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Shark Tank_Horse Pants

AS you may or may not know,

I am a, a bit of entrepreneur.

Did you know I invented Dippin’ Dots?

That’s absolutely true.

I’m always on lookout for the next big business opportunity.

so on Friday night, I teamed up with GUILLERMO

and we made a pitch together.

we had a really great idea

so we took it to the place where great concepts become reality

We took it to place we knew our pitch would be appreciated and heard

Next into the tank is late night talk show host and his sidekick

who feel they have a solution to a disturbing problem

Hi, I am Jimmy Kimmel and this is my partner, GUILLERMO.

and I want to tell you a story.

Years ago, I took my family to a petting Zoo.

I was disturbed by what I saw

and more importantly what my family saw.

Every animal there was naked.


My family was uncomfortable but most importantly I was uncomfortable.

and I am sure the animals were uncomfortable, too.

then I thought every problem is an opportunity.

and every opportunity is a gift.

and today, my gift to you is this.

the future of equine fashion

I present to you horse pants.

Say hello to my model and my business partner, Butter Cup.

As you can see, he’s wearing darker style khakis

They are comfortable, fashionable and business casual

appropriate for the track or the barn

GUILLERMO and I are looking for 500,000 dollars for a 10% stake in our company.

We have plans for a full line of horse pants

You can see here.

We have logo.

We have cargo shorts for horses.

even spanx

We brought samples for all of you to give your horses

GUILLERMO will hand those out

Thank you, GUILLERMO.

You can see it’s the finest material

Oh! Mark, you took my leopard.

Yeah~ This matches my bedspread.

Is it one-size-fits-all?


Each horse is custom-fit

I actually fit each horse myself

Horses love them

and with your help, we can put them on all the horses in the world.

Look at the opportunity here.

These are horses that are currently wearing pants.


These are horses that could be wearing pants all of them.

and you can see the amount of money we will make is astronomical

Right now, at zero, maybe even a little below that

We could go all the way up to 600

Who knows, maybe even 700 billion dollars

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