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It is the client more than the therapist who implements the change
process. . . . Rather than argue over whether or not “therapy works,”
we could address ourselves to the question of whether or not “the
client works!” . . . As therapists have depended more upon the client’s
resources, more change seems to occur. (Bergin&Garfield, 1994, p. 826)

Bergin and Garfield (1994) came to this conclusion after compiling

an extensive review and analysis of the existing research on psychotherapy
and outcome covering well over 800 pages. Recognizing the central position
of the client to therapeutic success seems essential if one is to grasp a more
complete picture of therapeutic success and failure. Some clients seem to
inhibit progress or seem unable to use the counseling process at all, whereas
others experience and use therapy in meaningful and life-changing ways.
Those involved in the training and practice of psychotherapy can recall
saying whether someone is likely to benefit from psychotherapy. “Good
clients” are those motivated and willing to engage in the process of self-
examination and self-discoveryand move toward desired change. Therefore,
as therapists, we have a “sense” about who is likely to benefit and who is
not, but our understanding can be significantly enhanced by considering
some of the research done in the area of client variables and psychother-
apy outcome.


When Carl Rogers described the “Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

of Therapeutic Personality Change” ( 1957), his description had an “if-then”
quality to it. That is, if the therapist provided and maintained the conditions
of therapist empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence, then

the client would likely benefit from counseling, regardless of who the client
was. Rogers hypothesized that no other conditions were necessary for thera-
peutic personality changes to occur as long as these conditions existed and
continued over time. His hypothesis places the onus for success or failure
almost entirely in the hands of the therapist’s ability to communicate ade-
quate levels of the core conditions to the client. Therapists know from
experience that there must be more than an “if-then” relationship between
the hypothesized conditions and successful treatment outcomes. Inevitably,
even the most skilled therapists encounter clients who do not seem to
benefit from the process.
To recognize the importance of client variables, consider that simply
from a logical point of view, if one contends that therapist behaviors can
help or hinder the process of therapy, it follows that client behaviors can
also influence whether one could expect a positive outcome for psychother-
apy. After all, there are two people involved in this unique and interactional
process called psychotherapy. Each member of the dyad brings certain charac-
teristics to the relationship that will affect how it evolves. (See also bzarth,
Zimring, and Tausch, this volume, chapter 5 , for more on client-centered
therapy.) In fairness to Rogers, he did recognize that therapy may not be
helpful to everyone as indicated by his statement: “it appears that empirical
studies can help to discover the factors which make it likely that client-
centered therapy, as it exists at the present time, will be effective or ineffec-
tive in helping the client to change” (Rogers, 1954, p. 424). So, if one takes
the position that Rogers’s stated conditions may not be sufficient in and of
themselves, one is free to explore what researchers say about client variables
that seem related to outcomes.
While this entire volume is devoted to various dimensions of research
relevant to humanistic psychotherapies, this chapter will focus in particular
on the client characteristics that are related to positive outcomes in psycho-
therapy. Specifically, the goals of this chapter are (a) to present outcome
research on client variables specific to client-centered psychotherapy, (b)
to present other outcome research on client variables that seems to have
relevance to client-centered therapy and other humanistic psychotherapies,
and (c) to provide ideas and examples of how these research findings can
be applied in a humanistic fashion when working with clients.


Finding research on client variables about which one could make

unequivocal statements regarding the association between client variables
and outcome has been a somewhat elusive endeavor. In fact, Bergin and
Garfield’s (1994) review of research on client variables and outcome found


little in which to be confident. They noted the difficulty in forming definitive
conclusions about client variables because many of the studies defined and
measured outcome differently or may have had design and analysis weak-
nesses that raise caution in interpreting the meaning and generalizability
of the results. Also, there have been contradictory findings in the research.
Bohart and Tallman (1999) argued that it is the client who primarily
determines the outcome of psychotherapy: “Our thesis . . .is that the client’s
capacity for self-healingis the most potent common factor in psychotherapy
. . . therapy facilitates naturally occurring healing aspects of clients’ lives”
(p. 91). They noted a surprising “meta-analysis”by Grencavage and Norcross
(1990) of different lists of common factors that revealed that the client is
seldom mentioned as a common factor in therapy. They also stated that
clients are most often not portrayed as the initiators of change, rather, that
status is held by the therapists in the literature. Clients are more typically
portrayed in terms of their deficits and in terms of being the recipients of
the therapists’ wisdom and interventions. In actuality, they argued that the
clients are highly active in the process. For example, Rennie (1990) met
with clients following their therapy sessions to review their videotapes.
Clients stopped the tapes whenever they wished to comment about the
session. This process revealed that clients were highly active at a covert
level in terms of steering the sessions, reinforcing the therapists, and making
use of the process. The primary discovery was that clients were anything
but passive in terms of what happened in their sessions. Bohart and Tallman
(1999) cited many other studies to support their contention that clients
are the primary agent of change. For example, more than 60% of clients
arriving for their first session reported improvement in the presenting prob-
lem since the appointment was made (Lawson, 1994; Weiner-Davis,
deShazer, & Gingerich, 1987). Also, many clients reported improvements
following a single session of therapy (Rosenbaum, 1994). Clients appeared
to make gains without the assistance of the therapist, providing support for
the notion that clients have their own capacity for self-healing. In addition,
a number of studies have shown that inexperienced therapists are as effective
as experienced therapists (Christensen&Jacobson, 1994)and any significant
differences have tended to be small, giving further credence to the idea that
it is the client more than the therapist who determines the outcome. In
addition, Bohart and Tallman noted that self-help treatments (e.g., self-
help books) have been shown to be as effective as therapists, as evidenced
by two meta-analyses: the first conducted by Scogin, Bynum, Stephens, and
Calhoon (1990) and the second by Gould and Clum ( 1993). Bohart and
Tallman contended that therapists may activate the client’s potential for
self-healing by various interventions, but it is really a matter of the client
making use of the interventions that constitutes the actual therapy. They
argued that the explanation for the “nodifference”finding among the various


therapies resides within the client. That is, the client is the primary force
that makes therapy effective, although the research has tended to focus on
variables other than the client or to minimize the client’s impact on the
process. Overall, the research cited by Bohart and Tallman supports the
notion that clients have a drive and capacity to move toward health, which
is consistent with the position of humanistic therapies.
There are in fact many compelling studies to help one understand and
appreciate client variables related to psychotherapy outcome, as well as the
complexities involved in such research. For example, one complicating
factor involved in psychotherapy outcome research is the difficulty inherent
in isolating one variable from a relational process in which multiple variables
contribute to the therapy outcome. That is, can one piece of a system be
factored out for study and still maintain some semblance of validity? Also,
a client who does not do well with one therapist may do well with another
simply because of the person of the therapist and the person of the client.
Despite these and other limitations involved in conducting research on
client variables, the attempt to answer the question remains important.
What are the client variables that make it more likely that a client will
benefit from the therapy process and, more specifically, what are the variables
that make it likely that a client may benefit from client-centered or other
forms of humanistic psychotherapy?


A number of studies conducted at the University of Chicago Counsel-

ing Center in the 1950s examined the effects of client-centered therapy.
The studies were conceptualized from a client-centered perspective, and
the therapists were all trained as client-centered therapists. Rogers ( 1954)
provided a summary of the results. An important variable that received
empirical support in these studies was that the type of relationship most
associated with positive outcomes in psychotherapy was a relationship in
which the client developed a strong liking and respect for the therapist. In
essence, a warm relationship containing mutual liking and respect was more
likely to lead to success. Another finding consistent with Rogers’s hypothesis
was that clients entering therapy with the greatest degree of incongruence
made the most progress or movement.
Also, during the therapy sessions themselves, the most notable behavior
was that the client began an exploration of himself or herself and moved
away from talking about external problems. The interviews became less
intellectual or cognitive and more an emotional or experiencing process
(feeling and being). Rogers observed that “experiencing the complete aware-


ness of his or her total organismic response to a situation is an important
concomitant of the process of therapy” (Rogers, 1954, p. 425).
In the Chicago studies, a change in the client’s perception of the self
appeared to be a central factor in the process of client-centered therapy.
Of those clients considered to be successful, new perceptions of the self
emerged into awareness. Rogers noted that there was some evidence that
the emerging perceptions of the self were based on material previously
denied to awareness. The client typically began his or her therapy with an
intellectualdiscussion of the problem and then moved toward an exploration
of the self. Additional findings were that clients with at least moderately
democratic and accepting attitudes toward others seemed to reap the most
benefit from therapy. Conversely, clients who were high in ethnocentrism
(with sharp and rigid distinctions between their own and other groups)
and those who were generally antidemocratic tended to be unsuccessful in
therapy. Lastly, Rogers found no relationship between initial diagnosis of
the clients and outcome of therapy and, in fact, found that the deeply
disturbed clients progressed equally as well as the mildly disturbed clients.
Haimowitz and Haimowitz ( 1952) studied client personality character-
istics that were associated with different degrees of success in psychotherapy.
They found that clients who were in touch with their internal tensions,
who were intrapunitive, and who were tolerant of others were likely to have
successful psychotherapy outcomes. In contrast, client who were extrapuni-
tive, ethnocentric, and less sensitive to internal tensions were less likely to
have successful psychotherapy outcomes.
Kirtner and Cartwright (1958) found that clients who had brief (fewer
than 13 sessions)but successful therapy were relatively open to their impulse
life and relatively clear about their gender roles. Successful clients in longer
term psychotherapy (more than 21 sessions) showed relatively high anxiety
and some confusion about their gender identity. Successful therapy clients
in both short- and long-session groups showed a greater need for relationships
than was the case for less-successful therapy clients.



Despite the difficulty involved in isolating the client’s impact on psy-

chotherapy outcome, several empirical studies have demonstrated a number
of client variables that appear to be related to outcome: client participation/
engagement/involvement,therapeutic alliance, client affirmation,collabora-
tion, openness versus defensiveness, experiencing and self-exploration, ex-
pressiveness, locus of control, and ethnocentrism. The research on these
variables is discussed below.


Client Participation/Engagement/Involvement

Rogers’s (1957)sine qua non condition of successful psychotherapy was

that there be two people in psychological contact. Without this preemptive
condition, the other conditions are meaningless. Within this framework, it
could be argued that aclient with sufficientreluctance to engage in the therapy
process would not actually be in psychological contact with the therapist.
Research supports Rogers’s hypothesis. According to Greenberg and
Pinsof (1986), the degree of client involvement is a predictor of outcome.
They stated that the findings from “alliance-related work show that patient
participation, optimism, perceived task relevance, and responsibility are
related to change” (p. 13). Along the same lines, Gomes-Schwartz (1978)
examined ratings from taped therapy sessions and found that the variable
most predictive of outcome was the client’s willingness and capacity to
actively engage in the therapy process. Active engagement was defined as
having a positive attitude toward the therapist and therapy as well as a
commitment to working at change. This particular study compared psycho-
analytically oriented therapists, experiential therapists, and college professors
popular with students but not trained in doing psychotherapy. All three
groups had similar outcomes, with the level of client involvement emerging
as the best predictor of outcome. Later studies continued to provide support
for this finding. For example, O’Malley, Suh, and Strupp (1983) found that
client involvement had the highest relationship to outcome, and Kolb,
Beutler, Davis, Crago, and Shanfield’s (1985) study found similar results.
Similarly, in their review of research on effective psychotherapy, Weiss-
mark and Giacomo (1998)noted that some of the general categories of client
involvement (client exploration,client expectancies,depth of experiencing,
patient participation, and positive contribution) have yielded the most
consistent evidence. They concluded that outcome was optimized when
clients actively collaborated in the therapeutic process.
Orlinsky, Grawe, and Parks (1994) summarized 54 findings regarding
client role engagement reflecting the personal involvement of participants
in the client role. Sixty-five percent of the 54 findings showed a significant
positive association with outcome. They also summarized 28 findings on
client motivation, defined as the perceived desire for therapeutic involve-
ment by participants in the client role. Half of the findings showed a
significant association with outcome. When this variable was looked at
strictly from the client’s perspective, the percentage rose to 80%.

Therapeutic Alliance

Moras and Strupp (1982) concluded that the level of interpersonal

relations prior to beginning therapy predicted clients’ level of collaborative,


positively toned participation in a therapeutic relationship. Filak, Abeles,
and Norquist ( 1986) investigated whether clients’ interpersonal attitudes
prior to beginning therapy related to an affiliation-hostility dimension would
have a significant impact on therapy outcome. Seventy-twopercent of those
with an affiliative stance had a highly successful outcome, whereas only
38% of those with a pretherapy hostile interpersonal stance had a success-
ful outcome.
Orlinsky et al. (1994) summarized 55 findings related to the client’s
contribution to the therapeutic alliance and found significant relationship
in 67% of the cases. The client’s positive contribution to the therapeutic
alliance was associated with good outcome for cases lasting 20 to 40 sessions
but not for short-term cases (fewer than 20 sessions).
Orlinsky et al. (1994) reported a positive association between outcome
and the client’s total affective response (both negative and positive) in 50%
of 10 findings (not differentiating between positive and negative affects).
When just positive affective responses were considered,all 9 findings in three
relevant studies showed significant associations with favorable outcomes. In
other words, when clients respond with positive feelings during sessions, it
is likely an indication that therapy is proceeding well. (See Asay 6r Lambert,
this volume, chapter 17, for more on therapeutic alliance.)

Client Affirmation

Orlinsky et al. (1994) summarized 59 studies and found that client

affirmation has a more consistent association with outcome than does
therapist affirmation (69% vs. 56%). They noted, though, that client
affirmation may be a result rather than a precipitant of therapeutic
progress. Logically, a reciprocal affirmation between client and therapist
should follow. In 78% of 32 findings, reciprocal affirmation were signifi-
cantly positive (data derived primarily from the client’s or external raters’
process perspectives).
Horowitz, Marmar, Weiss, and Rosenbaum ( 1984) concluded, after
an extensive review of the literature on outcomes, that the most consistent
process predictor of improvement was the client’s perception of the
therapeutic relationship. Similarly, Morgan, Luborsky, Crits-Christoph,
Curtis, and Solomon (1982) found that clients who believed that their
therapists were helping them and that they were working in a collaborative
fashion were more likely to demonstrate improvement from therapy than
clients who did not have such perceptions. Also, Beutler, Crago, and
Arizmendi (1986) found a positive correlation between outcome and
clients’ positive perceptions of their therapists’ facilitative attitudes (empa-
thy, genuineness, congruence, nonpossessive warmth, and unconditional
positive regard).



Orlinsky et al. (1994) reported on 46 process-outcome findings on

therapist collaboration with the client as opposed to the therapist proceeding
in a directive or permissive fashion. Overall, 43% of the findings indicated
a significant association with a collaborative therapeutic style and outcome.
This figure rose to 64% when viewed solely from the client’s perspective.
Twenty-two percent of the findings showed a significant association with
outcome with a directive therapist (9%from the client’s perspective).Studies
found that when therapists and clients worked in a collaborative style, 64%
of 42 findings showed outcome to be positively associated with collaboration,
whereas none favored either a dependent or controlling style of relating.

Openness Versus Defensiveness

Orlinsky and Howard (1986) described a category called patient self-

relatedness, which refers to people’s way of responding to themselves. In
brief, it has to do with the ways that people experience their internal
ideations and feelings, become self-aware, evaluate themselves, and how
they monitor their ideas and feelings. People can be open-minded and
flexible in responding or be guarded and constrained. In the first instance,
they are viewed as open and receptive; in the second, they are typically
viewed as defensive. The client’s capacity to make use of the therapeutic
interventions and relationship come into the picture here. Orlinsky and
Howard found that a client’s openness versus defensivenessin psychotherapy
was related to outcome. Better outcomes were significantly associated with
the client’s openness during therapy. In a review of 45 findings, Orlinsky
et al. (1994) noted that 80% of studies showed client openness to be a
positive correlate of therapy outcome. They also noted that several of these
studies had large effect sizes that can be indicative of a strong and consistent
finding. Orlinsky et al. reported that in nearly 50 findings that examined
patient cooperation and patient resistance, 69% of the findings showed
significant associations of patient cooperation with favorable outcomes and
patient resistance with unfavorable outcomes.

Experiencing and Self-Exploration

A client’s willingness to self-explore seems essential to successful ther-

apy. However, not every client who wishes to explore will necessarily be
good at it. The capacity to experience has emerged as an important variable
in determining whether the client is likely to benefit from therapy (Green-
berg & Pinsof, 1986). Klein, Mathieu-Coughlan, and Kiesler (1986) devel-
oped the Experiencing Scale to assess the quality of the client’s involvement


based on Gendlin, Beebe, Cassens, Klein, and Oberlander’s (1968) and
Rogers’s client-centered theories. The Experiencing Scale appears to assess
productive clients. More specifically, the scale was indicative of self-involve-
ment and participation in therapy. The researchers described extensive
efforts at training clients in experiencing, empathy, and communication.
Gendlin (1984) described felt sense as “the client inside us, a kind of
self-response process” (p. 83) and regarded the process as something that
could be taught to clients through focusing (Gendlin, 1996). His studies
on client-centered therapy found that clients high in the ability for working
with inner experience appeared to benefit more from psychotherapy. Klein
et al. (1986) found support for the association between high levels of client
experiencing and therapeutic change (see also Hendricks, this volume,
chapter 7). As a result of these findings, Gendlin created his focusing method
in hopes of enhancing the experience process for those clients who were
not well developed in their ability to do so. These findings are consistent
with those discussed earlier in this chapter in the description of the Chicago
studies. Specifically, successful clients not only moved to an exploration of
the self but also experienced deeply a new level of awareness of the total
organismic response. Some clients may need assistance in developing certain
capacities so that they can move to a deeper level of self-exploration.
Client self-exploration and outcome were reported to be significantly
associated in 30% of 79 findings by Orlinsky et al. (1994). They noted that
even though 67% showed no association with outcome, 30% of the findings
still constitutes a significant figure.


In a large review of studies of patient expressiveness, Orlinsky et al.

(1994) reported that out of 51 findings, 63% showed a positive association
with outcome. Similarly, a study by Beutler et al. (1986) revealed that
clients who were open, in touch with their emotions, and able to express
their thoughts and feelings in therapy had a positive prognosis (Seligman,
1990, p. 53). Butler, Rice, and Wagstaff (1962) and Rice and Wagstaff
(1967) found that psychotherapy outcomes could be predicted as early as
the second session by looking at client expressiveness. Expressive clients
had more positive outcomes, whereas inexpressive clients (characterized as
having dull, lifeless ways of describing self and inner experience) had less
favorable outcomes. Noting that inexpressive clients were likely to have a
less hopeful outcome, Wexler and Butler (1976) demonstrated that client
expressiveness could be improved by the therapist actions, though their
study was limited because it only included a single case study of success.
They described the inexpressive client as being a problem in client-centered
therapy as well as in other therapeutic modalities. In this single case study,


the therapist intentionally modified the behavior of an inexpressive client
to alter the course of psychotherapy. Specifically, Wexler and Butler advo-
cated for the therapist to purposefully alter his or her behavior by stating
the client’s experience in as vivid and evocative manner as possible. By
doing so, they noted that a therapist can serve as a model to increase client
expressiveness, resulting in new behavior and a richer range of experience
for the client.

Locus of Control

From a humanistic perspective, having an internal locus of control is

central to psychological health. Each person must take responsibility for
the self and his or her actions. Evidence suggests that until a client develops
an internal locus of control, the benefits of psychotherapy are limited.
Giacomo and Weissmark (1992) examined the work of 15 therapists; spe-
cifically, each therapist had one successful case and one unsuccessful case.
The client change dimensions were internal-external (defined as whether
an individual evaluates an action as a means for affecting the environment
or as a means for being affected by it), reactive-selective (defined as whether
an individual considers himself or herself as capable or not capable of
choosing or influencing a course of action), and unconditional-conditional
(defined as whether an individual evaluates the course of an action as
dependent or independent of the conditions under which the action occurs).
An attempt to understand the differences revealed that successful clients
became more internal, more selective, and more conditional, whereas the
unsuccessful clients remained external, less selective, and less conditional.
Giacomo and Weissmark noted that the client’s participation in treatment
was significantly related to outcome.
Kirtner and Cartwright (1958) reported that clients who entered the
therapy process with the belief that they contributed to their problems and
felt responsible for their problems tended to remain in therapy for a longer
duration. These clients were evaluated by their therapists as making more
progress than clients who felt little or no responsibility for their difficulties.
In a study of 84 institutionalized female drug addicts, Kilmann and
Howell (1974) found that those with an internal locus of control rated
themselves more favorably, showed more effort in being successful, appeared
to be more involved in therapy, became more reflective, and showed more
attempts to gain self-understanding. A look at the overall findings indicated
that those who had an internal locus of control were better therapy risks
than those with an external locus of control. This study was conducted in
a group therapy setting that assessed internal versus external locus of control
as well as directive therapy versus nondirective therapy and a no-treatment
control group.



The concept of ethnocentrism is typically relegated to research and

writing in the social psychological domains. However, there seems to be
important evidence that this characteristic needs to be considered as a
predictor of therapy outcome. Tougas (1952)examined the impact of ethno-
centrism on psychotherapy outcome. Ethnocentrism was defined as being
based on a pervasive and rigid in-group-out-group distinction; invoking
a stereotyped negative imagery and hostile attitudes regarding out-
groups; and stereotyped positive imagery and submissiveattitudes regard-
ing in-groups; and a hierarchical, authoritarian view of group interaction
in which in-groups are rightly dominant, out-groups subordinate. (Tou-
gas, 1952, pp. 196-197)

Tougas, assessing the effects of Rogerian and Sullivanian treatments,

found that clients low on ethnocentrism had more favorable outcomes,
whereas those high on ethnocentrism had poorer outcomes.


Taking research and applying it to actual practice can sometimes be

challenging, but in many cases there are some clear applications. Following
is a discussion of how one might apply the research knowledge to the actual
practice of psychotherapy. Examples are given for (a) client involvement/
participation/motivation/cooperation,(b) client contribution to the thera-
peutic alliance, and (c) depth of client experiencing.

Client Involvement/Participation/Motivation/Cooperation

In most cases, clients come in for therapy because they want something
better. The fact that they seek the assistance of a therapist can be taken
as an indication that they envision such an outcome as a real possibility.
The importance of client involvement to successful outcome has been clearly
demonstrated in empirical research. Hence, the need for therapists to foster
and maintain client involvement in the process is also clear. From the initial
contact with clients, the therapist’s presentation about how the process
works is critical. Unless a client has been in therapy before, he or she cannot
be presumed to know how the process actually works. Many clients are
likely to see therapists as experts with the answers to their problems. Thus,
in their explanation to the clients about their theoretical orientation, for
example, therapists need to be mindful about how they present the process.
If the description places the therapist in the role of the expert, then the


level of client involvement is likely to be affected. Regardless of theoretical
orientation, as therapists familiarize clients with the therapeutic process,
their description needs to clearly demonstrate a commitment to therapy as
a process of collaboration between the client and therapist working together
to explore, clarify, and move toward client-desired change. Therapists then
need to follow through by maintaining a collaborative process, that is, not
providing answers to all the presenting problems but rather working together
to understand problems and discover solutions. For example,

C: I have never been in therapy before. How does the process work?
T: Therapy is a collaborative process in which we can work together
to explore, clarify your concerns and by working together, hopefully,
we can find some answers that fit for you.
C: What should I talk about?Hmmm, I am not sure where to begin.
Maybe you could you ask me some questions?
T: This is your time to talk about whatever feels important to you.
C: Well, what really seems to be bothering me is . . .

The therapist in this example is making sure not to take the responsibil-
ity from and for the client. The client can potentially learn early on that
therapy is collaborative and will require a thoughtful investment for the
process to work.
Even though a therapist may ascribe to the notion that collaboration
is the most useful fashion to proceed in psychotherapy, challenging clients
may in subtle ways influence the therapist to assume a less collaborative
position. One suggestion for therapists is to become conscious of their own
self-talk. For example, if you as the therapist find yourself saying such things
as “if I could just get my client to . . .” or “If I could just convince my client
o f . . .” or “if I could just get my client to see . . . ,” or if you find yourself
thinking in terms of “persuading,”then you have likely moved to controlling
and directing, which is not likely to be helpful (Combs & Gonzalez, 1994).
The frustration that can come when working with clients who do not seem
to be progressing can result in the therapist taking too much control of the
process and losing the collaborative component.
In addition, Bohart and Tallman (1999) emphasized that true collabo-
ration goes beyond the client merely participating in the therapist’s agenda.
They contended that a truly collaborative model involves, among other
things, the therapist carefully listening to the client for client-generated
solutions and encouraging the client to more fully explain his or her point
of view. This implies a belief and respect on the part of the therapist for
the client’s capacities for self-healing and problem solving. One technique
that works from a collaborative model is termed “Ask the Expert” (Welch
& Gonzalez, 1999). For example,


C: I wish I could figure out why I don’t stand up to my father. Do you
have any ideas?
T: It sounds like you need an expert who can answer your question.
Fortunately, we have someone with expertise in that area right in this
office. I will have that person come in momentarily. What exactly did
you want to ask him or her?
(Have the client formulate the question. Then, ask the client to sit in
the therapist’s chair and switch seats with client. Then the therapist
asks the exact question formulated by the client. The therapist can
continue the role playing if additional questions arise as the client
speaks in the role of the expert. After the exercise is finished, again
switch seats and ask the client to reiterate what he or she heard the
expert say.)

A less elaborate but still potentially helpful version of “Ask the Expert”
is as follows:
C: I don’t know why I won’t stand up to my father.
T: Let’s switch seats. You are the expert. W h y does a person not stand
up to his or her father?

A similar effect may be achieved by the following example:

C: I wish I understood why I don’t stand up to my father. Why do you
think I don’t?
T: It sounds like you have thought about this question a great deal.
What have you come up with so far?

In each of the above examples, the intent is to provide the opportunity

for clients to discover their own solutions to whatever problems they are
facing. The client is more likely to feel empowered by discovering answers
to confusing problems. The collaborative position requires that the therapist
truly believe in the client’s self-healing capacities. Consequently, client-
generated solutions need to be explored, understood, and respected.
Even while there is ample evidence for the importance of collaboration
for therapy to be successful, therapists are experiencing significant pressures
to use template models of treatment. That is, therapists are told to use
predetermined methods and procedures considered to be “empirically vali-
dated” with various presenting problems. Such a medical model, which may
be attractive to managed care, flies in the face of what the research has
shown in terms of the importance of collaboration. Therapists are faced
with the challenge of finding ways to assist clients with prescribed methods
imposed from without. As noted by Bohart and Tallman (1999), such
template models do not respect the nature of how people change. To leave
the client out of the equation should be unthinkable. One suggestion to


therapists is to modifV the template to incorporate the client’s frame of
reference as a central component of the entire process.
In terms of willingness to engage in the therapy process, therapists
must recognize that not all “clients” are willing consumers. They may, for
whatever reason, decline to participate at the level necessary to make change.
In such cases, thinking in terms of treatment failure may not be accurate.
People pressured to seek psychotherapy find themselves in the underdog
position and may through their behavior say, “You can make me do it, but
you can’t make me like it and you can’t make me do it right” (P. G. Ossorio,
personal communication, Spring, 1984).

Therapeutic Alliance

The research consistently confirms that the strength and quality of

the therapeutic relationship is central to successful therapeutic outcomes.
If a quality relationship has been created and is present, both client and
therapist know it. Conversely, if the relationship does not feel right or is
shallow, both client and therapist will, at some level, know that also. Thus,
the suggestion is for the therapist to squarely address the problem. Sometimes
therapists may be tempted to avoid bringing up the problem with the
relationship, hoping that the next week it will just get better. A willingness
to address the problem directly with the client provides the opportunity
and potential to improve the relationship. For example,
T: We have been working together for a few sessions now and I am
keenly aware of an uncomfortable distance between us. I am wondering
how you are feeling about our working relationship.
C: Well, now that you mention it, it does feel pretty tense.
T: Maybe by talking about it we can figure out the problem and go
from there.

The therapist in this example is addressing the most pressing issue,

which is the therapeutic relationship. Not addressing the problem would
be akin to having the proverbial elephant sitting in the room with the
therapist and client aware of it but not saying anything.

Client Experiencing

Earlier in this chapter, we saw that the depth of the client’s experienc-
ing has an impact on outcome. Therapists use a variety of methods in the
helping process, some of which can be used to assist clients needing help in
this area. Responding with accurate levels of empathy, using self-disclosure,
and using metaphor are but a few examples that can assist clients in deepen-
ing their experience of the therapy process. Becoming skilled in empathy


requires that therapists not only understand a client’s experience but also
be able to respond to the client in a way that the client feels understood.
Doing so requires the therapist to have an adequate affective vocabulary.
The therapist should expand his or her affective vocabulary to better capture
the nuances of human experiences. Unfortunately, a therapist may some-
times rely on the word very as a way to differentiate levels of feelings. An
example follows of a therapeutic response that is not helpful:
C: I have been feeling low since she left.
T: You are feeling sad.
C: Yes, quite low.
T: So, you are feeling very sad.
While in this case the client may be feeling very sad, such a response
does not really deepen the level of experiencing for the client. Consider
the possible other words that have to do with deeper levels of sadness. A
look at a thesaurus under sad reveals “unhappy,”“melancholy,” “sorrowful,”
“downhearted,” “rueful,” “dispirited,” “dejected,” and “disappointed.” Hav-
ing a more adequate affective vocabulary enables the therapist to respond
in a way that more fully captures a client’s experience and can assist the
client in experiencing a deeper level of feeling and significance. Here is an
example of a more helpful therapist response:
C: I have been feeling low since she left.
T: You are experiencing a difficult time and feeling downhearted and
C: Yes. The word downhearted really fits. It feels like my heart is way
down here (gestures to the floor).
The response in this second example is more likely to capture the
client’s experience and may lead to a richer, more meaningful description
of the client’s struggle. Some clients have the ability to describe experiences
in rich and vivid ways that allow for a deeper exploration of their presenting
problem. The research shows that there are clients who do seek treatment
but do not have such capacities. It is in those cases that therapists’ efforts
are critical in enabling clients to describe and experience their life events
in a deeper fashion. There are exercises one can do to increase one’s affective
vocabulary (Welch & Gonzalez, 1999). For example, doing “word ladders”
in which one selects an affective word and then generates two or more
words, each depicting more intensity of feeling and two or more words
indicative of less intensity. Take the word mad, for example. More intense
descriptions would be “provoked” and “furious.” Less intense descriptions
would be “irritated”and “annoyed.” In addition to developing a rich affective
vocabulary to more adequately capture the nuances of the clients’ experi-
ences, the use of metaphor can also serve as a means to assist clients in
deepening their experiences. For example,


C: Since losing my spouse I am lost. I have never been alone like this
before. I wish I could find the words to describe it.
T: I have an image of you being untethered in outer space; floating
away with nothing to grab onto.
C: Yes, it’s feels much like that! It’s a frightening experience. In fact, . . .
The use of metaphor was common in the work of Carl Rogers, who
described it as a way to more fully capture a client’s experience. Images can
serve when words fail.
Along the same lines, Gendlin’s (1996) contention that a client can be
trained to make better use of the therapy process merits serious consideration.
Client experiencing has been described as one of the most substantiated
constructs related to outcome in psychotherapy (Todd & Bohart, 1999).
Although the notion of “training” clients to be able to make use of the
therapy process may be new and require a revised conception of how to
proceed in psychotherapy, it seems to make a good deal of sense for clients
who need help in developing the capacity to experience because their
progress may be impaired without this skill. Gendlin developed explicit
procedures specified in a training manual designed to enhance the client’s
ability to experience at deeper levels.

Acceptance of Others

In cases of clients with ethnocentric or rigid beliefs, how can therapists

increase the likelihood of a successful outcome? The finding that clients
who do not easily accept others tend to have less favorable outcomes presents
a challenge for therapists. Clients commonly struggle with self-acceptance,
and those nonaccepting of others likely represent those with deeper levels
of self-rejection. Clients with adequate perceptions of themselves are more
likely to be accepting of others. And the experience of being accepted by
the therapist has the potential to assist the client in this endeavor. Helping
clients progress toward self-acceptance will likely help them become more
accepting of others. This premise is supported by the research that shows
the relationship between successful outcomes and accepting attitudes of
others. So, the therapy process in itself may assist clients in becoming less
rejecting of others.


There are a number of key variables that are associated with positive
therapeutic outcomes. The client’s willingness and capacity to engage in
the process are strong indicators of success. For clients who are not skilled
at introspection or in the expression of feelings, therapists can help clients


look inward, experience and describe feelings more fully, and perhaps gain
a sense of responsibility for their lives. Also, the research has consistently
proven that the quality of the therapeutic relationship is an essential compo-
nent of successful psychotherapy. Attention to the creation and maintenance
of a quality relationship cannot be stressed enough.
Just as client variables more predictive of success do not guarantee
therapeutic success, client variables associated with limited success do not
guarantee that treatment will not be beneficial. Consistent with humanistic
thinking, it seems vital to not make assumptions about clients and their
capacities. The client variables associated with a poor outcome should be
considered as challenges to work with rather than evidence that there is
no hope for a positive outcome. Therefore, therapists need to be proactive
to increase the likelihood of desired outcomes. Sometimes the humanistic
therapies are inaccurately depicted as being passive with vague goals and
directions that take an inordinate amount of time to address. Being nondirec-
tive does not mean being passive and laissez-faire. One can be proactive in
addressing a wide range of client problems and client styles and still function
in a fashion consistent with humanistic psychology.


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