused it 2. Reduce or

switch meds if possible 3. 10

46. Best tx fo~scaling/Debrid~

47. What is the best way to tell if a patient has a stable perio status- there was no increase in pocket

~ShOWS you a radiograph and leI/you that aI/the other third moJarscame ®
area) • ~Jerr' _ ". z Kif"uJLs/"''''' ~
49. How do you testthatthe a lave is working-biologic indicators r.6~= '//'''r(J~.r /1. &(iY/II"'.l ,
~O. WB was' aboVe norm pt has leukemia (also bleeding gingival) VIr,..... ~ 0 J Cf. 'f'J7"I ,,€
~ f l - 1 )~l. ~i>". "7 I
- 51. Pt has low pIt coun: rombocytopenia J

52. Adrenal insufficiency- pt on steroids might have attack Ishock if not supplemented
53. PAN- shows generalized root blunting- was ble ofortho
54. Picture of palate with nicotine stomatitis-obvious
55. Picture of tobacco pouch keratosis-obvious .... w~ ..",... ("·It·,·.•,,.·,... V'~ .... (,Jc..u J ~
5. eukoplakia n left JouccaJ mucosa~
1'Ji7. s test for Coumad1n \f/J.~~ ..: 1
---sa. Pic ofgeographic tongue- do nothing _ . ,.. i ·:y:..
... 59. Profile of pt- pt is takin~nswer is that pt has TB
l"6O:)icture of osteoradionecrosis on right posterior area of mandible
"1;L'PeriOdontal abscess- upper molar, tooth is vital and there is an infection
.~1:)2.·Picture o~the v-shapedone)- treatment is scale, plane.and pfacea gtngMlif graft
63. PA- showing Periapical Cemental Dysplasia - obvious -- ;\'( ld..tLk cu<.nl /oliJe,'c i.L IMM dAII ....... ~J


65. Pic -10 the circumvallate papillae

_66. PAN- pt has missing teeth- ectodermal dysplasia

@ Kaposis's sarcoma on palate- HIV .

68. Slide showing Class V caries- check to see if generalized to entire mouth before restoring that
one lesion
69. PA with swelling due to wisdom teeth- refer to OMS
70. Your pt is having seizure- protect from injury
71. Pt is not responding- A activate to EMS B. Check airway C. Check breathing D. Check drculation/tr:.e
72. Pic ofvery large diastema- too big to do anything about
- 73. Another tooth in occlusion - restore with bybIjd composite
,~4. PAN- lo~k at $'Ioid process.- has ~~ (pt has pain when he turns his neck) ~ \) )
~uccal cusp of o~ccludes'" the ce~ral fossa of another '"'" ~ 'I"';"'~ ~
76. Why are sealants mo~o come off (shows a picture) had to do with 'not-rmr'pertv isolating­
not placing right or wear?
_____ n. Yellow material painted on dies for crown was die spacer to make room for cement
(!j) Picture of an infection ofStensa'n's duet- what is the first thing you would do- see if you can get
saliva o~) or-take a sialegFaRU

,,--.79. Squamous cell carcinoma on lip

BO. Patient has pain on release of biting- ~t flGcture s.vndrome:;t"
81. 2 questions on endo diagnosis- thought they were ineversible pulpitis
Ci2? Teeth that are traumatized will not pulp test in an accurate way right awar-A"
83. Younger teenager with swollen tonsils- was an inflammatory condition ,.f
84. Overhanging restorations cause perio problems (0001) food im~ction
85. Antianginal drugs (NTGJ- cartoon pic- patient is having MI '~, C~I /A. I i~
)/Q What speed film gives patient least exposure to radiation (S,C,D,E} , .~

87. Case with patient with Kidney Disease (98-110)- note: the rest ofthe cases were the same is in
1996-97 packet iLg ~ , i

88. What drug is okay to use?C/1 (Aspirin, Tylenol, Naproxen, Advil)-Tylenol- use regularstrength


~ What is an interleukin, IL-l and how does it relate to perio disease i \

-90. Does trauma from occlusion contribute to peria disease? Yes. secondary cause of periodontal i

& destruction
If a stent was placed for dialysis, does the patient need premed? Yes (Peritoneal dialysis- no
premed required)
92. If the patient had a kidney transplant the patient might need antibiotics due to anti-rejection


93. rf the patient is on steroids, wiff need supplementation ­

f94) What makes the best bond (best cement) for plating in PFM? A). Gf B). zinc phosphate

'!JS: Picture of#9 margin- why it inflamed? A). margin is plaque trap B). porcelain is rough - }

. . ,.•. ~.y~U ~ad a 2mm,P?cket, ~he~e ~o.u,'d vo~ ~!ar the finish line? (lmm under the gumline to
'-./rnamtalO health) .J--\jJ(Ul£, bv\.ur ',. u).\\'i'\. ,

What kind of retention do you get when bonding to enamel? ."

99 hat do you use to etch- 35% phosphoric acid

./l 1: .• e tient has malaise, letha rgy, itching- what do you do? AJ:jJenedrylB} Refer to kidneyevalQ.-

Treat then refer D) Do nothing
101. Occlusal film- Sialolith
102. Picture ~~ (MAN) coming from underneath denture- treat by xasion .
103. Advantage of using Maryland bridge- conservative tooth structure
104. Disadvantage,of usin aryland bri-- ebon 109

105. Slide of Ungual Varicosities ue to age

106. PA with elt er Odontoma or Developing supernumerary tooth

@'atient had supernumerary teeth- E'eidocranial dysplasia

108. Slide of patient with swellin on face for 24 hours durationO send to oral sUlLeon
~on dealing wit liver c - nswet: Pressure and ,~ • ~ 7
few a\A.t. • ~ 4, ~ . .l h.~

nable to match the co r r porcelain use low color and less grey
Patient ha.d needle s.r~ck ~nd, te~~ ~~ ~I~ for H'~O what are they looking for- Ab to HIV

est function ofster.dl?Cition-l g~a,~~~Kaccordmg to dental secrets book)

113. A6mm pocket displaying continued bleeding on probing in spite ofgood oral hygiene and root

planning would result from 0 retained subgingival bacteria (Calculus)

114. AfterSC/Rp, you are most likely to find- reduction in inflammation and 1-2 mm probing depth
115. PA ofmesioangular 3 nl MaIl4m-9J~rJf!lP-il]g!lJg~lJtldm olar: Tx>i!i~EXT·.
~ Picture showing funky 11l0lar development:';typ,ftffliS,(~,';!~~: sqe~dver~ped


117. Picture of tetracyclinestain~leave'ff:alonaF l

1997: NERB Questions, Answer, and Misc topics 1


! pjlJl9Jex with supernumerary teeth- aeido~,Q~~ll>yslJla.sia I

4. Xray of teeth lackingE!~mel-AQlelogenesisJm~rfecta

S. Slide of f5.m.Q~lSarCoQma.: DiagJ::1JY
'"--. -. • -. "'-- 1:

6. Slide showing mU.fQ~f ulce(ation- ApJbQ~7ulceration

7. White cheek Iesion- Diag: l~~~I)~..@OU5'(white4aG¥stAate)
8. Dentition exhibits an 0>' , Diag: Gent1I)ggf!!I~l$Jmpedeeta,
I .

9. Tx of Yf:hen ~~~nuS~.!~iteroias '. o.·.-·~===~·· J
10. Treatment of penidTfiYfXUE(tiYtCOrticosteroids)
, ·----·.-:-~-:.-::--~;_c_~~._._~_~::'::::-'"'~;~~~· L
11. Slide showing;Germination-T
12. Slide showing·tfrc::umviillarepapi~I~s-:
1.3.'Srlde of Me'iJianflhomboid<5fosSitj~"
.. c·
14. Slide of Geographic tongue; , j I
: ?

16. Slide of Osteoradionecrosis

17. Sfide showing tooth brush abrasion -­
18. Tx for tooth brush abrasion- restoration
19. Slide shoWing attrition or abrasion
20. S'ide ofa c~m.oMnuCQuw~m~!l1}~!i1J]"J:

(i1Js,ide showing festoon of max sinus '?

'-t.£ Slide indicating no implants without side lift Sip 01,)

23. Slide of a lead apron artifact

24. BW indicating improper vertical angulation
25. Pt is takingJi~fff, (INH ·'sonizide", Ethambuantol, PIA "Pyrazinemide"
26. Txofpatient-with~~~,b£~~~~
27. Question of above- HepatmsA<is<fleA,fAfectjoUS
28. several questions on OSHA regulations
29. several questions on CDC requirements
30. How often should _ji.~~q'~!~9,eiia"w~JJk
31. What devise is used to check a..lLtoclayft" Biological indicators (spore testing)
.......... ~~..;cur-~=-r.=.r=-~.:,:c;<,:,:z::;::;..:;:;::::;:::~,:,:"~

32. Patient with swo"en4ace"due~to"Wisdo1lftOlJth;;'m,Refer~to;()(aI~ulgeon

33. T exhib~'cf6wdtgg- Refer to orthodontist
...1<."""'=._"'7_."......-~-~ ... ·,· ~~--~

\ 34. Slide of fractured #8 below crest of bone- ext not a choice given- Tx;~~,~ri!IBc~~~-o

" and ~!!.R.p_stand~"
35. slide ofW~::;--~'---'~_-" e"
36. Slide of hypercementosisW'

@Slide of_~m~.,,~;~~b(_erS·QiWSew'

38. Question on Hyperthyroid

9. Question on Hypothyroid

uestion on Hypopituitary

4 Slide of Fibroma

~ fide ofSquamous cell carcinoma

43. Slid of Nicotinic Stomatitis- Pipe smoker

~ Slide of Hyperkeratosis of the tongue •

45. Slid of Ranula- tx: Excision ~.fi111~' t.~

@Slide of Hemangioma- Tx: Observe

47. Slide of Geographic tongue- tx: Observe

48. Slide of avulsed tooth- do not scrub dean f
49. Slide showing root blunting- cause: ortho
50. Slide of Odontoma
51. Panorex showing midline fracture of the mandible
52. Slide of patient with new dentures and open bite- be Remake and close down posterior teeth
53. X-ray showing radiolucency- stensen'-s doct{Submandibufar) ",/ "",it,,'~ JJ1 (..t

,~"X-r:aY showing stone in submandibular gland (Sialolith)

.~ !~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~_~.ieomorphic Adenoma (mixed tumor) [I.e - •{~~:::.
t';...."'~ :
eli \
• \,-,,-... ,'t. \
57. Panorex identifying coronoid process
58. Panorex showing fractured condyle
59. X-ray·of Condensing osteititis - 'vt- tv.,tl'\ ~t.dh
60. X-ray of PA Cemental Dysplasia (PA Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia) A'1st.
61. X-ray of maxillary torus
62. Composite that we use- Hybrid
63. SLOB radiograph

@ X-ray of Ameloblastoma

-ray of Dentigerous cyst

X-rya of Primordial cyst

67 -ray of lobulated cyst .~

68. X-fClY showing ectopic eruption of 1Sf molar

69. Slide of impalt type - Osseointegrated
70. Tx ofstained teeth- use of porcelain veneers
71. X-ray of intemal resorption- Tx: fn~odontics

~post should be 1/3 of tooth width·

73. Slide of Leukemia- elevated woc

74. Slide of Reddened lesion- Hemangioma not a choice- Answer: either Hematoma or Petechiae
75. Thrombocytopenia- low platelet count
76. X-ray of patient movement
n. Slide of fistuJa- tx: Endo
78. X-ray showing lower incisor root resorption- due to trauma
79. X-ray of an enamel pearl in canal

BO. Slide showing mesially indinded molar- tx: ortho to upright and the fixed appliance

81. X-ray showing asymptomatic endodontics long standing with short fill- be: Observe
82. X-ray of Cementoma- be: Observe (PA cemeto-osseous dysplasia)
83. X-ray of patient with si~k~~~U an~mia (skull- altered trabecular pattern, ;rh~ir~~~")
84. Toddler with rampant decay- baby bottle syndrome
85. Rampant decay due to- Xerostomia
86. Patient with missing lateral- tx: regain space orthodonticallyand fIXed appliance
87. Minimal reduction labially for PFM-1.5 mm (Fadal); 2mm (OCcfusal)
88. How would you treat an AIDS patient- No Tx, Try to avoid invasive procedures, etc..
89. a. 1 Occlusion with spadng- tx: Ortho consult
90. Impression material that can be poured after 24 hours- PVS I
91. Periapical bone scar- Tx: Observe
92. Slide showing fractured incisal angle tooth #8: question- What type of composite should be used
to repair? HYBRiD
! .
93. Slide of patient with Class 3 OCclusion: question- This is a cfass 1, 2, 3 or class 2 div 2


94_;SIide of use of an orthodontic tipping device: question-- What is this device used for? Rotation,
Bodily movement, Intrusion, TIpping J

95. How rna ny months or how much time do you allow to expire before a lab reline is done on an
immediate denture? Anytime, 24 hours, 3 month~ihsJ
96. Slide of Uchen Planus on buccal mucosa: question- Wh~iS the pathology noticing the rectilinear
pattern? Herpes, lichen planus, apthous ulceration
97. Which blood test is used to assess Coumadin? PIT, BT, fL TCT
98. What is the painless swelling on posterior palate? Trauma, Pleomorphic adenoma.

Adenocarcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma

99. Slide ofgeographic tongue and question of treatment: Excise, Incise, Refer to Pathologist,
Reassure pt and leave it alone

100. There were additional questions on:

a. Rourosis
b. Fractures of porcela in
c. Observation time after delivery of Immediate dentures (6 mo)
d. Antibiotic prophV'axis for hip replacement (consult surgeon)
e. Treatment for lateral periodontal cyst (removal IIsurgery", enucleation)
f. Case ofguided tissue re~eneration
g. Taurodont
h. The drug Albuterol
i. Birth control medication in combo with tetracycline
j. Promethazine (Rhenergen)- Pediatric sedation uAntianxiety" .
k. Propoxephine- 1l00rvon"- weak analgesic
I. Administration of nitrous to an asthmatic- II'Bad"
101. Use and concentration of Sodium Hypochlorite Sol in endo- Diluted soln: " cup bleach to 1
sallon oftap water

102. Supplemental use ofSteroids in stressful situations

103. Ca Channel blockers, 18 meds, Antifungal meds

104. In office emergency care t•
105. Horizontal fractures of roots in oral sUlEical procedures (best prognosis: apical 1/3) and the 1

106. Trauma cases as related to formation ofdentition (tetracycline)

1Ul. Overhanging restorations as related to periodontal conditions

108. Bone grafts as related to Class 1, 2 and 3 furcations

109. Attachment type questions- ex: pocket was Smm, after be pocket was 3mm- how much

at13chment gained? 2mm i
110. Tx of anaphylaxis with epi an steroids f

koPlakia ofthe tongue and buccal mucosa ?
112 uming mouth syndrome etiology-AnemJi, VB def, OM, hypothyroidism, ~gertdef
13. Txfor H~mangiOma~Observe: ~~pend o~ Situ~tion ."...' to
114. Antibiotic prophylaxIs for Peme"'m allergiC patIent ~bli"flc. cl.~-'=U;~\" cMu:1... "Qx:J~ I'
~~,~lde of o»dtiesin max sirygs I h!' pi'i~.
1:16.·'UnJlOcu'ar and mu'tjlQ~ar @.diopacities I
44., ft-_£l_ -I~ _
95. How rnany months or how much time do you allow to expire before a lab reline is done on an
immediate denture? Anytime, 24 hours, 3 month~nihSJ
96. Slide of Uchen Planus on bucca I mucosa: question- ~tis the pathology noticing the rectilinear
pattern? Herpes, tichen planus, apthous ulceration
97. Which blood test is used to assess Coumadin? PIT, BT, fI, TCT
98. What is the painless swelling on posterior palate? Trauma, Pleomorphic adenoma.
Adenocarcinoma, SQuamous cell carcinoma
99. Slide ofgeographic tongue and question of treatment: Excise, Incise, Refer to Patholog~
Reassure pt and leave it alone
100. There were additional questions on:
a. Flourosis
b. Fractures of porcelain
c. Observation time after delivery of Immediate dentures (6 mol
d. Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip replacement (consult surgeon)
e. Treabnent for lateral periodontal cyst (removal IIsurge ry", enucleation)
f. case ofgUided tissue regeneration
g. Taurodont
h. The drug Albuterol M>~~
i. 8irth control medication in combo with tetracycline
j. Promethazine (Rhene~en)- Pediatric sedation IIAntianxiety" .
k. Propoxephine- ItDarvon"- weak analgesic
I. Administration of nitrous to an asthmatic- IlBadR
101. Use and concentration ofSodium Hypochlorite Sol in enda- Diluted soln: " cup bleach to 1
gallon oftap water
102. Supplemental use ofSteroids in stressful situations
103. Ca Channel blockers, T8 meds, Antifungal meds

104.10 office eme~encv care
105. Horizontal fractures of roots in oral sUCBical procedures (best prognosis: apical 1/3) and the
subsequent treatment
106. Trauma cases as related to formation of dentition (tetracycline)
W. Overhanging restorations as related to periodontal conditions
108. Bone grafts as related to Class 1, 2 and 3 furcations
109. Attachment type questions- ex: pocket was 5mm, after tx pocket was 3mm- how much

attachment gained? 2mm I
110. Tx of anaphylaxis with epi an steroids f
Ill. leukoplakia ofthe tongue and buccal mucosa
W. Burning mouth syndrome etiology-Anemia, VB deft OM, hypothyroidism, ~ogerufef
113. Tx for Hemangioma- Observe- depend on situation .

114. Antibiotic prophYlaxis for Penicillin allergic patient 1'e\,~;i~ cl~"J]r.~I.­
US. c$,lil:l~ ofopacities in max sinus
l:l.fCUnllocufar and multilocular radiopacities
.... ...."----_._..J_ ..... _
118. Eagles syndrome- mineralized Stylohyoid ligament
119. Occlusion- ex: Distobuccal cusp of#3O occludes where?
120. Percent success ofsealants- ""90% ofSealants are least partially still present after 5 yrs

~Most irritating bases to the dental pulp

~livary tumor of minor palatal salivaryglands- Pleomorphic Adenoma

~ Pontic Design- modified ridge lap

~ Extraction sequence for immediate dentures

125. Retention of premolal5 for vertical dimension in construction of immediate dentures

126. cement spadng for dies
127. qp~ t~_ fQQ~~tiQ- C?ptimum=(#J3"Minimum:l:1,")
128. Palatal and mucobuccal fold lesions assodated with Snuff
129. candida (cause of candidiasis)
130. Herpetic Stomatitis- recurrent lesions occur on mucosa bound to bone
131. linea alba- white line buccal mucosa
132. Infections ofstensons and whartons
133.SUbmandibular duct calcifications- Sialolith orstone in duct ofsubmand gland
134. Basal and squamous cell carcinomas
135. Root resorption due to orthodontic treatment
136. Traumatic ulceration of tongue and buccal mucosa

CBC: Components and Normal Ranges

-wac: 4,OOO-10,OOO/mm3
" i~
! I
-RBC: 4.2-5.9 million/mm3
-Hemoglobin: Males 14-18 g/dl Females 12-16g/dl
-Hematoait: Males 40-54% Females 37-47%
-MCV: 86-98 um3/cell f
-MCH: 27-32 uug/RBC


-RDW: MRed cell Distribution Width"-11.5-14.5

-Platelet Count: 150,000-400,000/013

-WBC Differential: t.I,.,,,~ f(~

-Neutrophils: 40-75% (Bacterial infections)


-Lymphocytes: 15-4596 (Viral infections) j ,

-Monocytes: 1-10% (Chronic bacterial infections: SBE, MTB, or aeuteSLE or RA) 1
-Eosinophils: 1-6% (Allergies, Parasites: Hodgkin's lymphoma)
-Basophils: 0-2% I
leukocytosis: l' WOCs

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