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1) What is the difference between delegate and events?

2) What to do if we do not want a fucntion to be instantiated?

3) What is dependency ingection? Please provide an example.
4) What is script bundling?
5) Can entity framework accept a table without primary key? Is there a turnaround
for this?
6) What is a CLR SQLFunction?
7) What will happen if I initialize a string object in a using block?

9) How do we do security in WCF?

10) What is the use of Global.asax?
11) What are private and shared assemblies?
12) Difference between dictionary and hashtable? Which one of them is threadsafe?
13) Why we cannot use a dictionary in webservice?
14) Difference between static class and singleton?
15) Why is REST preferable for Web API?
16) What is the difference between convert.tostring() and .tostring()
17) SQL - What is a view? Can you insert, update, delete a view?

18) Out of array and arraylist, which on performs boxing/unboxing? And why?
19) What are generics collections? Is Array generic?
20) What is explicipt and implicit interface? when will you use one over the other?
21) IEnumerable Vs. IEnumerator?
22) Cross Site Scripting (XSS)?

Basic MVC

1) Mention what �beforFilter()�,�beforeRender� and �afterFilter� functions do in


beforeFilter(): This function is run before every action in the controller. It�s
the right place to check for an active session or inspect user permissions.
beforeRender(): This function is called after controller action logic, but before
the view is rendered. This function is not often used, but may be required If you
are calling render() manually before the end of a given action
afterFilter(): This function is called after every controller action, and after
rendering is done. It is the last controller method to run

2) Is viewstart page rendered for a partial view?

3) What is the use of default route?

4) Why is MVC Stateless?

In ASP.NET Web Forms, passing information between different pages was never
especially easy without the use of session.
Due to the postback-centric model, information was available on the server as part
of an event, but often in the wrong page for displaying a result,
making passing information between pages necessary.

This tended to lead to an overuse of session, populating "current" variables in

session intended to indicate what the current object being
interacted with was. This overuse in turn made applications very state-dependent
and much harder to determine expected behaviour
("Is this variable populated?" "Do I have the current order ID yet?").

MVC is structured around the idea that your website is a view into a logical model
of information. It encourages having stateless operations through
the use of simple controllers responding to actions with key information passed as
part of the HTTP request.

Because of these properties, session is no longer required to perform basic tasks

in MVC, and becomes poor fit where it has seemed a perfectly valid
choice before.

Fundamentally, session pollutes HTTP. It makes requests (often containing their own
state) dependent on the internal state of the receiving server.
This is why it's seen as something of an evil (although often a practical and
necessary one).


5) Why is "var" keyword known as early bounded?

6) To pass state from controller to action what can be used? If I have viewdata,
why do I need viewbag?

7) What if I want to persist data throughout the system? Will viewbag, viewdata, or
tempdata help?

8) What is the equivalent of enum in javascript?

9) WHat is the way to send data from view to controller? (viewbag, viewdata, or
tempdata will not work. Need to go for either hidden field or querystring)

10) Is Tempdata accessible in the view?

11) Tempdata will preserve value on the second request in which conditions?

a) the value is not read in the first request.

b) Keep - which will make the value available for next request.
c) peek - which will make the value


1) What is a contract? Explain different forms of contracts?

2) What is duplex operation in WCF?

Web API:
1) How do we use Web API in web forms?
2) CORS? What is it? Which browser doesn't support CORS?


1) Cookies

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